Jean Woloszko - (original) (raw)
Papers by Jean Woloszko
Energy-based Treatment of Tissue and Assessment IX, 2017
Data were previously reported on studies of the effects of electrical discharges on the corrosion... more Data were previously reported on studies of the effects of electrical discharges on the corrosion and wear of simple, single-wire test devices immersed in isotonic saline 1 . This work showed that there are a wide variety of mechanisms that can explain various aspects of electrode mass loss, even with very simple electrode geometries and operating conditions. It was found that the electrode material composition played an important role. Subsequently, our studies were expanded to include more realistic device geometries and operating conditions. This paper shows the results of studies on wear characteristics of electrodes made from a variety of highly corrosion resistant metals and alloys, including Waspaloy, Hastelloy, Inconel, Havar, Monel, and other pure metals such as Hafnium. All of these metals underwent wear testing under clinically relevant conditions. Depending on the operating conditions, multiple discrete physical and chemical effects were observed at different locations on the surface of an individual millimeter-scale device electrode. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs, Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and area loss data will be presented for a variety of test conditions and electrode materials.
Energy-based Treatment of Tissue and Assessment VIII, 2015
Coblation® is an electrosurgical technology which employs electrically-excited electrodes in the ... more Coblation® is an electrosurgical technology which employs electrically-excited electrodes in the presence of saline solution to produce a localized and ionized plasma that can cut, ablate, and otherwise treat tissues for many different surgical needs. To improve our understanding of how Coblation plasmas develop from devices made from different electrode materials we describe several experiments designed to elucidate material effects. Initial experiments studied simple, noncommercial cylindrical electrode test devices operating in buffered isotonic saline without applied suction. The applied RF voltage, approximately 300 V RMS, was sufficient to form glow discharges around the active electrodes. The devices exhibited significantly different operating characteristics, which we ascribe to the differing oxidation tendencies and other physical properties of the electrode materials. Parameters measured include RMS voltage and current, instantaneous voltage and current, temporally-resolved light emission and optical emission spectra, and electrode mass-loss measurements. We correlate these measured properties with some of the bulk characteristics of the electrode materials such as work functions, standard reduction potentials and sputter yields.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 1998
Tissue reactions to implantable pacemaker leads were investigated in an early infection model in ... more Tissue reactions to implantable pacemaker leads were investigated in an early infection model in rabbits. Both standard leads and surface-modified leads were used. The surface modification technique was applied to achieve controlled release of the antibiotic gentamicin. The insulating polyurethane tubing material of the leads was provided with an acrylic acid/acrylamide copolymer surface graft and then loaded with gentamicin. Implantation periods varied from day 4, to week 3 1/2, to week 10. We investigated tissue reactions in the absence of an infectious challenge and also the efficacy of surface-modified leads in preventing infection after challenge with Staphylococcus aureus was evaluated. It was demonstrated that the applied surface modification did not induce adverse effects although during early postimplantation an increase in infiltration of granulocytes and macrophages and wound fluid and fibrin deposition were observed. After bacterial challenge, standard leads were heavily infected at each explantation period, denoted by abscesses, cellular debris, and bacterial colonies. In contrast, little or no infection was observed, either macroscopically or by bacterial cultures, with the surface-modified leads. Microscopy showed little evidence of the bacterial challenge, and that primarily at day 4. It was concluded that the applied surface modification demonstrated enhanced infection resistance and thus represents a sound approach to the battle against infectious complications with biomaterials.
Journal of Biomechanics, Mar 1, 1993
Proceedings of SPIE, Jun 14, 2002
Laser energy has been shown to be effective in skin resurfacing and other dermatologic surgery pr... more Laser energy has been shown to be effective in skin resurfacing and other dermatologic surgery procedures, but it operates at relatively high temperatures (200-600°C). Lasers produce mid-to far-infrared energy that is absorbed primarily by tissue water and peptide bonds. The resulting localized tissue heating and vaporization produces tissue ablation with a residual thermal injury to the lower dermis. Traditional radiofrequency (RF) devices also use extreme heat (400-600 °C) to abruptly vaporize intracellular and extracellular fluids and cause tissue desiccation. In contrast, a new technology, Coblation®, utilizes a unique method of delivering RF energy for soft tissue removal applications in medicine, including dermatological surgery. Coblation uses bipolar wands to energize the particles in a conductive saline solution surrounding the target tissue to form a plasma field. The plasma has enough energy to break the tissue’s molecular bonds, creating an ablative path with minimal thermal effects (45-90 °C). Collateral tissue damage and tissue healing were investigated in several clinical studies, and compared to those observed with conventional electrosurgery. There was significantly less collateral tissue damage, less inflammation, and faster wound healing in Coblation-treated tissues. In a multicenter clinical study, Coblation was used for skin resurfacing for the treatment of facial wrinkles and provided statistically significant wrinkle improvement. When compared to CO2 laser, the decreased thermal effects of Coblation has led to less pain and faster recovery for most patients, yet the effect was enough to both stimulate new collagen production and to shrink collagen fibers. Coblation has the potential to be applied in most procedures where lasers have been used in the past in cosmetic and dermatological applications.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2002
Characteristics of plasmas formed by repetitively-pulsed electrical discharges in sodium chloride... more Characteristics of plasmas formed by repetitively-pulsed electrical discharges in sodium chloride and barium chloride saline solutions are reported. Spectroscopic observations in conjunction with an analysis of the voltage and current behavior of the discharge lead to a model in which the liquid is vaporized and ionized to form a plasma containing excited water fragments H* and OH* as well as ions and neutrals from the salt. For typical conditions under which plasma is formed, the plasma density is estimated to be of order 10 12 cm 3 and the electron temperature about 4 eV.
An electrosurgical wand. At least some of the illustrative embodiments are electrosurgical rods i... more An electrosurgical wand. At least some of the illustrative embodiments are electrosurgical rods include an elongated housing including a handle end and a distal end, a first outlet port at the distal end of the elongated housing, a first active electrode is made of conductive material, which is disposed at the distal end of the elongated housing a first neutral electrode of conductive material disposed in the first fluid line, and a suction opening at the distal end of the elongated housing, which is connected in fluid communication with a second liquid conduit has.
L'invention concerne des systemes et des procedes pour appliquer une tension haute frequence ... more L'invention concerne des systemes et des procedes pour appliquer une tension haute frequence en presence d'un fluide electriquement conducteur afin de creer un plasma a temperature relativement faible en vue de l'ablation d'un tissu adjacent au plasma ou en contact avec celui-ci. Dans un mode de realisation, une sonde ou un catheter electrochirurgical est place a proximite du site cible de sorte qu'une ou plusieurs electrodes actives soient mises en contact avec un tissu cible ou se trouvent a proximite immediate de celui-ci en presence d'un fluide electriquement conducteur. Une tension haute frequence est ensuite appliquee entre la ou les electrodes actives et une ou plusieurs electrodes de retour afin de generer de facon non thermique un plasma a proximite immediate des electrodes actives et de retirer ou ablater volumetriquement au moins une partie du tissu cible. La tension haute frequence genere des champs electriques autour des electrodes actives avec u...
L'invention concerne des appareils et des procedes permettant de faire avancer et de retracte... more L'invention concerne des appareils et des procedes permettant de faire avancer et de retracter un instrument medical dans un introducteur. L'instrument comprend une extremite distale (909), une premiere courbe distale (924), une partie d'intercourbe sensiblement lineaire (925), et une seconde courbe proximale (926). La longueur de la partie lineaire distale et l'angle de la premiere courbe determinent la position de l'extremite distale dans une lumiere de l'introducteur, de sorte que l'extremite distale occupe une position centrale transversale a l'interieur de la lumiere et que l'extremite distale ne soit pas en contact avec le dispositif. La longueur de la partie intercourbe et l'angle de la seconde courbe determinent l'ecart de l'extremite distale par rapport a l'axe longitudinal de la queue de l'instrument lorsque la seconde courbe a une extension distale qui va au-dela d'une extremite distale de l'introducteur. L&#...
L'invention concerne des systemes, un appareil et des procedes destines a appliquer selective... more L'invention concerne des systemes, un appareil et des procedes destines a appliquer selectivement une energie electrique a un tissu biologique afin d'executer une ablation, de contracter, de coaguler, ou encore de modifier un tissu ou un organe cible d'un patient. Un appareil electrochirurgical de l'invention comprend une tige presentant un support d'electrode articule au niveau d'une extremite distale de la tige, le support d'electrode portant une electrode active sur une surface inferieure dudit support d'electrode, une electrode de retour se presentant sous la forme d'un tube, et un plateau de tube de retour electro-isolant fixe au tube, le tube etant adapte pour fournir un fluide electroconducteur entre l'electrode active et l'electrode de retour. La sonde peut adopter une configuration fermee ou une configuration ouverte. La configuration fermee est adaptee pour serrer, coaguler et executer une ablation d'un tissu cible tandis que...
L'invention concerne un appareil et un systeme electrochirurgicaux bipolaires de generation d... more L'invention concerne un appareil et un systeme electrochirurgicaux bipolaires de generation de plasma dans lesquels l'electrode de reference est contenue dans un arbre electrochirurgical, et l'electrode active est situee sur la surface exterieure de l'arbre de sorte que lors du traitement du tissu, le tissu est expose au plasma genere sur l'electrode active, mais est minimalement expose aux champs electriques generes entre les electrodes active et de reference. Compte tenu de la configuration des electrodes, des champs electriques generes entre les electrodes sont eloignes du tissu cible et interieurement en direction de l'electrode de reference dans l'arbre, moyennant quoi la stimulation electrique des structures neuromusculaires dans le tissu par les champs electriques est minimisee.
L'invention concerne des systemes, des appareils et des procedes permettant de dissequer, res... more L'invention concerne des systemes, des appareils et des procedes permettant de dissequer, resequer, sectionner, couper, retrecir, coaguler, ou modifier d'une autre facon un tissu ou un organe d'un patient. Un appareil de l'invention comprend une sonde electrochirurgicale pouvant presenter une configuration ouverte ou une configuration fermee, ladite sonde comprenant une borne d'electrode active, une electrode de retour fixe disposee de facon proximale par rapport a la borne d'electrode active, et une electrode de retour mobile configuree de facon a se deplacer de maniere lineaire par rapport a ladite borne d'electrode active, pour conferer a la sonde sa configuration ouverte ou sa configuration fermee. Un procede de l'invention consiste a clamper un vaisseau sanguin entre la borne d'electrode active et l'electrode de retour mobile, a coaguler le vaisseau sanguin clampe par application d'une premiere tension a frequence elevee, et a section...
La presente invention concerne des procedures electrochirurgicales. Au moins certains des exemple... more La presente invention concerne des procedures electrochirurgicales. Au moins certains des exemples de procedes comprennent : la fourniture d'energie a une electrode active d'un crayon electrochirurgical, la fourniture d'energie a l'electrode active par un dispositif de commande electrochirurgical ; la surveillance d'un parametre electrique associe a l'energie ; et la determination, sur la base du parametre electrique, de la presence d'un etat de crayon du crayon electrochirurgical, l'etat de crayon etant au moins l'un choisi dans le groupe constitue de : une surface de l'electrode active est inferieure a une surface de seuil predeterminee ; la surface de l'electrode active est proche de la surface de seuil predeterminee ; et le crayon electrochirurgical est affecte par un blocage.
Electrosurgical procedures and systems. At least some of the exemplary embodiments are methods of... more Electrosurgical procedures and systems. At least some of the exemplary embodiments are methods of maintaining the plasma close to an active electrode at a first energy and a second energy include. During periods when plasma is near the active electrode, the example method may control which is pulled into an opening of an electrosurgical rod of the fluid flow, include, and in some situations, increasing the is pulled into the opening in response to fluid flow, that the active electrode is in operational relationship with fabric, and in other cases, lowering of being drawn into the opening in response to the active electrode is in operative relation with the tissue of the liquid flow. Further, the exemplary method may during periods when plasma is near the active electrode comprises providing energy at a standard power target value, and then providing power at a second power set value.
La presente invention concerne des systemes (11) et des methodes qui permettent d'appliquer d... more La presente invention concerne des systemes (11) et des methodes qui permettent d'appliquer de facon selective une energie electrique a un emplacement cible dans la tete, le cou d'un patient, en particulier dans les tissus de l'oreille, du nez et de la gorge. Cette invention comprend une technique canalisante dans laquelle on forme de petits trous ou canaux dans les structures des tissus de la bouche, tels que les amygdales, la langue, le palais et le voile du palais. L'energie thermique est appliquee a la surface des tissus immediatement voisins de ces trous ou canaux afin de causer des degradation thermiques a la surface de ces tissus, renforcant ainsi la structure des tissus voisins. On a decouvert qu'un tel renfort de certaines structures de tissus de la bouche et de la gorge aidait a empecher la structure des tissus de boucher les voies aeriennes du patient durant son sommeil.
An electrosurgical wand. At least some of the exemplary embodiments are electrosurgical rods comp... more An electrosurgical wand. At least some of the exemplary embodiments are electrosurgical rods comprising an elongate shank defining a handle end and a distal end, a first outlet port at the distal end of the elongate shaft, a first active electrode is made of conductive material, which is disposed at the distal end of the elongated shaft wherein the first active electrode having an edge feature, a first neutral electrode of leitfahigern material, which is arranged at a substantially constant distance from the first active electrode and a suction opening at the distal end of the elongate shaft which is in fluid communication with a second fluid line , respectively.
The present disclosure includes an electrosurgical device for treating tissue at a target site. T... more The present disclosure includes an electrosurgical device for treating tissue at a target site. The device has a shaft with a proximal end and a distal part, the distal part comprising a neutral electrode and an electrode carrier. There is also at least one active electrode on the distal part of the shaft, which has a proximal part and a distal part and a plurality of suction openings arranged therebetween. These openings are fluidly connected to a suction cavity located within the electrode carrier and the cavity is connected to a fluid suction element positioned along the shaft. The plurality of openings vary in size and are generally arranged such that the larger openings are arranged towards the proximal part of the electrode and the smaller openings are generally arranged towards the distal part of the electrode.
Energy-based Treatment of Tissue and Assessment IX, 2017
Data were previously reported on studies of the effects of electrical discharges on the corrosion... more Data were previously reported on studies of the effects of electrical discharges on the corrosion and wear of simple, single-wire test devices immersed in isotonic saline 1 . This work showed that there are a wide variety of mechanisms that can explain various aspects of electrode mass loss, even with very simple electrode geometries and operating conditions. It was found that the electrode material composition played an important role. Subsequently, our studies were expanded to include more realistic device geometries and operating conditions. This paper shows the results of studies on wear characteristics of electrodes made from a variety of highly corrosion resistant metals and alloys, including Waspaloy, Hastelloy, Inconel, Havar, Monel, and other pure metals such as Hafnium. All of these metals underwent wear testing under clinically relevant conditions. Depending on the operating conditions, multiple discrete physical and chemical effects were observed at different locations on the surface of an individual millimeter-scale device electrode. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs, Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and area loss data will be presented for a variety of test conditions and electrode materials.
Energy-based Treatment of Tissue and Assessment VIII, 2015
Coblation® is an electrosurgical technology which employs electrically-excited electrodes in the ... more Coblation® is an electrosurgical technology which employs electrically-excited electrodes in the presence of saline solution to produce a localized and ionized plasma that can cut, ablate, and otherwise treat tissues for many different surgical needs. To improve our understanding of how Coblation plasmas develop from devices made from different electrode materials we describe several experiments designed to elucidate material effects. Initial experiments studied simple, noncommercial cylindrical electrode test devices operating in buffered isotonic saline without applied suction. The applied RF voltage, approximately 300 V RMS, was sufficient to form glow discharges around the active electrodes. The devices exhibited significantly different operating characteristics, which we ascribe to the differing oxidation tendencies and other physical properties of the electrode materials. Parameters measured include RMS voltage and current, instantaneous voltage and current, temporally-resolved light emission and optical emission spectra, and electrode mass-loss measurements. We correlate these measured properties with some of the bulk characteristics of the electrode materials such as work functions, standard reduction potentials and sputter yields.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 1998
Tissue reactions to implantable pacemaker leads were investigated in an early infection model in ... more Tissue reactions to implantable pacemaker leads were investigated in an early infection model in rabbits. Both standard leads and surface-modified leads were used. The surface modification technique was applied to achieve controlled release of the antibiotic gentamicin. The insulating polyurethane tubing material of the leads was provided with an acrylic acid/acrylamide copolymer surface graft and then loaded with gentamicin. Implantation periods varied from day 4, to week 3 1/2, to week 10. We investigated tissue reactions in the absence of an infectious challenge and also the efficacy of surface-modified leads in preventing infection after challenge with Staphylococcus aureus was evaluated. It was demonstrated that the applied surface modification did not induce adverse effects although during early postimplantation an increase in infiltration of granulocytes and macrophages and wound fluid and fibrin deposition were observed. After bacterial challenge, standard leads were heavily infected at each explantation period, denoted by abscesses, cellular debris, and bacterial colonies. In contrast, little or no infection was observed, either macroscopically or by bacterial cultures, with the surface-modified leads. Microscopy showed little evidence of the bacterial challenge, and that primarily at day 4. It was concluded that the applied surface modification demonstrated enhanced infection resistance and thus represents a sound approach to the battle against infectious complications with biomaterials.
Journal of Biomechanics, Mar 1, 1993
Proceedings of SPIE, Jun 14, 2002
Laser energy has been shown to be effective in skin resurfacing and other dermatologic surgery pr... more Laser energy has been shown to be effective in skin resurfacing and other dermatologic surgery procedures, but it operates at relatively high temperatures (200-600°C). Lasers produce mid-to far-infrared energy that is absorbed primarily by tissue water and peptide bonds. The resulting localized tissue heating and vaporization produces tissue ablation with a residual thermal injury to the lower dermis. Traditional radiofrequency (RF) devices also use extreme heat (400-600 °C) to abruptly vaporize intracellular and extracellular fluids and cause tissue desiccation. In contrast, a new technology, Coblation®, utilizes a unique method of delivering RF energy for soft tissue removal applications in medicine, including dermatological surgery. Coblation uses bipolar wands to energize the particles in a conductive saline solution surrounding the target tissue to form a plasma field. The plasma has enough energy to break the tissue’s molecular bonds, creating an ablative path with minimal thermal effects (45-90 °C). Collateral tissue damage and tissue healing were investigated in several clinical studies, and compared to those observed with conventional electrosurgery. There was significantly less collateral tissue damage, less inflammation, and faster wound healing in Coblation-treated tissues. In a multicenter clinical study, Coblation was used for skin resurfacing for the treatment of facial wrinkles and provided statistically significant wrinkle improvement. When compared to CO2 laser, the decreased thermal effects of Coblation has led to less pain and faster recovery for most patients, yet the effect was enough to both stimulate new collagen production and to shrink collagen fibers. Coblation has the potential to be applied in most procedures where lasers have been used in the past in cosmetic and dermatological applications.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2002
Characteristics of plasmas formed by repetitively-pulsed electrical discharges in sodium chloride... more Characteristics of plasmas formed by repetitively-pulsed electrical discharges in sodium chloride and barium chloride saline solutions are reported. Spectroscopic observations in conjunction with an analysis of the voltage and current behavior of the discharge lead to a model in which the liquid is vaporized and ionized to form a plasma containing excited water fragments H* and OH* as well as ions and neutrals from the salt. For typical conditions under which plasma is formed, the plasma density is estimated to be of order 10 12 cm 3 and the electron temperature about 4 eV.
An electrosurgical wand. At least some of the illustrative embodiments are electrosurgical rods i... more An electrosurgical wand. At least some of the illustrative embodiments are electrosurgical rods include an elongated housing including a handle end and a distal end, a first outlet port at the distal end of the elongated housing, a first active electrode is made of conductive material, which is disposed at the distal end of the elongated housing a first neutral electrode of conductive material disposed in the first fluid line, and a suction opening at the distal end of the elongated housing, which is connected in fluid communication with a second liquid conduit has.
L'invention concerne des systemes et des procedes pour appliquer une tension haute frequence ... more L'invention concerne des systemes et des procedes pour appliquer une tension haute frequence en presence d'un fluide electriquement conducteur afin de creer un plasma a temperature relativement faible en vue de l'ablation d'un tissu adjacent au plasma ou en contact avec celui-ci. Dans un mode de realisation, une sonde ou un catheter electrochirurgical est place a proximite du site cible de sorte qu'une ou plusieurs electrodes actives soient mises en contact avec un tissu cible ou se trouvent a proximite immediate de celui-ci en presence d'un fluide electriquement conducteur. Une tension haute frequence est ensuite appliquee entre la ou les electrodes actives et une ou plusieurs electrodes de retour afin de generer de facon non thermique un plasma a proximite immediate des electrodes actives et de retirer ou ablater volumetriquement au moins une partie du tissu cible. La tension haute frequence genere des champs electriques autour des electrodes actives avec u...
L'invention concerne des appareils et des procedes permettant de faire avancer et de retracte... more L'invention concerne des appareils et des procedes permettant de faire avancer et de retracter un instrument medical dans un introducteur. L'instrument comprend une extremite distale (909), une premiere courbe distale (924), une partie d'intercourbe sensiblement lineaire (925), et une seconde courbe proximale (926). La longueur de la partie lineaire distale et l'angle de la premiere courbe determinent la position de l'extremite distale dans une lumiere de l'introducteur, de sorte que l'extremite distale occupe une position centrale transversale a l'interieur de la lumiere et que l'extremite distale ne soit pas en contact avec le dispositif. La longueur de la partie intercourbe et l'angle de la seconde courbe determinent l'ecart de l'extremite distale par rapport a l'axe longitudinal de la queue de l'instrument lorsque la seconde courbe a une extension distale qui va au-dela d'une extremite distale de l'introducteur. L&#...
L'invention concerne des systemes, un appareil et des procedes destines a appliquer selective... more L'invention concerne des systemes, un appareil et des procedes destines a appliquer selectivement une energie electrique a un tissu biologique afin d'executer une ablation, de contracter, de coaguler, ou encore de modifier un tissu ou un organe cible d'un patient. Un appareil electrochirurgical de l'invention comprend une tige presentant un support d'electrode articule au niveau d'une extremite distale de la tige, le support d'electrode portant une electrode active sur une surface inferieure dudit support d'electrode, une electrode de retour se presentant sous la forme d'un tube, et un plateau de tube de retour electro-isolant fixe au tube, le tube etant adapte pour fournir un fluide electroconducteur entre l'electrode active et l'electrode de retour. La sonde peut adopter une configuration fermee ou une configuration ouverte. La configuration fermee est adaptee pour serrer, coaguler et executer une ablation d'un tissu cible tandis que...
L'invention concerne un appareil et un systeme electrochirurgicaux bipolaires de generation d... more L'invention concerne un appareil et un systeme electrochirurgicaux bipolaires de generation de plasma dans lesquels l'electrode de reference est contenue dans un arbre electrochirurgical, et l'electrode active est situee sur la surface exterieure de l'arbre de sorte que lors du traitement du tissu, le tissu est expose au plasma genere sur l'electrode active, mais est minimalement expose aux champs electriques generes entre les electrodes active et de reference. Compte tenu de la configuration des electrodes, des champs electriques generes entre les electrodes sont eloignes du tissu cible et interieurement en direction de l'electrode de reference dans l'arbre, moyennant quoi la stimulation electrique des structures neuromusculaires dans le tissu par les champs electriques est minimisee.
L'invention concerne des systemes, des appareils et des procedes permettant de dissequer, res... more L'invention concerne des systemes, des appareils et des procedes permettant de dissequer, resequer, sectionner, couper, retrecir, coaguler, ou modifier d'une autre facon un tissu ou un organe d'un patient. Un appareil de l'invention comprend une sonde electrochirurgicale pouvant presenter une configuration ouverte ou une configuration fermee, ladite sonde comprenant une borne d'electrode active, une electrode de retour fixe disposee de facon proximale par rapport a la borne d'electrode active, et une electrode de retour mobile configuree de facon a se deplacer de maniere lineaire par rapport a ladite borne d'electrode active, pour conferer a la sonde sa configuration ouverte ou sa configuration fermee. Un procede de l'invention consiste a clamper un vaisseau sanguin entre la borne d'electrode active et l'electrode de retour mobile, a coaguler le vaisseau sanguin clampe par application d'une premiere tension a frequence elevee, et a section...
La presente invention concerne des procedures electrochirurgicales. Au moins certains des exemple... more La presente invention concerne des procedures electrochirurgicales. Au moins certains des exemples de procedes comprennent : la fourniture d'energie a une electrode active d'un crayon electrochirurgical, la fourniture d'energie a l'electrode active par un dispositif de commande electrochirurgical ; la surveillance d'un parametre electrique associe a l'energie ; et la determination, sur la base du parametre electrique, de la presence d'un etat de crayon du crayon electrochirurgical, l'etat de crayon etant au moins l'un choisi dans le groupe constitue de : une surface de l'electrode active est inferieure a une surface de seuil predeterminee ; la surface de l'electrode active est proche de la surface de seuil predeterminee ; et le crayon electrochirurgical est affecte par un blocage.
Electrosurgical procedures and systems. At least some of the exemplary embodiments are methods of... more Electrosurgical procedures and systems. At least some of the exemplary embodiments are methods of maintaining the plasma close to an active electrode at a first energy and a second energy include. During periods when plasma is near the active electrode, the example method may control which is pulled into an opening of an electrosurgical rod of the fluid flow, include, and in some situations, increasing the is pulled into the opening in response to fluid flow, that the active electrode is in operational relationship with fabric, and in other cases, lowering of being drawn into the opening in response to the active electrode is in operative relation with the tissue of the liquid flow. Further, the exemplary method may during periods when plasma is near the active electrode comprises providing energy at a standard power target value, and then providing power at a second power set value.
La presente invention concerne des systemes (11) et des methodes qui permettent d'appliquer d... more La presente invention concerne des systemes (11) et des methodes qui permettent d'appliquer de facon selective une energie electrique a un emplacement cible dans la tete, le cou d'un patient, en particulier dans les tissus de l'oreille, du nez et de la gorge. Cette invention comprend une technique canalisante dans laquelle on forme de petits trous ou canaux dans les structures des tissus de la bouche, tels que les amygdales, la langue, le palais et le voile du palais. L'energie thermique est appliquee a la surface des tissus immediatement voisins de ces trous ou canaux afin de causer des degradation thermiques a la surface de ces tissus, renforcant ainsi la structure des tissus voisins. On a decouvert qu'un tel renfort de certaines structures de tissus de la bouche et de la gorge aidait a empecher la structure des tissus de boucher les voies aeriennes du patient durant son sommeil.
An electrosurgical wand. At least some of the exemplary embodiments are electrosurgical rods comp... more An electrosurgical wand. At least some of the exemplary embodiments are electrosurgical rods comprising an elongate shank defining a handle end and a distal end, a first outlet port at the distal end of the elongate shaft, a first active electrode is made of conductive material, which is disposed at the distal end of the elongated shaft wherein the first active electrode having an edge feature, a first neutral electrode of leitfahigern material, which is arranged at a substantially constant distance from the first active electrode and a suction opening at the distal end of the elongate shaft which is in fluid communication with a second fluid line , respectively.
The present disclosure includes an electrosurgical device for treating tissue at a target site. T... more The present disclosure includes an electrosurgical device for treating tissue at a target site. The device has a shaft with a proximal end and a distal part, the distal part comprising a neutral electrode and an electrode carrier. There is also at least one active electrode on the distal part of the shaft, which has a proximal part and a distal part and a plurality of suction openings arranged therebetween. These openings are fluidly connected to a suction cavity located within the electrode carrier and the cavity is connected to a fluid suction element positioned along the shaft. The plurality of openings vary in size and are generally arranged such that the larger openings are arranged towards the proximal part of the electrode and the smaller openings are generally arranged towards the distal part of the electrode.