Janusz Mucha - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Janusz Mucha
Studia Socjologiczne, 1985
Kilka ostatnich lat pokazało wyraźnie, że problematyka konfl iktu społecznego i przemian społeczn... more Kilka ostatnich lat pokazało wyraźnie, że problematyka konfl iktu społecznego i przemian społecznych ma w naszym kraju ogromne znaczenie praktyczne. Stąd tak częste obecnie studia nad tymi zagadnieniami. I wcześniej, w drugiej połowie lat siedemdziesiątych, były one podejmowane przez socjologów, choć raczej na konferencjach niż w publikacjach. Nie sądzę oczywiście, by tylko socjologowie byli winni temu, że ich analizy nie spotkały się wówczas z szerszym oddźwiękiem. Polska socjologia makrostruktur, rozwijana w ciągu ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat, ma niewątpliwie wielki dorobek empiryczny. Wiele jej nurtów było jednak, jak sądzę, zbyt silnie i zbyt jednostronnie podporządkowanych zmiennym wymogom aktualnych sytuacji politycznych oraz językowi ideologicznemu. Stąd dość często wykorzystywana frazeologia marksistowska, nawet w przypadku badań opartych na schematach wczesnofunkcjonalnych, bezpodstawna akceptacja założenia o postępującej, a osiąganej rozmaitymi drogami, równości społecznej, sprawiedliwości, harmonii, jedności moralno-politycznej narodu. Stąd brała się analiza struktury społecznej w kategoriach klasowo-warstwowych, ale z pominięciem treści ekonomiczno-społecznych czy warstw prestiżu. Stąd przy analizie dynamiki społecznej dominowały rozważania nad, z jednej strony, fazami rozwojowymi formacji socjalistycznej, a z drugiej-rozkładem poszczególnych konkretnych cech i jego przemianami. Empiryczna i teoretyczna analiza współczesnego społeczeństwa polskiego, a zwłaszcza konfl iktów i dynamiki, powinna opierać się-moim zdaniem-na zupełnie nowej koncepcji struktury społecznej, której ja, zwłaszcza na kilkunastu stronach, nie jestem w stanie przedstawić. Zwrócę tu jednak uwagę na niektóre istotne problemy, z których pewne bywały już, naturalnie, stawiane. Zadaniem tego tekstu nie jest prezentowanie krytycznej analizy ujęć teoretycznych dominujących w przeszłości, lecz raczej propozycji i postulatów dotyczących przyszłych badań. * Tekst ten jest rozszerzoną wersją wystąpienia podczas dyskusji panelowej pt. "Jak badać dynamikę i konflikt w społeczeństwie polskim", zorganizowanej w ramach Konferencji Problemu Węzłowego 11.2. "Dynamika przemian strukturalnych i konflikt w społeczeństwie polskim", Jabłonna 10-12 stycznia 1985 r. Tytuł całości oraz tytuły części drugiej, trzeciej i czwartej pochodzą od organizatorów konferencji.
Tekst ten ma charakter empiryczny i oparty jest wyłącznie na danych urzędowych. Pokazuje on, tylk... more Tekst ten ma charakter empiryczny i oparty jest wyłącznie na danych urzędowych. Pokazuje on, tylko od strony liczbowej, zbiorowość cudzoziemców, zatrudnionych w polskim systemie akademickim. We wprowadzeniu przedstawiono zarys społecznego kontekstu interesującej nas tutaj lokalnej, polskiej sytuacji. Ten kontekst to współczesne migracje wysokokwalifikowanych kadr, a w szczególności globalizacja świata nauki. W artykule zaprezentowano charakterystykę badanego zbioru danych; kraje, z których pochodzą zatrudnieni w polskim systemie akademickim uczeni; uczelnie, na których są oni najczęściej zatrudniani w Polsce; dyscypliny naukowe, które reprezentują; zależności między narodowością cudzoziemców a miejscem ich zatrudnienia w polskim systemie akademickim; związki między liczbą zatrudnianych cudzoziemców a miejscem danej uczelni w głównych rankingach polskich szkół wyższych i w końcu konkluzje dotyczące tego, czego można i czego nie można dowiedzieć się z analizowanego tutaj zbioru danych. Słowa kluczowe: System akademicki w Polsce, cudzoziemscy uczeni w Polsce, migracje uczonych, krążenie umysłów Poland in the world of "circulating brains". Quantitative analysis of the structure of employment of foreign scholars This is an empirical quantitative analysis of the official data coming from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The foreign scholars in contemporary Poland are presented in the context of global "brain circulation" or migration of highly qualified specialist. In this paper we discuss characteristics of the analyzed data base: universities and colleges where they are usually employed; academic disciplines they represent; relations between the number of foreign scholars and the prestige of institutions employing them. We conclude by pointing towards what we can and cannot learn from the data set analyzed here.
This volume studies cultural relations from the minority point and the image that various minorit... more This volume studies cultural relations from the minority point and the image that various minority groups hold about the dominant group in their day-to-day social contexts. These papers were presented at the Fifth Congress of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas in Utrecht.
Monografia wydana w koedycji z Wyzszą Szkolą Informatyki i Zarządzania z siedzibą w Rzeszowie (IS... more Monografia wydana w koedycji z Wyzszą Szkolą Informatyki i Zarządzania z siedzibą w Rzeszowie (ISBN 978-83-66364-43-1 [Dodaj do projektu Citavi wg ISBN] ).
The aim of this article is to analyze both the motivations of foreign scholars to come to work in... more The aim of this article is to analyze both the motivations of foreign scholars to come to work in Poland – specifically Krakow – and their ways of adapting to this significant Polish academic center. Most studies on highly skilled migrants (HSMs) concentrate on the flows between developing and highly developed countries. We concentrate on Central and Eastern Europe. This paper, based on in-depth interviews with 23 foreign scholars working full-time at four universities in Krakow, is a follow-up to a study presenting a 2015 analysis of websites of universities from Krakow. We look closely at barriers to and facilitators of foreign scholars’ adaptation to Poland and their perceived image of Poland and Polishness, their national identification and international contacts. We propose a typology comprised of “cosmopolitans”, “status seekers”, “enthusiasts”, and “commuters”. Our investigations reveal who decides to move to a semi-peripheral country such as Poland, and why. Certain parts of...
This article discusses the professional careers of foreign scholars in Krakow, one of the leading... more This article discusses the professional careers of foreign scholars in Krakow, one of the leading academic centres in Poland and a regional 'silicon valley' (toutes proportions gardées). Central and Eastern Europe is understudied as an immigration region for highly skilled migrants (HSMs). To bridge this gap, we concentrate on three interrelated topics: (a) the perception of Polish science and its infrastructure; (b) careers of international staff employed in Polish academia; and (c) their perception of their achievements in Poland. Foreign scholars come to Poland for various reasons. Two of the most important are the cultural proximity between Poland and their country of origin, and research interests focused directly in Poland. Our findings show that Poland attracts first and foremost scholars with average scientific achievements. We discuss major problems they encounter (e.g., shortage of funds, uncomfortable office space, restricted access to books and papers) and their expectations of life in a semi-periphery country. The paper is mainly based on in-depth interviews with 23 foreign scholars working full time at four universities in Krakow and, as a secondary source, on the analysis of websites of these universities.
„Kryzys migracyjny” a „sprawa polska”. Esej recenzyjny ksiązki Krzysztofa Jaskulowskiego The Ever... more „Kryzys migracyjny” a „sprawa polska”. Esej recenzyjny ksiązki Krzysztofa Jaskulowskiego The Everyday Politics of Migration Crisis in Poland. Between Nationalism, Fear and Empathy
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
This essay addresses the question of the ties between various social levels, particularly in conn... more This essay addresses the question of the ties between various social levels, particularly in connection with research on Polish society at various stages of its post-war history. In reference to the theoretical reflections and research presented by Mikołaj Pawlak in the book Tying Micro and Macro: What Fills Up the Sociological Vacuum in 2018, the author of the article argues for the necessity of careful consideration in formulating research generalities, especially when they refer to terms or metaphors coined earlier, such as the idea of a sociological vacuum proposed in the 1970s by Stefan Nowak.
Scientific Reports
We consider the dynamics of interpersonal relations which leads to balanced states in a fully con... more We consider the dynamics of interpersonal relations which leads to balanced states in a fully connected network. Here this approach is applied to directed networks with asymmetric relations, and it is generalized to include self-evaluation of actors, according to the 'looking-glass self' theory. A new index of self-acceptance is proposed: the relation of an actor to him/herself is positive, if the majority of his/her positive relations to others are reciprocated. Sets of stable configurations of relations are obtained under the dynamics, where the self-evaluation of some actors is negative. Within each set all configurations have the same structure.
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
Th e second part of this issue of the SM PP is devoted to highly skilled migrants (sometimes call... more Th e second part of this issue of the SM PP is devoted to highly skilled migrants (sometimes called "highly educated migrants"), and particularly to international academic mobility. In this introduction, we would like to outline the mental map on which the authors of four articles conceptualize their discussion. We are talking here about migrations in the Western world, including Central and Eastern Europe, so the Global South is not considered. Th is is an important limitation, because global fl ows and waves of migration of academics, engineers, physicians, etc. are intensively increasing (see, e.g., Kim, Wolf-Wendel and Twombly 2011). Bearing in mind that all types of migration are gender sensitive, we should also mention that gender is not a signifi cant variable in all of the authors' research presented in this issue. Ethnicity of the waves of migration is also rarely taken as important in these articles, although the authors do not ignore it. Th e authors put their considerations into other general frameworks which are very important for the migration studies in the early decades of the 21 st century:
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
Academic international mobility is a long-lasting phenomenon and important aim of public policies... more Academic international mobility is a long-lasting phenomenon and important aim of public policies in numerous countries. Scholarly debate usually concentrates on Western countries and some Eastern Asian scientifi c hubs like Singapore. Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is understudied. In Poland, the largest CEE country, unlike in many Western countries, public policies concerning internationalization of the academic fi eld are still under construction. Nevertheless, there is a strong pressure for internationalization. Th e Polish case to be discussed in this article can serve as an example of academic migration to less economically privileged regions that are usually countries of emigration of scholars rather than immigration. In this paper, by means of qualitative in-depth interviews, we concentrate on the need to invite academics from abroad and the perceptions of the actual presence of foreign scholars, employed full-time, as seen by their Polish supervisors. Geographical focus of this paper (CEE) and adopted perspective (interviews with heads of departments supported by interviews with academics) bridge the gap in the literature on academic mobility.
Essays in Logic and Ontology, 2000
The ISA Handbook of Diverse Sociological Traditions], 2000
For a little more than a decade now, since the very beginning of the post-Communist era in Europe... more For a little more than a decade now, since the very beginning of the post-Communist era in Europe, we have been systematically investigating the transformations of sociology in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Our own approach has been a combination of the ' ...
Polish Sociological Review, 2010
Abstract: The aim of this article is to present some aspects (both individual and collective) of ... more Abstract: The aim of this article is to present some aspects (both individual and collective) of the present and future situation of the elderly in the Western world, with particular stress on Poland. The authors examine a few contexts of aging as a stage of human life. Some ...
Polish Sociological Review, Oct 1, 2013
East European Quarterly, Dec 22, 2001
Minerva, 1985
SOME AUTHORS mean by "academic democracy in Poland" the accessibility of higher education to the ... more SOME AUTHORS mean by "academic democracy in Poland" the accessibility of higher education to the youth of different social classes and strata; for them this is the only important aspect of academic democracy. 1 It is an important problem. 2 Nevertheless, in this paper my interest is concentrated primarily on the self-government or autonomy of universities. Since the end of the First World War, when Poland regained independence, different types of higher educational institutions have functioned in the country; they have borne several names-universities, academies, polytechnic institutes, main schools, etc. There have been different patterns of courses. Positions held by academics have had different names; different ranges of privileges and responsibilities have been attached to those posts, and different names have been given to the ministry responsible for higher education. Some of the ways in which Polish higher educational institutions functioned-I shall use this term as well as "university" to describe all institutions of higher education-were deliberately of a tentative character; others were established, then disappeared, only to be re-established again. Through all this there has moved a definite Polish tradition of higher education.
Studia Socjologiczne, 1985
Kilka ostatnich lat pokazało wyraźnie, że problematyka konfl iktu społecznego i przemian społeczn... more Kilka ostatnich lat pokazało wyraźnie, że problematyka konfl iktu społecznego i przemian społecznych ma w naszym kraju ogromne znaczenie praktyczne. Stąd tak częste obecnie studia nad tymi zagadnieniami. I wcześniej, w drugiej połowie lat siedemdziesiątych, były one podejmowane przez socjologów, choć raczej na konferencjach niż w publikacjach. Nie sądzę oczywiście, by tylko socjologowie byli winni temu, że ich analizy nie spotkały się wówczas z szerszym oddźwiękiem. Polska socjologia makrostruktur, rozwijana w ciągu ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat, ma niewątpliwie wielki dorobek empiryczny. Wiele jej nurtów było jednak, jak sądzę, zbyt silnie i zbyt jednostronnie podporządkowanych zmiennym wymogom aktualnych sytuacji politycznych oraz językowi ideologicznemu. Stąd dość często wykorzystywana frazeologia marksistowska, nawet w przypadku badań opartych na schematach wczesnofunkcjonalnych, bezpodstawna akceptacja założenia o postępującej, a osiąganej rozmaitymi drogami, równości społecznej, sprawiedliwości, harmonii, jedności moralno-politycznej narodu. Stąd brała się analiza struktury społecznej w kategoriach klasowo-warstwowych, ale z pominięciem treści ekonomiczno-społecznych czy warstw prestiżu. Stąd przy analizie dynamiki społecznej dominowały rozważania nad, z jednej strony, fazami rozwojowymi formacji socjalistycznej, a z drugiej-rozkładem poszczególnych konkretnych cech i jego przemianami. Empiryczna i teoretyczna analiza współczesnego społeczeństwa polskiego, a zwłaszcza konfl iktów i dynamiki, powinna opierać się-moim zdaniem-na zupełnie nowej koncepcji struktury społecznej, której ja, zwłaszcza na kilkunastu stronach, nie jestem w stanie przedstawić. Zwrócę tu jednak uwagę na niektóre istotne problemy, z których pewne bywały już, naturalnie, stawiane. Zadaniem tego tekstu nie jest prezentowanie krytycznej analizy ujęć teoretycznych dominujących w przeszłości, lecz raczej propozycji i postulatów dotyczących przyszłych badań. * Tekst ten jest rozszerzoną wersją wystąpienia podczas dyskusji panelowej pt. "Jak badać dynamikę i konflikt w społeczeństwie polskim", zorganizowanej w ramach Konferencji Problemu Węzłowego 11.2. "Dynamika przemian strukturalnych i konflikt w społeczeństwie polskim", Jabłonna 10-12 stycznia 1985 r. Tytuł całości oraz tytuły części drugiej, trzeciej i czwartej pochodzą od organizatorów konferencji.
Tekst ten ma charakter empiryczny i oparty jest wyłącznie na danych urzędowych. Pokazuje on, tylk... more Tekst ten ma charakter empiryczny i oparty jest wyłącznie na danych urzędowych. Pokazuje on, tylko od strony liczbowej, zbiorowość cudzoziemców, zatrudnionych w polskim systemie akademickim. We wprowadzeniu przedstawiono zarys społecznego kontekstu interesującej nas tutaj lokalnej, polskiej sytuacji. Ten kontekst to współczesne migracje wysokokwalifikowanych kadr, a w szczególności globalizacja świata nauki. W artykule zaprezentowano charakterystykę badanego zbioru danych; kraje, z których pochodzą zatrudnieni w polskim systemie akademickim uczeni; uczelnie, na których są oni najczęściej zatrudniani w Polsce; dyscypliny naukowe, które reprezentują; zależności między narodowością cudzoziemców a miejscem ich zatrudnienia w polskim systemie akademickim; związki między liczbą zatrudnianych cudzoziemców a miejscem danej uczelni w głównych rankingach polskich szkół wyższych i w końcu konkluzje dotyczące tego, czego można i czego nie można dowiedzieć się z analizowanego tutaj zbioru danych. Słowa kluczowe: System akademicki w Polsce, cudzoziemscy uczeni w Polsce, migracje uczonych, krążenie umysłów Poland in the world of "circulating brains". Quantitative analysis of the structure of employment of foreign scholars This is an empirical quantitative analysis of the official data coming from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The foreign scholars in contemporary Poland are presented in the context of global "brain circulation" or migration of highly qualified specialist. In this paper we discuss characteristics of the analyzed data base: universities and colleges where they are usually employed; academic disciplines they represent; relations between the number of foreign scholars and the prestige of institutions employing them. We conclude by pointing towards what we can and cannot learn from the data set analyzed here.
This volume studies cultural relations from the minority point and the image that various minorit... more This volume studies cultural relations from the minority point and the image that various minority groups hold about the dominant group in their day-to-day social contexts. These papers were presented at the Fifth Congress of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas in Utrecht.
Monografia wydana w koedycji z Wyzszą Szkolą Informatyki i Zarządzania z siedzibą w Rzeszowie (IS... more Monografia wydana w koedycji z Wyzszą Szkolą Informatyki i Zarządzania z siedzibą w Rzeszowie (ISBN 978-83-66364-43-1 [Dodaj do projektu Citavi wg ISBN] ).
The aim of this article is to analyze both the motivations of foreign scholars to come to work in... more The aim of this article is to analyze both the motivations of foreign scholars to come to work in Poland – specifically Krakow – and their ways of adapting to this significant Polish academic center. Most studies on highly skilled migrants (HSMs) concentrate on the flows between developing and highly developed countries. We concentrate on Central and Eastern Europe. This paper, based on in-depth interviews with 23 foreign scholars working full-time at four universities in Krakow, is a follow-up to a study presenting a 2015 analysis of websites of universities from Krakow. We look closely at barriers to and facilitators of foreign scholars’ adaptation to Poland and their perceived image of Poland and Polishness, their national identification and international contacts. We propose a typology comprised of “cosmopolitans”, “status seekers”, “enthusiasts”, and “commuters”. Our investigations reveal who decides to move to a semi-peripheral country such as Poland, and why. Certain parts of...
This article discusses the professional careers of foreign scholars in Krakow, one of the leading... more This article discusses the professional careers of foreign scholars in Krakow, one of the leading academic centres in Poland and a regional 'silicon valley' (toutes proportions gardées). Central and Eastern Europe is understudied as an immigration region for highly skilled migrants (HSMs). To bridge this gap, we concentrate on three interrelated topics: (a) the perception of Polish science and its infrastructure; (b) careers of international staff employed in Polish academia; and (c) their perception of their achievements in Poland. Foreign scholars come to Poland for various reasons. Two of the most important are the cultural proximity between Poland and their country of origin, and research interests focused directly in Poland. Our findings show that Poland attracts first and foremost scholars with average scientific achievements. We discuss major problems they encounter (e.g., shortage of funds, uncomfortable office space, restricted access to books and papers) and their expectations of life in a semi-periphery country. The paper is mainly based on in-depth interviews with 23 foreign scholars working full time at four universities in Krakow and, as a secondary source, on the analysis of websites of these universities.
„Kryzys migracyjny” a „sprawa polska”. Esej recenzyjny ksiązki Krzysztofa Jaskulowskiego The Ever... more „Kryzys migracyjny” a „sprawa polska”. Esej recenzyjny ksiązki Krzysztofa Jaskulowskiego The Everyday Politics of Migration Crisis in Poland. Between Nationalism, Fear and Empathy
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
This essay addresses the question of the ties between various social levels, particularly in conn... more This essay addresses the question of the ties between various social levels, particularly in connection with research on Polish society at various stages of its post-war history. In reference to the theoretical reflections and research presented by Mikołaj Pawlak in the book Tying Micro and Macro: What Fills Up the Sociological Vacuum in 2018, the author of the article argues for the necessity of careful consideration in formulating research generalities, especially when they refer to terms or metaphors coined earlier, such as the idea of a sociological vacuum proposed in the 1970s by Stefan Nowak.
Scientific Reports
We consider the dynamics of interpersonal relations which leads to balanced states in a fully con... more We consider the dynamics of interpersonal relations which leads to balanced states in a fully connected network. Here this approach is applied to directed networks with asymmetric relations, and it is generalized to include self-evaluation of actors, according to the 'looking-glass self' theory. A new index of self-acceptance is proposed: the relation of an actor to him/herself is positive, if the majority of his/her positive relations to others are reciprocated. Sets of stable configurations of relations are obtained under the dynamics, where the self-evaluation of some actors is negative. Within each set all configurations have the same structure.
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
Th e second part of this issue of the SM PP is devoted to highly skilled migrants (sometimes call... more Th e second part of this issue of the SM PP is devoted to highly skilled migrants (sometimes called "highly educated migrants"), and particularly to international academic mobility. In this introduction, we would like to outline the mental map on which the authors of four articles conceptualize their discussion. We are talking here about migrations in the Western world, including Central and Eastern Europe, so the Global South is not considered. Th is is an important limitation, because global fl ows and waves of migration of academics, engineers, physicians, etc. are intensively increasing (see, e.g., Kim, Wolf-Wendel and Twombly 2011). Bearing in mind that all types of migration are gender sensitive, we should also mention that gender is not a signifi cant variable in all of the authors' research presented in this issue. Ethnicity of the waves of migration is also rarely taken as important in these articles, although the authors do not ignore it. Th e authors put their considerations into other general frameworks which are very important for the migration studies in the early decades of the 21 st century:
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
Academic international mobility is a long-lasting phenomenon and important aim of public policies... more Academic international mobility is a long-lasting phenomenon and important aim of public policies in numerous countries. Scholarly debate usually concentrates on Western countries and some Eastern Asian scientifi c hubs like Singapore. Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is understudied. In Poland, the largest CEE country, unlike in many Western countries, public policies concerning internationalization of the academic fi eld are still under construction. Nevertheless, there is a strong pressure for internationalization. Th e Polish case to be discussed in this article can serve as an example of academic migration to less economically privileged regions that are usually countries of emigration of scholars rather than immigration. In this paper, by means of qualitative in-depth interviews, we concentrate on the need to invite academics from abroad and the perceptions of the actual presence of foreign scholars, employed full-time, as seen by their Polish supervisors. Geographical focus of this paper (CEE) and adopted perspective (interviews with heads of departments supported by interviews with academics) bridge the gap in the literature on academic mobility.
Essays in Logic and Ontology, 2000
The ISA Handbook of Diverse Sociological Traditions], 2000
For a little more than a decade now, since the very beginning of the post-Communist era in Europe... more For a little more than a decade now, since the very beginning of the post-Communist era in Europe, we have been systematically investigating the transformations of sociology in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Our own approach has been a combination of the ' ...
Polish Sociological Review, 2010
Abstract: The aim of this article is to present some aspects (both individual and collective) of ... more Abstract: The aim of this article is to present some aspects (both individual and collective) of the present and future situation of the elderly in the Western world, with particular stress on Poland. The authors examine a few contexts of aging as a stage of human life. Some ...
Polish Sociological Review, Oct 1, 2013
East European Quarterly, Dec 22, 2001
Minerva, 1985
SOME AUTHORS mean by "academic democracy in Poland" the accessibility of higher education to the ... more SOME AUTHORS mean by "academic democracy in Poland" the accessibility of higher education to the youth of different social classes and strata; for them this is the only important aspect of academic democracy. 1 It is an important problem. 2 Nevertheless, in this paper my interest is concentrated primarily on the self-government or autonomy of universities. Since the end of the First World War, when Poland regained independence, different types of higher educational institutions have functioned in the country; they have borne several names-universities, academies, polytechnic institutes, main schools, etc. There have been different patterns of courses. Positions held by academics have had different names; different ranges of privileges and responsibilities have been attached to those posts, and different names have been given to the ministry responsible for higher education. Some of the ways in which Polish higher educational institutions functioned-I shall use this term as well as "university" to describe all institutions of higher education-were deliberately of a tentative character; others were established, then disappeared, only to be re-established again. Through all this there has moved a definite Polish tradition of higher education.