Jalil Ouazzani - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Jalil Ouazzani

Research paper thumbnail of Evaporation d'une goutte de liquide pur dans sa vapeur près du point critique : pertinence de l'hypothèse quasi-stationnaire et corrections au premier ordre

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 1, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Marangoni Flow Transition of Evaporating Liquid Layer in Enclosed Cylindrical Cell

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 12, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelisation numerique des phenomenes de transport de chaleur et de masse dans les fluides supercritiques

Il a ete recemment montre durant les experiences spatiales et par des considerations theoriques q... more Il a ete recemment montre durant les experiences spatiales et par des considerations theoriques que le transfert de chaleur a proximite du point critique liquide vapeur se faisait par le mecanisme de l'effet piston. En effet, la tres forte expansion de la fine couche limite initiale entraine, par un processus adiabatique, une augmentation rapide de la temperature dans le reste du fluide par le biais du va-et-vient des ondes acoustiques. Dans ce present travail sont explores les mecanismes de transport de masse et de chaleur dans une cavite rectangulaire chauffee par le cote, remplie d'un fluide supercritique, et la competition entre la convection naturelle et l'effet piston (ou convection theroacoustique). Les equations de navier-stokes pour un fluide proche de son point critique, suivant une loi d'etat de type van der waals, sont resolues numeriquement par la methode des volumes finis avec la procedure de filtrage acoustique. Les resultats ont ete surprenants compares a ceux d'un fluide parfait: i) l'equilibration en temperature est toujours aussi rapide que dans le cas de conditions de gravite nulle (simulations 1d) par effet piston (avant que la convection ne demarre): ii) l'equilibration de la masse se fait sur une echelle de temps beaucoup plus longue par la convection naturelle quasi-isotherme iii) a cause de la tres forte compressibilite, un effet de point d'arret similaire a celui que l'on rencontre dans les ecoulements a forte vitesse, provoque une surchauffe de mur superieur

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Research paper thumbnail of Physical vapor transport revisited

Journal of Crystal Growth, 1997

Using iodine as transport species and octofluorocyclobutane (C4F8) as inert background gas, physi... more Using iodine as transport species and octofluorocyclobutane (C4F8) as inert background gas, physical vapor transport rates in horizontal cylindrical ampoules were accurately measured over a wide range of well-defined ampoule filling and thermal boundary conditions. Nonlinear axial temperature distributions were applied that minimized multiple crystal nucleation. Ampoule filling conditions were chosen that resulted in the dominance of either compositionally or thermally driven convection. Three-dimensional numerical modeling of the transport process yielded quantitative agreement with measured transport rates. Analysis of the calculated flow and concentration fields reveals the physical reasons for the failure of the various two-dimensional models to reproduce the experimental results.

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Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation et simulation numérique de la condensation sur une plaque verticale en présence d’une convection forcée

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 1, 2009

International audienc

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Research paper thumbnail of Numerical Simulation Of A 2D Crystal Growth Problem: Latent Heat Effects And Solid-liquid Interface Morphology

WIT transactions on engineering sciences, 1970

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Research paper thumbnail of Numerical Study of the Effects of Wake Vortices Originating from an Outer Layer Device on Time-Dependent Wall Shear Stress

The aim of the numerical study described in this paper is to understand how the unsteadiness of t... more The aim of the numerical study described in this paper is to understand how the unsteadiness of the wake of an outer layer device in laminar boundary layer could reduce the skin friction. In order to do this the authors have solved the full Navier-Stokes equations for a laminar transient flow using a finite volume technique. The "device" chosen is of rectangular section and has been studied numerically for a symmetrical configuration in the absence of a wall.

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Research paper thumbnail of Numerical Study Of Skin Friction ReductionMechanisms Downstream Of A Skin FrictionDevice Beneath A Boundary Layer

WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 1970

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Research paper thumbnail of A pseudo-spectral collocation method applied to the problem of convective diffusive transport in fluids subject to unsteady residual accelerations

The problem of determining the sensitivity of Bridgman-Stockbarger directional solidification exp... more The problem of determining the sensitivity of Bridgman-Stockbarger directional solidification experiments to residual accelerations of the type associated with spacecraft in low earth orbit is analyzed numerically using a pseudo-spectral collocation method. The approach employs a novel iterative scheme combining the method of artificial compressibility and a generalized ADI method. The results emphasize the importance of the consideration of residual accelerations and careful selection of the operating conditions in order to take full advantages of the low gravity conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Two- and three-dimensional numerical simulations of sessile droplet evaporating on heated substrate

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Aug 31, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Two- and three-dimensional numerical simulations of an evaporating liquid layer on a heated substrate

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 20, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of A Fourier-Chebyshev pseudospectral method for solving steady 3-D Navier-Stokes equations in cylindrical cavities

NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N, 1991

Abstract A Fourier-Chebyshev pseudospectral method for solving the steady 3-D Navier-Stokes and e... more Abstract A Fourier-Chebyshev pseudospectral method for solving the steady 3-D Navier-Stokes and energy equations in cylindrical cavities is presented and discussed. The general method is pseudo-unsteady and uses a semi-implicit finite-difference scheme for the time integration. The generalized ADI procedure is then applied to reduce the problem to successive solutions of 1-D problems. The spatial discretization uses a Fourier-Galerkin approximation in the periodic direction and a Chebyshev-collocation approximation in the other directions. Difficulties related to the pressure are surmounted by using the artificial compressibility method. A suitable variable change has been chosen to avoid the problem of singularity at the axis generated by cylindrical coordinates. The method is first tested on an advection-diffusion equation and then on the Navier-Stokes and heat equations. Finally, the method is illustrated by the problem of convection in a differentially heated fluid.

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Research paper thumbnail of Numerical simulations of sessile droplet evaporation on heated substrate

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 12, 2016

International audienc

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Research paper thumbnail of High Performance Computer Codes and their Application to Optimize Crystal Growth Processes

Springer eBooks, 1998

The paper deals with the continuation of the development of high performance computer codes and t... more The paper deals with the continuation of the development of high performance computer codes and their application to modelling of crystal growth processes started by the authors’ research groups and reported in [1]. The mathematical model is based on the continuity equation and the conservation equations for momentum and heat transfer combined with mass transfer including chemical reactions. The thermal radiation analysis assumes a non-participating medium and semi-transparent walls. The radiation heat transfer is coupled with convection and conduction. The heat conduction includes thermal solid/fluid interactions between the gas and solid parts of the computational domain. The results of thermal calculations are used for the analysis of thermal stresses. The models are implemented in finite volume (both, block-structured and unstructured on non-orthogonal grids), and spectral and coupled finite volume/spectral numerical solution procedures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrodynamic instability of an evaporating liquid layer in a cylindrical pool

International audienc

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Research paper thumbnail of Stability of collocation-Chebyshev schemes with application to the Navier-Stokes equations

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Research paper thumbnail of Process modelling for space station experiments


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Research paper thumbnail of Préau S.,Supercritical density relaxation as a new approach of droplet vaporization . Physics of fluids Vol 16, N° 11 (November 2004), pages 4075- 4087

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of New architectural forms to increase dew collection

Chemical engineering transactions, 2013

Dew water is water vapour that passively condenses from air. Once properly collected, it can prov... more Dew water is water vapour that passively condenses from air. Once properly collected, it can provide a useful supplementary water resource for plants and humans. I ts production can be significantly improved by using specific materials and particular geometry. In this context, new shapes for dew collectors are presented and their water yields are compared with those of a 1 m 2 , 30° , inclined planar condenser used as a standard. The experiments were carried out in Pess ac (SW France), situated about 45 km from the Atlantic Ocean, during summer and fall 2009. In addition to conical shapes, which have 30 % larger yields than the planar reference condenser and whose functioning was simulated numerically, two new families of forms are considered: egg - box and origami types. The egg - box shape yields 9 % more water as compared to the reference planar condenser, a result nearly independent of the dew yield. In contrast, the origami shape gives yields 150 % larger than the referen ce pl...

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Research paper thumbnail of Numerical simulations of sessile droplet evaporating on heated substrate

The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaporation d'une goutte de liquide pur dans sa vapeur près du point critique : pertinence de l'hypothèse quasi-stationnaire et corrections au premier ordre

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 1, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Marangoni Flow Transition of Evaporating Liquid Layer in Enclosed Cylindrical Cell

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 12, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelisation numerique des phenomenes de transport de chaleur et de masse dans les fluides supercritiques

Il a ete recemment montre durant les experiences spatiales et par des considerations theoriques q... more Il a ete recemment montre durant les experiences spatiales et par des considerations theoriques que le transfert de chaleur a proximite du point critique liquide vapeur se faisait par le mecanisme de l'effet piston. En effet, la tres forte expansion de la fine couche limite initiale entraine, par un processus adiabatique, une augmentation rapide de la temperature dans le reste du fluide par le biais du va-et-vient des ondes acoustiques. Dans ce present travail sont explores les mecanismes de transport de masse et de chaleur dans une cavite rectangulaire chauffee par le cote, remplie d'un fluide supercritique, et la competition entre la convection naturelle et l'effet piston (ou convection theroacoustique). Les equations de navier-stokes pour un fluide proche de son point critique, suivant une loi d'etat de type van der waals, sont resolues numeriquement par la methode des volumes finis avec la procedure de filtrage acoustique. Les resultats ont ete surprenants compares a ceux d'un fluide parfait: i) l'equilibration en temperature est toujours aussi rapide que dans le cas de conditions de gravite nulle (simulations 1d) par effet piston (avant que la convection ne demarre): ii) l'equilibration de la masse se fait sur une echelle de temps beaucoup plus longue par la convection naturelle quasi-isotherme iii) a cause de la tres forte compressibilite, un effet de point d'arret similaire a celui que l'on rencontre dans les ecoulements a forte vitesse, provoque une surchauffe de mur superieur

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Research paper thumbnail of Physical vapor transport revisited

Journal of Crystal Growth, 1997

Using iodine as transport species and octofluorocyclobutane (C4F8) as inert background gas, physi... more Using iodine as transport species and octofluorocyclobutane (C4F8) as inert background gas, physical vapor transport rates in horizontal cylindrical ampoules were accurately measured over a wide range of well-defined ampoule filling and thermal boundary conditions. Nonlinear axial temperature distributions were applied that minimized multiple crystal nucleation. Ampoule filling conditions were chosen that resulted in the dominance of either compositionally or thermally driven convection. Three-dimensional numerical modeling of the transport process yielded quantitative agreement with measured transport rates. Analysis of the calculated flow and concentration fields reveals the physical reasons for the failure of the various two-dimensional models to reproduce the experimental results.

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Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation et simulation numérique de la condensation sur une plaque verticale en présence d’une convection forcée

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 1, 2009

International audienc

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Research paper thumbnail of Numerical Simulation Of A 2D Crystal Growth Problem: Latent Heat Effects And Solid-liquid Interface Morphology

WIT transactions on engineering sciences, 1970

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Research paper thumbnail of Numerical Study of the Effects of Wake Vortices Originating from an Outer Layer Device on Time-Dependent Wall Shear Stress

The aim of the numerical study described in this paper is to understand how the unsteadiness of t... more The aim of the numerical study described in this paper is to understand how the unsteadiness of the wake of an outer layer device in laminar boundary layer could reduce the skin friction. In order to do this the authors have solved the full Navier-Stokes equations for a laminar transient flow using a finite volume technique. The "device" chosen is of rectangular section and has been studied numerically for a symmetrical configuration in the absence of a wall.

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Research paper thumbnail of Numerical Study Of Skin Friction ReductionMechanisms Downstream Of A Skin FrictionDevice Beneath A Boundary Layer

WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 1970

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Research paper thumbnail of A pseudo-spectral collocation method applied to the problem of convective diffusive transport in fluids subject to unsteady residual accelerations

The problem of determining the sensitivity of Bridgman-Stockbarger directional solidification exp... more The problem of determining the sensitivity of Bridgman-Stockbarger directional solidification experiments to residual accelerations of the type associated with spacecraft in low earth orbit is analyzed numerically using a pseudo-spectral collocation method. The approach employs a novel iterative scheme combining the method of artificial compressibility and a generalized ADI method. The results emphasize the importance of the consideration of residual accelerations and careful selection of the operating conditions in order to take full advantages of the low gravity conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Two- and three-dimensional numerical simulations of sessile droplet evaporating on heated substrate

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Aug 31, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Two- and three-dimensional numerical simulations of an evaporating liquid layer on a heated substrate

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 20, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of A Fourier-Chebyshev pseudospectral method for solving steady 3-D Navier-Stokes equations in cylindrical cavities

NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N, 1991

Abstract A Fourier-Chebyshev pseudospectral method for solving the steady 3-D Navier-Stokes and e... more Abstract A Fourier-Chebyshev pseudospectral method for solving the steady 3-D Navier-Stokes and energy equations in cylindrical cavities is presented and discussed. The general method is pseudo-unsteady and uses a semi-implicit finite-difference scheme for the time integration. The generalized ADI procedure is then applied to reduce the problem to successive solutions of 1-D problems. The spatial discretization uses a Fourier-Galerkin approximation in the periodic direction and a Chebyshev-collocation approximation in the other directions. Difficulties related to the pressure are surmounted by using the artificial compressibility method. A suitable variable change has been chosen to avoid the problem of singularity at the axis generated by cylindrical coordinates. The method is first tested on an advection-diffusion equation and then on the Navier-Stokes and heat equations. Finally, the method is illustrated by the problem of convection in a differentially heated fluid.

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Research paper thumbnail of Numerical simulations of sessile droplet evaporation on heated substrate

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 12, 2016

International audienc

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Research paper thumbnail of High Performance Computer Codes and their Application to Optimize Crystal Growth Processes

Springer eBooks, 1998

The paper deals with the continuation of the development of high performance computer codes and t... more The paper deals with the continuation of the development of high performance computer codes and their application to modelling of crystal growth processes started by the authors’ research groups and reported in [1]. The mathematical model is based on the continuity equation and the conservation equations for momentum and heat transfer combined with mass transfer including chemical reactions. The thermal radiation analysis assumes a non-participating medium and semi-transparent walls. The radiation heat transfer is coupled with convection and conduction. The heat conduction includes thermal solid/fluid interactions between the gas and solid parts of the computational domain. The results of thermal calculations are used for the analysis of thermal stresses. The models are implemented in finite volume (both, block-structured and unstructured on non-orthogonal grids), and spectral and coupled finite volume/spectral numerical solution procedures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrodynamic instability of an evaporating liquid layer in a cylindrical pool

International audienc

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Research paper thumbnail of Stability of collocation-Chebyshev schemes with application to the Navier-Stokes equations

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Research paper thumbnail of Process modelling for space station experiments


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Research paper thumbnail of Préau S.,Supercritical density relaxation as a new approach of droplet vaporization . Physics of fluids Vol 16, N° 11 (November 2004), pages 4075- 4087

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of New architectural forms to increase dew collection

Chemical engineering transactions, 2013

Dew water is water vapour that passively condenses from air. Once properly collected, it can prov... more Dew water is water vapour that passively condenses from air. Once properly collected, it can provide a useful supplementary water resource for plants and humans. I ts production can be significantly improved by using specific materials and particular geometry. In this context, new shapes for dew collectors are presented and their water yields are compared with those of a 1 m 2 , 30° , inclined planar condenser used as a standard. The experiments were carried out in Pess ac (SW France), situated about 45 km from the Atlantic Ocean, during summer and fall 2009. In addition to conical shapes, which have 30 % larger yields than the planar reference condenser and whose functioning was simulated numerically, two new families of forms are considered: egg - box and origami types. The egg - box shape yields 9 % more water as compared to the reference planar condenser, a result nearly independent of the dew yield. In contrast, the origami shape gives yields 150 % larger than the referen ce pl...

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Research paper thumbnail of Numerical simulations of sessile droplet evaporating on heated substrate

The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2017

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