A. Jawien - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by A. Jawien

Research paper thumbnail of Rola Zabiegów Fizjoterapeutycznych I Pielęgnacyjnych W Leczeniu Owrzodzeń I Obrzęków W Przewlekłej Niewydolności …

Nowiny …, 2005

... MARIA T. SZEWCZYK1, JUSTYNA CWAJDA1, KATARZYNA CIERZNIAKOWSKA1, ZBIGNIEW BANASZKIEWICZ2, ARKA... more ... MARIA T. SZEWCZYK1, JUSTYNA CWAJDA1, KATARZYNA CIERZNIAKOWSKA1, ZBIGNIEW BANASZKIEWICZ2, ARKADIUSZ JAWIEŃ2 ... żył powierzchownych – ułoże-nie ściany naczyń w rozstępach i szczelinach narządu ruchu narzuca tę rolę mięśniom łydki, z których czyni ...

Research paper thumbnail of Venous symptoms in C0 and C1 patients: UIP consensus document

International angiology : a journal of the International Union of Angiology, 2013

This UIP document provides an update on venous symptoms in CO and C1 patients. The correlation be... more This UIP document provides an update on venous symptoms in CO and C1 patients. The correlation between venous symptoms and the presence of telangiectases and/or reticular veins is one of the most controversial topics in chronic venous disorders. As symptoms may be non-specific of chronic venous disease, it is important to differentiate venous symptoms from symptoms of other causes. Some data from the Bonn Vein Study suggest that the risk to develop venous symptoms is increased in women, advanced age and obesity. Treatment is based on physical advice, elastic compression, venoactive drugs, sclerotherapy, correction of foot static disorders and reduction of body weight. Future research should be promoted on venous symptoms in epidemiological and follow-up studies, about the relationship between female hormone levels and symptomatic telangiectasias, and between venous pain and foot static disorders in C0s C1s patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Thrombogenicity of gelatine impregnated vascular grafts--an experimental study

VASA. Zeitschrift fur Gefasskrankheiten, 1992

Acute platelet deposition on a knitted Dacron graft impregnated with gelatine to confer zero poro... more Acute platelet deposition on a knitted Dacron graft impregnated with gelatine to confer zero porosity was compared to a standard knitted Dacron graft. The accumulation of platelets was assessed by reinfusion of 111In labelled platelets and imaging with a scintillation camera. The accumulation of platelets was significantly higher on the sealed grafts at the beginning of the experiments but a steady-state was rapidly achieved and no differences was observed regarding the patency.

Research paper thumbnail of Nautilus survey on chronic venous diseases

AIM The large diffusion of venous disease (CVD) has been confirmed by several epidemiological stu... more AIM The large diffusion of venous disease (CVD) has been confirmed by several epidemiological studies in Europe and the USA. Since general practitioners (GPs) are the first segment of the population to evaluate for CVD, the Italian Project Nautilus (concerning vascular prevention) organized a monitoring campaign in 2009 with the aim of studying CVD using the CEAP classification criteria. METHODS More than 1000 GPs were included in the survey. The study produced anamnestic and clinical data on more than 10,000 patients with CVD divided into three age segments: </=30 years; 31-60 years; >60 years. Of these results, 83% were considered valid for a statistical evaluation. RESULTS The prevalent population in CVD includes adult and aging subjects; four out of five are women. The number of pregnancies is the first risk or predisposing factor in the adult population, and prolonged standing is the first cause in younger subjects. Excess weight and previous thromboses, either superficia...

Research paper thumbnail of Experience with Doppler investigations in vibration syndrome

The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of applying Doppler flowmetry in diagnosing ... more The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of applying Doppler flowmetry in diagnosing vascular changes in workers exposed to vibration. Polish, directional, continuous-wave Doppler apparatus UDP-10, has been used for evaluation of multisegmental blood pressure, velocity flow tracing and for making an ultrasonic "map" of the upper limbs. The thermal test used in this investigation allowed us to distinguish functional and organic alterations in the hand arteries. The present study has been performed in 113 workers, employed in an iron casting company and exposed to vibration. The control group comprised 62 healthy men. Raynaud's phenomenon has been found in 34 workers. It has been confirmed that Doppler equipment is a safe, noninvasive technique, with a high percentage of diagnostic accuracy and is a great aid in establishing the severity of symptoms in patients with vasospastic disease. As a result of our study the diagram for diagnosing patients with vasospa...

Research paper thumbnail of Pielęgniarstwo Chirurgiczne i Angiologiczne


Cel pracy: Analiza i ocena przekonań na temat kontroli bólu u chorych z przewlekłym niedokrwienie... more Cel pracy: Analiza i ocena przekonań na temat kontroli bólu u chorych z przewlekłym niedokrwieniem kończyn dolnych. Materiał i metody: Badania prowadzono wśród 27 chorych z przewlekłym niedokrwieniem kończyn dolnych w Katedrze i Klinice Chirurgii Ogólnej Collegium ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of functional activity of patients with chronic venous insufficiency and leg ulcer

Post Dermatol i …, 2005

... Maria T. Szewczyk, Arkadiusz Jawień, Katarzyna Cierzniakowska, Justyna Cwajda, Kornelia Kędzi... more ... Maria T. Szewczyk, Arkadiusz Jawień, Katarzyna Cierzniakowska, Justyna Cwajda, Kornelia Kędziora-Kornatowska, Paulina Mościcka, Ilona ... nieparametryczny test Pearsona Chi 2 (porównanie częstości wyboru poszczególnych wariantów odpowiedzi w obu badanych grupach ...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of the effectiveness of compression stockings and layer compression systems in venous ulceration treatment

Archives of Medical Science, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Identifying and treating foot ulcers in patients with diabetes: saving feet, legs and lives

Journal of wound care, May 1, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Epidemiology of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) in Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Management of Patients With Venous Leg Ulcers: Challenges and Current Best Practice

Journal of wound care, Jun 1, 2016

Introduction It is well documented that the prevalence of venous leg ulcers (VLUs) is increasing,... more Introduction It is well documented that the prevalence of venous leg ulcers (VLUs) is increasing, coinciding with an ageing population. Accurate global prevalence of VLUs is difficult to estimate due to the range of methodologies used in studies and accuracy of reporting. (1) Venous ulceration is the most common type of leg ulceration and a significant clinical problem, affecting approximately 1% of the population and 3% of people over 80 years of age (2) in westernised countries. Moreover, the global prevalence of VLUs is predicted to escalate dramatically, as people are living longer, often with multiple comorbidities. Recent figures on the prevalence of VLUs are based on a small number of studies, conducted in Western countries, and the evidence is weak. However, it is estimated that 93% of VLUs will heal in 12 months, and 7% remain unhealed after five years. (3) Furthermore, the recurrence rate within 3 months after wound closure is as high as 70%. (4) (-6) Thus, cost-effective ...

Research paper thumbnail of Nautilus survey on chronic venous diseases

Panminerva medica, 2010

The large diffusion of venous disease (CVD) has been confirmed by several epidemiological studies... more The large diffusion of venous disease (CVD) has been confirmed by several epidemiological studies in Europe and the USA. Since general practitioners (GPs) are the first segment of the population to evaluate for CVD, the Italian Project Nautilus (concerning vascular prevention) organized a monitoring campaign in 2009 with the aim of studying CVD using the CEAP classification criteria. More than 1000 GPs were included in the survey. The study produced anamnestic and clinical data on more than 10,000 patients with CVD divided into three age segments: </=30 years; 31-60 years; >60 years. Of these results, 83% were considered valid for a statistical evaluation. The prevalent population in CVD includes adult and aging subjects; four out of five are women. The number of pregnancies is the first risk or predisposing factor in the adult population, and prolonged standing is the first cause in younger subjects. Excess weight and previous thromboses, either superficial (SVT) or deep (DVT...

Research paper thumbnail of Gastroduodenal reflux before and after wheat bran therapy of constipative form of irritable bowel syndrome

Research paper thumbnail of Cholangioscintigraphy evaluation of gastroduodenal reflux in patients with irritable bowel syndrome

Research paper thumbnail of Zarzucanie Dwunastniczo-Zoladkowe U Chorych Z Zespolem Jelita Nadwrazliwego Leczonych Pszennymi Otrebami

Research paper thumbnail of Treatment of venous valve incompetence: past, current, and future

Research paper thumbnail of Unmet needs in the assessment of symptoms and signs related to chronic venous disease

ABSTRACT Chronic venous disease (CVD) is a disorder highly prevalent among populations of western... more ABSTRACT Chronic venous disease (CVD) is a disorder highly prevalent among populations of western countries and with which both general practitioners and specialists have to deal. This disease that induces pain, discomfort and significant alteration of the quality of life for the affected patient, lacks specific and consensual instruments able to adequately assess its signs and symptoms. This article presents these needs that are still unmet in clinical practice and that relate to the tools currently available for the assessment of the therapeutic efficacy of drugs on the disease symptoms and signs. Suggestions are presented regarding new endpoints and tools to be used in further clinical trials aimed to assess the effect of therapies on CVD, in particular studies with Daflon 500 mg.

Research paper thumbnail of Sciatic Nerve Varices

European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Prevention of serious vascular events by aspirin amongst patients with peripheral arterial disease: randomized, double-blind trial

Journal of Internal Medicine, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Platelet-derived Growth Factor Promotes Smooth Muscle Migration and Intimal Thickening in a Rat Model of Balloon Angioplasty

Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a mitogen and che-moattractant for vascular smooth muscl... more Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a mitogen and che-moattractant for vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) in vitro, but its activities in vivo remain largely undefined. We infused recombinant PDGF-BB (0.01-0.30 mg/kg per d i.v.) into rats subjected to carotid injury. PDGF-BB produced a small increase (two-to threefold) in medial SMC proliferation. More importantly, PDGF-BB greatly increased (20-fold) the intimal thickening and the migration of SMC from the media to the intima during the first 7 d after injury. These data provide support for the hypothesis that PDGF, and perhaps other platelet factors, might play an important role in the movement of mesen-chymal cells into zones of injury undergoing repair. (J. Clin. Invest. 1992. 89:507-511.) Key words: platelet-derived growth factor * intimal hyperplasia * arteriosclerosis * chemotaxis mitogenesis

Research paper thumbnail of Rola Zabiegów Fizjoterapeutycznych I Pielęgnacyjnych W Leczeniu Owrzodzeń I Obrzęków W Przewlekłej Niewydolności …

Nowiny …, 2005

... MARIA T. SZEWCZYK1, JUSTYNA CWAJDA1, KATARZYNA CIERZNIAKOWSKA1, ZBIGNIEW BANASZKIEWICZ2, ARKA... more ... MARIA T. SZEWCZYK1, JUSTYNA CWAJDA1, KATARZYNA CIERZNIAKOWSKA1, ZBIGNIEW BANASZKIEWICZ2, ARKADIUSZ JAWIEŃ2 ... żył powierzchownych – ułoże-nie ściany naczyń w rozstępach i szczelinach narządu ruchu narzuca tę rolę mięśniom łydki, z których czyni ...

Research paper thumbnail of Venous symptoms in C0 and C1 patients: UIP consensus document

International angiology : a journal of the International Union of Angiology, 2013

This UIP document provides an update on venous symptoms in CO and C1 patients. The correlation be... more This UIP document provides an update on venous symptoms in CO and C1 patients. The correlation between venous symptoms and the presence of telangiectases and/or reticular veins is one of the most controversial topics in chronic venous disorders. As symptoms may be non-specific of chronic venous disease, it is important to differentiate venous symptoms from symptoms of other causes. Some data from the Bonn Vein Study suggest that the risk to develop venous symptoms is increased in women, advanced age and obesity. Treatment is based on physical advice, elastic compression, venoactive drugs, sclerotherapy, correction of foot static disorders and reduction of body weight. Future research should be promoted on venous symptoms in epidemiological and follow-up studies, about the relationship between female hormone levels and symptomatic telangiectasias, and between venous pain and foot static disorders in C0s C1s patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Thrombogenicity of gelatine impregnated vascular grafts--an experimental study

VASA. Zeitschrift fur Gefasskrankheiten, 1992

Acute platelet deposition on a knitted Dacron graft impregnated with gelatine to confer zero poro... more Acute platelet deposition on a knitted Dacron graft impregnated with gelatine to confer zero porosity was compared to a standard knitted Dacron graft. The accumulation of platelets was assessed by reinfusion of 111In labelled platelets and imaging with a scintillation camera. The accumulation of platelets was significantly higher on the sealed grafts at the beginning of the experiments but a steady-state was rapidly achieved and no differences was observed regarding the patency.

Research paper thumbnail of Nautilus survey on chronic venous diseases

AIM The large diffusion of venous disease (CVD) has been confirmed by several epidemiological stu... more AIM The large diffusion of venous disease (CVD) has been confirmed by several epidemiological studies in Europe and the USA. Since general practitioners (GPs) are the first segment of the population to evaluate for CVD, the Italian Project Nautilus (concerning vascular prevention) organized a monitoring campaign in 2009 with the aim of studying CVD using the CEAP classification criteria. METHODS More than 1000 GPs were included in the survey. The study produced anamnestic and clinical data on more than 10,000 patients with CVD divided into three age segments: </=30 years; 31-60 years; >60 years. Of these results, 83% were considered valid for a statistical evaluation. RESULTS The prevalent population in CVD includes adult and aging subjects; four out of five are women. The number of pregnancies is the first risk or predisposing factor in the adult population, and prolonged standing is the first cause in younger subjects. Excess weight and previous thromboses, either superficia...

Research paper thumbnail of Experience with Doppler investigations in vibration syndrome

The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of applying Doppler flowmetry in diagnosing ... more The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of applying Doppler flowmetry in diagnosing vascular changes in workers exposed to vibration. Polish, directional, continuous-wave Doppler apparatus UDP-10, has been used for evaluation of multisegmental blood pressure, velocity flow tracing and for making an ultrasonic "map" of the upper limbs. The thermal test used in this investigation allowed us to distinguish functional and organic alterations in the hand arteries. The present study has been performed in 113 workers, employed in an iron casting company and exposed to vibration. The control group comprised 62 healthy men. Raynaud's phenomenon has been found in 34 workers. It has been confirmed that Doppler equipment is a safe, noninvasive technique, with a high percentage of diagnostic accuracy and is a great aid in establishing the severity of symptoms in patients with vasospastic disease. As a result of our study the diagram for diagnosing patients with vasospa...

Research paper thumbnail of Pielęgniarstwo Chirurgiczne i Angiologiczne


Cel pracy: Analiza i ocena przekonań na temat kontroli bólu u chorych z przewlekłym niedokrwienie... more Cel pracy: Analiza i ocena przekonań na temat kontroli bólu u chorych z przewlekłym niedokrwieniem kończyn dolnych. Materiał i metody: Badania prowadzono wśród 27 chorych z przewlekłym niedokrwieniem kończyn dolnych w Katedrze i Klinice Chirurgii Ogólnej Collegium ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of functional activity of patients with chronic venous insufficiency and leg ulcer

Post Dermatol i …, 2005

... Maria T. Szewczyk, Arkadiusz Jawień, Katarzyna Cierzniakowska, Justyna Cwajda, Kornelia Kędzi... more ... Maria T. Szewczyk, Arkadiusz Jawień, Katarzyna Cierzniakowska, Justyna Cwajda, Kornelia Kędziora-Kornatowska, Paulina Mościcka, Ilona ... nieparametryczny test Pearsona Chi 2 (porównanie częstości wyboru poszczególnych wariantów odpowiedzi w obu badanych grupach ...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of the effectiveness of compression stockings and layer compression systems in venous ulceration treatment

Archives of Medical Science, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Identifying and treating foot ulcers in patients with diabetes: saving feet, legs and lives

Journal of wound care, May 1, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Epidemiology of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) in Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Management of Patients With Venous Leg Ulcers: Challenges and Current Best Practice

Journal of wound care, Jun 1, 2016

Introduction It is well documented that the prevalence of venous leg ulcers (VLUs) is increasing,... more Introduction It is well documented that the prevalence of venous leg ulcers (VLUs) is increasing, coinciding with an ageing population. Accurate global prevalence of VLUs is difficult to estimate due to the range of methodologies used in studies and accuracy of reporting. (1) Venous ulceration is the most common type of leg ulceration and a significant clinical problem, affecting approximately 1% of the population and 3% of people over 80 years of age (2) in westernised countries. Moreover, the global prevalence of VLUs is predicted to escalate dramatically, as people are living longer, often with multiple comorbidities. Recent figures on the prevalence of VLUs are based on a small number of studies, conducted in Western countries, and the evidence is weak. However, it is estimated that 93% of VLUs will heal in 12 months, and 7% remain unhealed after five years. (3) Furthermore, the recurrence rate within 3 months after wound closure is as high as 70%. (4) (-6) Thus, cost-effective ...

Research paper thumbnail of Nautilus survey on chronic venous diseases

Panminerva medica, 2010

The large diffusion of venous disease (CVD) has been confirmed by several epidemiological studies... more The large diffusion of venous disease (CVD) has been confirmed by several epidemiological studies in Europe and the USA. Since general practitioners (GPs) are the first segment of the population to evaluate for CVD, the Italian Project Nautilus (concerning vascular prevention) organized a monitoring campaign in 2009 with the aim of studying CVD using the CEAP classification criteria. More than 1000 GPs were included in the survey. The study produced anamnestic and clinical data on more than 10,000 patients with CVD divided into three age segments: </=30 years; 31-60 years; >60 years. Of these results, 83% were considered valid for a statistical evaluation. The prevalent population in CVD includes adult and aging subjects; four out of five are women. The number of pregnancies is the first risk or predisposing factor in the adult population, and prolonged standing is the first cause in younger subjects. Excess weight and previous thromboses, either superficial (SVT) or deep (DVT...

Research paper thumbnail of Gastroduodenal reflux before and after wheat bran therapy of constipative form of irritable bowel syndrome

Research paper thumbnail of Cholangioscintigraphy evaluation of gastroduodenal reflux in patients with irritable bowel syndrome

Research paper thumbnail of Zarzucanie Dwunastniczo-Zoladkowe U Chorych Z Zespolem Jelita Nadwrazliwego Leczonych Pszennymi Otrebami

Research paper thumbnail of Treatment of venous valve incompetence: past, current, and future

Research paper thumbnail of Unmet needs in the assessment of symptoms and signs related to chronic venous disease

ABSTRACT Chronic venous disease (CVD) is a disorder highly prevalent among populations of western... more ABSTRACT Chronic venous disease (CVD) is a disorder highly prevalent among populations of western countries and with which both general practitioners and specialists have to deal. This disease that induces pain, discomfort and significant alteration of the quality of life for the affected patient, lacks specific and consensual instruments able to adequately assess its signs and symptoms. This article presents these needs that are still unmet in clinical practice and that relate to the tools currently available for the assessment of the therapeutic efficacy of drugs on the disease symptoms and signs. Suggestions are presented regarding new endpoints and tools to be used in further clinical trials aimed to assess the effect of therapies on CVD, in particular studies with Daflon 500 mg.

Research paper thumbnail of Sciatic Nerve Varices

European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Prevention of serious vascular events by aspirin amongst patients with peripheral arterial disease: randomized, double-blind trial

Journal of Internal Medicine, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Platelet-derived Growth Factor Promotes Smooth Muscle Migration and Intimal Thickening in a Rat Model of Balloon Angioplasty

Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a mitogen and che-moattractant for vascular smooth muscl... more Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a mitogen and che-moattractant for vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) in vitro, but its activities in vivo remain largely undefined. We infused recombinant PDGF-BB (0.01-0.30 mg/kg per d i.v.) into rats subjected to carotid injury. PDGF-BB produced a small increase (two-to threefold) in medial SMC proliferation. More importantly, PDGF-BB greatly increased (20-fold) the intimal thickening and the migration of SMC from the media to the intima during the first 7 d after injury. These data provide support for the hypothesis that PDGF, and perhaps other platelet factors, might play an important role in the movement of mesen-chymal cells into zones of injury undergoing repair. (J. Clin. Invest. 1992. 89:507-511.) Key words: platelet-derived growth factor * intimal hyperplasia * arteriosclerosis * chemotaxis mitogenesis