Jiri Hosek - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Jiri Hosek
ABSTRACT Internal report | Preprint
There are many possibilities for new physics beyond the Standard Model that feature non-standard ... more There are many possibilities for new physics beyond the Standard Model that feature non-standard Higgs sectors. These may introduce new sources of CP violation, and there may be mixing between multiple Higgs bosons or other new scalar bosons. Alternatively, the Higgs may be a composite state, or there may even be no Higgs at all. These non-standard Higgs scenarios have important implications for collider physics as well as for cosmology, and understanding their phenomenology is essential for a full comprehension of electroweak symmetry breaking. This report discusses the most relevant theories which go beyond the Standard Model and its minimal, CP-conserving supersymmetric extension: two-Higgs-doublet models and minimal supersymmetric models with CP violation, supersymmetric models with an extra singlet, models with extra gauge groups or Higgs triplets, Little Higgs models, models in extra dimensions, and models with technicolour or other new strong dynamics. For each of these scena...
We gauge the experimentally observed flavor (family) index of chiral lepton and quark fields and ... more We gauge the experimentally observed flavor (family) index of chiral lepton and quark fields and argue that the resulting non-vectorial SU(3)_F dynamics completely self-breaks. This breakdown generates fermion masses, which in turn trigger electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB). Suggested asymptotically free dynamics with an assumed non-perturbative infrared fixed point has just one free parameter and is therefore either right or plainly wrong. Weak point of field theories strongly coupled in the infrared, unfortunately, is that there is no reliable way of computing their spectrum. Because of its rigidity the model provides, however, rather firm theoretically safe experimental predictions without knowing the spectrum: First, anomaly freedom fixes the neutrino sector which contains almost sterile neutrino states. Second, global symmetries of the model, spontaneously broken by fermion masses imply the existence of a fixed pattern of (pseudo-)axions and (pseudo-)majorons. It is gratifyin...
Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by the gauge SU(3)_f quantum flavor dynamics ... more Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by the gauge SU(3)_f quantum flavor dynamics (QFD) with one parameter, the scale Λ. Anomaly freedom of QFD demands extension of the fermion sector of SM by three sterile right-handed neutrino fields. Poles of fermion propagators with chirality-changing self-energies Σ(p^2) spontaneously generated by QFD at strong coupling define: (1) Three sterile-neutrino Majorana masses M_fR of order Λ. (2) Three Dirac masses m_f, degenerate for e_f, ν_f, u_f, d_f in family f, exponentially small with respect to Λ. Goldstone theorem implies: All eight flavor gluons acquire masses of order M_fR. W and Z bosons acquire masses of order ∑ m_f, the effective Fermi scale. Composite 'would-be' Nambu-Goldstone bosons have their 'genuine' partners, the composite Higgs particles: The SM-like Higgs h and two new Higgses h_3 and h_8, all with masses at Fermi scale; three Higgses χ_i with masses at scale Λ. Large pole-mass splitting of charged...
We demonstrate that the chiral gauge flavor SU(3)_f dynamics spontaneously generates the chiral s... more We demonstrate that the chiral gauge flavor SU(3)_f dynamics spontaneously generates the chiral symmetry breaking fermion self energies Σ(p^2) resulting in wide and wild spectra of lepton and quark masses. The Goldstone theorem then necessarily implies: (1) Gauge bosons of gauged chiral symmetries absorb the underlying 'would-be' Nambu-Goldstone (NG) bosons and become massive. Masses are determined by Σ(p^2)s of those fermions to which they couple, and by the corresponding gauge coupling constants. (2) Charges of anomalous Abelian chiral fermion currents create composite mixed-parity pseudo NG bosons with calculable couplings to fermions and gauge bosons: (i) the Higgs-looking h with mass due to the SU(3)_f instanton; (ii) the Weinberg-Wilczek axion a with mass due to the QCD instanton; (iii) the Anselm-Uraltsev arion b with mass due to the electroweak instanton. (3) There are the true composite NG bosons, the majorons.
We assign the chiral fermion fields of the Standard model to triplets of flavor (family, generati... more We assign the chiral fermion fields of the Standard model to triplets of flavor (family, generation, horizontal) SU(3)_f symmetry, for anomaly freedom add one triplet of sterile right-handed neutrino fields, and gauge that symmetry. First we demonstrate that the resulting quantum flavor SU(3)_f dynamics completely spontaneously self-breaks: Both the Majorana masses of sterile neutrinos and the masses of all eight flavor gluons come out proportional to the SU(3)_f scale Λ. Mixing of sterile neutrinos yields new CP-violating phases needed for understanding the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Second, the SU(3)_f dynamics with weak hypercharge radiative corrections spontaneously generates the lepton and quark masses exponentially suppressed with respect to Λ. Three active neutrinos come out as Majorana particles extremely light by seesaw. The Goldstone theorem implies: (i) The electroweak bosons W and Z acquire masses. (ii) There are three axions, decent candidates for dark matter. In...
We argue that the QCD matter not far above a critical confinement-deconfinement baryon density an... more We argue that the QCD matter not far above a critical confinement-deconfinement baryon density and low temperatures can develop spontaneously the condensates of spin-one quark Cooper pairs. Depending upon their color these condensates characterize two distinct anisotropic color-superconducting phases. For them we derive the generic form of the quasiquark dispersion laws and the gap equation. We also visualize the soft Nambu-Goldstone modes of spontaneously broken global symmetries, and demonstrate an unusual form of the Meissner effect.}]
In anomaly free gauged three-flavor SU(3)_f x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y model of Yanagida with fermion and... more In anomaly free gauged three-flavor SU(3)_f x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y model of Yanagida with fermion and gauge boson masses described by conveniently chosen elementary scalar Higgs fields the neutrino mass matrix comes out in the seesaw form. Following Yanagida's suggestion we demonstrate that no Higgs fields are needed. Strong flavor gluon interactions themselves, treated in a separable approximation, result in universally split lepton and quark masses calculated in terms of a few parameters. While the realistic splitting of charged lepton and quark masses requires the electroweak and QCD radiative corrections the neutrino seesaw mass matrix comes out exact.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2017
In anomaly free gauged three-flavor SU(3)_f x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y model of Yanagida with fermion and... more In anomaly free gauged three-flavor SU(3)_f x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y model of Yanagida with fermion and gauge boson masses described by conveniently chosen elementary scalar Higgs fields the neutrino mass matrix comes out in the seesaw form. Following Yanagida's suggestion we demonstrate that no Higgs fields are needed. Strong flavor gluon interactions themselves, treated in a separable approximation, result in universally split lepton and quark masses calculated in terms of a few parameters. While the realistic splitting of charged lepton and quark masses requires the electroweak and QCD radiative corrections the neutrino seesaw mass matrix comes out exact.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2016
We assign the chiral fermion fields of the Standard model to triplets of flavor (family, generati... more We assign the chiral fermion fields of the Standard model to triplets of flavor (family, generation, horizontal) SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f symmetry, for anomaly freedom add one triplet of sterile right-handed neutrino fields, and gauge that symmetry. First we demonstrate that the resulting quantum flavor SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f dynamics completely spontaneously self-breaks: Both the Majorana masses of sterile neutrinos and the masses of all eight flavor gluons come out proportional to the SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f scale Lambda\LambdaLambda. Mixing of sterile neutrinos yields new CP-violating phases needed for understanding the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Second, the SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f dynamics with weak hypercharge radiative corrections spontaneously generates the lepton and quark masses exponentially suppressed with respect to Lambda\LambdaLambda. Three active neutrinos come out as Majorana particles extremely light by seesaw. The Goldstone theorem implies: (i) The electroweak bosons WWW and ZZZ acquire masses. (ii) There are three axions, decent ca...
Following closely the logic of the London phenomenological macroscopic theory of the Meissner eff... more Following closely the logic of the London phenomenological macroscopic theory of the Meissner effect in superconductors we describe the origin of the short-range behavior of the chromo-electric field, the necessary ingredient for color confinement in QCD. The genuinely non-Abelian model is specified by the strong-coupling colored-gluon current. Its first term, as the superconductivity current, is proportional to the gauge potential. The new term is simply related to the chromomagnetic pseudo-vector current of the non-Abelian Bianchi identity. We suggest that this London dual color superconductivity current is responsible for the observed almost perfect fluidity in droplets of the strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma. Its chromo-magnetic component should have a specific experimental manifestation.
We argue that the QCD matter not far above a critical confinement-deconfinement baryon density an... more We argue that the QCD matter not far above a critical confinement-deconfinement baryon density and low temperatures can develop spontaneously the condensates of spin-one quark Cooper pairs. Depending upon their color these condensates characterize two distinct anisotropic color-superconducting phases. For them we derive the generic form of the quasiquark dispersion laws and the gap equation. We also visualize the soft Nambu-Goldstone modes of spontaneously broken global symmetries, and demonstrate an unusual form of the Meissner effect.}]
Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by quantum flavor dynamics (QFD), the gauged ... more Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by quantum flavor dynamics (QFD), the gauged flavor (3) symmetry with scale Λ. For all SM chiral fermions in triplets the anomaly freedom demands addition of a triplet of. Approximate QFD Schwinger-Dyson equation for the Euclidean infrared fermion self-energies Σ (2) has spontaneous-chiral-symmetry-breaking solutions ideal for seesaw: (1) Σ (2) = 2 / where three Majorana masses of are of order Λ. (2) Σ (2) = 2 / where three Dirac masses = (0) 1 + (3) 3 + (8) 8 of SM fermions are exponentially suppressed w.r.t. Λ, and degenerate for all SM fermions in. break (3) completely, and (3) , (8) superimpose its tiny breaking to (1) × (1). All flavor gluons thus acquire self-consistently the masses ∼ Λ. break (2) × (1) to (1). Symmetry partners of the composite 'would-be' Nambu-Goldstone bosons are the genuine Higgs particles: (1) Three-composed Higgses with masses ∼ Λ. (2) Two new SM-fermion-composed Higgses ℎ 3 , ℎ 8 with masses ∼ (3) , (8) , respectively. (3) The SM-like SM-fermion-composed Higgs ℎ with mass ∼ (0) , the effective Fermi scale. Electroweak loops with Σ (2)-dependent vertices enforced by the symmetry of the Lagrangian generate the and masses at Fermi scale, and provide the fermion mass splitting in. At the present exploratory stage the splitting is unrealistic.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2017
Gauging the flavor (family, generation, horizontal) index of the chiral fermion fields of the Sta... more Gauging the flavor (family, generation, horizontal) index of the chiral fermion fields of the Standard model, for anomaly freedom extended by three sterile right-handed neutrino fields, results in asymptotically free, {\it bona fide} nonconfining SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f quantum flavor dynamics. Approximate nonperturbative strong-coupling solutions of the corresponding Schwinger-Dyson (SD) equation for fermion self-energies give rise to the complete flavor symmetry breaking by : (1) Three huge Majorana masses of sterile right-handed neutrinos. (2) Three exponentially light Dirac masses common to all fermion sorts in a family. Masses of charged leptons and quarks are further distinguished from Dirac neutrino masses by the weak hypercharge contributions to the universal SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f kernel of the SD equation, free of unknown parameters. The SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f dynamics itself thus gives the neutrino mass spectrum in the seesaw form.
We argue in favor of dynamical mass generation in an SU (2)L × U (1)Y electroweak model with two ... more We argue in favor of dynamical mass generation in an SU (2)L × U (1)Y electroweak model with two complex scalar doublets with ordinary masses. The masses of leptons and quarks are generated by ultraviolet-finite non-perturbative solutions of the Schwinger-Dyson equations for full fermion propagators with self-consistently modified scalar boson exchanges. The W and Z boson masses are expressed in terms of spontaneously generated fermion proper self-energies in the form of sum rules. The model predicts two charged and four real neutral heavy scalars.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020
Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by quantum flavor dynamics (QFD), the gauged ... more Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by quantum flavor dynamics (QFD), the gauged flavor SU(3) f symmetry with scale Λ. Anomaly freedom requires addition of three ν R . The approximate QFD Schwinger-Dyson equation for the Euclidean infrared fermion self-energies Σ f ( p 2 ) has the spontaneous-chiral-symmetry-breaking solutions ideal for seesaw: (1) Σ f ( p 2 ) = M fR 2 / p MfR2/p{M}_{fR}^2/pMfR2/p where three Majorana masses M fR of ν fR are of order Λ. (2) Σ f ( p 2 ) = m f 2 / p mf2/p{m}_f^2/pmf2/p where three Dirac masses m f = m (0) 1 + m (3) λ 3 + m (8) λ 8 of SM fermions are exponentially suppressed w.r.t. Λ, and degenerate for all SM fermions in f . (1) M fR break SU(3) f symmetry completely; m (3) , m (8) superimpose the tiny breaking to U(1) × U(1). All flavor gluons thus acquire self-consistently the masses ∼ Λ. (2) All m f break the electroweak SU(2) L × U(1) Y to U(1) em . Symmetry partners of the composite Nambu-Goldstone bosons are the genuine Higgs particles: (1...
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2019
Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by the gauge SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f quantum flavor dynamic... more Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by the gauge SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f quantum flavor dynamics (QFD) with one parameter, the scale Lambda\LambdaLambda. Anomaly freedom of QFD demands extension of the fermion sector of SM by three sterile right-handed neutrino fields. Poles of fermion propagators with chirality-changing self-energies Sigma(p2)\Sigma(p^2)Sigma(p2) spontaneously generated by QFD at strong coupling define: (1) Three sterile-neutrino Majorana masses MfRM_{fR}MfR of order Lambda\LambdaLambda. (2) Three Dirac masses mfm_fmf, degenerate for ef,nuf,uf,dfe_f, \nu_f, u_f, d_fef,nuf,uf,df in family fff, exponentially small with respect to Lambda\LambdaLambda. Goldstone theorem implies: All eight flavor gluons acquire masses of order MfRM_{fR}MfR. WWW and ZZZ bosons acquire masses of order summf\sum m_fsummf, the effective Fermi scale. Composite 'would-be' Nambu-Goldstone bosons have their 'genuine' partners, the composite Higgs particles: The SM-like Higgs hhh and two new Higgses h_3h_3h3 and h8h_8h_8, all with masses at Fermi scale; three Higgses ...
Nuclear Physics B
In giving a mass to the fifteen gauge ficldrof the chiral SU(3) x SU(3) group through the plasmon... more In giving a mass to the fifteen gauge ficldrof the chiral SU(3) x SU(3) group through the plasmongenerating mechanism in such a way that the remaining Yang-Mills field becomes the electromagnetic Atrn. = Vz + J?;Vi, it is necessary to assume hypercharge and parity violation. This manifests the natural connection of electromagnetic and weak interactions suggested earlier by Salam and Weinberg. * The X denotes the representation of SU(3) with different numbers of covariant and contravariant indices (n.m); for R representations these numbers are the same [S]. l * Without this condition all gauge particles would be massive since it is assumed all other possible combinations of generators will give a non-zero result.
Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Series 2
Eprint Arxiv Hep Ph 0011034, Nov 1, 2000
ABSTRACT Internal report | Preprint
There are many possibilities for new physics beyond the Standard Model that feature non-standard ... more There are many possibilities for new physics beyond the Standard Model that feature non-standard Higgs sectors. These may introduce new sources of CP violation, and there may be mixing between multiple Higgs bosons or other new scalar bosons. Alternatively, the Higgs may be a composite state, or there may even be no Higgs at all. These non-standard Higgs scenarios have important implications for collider physics as well as for cosmology, and understanding their phenomenology is essential for a full comprehension of electroweak symmetry breaking. This report discusses the most relevant theories which go beyond the Standard Model and its minimal, CP-conserving supersymmetric extension: two-Higgs-doublet models and minimal supersymmetric models with CP violation, supersymmetric models with an extra singlet, models with extra gauge groups or Higgs triplets, Little Higgs models, models in extra dimensions, and models with technicolour or other new strong dynamics. For each of these scena...
We gauge the experimentally observed flavor (family) index of chiral lepton and quark fields and ... more We gauge the experimentally observed flavor (family) index of chiral lepton and quark fields and argue that the resulting non-vectorial SU(3)_F dynamics completely self-breaks. This breakdown generates fermion masses, which in turn trigger electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB). Suggested asymptotically free dynamics with an assumed non-perturbative infrared fixed point has just one free parameter and is therefore either right or plainly wrong. Weak point of field theories strongly coupled in the infrared, unfortunately, is that there is no reliable way of computing their spectrum. Because of its rigidity the model provides, however, rather firm theoretically safe experimental predictions without knowing the spectrum: First, anomaly freedom fixes the neutrino sector which contains almost sterile neutrino states. Second, global symmetries of the model, spontaneously broken by fermion masses imply the existence of a fixed pattern of (pseudo-)axions and (pseudo-)majorons. It is gratifyin...
Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by the gauge SU(3)_f quantum flavor dynamics ... more Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by the gauge SU(3)_f quantum flavor dynamics (QFD) with one parameter, the scale Λ. Anomaly freedom of QFD demands extension of the fermion sector of SM by three sterile right-handed neutrino fields. Poles of fermion propagators with chirality-changing self-energies Σ(p^2) spontaneously generated by QFD at strong coupling define: (1) Three sterile-neutrino Majorana masses M_fR of order Λ. (2) Three Dirac masses m_f, degenerate for e_f, ν_f, u_f, d_f in family f, exponentially small with respect to Λ. Goldstone theorem implies: All eight flavor gluons acquire masses of order M_fR. W and Z bosons acquire masses of order ∑ m_f, the effective Fermi scale. Composite 'would-be' Nambu-Goldstone bosons have their 'genuine' partners, the composite Higgs particles: The SM-like Higgs h and two new Higgses h_3 and h_8, all with masses at Fermi scale; three Higgses χ_i with masses at scale Λ. Large pole-mass splitting of charged...
We demonstrate that the chiral gauge flavor SU(3)_f dynamics spontaneously generates the chiral s... more We demonstrate that the chiral gauge flavor SU(3)_f dynamics spontaneously generates the chiral symmetry breaking fermion self energies Σ(p^2) resulting in wide and wild spectra of lepton and quark masses. The Goldstone theorem then necessarily implies: (1) Gauge bosons of gauged chiral symmetries absorb the underlying 'would-be' Nambu-Goldstone (NG) bosons and become massive. Masses are determined by Σ(p^2)s of those fermions to which they couple, and by the corresponding gauge coupling constants. (2) Charges of anomalous Abelian chiral fermion currents create composite mixed-parity pseudo NG bosons with calculable couplings to fermions and gauge bosons: (i) the Higgs-looking h with mass due to the SU(3)_f instanton; (ii) the Weinberg-Wilczek axion a with mass due to the QCD instanton; (iii) the Anselm-Uraltsev arion b with mass due to the electroweak instanton. (3) There are the true composite NG bosons, the majorons.
We assign the chiral fermion fields of the Standard model to triplets of flavor (family, generati... more We assign the chiral fermion fields of the Standard model to triplets of flavor (family, generation, horizontal) SU(3)_f symmetry, for anomaly freedom add one triplet of sterile right-handed neutrino fields, and gauge that symmetry. First we demonstrate that the resulting quantum flavor SU(3)_f dynamics completely spontaneously self-breaks: Both the Majorana masses of sterile neutrinos and the masses of all eight flavor gluons come out proportional to the SU(3)_f scale Λ. Mixing of sterile neutrinos yields new CP-violating phases needed for understanding the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Second, the SU(3)_f dynamics with weak hypercharge radiative corrections spontaneously generates the lepton and quark masses exponentially suppressed with respect to Λ. Three active neutrinos come out as Majorana particles extremely light by seesaw. The Goldstone theorem implies: (i) The electroweak bosons W and Z acquire masses. (ii) There are three axions, decent candidates for dark matter. In...
We argue that the QCD matter not far above a critical confinement-deconfinement baryon density an... more We argue that the QCD matter not far above a critical confinement-deconfinement baryon density and low temperatures can develop spontaneously the condensates of spin-one quark Cooper pairs. Depending upon their color these condensates characterize two distinct anisotropic color-superconducting phases. For them we derive the generic form of the quasiquark dispersion laws and the gap equation. We also visualize the soft Nambu-Goldstone modes of spontaneously broken global symmetries, and demonstrate an unusual form of the Meissner effect.}]
In anomaly free gauged three-flavor SU(3)_f x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y model of Yanagida with fermion and... more In anomaly free gauged three-flavor SU(3)_f x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y model of Yanagida with fermion and gauge boson masses described by conveniently chosen elementary scalar Higgs fields the neutrino mass matrix comes out in the seesaw form. Following Yanagida's suggestion we demonstrate that no Higgs fields are needed. Strong flavor gluon interactions themselves, treated in a separable approximation, result in universally split lepton and quark masses calculated in terms of a few parameters. While the realistic splitting of charged lepton and quark masses requires the electroweak and QCD radiative corrections the neutrino seesaw mass matrix comes out exact.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2017
In anomaly free gauged three-flavor SU(3)_f x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y model of Yanagida with fermion and... more In anomaly free gauged three-flavor SU(3)_f x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y model of Yanagida with fermion and gauge boson masses described by conveniently chosen elementary scalar Higgs fields the neutrino mass matrix comes out in the seesaw form. Following Yanagida's suggestion we demonstrate that no Higgs fields are needed. Strong flavor gluon interactions themselves, treated in a separable approximation, result in universally split lepton and quark masses calculated in terms of a few parameters. While the realistic splitting of charged lepton and quark masses requires the electroweak and QCD radiative corrections the neutrino seesaw mass matrix comes out exact.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2016
We assign the chiral fermion fields of the Standard model to triplets of flavor (family, generati... more We assign the chiral fermion fields of the Standard model to triplets of flavor (family, generation, horizontal) SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f symmetry, for anomaly freedom add one triplet of sterile right-handed neutrino fields, and gauge that symmetry. First we demonstrate that the resulting quantum flavor SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f dynamics completely spontaneously self-breaks: Both the Majorana masses of sterile neutrinos and the masses of all eight flavor gluons come out proportional to the SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f scale Lambda\LambdaLambda. Mixing of sterile neutrinos yields new CP-violating phases needed for understanding the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Second, the SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f dynamics with weak hypercharge radiative corrections spontaneously generates the lepton and quark masses exponentially suppressed with respect to Lambda\LambdaLambda. Three active neutrinos come out as Majorana particles extremely light by seesaw. The Goldstone theorem implies: (i) The electroweak bosons WWW and ZZZ acquire masses. (ii) There are three axions, decent ca...
Following closely the logic of the London phenomenological macroscopic theory of the Meissner eff... more Following closely the logic of the London phenomenological macroscopic theory of the Meissner effect in superconductors we describe the origin of the short-range behavior of the chromo-electric field, the necessary ingredient for color confinement in QCD. The genuinely non-Abelian model is specified by the strong-coupling colored-gluon current. Its first term, as the superconductivity current, is proportional to the gauge potential. The new term is simply related to the chromomagnetic pseudo-vector current of the non-Abelian Bianchi identity. We suggest that this London dual color superconductivity current is responsible for the observed almost perfect fluidity in droplets of the strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma. Its chromo-magnetic component should have a specific experimental manifestation.
We argue that the QCD matter not far above a critical confinement-deconfinement baryon density an... more We argue that the QCD matter not far above a critical confinement-deconfinement baryon density and low temperatures can develop spontaneously the condensates of spin-one quark Cooper pairs. Depending upon their color these condensates characterize two distinct anisotropic color-superconducting phases. For them we derive the generic form of the quasiquark dispersion laws and the gap equation. We also visualize the soft Nambu-Goldstone modes of spontaneously broken global symmetries, and demonstrate an unusual form of the Meissner effect.}]
Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by quantum flavor dynamics (QFD), the gauged ... more Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by quantum flavor dynamics (QFD), the gauged flavor (3) symmetry with scale Λ. For all SM chiral fermions in triplets the anomaly freedom demands addition of a triplet of. Approximate QFD Schwinger-Dyson equation for the Euclidean infrared fermion self-energies Σ (2) has spontaneous-chiral-symmetry-breaking solutions ideal for seesaw: (1) Σ (2) = 2 / where three Majorana masses of are of order Λ. (2) Σ (2) = 2 / where three Dirac masses = (0) 1 + (3) 3 + (8) 8 of SM fermions are exponentially suppressed w.r.t. Λ, and degenerate for all SM fermions in. break (3) completely, and (3) , (8) superimpose its tiny breaking to (1) × (1). All flavor gluons thus acquire self-consistently the masses ∼ Λ. break (2) × (1) to (1). Symmetry partners of the composite 'would-be' Nambu-Goldstone bosons are the genuine Higgs particles: (1) Three-composed Higgses with masses ∼ Λ. (2) Two new SM-fermion-composed Higgses ℎ 3 , ℎ 8 with masses ∼ (3) , (8) , respectively. (3) The SM-like SM-fermion-composed Higgs ℎ with mass ∼ (0) , the effective Fermi scale. Electroweak loops with Σ (2)-dependent vertices enforced by the symmetry of the Lagrangian generate the and masses at Fermi scale, and provide the fermion mass splitting in. At the present exploratory stage the splitting is unrealistic.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2017
Gauging the flavor (family, generation, horizontal) index of the chiral fermion fields of the Sta... more Gauging the flavor (family, generation, horizontal) index of the chiral fermion fields of the Standard model, for anomaly freedom extended by three sterile right-handed neutrino fields, results in asymptotically free, {\it bona fide} nonconfining SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f quantum flavor dynamics. Approximate nonperturbative strong-coupling solutions of the corresponding Schwinger-Dyson (SD) equation for fermion self-energies give rise to the complete flavor symmetry breaking by : (1) Three huge Majorana masses of sterile right-handed neutrinos. (2) Three exponentially light Dirac masses common to all fermion sorts in a family. Masses of charged leptons and quarks are further distinguished from Dirac neutrino masses by the weak hypercharge contributions to the universal SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f kernel of the SD equation, free of unknown parameters. The SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f dynamics itself thus gives the neutrino mass spectrum in the seesaw form.
We argue in favor of dynamical mass generation in an SU (2)L × U (1)Y electroweak model with two ... more We argue in favor of dynamical mass generation in an SU (2)L × U (1)Y electroweak model with two complex scalar doublets with ordinary masses. The masses of leptons and quarks are generated by ultraviolet-finite non-perturbative solutions of the Schwinger-Dyson equations for full fermion propagators with self-consistently modified scalar boson exchanges. The W and Z boson masses are expressed in terms of spontaneously generated fermion proper self-energies in the form of sum rules. The model predicts two charged and four real neutral heavy scalars.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020
Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by quantum flavor dynamics (QFD), the gauged ... more Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by quantum flavor dynamics (QFD), the gauged flavor SU(3) f symmetry with scale Λ. Anomaly freedom requires addition of three ν R . The approximate QFD Schwinger-Dyson equation for the Euclidean infrared fermion self-energies Σ f ( p 2 ) has the spontaneous-chiral-symmetry-breaking solutions ideal for seesaw: (1) Σ f ( p 2 ) = M fR 2 / p MfR2/p{M}_{fR}^2/pMfR2/p where three Majorana masses M fR of ν fR are of order Λ. (2) Σ f ( p 2 ) = m f 2 / p mf2/p{m}_f^2/pmf2/p where three Dirac masses m f = m (0) 1 + m (3) λ 3 + m (8) λ 8 of SM fermions are exponentially suppressed w.r.t. Λ, and degenerate for all SM fermions in f . (1) M fR break SU(3) f symmetry completely; m (3) , m (8) superimpose the tiny breaking to U(1) × U(1). All flavor gluons thus acquire self-consistently the masses ∼ Λ. (2) All m f break the electroweak SU(2) L × U(1) Y to U(1) em . Symmetry partners of the composite Nambu-Goldstone bosons are the genuine Higgs particles: (1...
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2019
Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by the gauge SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f quantum flavor dynamic... more Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by the gauge SU(3)fSU(3)_fSU(3)f quantum flavor dynamics (QFD) with one parameter, the scale Lambda\LambdaLambda. Anomaly freedom of QFD demands extension of the fermion sector of SM by three sterile right-handed neutrino fields. Poles of fermion propagators with chirality-changing self-energies Sigma(p2)\Sigma(p^2)Sigma(p2) spontaneously generated by QFD at strong coupling define: (1) Three sterile-neutrino Majorana masses MfRM_{fR}MfR of order Lambda\LambdaLambda. (2) Three Dirac masses mfm_fmf, degenerate for ef,nuf,uf,dfe_f, \nu_f, u_f, d_fef,nuf,uf,df in family fff, exponentially small with respect to Lambda\LambdaLambda. Goldstone theorem implies: All eight flavor gluons acquire masses of order MfRM_{fR}MfR. WWW and ZZZ bosons acquire masses of order summf\sum m_fsummf, the effective Fermi scale. Composite 'would-be' Nambu-Goldstone bosons have their 'genuine' partners, the composite Higgs particles: The SM-like Higgs hhh and two new Higgses h_3h_3h3 and h8h_8h_8, all with masses at Fermi scale; three Higgses ...
Nuclear Physics B
In giving a mass to the fifteen gauge ficldrof the chiral SU(3) x SU(3) group through the plasmon... more In giving a mass to the fifteen gauge ficldrof the chiral SU(3) x SU(3) group through the plasmongenerating mechanism in such a way that the remaining Yang-Mills field becomes the electromagnetic Atrn. = Vz + J?;Vi, it is necessary to assume hypercharge and parity violation. This manifests the natural connection of electromagnetic and weak interactions suggested earlier by Salam and Weinberg. * The X denotes the representation of SU(3) with different numbers of covariant and contravariant indices (n.m); for R representations these numbers are the same [S]. l * Without this condition all gauge particles would be massive since it is assumed all other possible combinations of generators will give a non-zero result.
Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Series 2
Eprint Arxiv Hep Ph 0011034, Nov 1, 2000