Janez Sustersic - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Janez Sustersic
... http://www.gov.si/umar/public/dz.html Urednica zbirke: Eva ZVER ... Uredila: mag. Marijana Be... more ... http://www.gov.si/umar/public/dz.html Urednica zbirke: Eva ZVER ... Uredila: mag. Marijana Bednaš Avtorji prispevkov: Barbara Ferk, Marjan Hafner, Slavica Jurančič, Jasna Kondža, Mojca Koprivnikar Šušteršič, Mateja Kovač, mag. Gorazd Kovačič, Tomaž Kraigher, mag. ...
Management Science, Mar 1, 2008
Poročilo z delavnice o merjenju kakovosti pravnega sistema in institucij izpostavlja dve temi. Pr... more Poročilo z delavnice o merjenju kakovosti pravnega sistema in institucij izpostavlja dve temi. Prva so kazalniki Svetovne banke o kakovosti »vladanja« (angl. governance)-izboljšanje kazalnikov dolgoročno močno poveča nacionalni dohodek. Druga je vloga zgodovinskega izvora pravnega sistema-različne pravne tradicije naj bi vplivale na gospodarsko uspešnost držav. Logika civilnega prava je bliže logiki konstruktivističnega urejanja družbe od zgoraj, medtem ko je običajno pravo bliže liberalni logiki družb, ki temeljijo na neodvisnih odločitvah posameznikov. Sklep delavnice je, da potrebujemo boljša orodja za merjenje pravnega sistema in institucij, pričemer bi morali poleg stroškov regulacije upoštevati tudi njene koristi.
Archivio Storico Italiano, 2018
Based on the recently disclosed archive materials, the article documents the evolution of a netwo... more Based on the recently disclosed archive materials, the article documents the evolution of a network of Yugoslav-controlled companies in Zone A of the Free Territory of Trieste in the period from 1945 to 1951. It provides information on companies’ business performance, their ownership and governance structures, links with Yugoslav and Slovenian institutions and state-owned enterprises, and examples of illegal commercial and financial operations. The focus is on the yet unknown role of the Slovenian State Security Service (UDV) in these companies. To put it in a wider context, the article provides an account of political decisions and organisational measures taken in Slovenia and Yugoslavia during 1950 and 1951 that put companies in Zone A firmly and formally under the control of the UDV and made them a part of a larger clandestine network operating in Italy, Austria, Germany and Switzerland, connected through an off-shore financial company established by UDV in Liechtenstein in 1951. These developments concluded the process of institutionalisation of a parallel economy operated by UDV, which had started already in 1948 with the takeover of SAF.
Poročilo z delavnice o merjenju kakovosti pravnega sistema in institucij izpostavlja dve temi. Pr... more Poročilo z delavnice o merjenju kakovosti pravnega sistema in institucij izpostavlja dve temi. Prva so kazalniki Svetovne banke o kakovosti »vladanja« (angl. governance)-izboljšanje kazalnikov dolgoročno močno poveča nacionalni dohodek. Druga je vloga zgodovinskega izvora pravnega sistema-različne pravne tradicije naj bi vplivale na gospodarsko uspešnost držav. Logika civilnega prava je bliže logiki konstruktivističnega urejanja družbe od zgoraj, medtem ko je običajno pravo bliže liberalni logiki družb, ki temeljijo na neodvisnih odločitvah posameznikov. Sklep delavnice je, da potrebujemo boljša orodja za merjenje pravnega sistema in institucij, pričemer bi morali poleg stroškov regulacije upoštevati tudi njene koristi.
The 9th International Scientific Conference mic 2008 was held in November in Spain. The conferenc... more The 9th International Scientific Conference mic 2008 was held in November in Spain. The conference titled Intercultural Dialogue and Management took place during the European year of intercultural dialogue and was organised by the Faculty of Management Koper, a member of the ...
Management, 2009
The 9th scientific conference titled Globalisation of Culture, which was organised by the Politic... more The 9th scientific conference titled Globalisation of Culture, which was organised by the Political Science Research Centre (PSRC) from Zagreb, was held in the middle of October 2008 at the University of Dubrovnik. 20 selected papers cast light on different aspects of mutual ...
Regional and International Relations of Central Europe, 2012
This chapter examines the political economy of Central European (CE) countries from two angles. F... more This chapter examines the political economy of Central European (CE) countries from two angles. First, it looks into the political economic institutions evaluating their convergence across the region. Second, the chapter investigates trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) flows of the CE countries.
The journal of prediction markets, Dec 19, 2012
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch ge... more Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes. You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. If the documents have been made available under an Open Content Licence (especially Creative Commons Licences), you may exercise further usage rights as specified in the indicated licence.
Post-communist Economies, Dec 1, 2004
Slovenia is a typical representative of a gradualist approach to transition. The prevailing view ... more Slovenia is a typical representative of a gradualist approach to transition. The prevailing view in Slovenia is that the gradualist approach has been the best solution. Contrary to this view, this article claims that the gradualist approach to transition gives positive results in the initial period but gradually reduces the pace of reform and leads to the postponement of some necessary steps, resulting in worsening economic trends. It provides empirical evidence in support of this thesis, indicating (i) gradual worsening of the level of export competitiveness and lagging behind in the restructuring of the Slovenian manufacturing sector, thus slowing down the process of real convergence; (ii) that the most important reason for persistent inflation, which is the major problem of Slovenia's nominal convergence, is structural—slow restructuring in tradables and lack of reform in non-tradables—and is a direct consequence of a slow transition process. The article concludes that the exogenous shock of EU accession, which puts pressure on economic policy, is welcome for the badly needed acceleration of the reform process in Slovenia. Economic policy should use this exogenous shock for the accomplishment of the remaining structural reforms.
Tertiary Education and Management, Nov 26, 2017
This article analyses how political preferences, which are co-determined by the beliefs of decisi... more This article analyses how political preferences, which are co-determined by the beliefs of decision-makers and influences of interest groups and the general public, affect the decisions to maintain or cut public funding for tertiary education during the economic crisis. Our sample included 29 European countries which we divided into two groups depending on the level of public funding for tertiary education before the crisis, which we used as a measure of revealed political preferences. We then observed the differences in changes in public tertiary education funding during the crisis between these two groups of countries using five different indicators. Three of the five indicators show that countries with a stronger political preference for tertiary education public funding cut their spending on tertiary education to a lesser extent (or even increased spending) during the economic crisis.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2015
Knowledge societies emphasise the importance of education as one of the key factors for economic ... more Knowledge societies emphasise the importance of education as one of the key factors for economic and social progress. Recently, as the negative impact on public funding of tertiary education spread with the global economic crisis, these expectations increased even further, particularly in countries that were economically more affected by the crisis. We examined how the global economic crisis affected the funding for student support in European countries, depending on the specific situation of individual economies. We divided the countries into two groups based on the impact of the global economic crisis on their economies: economically more affected and economically less affected countries. Using these two groups, we comparatively studied the changes in the financing of student support between 2008 and 2011, i.e. since the beginning of the global economic crisis and until the last year for which the data was available. We compared the changes in funding between the two groups. On average, public spending on student support as a share of total public spending on tertiary education is higher in economically more affected countries and lower in the group of economically less affected countries. The change in this proportion was positive in both groups of countries, but the increase was higher in the economically more affected countries than in the economically less affected countries. We note, therefore, that the group of economically more affected countries faces a reduction in the total public spending, but tries regardless, to largely protect the less privileged groups of students by increasing or maintaining the public spending on student support, thereby enabling access to tertiary education for the widest possible population.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2015
Knowledge societies emphasise the importance of education as one of the key factors for economic ... more Knowledge societies emphasise the importance of education as one of the key factors for economic and social progress. The global economic crisis increased these expectations even further. Our research focused on whether the demand for tertiary education changes during economic crisis. Changes in demographics are also an important factor influencing demand for tertiary education. These changes coincide with the effects of the economic crisis. We divided the countries into two groups based on the impact of the global economic crisis on their economies: economically more affected and economically less affected countries. Using these two groups, we studied the changes in demand for tertiary education between 2008 and 2012. We found that demand for tertiary education was higher in the economically less affected countries. However, in the economically more affected countries, the share of young people of the typical tertiary education enrolment age in the population fell sharply. As a result, the gross enrolment ratio was higher in the economically more affected countries. Our findings contribute new knowledge and reflect on the impact of the economic crisis on the changes in tertiary education, which can be used to inform tertiary education policies in order to achieve better outcomes in tertiary education and in the society as a whole.
UDC: 005.336.1:330.52: 338.246(061.1EU)(497.4) 'National interest' is a longstanding topic in deb... more UDC: 005.336.1:330.52: 338.246(061.1EU)(497.4) 'National interest' is a longstanding topic in debates related to company privatisation and acquisitions in Slovenia. National interest should be realised by retaining national ownership and national economic elite. Our thesis is that any treatment of 'national' as a criterion per se leads to increasing economic costs and loss of competitiveness. Our thesis is supported by political economic theory (i.e., constraining economic initiative serves particular rather than general interests) as well as by comparing the ownership structure in Slovenia and other EU economies. We conclude that retaining state control in firms is harmful for economic development.
International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 2015
This paper presents the research on the latest (2008-) economic crisis impact on information and ... more This paper presents the research on the latest (2008-) economic crisis impact on information and communication technology (ICT) spending. It identifies four types of deviations from the classical diffusion of innovation theory during the crisis, with regard to individual ICT components and users. The deviations found for specific segments of ICT are a slower process of diffusion and a smaller population adopting innovation, a delayed adoption of innovation by the majority of population, a faster adoption of innovation due to the incentive impact of the crisis, and a longer-lasting use of innovation. The research findings also demonstrate that the negative impact of the economic crisis on ICT spending varied depending on factors such as the sector, type and size of the user, as well as on the economic development of the region. The research therefore enabled a critical evaluation of theories on diffusion of innovation, which serve to explain the identified problem, while we were also able to develop an alternative view on the phenomena, in particular on the ICT impacts on the economy, society, etc. and vice versa.
Danube, 2019
The article presents a conceptual framework and empirical methodology of an on-going research on ... more The article presents a conceptual framework and empirical methodology of an on-going research on the role of ideology in the decisions of the Slovenian Constitution Court. The literature review demonstrates that research on judicial ideology in the courts of European countries and international courts is still rare. This can be explained by conceptual, methodological and empirical challenges posed by this type of research. The article hence advances a conceptual framework which is, contra to the mainstream theoretical approach in the field, based on a multidimensional conception of ideology that is empirically operationalised along the economic, social and authoritarian dimensions with five possible ideological positions on each dimension. By applying the newly developed methodology to a sample of Court’s decisions, it is demonstrated that this methodological approach is able to account for ideological differences between judges. This confirms that (judges’) ideology is a complex mu...
Knowledge societies emphasise the importance of education as one of the key factors for economic ... more Knowledge societies emphasise the importance of education as one of the key factors for economic and social progress. Recently, as the negative impact on public funding of tertiary education spread with the global economic crisis, these expectations increased even further, particularly in countries that were economically more affected by the crisis. We examined how the global economic crisis affected the funding for student support in European countries, depending on the specific situation of individual economies. We divided the countries into two groups based on the impact of the global economic crisis on their economies: economically more affected and economically less affected countries. Using these two groups, we comparatively studied the changes in the financing of student support between 2008 and 2011, i.e. since the beginning of the global economic crisis and until the last year for which the data was available. We compared the changes in funding between the two groups. On av...
... http://www.gov.si/umar/public/dz.html Urednica zbirke: Eva ZVER ... Uredila: mag. Marijana Be... more ... http://www.gov.si/umar/public/dz.html Urednica zbirke: Eva ZVER ... Uredila: mag. Marijana Bednaš Avtorji prispevkov: Barbara Ferk, Marjan Hafner, Slavica Jurančič, Jasna Kondža, Mojca Koprivnikar Šušteršič, Mateja Kovač, mag. Gorazd Kovačič, Tomaž Kraigher, mag. ...
Management Science, Mar 1, 2008
Poročilo z delavnice o merjenju kakovosti pravnega sistema in institucij izpostavlja dve temi. Pr... more Poročilo z delavnice o merjenju kakovosti pravnega sistema in institucij izpostavlja dve temi. Prva so kazalniki Svetovne banke o kakovosti »vladanja« (angl. governance)-izboljšanje kazalnikov dolgoročno močno poveča nacionalni dohodek. Druga je vloga zgodovinskega izvora pravnega sistema-različne pravne tradicije naj bi vplivale na gospodarsko uspešnost držav. Logika civilnega prava je bliže logiki konstruktivističnega urejanja družbe od zgoraj, medtem ko je običajno pravo bliže liberalni logiki družb, ki temeljijo na neodvisnih odločitvah posameznikov. Sklep delavnice je, da potrebujemo boljša orodja za merjenje pravnega sistema in institucij, pričemer bi morali poleg stroškov regulacije upoštevati tudi njene koristi.
Archivio Storico Italiano, 2018
Based on the recently disclosed archive materials, the article documents the evolution of a netwo... more Based on the recently disclosed archive materials, the article documents the evolution of a network of Yugoslav-controlled companies in Zone A of the Free Territory of Trieste in the period from 1945 to 1951. It provides information on companies’ business performance, their ownership and governance structures, links with Yugoslav and Slovenian institutions and state-owned enterprises, and examples of illegal commercial and financial operations. The focus is on the yet unknown role of the Slovenian State Security Service (UDV) in these companies. To put it in a wider context, the article provides an account of political decisions and organisational measures taken in Slovenia and Yugoslavia during 1950 and 1951 that put companies in Zone A firmly and formally under the control of the UDV and made them a part of a larger clandestine network operating in Italy, Austria, Germany and Switzerland, connected through an off-shore financial company established by UDV in Liechtenstein in 1951. These developments concluded the process of institutionalisation of a parallel economy operated by UDV, which had started already in 1948 with the takeover of SAF.
Poročilo z delavnice o merjenju kakovosti pravnega sistema in institucij izpostavlja dve temi. Pr... more Poročilo z delavnice o merjenju kakovosti pravnega sistema in institucij izpostavlja dve temi. Prva so kazalniki Svetovne banke o kakovosti »vladanja« (angl. governance)-izboljšanje kazalnikov dolgoročno močno poveča nacionalni dohodek. Druga je vloga zgodovinskega izvora pravnega sistema-različne pravne tradicije naj bi vplivale na gospodarsko uspešnost držav. Logika civilnega prava je bliže logiki konstruktivističnega urejanja družbe od zgoraj, medtem ko je običajno pravo bliže liberalni logiki družb, ki temeljijo na neodvisnih odločitvah posameznikov. Sklep delavnice je, da potrebujemo boljša orodja za merjenje pravnega sistema in institucij, pričemer bi morali poleg stroškov regulacije upoštevati tudi njene koristi.
The 9th International Scientific Conference mic 2008 was held in November in Spain. The conferenc... more The 9th International Scientific Conference mic 2008 was held in November in Spain. The conference titled Intercultural Dialogue and Management took place during the European year of intercultural dialogue and was organised by the Faculty of Management Koper, a member of the ...
Management, 2009
The 9th scientific conference titled Globalisation of Culture, which was organised by the Politic... more The 9th scientific conference titled Globalisation of Culture, which was organised by the Political Science Research Centre (PSRC) from Zagreb, was held in the middle of October 2008 at the University of Dubrovnik. 20 selected papers cast light on different aspects of mutual ...
Regional and International Relations of Central Europe, 2012
This chapter examines the political economy of Central European (CE) countries from two angles. F... more This chapter examines the political economy of Central European (CE) countries from two angles. First, it looks into the political economic institutions evaluating their convergence across the region. Second, the chapter investigates trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) flows of the CE countries.
The journal of prediction markets, Dec 19, 2012
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch ge... more Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes. You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. If the documents have been made available under an Open Content Licence (especially Creative Commons Licences), you may exercise further usage rights as specified in the indicated licence.
Post-communist Economies, Dec 1, 2004
Slovenia is a typical representative of a gradualist approach to transition. The prevailing view ... more Slovenia is a typical representative of a gradualist approach to transition. The prevailing view in Slovenia is that the gradualist approach has been the best solution. Contrary to this view, this article claims that the gradualist approach to transition gives positive results in the initial period but gradually reduces the pace of reform and leads to the postponement of some necessary steps, resulting in worsening economic trends. It provides empirical evidence in support of this thesis, indicating (i) gradual worsening of the level of export competitiveness and lagging behind in the restructuring of the Slovenian manufacturing sector, thus slowing down the process of real convergence; (ii) that the most important reason for persistent inflation, which is the major problem of Slovenia's nominal convergence, is structural—slow restructuring in tradables and lack of reform in non-tradables—and is a direct consequence of a slow transition process. The article concludes that the exogenous shock of EU accession, which puts pressure on economic policy, is welcome for the badly needed acceleration of the reform process in Slovenia. Economic policy should use this exogenous shock for the accomplishment of the remaining structural reforms.
Tertiary Education and Management, Nov 26, 2017
This article analyses how political preferences, which are co-determined by the beliefs of decisi... more This article analyses how political preferences, which are co-determined by the beliefs of decision-makers and influences of interest groups and the general public, affect the decisions to maintain or cut public funding for tertiary education during the economic crisis. Our sample included 29 European countries which we divided into two groups depending on the level of public funding for tertiary education before the crisis, which we used as a measure of revealed political preferences. We then observed the differences in changes in public tertiary education funding during the crisis between these two groups of countries using five different indicators. Three of the five indicators show that countries with a stronger political preference for tertiary education public funding cut their spending on tertiary education to a lesser extent (or even increased spending) during the economic crisis.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2015
Knowledge societies emphasise the importance of education as one of the key factors for economic ... more Knowledge societies emphasise the importance of education as one of the key factors for economic and social progress. Recently, as the negative impact on public funding of tertiary education spread with the global economic crisis, these expectations increased even further, particularly in countries that were economically more affected by the crisis. We examined how the global economic crisis affected the funding for student support in European countries, depending on the specific situation of individual economies. We divided the countries into two groups based on the impact of the global economic crisis on their economies: economically more affected and economically less affected countries. Using these two groups, we comparatively studied the changes in the financing of student support between 2008 and 2011, i.e. since the beginning of the global economic crisis and until the last year for which the data was available. We compared the changes in funding between the two groups. On average, public spending on student support as a share of total public spending on tertiary education is higher in economically more affected countries and lower in the group of economically less affected countries. The change in this proportion was positive in both groups of countries, but the increase was higher in the economically more affected countries than in the economically less affected countries. We note, therefore, that the group of economically more affected countries faces a reduction in the total public spending, but tries regardless, to largely protect the less privileged groups of students by increasing or maintaining the public spending on student support, thereby enabling access to tertiary education for the widest possible population.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2015
Knowledge societies emphasise the importance of education as one of the key factors for economic ... more Knowledge societies emphasise the importance of education as one of the key factors for economic and social progress. The global economic crisis increased these expectations even further. Our research focused on whether the demand for tertiary education changes during economic crisis. Changes in demographics are also an important factor influencing demand for tertiary education. These changes coincide with the effects of the economic crisis. We divided the countries into two groups based on the impact of the global economic crisis on their economies: economically more affected and economically less affected countries. Using these two groups, we studied the changes in demand for tertiary education between 2008 and 2012. We found that demand for tertiary education was higher in the economically less affected countries. However, in the economically more affected countries, the share of young people of the typical tertiary education enrolment age in the population fell sharply. As a result, the gross enrolment ratio was higher in the economically more affected countries. Our findings contribute new knowledge and reflect on the impact of the economic crisis on the changes in tertiary education, which can be used to inform tertiary education policies in order to achieve better outcomes in tertiary education and in the society as a whole.
UDC: 005.336.1:330.52: 338.246(061.1EU)(497.4) 'National interest' is a longstanding topic in deb... more UDC: 005.336.1:330.52: 338.246(061.1EU)(497.4) 'National interest' is a longstanding topic in debates related to company privatisation and acquisitions in Slovenia. National interest should be realised by retaining national ownership and national economic elite. Our thesis is that any treatment of 'national' as a criterion per se leads to increasing economic costs and loss of competitiveness. Our thesis is supported by political economic theory (i.e., constraining economic initiative serves particular rather than general interests) as well as by comparing the ownership structure in Slovenia and other EU economies. We conclude that retaining state control in firms is harmful for economic development.
International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 2015
This paper presents the research on the latest (2008-) economic crisis impact on information and ... more This paper presents the research on the latest (2008-) economic crisis impact on information and communication technology (ICT) spending. It identifies four types of deviations from the classical diffusion of innovation theory during the crisis, with regard to individual ICT components and users. The deviations found for specific segments of ICT are a slower process of diffusion and a smaller population adopting innovation, a delayed adoption of innovation by the majority of population, a faster adoption of innovation due to the incentive impact of the crisis, and a longer-lasting use of innovation. The research findings also demonstrate that the negative impact of the economic crisis on ICT spending varied depending on factors such as the sector, type and size of the user, as well as on the economic development of the region. The research therefore enabled a critical evaluation of theories on diffusion of innovation, which serve to explain the identified problem, while we were also able to develop an alternative view on the phenomena, in particular on the ICT impacts on the economy, society, etc. and vice versa.
Danube, 2019
The article presents a conceptual framework and empirical methodology of an on-going research on ... more The article presents a conceptual framework and empirical methodology of an on-going research on the role of ideology in the decisions of the Slovenian Constitution Court. The literature review demonstrates that research on judicial ideology in the courts of European countries and international courts is still rare. This can be explained by conceptual, methodological and empirical challenges posed by this type of research. The article hence advances a conceptual framework which is, contra to the mainstream theoretical approach in the field, based on a multidimensional conception of ideology that is empirically operationalised along the economic, social and authoritarian dimensions with five possible ideological positions on each dimension. By applying the newly developed methodology to a sample of Court’s decisions, it is demonstrated that this methodological approach is able to account for ideological differences between judges. This confirms that (judges’) ideology is a complex mu...
Knowledge societies emphasise the importance of education as one of the key factors for economic ... more Knowledge societies emphasise the importance of education as one of the key factors for economic and social progress. Recently, as the negative impact on public funding of tertiary education spread with the global economic crisis, these expectations increased even further, particularly in countries that were economically more affected by the crisis. We examined how the global economic crisis affected the funding for student support in European countries, depending on the specific situation of individual economies. We divided the countries into two groups based on the impact of the global economic crisis on their economies: economically more affected and economically less affected countries. Using these two groups, we comparatively studied the changes in the financing of student support between 2008 and 2011, i.e. since the beginning of the global economic crisis and until the last year for which the data was available. We compared the changes in funding between the two groups. On av...