João Seixas - (original) (raw)

peer-reviewed papers by João Seixas

Research paper thumbnail of Dinámicas de gobernanza urbana y estructuras del capital socio-cultural en Lisboa (2008) in Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles Nº 46, 121-142

Las mutaciones de carácter paradigmático que se desarrollan en la ciudad contemporánea están most... more Las mutaciones de carácter paradigmático que se desarrollan en la ciudad contemporánea están mostrando diversos síntomas de crisis en sus sistemas de regulación y de acción
política. Las nuevas tendencias políticas y/o los desfases producidos ante las dificultades de reforma en las estructuras de gobernación urbana, tienen como consecuencia no sólo la
producción de reflexiones de carácter más crítico, sino también una profundización analítica en torno a teorizaciones de importante contenido (también de tipo operativo), tales como la gobernanza urbana, el capital social y el capital cultural.
El artículo propone la sistematización de una serie de vectores concretos para el análisis de la consistencia de los panoramas de gobernanza urbana y de capital socio-cultural para
la ciudad –desarrollando así un análisis crítico alrededor de estos encuadramientos, para la ciudad de Lisboa.

Research paper thumbnail of Criatividade e Governança na Metrópole Contemporânea. A Conjugação de dois conceitos poliédricos e complementares (2011) in Cadernos Metrópole Nº27, 69-92, IPPUR-UFRJ e Observatório das Metrópoles, Rio de Janeiro

Este texto foi desenvolvido no âmbito de um projeto de investigação que procura observar e interp... more Este texto foi desenvolvido no âmbito de um projeto de investigação que procura observar e interpretar formas e fluxos de governança (sociopolítica e cultural) associadas a dinâmicas criativas nas cidades. Resulta de um trabalho de reflexão teórica e crítica em torno de conceitos de base (criatividade, vitalidade e governança na cidade) e da projeção empírica de tais perspectivas em 3 territórios metropolitanos: Lisboa, São Paulo e Barcelona. Identificam-se as diferentes perspectivas em torno dos conceitos e respectivas dinâmicas de complementaridade e de conectividade entre eles; mas também as condições estruturantes e metabólicas para o desenvolvimento sustentado de criatividade na cidade de hoje, quer no que concerne às suas configurações espaciais/geográficas, mas também aos ambientes socioculturais e económicos associados. Equacionam-se ainda formas de promoção e de apoio público e privado da criatividade urbana, discutindo-se estratégias políticas e processos de governança para a sua potenciação.

Research paper thumbnail of Catalysing Governance in a Paradoxical City. The Lisbon Strategic Charter and the uncertainties of political empowerment in the Portuguese capital city (2011) in Urban Research and Practice Special issue “Current Urban Problems in Spain and Portugal” 4 (3), 264-284

This paper describes and reflects upon the most recent socio-political strategic proposals set ... more This paper describes and reflects upon the most recent socio-political strategic proposals set to the political and governmental dimensions of the city of Lisbon. In this framework, a specific process is detailed: directly requested by the president of the Municipality, in 2009 an independent commissariat developed a proposal for a Strategic Charter for the city. This proposal addresses a wide range of areas, including the political and institutional ones (through several governing principles with corresponding rationales and proposed lines of action). A critical analysis (all but closed in the present phase where the proposals are still under public discussion) is made of this specific process and some of its correspondent contents. The analysis is supported by theoretical reflections on urban politics, following the changes – and the growing paradoxes – both at the urban systems and at the new governing dilemmas presently emerging in the European cities. The text seeks in this sense to contribute to a better analytical clarity for urban politics and urban administration. As state-of-the art for the political developments in Lisbon, reflections are made upon the networks of administration, governance and socio-cultural capital in the city. The final part of the paper reflects on the present stalemate in the charter process, thus deriving some overall reflections with reference to contemporary urban politics.

Research paper thumbnail of The long way to Ithaca. The Reconfiguration of the urban political spaces in Southern Europe (2014) in Revista Terra, Departament de Geografia de la Universitat de Valencia

This text frames a reflection upon the recent evolution on the sociopolitical and governance land... more This text frames a reflection upon the recent evolution on the sociopolitical and governance landscapes in
urban Southern Europe. A global analysis of urban/metropolitan geographical and political tendencies is
here made, from the most recent economic crisis and austerity politics years, towards expected future
perspectives. The example of Lisbon metropolitan Area is exposed as a concrete case to show the pressures
and the induced (and deduced) changes presently at stake. The analysis is set out on three different parts: a
general reflection upon urban paradigm shifts and it’s still quite relevant unbalances and
misunderstandings; an overall southern European geographical and political urban analytical perspective;
and a proposed systematization of consequent political as well as research development needs. The text
concludes with a systematized proposal of main diagnosis vectors, as well of possible main drivers and
focuses for present and future southern European urban sociopolitical analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Dinâmicas sociogeográficas e políticas na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa em tempos de crise e de austeridade

Cadernos Metrópole, 2015

Este artigo, reconhecendo a relevância das dimensões territoriais e urbanas para uma melhor inter... more Este artigo, reconhecendo a relevância das dimensões territoriais e urbanas para uma melhor interpretação da atual crise e seus principais impulsionadores, bem como das suas consequências e reacções sociopolíticas, analisa a evolução recente da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, perante tempos de crise económica e de políticas de austeridade. O artigo propõe duas conclusões, a merecer estudo adicional com o objectivo de uma sua possível teorização mais alargada: 1) podem distinguir-se fases distintas da crise e uma correlação entre estas, as políticas de austeridade implementadas e a correspondente ampliação dos efeitos da crise nos tecidos
socioeconómicos territoriais; 2) verifica-se o aumento de um confronto de natureza estruturante entre políticas top-down de escalas europeia e nacionais e as dinâmicas sociopolíticas de escalas mais locais e mesmo bottom-up, redesenhando-se os quadros geopolíticos territoriais por formas crescentemente
distintas e mais complexas; de divergências, aproximações e intersecções de base multi-escalar.

Papers by João Seixas

Research paper thumbnail of Impactos da pandemia na evolução do acesso à habitação na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa

CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios

Research paper thumbnail of Access to the housing market in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and the COVID-19 pandemic impact

Optimistic Suburbia 2 Middle-Class Mass Housing Complexes, Apr 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Morfologias Urbanas e Espaços Públicos na Metrópole de Lisboa: Uma Aproximação Instrumental e Metodológica no Quadro de uma Investigação

CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios, 2002

Resumo: O texto que aqui se apresenta resulta de uma pesquisa em curso cuja a temática central se... more Resumo: O texto que aqui se apresenta resulta de uma pesquisa em curso cuja a temática central se desenvolve em torno dos espaços públicos e do protagonismo urbano. Apresenta-se um quadro instrumental e metodológico, que se encontra em fase experimental de aplicação. Uma das hipóteses de pesquisa, apoiada no respectivo trabalho de observação empírica, tende a ilustrar o eventual protagonismo da Metrópole de Lisboa através da manifestação ou emergência de factores conducentes a uma determinada qualidade social e urbana do espaço em observação. Partindo-se da hipótese que existem determinadas áreas emblemáticas das " Socióloga. Investigadora do Centro de Estudos Territoriais.

Research paper thumbnail of Dinámicas de gobernanza urbana y estructuras del capital socio-cultural en Lisboa

Boletin De La Asociacion De Geografos Espanoles, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Potentials and restrictions on the changing dynamics of the political spaces in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area

Research paper thumbnail of Criatividade e governança na cidade. A conjugação de dois conceitos poliédricos e complementares* Creativity and governance in the city. The conjugation of two complementary polyhedral concepts

This text was based on a research project that observed and interpreted forms and flows of socio-... more This text was based on a research project that observed and interpreted forms and flows of socio-political and cultural governance associated to urban creative dynamics. It results from a theoretical, critical reflection focused on basic concepts – namely, creativity, vitality and governance in the city – and from an empirical projection of such perspectives in three metropolitan territories – Lisbon, Sao Paulo and Barcelona. Different perspectives are identified regarding the concepts and respective dynamics offs complementarity and connectivity among these; and also the structuring and metabolic conditions for sustained development of creativity in the contemporary city, whether with regard to spatial/geographical configurations, or to associated socio-cultural and economic spheres. Furthermore, forms of public and private promotion and support for urban creativity are raised, leading to discussion of political strategies and governance processes for its potentiation.

Research paper thumbnail of Dinámicas de gobernanza urbana y estructuras del capital socio-cultural en Lisboa

Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 2008

Resumen: Las mutaciones de carácter paradigmático que se desarrollan en la ciudad contemporánea e... more Resumen: Las mutaciones de carácter paradigmático que se desarrollan en la ciudad contemporánea están mostrando diversos síntomas de crisis en sus sistemas de regulación y de acción política. Las nuevas tendencias políticas y/o los desfases producidos ante las ...

Research paper thumbnail of Housing Market Access in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area: Between the Financial and the Pandemic Crises

Critical Housing Analysis, 2020

The Portuguese housing market underwent major transformations between 2010 and 2020. Until then, ... more The Portuguese housing market underwent major transformations between 2010 and 2020. Until then, a delicate but resentful stability had long existed, with distorted rent schemes and low annual price increases proportional to the national economy and the income of the Portuguese population. After the financial crisis, several internal and external variables converged to dramatically change this scenario. In recent years, a growing number of researchers have centred their attention on the difficulties that the Portuguese urban middle-class populations are facing in trying to find homes. This paper analyses these challenges and their impact quantitatively, focusing on the affordability of housing for purchase or rent and considering synthetic indicators for average household incomes in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area between the beginning of 2016 and the end of 2019. The results show that the cost of buying or renting a house in the main Portuguese urban system has become much more detach...

Research paper thumbnail of substância, evolução e reflexão sobre processos de descentralização em Portugal

A reforma político-administrativa de Lisboa: substância, evolução e reflexão sobre processos de d... more A reforma político-administrativa de Lisboa: substância, evolução e reflexão sobre processos de descentralização em Portugal João Seixas (a)

Research paper thumbnail of Urban governance in southern Europe: introduction

Certainly, and as Braudel (1949) so well expressed, the Mediterranean complexity has being compos... more Certainly, and as Braudel (1949) so well expressed, the Mediterranean complexity has being composed of a continuous superposition of civilisations, several and differential layers that always defied or even refuted any idea of unification or common characterisation. In fact, in not a few epochs

Research paper thumbnail of Perfis Socioeconômicos Da Recente Mobilidade Residencial

UID/HIS/04209/2013 UID/SOC/04647/2013As mudanças que têm ocorrido recentemente na cidade de Lisbo... more UID/HIS/04209/2013 UID/SOC/04647/2013As mudanças que têm ocorrido recentemente na cidade de Lisboa estão associadas, em grande medida, às dinâmicas de mobilidade residencial, suas causas e consequências. A escolha da área de residência, determinada por fatores econômicos, sociais, culturais e psicológicos, resulta numa alteração gradual da estrutura social da cidade e dos padrões de ocupação do território. Este artigo, partindo dos dados de um inquérito realizado aos munícipes de Lisboa entre 2016 e 2017, procura contribuir para melhor compreender essas mudanças, analisando as dimensões territorial e temporal da mobilidade, assim como os perfi s socioeconômicos dos residentes mais antigos e dos novos. Perante a diversidade de experiências de mobilidade residencial, recorreu-se à análise multivariada para defi nir cinco perfi s com características sociais distintas.publishersversionpublishe

Research paper thumbnail of O território e as cidades em Portugal: filhos de um deus menor?

Research paper thumbnail of The global rent gap of Lisbon’s historic centre

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 2018

This work deals with the ongoing commodification of Lisbon's historic centre under the pressure o... more This work deals with the ongoing commodification of Lisbon's historic centre under the pressure of mass tourism and transnational real estate investment. It applies a case-study research methodology combining the quantitative analysis of statistical data on relevant socioeconomic indicators with qualitative tools such as direct observation and structured interviews with key stakeholders. In the context of crisis and austerity, and taking into account the Portuguese financial dependency and peripherality within the Eurozone, this work argues that the rent gap triggering the current transformation of Lisbon's historic centre owes much to the global gap between purchasing powers on the internal and the external markets. With the former strangled by austerity policies that have impoverished the Portuguese society, the dramatic rise of housing prices in Lisbon's historic centre is a consequence of the expansion of demand on wealthier external markets, encouraged and guaranteed by an investor-friendly legal framework implemented in the context of the crisis. This policy set includes the new urban lease law, the non-regular resident tax regime, the Golden Visa programme, the special fiscal framework for the local accommodation business, and the tax breaks for real estate funds and refurbishment initiatives. Despite its undisputed success in bringing foreign investment and stimulating the rehabilitation of derelict properties in Lisbon's historic centre, this legal framework has triggered gentrification. Real estate prices are pushed above the financial capacity of most local households, and an enclave-type exploitation of the housing stock emerges in Lisbon's historic centre that jeopardizes the former's access to housing in that territory and in its immediate surroundings. However, grassroots movements and social initiatives advocating affordable housing and the right to the city have emerged in Lisbon.

Research paper thumbnail of Commodifying Lisbon: A Study on the Spatial Concentration of Short-Term Rentals

Social Sciences, 2019

This article explores the relationship between the spatial concentration of short-term rentals in... more This article explores the relationship between the spatial concentration of short-term rentals in Lisbon’s historic center and the phenomena of uneven development and tourism gentrification. By providing quantitative and qualitative evidence of the uneven geographic distribution of tourist apartments within the municipality of Lisbon, it contributes to the study of the new processes of neoliberal urbanization in the crisis-ridden countries of Southern Europe. It argues that the great share of whole-home rentals and the expansion of the short-term rental market over the housing stock are symptoms of the commodification of housing in the neoliberal city. Due to the loss of consumption capacity by the Portuguese society amid crisis and austerity, real estate developers target external markets and local households must compete for access to a limited housing stock with tourists and other temporary city users. The subsequent global rent gap stimulates the proliferation of vacation rental...

Research paper thumbnail of Qualidade de vida e governo da cidade: bases para um novo modelo de governação da cidade de Lisboa - Relatório Final

Bases para um Novo Modelo de Governação da Cidade de Lisboa igualmente para três elementos de ord... more Bases para um Novo Modelo de Governação da Cidade de Lisboa igualmente para três elementos de ordem similar: a cidade das instituições (os corpos da governação), a cidade da governança (a vida da governação 1), e a cidade do capital sócio-cultural e do cosmopolitismo (a alma da governação).

Research paper thumbnail of Dinámicas de gobernanza urbana y estructuras del capital socio-cultural en Lisboa (2008) in Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles Nº 46, 121-142

Las mutaciones de carácter paradigmático que se desarrollan en la ciudad contemporánea están most... more Las mutaciones de carácter paradigmático que se desarrollan en la ciudad contemporánea están mostrando diversos síntomas de crisis en sus sistemas de regulación y de acción
política. Las nuevas tendencias políticas y/o los desfases producidos ante las dificultades de reforma en las estructuras de gobernación urbana, tienen como consecuencia no sólo la
producción de reflexiones de carácter más crítico, sino también una profundización analítica en torno a teorizaciones de importante contenido (también de tipo operativo), tales como la gobernanza urbana, el capital social y el capital cultural.
El artículo propone la sistematización de una serie de vectores concretos para el análisis de la consistencia de los panoramas de gobernanza urbana y de capital socio-cultural para
la ciudad –desarrollando así un análisis crítico alrededor de estos encuadramientos, para la ciudad de Lisboa.

Research paper thumbnail of Criatividade e Governança na Metrópole Contemporânea. A Conjugação de dois conceitos poliédricos e complementares (2011) in Cadernos Metrópole Nº27, 69-92, IPPUR-UFRJ e Observatório das Metrópoles, Rio de Janeiro

Este texto foi desenvolvido no âmbito de um projeto de investigação que procura observar e interp... more Este texto foi desenvolvido no âmbito de um projeto de investigação que procura observar e interpretar formas e fluxos de governança (sociopolítica e cultural) associadas a dinâmicas criativas nas cidades. Resulta de um trabalho de reflexão teórica e crítica em torno de conceitos de base (criatividade, vitalidade e governança na cidade) e da projeção empírica de tais perspectivas em 3 territórios metropolitanos: Lisboa, São Paulo e Barcelona. Identificam-se as diferentes perspectivas em torno dos conceitos e respectivas dinâmicas de complementaridade e de conectividade entre eles; mas também as condições estruturantes e metabólicas para o desenvolvimento sustentado de criatividade na cidade de hoje, quer no que concerne às suas configurações espaciais/geográficas, mas também aos ambientes socioculturais e económicos associados. Equacionam-se ainda formas de promoção e de apoio público e privado da criatividade urbana, discutindo-se estratégias políticas e processos de governança para a sua potenciação.

Research paper thumbnail of Catalysing Governance in a Paradoxical City. The Lisbon Strategic Charter and the uncertainties of political empowerment in the Portuguese capital city (2011) in Urban Research and Practice Special issue “Current Urban Problems in Spain and Portugal” 4 (3), 264-284

This paper describes and reflects upon the most recent socio-political strategic proposals set ... more This paper describes and reflects upon the most recent socio-political strategic proposals set to the political and governmental dimensions of the city of Lisbon. In this framework, a specific process is detailed: directly requested by the president of the Municipality, in 2009 an independent commissariat developed a proposal for a Strategic Charter for the city. This proposal addresses a wide range of areas, including the political and institutional ones (through several governing principles with corresponding rationales and proposed lines of action). A critical analysis (all but closed in the present phase where the proposals are still under public discussion) is made of this specific process and some of its correspondent contents. The analysis is supported by theoretical reflections on urban politics, following the changes – and the growing paradoxes – both at the urban systems and at the new governing dilemmas presently emerging in the European cities. The text seeks in this sense to contribute to a better analytical clarity for urban politics and urban administration. As state-of-the art for the political developments in Lisbon, reflections are made upon the networks of administration, governance and socio-cultural capital in the city. The final part of the paper reflects on the present stalemate in the charter process, thus deriving some overall reflections with reference to contemporary urban politics.

Research paper thumbnail of The long way to Ithaca. The Reconfiguration of the urban political spaces in Southern Europe (2014) in Revista Terra, Departament de Geografia de la Universitat de Valencia

This text frames a reflection upon the recent evolution on the sociopolitical and governance land... more This text frames a reflection upon the recent evolution on the sociopolitical and governance landscapes in
urban Southern Europe. A global analysis of urban/metropolitan geographical and political tendencies is
here made, from the most recent economic crisis and austerity politics years, towards expected future
perspectives. The example of Lisbon metropolitan Area is exposed as a concrete case to show the pressures
and the induced (and deduced) changes presently at stake. The analysis is set out on three different parts: a
general reflection upon urban paradigm shifts and it’s still quite relevant unbalances and
misunderstandings; an overall southern European geographical and political urban analytical perspective;
and a proposed systematization of consequent political as well as research development needs. The text
concludes with a systematized proposal of main diagnosis vectors, as well of possible main drivers and
focuses for present and future southern European urban sociopolitical analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Dinâmicas sociogeográficas e políticas na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa em tempos de crise e de austeridade

Cadernos Metrópole, 2015

Este artigo, reconhecendo a relevância das dimensões territoriais e urbanas para uma melhor inter... more Este artigo, reconhecendo a relevância das dimensões territoriais e urbanas para uma melhor interpretação da atual crise e seus principais impulsionadores, bem como das suas consequências e reacções sociopolíticas, analisa a evolução recente da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, perante tempos de crise económica e de políticas de austeridade. O artigo propõe duas conclusões, a merecer estudo adicional com o objectivo de uma sua possível teorização mais alargada: 1) podem distinguir-se fases distintas da crise e uma correlação entre estas, as políticas de austeridade implementadas e a correspondente ampliação dos efeitos da crise nos tecidos
socioeconómicos territoriais; 2) verifica-se o aumento de um confronto de natureza estruturante entre políticas top-down de escalas europeia e nacionais e as dinâmicas sociopolíticas de escalas mais locais e mesmo bottom-up, redesenhando-se os quadros geopolíticos territoriais por formas crescentemente
distintas e mais complexas; de divergências, aproximações e intersecções de base multi-escalar.

Research paper thumbnail of Impactos da pandemia na evolução do acesso à habitação na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa

CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios

Research paper thumbnail of Access to the housing market in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and the COVID-19 pandemic impact

Optimistic Suburbia 2 Middle-Class Mass Housing Complexes, Apr 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Morfologias Urbanas e Espaços Públicos na Metrópole de Lisboa: Uma Aproximação Instrumental e Metodológica no Quadro de uma Investigação

CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios, 2002

Resumo: O texto que aqui se apresenta resulta de uma pesquisa em curso cuja a temática central se... more Resumo: O texto que aqui se apresenta resulta de uma pesquisa em curso cuja a temática central se desenvolve em torno dos espaços públicos e do protagonismo urbano. Apresenta-se um quadro instrumental e metodológico, que se encontra em fase experimental de aplicação. Uma das hipóteses de pesquisa, apoiada no respectivo trabalho de observação empírica, tende a ilustrar o eventual protagonismo da Metrópole de Lisboa através da manifestação ou emergência de factores conducentes a uma determinada qualidade social e urbana do espaço em observação. Partindo-se da hipótese que existem determinadas áreas emblemáticas das " Socióloga. Investigadora do Centro de Estudos Territoriais.

Research paper thumbnail of Dinámicas de gobernanza urbana y estructuras del capital socio-cultural en Lisboa

Boletin De La Asociacion De Geografos Espanoles, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Potentials and restrictions on the changing dynamics of the political spaces in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area

Research paper thumbnail of Criatividade e governança na cidade. A conjugação de dois conceitos poliédricos e complementares* Creativity and governance in the city. The conjugation of two complementary polyhedral concepts

This text was based on a research project that observed and interpreted forms and flows of socio-... more This text was based on a research project that observed and interpreted forms and flows of socio-political and cultural governance associated to urban creative dynamics. It results from a theoretical, critical reflection focused on basic concepts – namely, creativity, vitality and governance in the city – and from an empirical projection of such perspectives in three metropolitan territories – Lisbon, Sao Paulo and Barcelona. Different perspectives are identified regarding the concepts and respective dynamics offs complementarity and connectivity among these; and also the structuring and metabolic conditions for sustained development of creativity in the contemporary city, whether with regard to spatial/geographical configurations, or to associated socio-cultural and economic spheres. Furthermore, forms of public and private promotion and support for urban creativity are raised, leading to discussion of political strategies and governance processes for its potentiation.

Research paper thumbnail of Dinámicas de gobernanza urbana y estructuras del capital socio-cultural en Lisboa

Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 2008

Resumen: Las mutaciones de carácter paradigmático que se desarrollan en la ciudad contemporánea e... more Resumen: Las mutaciones de carácter paradigmático que se desarrollan en la ciudad contemporánea están mostrando diversos síntomas de crisis en sus sistemas de regulación y de acción política. Las nuevas tendencias políticas y/o los desfases producidos ante las ...

Research paper thumbnail of Housing Market Access in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area: Between the Financial and the Pandemic Crises

Critical Housing Analysis, 2020

The Portuguese housing market underwent major transformations between 2010 and 2020. Until then, ... more The Portuguese housing market underwent major transformations between 2010 and 2020. Until then, a delicate but resentful stability had long existed, with distorted rent schemes and low annual price increases proportional to the national economy and the income of the Portuguese population. After the financial crisis, several internal and external variables converged to dramatically change this scenario. In recent years, a growing number of researchers have centred their attention on the difficulties that the Portuguese urban middle-class populations are facing in trying to find homes. This paper analyses these challenges and their impact quantitatively, focusing on the affordability of housing for purchase or rent and considering synthetic indicators for average household incomes in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area between the beginning of 2016 and the end of 2019. The results show that the cost of buying or renting a house in the main Portuguese urban system has become much more detach...

Research paper thumbnail of substância, evolução e reflexão sobre processos de descentralização em Portugal

A reforma político-administrativa de Lisboa: substância, evolução e reflexão sobre processos de d... more A reforma político-administrativa de Lisboa: substância, evolução e reflexão sobre processos de descentralização em Portugal João Seixas (a)

Research paper thumbnail of Urban governance in southern Europe: introduction

Certainly, and as Braudel (1949) so well expressed, the Mediterranean complexity has being compos... more Certainly, and as Braudel (1949) so well expressed, the Mediterranean complexity has being composed of a continuous superposition of civilisations, several and differential layers that always defied or even refuted any idea of unification or common characterisation. In fact, in not a few epochs

Research paper thumbnail of Perfis Socioeconômicos Da Recente Mobilidade Residencial

UID/HIS/04209/2013 UID/SOC/04647/2013As mudanças que têm ocorrido recentemente na cidade de Lisbo... more UID/HIS/04209/2013 UID/SOC/04647/2013As mudanças que têm ocorrido recentemente na cidade de Lisboa estão associadas, em grande medida, às dinâmicas de mobilidade residencial, suas causas e consequências. A escolha da área de residência, determinada por fatores econômicos, sociais, culturais e psicológicos, resulta numa alteração gradual da estrutura social da cidade e dos padrões de ocupação do território. Este artigo, partindo dos dados de um inquérito realizado aos munícipes de Lisboa entre 2016 e 2017, procura contribuir para melhor compreender essas mudanças, analisando as dimensões territorial e temporal da mobilidade, assim como os perfi s socioeconômicos dos residentes mais antigos e dos novos. Perante a diversidade de experiências de mobilidade residencial, recorreu-se à análise multivariada para defi nir cinco perfi s com características sociais distintas.publishersversionpublishe

Research paper thumbnail of O território e as cidades em Portugal: filhos de um deus menor?

Research paper thumbnail of The global rent gap of Lisbon’s historic centre

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 2018

This work deals with the ongoing commodification of Lisbon's historic centre under the pressure o... more This work deals with the ongoing commodification of Lisbon's historic centre under the pressure of mass tourism and transnational real estate investment. It applies a case-study research methodology combining the quantitative analysis of statistical data on relevant socioeconomic indicators with qualitative tools such as direct observation and structured interviews with key stakeholders. In the context of crisis and austerity, and taking into account the Portuguese financial dependency and peripherality within the Eurozone, this work argues that the rent gap triggering the current transformation of Lisbon's historic centre owes much to the global gap between purchasing powers on the internal and the external markets. With the former strangled by austerity policies that have impoverished the Portuguese society, the dramatic rise of housing prices in Lisbon's historic centre is a consequence of the expansion of demand on wealthier external markets, encouraged and guaranteed by an investor-friendly legal framework implemented in the context of the crisis. This policy set includes the new urban lease law, the non-regular resident tax regime, the Golden Visa programme, the special fiscal framework for the local accommodation business, and the tax breaks for real estate funds and refurbishment initiatives. Despite its undisputed success in bringing foreign investment and stimulating the rehabilitation of derelict properties in Lisbon's historic centre, this legal framework has triggered gentrification. Real estate prices are pushed above the financial capacity of most local households, and an enclave-type exploitation of the housing stock emerges in Lisbon's historic centre that jeopardizes the former's access to housing in that territory and in its immediate surroundings. However, grassroots movements and social initiatives advocating affordable housing and the right to the city have emerged in Lisbon.

Research paper thumbnail of Commodifying Lisbon: A Study on the Spatial Concentration of Short-Term Rentals

Social Sciences, 2019

This article explores the relationship between the spatial concentration of short-term rentals in... more This article explores the relationship between the spatial concentration of short-term rentals in Lisbon’s historic center and the phenomena of uneven development and tourism gentrification. By providing quantitative and qualitative evidence of the uneven geographic distribution of tourist apartments within the municipality of Lisbon, it contributes to the study of the new processes of neoliberal urbanization in the crisis-ridden countries of Southern Europe. It argues that the great share of whole-home rentals and the expansion of the short-term rental market over the housing stock are symptoms of the commodification of housing in the neoliberal city. Due to the loss of consumption capacity by the Portuguese society amid crisis and austerity, real estate developers target external markets and local households must compete for access to a limited housing stock with tourists and other temporary city users. The subsequent global rent gap stimulates the proliferation of vacation rental...

Research paper thumbnail of Qualidade de vida e governo da cidade: bases para um novo modelo de governação da cidade de Lisboa - Relatório Final

Bases para um Novo Modelo de Governação da Cidade de Lisboa igualmente para três elementos de ord... more Bases para um Novo Modelo de Governação da Cidade de Lisboa igualmente para três elementos de ordem similar: a cidade das instituições (os corpos da governação), a cidade da governança (a vida da governação 1), e a cidade do capital sócio-cultural e do cosmopolitismo (a alma da governação).

Research paper thumbnail of Dinâmicas sociogeográficas e políticas na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa em tempos de crise e de austeridade

Cadernos Metrópole, 2015

Resumo Este artigo, reconhecendo a relevância das dimensões territoriais e urbanas para uma melho... more Resumo Este artigo, reconhecendo a relevância das dimensões territoriais e urbanas para uma melhor interpretação da atual crise e seus principais impulsionadores, bem como das suas consequências e reacções sociopolíticas, analisa a evolução recente da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, perante tempos de crise económica e de políticas de austeridade. O artigo propõe duas conclusões, a merecer estudo adicional com o objectivo de uma sua possível teorização mais alargada: 1) podem distinguir-se fases distintas da crise e uma correlação entre estas, as políticas de austeridade implementadas e a correspondente ampliação dos efeitos da crise nos tecidos socioeconómicos territoriais; 2) verifica-se o aumento de um confronto de natureza estruturante entre políticas top-down de escalas europeia e nacionais e as dinâmicas sociopolíticas de escalas mais locais e mesmo bottom-up, redesenhando-se os quadros geopolíticos territoriais por formas crescentemente distintas e mais complexas; de divergência...

Research paper thumbnail of The long way to Ithaca. The reconfiguration of the urban political spaces in Southern Europe

This text frames a reflection upon the recent evolution on the sociopolitical and governance land... more This text frames a reflection upon the recent evolution on the sociopolitical and governance landscapes in urban Southern Europe. A global analysis of urban/metropolitan geographical and political tendencies is here made, from the most recent economic crisis and austerity politics years, towards expected future perspectives. The example of Lisbon metropolitan Area is exposed as a concrete case to show the pressures and the induced (and deduced) changes presently at stake. The analysis is set out on three different parts: a general reflection upon urban paradigm shifts and it’s still quite relevant unbalances and misunderstandings; an overall southern European geographical and political urban analytical perspective; and a proposed systematization of consequent political as well as research development needs. The text concludes with a systematized proposal of main diagnosis vectors, as well of possible main drivers and focuses for present and future southern European urban sociopoliti...

Research paper thumbnail of Socio-geographical and political dynamics in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon in times of crisis and austerity

This article, acknowledging the relevance of urban and territorial dimensions for the understandi... more This article, acknowledging the relevance of urban and territorial dimensions for the understanding of the current crisis and its main drives, as well as its effects and socio-political reactions, analyses the recent evolution of the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon in times of economic crisis and austerity policies. The conclusions, grounded on the case of Lisbon but deserving further theoretical building and comparative exploration, highlight: 1) the existence of different phases of the crisis and a correlation among these phases, the austerity policies that have been implemented, and the expansion of the crisis effects to the socioeconomic fabrics at the territorial scale; 2) a growing confrontation between top-down policies and bottom-up socio-political dynamics, that is, an increasingly complex and peculiar geopolitical framework made of multi-scalar divergences, convergences and intersections.

Research paper thumbnail of Moving to another home in Lisbon: socio-economic profiles of the recent residential mobility

The changes that have been occurring recently in Lisbon are largely related to residential mobili... more The changes that have been occurring recently in Lisbon are largely related to residential mobility dynamics, their causes and consequences. The choice of the residential area, determined by economic, social, cultural and psychological factors, results in a gradual change of the city's social structure and the territory's occupation patterns. This paper, based on the results of a survey carried out in Lisbon between 2016 and 2017, contributes to a deeper understanding of these changes by analysing the territorial and temporal dimensions of mobility and also the socioeconomic profiles of the city's oldest and newest residents. Given the diversity of residential mobility experiences, multivariate analysis was used to define five profiles with different social characteristics.

Research paper thumbnail of CITIES OF THE SOUTH The Mediterranean is one of the richest and most complex regions of the

L’ordre routier et urbain est, par excellence, l’ordre humain de la Méditerranée.