Joanna Potocka - (original) (raw)
Papers by Joanna Potocka
The chapter presents the typological differentiation and status of Natura 2000 mire habitats in P... more The chapter presents the typological differentiation and status of Natura 2000 mire habitats in Poland. In spite of universal definitions and descriptions (INTERPRETATION MANUAL... 1996), there is a certain liberty in the local understanding of the particular habitat in each of the member states. Among the 76 habitat types included on the Natura 2000 list for Poland (HERBICH 2004) there are six habitats of living mires, namely: Active raised bogs, degraded raised bogs, still capable of regeneration, transition mires and quaging bogs, depressions on peat substrates, lake-chalk mires and basiphilous mires. Each of the mire habitats has been defined and characterised in respect of the geographical distribution in Poland, ecological features, vegetation dynamics, state of preservation, and protection requirements. The implementation of the Natüra 2000 system created new opportunities for mires in Poland. Due to European Community's interest these valuable and threatened ecosystems have achieved a conservation status irrespectively of their number and location in the country. From the present survey it has become apparent, that the situation of mire ecosystems in Poland seems to be better than in several other Central European countries (esp. in terms of quantitative data). However, in several cases, there is an urgent need to apply advanced, mostly active protection methods, basing on the results of both extensive inventories, as well as of in-depth (hydro-)ecological investigations of the particular sites.
Viola cornuta is an endemic species of the Pyrenees and Cordillera Cantabrica. It was introduced ... more Viola cornuta is an endemic species of the Pyrenees and Cordillera Cantabrica. It was introduced into other parts of Europe as an ornamental plant and naturalized in several European mountain ranges. In Poland, the species was sporadically cultivated probably since 18/19 th century. First naturalized Polish population was found in meadows near remnants of the Orle settlement in the Izerskie Mts (SW Poland). The population is stable, occupies area of 300 m 2 and consists of ca. 50 000 stems. Estimation of number of plants is impossible due to intensive vegetative reproduction by stolones. The species occurs in mountain meadows of the Polygono-Trisetion alliance and Nardus-grasslands of the Nardion alliance. No negative influences on native species or plant communities have been observed. Wstêp Gatunki obcego pochodzenia we florze Polski s¹ obiektem badañ od wielu lat i choae uwaga badaczy skupia³a siê w znacznym stopniu na gatunkach inwazyjnych, to obecnie flora gatunków obcych jest rozpoznana bardzo dobrze. Syntez¹ dotychczasowych badañ jest opracowanie Tokarskiej-Guzik i in. (2012). Odznaczaj¹c¹ siê grup¹ wród gatunków obcych s¹ taksony, które mo¿na nazwaae reliktami uprawowymi: roliny uprawiane w przesz³oci ze wzglêdu na ró¿ne walory ( smakowe, lecznicze, ozdobne), których uprawa z ró¿nych
The chapter presents the typological differentiation and status of Natura 2000 mire habitats in P... more The chapter presents the typological differentiation and status of Natura 2000 mire habitats in Poland. In spite of universal definitions and descriptions (INTERPRETATION MANUAL... 1996), there is a certain liberty in the local understanding of the particular habitat in each of the member states. Among the 76 habitat types included on the Natura 2000 list for Poland (HERBICH 2004) there are six habitats of living mires, namely: Active raised bogs, degraded raised bogs, still capable of regeneration, transition mires and quaging bogs, depressions on peat substrates, lake-chalk mires and basiphilous mires. Each of the mire habitats has been defined and characterised in respect of the geographical distribution in Poland, ecological features, vegetation dynamics, state of preservation, and protection requirements. The implementation of the Natüra 2000 system created new opportunities for mires in Poland. Due to European Community's interest these valuable and threatened ecosystems have achieved a conservation status irrespectively of their number and location in the country. From the present survey it has become apparent, that the situation of mire ecosystems in Poland seems to be better than in several other Central European countries (esp. in terms of quantitative data). However, in several cases, there is an urgent need to apply advanced, mostly active protection methods, basing on the results of both extensive inventories, as well as of in-depth (hydro-)ecological investigations of the particular sites.
Viola cornuta is an endemic species of the Pyrenees and Cordillera Cantabrica. It was introduced ... more Viola cornuta is an endemic species of the Pyrenees and Cordillera Cantabrica. It was introduced into other parts of Europe as an ornamental plant and naturalized in several European mountain ranges. In Poland, the species was sporadically cultivated probably since 18/19 th century. First naturalized Polish population was found in meadows near remnants of the Orle settlement in the Izerskie Mts (SW Poland). The population is stable, occupies area of 300 m 2 and consists of ca. 50 000 stems. Estimation of number of plants is impossible due to intensive vegetative reproduction by stolones. The species occurs in mountain meadows of the Polygono-Trisetion alliance and Nardus-grasslands of the Nardion alliance. No negative influences on native species or plant communities have been observed. Wstêp Gatunki obcego pochodzenia we florze Polski s¹ obiektem badañ od wielu lat i choae uwaga badaczy skupia³a siê w znacznym stopniu na gatunkach inwazyjnych, to obecnie flora gatunków obcych jest rozpoznana bardzo dobrze. Syntez¹ dotychczasowych badañ jest opracowanie Tokarskiej-Guzik i in. (2012). Odznaczaj¹c¹ siê grup¹ wród gatunków obcych s¹ taksony, które mo¿na nazwaae reliktami uprawowymi: roliny uprawiane w przesz³oci ze wzglêdu na ró¿ne walory ( smakowe, lecznicze, ozdobne), których uprawa z ró¿nych