Jasmin Azemović - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Jasmin Azemović

Research paper thumbnail of Malicious Web Sites Detection using C4.5 Decision Tree

Southeast Europe Journal of Soft Computing, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficient Model for Detection Data and Data Scheme Tempering with Purpose of Valid Forensic Analysis

Abstract. Accelerating development of information technologies also causes the growth of computer... more Abstract. Accelerating development of information technologies also causes the growth of computer crime which has the main goal to profit illegally, industrial espionage, forgery and falsification of data. Therefore, a demand for data security is needed more than ever. This paper describes a model which ensures effective detection of authorized and unauthorized modification of database scheme and data itself. At the moment when data modification becomes a criminal act, this model represents a foundation for forensic analysis of collected digital evidence. A research described in the paper has been applied on access control methods which use SQL triggers. Special emphasis is laid on detection of forgery over data which were created during the process of access control using hashing methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Methods for Efficient Digital Evidences Collecting of Business Proceses and Users Activity in eLearning Enviroments

2010 International Conference on e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, 2010

ABSTRACT Contemporary information systems such as: eLearning, eUnivesity, eVoting, eHealth, etc.,... more ABSTRACT Contemporary information systems such as: eLearning, eUnivesity, eVoting, eHealth, etc., are frequently used and misused for irregular data changes (data tampering). Those facts force us to reconsider our security measures and find a way to improve them. Proving a computer crime act require very complicated processes which are based on digital evidence collecting, forensic analysis and investigation process. Forensic analysis of database systems is very specific and demanding task and therefore presents main inspiration for our research. In this paper we present the fact that classical methods of collecting digital evidence are not appropriate and efficient. In order to improve efficiency we propose combination of well know technology independent methods from database world and their application in field of forensic science. Also we are proposed some new research direction in this area.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative analysis of performance impact in elearning environments using Hippocratic Database principles

2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, 2011

Abstract Ensuring privacy in modern information systems is of primary importance for the users of... more Abstract Ensuring privacy in modern information systems is of primary importance for the users of these environments. Use and trust of users certainly depends on the degree of privacy [3]. Solution for the above mentioned problems can be found in application of the" ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Components of the efficient eUniversity system

2009 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 2009

E-learning has become an important tool which allows flexibility and quality requested by contemp... more E-learning has become an important tool which allows flexibility and quality requested by contemporary learning processes at universities. In order to ensure efficient support to e-learning, universities need to provide media-rich, online environments that allow students to interact in highly collaborative environments, gain access to course materials, adaptive knowledge evaluation etc. By focusing on creation of more efficient and adaptable

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Research paper thumbnail of Privacy Preserving in eLearning Environment (Case of Modeling Hippocratic Database Structure)

2009 Fourth Balkan Conference in Informatics, 2009

The number and size of different kinds of electronic files (text, pictures and videos) incorporat... more The number and size of different kinds of electronic files (text, pictures and videos) incorporated into eLearning environments were dramatically increased during the last ten years and this triggered a development of new web based systems for that specific environment. These systems were developed to satisfy current and specific users' needs which lead to appearance of very heterogeneous environments without

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Research paper thumbnail of Applying Case-Based Reasoning for Mobile Support in Diagnosing Infective Diseases

2009 International Conference on Signal Processing Systems, 2009

Over the years, health institutions have collected significant amount of medical data. By applyin... more Over the years, health institutions have collected significant amount of medical data. By applying adequate methods, collected medical data can be observed as a knowledge base and used to support decision making. Developments of medical knowledge-based systems, which apply case-based reasoning (CBR) techniques to provide decision support, have become very interesting research area. Making a diagnosis is one of the

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Learning Communities and Collaborative Learning on Students' Success

Software Technology and Engineering - Proceedings of the International Conference on ICSTE 2009, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative analysis of efficient methods for storing unstructured data into database with accent on performance

2010 2nd International Conference on Education Technology and Computer

ABSTRACT The management of unstructured data is recognized as one of the major unsolved problems ... more ABSTRACT The management of unstructured data is recognized as one of the major unsolved problems in the information technology (IT) industry, the main reason being that the tools and techniques that have proved so successful transforming structured data into business intelligence and actionable information simply don't work when it comes to unstructured data. This unstructured data is often stored outside the database, separate from its structured data. This separation can cause data management complexities. Or, if the data is associated with structured storage, the file streaming capabilities and performance can be limited. User data is produced and generated on big scale where measurement is hundreds of MB or even couple of GB per user per day. Efficient method for storing and accessing those kinds of data is imperative in modern information society. In this paper we are presenting results of research on using different data types for storing unstructured data within database and classic file system. Research is inspired with current situation in modern information society.

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Research paper thumbnail of Privacy aware eLearning environments based on hippocratic database principles

Proceedings of the Fifth Balkan Conference in Informatics on - BCI '12

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Research paper thumbnail of Multidisciplinarni Dodiplomski Studij Poslovne Informatike Iz Perspektive Ekonomije I Kompjutinga – Prilagodba Savremenom Poslovanju


Druga polovina prošlog vijeka okarakterisana je vrtoglavim razvojem računarskeindustrije koja je ... more Druga polovina prošlog vijeka okarakterisana je vrtoglavim razvojem računarskeindustrije koja je ubrzo postala osnovni preduslov razvoja svih sektora privrede.Uzimajući u obzir pomenuto, porasla je i potreba za stručnjacima koji će u segmentuposlovanja biti u stanju povezati tehničke i upravljačke zajednice. Rezultat je biopokretanje studija poslovne informatike, pod tim istim, sličnim ili različitim imenima,najčešće u okviru poslovnih škola kao studij prvog ciklusa. Međutim, razvojem upodručju poslovanja, a pogotovo kompjutinga, u novom mileniju se ovaj studij sve višepojavljuje kao samostalan sa tendencijom da postane ravnopravna organizacijskajedinica unutar hijerarhije univerziteta. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da predstavi teoretskuosnovu kurikuluma i praktičan primjer studija Poslovna informatika koji je rezultatzajedničkog rada Ekonomskog fakulteta i Fakulteta informacijskih tehnologijaUniverziteta „Džemal Bijedić“ u Mostaru.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Analysis of Auditing using Classic SQL and CLR Methods with Accent on Performance Influence

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Research paper thumbnail of Model of efficient Assessment System with accent on privacy, security and integration with E-University components

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative analysis of regular and cloud disaster and recovery systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative analysis of performance impact in elearning environments using Hippocratic Database principles

Communication Software and …, 2011

Ensuring privacy in modern information systems is of primary importance for the users of these en... more Ensuring privacy in modern information systems is of primary importance for the users of these environments. Use and trust of users certainly depends on the degree of privacy [3]. Solution for the above mentioned problems can be found in application of the "Hippocratic Databases - HDB concept". The idea is inspired by the basic principles of Hippocratic Oath to be applied on the databases in order to provide data privacy and confidentiality. Implementation and advantages of this concept have been researched for the needs of business intelligence systems and health information systems, but not of eLearning systems, until now. We have created a prototype model of e-learning environment that fully implements the principles of the HDB database. In order to prove the usability and viability of the model, we compared the performance of the production eLearning system with prototype model. The results of these studies are found in this research paper.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative analysis of performance impact in elearning environments using Hippocratic Database principles

2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Analysis NoSQL and RDBMS With an Emphasis on Performance

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Research paper thumbnail of Privacy Preserving in eLearning Environment (Case of Modeling Hippocratic Database Structure)

2009 Fourth Balkan Conference in Informatics, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Malicious Web Sites Detection using C4.5 Decision Tree

Southeast Europe Journal of Soft Computing, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficient Model for Detection Data and Data Scheme Tempering with Purpose of Valid Forensic Analysis

Abstract. Accelerating development of information technologies also causes the growth of computer... more Abstract. Accelerating development of information technologies also causes the growth of computer crime which has the main goal to profit illegally, industrial espionage, forgery and falsification of data. Therefore, a demand for data security is needed more than ever. This paper describes a model which ensures effective detection of authorized and unauthorized modification of database scheme and data itself. At the moment when data modification becomes a criminal act, this model represents a foundation for forensic analysis of collected digital evidence. A research described in the paper has been applied on access control methods which use SQL triggers. Special emphasis is laid on detection of forgery over data which were created during the process of access control using hashing methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Methods for Efficient Digital Evidences Collecting of Business Proceses and Users Activity in eLearning Enviroments

2010 International Conference on e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, 2010

ABSTRACT Contemporary information systems such as: eLearning, eUnivesity, eVoting, eHealth, etc.,... more ABSTRACT Contemporary information systems such as: eLearning, eUnivesity, eVoting, eHealth, etc., are frequently used and misused for irregular data changes (data tampering). Those facts force us to reconsider our security measures and find a way to improve them. Proving a computer crime act require very complicated processes which are based on digital evidence collecting, forensic analysis and investigation process. Forensic analysis of database systems is very specific and demanding task and therefore presents main inspiration for our research. In this paper we present the fact that classical methods of collecting digital evidence are not appropriate and efficient. In order to improve efficiency we propose combination of well know technology independent methods from database world and their application in field of forensic science. Also we are proposed some new research direction in this area.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative analysis of performance impact in elearning environments using Hippocratic Database principles

2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, 2011

Abstract Ensuring privacy in modern information systems is of primary importance for the users of... more Abstract Ensuring privacy in modern information systems is of primary importance for the users of these environments. Use and trust of users certainly depends on the degree of privacy [3]. Solution for the above mentioned problems can be found in application of the" ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Components of the efficient eUniversity system

2009 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 2009

E-learning has become an important tool which allows flexibility and quality requested by contemp... more E-learning has become an important tool which allows flexibility and quality requested by contemporary learning processes at universities. In order to ensure efficient support to e-learning, universities need to provide media-rich, online environments that allow students to interact in highly collaborative environments, gain access to course materials, adaptive knowledge evaluation etc. By focusing on creation of more efficient and adaptable

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Research paper thumbnail of Privacy Preserving in eLearning Environment (Case of Modeling Hippocratic Database Structure)

2009 Fourth Balkan Conference in Informatics, 2009

The number and size of different kinds of electronic files (text, pictures and videos) incorporat... more The number and size of different kinds of electronic files (text, pictures and videos) incorporated into eLearning environments were dramatically increased during the last ten years and this triggered a development of new web based systems for that specific environment. These systems were developed to satisfy current and specific users' needs which lead to appearance of very heterogeneous environments without

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Research paper thumbnail of Applying Case-Based Reasoning for Mobile Support in Diagnosing Infective Diseases

2009 International Conference on Signal Processing Systems, 2009

Over the years, health institutions have collected significant amount of medical data. By applyin... more Over the years, health institutions have collected significant amount of medical data. By applying adequate methods, collected medical data can be observed as a knowledge base and used to support decision making. Developments of medical knowledge-based systems, which apply case-based reasoning (CBR) techniques to provide decision support, have become very interesting research area. Making a diagnosis is one of the

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Learning Communities and Collaborative Learning on Students' Success

Software Technology and Engineering - Proceedings of the International Conference on ICSTE 2009, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative analysis of efficient methods for storing unstructured data into database with accent on performance

2010 2nd International Conference on Education Technology and Computer

ABSTRACT The management of unstructured data is recognized as one of the major unsolved problems ... more ABSTRACT The management of unstructured data is recognized as one of the major unsolved problems in the information technology (IT) industry, the main reason being that the tools and techniques that have proved so successful transforming structured data into business intelligence and actionable information simply don't work when it comes to unstructured data. This unstructured data is often stored outside the database, separate from its structured data. This separation can cause data management complexities. Or, if the data is associated with structured storage, the file streaming capabilities and performance can be limited. User data is produced and generated on big scale where measurement is hundreds of MB or even couple of GB per user per day. Efficient method for storing and accessing those kinds of data is imperative in modern information society. In this paper we are presenting results of research on using different data types for storing unstructured data within database and classic file system. Research is inspired with current situation in modern information society.

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Research paper thumbnail of Privacy aware eLearning environments based on hippocratic database principles

Proceedings of the Fifth Balkan Conference in Informatics on - BCI '12

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Research paper thumbnail of Multidisciplinarni Dodiplomski Studij Poslovne Informatike Iz Perspektive Ekonomije I Kompjutinga – Prilagodba Savremenom Poslovanju


Druga polovina prošlog vijeka okarakterisana je vrtoglavim razvojem računarskeindustrije koja je ... more Druga polovina prošlog vijeka okarakterisana je vrtoglavim razvojem računarskeindustrije koja je ubrzo postala osnovni preduslov razvoja svih sektora privrede.Uzimajući u obzir pomenuto, porasla je i potreba za stručnjacima koji će u segmentuposlovanja biti u stanju povezati tehničke i upravljačke zajednice. Rezultat je biopokretanje studija poslovne informatike, pod tim istim, sličnim ili različitim imenima,najčešće u okviru poslovnih škola kao studij prvog ciklusa. Međutim, razvojem upodručju poslovanja, a pogotovo kompjutinga, u novom mileniju se ovaj studij sve višepojavljuje kao samostalan sa tendencijom da postane ravnopravna organizacijskajedinica unutar hijerarhije univerziteta. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da predstavi teoretskuosnovu kurikuluma i praktičan primjer studija Poslovna informatika koji je rezultatzajedničkog rada Ekonomskog fakulteta i Fakulteta informacijskih tehnologijaUniverziteta „Džemal Bijedić“ u Mostaru.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Analysis of Auditing using Classic SQL and CLR Methods with Accent on Performance Influence

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Research paper thumbnail of Model of efficient Assessment System with accent on privacy, security and integration with E-University components

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative analysis of regular and cloud disaster and recovery systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative analysis of performance impact in elearning environments using Hippocratic Database principles

Communication Software and …, 2011

Ensuring privacy in modern information systems is of primary importance for the users of these en... more Ensuring privacy in modern information systems is of primary importance for the users of these environments. Use and trust of users certainly depends on the degree of privacy [3]. Solution for the above mentioned problems can be found in application of the "Hippocratic Databases - HDB concept". The idea is inspired by the basic principles of Hippocratic Oath to be applied on the databases in order to provide data privacy and confidentiality. Implementation and advantages of this concept have been researched for the needs of business intelligence systems and health information systems, but not of eLearning systems, until now. We have created a prototype model of e-learning environment that fully implements the principles of the HDB database. In order to prove the usability and viability of the model, we compared the performance of the production eLearning system with prototype model. The results of these studies are found in this research paper.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative analysis of performance impact in elearning environments using Hippocratic Database principles

2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Analysis NoSQL and RDBMS With an Emphasis on Performance

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Research paper thumbnail of Privacy Preserving in eLearning Environment (Case of Modeling Hippocratic Database Structure)

2009 Fourth Balkan Conference in Informatics, 2009

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