Jaromir Svasta - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Jaromir Svasta
Strategy paper comprises existing exploitation, future possibilities at outlined and evaluated re... more Strategy paper comprises existing exploitation, future possibilities at outlined and evaluated reservoirs as well as recommendations towards a sustainable and efficient geothermal energy production at the project area.
Report contains the summary of the results of the steady state models.
Report contains the summary of the results of the scenario models.
Acta Carsologica, 2010
UDC 556.3:552.54(437.6) Peter Malík & Jaromír Švasta: Hydraulic Properties of Carbonate Rocks fro... more UDC 556.3:552.54(437.6) Peter Malík & Jaromír Švasta: Hydraulic Properties of Carbonate Rocks from Slovakian Borehole Database Using arc�ival �ard copy records on 22,922 wells and �ydrogeological bore�oles, maintained since 1950's on t�e ter-'s on t�e ter-s on t�e ter-on t�e territory of Slovak Republic, a spatial database was developed. , a spatial database was developed. a spatial database was developed. If possible, eac� bore�ole was linked to a certain aquifer or aquifer lit�ological type, according to its screened interval. Wells wit� ambiguous position of open casing were excluded from furt�er processing to obtain distinct relation of pumping rate to lit�ology. Using stored records of �ydraulic tests, eac� pumping rate was processed to obtain uniformly calculated "standard" specific capacity. These values were subsequently used to re-interpret �ydraulic parameters. Based on standardized specific capacity data, estimates of transmissivity (T; in m 2 •s-1) and �ydraulic conductivity (K; in m•s-1) for eac� well were calculated and linked to corresponding aquifer type. From t�ese, �ydraulic properties of limestones (238 bore�oles), dolomites (463 bore�oles) and granitoid rocks (96 bore�oles) are compared. As anticipated, geometrical mean of transmissivity was low for granitoids (6.51•10-5 m 2 •s-1) and in one order of magnitude �ig�er for limestones (6.16•10-4 m 2 •s-1), due to its en�ancement by karstification. The �ig�est observed value of mean transmissivity, two times �ig�er t�an t�at found for limestones, was obtained for dolomitic aquifers (1.04•10-3 m 2 •s-1). Dolomitic aquifers also s�ow t�e �ig�est median values of �ydraulic conductivity (3.21•10-5 m•s-1), in one order of magnitude �ig�er t�an granitoids (2.10•10-6 m•s-1) and t�ree times �ig�er t�an limestones (9.45•10-6 m•s-1). In comparison wit� limestones, dolomites seem to be slig�tly more �omogeneous in aquifer properties; also several lit�ological types t�ere s�ow similarities in bot� T and K. Some limestone lit�ofacies (Steinalm and Raming), seem to �ave lower transmissivity and �ydraulic conductivity comparing to ot�er limestones types (Dac�stein, Gutenstein, Wetterstein). The data on �y-Povzetek UDK 556.3:552.54(437.6) Peter Malík & Jaromír Švasta: Hidravlične lastnosti karbonatnih kamnin iz podatkovne baze slovaških vrtin S pomočjo ar�ivski� podatkov o 22.922 geološki� in �idro-geološki� vrtina�, zbrani� na ozemlju Slovaške Republike od 50-i� let dalje, je bila izdelana prostorsko pozicionirana podatkovna baza. Kjer je bilo mogoče, je bila vsaka vrtina navezana na določen vodonosnik ali litološki tip vodonosnika glede na položaj filtrskega odseka. Vrtine z nezanesljivo lokacijo nezacevljenega dela so bile izključene iz nadaljnje obdelave, da bi dobili jasno zvezo med načrpano količino in litologijo. Z uporabo s�ranjeni� podatkov �idravlični� testov je bil vsak donos vrtin obdelan, da bi dobili enotno izračunano »standardno« specifično izdatnost. Te vrednosti so bile kasneje uporabljene za re-interpretacijo �idravlični� parametrov. Na podlagi podatkov standardizirani� specifični� izdatnosti sta bili za vsako vrtino izračunani transmisivnost (T; v m 2 •s-1) in koeficient prepustnosti (K; v m•s-1) ter kasneje navezane na ustrezen tip vodonosnika. Od tod so bile primerjane �idravlične značilnosti apnencev (238 vrtin), dolomitov (463 vrtin) in granitoidni� kamnin (96 vrtin). Kot je bilo pričakovano, je bila geometrična srednja vrednost transmisivnosti najnižja za granitoide (6.51•10-5 m 2 •s-1) in za en velikostni red višje za apnence (6.16•10-4 m 2 •s-1) zaradi zakraselosti. Najvišja zabeležena vrednost srednje transmisivnosti, dvakrat večja od vrednosti za apnence, je bila dobljena za dolomitne vodonosnike (1.04•10-3 m 2 •s-1). Dolomitni vodonosniki kažejo tudi najvišje srednje vrednosti koeficientov prepustnosti (3.21•10-5 m•s-1), za en velikostni razred višje kot pri granitoidi� (2.10•10-6 m•s-1) in trikrat višje kot pri apnenci� (9.45•10-6 m•s-1). V primerjavi z apnenci se zdijo dolomiti za malenkost bolj �omogeni v last-nosti� vodonosnikov. Nekaj litološki� tipov kaže tudi podobnosti v T in K. Za nekaj vrst apnencev (Steinalm in Raming) se zdi, da imajo nižjo transmisivnost in koeficient prepustnosti v primerjavi z ostalimi (Dac�stein, Gutenstein, Wetterstein). Podatki o �idrološki� lastnosti� vse� te� trdi� kamnin kažejo draulic properties of all t�ese �ard rocks s�ow lognormal statistical distribution and �ig� �eterogeneity.
REKS-An alternative method of karst groundwater vulnerability estimation. P Malik, J Svasta HYDRO... more REKS-An alternative method of karst groundwater vulnerability estimation. P Malik, J Svasta HYDROGEOLOGY AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT., 79-85. Especially in regions with karst-fissure type of permeability of the rock ...
V ramci výskumu zameraneho na výber vhodneho geologickeho prostredia na ukladanie radioaktivnych ... more V ramci výskumu zameraneho na výber vhodneho geologickeho prostredia na ukladanie radioaktivnych odpadov bola dokumentovana pomerne veka perspektiva geologickej formacie Seenskych lirov. V prispevku je prezentovana citlivostna analýza migracie vybraných radionuklidov v tomto prostredi. S repektovanim zistených, resp. modelových parametrov hostiteskeho prostredia bol vo výpote sledovaný vplyv efektivnej mocnosti hostiteskeho prostredia pre radionuklidy
The most important role in groundwater accumulation in the Bytčianska kotlina and Ilavská kotlina... more The most important role in groundwater accumulation in the Bytčianska kotlina and Ilavská kotlina basins is played by Quaternary fluvial sediments of the river Váh and proluvial sediments of smaller lateral valleys on the margins of both basins. Aquifer hydraulic properties in the Bytčianska kotlina basin were characterized using data on 92 boreholes drilled in the fluvial sediments of the Váh river and 3 wells in the fluvial terrace sediments of the Váh river. In the Ilavská kotlina basin, 100 boreholes from fluvial sediments of the Váh river flood plain and 26 fluvial sediments of the Váh river Pleistocene terraces. Proluvial sediments on the edges of both basins were characterized on 5 boreholes. Groundwater regime was evaluated on the basis of observations on 7 monitoring wells provided by SHMI (Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute) in the Bytčianska kotlina basin and 14 in the Ilavská kotlina basin for the period of 1993-2002. Regime of Quaternary aquifers of both basins was ch...
The project „TRANSENERGY – Transboundary Geothermal Energy Resources of Slovenia, Austria, Hungar... more The project „TRANSENERGY – Transboundary Geothermal Energy Resources of Slovenia, Austria, Hungary and Slovakia”, (2CE124P3) – aims to support the harmonized thermal water and thermal energy utilization in the western part of the Pannonian Basin and provide implementation tools based on a firm geoscientific basis for enhanced and sustainable use of geothermal resources linked to Central Europe Program co-financed by ERDF funds. For achieving this goal, borehole database, geological, hydraulic and geothermal models were created for the supra-area (e.g. the whole project area) as well as for the pilot areas (five geologically defined partial areas: Vienna and Danube basins, Komárno-Štúrovo, Lutzmansburg-Zsira and Bad Radkensburg-Hódos area). State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) – compiled 3D geological model of the Danube Basin in cooperation with geological surveys of Hungary (MFGI), Austria (GBA) and Slovenia (GeoZS). This pilot area covers parts of three countries: Slo...
Three karstic springs, recharged in karstified Middle Triassic limestone aquifer of the Muránska ... more Three karstic springs, recharged in karstified Middle Triassic limestone aquifer of the Muránska Planina karstic Plateau (Slovakia), were sampled for oxygen isotopes, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl- ions during snowmelt period in 2 – 4 days intervals (mid February – end of June). In average, 42 samples were taken from each of the “Tisovec–Horný”, “Tisovec–Dolný” and “Podhrad” springs. Sampling period had covered both pre-snowmelt period and the practically the whole springs’ recession after the discharge maximum. Karst spring hydrograph separation method, based on quick iterative solution of several simple exponential and linear equations, was used for assessment of groundwater quality/quantity relations. The applied method was based on a presumption, that a spring’s discharge depends on the level of aquifer saturation by groundwater, and that the same discharge reflects the same groundwater saturation (piezometric level) in the aquifer. Typical hydrograph of each spring there is described by un...
Hydrogeological and Environmental Investigations in Karst Systems, 2014
ABSTRACT In the period of September 10 – 21, 2002, 317 km2 of Muránska planina karstic plateau (S... more ABSTRACT In the period of September 10 – 21, 2002, 317 km2 of Muránska planina karstic plateau (Slovakia) have been mapped for springs in a great detail. Within this short time interval, 295 springs were documented and also sampled for δ18O. Although only freshwater of apparently similar origin was sampled, δ18O was in a range between -10.90‰ and -7.32‰. Plateau is moderately vertically exaggerated (~400 to ~1400 m a.s.l.), but altitudinal differences do not explain this wide oxygen isotope span. Patterns of δ18O distribution were examined for the possible influence of documented springs’ parameters (temperature, discharge, electric conductivity, geology, aquifer circulation type, morphology around spring’s orifice) without finding any significant dependency. The main reason for very different δ18O values in nearby groundwater sources was identified in individual groundwater circulation regimes. According to IAEA GNIP stations’ records, a significant contrast in precipitation δ18O values was found within 14 months previous to the sampling. Heavier oxygen isotopes in the sampled set (around -8‰) probably reflect quick circulation influenced by enriched July-August 2002 precipitation (-5.28‰). Depleted δ18O in springs (around -10‰), corresponding to the impact of winter 2001/2002 precipitation (-18.4 to -14.7‰), suggests longer residence times.
Risk is the result of the interaction of vulnerability (determined by the characteristics of the ... more Risk is the result of the interaction of vulnerability (determined by the characteristics of the environment overlying groundwater in relation to water transport or soil solution) and environmental pollutant load (also called hazard) as a result of agricultural activities. From the significant environmental parameters in terms of groundwater pollution due to leaching of nitrogen (particularly nitrates, the amount effective rainfall in the winter half, long-term capacity of soil to accumulate water which is crucially influenced by grain size, permeability of geological environment and depth of groundwater) are taken into account. From the land management parameters the balance of nitrogen and plant cover on agricultural land in the winter half at district level SR are considered. On the basis of relationship used, 4.46% of agricultural land falls into the category of very high and high risk, 37.55% in the medium risk category and 57.99% in the category of low and very low risk of dif...
Exploitation of pyrite-chalcopyrite deposits in the Smolník area (Slovenské Rudohorie/Slovak Ore ... more Exploitation of pyrite-chalcopyrite deposits in the Smolník area (Slovenské Rudohorie/Slovak Ore Mountains, Slovakia) began in pre-historic times. Gold, copper, iron and pyrite were mined in the area for centuries, until 1991. From the end of the 13th century until 1961, the cementation method of copper exploitation, using outflowing mine water, was utilized. Unfortunately, this led to acid mine drainage (pH ~ 4.0), which contained high metal concentrations and contaminated the nearby Smolnícky potok stream, which then flowed into the Hnilec river and the Ružín dam (which is 64 m high, and holds 3.7 million m3 of water). Monitoring of metal concentrations in the surface water has shown considerable changes, when comparing the mine operating period (1986 to 1990), the mine flooding period (1990 to 1994), and the period of mine water discharge from the flooded mine (after 1994). The mass flux of main contaminants dissolved in the water for the period of 2008 to 2011 shows that mine wa...
Strategy paper comprises existing exploitation, future possibilities at outlined and evaluated re... more Strategy paper comprises existing exploitation, future possibilities at outlined and evaluated reservoirs as well as recommendations towards a sustainable and efficient geothermal energy production at the project area.
Report contains the summary of the results of the steady state models.
Report contains the summary of the results of the scenario models.
Acta Carsologica, 2010
UDC 556.3:552.54(437.6) Peter Malík & Jaromír Švasta: Hydraulic Properties of Carbonate Rocks fro... more UDC 556.3:552.54(437.6) Peter Malík & Jaromír Švasta: Hydraulic Properties of Carbonate Rocks from Slovakian Borehole Database Using arc�ival �ard copy records on 22,922 wells and �ydrogeological bore�oles, maintained since 1950's on t�e ter-'s on t�e ter-s on t�e ter-on t�e territory of Slovak Republic, a spatial database was developed. , a spatial database was developed. a spatial database was developed. If possible, eac� bore�ole was linked to a certain aquifer or aquifer lit�ological type, according to its screened interval. Wells wit� ambiguous position of open casing were excluded from furt�er processing to obtain distinct relation of pumping rate to lit�ology. Using stored records of �ydraulic tests, eac� pumping rate was processed to obtain uniformly calculated "standard" specific capacity. These values were subsequently used to re-interpret �ydraulic parameters. Based on standardized specific capacity data, estimates of transmissivity (T; in m 2 •s-1) and �ydraulic conductivity (K; in m•s-1) for eac� well were calculated and linked to corresponding aquifer type. From t�ese, �ydraulic properties of limestones (238 bore�oles), dolomites (463 bore�oles) and granitoid rocks (96 bore�oles) are compared. As anticipated, geometrical mean of transmissivity was low for granitoids (6.51•10-5 m 2 •s-1) and in one order of magnitude �ig�er for limestones (6.16•10-4 m 2 •s-1), due to its en�ancement by karstification. The �ig�est observed value of mean transmissivity, two times �ig�er t�an t�at found for limestones, was obtained for dolomitic aquifers (1.04•10-3 m 2 •s-1). Dolomitic aquifers also s�ow t�e �ig�est median values of �ydraulic conductivity (3.21•10-5 m•s-1), in one order of magnitude �ig�er t�an granitoids (2.10•10-6 m•s-1) and t�ree times �ig�er t�an limestones (9.45•10-6 m•s-1). In comparison wit� limestones, dolomites seem to be slig�tly more �omogeneous in aquifer properties; also several lit�ological types t�ere s�ow similarities in bot� T and K. Some limestone lit�ofacies (Steinalm and Raming), seem to �ave lower transmissivity and �ydraulic conductivity comparing to ot�er limestones types (Dac�stein, Gutenstein, Wetterstein). The data on �y-Povzetek UDK 556.3:552.54(437.6) Peter Malík & Jaromír Švasta: Hidravlične lastnosti karbonatnih kamnin iz podatkovne baze slovaških vrtin S pomočjo ar�ivski� podatkov o 22.922 geološki� in �idro-geološki� vrtina�, zbrani� na ozemlju Slovaške Republike od 50-i� let dalje, je bila izdelana prostorsko pozicionirana podatkovna baza. Kjer je bilo mogoče, je bila vsaka vrtina navezana na določen vodonosnik ali litološki tip vodonosnika glede na položaj filtrskega odseka. Vrtine z nezanesljivo lokacijo nezacevljenega dela so bile izključene iz nadaljnje obdelave, da bi dobili jasno zvezo med načrpano količino in litologijo. Z uporabo s�ranjeni� podatkov �idravlični� testov je bil vsak donos vrtin obdelan, da bi dobili enotno izračunano »standardno« specifično izdatnost. Te vrednosti so bile kasneje uporabljene za re-interpretacijo �idravlični� parametrov. Na podlagi podatkov standardizirani� specifični� izdatnosti sta bili za vsako vrtino izračunani transmisivnost (T; v m 2 •s-1) in koeficient prepustnosti (K; v m•s-1) ter kasneje navezane na ustrezen tip vodonosnika. Od tod so bile primerjane �idravlične značilnosti apnencev (238 vrtin), dolomitov (463 vrtin) in granitoidni� kamnin (96 vrtin). Kot je bilo pričakovano, je bila geometrična srednja vrednost transmisivnosti najnižja za granitoide (6.51•10-5 m 2 •s-1) in za en velikostni red višje za apnence (6.16•10-4 m 2 •s-1) zaradi zakraselosti. Najvišja zabeležena vrednost srednje transmisivnosti, dvakrat večja od vrednosti za apnence, je bila dobljena za dolomitne vodonosnike (1.04•10-3 m 2 •s-1). Dolomitni vodonosniki kažejo tudi najvišje srednje vrednosti koeficientov prepustnosti (3.21•10-5 m•s-1), za en velikostni razred višje kot pri granitoidi� (2.10•10-6 m•s-1) in trikrat višje kot pri apnenci� (9.45•10-6 m•s-1). V primerjavi z apnenci se zdijo dolomiti za malenkost bolj �omogeni v last-nosti� vodonosnikov. Nekaj litološki� tipov kaže tudi podobnosti v T in K. Za nekaj vrst apnencev (Steinalm in Raming) se zdi, da imajo nižjo transmisivnost in koeficient prepustnosti v primerjavi z ostalimi (Dac�stein, Gutenstein, Wetterstein). Podatki o �idrološki� lastnosti� vse� te� trdi� kamnin kažejo draulic properties of all t�ese �ard rocks s�ow lognormal statistical distribution and �ig� �eterogeneity.
REKS-An alternative method of karst groundwater vulnerability estimation. P Malik, J Svasta HYDRO... more REKS-An alternative method of karst groundwater vulnerability estimation. P Malik, J Svasta HYDROGEOLOGY AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT., 79-85. Especially in regions with karst-fissure type of permeability of the rock ...
V ramci výskumu zameraneho na výber vhodneho geologickeho prostredia na ukladanie radioaktivnych ... more V ramci výskumu zameraneho na výber vhodneho geologickeho prostredia na ukladanie radioaktivnych odpadov bola dokumentovana pomerne veka perspektiva geologickej formacie Seenskych lirov. V prispevku je prezentovana citlivostna analýza migracie vybraných radionuklidov v tomto prostredi. S repektovanim zistených, resp. modelových parametrov hostiteskeho prostredia bol vo výpote sledovaný vplyv efektivnej mocnosti hostiteskeho prostredia pre radionuklidy
The most important role in groundwater accumulation in the Bytčianska kotlina and Ilavská kotlina... more The most important role in groundwater accumulation in the Bytčianska kotlina and Ilavská kotlina basins is played by Quaternary fluvial sediments of the river Váh and proluvial sediments of smaller lateral valleys on the margins of both basins. Aquifer hydraulic properties in the Bytčianska kotlina basin were characterized using data on 92 boreholes drilled in the fluvial sediments of the Váh river and 3 wells in the fluvial terrace sediments of the Váh river. In the Ilavská kotlina basin, 100 boreholes from fluvial sediments of the Váh river flood plain and 26 fluvial sediments of the Váh river Pleistocene terraces. Proluvial sediments on the edges of both basins were characterized on 5 boreholes. Groundwater regime was evaluated on the basis of observations on 7 monitoring wells provided by SHMI (Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute) in the Bytčianska kotlina basin and 14 in the Ilavská kotlina basin for the period of 1993-2002. Regime of Quaternary aquifers of both basins was ch...
The project „TRANSENERGY – Transboundary Geothermal Energy Resources of Slovenia, Austria, Hungar... more The project „TRANSENERGY – Transboundary Geothermal Energy Resources of Slovenia, Austria, Hungary and Slovakia”, (2CE124P3) – aims to support the harmonized thermal water and thermal energy utilization in the western part of the Pannonian Basin and provide implementation tools based on a firm geoscientific basis for enhanced and sustainable use of geothermal resources linked to Central Europe Program co-financed by ERDF funds. For achieving this goal, borehole database, geological, hydraulic and geothermal models were created for the supra-area (e.g. the whole project area) as well as for the pilot areas (five geologically defined partial areas: Vienna and Danube basins, Komárno-Štúrovo, Lutzmansburg-Zsira and Bad Radkensburg-Hódos area). State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) – compiled 3D geological model of the Danube Basin in cooperation with geological surveys of Hungary (MFGI), Austria (GBA) and Slovenia (GeoZS). This pilot area covers parts of three countries: Slo...
Three karstic springs, recharged in karstified Middle Triassic limestone aquifer of the Muránska ... more Three karstic springs, recharged in karstified Middle Triassic limestone aquifer of the Muránska Planina karstic Plateau (Slovakia), were sampled for oxygen isotopes, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl- ions during snowmelt period in 2 – 4 days intervals (mid February – end of June). In average, 42 samples were taken from each of the “Tisovec–Horný”, “Tisovec–Dolný” and “Podhrad” springs. Sampling period had covered both pre-snowmelt period and the practically the whole springs’ recession after the discharge maximum. Karst spring hydrograph separation method, based on quick iterative solution of several simple exponential and linear equations, was used for assessment of groundwater quality/quantity relations. The applied method was based on a presumption, that a spring’s discharge depends on the level of aquifer saturation by groundwater, and that the same discharge reflects the same groundwater saturation (piezometric level) in the aquifer. Typical hydrograph of each spring there is described by un...
Hydrogeological and Environmental Investigations in Karst Systems, 2014
ABSTRACT In the period of September 10 – 21, 2002, 317 km2 of Muránska planina karstic plateau (S... more ABSTRACT In the period of September 10 – 21, 2002, 317 km2 of Muránska planina karstic plateau (Slovakia) have been mapped for springs in a great detail. Within this short time interval, 295 springs were documented and also sampled for δ18O. Although only freshwater of apparently similar origin was sampled, δ18O was in a range between -10.90‰ and -7.32‰. Plateau is moderately vertically exaggerated (~400 to ~1400 m a.s.l.), but altitudinal differences do not explain this wide oxygen isotope span. Patterns of δ18O distribution were examined for the possible influence of documented springs’ parameters (temperature, discharge, electric conductivity, geology, aquifer circulation type, morphology around spring’s orifice) without finding any significant dependency. The main reason for very different δ18O values in nearby groundwater sources was identified in individual groundwater circulation regimes. According to IAEA GNIP stations’ records, a significant contrast in precipitation δ18O values was found within 14 months previous to the sampling. Heavier oxygen isotopes in the sampled set (around -8‰) probably reflect quick circulation influenced by enriched July-August 2002 precipitation (-5.28‰). Depleted δ18O in springs (around -10‰), corresponding to the impact of winter 2001/2002 precipitation (-18.4 to -14.7‰), suggests longer residence times.
Risk is the result of the interaction of vulnerability (determined by the characteristics of the ... more Risk is the result of the interaction of vulnerability (determined by the characteristics of the environment overlying groundwater in relation to water transport or soil solution) and environmental pollutant load (also called hazard) as a result of agricultural activities. From the significant environmental parameters in terms of groundwater pollution due to leaching of nitrogen (particularly nitrates, the amount effective rainfall in the winter half, long-term capacity of soil to accumulate water which is crucially influenced by grain size, permeability of geological environment and depth of groundwater) are taken into account. From the land management parameters the balance of nitrogen and plant cover on agricultural land in the winter half at district level SR are considered. On the basis of relationship used, 4.46% of agricultural land falls into the category of very high and high risk, 37.55% in the medium risk category and 57.99% in the category of low and very low risk of dif...
Exploitation of pyrite-chalcopyrite deposits in the Smolník area (Slovenské Rudohorie/Slovak Ore ... more Exploitation of pyrite-chalcopyrite deposits in the Smolník area (Slovenské Rudohorie/Slovak Ore Mountains, Slovakia) began in pre-historic times. Gold, copper, iron and pyrite were mined in the area for centuries, until 1991. From the end of the 13th century until 1961, the cementation method of copper exploitation, using outflowing mine water, was utilized. Unfortunately, this led to acid mine drainage (pH ~ 4.0), which contained high metal concentrations and contaminated the nearby Smolnícky potok stream, which then flowed into the Hnilec river and the Ružín dam (which is 64 m high, and holds 3.7 million m3 of water). Monitoring of metal concentrations in the surface water has shown considerable changes, when comparing the mine operating period (1986 to 1990), the mine flooding period (1990 to 1994), and the period of mine water discharge from the flooded mine (after 1994). The mass flux of main contaminants dissolved in the water for the period of 2008 to 2011 shows that mine wa...