Javier Marin - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Javier Marin

Research paper thumbnail of Subtipos De Lectores Retrasados en Español

Ciencias Psicológicas, 2015

Con el objetivo de identificar y caracterizar a subtipos de lectores retrasados en español (fonol... more Con el objetivo de identificar y caracterizar a subtipos de lectores retrasados en español (fonológicos y superficiales), se comparan 42 lectores retrasados de 4º,5º y 6º de primaria, con 90 lectores normales de igual grado escolar y con 78 lectores normales de menor grado escolar y nivel lector equivalente. Se analizó el rendimiento de los grupos en tareas que implican procesamiento fonológico o procesamiento ortográfico. Los resultados de someter los datos a un análisis de regresión, muestran variaciones en la distribución de los subtipos de lectores retrasados. Se aplica la idea de que la dislexia de tipo fonológico y superficial, se diferenciaría en el grado de severidad del desorden fonológico y en los recursos cognitivos disponibles para compensar el déficit. (Snowling, 2000). La transparencia de la lengua, así como la experiencia lectora, favorece el aprendizaje de las reglas de correspondencia grafema-fonema, mejorando la exactitud en la lectura de pseudopalabras.

Research paper thumbnail of Léxico Ortográfico y Competencia Lectora

Ciencias Psicológicas, 2015

Se presenta un estudio en el que se analizan las relaciones entre la lectura eficiente y la dispo... more Se presenta un estudio en el que se analizan las relaciones entre la lectura eficiente y la disponibilidad de representaciones ortográficas léxicas en dos muestras de estudiantes universitarios españoles y uruguayos. Mediante el uso de una metodología de análisis de regresión tratamos de explicar los resultados de una prueba de lectura eficiente (TECLE) a partir de una prueba de conocimiento ortográfico (TECOR). Los resultados permiten confirmar el importante papel que juega el léxico ortográfico en la lectura eficiente en español. Esta relación se revela más intensa en la muestra uruguaya que en la española. El patrón de resultados se interpreta en el marco de los efectos de la transparencia ortográfica en el aprendizaje de la lectura y el procesamiento lector.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Bilinguals' Performance in Lexical tasks using reaction times

ABSTRACT In this chapter we describe some ways in which cognitive tasks used in psycholinguistics... more ABSTRACT In this chapter we describe some ways in which cognitive tasks used in psycholinguistics research can be used to assess the language skills of bilingual speakers. We present a description of the processes involved in picture naming, visual lexical decision and word categorization tasks, and some applications of the tasks for assessing the different aspects of lexical representations. The possibility of knowing the 'mental time' needed by a given participant to process individual words (as measured via response times) might be one of the most important contributions from these tasks. We examine the use of response time measures for assessing the language skills of bilingual speakers. An empiricial study recently carried out by our research group provides an illustration of how to examine the acquisition of L2 vocabulary using the tasks and techniques presented in the chapter. The aim of this study was to assess whether the order in which vocabulary is learned affects the 'quality' of the representations formed. Results on accuarcy and response times are interpreted with respect to the task-specific demands and in the light of theoretical models.

Research paper thumbnail of Les premieres pas dans l’acquisition de l’orthographe en fonction du caractère profond ou superficiel du système alphabetique: comparacion entre le français et l’espagnol

Research paper thumbnail of A Critical Examination of L2 Writing Process Research

Studies in Writing, 2002

... main limitations identified and an examination of some of the main problems we believe ... th... more ... main limitations identified and an examination of some of the main problems we believe ... think-aloud, stimulated recal1, self-report, semi-structured in-terviews, computer analysis of the ... The genre most commonly used in the assignments was the argumentative type, probably as ...

Research paper thumbnail of El papel de la sílaba en la codificación posicional de las representaciones ortográficas

Anales de Psicología, 2012

Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en estudiar si la posición de las letras se codific... more Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en estudiar si la posición de las letras se codifica de una forma absoluta o relativa, y en particular, conocer el papel que la sílaba juega en la codificación de la información posicional dentro de las representaciones ortográficas. Para ello, empleamos dos experimentos con una tarea de solución de anagramas. En dicha tarea, se presenta un anagrama (CSIAGTO) y el participante tiene que descubrir la palabra que se forma ordenando las letras internas del anagrama (CASTI-GO). Los resultados del Experimento 1 muestran un efecto de la presencia de bigramas adyacentes: los anagramas que mantienen un bigrama en una posición adyacente (CTGASIO) son resueltos con más frecuencia que aquellos con todas las letras internas desordenadas (CSIAGTO), lo que sugiere que para reconstruir una secuencia altamente distorsionada, es importante conocer la posición relativa de una letra con respecto a otra. En el Experimento 2, manipulamos la naturaleza silábica o subsilábica del bigrama para estudiar si el efecto de bigrama puede reducirse a un efecto silábico o puede estar modulado por el estatus subléxico (silábico o subsilábico) del bigrama. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un efecto silábico. Finalmente, examinamos las implicaciones de estos resultados para los modelos actuales de reconocimiento visual de palabras. Palabras Clave: Información posicional; unidades subléxicas; tarea de solución de anagramas.

Research paper thumbnail of On the acquisition of some basic word spelling mechanisms in a deep (French) and a shallow (Spanish) system

Reading and Writing, 2012

An experiment was carried out to compare the time course of the acquisition of two basic spelling... more An experiment was carried out to compare the time course of the acquisition of two basic spelling mechanisms in Spanish, a shallow system, and French, a deep system. The first was lexical. It relies on the orthographic lexicon, a hypothetical structure containing the orthographic representations of words accessible for word spelling. To evaluate its contribution the participants were asked to spell words of high and low frequency containing phonemes which can take different graphemic values. The second mechanism relies on sub-lexical processes. Its contribution was evaluated asking the participants to spell words containing consistent phoneme-to-grapheme translation pairs which were identical in Spanish and French. Two contrasting predictions were considered, one derived from the Orthographic Depth Hypothesis (ODH, Frost, 2005) and the other from the Self-Teaching Hypothesis (STH, Share, 2004). According to the ODH, the orthographic lexicon should develop more rapidly in French than in Spanish because Spanish spellers can rely on phoneme-to-grapheme translation mechanisms to spell most words, meaning that they do not need to resort to the orthographic lexicon. In contrast, the STH suggests that effective identification of a word gradually generates its orthographic representation. The results revealed that both spelling mechanisms develop far faster in Spanish than in French. The fact that word frequency effects appeared earlier in Spanish than in French, indicating that the orthographic lexicon incorporates words more rapidly in a shallow than in a deep system, is clearly incompatible with the ODH and easier to handle in the context of the STH.

Research paper thumbnail of A Temporal Analysis of Formulation Processes in L1 and L2 Writing

Language Learning, 2001

This cross-sectional study used verbal protocol analysis to compare the temporal distribution of ... more This cross-sectional study used verbal protocol analysis to compare the temporal distribution of formulation processes of Spanish EFL writers composing L1 and L2 argumentative texts. We studied three groups at different levels of L2 proficiency. Results showed the same total formulation time regardless of whether participants wrote in L1 or L2. L2 proficiency, however, affected times. Higherproficiency participants devoted less time to formulation, concentrated formulation in the central stages of composing, and increased the interaction between formulation and other subprocesses. Fluent formulation was twice as common as problem-solving formulation when writing in L2 and five times as common in L1; these ratios appeared to be invariant across proficiency. Theoretical and methodological implications for the study of L2 writing processes are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The foreign language writer's strategic behaviour in the allocation of time to writing processes

Journal of Second Language Writing, 2008

Although composing has long been recognised as recursive, so far there have been few studies on t... more Although composing has long been recognised as recursive, so far there have been few studies on the temporal dimension of writing processes. This is regrettable given that one might expect the predominance of certain processes at different stages of writing at the expense of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Age/order of acquisition effects and the cumulative learning of foreign words: A word training study

Journal of Memory and Language, 2011

Early acquired words are processed faster than later acquired words in lexical and semantic tasks... more Early acquired words are processed faster than later acquired words in lexical and semantic tasks. Demonstrating such age of acquisition (AoA) effects beyond reasonable doubt, and then investigating those effects empirically, is complicated by the natural correlation between AoA and other word properties such as frequency and imageability. In an effort to find a laboratory analog of AoA effects which would allow such issues to be addressed more easily, we conducted three experiments in which participants learned foreign words, with some ('early') words trained from the outset while other ('late') words were introduced some time later then interleaved with the early words. Order of acquisition effects were observed in picture naming, lexical decision and semantic categorization, persisting for several weeks after the end of training. The results demonstrate an important role for order of acquisition in the formation of lexical representations that is independent of other factors such as cumulative frequency, frequency trajectory and imageability. Analyses of cumulative learning effects offer the potential to investigate the differential impact of early and later experiences on the formation of lexical and other mental representations. The discovery of order of acquisition effects in word learning also has implications for classroom teaching of second language vocabulary.

Research paper thumbnail of Adquisición De Información Ortográfica y Mecanismos De Recodificación Fonológica: Nuevas Implicaciones Para El Modelo De …



Research paper thumbnail of ¿ Por qué es más complicado distinguir entre" berenjena" y" berengena" que entre" escabeche" y" escaveche"?

XXV Congreso Internacional de …, 2007


Research paper thumbnail of Influencia Del Nivel De Alexitimia en El Procesamiento De Estímulos Emocionales en Una Tarea Stroop

Research paper thumbnail of Name–picture verification as a control measure for object naming: A task analysis and norms for a large set of pictures

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2009

The name–picture verification task is widely used in spoken production studies to control for non... more The name–picture verification task is widely used in spoken production studies to control for nonlexical differences between picture sets. In this task a word is presented first and followed, after a pause, by a picture. Participants must then make a speeded decision on whether both word and picture refer to the same object. Using regression analyses, we systematically explored the characteristics of this task by assessing the independent contribution of a series of factors that have been found relevant for picture naming in previous studies. We found that, for “match” responses, both visual and conceptual factors played a role, but lexical variables were not significant contributors. No clear pattern emerged from the analysis of “no-match” responses. We interpret these results as validating the use of “match” latencies as control variables in studies or spoken production using picture naming. Norms for match and no-match responses for 396 line drawings taken from Cycowicz, Friedman...

Research paper thumbnail of Subtipos De Lectores Retrasados en Español

Ciencias Psicológicas, 2015

Con el objetivo de identificar y caracterizar a subtipos de lectores retrasados en español (fonol... more Con el objetivo de identificar y caracterizar a subtipos de lectores retrasados en español (fonológicos y superficiales), se comparan 42 lectores retrasados de 4º,5º y 6º de primaria, con 90 lectores normales de igual grado escolar y con 78 lectores normales de menor grado escolar y nivel lector equivalente. Se analizó el rendimiento de los grupos en tareas que implican procesamiento fonológico o procesamiento ortográfico. Los resultados de someter los datos a un análisis de regresión, muestran variaciones en la distribución de los subtipos de lectores retrasados. Se aplica la idea de que la dislexia de tipo fonológico y superficial, se diferenciaría en el grado de severidad del desorden fonológico y en los recursos cognitivos disponibles para compensar el déficit. (Snowling, 2000). La transparencia de la lengua, así como la experiencia lectora, favorece el aprendizaje de las reglas de correspondencia grafema-fonema, mejorando la exactitud en la lectura de pseudopalabras.

Research paper thumbnail of Léxico Ortográfico y Competencia Lectora

Ciencias Psicológicas, 2015

Se presenta un estudio en el que se analizan las relaciones entre la lectura eficiente y la dispo... more Se presenta un estudio en el que se analizan las relaciones entre la lectura eficiente y la disponibilidad de representaciones ortográficas léxicas en dos muestras de estudiantes universitarios españoles y uruguayos. Mediante el uso de una metodología de análisis de regresión tratamos de explicar los resultados de una prueba de lectura eficiente (TECLE) a partir de una prueba de conocimiento ortográfico (TECOR). Los resultados permiten confirmar el importante papel que juega el léxico ortográfico en la lectura eficiente en español. Esta relación se revela más intensa en la muestra uruguaya que en la española. El patrón de resultados se interpreta en el marco de los efectos de la transparencia ortográfica en el aprendizaje de la lectura y el procesamiento lector.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Bilinguals' Performance in Lexical tasks using reaction times

ABSTRACT In this chapter we describe some ways in which cognitive tasks used in psycholinguistics... more ABSTRACT In this chapter we describe some ways in which cognitive tasks used in psycholinguistics research can be used to assess the language skills of bilingual speakers. We present a description of the processes involved in picture naming, visual lexical decision and word categorization tasks, and some applications of the tasks for assessing the different aspects of lexical representations. The possibility of knowing the 'mental time' needed by a given participant to process individual words (as measured via response times) might be one of the most important contributions from these tasks. We examine the use of response time measures for assessing the language skills of bilingual speakers. An empiricial study recently carried out by our research group provides an illustration of how to examine the acquisition of L2 vocabulary using the tasks and techniques presented in the chapter. The aim of this study was to assess whether the order in which vocabulary is learned affects the 'quality' of the representations formed. Results on accuarcy and response times are interpreted with respect to the task-specific demands and in the light of theoretical models.

Research paper thumbnail of Les premieres pas dans l’acquisition de l’orthographe en fonction du caractère profond ou superficiel du système alphabetique: comparacion entre le français et l’espagnol

Research paper thumbnail of A Critical Examination of L2 Writing Process Research

Studies in Writing, 2002

... main limitations identified and an examination of some of the main problems we believe ... th... more ... main limitations identified and an examination of some of the main problems we believe ... think-aloud, stimulated recal1, self-report, semi-structured in-terviews, computer analysis of the ... The genre most commonly used in the assignments was the argumentative type, probably as ...

Research paper thumbnail of El papel de la sílaba en la codificación posicional de las representaciones ortográficas

Anales de Psicología, 2012

Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en estudiar si la posición de las letras se codific... more Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en estudiar si la posición de las letras se codifica de una forma absoluta o relativa, y en particular, conocer el papel que la sílaba juega en la codificación de la información posicional dentro de las representaciones ortográficas. Para ello, empleamos dos experimentos con una tarea de solución de anagramas. En dicha tarea, se presenta un anagrama (CSIAGTO) y el participante tiene que descubrir la palabra que se forma ordenando las letras internas del anagrama (CASTI-GO). Los resultados del Experimento 1 muestran un efecto de la presencia de bigramas adyacentes: los anagramas que mantienen un bigrama en una posición adyacente (CTGASIO) son resueltos con más frecuencia que aquellos con todas las letras internas desordenadas (CSIAGTO), lo que sugiere que para reconstruir una secuencia altamente distorsionada, es importante conocer la posición relativa de una letra con respecto a otra. En el Experimento 2, manipulamos la naturaleza silábica o subsilábica del bigrama para estudiar si el efecto de bigrama puede reducirse a un efecto silábico o puede estar modulado por el estatus subléxico (silábico o subsilábico) del bigrama. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un efecto silábico. Finalmente, examinamos las implicaciones de estos resultados para los modelos actuales de reconocimiento visual de palabras. Palabras Clave: Información posicional; unidades subléxicas; tarea de solución de anagramas.

Research paper thumbnail of On the acquisition of some basic word spelling mechanisms in a deep (French) and a shallow (Spanish) system

Reading and Writing, 2012

An experiment was carried out to compare the time course of the acquisition of two basic spelling... more An experiment was carried out to compare the time course of the acquisition of two basic spelling mechanisms in Spanish, a shallow system, and French, a deep system. The first was lexical. It relies on the orthographic lexicon, a hypothetical structure containing the orthographic representations of words accessible for word spelling. To evaluate its contribution the participants were asked to spell words of high and low frequency containing phonemes which can take different graphemic values. The second mechanism relies on sub-lexical processes. Its contribution was evaluated asking the participants to spell words containing consistent phoneme-to-grapheme translation pairs which were identical in Spanish and French. Two contrasting predictions were considered, one derived from the Orthographic Depth Hypothesis (ODH, Frost, 2005) and the other from the Self-Teaching Hypothesis (STH, Share, 2004). According to the ODH, the orthographic lexicon should develop more rapidly in French than in Spanish because Spanish spellers can rely on phoneme-to-grapheme translation mechanisms to spell most words, meaning that they do not need to resort to the orthographic lexicon. In contrast, the STH suggests that effective identification of a word gradually generates its orthographic representation. The results revealed that both spelling mechanisms develop far faster in Spanish than in French. The fact that word frequency effects appeared earlier in Spanish than in French, indicating that the orthographic lexicon incorporates words more rapidly in a shallow than in a deep system, is clearly incompatible with the ODH and easier to handle in the context of the STH.

Research paper thumbnail of A Temporal Analysis of Formulation Processes in L1 and L2 Writing

Language Learning, 2001

This cross-sectional study used verbal protocol analysis to compare the temporal distribution of ... more This cross-sectional study used verbal protocol analysis to compare the temporal distribution of formulation processes of Spanish EFL writers composing L1 and L2 argumentative texts. We studied three groups at different levels of L2 proficiency. Results showed the same total formulation time regardless of whether participants wrote in L1 or L2. L2 proficiency, however, affected times. Higherproficiency participants devoted less time to formulation, concentrated formulation in the central stages of composing, and increased the interaction between formulation and other subprocesses. Fluent formulation was twice as common as problem-solving formulation when writing in L2 and five times as common in L1; these ratios appeared to be invariant across proficiency. Theoretical and methodological implications for the study of L2 writing processes are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The foreign language writer's strategic behaviour in the allocation of time to writing processes

Journal of Second Language Writing, 2008

Although composing has long been recognised as recursive, so far there have been few studies on t... more Although composing has long been recognised as recursive, so far there have been few studies on the temporal dimension of writing processes. This is regrettable given that one might expect the predominance of certain processes at different stages of writing at the expense of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Age/order of acquisition effects and the cumulative learning of foreign words: A word training study

Journal of Memory and Language, 2011

Early acquired words are processed faster than later acquired words in lexical and semantic tasks... more Early acquired words are processed faster than later acquired words in lexical and semantic tasks. Demonstrating such age of acquisition (AoA) effects beyond reasonable doubt, and then investigating those effects empirically, is complicated by the natural correlation between AoA and other word properties such as frequency and imageability. In an effort to find a laboratory analog of AoA effects which would allow such issues to be addressed more easily, we conducted three experiments in which participants learned foreign words, with some ('early') words trained from the outset while other ('late') words were introduced some time later then interleaved with the early words. Order of acquisition effects were observed in picture naming, lexical decision and semantic categorization, persisting for several weeks after the end of training. The results demonstrate an important role for order of acquisition in the formation of lexical representations that is independent of other factors such as cumulative frequency, frequency trajectory and imageability. Analyses of cumulative learning effects offer the potential to investigate the differential impact of early and later experiences on the formation of lexical and other mental representations. The discovery of order of acquisition effects in word learning also has implications for classroom teaching of second language vocabulary.

Research paper thumbnail of Adquisición De Información Ortográfica y Mecanismos De Recodificación Fonológica: Nuevas Implicaciones Para El Modelo De …



Research paper thumbnail of ¿ Por qué es más complicado distinguir entre" berenjena" y" berengena" que entre" escabeche" y" escaveche"?

XXV Congreso Internacional de …, 2007


Research paper thumbnail of Influencia Del Nivel De Alexitimia en El Procesamiento De Estímulos Emocionales en Una Tarea Stroop

Research paper thumbnail of Name–picture verification as a control measure for object naming: A task analysis and norms for a large set of pictures

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2009

The name–picture verification task is widely used in spoken production studies to control for non... more The name–picture verification task is widely used in spoken production studies to control for nonlexical differences between picture sets. In this task a word is presented first and followed, after a pause, by a picture. Participants must then make a speeded decision on whether both word and picture refer to the same object. Using regression analyses, we systematically explored the characteristics of this task by assessing the independent contribution of a series of factors that have been found relevant for picture naming in previous studies. We found that, for “match” responses, both visual and conceptual factors played a role, but lexical variables were not significant contributors. No clear pattern emerged from the analysis of “no-match” responses. We interpret these results as validating the use of “match” latencies as control variables in studies or spoken production using picture naming. Norms for match and no-match responses for 396 line drawings taken from Cycowicz, Friedman...