Jeong-Im Han - (original) (raw)
Papers by Jeong-Im Han
Second Language Research, 2020
The present study investigated the influence of orthographic input on the recognition of second l... more The present study investigated the influence of orthographic input on the recognition of second language (L2) spoken words with phonological variants, when first language (L1) and L2 have different orthographic structures. Lexical encoding for intermediate-to-advanced level Mandarin learners of Korean was assessed using masked cross-modal and within-modal priming tasks. Given that Korean has obstruent nasalization in the syllable coda, prime target pairs were created with and without such phonological variants, but spellings that were provided in the cross-modal task reflected their unaltered, nonnasalized forms. The results indicate that when L2 learners are exposed to transparent alphabetic orthography, they do not show a particular cost for spoken word recognition of L2 phonological variants as long as the variation is regular and rule-governed.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020
The present study examined whether second language (L2) learners can lexically encode the tonal c... more The present study examined whether second language (L2) learners can lexically encode the tonal contrasts that do not occur in their native language. Advanced Korean learners of Mandarin performed a lexical decision task with medium-term repetition priming. The repeated words were either identical or interchanged with confusable tones. The results showed that advanced L2 learners behaved similarly to the native listeners in processing of L2 tones in favor of the correct lexical items, but still showed differences from native listeners, suggesting that L2 learners may have difficulty in utilizing the L2 sounds for word recognition. V
This study investigates Korean listeners' perception of the English stop epenthesis between t... more This study investigates Korean listeners' perception of the English stop epenthesis between the sonorant and fricative segments. Specifically this study investigates 1) how often English epenthetic stops are perceived by native Korean listeners, given the fact that Korean does not allow consonant clusters in codas; and 2) whether perception of the epenthetic stops, which are optional phonetic variations, not phonemes, could be improved without any explicit training. 120 English non-words with a mono-syllable structure of CVC1C2, where C1=/m, n, Π, I/, and C2=/s, e, f/, were given to two groups of native Korean listeners, and they were asked to detect the target stops such as [p], [t], and [k], The number of their responses were computed to determine how often listeners succeed in recovering the string of segments produced by the native English speaker. The results of the present study show that English epenthetic stops are poorly identified by native Korean listeners with low En...
Many SLA researchers have explored the role of awareness in L2 learning. Recently, Williams (2004... more Many SLA researchers have explored the role of awareness in L2 learning. Recently, Williams (2004, 2005) offered empirical evidence that L2 learning is feasible without awareness, while Hama and Leow (2010) showed the inability of unaware learners through the hybrid design that measured unawareness both at the encoding stage and at the retrieval stage. This study adopted Hama and Leow’s design to examine whether awareness plays any role in L2 learning of a phonological alternation, specifically, in Chinese speakers’ learning of a Korean palatalization. The experiment consisted of the pretest and the posttest, the three times of training tasks, think-aloud verbal reports during the training tasks, and the postexposure questionnaire. The participants’ performance was measured by the pretest and the posttest, in which they were asked to judge whether the auditory prime of a word given on the computer monitor was correct or not. The results revealed the positive role of awareness; the L...
Second Language Research, 1997
This paper has two main goals. One is to reexamine the representation of the underlying phonation... more This paper has two main goals. One is to reexamine the representation of the underlying phonation contrasts in Korean consonants. The other is to show that there is a systematic relationship between abstract phonological notions such as timing and featural structures, and more concrete, quantifiable phonetic events such as closure duration. Instead of assuming a standard three-way underlying phonation contrast (plain, tense and aspirated), I propose that Korean tense consonants are underlyingly geminated plain segments and that the feature [constricted glottis] is redundantly specified. Geminate analyses of tense consonants have been generally rejected on the grounds that Korean has a syllable structure constraint prohibiting multiple consonants in the onset position. However, I argue that word-initial tense consonants lose one timing slot due to Stray Erasure, while intervocalic tense consonants keep both timing slots during the derivation. The application of Stray Erasure is suppo...
The Journal of Humanities and Social sciences 21, 2019
การวจยนมวตถประสงคเพอศกษาอตราผลตอบแทนจากการลงทนทางการศกษาในคณะพยาบาลศาสตร วทยาลยเชยงราย ซงการศกษาป... more การวจยนมวตถประสงคเพอศกษาอตราผลตอบแทนจากการลงทนทางการศกษาในคณะพยาบาลศาสตร วทยาลยเชยงราย ซงการศกษาประกอบดวย 1) ตนทนสวนบคคลทงทางตรงและทางออม 2) การประมาณการรายไดของบณฑต และ 3) การวเคราะหอตราผลตอบแทนจากการลงทนทางการศกษา โดยกลมประชากร คอ บณฑตคณะพยาบาลศาสตร ผลการศกษาพบวา 1) บณฑตมตนทนรวมสวนบคคลเทากบ 1,023,324.736 บาท ประกอบดวย ตนทนสวนบคคลทางตรง 600,000 บาท และตนทนสวนบคคลทางออม 423.324.736 บาท 2) การประมาณการรายไดของบณฑตพบวา บณฑตทมประสบการณการทำงานสงกวาจะมรายไดมากกวาบณฑตทมประสบการณการทำงานนอยกวา และบณฑตททำงานในหนวยงานภาคเอกชนจะมรายไดมากกวาบณฑตททำงานในหนวยงานภาครฐ และ 3) การวเคราะหอตราผลตอบแทนจากการลงทนทางการศกษาพบวา ผลประโยชนตอตนทนของบณฑตทงหมดมคาเทากบรอยละ 266.86 และเมอจำแนกตามหนวยงานพบวา บณฑตททำงานในหนวยงานภาคเอกชนมผลประโยชนตอตนทนเทากบรอยละ 342.08 และบณฑตททำงานในหนวยงานภาครฐมผลประโยชนตอตนทนเทากบรอยละ 222.84 และอตราผลตอบแทนภายในของบณฑตทงหมดมคารอยละ 28.84 และเมอจำแนกตามหนวยงานพบวา บณฑตททำงานในหนวยงานภาคเอกชนมอตราผลตอบแทนภายในเทากบรอยละ 31.97 และบณฑตททำงานในหนวยงานภาครฐมอตราผลตอบแทนภายในเทากบ...
The present study reports the results of an acoustic study of nasal assimilation at word boundari... more The present study reports the results of an acoustic study of nasal assimilation at word boundaries in Chinese-Korean interlanguage. Twelve Chinese learners of Korean and four Korean native speakers recorded obstruent#nasal sequences in noun compounds and verb phrases, and their different production patterns were examined in detail. While nasalization of the word-final obstruents occurred only in 11.7% of the obstruent#nasal sequences for the Chinese learners, the Korean native speakers showed complete nasalization of those sequences. However, there was small, but consistent effect of learning on the production of external sandhi in L2, because there were shown to be differences in the rate of nasalization between the two proficiency groups of Chinese participants. On average, the intermediate level learners nasalized the target stops at the rate of 16%, and the beginning level learners showed the 7% nasalization rate. In addition, it was found that the context difference such as no...
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2020
We investigated the “proximate unit” in Korean, that is, the initial phonological unit selected i... more We investigated the “proximate unit” in Korean, that is, the initial phonological unit selected in speech production by Korean speakers. Previous studies have shown mixed evidence indicating either a phoneme-sized or a syllable-sized unit. We conducted two experiments in which participants named pictures while ignoring superimposed non-words. In English, for this task, when the picture (e.g., dog) and distractor phonology (e.g., dark) initially overlap, typically the picture target is named faster. We used a range of conditions (in Korean) varying from onset overlap to syllabic overlap, and the results indicated an important role for the syllable, but not the phoneme. We suggest that the basic unit used in phonological encoding in Korean is different from Germanic languages such as English and Dutch and also from Japanese and possibly also Chinese. Models dealing with the architecture of language production can use these results when providing a framework suitable for all languages ...
Second Language Research, 1999
This paper explores the functional goal governing the pattern of permissible codas in many langua... more This paper explores the functional goal governing the pattern of permissible codas in many languages. I argue that the choice of more sonorous consonants in syllable codas, but not in onsets, can be accounted for by a phonological strategy to maximize contrast. Based on the proposal that syllable codas are less prominent linguistic positions (Beckman 1997), certain types of segments are argued to be less salient than any other segment types, thus frequently deleted or neutralized in syllable codas. I argue that to prohibit deletion or neutralization of less salient segments and preserve their contrast in syllable codas, more salient segments, namely, more sonorous segments are chosen. In tenus of saliency ranking, stops are argued to be the least salient segments, and thus not likely to be chosen as syllable codas. The weak saliency of stops as compared to other types of segments is shown to be acoustically supported.
Interspeech 2020, 2020
The perception of Japanese consonant length contrasts (i.e. short/singleton vs long/geminate) by ... more The perception of Japanese consonant length contrasts (i.e. short/singleton vs long/geminate) by native and non-native listeners was compared to examine the extent to which difficult foreign language (FL) sounds are processed accurately by native speakers of Korean (NK). Three NK groups differed in their experience with Japanese: non-learners, intermediate and advanced. Via the AXB task, the NK speakers' discrimination accuracy of Japanese consonant length contrasts was assessed and compared to that of a group of 10 native speakers of Japanese (NJ) who served as controls. On average, the NK advanced group did not significantly differ from the NJ group and outperformed the NK non-learner (but not the NK intermediate) group. The NK intermediate and non-learner groups did not differ from each other. However, regardless of experience with Japanese, the NK speakers may benefit from the first language (L1) laryngeal contrasts, associating L1 Korean fortis consonants with Japanese geminates. The NK advanced group appeared less affected than the other two NK groups by Japanese pitch accent patterns in their consonant length perception. The NK advanced learners' results demonstrate that it is possible for non-native speakers to acquire native-like discrimination of consonant length in adulthood.
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2018
Speech production studies have shown that phonological unit initially used to fill the metrical f... more Speech production studies have shown that phonological unit initially used to fill the metrical frame during phonological encoding is language specific, that is, a phoneme for English and Dutch, an atonal syllable for Mandarin Chinese, and a mora for Japanese. However, only a few studies chronometrically investigated speech production in Korean, and they obtained mixed results. Korean is particularly interesting as there might be both phonemic and syllabic influences during phonological encoding. The purpose of this study is to further examine the initial phonological preparation unit in Korean, employing a masked priming task (Experiment 1) and a phonological Stroop task (Experiment 2). The results showed that significant onset (and onset-plus, that is, consonant–vowel [CV]) effects were found in both experiments, but there was no compelling evidence for a prominent role for the syllable. When the prime words were presented in three different forms related to the targets, namely, w...
The Journal of AsiaTEFL, 2016
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether and to what extent the intelligibility of Ko... more The purpose of this study was to investigate whether and to what extent the intelligibility of Korean EFL learners' speech at the text level is affected by their English proficiency, text type, and text length. Various speech materials produced by native English speakers and two Korean EFL speaker groups (high vs. low proficiency) were presented to native English listeners and two Korean EFL listener groups, respectively, for comparison of intelligibility scores. The results showed that the listeners' overall proficiency played the most critical role in determining the level of speech intelligibility for all speaker groups, regardless of the type and length of speech materials. The speakers' proficiency level in terms of pronunciation, however, had no significant effect. As for the text type, dialogue texts were consistently more intelligible than monologues to all listener groups while the effect of text length varied depending on the text type. These results suggest that L2 learners' speech intelligibility needs to be examined within the context of natural L2 text beyond word-and sentence-level utterances in consideration of the interaction of text-related features and other learner variables. Some pedagogical implications are also discussed.
Studies in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, 2014
The present study investigated whether the relative importance of specific acoustic properties in... more The present study investigated whether the relative importance of specific acoustic properties in native language dialects affects the extent to which acoustic properties are used in the production and perception of a second language. The case at hand centered on acquisition of English voiced and voiceless stops by two groups of Korean dialect speakers, Kyungsang and Seoul Korean. Both dialect speakers use the same acoustic cues for the Korean stops, but their relative importance is different: Specifically Seoul speakers employ VOT and F0, and Kyungsang speakers primarily use VOT due to their use of F0 for lexical tone contrast. Given such dialectal differences, this study explored whether Kyungsang and Seoul Korean speakers made distinct use of these two cues to signal the word-initial stops in English where VOT and, less importantly, onset F0 are additionally used for stop contrast. The results showed that in production, both dialect speakers showed a parallel pattern for VOT and F0; however, in perception, Kyungsang listeners had greater reliance on VOT but less on F0 compared with Seoul listeners. These results partly support the feature hypothesis (McAllister et al., 2002) and provide new insight into the relationship between speech production and perception.
Phonetics and Speech Sciences, 2014
The current study presents an instrumental phonetic analysis of Korean monophthong vowels in the ... more The current study presents an instrumental phonetic analysis of Korean monophthong vowels in the early twentieth century Seoul Korean, based on audio recordings of elementary school textbooks Botonghakgyo Joseoneodokbon (Korean Reading Textbook for Elementary School). The data examined in this study were a list of the Korean mono syllables (Banjeol), and a short passage, recorded by one 41-year-old male speaker in 1935, as well as a short passage recorded by one 11-year-old male speaker in 1935. The Korean monophthongs were examined in terms of acoustic analysis of the vowel formants (F1, F2) and compared to those recorded by 18 male speakers of Seoul Korean in 2013. The results show that in 1935, 1) /e/ and /ɛ/ were clearly separated in the vowel space; 2) /o/ and /u/ were also clearly separated without any overlapping values; 3) some tokens of /y/ and /ø/ were produced as monophthongs, not as diphthongs. Based on the results, we can observe the historical change of the Korean vowels over 80-90 years such as 1) /e/ and /ɛ/ have been merged; and 2) /o/ has been raised and overlapped with /u/.
Psychological reports, 2017
The purpose of this study was to investigate how second-language (L2) learners lexically encode c... more The purpose of this study was to investigate how second-language (L2) learners lexically encode confusable phonemes. Given the inconsistency of previous studies on whether and if so how learners can establish separate lexical representations of confusable categories, we examined (1) how phonetic categorization and lexical encoding abilities were developed at the early stage of learning and (2) whether there are any differences in those abilities between the words with a sound pair from a corresponding native language (L1)-dominant category and those lacking such category. Native speakers of Korean learned Arabic words with these two types of sound pairs for four days and then their phonetic categorization and lexical processing abilities were evaluated in AXB discrimination and lexical decision tasks, respectively. The results showed that phonetic categorization of the words with a sound pair from an L1-dominant category developed very early. With success in their discrimination abi...
Linguistic Research, 2016
Han, Jeong-Im and Sujin Oh. 2016. The phonetic realization of devoiced vowels in Mandarin Chinese... more Han, Jeong-Im and Sujin Oh. 2016. The phonetic realization of devoiced vowels in Mandarin Chinese. Linguistic Research 33(1), 21-38. This study analyzed the phonetic realizations of devoiced vowels in Mandarin Chinese. First, the target vowels were acoustically examined and classified in three categories: completely devoiced, partially devoiced, and completely voiced. Second, the segmental duration and intensity of the target vowels, and the aspiration/noise duration of the preceding consonants were measured between the devoiced and voiced tokens. Our findings indicate that 1) the vowels of Mandarin Chinese were seldom realized as prototypical devoiced vowels like Japanese or the American Indian languages: the frequency of devoiced vowels was less than 5% regardless of the contexts eliciting vowel devoicing; and 2) there were considerable individual variations across speakers. However, it was also found in the acoustic measurements of the target vowels that the devoiced vowels were realized with shorter duration and lower intensity than the voiced counterparts. As for the duration of the aspiration/noise of the preceding consonants, a voiceless fricative, but not a voiceless affricate or stop, was realized with longer duration when it was immediately preceded by the (completely and partially) devoiced vowel as compared to the completely voiced vowel. The present results demonstrate a cross-linguistic variation in the realization of devoiced vowels.
The purpose of the present paper is to test the role of vowel contrast in V-to-V coarticulation. ... more The purpose of the present paper is to test the role of vowel contrast in V-to-V coarticulation. Specifically, V-to-V anticipatory and carryover coarticulations in Korean and Japanese were examined in terms of F1 and F2 in crowded vs. non-crowded regions of the vowel space. The results showed that vowel contrast does not directly contribute to the language-specific coarticulation pattern between these two languages, which is at odds with Manuel & Krakow (1984), and Manuel (1987), but in good agreement with Bradlow (1995).
Language Research, 2002
This study assesses the role of formal instruction in the acquisition of the English Irl and 11/ ... more This study assesses the role of formal instruction in the acquisition of the English Irl and 11/ by native Korean (NK) speakers. Following the proposal by Flege (1981, 1987, 1991, 1992) that many L2 production errors have a perceptual basis, a theoretical instruction to explain the positionsensitive subtle phonetic differences between English and Korean liquids was given to NK speakers and the accuracy of their production of English liquids was evaluated by native English speakers. The results based on 18 NK speakers show that 1) a very short perceptual training, not naturalistic learning, was effective in the improvement of late learners' L2 pronunciation and its effect was maintained for a rather short-term period; but 2) the results varied according to the phonological position each segment occurred, and the perceptual training conducted in this study did not override prior L1 phonological learning. Based on the results of this study, the L2 theories and theories of perception and production were revisited.
Second Language Research, 2020
The present study investigated the influence of orthographic input on the recognition of second l... more The present study investigated the influence of orthographic input on the recognition of second language (L2) spoken words with phonological variants, when first language (L1) and L2 have different orthographic structures. Lexical encoding for intermediate-to-advanced level Mandarin learners of Korean was assessed using masked cross-modal and within-modal priming tasks. Given that Korean has obstruent nasalization in the syllable coda, prime target pairs were created with and without such phonological variants, but spellings that were provided in the cross-modal task reflected their unaltered, nonnasalized forms. The results indicate that when L2 learners are exposed to transparent alphabetic orthography, they do not show a particular cost for spoken word recognition of L2 phonological variants as long as the variation is regular and rule-governed.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020
The present study examined whether second language (L2) learners can lexically encode the tonal c... more The present study examined whether second language (L2) learners can lexically encode the tonal contrasts that do not occur in their native language. Advanced Korean learners of Mandarin performed a lexical decision task with medium-term repetition priming. The repeated words were either identical or interchanged with confusable tones. The results showed that advanced L2 learners behaved similarly to the native listeners in processing of L2 tones in favor of the correct lexical items, but still showed differences from native listeners, suggesting that L2 learners may have difficulty in utilizing the L2 sounds for word recognition. V
This study investigates Korean listeners' perception of the English stop epenthesis between t... more This study investigates Korean listeners' perception of the English stop epenthesis between the sonorant and fricative segments. Specifically this study investigates 1) how often English epenthetic stops are perceived by native Korean listeners, given the fact that Korean does not allow consonant clusters in codas; and 2) whether perception of the epenthetic stops, which are optional phonetic variations, not phonemes, could be improved without any explicit training. 120 English non-words with a mono-syllable structure of CVC1C2, where C1=/m, n, Π, I/, and C2=/s, e, f/, were given to two groups of native Korean listeners, and they were asked to detect the target stops such as [p], [t], and [k], The number of their responses were computed to determine how often listeners succeed in recovering the string of segments produced by the native English speaker. The results of the present study show that English epenthetic stops are poorly identified by native Korean listeners with low En...
Many SLA researchers have explored the role of awareness in L2 learning. Recently, Williams (2004... more Many SLA researchers have explored the role of awareness in L2 learning. Recently, Williams (2004, 2005) offered empirical evidence that L2 learning is feasible without awareness, while Hama and Leow (2010) showed the inability of unaware learners through the hybrid design that measured unawareness both at the encoding stage and at the retrieval stage. This study adopted Hama and Leow’s design to examine whether awareness plays any role in L2 learning of a phonological alternation, specifically, in Chinese speakers’ learning of a Korean palatalization. The experiment consisted of the pretest and the posttest, the three times of training tasks, think-aloud verbal reports during the training tasks, and the postexposure questionnaire. The participants’ performance was measured by the pretest and the posttest, in which they were asked to judge whether the auditory prime of a word given on the computer monitor was correct or not. The results revealed the positive role of awareness; the L...
Second Language Research, 1997
This paper has two main goals. One is to reexamine the representation of the underlying phonation... more This paper has two main goals. One is to reexamine the representation of the underlying phonation contrasts in Korean consonants. The other is to show that there is a systematic relationship between abstract phonological notions such as timing and featural structures, and more concrete, quantifiable phonetic events such as closure duration. Instead of assuming a standard three-way underlying phonation contrast (plain, tense and aspirated), I propose that Korean tense consonants are underlyingly geminated plain segments and that the feature [constricted glottis] is redundantly specified. Geminate analyses of tense consonants have been generally rejected on the grounds that Korean has a syllable structure constraint prohibiting multiple consonants in the onset position. However, I argue that word-initial tense consonants lose one timing slot due to Stray Erasure, while intervocalic tense consonants keep both timing slots during the derivation. The application of Stray Erasure is suppo...
The Journal of Humanities and Social sciences 21, 2019
การวจยนมวตถประสงคเพอศกษาอตราผลตอบแทนจากการลงทนทางการศกษาในคณะพยาบาลศาสตร วทยาลยเชยงราย ซงการศกษาป... more การวจยนมวตถประสงคเพอศกษาอตราผลตอบแทนจากการลงทนทางการศกษาในคณะพยาบาลศาสตร วทยาลยเชยงราย ซงการศกษาประกอบดวย 1) ตนทนสวนบคคลทงทางตรงและทางออม 2) การประมาณการรายไดของบณฑต และ 3) การวเคราะหอตราผลตอบแทนจากการลงทนทางการศกษา โดยกลมประชากร คอ บณฑตคณะพยาบาลศาสตร ผลการศกษาพบวา 1) บณฑตมตนทนรวมสวนบคคลเทากบ 1,023,324.736 บาท ประกอบดวย ตนทนสวนบคคลทางตรง 600,000 บาท และตนทนสวนบคคลทางออม 423.324.736 บาท 2) การประมาณการรายไดของบณฑตพบวา บณฑตทมประสบการณการทำงานสงกวาจะมรายไดมากกวาบณฑตทมประสบการณการทำงานนอยกวา และบณฑตททำงานในหนวยงานภาคเอกชนจะมรายไดมากกวาบณฑตททำงานในหนวยงานภาครฐ และ 3) การวเคราะหอตราผลตอบแทนจากการลงทนทางการศกษาพบวา ผลประโยชนตอตนทนของบณฑตทงหมดมคาเทากบรอยละ 266.86 และเมอจำแนกตามหนวยงานพบวา บณฑตททำงานในหนวยงานภาคเอกชนมผลประโยชนตอตนทนเทากบรอยละ 342.08 และบณฑตททำงานในหนวยงานภาครฐมผลประโยชนตอตนทนเทากบรอยละ 222.84 และอตราผลตอบแทนภายในของบณฑตทงหมดมคารอยละ 28.84 และเมอจำแนกตามหนวยงานพบวา บณฑตททำงานในหนวยงานภาคเอกชนมอตราผลตอบแทนภายในเทากบรอยละ 31.97 และบณฑตททำงานในหนวยงานภาครฐมอตราผลตอบแทนภายในเทากบ...
The present study reports the results of an acoustic study of nasal assimilation at word boundari... more The present study reports the results of an acoustic study of nasal assimilation at word boundaries in Chinese-Korean interlanguage. Twelve Chinese learners of Korean and four Korean native speakers recorded obstruent#nasal sequences in noun compounds and verb phrases, and their different production patterns were examined in detail. While nasalization of the word-final obstruents occurred only in 11.7% of the obstruent#nasal sequences for the Chinese learners, the Korean native speakers showed complete nasalization of those sequences. However, there was small, but consistent effect of learning on the production of external sandhi in L2, because there were shown to be differences in the rate of nasalization between the two proficiency groups of Chinese participants. On average, the intermediate level learners nasalized the target stops at the rate of 16%, and the beginning level learners showed the 7% nasalization rate. In addition, it was found that the context difference such as no...
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2020
We investigated the “proximate unit” in Korean, that is, the initial phonological unit selected i... more We investigated the “proximate unit” in Korean, that is, the initial phonological unit selected in speech production by Korean speakers. Previous studies have shown mixed evidence indicating either a phoneme-sized or a syllable-sized unit. We conducted two experiments in which participants named pictures while ignoring superimposed non-words. In English, for this task, when the picture (e.g., dog) and distractor phonology (e.g., dark) initially overlap, typically the picture target is named faster. We used a range of conditions (in Korean) varying from onset overlap to syllabic overlap, and the results indicated an important role for the syllable, but not the phoneme. We suggest that the basic unit used in phonological encoding in Korean is different from Germanic languages such as English and Dutch and also from Japanese and possibly also Chinese. Models dealing with the architecture of language production can use these results when providing a framework suitable for all languages ...
Second Language Research, 1999
This paper explores the functional goal governing the pattern of permissible codas in many langua... more This paper explores the functional goal governing the pattern of permissible codas in many languages. I argue that the choice of more sonorous consonants in syllable codas, but not in onsets, can be accounted for by a phonological strategy to maximize contrast. Based on the proposal that syllable codas are less prominent linguistic positions (Beckman 1997), certain types of segments are argued to be less salient than any other segment types, thus frequently deleted or neutralized in syllable codas. I argue that to prohibit deletion or neutralization of less salient segments and preserve their contrast in syllable codas, more salient segments, namely, more sonorous segments are chosen. In tenus of saliency ranking, stops are argued to be the least salient segments, and thus not likely to be chosen as syllable codas. The weak saliency of stops as compared to other types of segments is shown to be acoustically supported.
Interspeech 2020, 2020
The perception of Japanese consonant length contrasts (i.e. short/singleton vs long/geminate) by ... more The perception of Japanese consonant length contrasts (i.e. short/singleton vs long/geminate) by native and non-native listeners was compared to examine the extent to which difficult foreign language (FL) sounds are processed accurately by native speakers of Korean (NK). Three NK groups differed in their experience with Japanese: non-learners, intermediate and advanced. Via the AXB task, the NK speakers' discrimination accuracy of Japanese consonant length contrasts was assessed and compared to that of a group of 10 native speakers of Japanese (NJ) who served as controls. On average, the NK advanced group did not significantly differ from the NJ group and outperformed the NK non-learner (but not the NK intermediate) group. The NK intermediate and non-learner groups did not differ from each other. However, regardless of experience with Japanese, the NK speakers may benefit from the first language (L1) laryngeal contrasts, associating L1 Korean fortis consonants with Japanese geminates. The NK advanced group appeared less affected than the other two NK groups by Japanese pitch accent patterns in their consonant length perception. The NK advanced learners' results demonstrate that it is possible for non-native speakers to acquire native-like discrimination of consonant length in adulthood.
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2018
Speech production studies have shown that phonological unit initially used to fill the metrical f... more Speech production studies have shown that phonological unit initially used to fill the metrical frame during phonological encoding is language specific, that is, a phoneme for English and Dutch, an atonal syllable for Mandarin Chinese, and a mora for Japanese. However, only a few studies chronometrically investigated speech production in Korean, and they obtained mixed results. Korean is particularly interesting as there might be both phonemic and syllabic influences during phonological encoding. The purpose of this study is to further examine the initial phonological preparation unit in Korean, employing a masked priming task (Experiment 1) and a phonological Stroop task (Experiment 2). The results showed that significant onset (and onset-plus, that is, consonant–vowel [CV]) effects were found in both experiments, but there was no compelling evidence for a prominent role for the syllable. When the prime words were presented in three different forms related to the targets, namely, w...
The Journal of AsiaTEFL, 2016
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether and to what extent the intelligibility of Ko... more The purpose of this study was to investigate whether and to what extent the intelligibility of Korean EFL learners' speech at the text level is affected by their English proficiency, text type, and text length. Various speech materials produced by native English speakers and two Korean EFL speaker groups (high vs. low proficiency) were presented to native English listeners and two Korean EFL listener groups, respectively, for comparison of intelligibility scores. The results showed that the listeners' overall proficiency played the most critical role in determining the level of speech intelligibility for all speaker groups, regardless of the type and length of speech materials. The speakers' proficiency level in terms of pronunciation, however, had no significant effect. As for the text type, dialogue texts were consistently more intelligible than monologues to all listener groups while the effect of text length varied depending on the text type. These results suggest that L2 learners' speech intelligibility needs to be examined within the context of natural L2 text beyond word-and sentence-level utterances in consideration of the interaction of text-related features and other learner variables. Some pedagogical implications are also discussed.
Studies in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, 2014
The present study investigated whether the relative importance of specific acoustic properties in... more The present study investigated whether the relative importance of specific acoustic properties in native language dialects affects the extent to which acoustic properties are used in the production and perception of a second language. The case at hand centered on acquisition of English voiced and voiceless stops by two groups of Korean dialect speakers, Kyungsang and Seoul Korean. Both dialect speakers use the same acoustic cues for the Korean stops, but their relative importance is different: Specifically Seoul speakers employ VOT and F0, and Kyungsang speakers primarily use VOT due to their use of F0 for lexical tone contrast. Given such dialectal differences, this study explored whether Kyungsang and Seoul Korean speakers made distinct use of these two cues to signal the word-initial stops in English where VOT and, less importantly, onset F0 are additionally used for stop contrast. The results showed that in production, both dialect speakers showed a parallel pattern for VOT and F0; however, in perception, Kyungsang listeners had greater reliance on VOT but less on F0 compared with Seoul listeners. These results partly support the feature hypothesis (McAllister et al., 2002) and provide new insight into the relationship between speech production and perception.
Phonetics and Speech Sciences, 2014
The current study presents an instrumental phonetic analysis of Korean monophthong vowels in the ... more The current study presents an instrumental phonetic analysis of Korean monophthong vowels in the early twentieth century Seoul Korean, based on audio recordings of elementary school textbooks Botonghakgyo Joseoneodokbon (Korean Reading Textbook for Elementary School). The data examined in this study were a list of the Korean mono syllables (Banjeol), and a short passage, recorded by one 41-year-old male speaker in 1935, as well as a short passage recorded by one 11-year-old male speaker in 1935. The Korean monophthongs were examined in terms of acoustic analysis of the vowel formants (F1, F2) and compared to those recorded by 18 male speakers of Seoul Korean in 2013. The results show that in 1935, 1) /e/ and /ɛ/ were clearly separated in the vowel space; 2) /o/ and /u/ were also clearly separated without any overlapping values; 3) some tokens of /y/ and /ø/ were produced as monophthongs, not as diphthongs. Based on the results, we can observe the historical change of the Korean vowels over 80-90 years such as 1) /e/ and /ɛ/ have been merged; and 2) /o/ has been raised and overlapped with /u/.
Psychological reports, 2017
The purpose of this study was to investigate how second-language (L2) learners lexically encode c... more The purpose of this study was to investigate how second-language (L2) learners lexically encode confusable phonemes. Given the inconsistency of previous studies on whether and if so how learners can establish separate lexical representations of confusable categories, we examined (1) how phonetic categorization and lexical encoding abilities were developed at the early stage of learning and (2) whether there are any differences in those abilities between the words with a sound pair from a corresponding native language (L1)-dominant category and those lacking such category. Native speakers of Korean learned Arabic words with these two types of sound pairs for four days and then their phonetic categorization and lexical processing abilities were evaluated in AXB discrimination and lexical decision tasks, respectively. The results showed that phonetic categorization of the words with a sound pair from an L1-dominant category developed very early. With success in their discrimination abi...
Linguistic Research, 2016
Han, Jeong-Im and Sujin Oh. 2016. The phonetic realization of devoiced vowels in Mandarin Chinese... more Han, Jeong-Im and Sujin Oh. 2016. The phonetic realization of devoiced vowels in Mandarin Chinese. Linguistic Research 33(1), 21-38. This study analyzed the phonetic realizations of devoiced vowels in Mandarin Chinese. First, the target vowels were acoustically examined and classified in three categories: completely devoiced, partially devoiced, and completely voiced. Second, the segmental duration and intensity of the target vowels, and the aspiration/noise duration of the preceding consonants were measured between the devoiced and voiced tokens. Our findings indicate that 1) the vowels of Mandarin Chinese were seldom realized as prototypical devoiced vowels like Japanese or the American Indian languages: the frequency of devoiced vowels was less than 5% regardless of the contexts eliciting vowel devoicing; and 2) there were considerable individual variations across speakers. However, it was also found in the acoustic measurements of the target vowels that the devoiced vowels were realized with shorter duration and lower intensity than the voiced counterparts. As for the duration of the aspiration/noise of the preceding consonants, a voiceless fricative, but not a voiceless affricate or stop, was realized with longer duration when it was immediately preceded by the (completely and partially) devoiced vowel as compared to the completely voiced vowel. The present results demonstrate a cross-linguistic variation in the realization of devoiced vowels.
The purpose of the present paper is to test the role of vowel contrast in V-to-V coarticulation. ... more The purpose of the present paper is to test the role of vowel contrast in V-to-V coarticulation. Specifically, V-to-V anticipatory and carryover coarticulations in Korean and Japanese were examined in terms of F1 and F2 in crowded vs. non-crowded regions of the vowel space. The results showed that vowel contrast does not directly contribute to the language-specific coarticulation pattern between these two languages, which is at odds with Manuel & Krakow (1984), and Manuel (1987), but in good agreement with Bradlow (1995).
Language Research, 2002
This study assesses the role of formal instruction in the acquisition of the English Irl and 11/ ... more This study assesses the role of formal instruction in the acquisition of the English Irl and 11/ by native Korean (NK) speakers. Following the proposal by Flege (1981, 1987, 1991, 1992) that many L2 production errors have a perceptual basis, a theoretical instruction to explain the positionsensitive subtle phonetic differences between English and Korean liquids was given to NK speakers and the accuracy of their production of English liquids was evaluated by native English speakers. The results based on 18 NK speakers show that 1) a very short perceptual training, not naturalistic learning, was effective in the improvement of late learners' L2 pronunciation and its effect was maintained for a rather short-term period; but 2) the results varied according to the phonological position each segment occurred, and the perceptual training conducted in this study did not override prior L1 phonological learning. Based on the results of this study, the L2 theories and theories of perception and production were revisited.