Jelena Pejic - (original) (raw)
Papers by Jelena Pejic
Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 1993
The sanctions of the Security Council of the United Nations, imposed against the Federal Republic... more The sanctions of the Security Council of the United Nations, imposed against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia by the Resolution 757 had a two-fold aim. The immediate one was to influence Yugoslavia, namely Serbia, to change the policy regarding the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The indirect aim was to cause leadership and program changes of the regime in power in the larger of the two federal units of the newly-created state. None of these aims was realized during the initial six months of applying the sanctions. The effect of collective measures of international community in the period mentioned above has been primarily of a political nature, and symbolic, while economic consequences, although serious, were not expressed in full measure. The example of Yugoslavia does not fit into former results of theory of political effects of sanctions - in spite of expectations, during the first six-month period there were a series of actions against the policy of the authorities, which were accused to be a principal culprit for international isolation of the country. Official Serbia, however, followed the theoretically established model of conduct, calling, through state-controlled media, for national solidarity because of the alleged world conspiracy against people and not against regime. The results of December 1992 elections have confirmed the new distribution of forces in the political scene caused in great part by the sanctions, too. Support of the regime declined, while the number of those supporting opposition increased, but at the same time there was a growth of extremely nationalistic groups, which suggested that the mechanism of 'gathering around the flag' began to manifest itself. Economic consequences, which are only a means to realize the political aim, are undoubtedly serious, although their full effect is hard to evaluate due to short time but also the state of Yugoslav economy before the sanctions were introduced. It is characteristic that the authorities have tried to undermine publicly the potential damage to the economy, while independent economists have warned that it would be very serious and of a long-term character. The official policy during the sanctions was not primarily aimed at the attenuation of their effect through adequate economic measures, but rather at maintaining, namely buying of the social peace.
Moderator: Jelena Pejic, Chair, Rome Delegation, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights Discussants: ... more Moderator: Jelena Pejic, Chair, Rome Delegation, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights Discussants: Alfred P. Rubin, Professor of International Law, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University Aryeh Neier, President, Open Society Institut
Perspectives on the ICRC Study on Customary International Humanitarian Law
Introduction Characterising an armed conflict as international or non-international is the first,... more Introduction Characterising an armed conflict as international or non-international is the first, preliminary step in determining the applicable humanitarian treaty law framework. As is well-known, international armed conflicts are governed by the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 – ratified by 194 States at the time of writing – and by Additional Protocol I if binding on the parties involved. Non-international armed conflicts are regulated by Article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and by Additional Protocol II if ratified by the State in question. The distinction between international and non-international armed conflicts remains relevant. Not only are the treaty rules applicable to international armed conflicts vastly more developed than those governing non-international armed conflicts, but the status of the parties is also different. In international armed conflicts members of the armed forces of States are combatants who have the right to take a direct part in hostilities and are entitled to prisoner of war status upon capture. This, among other things, means that they may not be prosecuted by the detaining State for lawful acts of war, but for grave breaches or other serious violations of the laws and customs of war they may have committed. In an internal armed conflict the only legitimate forces are those of the State. While the parties are equally bound to respect humanitarian law, members of the non-State party remain liable to criminal prosecution under domestic law for all acts committed during the conflict, whether lawful or unlawful under humanitarian law.
Counter-Terrorism Strategies in a Fragmented International Legal Order, 2013
An informal Expert Meeting on Procedural Safeguards for Security Detention in NonInternational Ar... more An informal Expert Meeting on Procedural Safeguards for Security Detention in NonInternational Armed Conflict was convened by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Chatham House, bringing together experts with a military, academic, government and NGO background. The discussion was focused on outstanding legal and operational issues linked to internment practice. The ICRC’s 2005 position paper on Procedural Principles and Safeguards for Internment/Administrative Detention and a list of practical questions prepared by the ICRC served as background documents for the discussion.
International Review of the Red Cross
Résumé La guerre est l'un des obstacles majeurs à la réalisation du droit de chacun á une ali... more Résumé La guerre est l'un des obstacles majeurs à la réalisation du droit de chacun á une alimentation adéquate. Cet article examine les dispositions pertinentes des différents traités de droit international, qu'elles appartiennent au droit des droits de l'homme ou au droit international humanitaire. L'auteur conclut que les instruments de droit international humanitaire en vigueur ont codifié un corps de règies suffisant pour assurer une alimentation adéquate aux personnes touchees par un conflit arme. Contrairement aux traités relatifs aux droits de l'homme, les conventions de droit humanitaire ne créent pas des droits subjectifs pour les personnes concernées, mais des obligations qui lient les États.
International Review of the Red Cross
Fordham International Law Journal, 1995
Investigations into alleged violations of international humanitarian law by the parties to an arm... more Investigations into alleged violations of international humanitarian law by the parties to an armed conflict are not only crucial to securing respect for IHL, but also to preventing future violations and enabling redress for victims of past violations. Despite the unquestionable importance of investigations, there is a lack of detail about the international law, principles and standards relevant to investigations in armed conflicts. This is further reflected in the disparate practice across States in the way investigations are carried out. These Guidelines aim to bring much needed clarity and support for the conduct of effective investigations into violations of IHL. The Guidelines are the result of a five-year project, initiated in 2014 by the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and joined in 2017 by the International Committee of the Red Cross. The resulting publication is based on extensive research and is also informed by a series of expert workshop...
Revue Internationale De La Croix-rouge, 2005
Ce document soutient que l’internement et la detention administrative sont des pratiques qui ne s... more Ce document soutient que l’internement et la detention administrative sont des pratiques qui ne sont pas suffisamment reglementees quant a la protection des droits des personnes concernees. Se fondant sur le droit international humanitaire et le droit international des droits de l’homme, le document propose une serie de principes en matiere de procedure et de mesures de protection qui devraient - sur le plan juridique et en tant que politique - etre appliques comme minimum a tous les cas de privation de liberte pour des raisons de securite. (en francais)
Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge/International Review of the Red Cross, 2002
International Review of the Red Cross, 2016
Lack of compliance with international humanitarian law (IHL), or insufficient observance of its r... more Lack of compliance with international humanitarian law (IHL), or insufficient observance of its rules, is probably the greatest current challenge to the continued credibility of this body of international law. The need to strengthen respect for IHL led the ICRC and Switzerland to facilitate unprecedented consultations among States between 2012 and 2015 focused, specifically, on improving the efficiency of mechanisms of compliance with IHL. This note outlines the background of the initiative and summarizes its course and outcome. Ongoing work in the current phase of the process, agreed to at the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent held in late 2015, is also very briefly indicated.
Albany Law Review, Mar 22, 1997
... 845 e) the surrender or the transfer of the accused to the International Tribunal.18 article ... more ... 845 e) the surrender or the transfer of the accused to the International Tribunal.18 article 29 of the statute translates the general duty to cooperate into practical terms by providing that states are obliged to assist the Tribunal in all stages of the proceedings and by enumerating a ...
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 2016
Revista Internacional De La Cruz Roja, Jun 30, 2005
La privacion de libertad por razones de seguridad es una medida de control excepcional que se pue... more La privacion de libertad por razones de seguridad es una medida de control excepcional que se puede adoptar en conflictos armados internacionales o no internacionales. La detencion administrativa de personas que presuntamente representan una amenaza para la seguridad del Estado se practica cada vez mas al margen de situaciones de conflicto armado. En este articulo se sostiene que tanto el internamiento como la detencion administrativa estan insuficientemente reglamentados por lo que atane a la proteccion de los derechos de las personas afectadas. Inspirandose en las normas del derecho internacional humanitario y del derecho de los derechos humanos, la autora propone una serie de principios y garantias procesales minimas que deberian aplicarse a nivel juridico y de politica general en todos los casos de privacion de libertad por razones de seguridad.
Revista Internacional De La Cruz Roja, Mar 31, 2011
En este articulo, se expone una tipologia posible de los conflictos armados y se postula que el a... more En este articulo, se expone una tipologia posible de los conflictos armados y se postula que el articulo 3 comun a los Convenios de Ginebra puede prestarse a una lectura geografica mas extendida en el marco del derecho convencional. Se indica asimismo que existe una gama de normas mucho mas amplia, basicamente vinculantes pero tambien basadas en politicas, que se aplican a los conflictos armados abarcados por el articulo 3 comun con respecto al trato de las personas que se encuentran en manos del enemigo y a la conduccion de las hostilidades. (en ingles)
Revue Internationale De La Croix Rouge, Sep 30, 2011
Croix-Rouge (CICR) à Genève. * Les opinions exprimées dans cet article sont celles de l'auteur et... more Croix-Rouge (CICR) à Genève. * Les opinions exprimées dans cet article sont celles de l'auteur et ne reflètent pas nécessairement le point de vue du CICR. La version originale en anglais a été publiée sous le titre « The European Court of Human Rights's Al-Jedda judgment : the oversight of international humanitarian law », dans International Review of the
Revista Internacional De La Cruz Roja, Mar 31, 2001
Fordham International Law Journal, 2001
The purpose of this Essay is to examine the establishment of the Yugoslav Truth and Reconciliatio... more The purpose of this Essay is to examine the establishment of the Yugoslav Truth and Reconciliation Commission and to draw some early conclusions on whether it will be capable of rendering the facts that I would so desperately like my uncle to face. The first part will deal with the need for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, while the second part will outline and then comment on its basic documents. The assumption is that the reader is basically familiar with the work of similar commissions around the world and the text will therefore not attempt to repeat the literature on the subject.
Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 1993
The sanctions of the Security Council of the United Nations, imposed against the Federal Republic... more The sanctions of the Security Council of the United Nations, imposed against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia by the Resolution 757 had a two-fold aim. The immediate one was to influence Yugoslavia, namely Serbia, to change the policy regarding the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The indirect aim was to cause leadership and program changes of the regime in power in the larger of the two federal units of the newly-created state. None of these aims was realized during the initial six months of applying the sanctions. The effect of collective measures of international community in the period mentioned above has been primarily of a political nature, and symbolic, while economic consequences, although serious, were not expressed in full measure. The example of Yugoslavia does not fit into former results of theory of political effects of sanctions - in spite of expectations, during the first six-month period there were a series of actions against the policy of the authorities, which were accused to be a principal culprit for international isolation of the country. Official Serbia, however, followed the theoretically established model of conduct, calling, through state-controlled media, for national solidarity because of the alleged world conspiracy against people and not against regime. The results of December 1992 elections have confirmed the new distribution of forces in the political scene caused in great part by the sanctions, too. Support of the regime declined, while the number of those supporting opposition increased, but at the same time there was a growth of extremely nationalistic groups, which suggested that the mechanism of 'gathering around the flag' began to manifest itself. Economic consequences, which are only a means to realize the political aim, are undoubtedly serious, although their full effect is hard to evaluate due to short time but also the state of Yugoslav economy before the sanctions were introduced. It is characteristic that the authorities have tried to undermine publicly the potential damage to the economy, while independent economists have warned that it would be very serious and of a long-term character. The official policy during the sanctions was not primarily aimed at the attenuation of their effect through adequate economic measures, but rather at maintaining, namely buying of the social peace.
Moderator: Jelena Pejic, Chair, Rome Delegation, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights Discussants: ... more Moderator: Jelena Pejic, Chair, Rome Delegation, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights Discussants: Alfred P. Rubin, Professor of International Law, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University Aryeh Neier, President, Open Society Institut
Perspectives on the ICRC Study on Customary International Humanitarian Law
Introduction Characterising an armed conflict as international or non-international is the first,... more Introduction Characterising an armed conflict as international or non-international is the first, preliminary step in determining the applicable humanitarian treaty law framework. As is well-known, international armed conflicts are governed by the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 – ratified by 194 States at the time of writing – and by Additional Protocol I if binding on the parties involved. Non-international armed conflicts are regulated by Article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and by Additional Protocol II if ratified by the State in question. The distinction between international and non-international armed conflicts remains relevant. Not only are the treaty rules applicable to international armed conflicts vastly more developed than those governing non-international armed conflicts, but the status of the parties is also different. In international armed conflicts members of the armed forces of States are combatants who have the right to take a direct part in hostilities and are entitled to prisoner of war status upon capture. This, among other things, means that they may not be prosecuted by the detaining State for lawful acts of war, but for grave breaches or other serious violations of the laws and customs of war they may have committed. In an internal armed conflict the only legitimate forces are those of the State. While the parties are equally bound to respect humanitarian law, members of the non-State party remain liable to criminal prosecution under domestic law for all acts committed during the conflict, whether lawful or unlawful under humanitarian law.
Counter-Terrorism Strategies in a Fragmented International Legal Order, 2013
An informal Expert Meeting on Procedural Safeguards for Security Detention in NonInternational Ar... more An informal Expert Meeting on Procedural Safeguards for Security Detention in NonInternational Armed Conflict was convened by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Chatham House, bringing together experts with a military, academic, government and NGO background. The discussion was focused on outstanding legal and operational issues linked to internment practice. The ICRC’s 2005 position paper on Procedural Principles and Safeguards for Internment/Administrative Detention and a list of practical questions prepared by the ICRC served as background documents for the discussion.
International Review of the Red Cross
Résumé La guerre est l'un des obstacles majeurs à la réalisation du droit de chacun á une ali... more Résumé La guerre est l'un des obstacles majeurs à la réalisation du droit de chacun á une alimentation adéquate. Cet article examine les dispositions pertinentes des différents traités de droit international, qu'elles appartiennent au droit des droits de l'homme ou au droit international humanitaire. L'auteur conclut que les instruments de droit international humanitaire en vigueur ont codifié un corps de règies suffisant pour assurer une alimentation adéquate aux personnes touchees par un conflit arme. Contrairement aux traités relatifs aux droits de l'homme, les conventions de droit humanitaire ne créent pas des droits subjectifs pour les personnes concernées, mais des obligations qui lient les États.
International Review of the Red Cross
Fordham International Law Journal, 1995
Investigations into alleged violations of international humanitarian law by the parties to an arm... more Investigations into alleged violations of international humanitarian law by the parties to an armed conflict are not only crucial to securing respect for IHL, but also to preventing future violations and enabling redress for victims of past violations. Despite the unquestionable importance of investigations, there is a lack of detail about the international law, principles and standards relevant to investigations in armed conflicts. This is further reflected in the disparate practice across States in the way investigations are carried out. These Guidelines aim to bring much needed clarity and support for the conduct of effective investigations into violations of IHL. The Guidelines are the result of a five-year project, initiated in 2014 by the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and joined in 2017 by the International Committee of the Red Cross. The resulting publication is based on extensive research and is also informed by a series of expert workshop...
Revue Internationale De La Croix-rouge, 2005
Ce document soutient que l’internement et la detention administrative sont des pratiques qui ne s... more Ce document soutient que l’internement et la detention administrative sont des pratiques qui ne sont pas suffisamment reglementees quant a la protection des droits des personnes concernees. Se fondant sur le droit international humanitaire et le droit international des droits de l’homme, le document propose une serie de principes en matiere de procedure et de mesures de protection qui devraient - sur le plan juridique et en tant que politique - etre appliques comme minimum a tous les cas de privation de liberte pour des raisons de securite. (en francais)
Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge/International Review of the Red Cross, 2002
International Review of the Red Cross, 2016
Lack of compliance with international humanitarian law (IHL), or insufficient observance of its r... more Lack of compliance with international humanitarian law (IHL), or insufficient observance of its rules, is probably the greatest current challenge to the continued credibility of this body of international law. The need to strengthen respect for IHL led the ICRC and Switzerland to facilitate unprecedented consultations among States between 2012 and 2015 focused, specifically, on improving the efficiency of mechanisms of compliance with IHL. This note outlines the background of the initiative and summarizes its course and outcome. Ongoing work in the current phase of the process, agreed to at the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent held in late 2015, is also very briefly indicated.
Albany Law Review, Mar 22, 1997
... 845 e) the surrender or the transfer of the accused to the International Tribunal.18 article ... more ... 845 e) the surrender or the transfer of the accused to the International Tribunal.18 article 29 of the statute translates the general duty to cooperate into practical terms by providing that states are obliged to assist the Tribunal in all stages of the proceedings and by enumerating a ...
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 2016
Revista Internacional De La Cruz Roja, Jun 30, 2005
La privacion de libertad por razones de seguridad es una medida de control excepcional que se pue... more La privacion de libertad por razones de seguridad es una medida de control excepcional que se puede adoptar en conflictos armados internacionales o no internacionales. La detencion administrativa de personas que presuntamente representan una amenaza para la seguridad del Estado se practica cada vez mas al margen de situaciones de conflicto armado. En este articulo se sostiene que tanto el internamiento como la detencion administrativa estan insuficientemente reglamentados por lo que atane a la proteccion de los derechos de las personas afectadas. Inspirandose en las normas del derecho internacional humanitario y del derecho de los derechos humanos, la autora propone una serie de principios y garantias procesales minimas que deberian aplicarse a nivel juridico y de politica general en todos los casos de privacion de libertad por razones de seguridad.
Revista Internacional De La Cruz Roja, Mar 31, 2011
En este articulo, se expone una tipologia posible de los conflictos armados y se postula que el a... more En este articulo, se expone una tipologia posible de los conflictos armados y se postula que el articulo 3 comun a los Convenios de Ginebra puede prestarse a una lectura geografica mas extendida en el marco del derecho convencional. Se indica asimismo que existe una gama de normas mucho mas amplia, basicamente vinculantes pero tambien basadas en politicas, que se aplican a los conflictos armados abarcados por el articulo 3 comun con respecto al trato de las personas que se encuentran en manos del enemigo y a la conduccion de las hostilidades. (en ingles)
Revue Internationale De La Croix Rouge, Sep 30, 2011
Croix-Rouge (CICR) à Genève. * Les opinions exprimées dans cet article sont celles de l'auteur et... more Croix-Rouge (CICR) à Genève. * Les opinions exprimées dans cet article sont celles de l'auteur et ne reflètent pas nécessairement le point de vue du CICR. La version originale en anglais a été publiée sous le titre « The European Court of Human Rights's Al-Jedda judgment : the oversight of international humanitarian law », dans International Review of the
Revista Internacional De La Cruz Roja, Mar 31, 2001
Fordham International Law Journal, 2001
The purpose of this Essay is to examine the establishment of the Yugoslav Truth and Reconciliatio... more The purpose of this Essay is to examine the establishment of the Yugoslav Truth and Reconciliation Commission and to draw some early conclusions on whether it will be capable of rendering the facts that I would so desperately like my uncle to face. The first part will deal with the need for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, while the second part will outline and then comment on its basic documents. The assumption is that the reader is basically familiar with the work of similar commissions around the world and the text will therefore not attempt to repeat the literature on the subject.