Jinkyun Park - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Jinkyun Park

Research paper thumbnail of Estimating the response times of human operators working in the main control room of nuclear power plants based on the context of a seismic event – A case study

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2015

ABSTRACT After the Fukushima accident, a couple of novel issues have raised in terms of the safet... more ABSTRACT After the Fukushima accident, a couple of novel issues have raised in terms of the safety assessment of nuclear power plants (NPPs). This means that the performance of human operators should be properly evaluated under an extreme event. However, it is unrealistic to collect a sufficient amount of human performance data from a real event, such as a great earthquake. As one of the promising solutions, a conceptual framework is suggested in this paper, which is helpful for estimating the response time data of human operators working in the main control room of NPPs under a seismic event. To this end, the four kinds of representative contexts that could be anticipated from seismic events are identified. Then the response times of human operators who are faced with similar contexts are reviewed from existing literatures and databases. As a result, a couple of rules that allow us to extrapolate the response times of human operators under seismic events are extracted. Although underlying rationales being used for determining these rules are still arguable, it is expected that response times under seismic events could be properly understood along with accumulating those of human operators against non-seismic conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparing cultural profiles of MCR operators with those of non-MCR operators working in domestic Nuclear Power Plants

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2015

ABSTRACT Operation experience of complex socio-technical systems such as Nuclear Power Plants (NP... more ABSTRACT Operation experience of complex socio-technical systems such as Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) shows that most significant events are attributable to human error. Thus, various kinds of Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) techniques were used to manage human error for safety-critical tasks. However, a lack of available HRA data is a critical issue in conducting an HRA. For this reason, many researchers have tried to provide HRA data extracted from simulated emergency conditions. Unfortunately, it is still doubtful to directly use these HRA data because different operational cultures may result in different human performances even under a similar task context. From this concern, previous studies claimed that Main Control Room (MCR) operators working in different NPPs share very similar cultural profile. In order to confirm this claim, the culture profiles of operating personnel (i.e., non-MCR and MCR operators) working in domestic NPPs are compared. As a result, although some discrepancies are observed, it is positive to say that operating personnel of NPPs share similar cultural profiles to some extent. This result can be regarded as the first step to provide technical underpinnings that are helpful for understanding human performance data collected from different countries.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparing TACOM scores with two sets of operator response time data collected under a highly institutionalized task environment

Tenth IFAC,IFIP,IFORS,IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, 2007

ABSTRACT According to operating experiences, it is clarified that an operator's performan... more ABSTRACT According to operating experiences, it is clarified that an operator's performance could be drastically deteriorated by complicated procedures From this regard, a task complexity measure called TACOM that consists of five sub-measures was developed. In this study, the appropriateness of the task complexity (TACOM) measure that can quantify the complexity of procedural tasks was validated. To this end, two sets of task performance time data that have been extracted under the simulated steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) conditions of the reference nuclear power plant (NPP) A and B were compared with the associated TACOM scores. As a result, it was observed that two sets of task performance time data seem to be soundly explained by the associated TACOM scores

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Research paper thumbnail of A systematic framework to investigate the coverage of abnormal operating procedures in nuclear power plants

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2015

ABSTRACT It is evident that the reliability of complex socio-technical systems, such as NPPs (Nuc... more ABSTRACT It is evident that the reliability of complex socio-technical systems, such as NPPs (Nuclear Power Plants), is very critical for public safety. For this reason, the DID (Defense-In-Depth) concept has been adopted as a core principle to ensure the operational safety of NPPs. Regarding this, the provisioning of AOPs (Abnormal Operating Procedures) is essential for implementing the DID concept. Unfortunately, since most AOPs were developed based on operational experience, it is not easy to investigate their coverage in a systematic manner. Therefore, in this study, a framework to identify the coverage of AOPs is proposed based on a SPV (Single Point Vulnerability) model. As for the initial validation of the suggested framework, the coverage of OPR1000 (Optimized Power Reactor 1000MWe) units operating in the Rep. of Korea is analyzed. As a result, it is revealed that their coverage is about 63%. In addition, it is confirmed that one of the component failures distinguished from the proposed framework actually triggered an unexpected reactor trip event in an OPR1000 unit. Therefore, it is possible to expect that the proposed framework can be used as a practical tool to enhance the coverage of AOPs.

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Research paper thumbnail of A statistical approach to estimating effects of performance shaping factors on human error probabilities of soft controls

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2015

ABSTRACT Despite recent efforts toward data collection for supporting human reliability analysis,... more ABSTRACT Despite recent efforts toward data collection for supporting human reliability analysis, there remains a lack of empirical basis in determining the effects of performance shaping factors (PSFs) on human error probabilities (HEPs). To enhance the empirical basis regarding the effects of the PSFs, a statistical methodology using a logistic regression and stepwise variable selection was proposed, and the effects of the PSF on HEPs related with the soft controls were estimated through the methodology. For this estimation, more than 600 human error opportunities related to soft controls in a computerized control room were obtained through laboratory experiments. From the eight PSF surrogates and combinations of these variables, the procedure quality, practice level, and the operation type were identified as significant factors for screen switch and mode conversion errors. The contributions of these significant factors to HEPs were also estimated in terms of a multiplicative form. The usefulness and limitation of the experimental data and the techniques employed are discussed herein, and we believe that the logistic regression and stepwise variable selection methods will provide a way to estimate the effects of PSFs on HEPs in an objective manner.

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifying objective criterion to determine a complicated task – A comparative study

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the appropriateness of a decision chart to characterize the level of task descriptions in nuclear power plants

Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2013

ABSTRACT Traditionally, the use of operating procedures is very popular or even mandatory in larg... more ABSTRACT Traditionally, the use of operating procedures is very popular or even mandatory in large process control systems including nuclear power plants (NPPs), commercial airplanes and railway systems. This is because good procedures are very effective in enhancing the performance of human operators who have a responsibility for operating these systems. However, the improvement of an operational safety by providing procedures is meaningful only if human operators are able to properly access necessary information from them. In this regard, it is well known that one of the most significant factors affecting the proper use of procedures is the level of task descriptions, which is directly related to the provision of necessary information what human operators want to know. For this reason, in this study, the appropriateness of a decision chart that allows us to characterize the level of task descriptions is investigated using subjective difficulty scores collected from 98 human operators working in domestic NPPs. As a result, it was observed that there is a significant relation between the level of task descriptions and the subjective difficulty score of human operators. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that the decision chart can be regarded as a starting point to scrutinize the contribution of task description levels to the preparation of good procedure.

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Research paper thumbnail of The use of a social network analysis technique to investigate the characteristics of crew communications in nuclear power plants—A feasibility study

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2011

ABSTRACT Effective and reliable communications are very important in securing the safety of human... more ABSTRACT Effective and reliable communications are very important in securing the safety of human-involved large process control systems because human operators have to accomplish their tasks in cooperative ways. This means that it is very important to understand the characteristics of crew communications, which can provide useful insights for preventing inappropriate communications. Unfortunately, in the nuclear industry, a systematic framework that can be used to identify the characteristics of crew communications seems to be rare. For this reason, the applicability of the social network analysis (SNA) technique to identifying the characteristics of crew communications was investigated in this study. To this end, the communication data of operating crews working in the main control room (MCR) of nuclear power plants (NPPs) were collected under two kinds of simulated off-normal conditions. Then the communication characteristics of MCR operating crews, which can be represented by the associated SNA metrics, were compared with communication characteristics that are already known from existing studies. As a result, it was found that SNA metrics could be meaningful for explaining the communication characteristics of MCR operating crews. Accordingly, it is expected that the SNA technique can be used as one of the serviceable tools to investigate the characteristics of crew communications in NPPs.

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Research paper thumbnail of A study on the development of a task complexity measure for emergency operating procedures of nuclear power plants

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2007

ABSTRACT In this study, a measure called task complexity (TACOM) that can quantify the complexity... more ABSTRACT In this study, a measure called task complexity (TACOM) that can quantify the complexity of tasks stipulated in emergency operating procedures of nuclear power plants is developed. The TACOM measure consists of five sub-measures that can cover remarkable complexity factors: (1) amount of information to be managed by operators, (2) logical entanglement due to the logical sequence of the required actions, (3) amount of actions to be accomplished by operators, (4) amount of system knowledge in recognizing the problem space, and (5) amount of cognitive resources in establishing an appropriate decision criterion. The appropriateness of the TACOM measure is investigated by comparing task performance time data with the associated TACOM scores. As a result, it is observed that there is a significant correlation between TACOM scores and task performance time data. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the TACOM measure can be used as a meaningful tool to quantify the complexity of tasks.

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Research paper thumbnail of A systematic approach to analysing errors of commission from diagnosis failure in accident progression

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2005

ABSTRACT The accident scenarios of a nuclear power plant are composed of an initiating event (IE)... more ABSTRACT The accident scenarios of a nuclear power plant are composed of an initiating event (IE), additional events/failures and human inappropriate actions, the combinations of which lead to irreversible consequences. In such a dynamic situation, operators should diagnose the occurring events/failures (including an initiating event and additional events) and assess the related situations utilising the available resources such as operating procedures or human–machine systems to control and maintain the plant in a stable condition. The misdiagnosis or diagnosis failure of the occurring events could cause critical human inappropriate actions that aggravate the plant condition, which is termed as errors of commission (EOCs). This paper presents a methodology for analysing the potential for diagnosis failure of the initiating and additional events and the consequent EOC events, based on the operating procedures, in the accident scenarios of nuclear power plants. The method to be presented categorizes the diagnostic situations in the accident scenarios into three cases according to the structure of the emergency operating procedures (EOPs) and the time of the occurring events: (1) the diagnosis of an initiating event, (2) the diagnosis of both an initiating event and an additional event when an additional event occurs prior to the performance of the diagnosis procedure, and (3) the diagnosis of an additional event when an additional events occurs after the performance of the diagnosis procedure. The application of the method is illustrated through three case example scenarios: (1) the power-operated relief valve (PORV) or the pressurizer safety valve (PSV) LOCA, (2) the loss of all feedwater (LOAF) event (loss of main feedwater*loss of auxiliary feedwater), (3) the sequence of<the station blackout (SBO)*loss of turbine-driven (or diesel-driven) auxiliary feedwater*PSV stuck-open*recovery of AC power>.

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Research paper thumbnail of Measuring situation awareness of operating team in different main control room environments of nuclear power plants

Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of A Framework to Evaluate Communication Quality of Operators in Nuclear Power Plants Using Cosine Similarity

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Research paper thumbnail of Some insights to determine the proper level of descriptions about proceduralized tasks

Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2010

ABSTRACT It is well known fact that the provision of a good procedure is very effective not only ... more ABSTRACT It is well known fact that the provision of a good procedure is very effective not only to enhance the productivity but also the safety of any human involved systems. However, in the course of preparing the procedure, there are several factors that should be considered carefully. One of them is the level of details in describing proceduralized tasks. In this study, a decision chart that can be used to determine the proper level of descriptions with respect to the experience level of human operators is developed based on the pair-wise comparisons of plant experts. Although additional studies are indispensable, if we realize a lack of a serviceable method to determine the proper level of descriptions, it is expected that the decision chart would be a good gambit for enhancing the quality of proceduralized tasks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Method for diagnosing abnormal conditions in a system by observing a computer screen and considering computer screen configuration complexity and distinctiveness

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Research paper thumbnail of A Study to Evaluate the Communication Quality of Operators Under Off-Normal Condition

Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of The Complexity of Proceduralized Tasks

Springer Series in Reliability Engineering, 2009

Page 1. nger Series in Reliability Engineering Jinkyun Park The Complexity of Proceduralized Task... more Page 1. nger Series in Reliability Engineering Jinkyun Park The Complexity of Proceduralized Tasks Page 2. Springer Series in Reliability Engineering Page 3. Series Editor Professor Hoang Pham Department of Industrial and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifying cognitive complexity factors affecting the complexity of procedural steps in emergency operating procedures of a nuclear power plant

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2005

ABSTRACT In complex systems such as a nuclear and chemical plant, it is well known that the provi... more ABSTRACT In complex systems such as a nuclear and chemical plant, it is well known that the provision of understandable procedures that allow operators to clarify what needs to be done and how to do it is one of the requisites to secure their safety.As a previous study in providing understandable procedures, the step complexity (SC) measure that can quantify the complexity of procedural steps in emergency operating procedures (EOPs) of a nuclear power plant (NPP) was suggested. However, the necessity of additional complexity factors that can consider a cognitive aspect in evaluating the complexity of procedural steps is raised.To this end, the comparisons between operators' performance data measured by the form of a step performance time with their behavior in carrying out the prescribed activities of procedural steps are conducted in this study. As a result, two kinds of complexity factors (the abstraction level of knowledge and the level of engineering decision) that could affect an operator's cognitive burden are identified.Although a well-designed experiment is indispensable for confirming the appropriateness of the additional complexity factors, it is strongly believed that the change of operators' performance data can be more authentically explained if the additional complexity factors are taken into consideration.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of a communication database of main control room operators in emergency situations in nuclear power plants

2007 IEEE 8th Human Factors and Power Plants and HPRCT 13th Annual Meeting, 2007

As mentioned by many researchers, the performance of main control room (MCR) operators during eme... more As mentioned by many researchers, the performance of main control room (MCR) operators during emergency situations in nuclear power plants (NPPs) is strongly affected by not only the cognitive process of each operator, but also by communications and collaboration among operators. In the course of developing a standard communication protocol for MCR operators in NPPs for the management of emergency

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Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive Simulation of Operator's Diagnostic Strategies in Nuclear Power Plants

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimating the response times of human operators working in the main control room of nuclear power plants based on the context of a seismic event – A case study

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2015

ABSTRACT After the Fukushima accident, a couple of novel issues have raised in terms of the safet... more ABSTRACT After the Fukushima accident, a couple of novel issues have raised in terms of the safety assessment of nuclear power plants (NPPs). This means that the performance of human operators should be properly evaluated under an extreme event. However, it is unrealistic to collect a sufficient amount of human performance data from a real event, such as a great earthquake. As one of the promising solutions, a conceptual framework is suggested in this paper, which is helpful for estimating the response time data of human operators working in the main control room of NPPs under a seismic event. To this end, the four kinds of representative contexts that could be anticipated from seismic events are identified. Then the response times of human operators who are faced with similar contexts are reviewed from existing literatures and databases. As a result, a couple of rules that allow us to extrapolate the response times of human operators under seismic events are extracted. Although underlying rationales being used for determining these rules are still arguable, it is expected that response times under seismic events could be properly understood along with accumulating those of human operators against non-seismic conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparing cultural profiles of MCR operators with those of non-MCR operators working in domestic Nuclear Power Plants

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2015

ABSTRACT Operation experience of complex socio-technical systems such as Nuclear Power Plants (NP... more ABSTRACT Operation experience of complex socio-technical systems such as Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) shows that most significant events are attributable to human error. Thus, various kinds of Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) techniques were used to manage human error for safety-critical tasks. However, a lack of available HRA data is a critical issue in conducting an HRA. For this reason, many researchers have tried to provide HRA data extracted from simulated emergency conditions. Unfortunately, it is still doubtful to directly use these HRA data because different operational cultures may result in different human performances even under a similar task context. From this concern, previous studies claimed that Main Control Room (MCR) operators working in different NPPs share very similar cultural profile. In order to confirm this claim, the culture profiles of operating personnel (i.e., non-MCR and MCR operators) working in domestic NPPs are compared. As a result, although some discrepancies are observed, it is positive to say that operating personnel of NPPs share similar cultural profiles to some extent. This result can be regarded as the first step to provide technical underpinnings that are helpful for understanding human performance data collected from different countries.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparing TACOM scores with two sets of operator response time data collected under a highly institutionalized task environment

Tenth IFAC,IFIP,IFORS,IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, 2007

ABSTRACT According to operating experiences, it is clarified that an operator's performan... more ABSTRACT According to operating experiences, it is clarified that an operator's performance could be drastically deteriorated by complicated procedures From this regard, a task complexity measure called TACOM that consists of five sub-measures was developed. In this study, the appropriateness of the task complexity (TACOM) measure that can quantify the complexity of procedural tasks was validated. To this end, two sets of task performance time data that have been extracted under the simulated steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) conditions of the reference nuclear power plant (NPP) A and B were compared with the associated TACOM scores. As a result, it was observed that two sets of task performance time data seem to be soundly explained by the associated TACOM scores

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Research paper thumbnail of A systematic framework to investigate the coverage of abnormal operating procedures in nuclear power plants

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2015

ABSTRACT It is evident that the reliability of complex socio-technical systems, such as NPPs (Nuc... more ABSTRACT It is evident that the reliability of complex socio-technical systems, such as NPPs (Nuclear Power Plants), is very critical for public safety. For this reason, the DID (Defense-In-Depth) concept has been adopted as a core principle to ensure the operational safety of NPPs. Regarding this, the provisioning of AOPs (Abnormal Operating Procedures) is essential for implementing the DID concept. Unfortunately, since most AOPs were developed based on operational experience, it is not easy to investigate their coverage in a systematic manner. Therefore, in this study, a framework to identify the coverage of AOPs is proposed based on a SPV (Single Point Vulnerability) model. As for the initial validation of the suggested framework, the coverage of OPR1000 (Optimized Power Reactor 1000MWe) units operating in the Rep. of Korea is analyzed. As a result, it is revealed that their coverage is about 63%. In addition, it is confirmed that one of the component failures distinguished from the proposed framework actually triggered an unexpected reactor trip event in an OPR1000 unit. Therefore, it is possible to expect that the proposed framework can be used as a practical tool to enhance the coverage of AOPs.

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Research paper thumbnail of A statistical approach to estimating effects of performance shaping factors on human error probabilities of soft controls

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2015

ABSTRACT Despite recent efforts toward data collection for supporting human reliability analysis,... more ABSTRACT Despite recent efforts toward data collection for supporting human reliability analysis, there remains a lack of empirical basis in determining the effects of performance shaping factors (PSFs) on human error probabilities (HEPs). To enhance the empirical basis regarding the effects of the PSFs, a statistical methodology using a logistic regression and stepwise variable selection was proposed, and the effects of the PSF on HEPs related with the soft controls were estimated through the methodology. For this estimation, more than 600 human error opportunities related to soft controls in a computerized control room were obtained through laboratory experiments. From the eight PSF surrogates and combinations of these variables, the procedure quality, practice level, and the operation type were identified as significant factors for screen switch and mode conversion errors. The contributions of these significant factors to HEPs were also estimated in terms of a multiplicative form. The usefulness and limitation of the experimental data and the techniques employed are discussed herein, and we believe that the logistic regression and stepwise variable selection methods will provide a way to estimate the effects of PSFs on HEPs in an objective manner.

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifying objective criterion to determine a complicated task – A comparative study

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the appropriateness of a decision chart to characterize the level of task descriptions in nuclear power plants

Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2013

ABSTRACT Traditionally, the use of operating procedures is very popular or even mandatory in larg... more ABSTRACT Traditionally, the use of operating procedures is very popular or even mandatory in large process control systems including nuclear power plants (NPPs), commercial airplanes and railway systems. This is because good procedures are very effective in enhancing the performance of human operators who have a responsibility for operating these systems. However, the improvement of an operational safety by providing procedures is meaningful only if human operators are able to properly access necessary information from them. In this regard, it is well known that one of the most significant factors affecting the proper use of procedures is the level of task descriptions, which is directly related to the provision of necessary information what human operators want to know. For this reason, in this study, the appropriateness of a decision chart that allows us to characterize the level of task descriptions is investigated using subjective difficulty scores collected from 98 human operators working in domestic NPPs. As a result, it was observed that there is a significant relation between the level of task descriptions and the subjective difficulty score of human operators. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that the decision chart can be regarded as a starting point to scrutinize the contribution of task description levels to the preparation of good procedure.

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Research paper thumbnail of The use of a social network analysis technique to investigate the characteristics of crew communications in nuclear power plants—A feasibility study

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2011

ABSTRACT Effective and reliable communications are very important in securing the safety of human... more ABSTRACT Effective and reliable communications are very important in securing the safety of human-involved large process control systems because human operators have to accomplish their tasks in cooperative ways. This means that it is very important to understand the characteristics of crew communications, which can provide useful insights for preventing inappropriate communications. Unfortunately, in the nuclear industry, a systematic framework that can be used to identify the characteristics of crew communications seems to be rare. For this reason, the applicability of the social network analysis (SNA) technique to identifying the characteristics of crew communications was investigated in this study. To this end, the communication data of operating crews working in the main control room (MCR) of nuclear power plants (NPPs) were collected under two kinds of simulated off-normal conditions. Then the communication characteristics of MCR operating crews, which can be represented by the associated SNA metrics, were compared with communication characteristics that are already known from existing studies. As a result, it was found that SNA metrics could be meaningful for explaining the communication characteristics of MCR operating crews. Accordingly, it is expected that the SNA technique can be used as one of the serviceable tools to investigate the characteristics of crew communications in NPPs.

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Research paper thumbnail of A study on the development of a task complexity measure for emergency operating procedures of nuclear power plants

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2007

ABSTRACT In this study, a measure called task complexity (TACOM) that can quantify the complexity... more ABSTRACT In this study, a measure called task complexity (TACOM) that can quantify the complexity of tasks stipulated in emergency operating procedures of nuclear power plants is developed. The TACOM measure consists of five sub-measures that can cover remarkable complexity factors: (1) amount of information to be managed by operators, (2) logical entanglement due to the logical sequence of the required actions, (3) amount of actions to be accomplished by operators, (4) amount of system knowledge in recognizing the problem space, and (5) amount of cognitive resources in establishing an appropriate decision criterion. The appropriateness of the TACOM measure is investigated by comparing task performance time data with the associated TACOM scores. As a result, it is observed that there is a significant correlation between TACOM scores and task performance time data. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the TACOM measure can be used as a meaningful tool to quantify the complexity of tasks.

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Research paper thumbnail of A systematic approach to analysing errors of commission from diagnosis failure in accident progression

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2005

ABSTRACT The accident scenarios of a nuclear power plant are composed of an initiating event (IE)... more ABSTRACT The accident scenarios of a nuclear power plant are composed of an initiating event (IE), additional events/failures and human inappropriate actions, the combinations of which lead to irreversible consequences. In such a dynamic situation, operators should diagnose the occurring events/failures (including an initiating event and additional events) and assess the related situations utilising the available resources such as operating procedures or human–machine systems to control and maintain the plant in a stable condition. The misdiagnosis or diagnosis failure of the occurring events could cause critical human inappropriate actions that aggravate the plant condition, which is termed as errors of commission (EOCs). This paper presents a methodology for analysing the potential for diagnosis failure of the initiating and additional events and the consequent EOC events, based on the operating procedures, in the accident scenarios of nuclear power plants. The method to be presented categorizes the diagnostic situations in the accident scenarios into three cases according to the structure of the emergency operating procedures (EOPs) and the time of the occurring events: (1) the diagnosis of an initiating event, (2) the diagnosis of both an initiating event and an additional event when an additional event occurs prior to the performance of the diagnosis procedure, and (3) the diagnosis of an additional event when an additional events occurs after the performance of the diagnosis procedure. The application of the method is illustrated through three case example scenarios: (1) the power-operated relief valve (PORV) or the pressurizer safety valve (PSV) LOCA, (2) the loss of all feedwater (LOAF) event (loss of main feedwater*loss of auxiliary feedwater), (3) the sequence of<the station blackout (SBO)*loss of turbine-driven (or diesel-driven) auxiliary feedwater*PSV stuck-open*recovery of AC power>.

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Research paper thumbnail of Measuring situation awareness of operating team in different main control room environments of nuclear power plants

Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of A Framework to Evaluate Communication Quality of Operators in Nuclear Power Plants Using Cosine Similarity

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Research paper thumbnail of Some insights to determine the proper level of descriptions about proceduralized tasks

Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2010

ABSTRACT It is well known fact that the provision of a good procedure is very effective not only ... more ABSTRACT It is well known fact that the provision of a good procedure is very effective not only to enhance the productivity but also the safety of any human involved systems. However, in the course of preparing the procedure, there are several factors that should be considered carefully. One of them is the level of details in describing proceduralized tasks. In this study, a decision chart that can be used to determine the proper level of descriptions with respect to the experience level of human operators is developed based on the pair-wise comparisons of plant experts. Although additional studies are indispensable, if we realize a lack of a serviceable method to determine the proper level of descriptions, it is expected that the decision chart would be a good gambit for enhancing the quality of proceduralized tasks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Method for diagnosing abnormal conditions in a system by observing a computer screen and considering computer screen configuration complexity and distinctiveness

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Research paper thumbnail of A Study to Evaluate the Communication Quality of Operators Under Off-Normal Condition

Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of The Complexity of Proceduralized Tasks

Springer Series in Reliability Engineering, 2009

Page 1. nger Series in Reliability Engineering Jinkyun Park The Complexity of Proceduralized Task... more Page 1. nger Series in Reliability Engineering Jinkyun Park The Complexity of Proceduralized Tasks Page 2. Springer Series in Reliability Engineering Page 3. Series Editor Professor Hoang Pham Department of Industrial and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifying cognitive complexity factors affecting the complexity of procedural steps in emergency operating procedures of a nuclear power plant

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2005

ABSTRACT In complex systems such as a nuclear and chemical plant, it is well known that the provi... more ABSTRACT In complex systems such as a nuclear and chemical plant, it is well known that the provision of understandable procedures that allow operators to clarify what needs to be done and how to do it is one of the requisites to secure their safety.As a previous study in providing understandable procedures, the step complexity (SC) measure that can quantify the complexity of procedural steps in emergency operating procedures (EOPs) of a nuclear power plant (NPP) was suggested. However, the necessity of additional complexity factors that can consider a cognitive aspect in evaluating the complexity of procedural steps is raised.To this end, the comparisons between operators' performance data measured by the form of a step performance time with their behavior in carrying out the prescribed activities of procedural steps are conducted in this study. As a result, two kinds of complexity factors (the abstraction level of knowledge and the level of engineering decision) that could affect an operator's cognitive burden are identified.Although a well-designed experiment is indispensable for confirming the appropriateness of the additional complexity factors, it is strongly believed that the change of operators' performance data can be more authentically explained if the additional complexity factors are taken into consideration.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of a communication database of main control room operators in emergency situations in nuclear power plants

2007 IEEE 8th Human Factors and Power Plants and HPRCT 13th Annual Meeting, 2007

As mentioned by many researchers, the performance of main control room (MCR) operators during eme... more As mentioned by many researchers, the performance of main control room (MCR) operators during emergency situations in nuclear power plants (NPPs) is strongly affected by not only the cognitive process of each operator, but also by communications and collaboration among operators. In the course of developing a standard communication protocol for MCR operators in NPPs for the management of emergency

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Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive Simulation of Operator's Diagnostic Strategies in Nuclear Power Plants

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