John Cox - (original) (raw)

John Cox is a lawyer in Auckland, New Zealand. He specialises in business law, conveyancing, estate and trusts, and has had his own firm, Blomkamp Cox, since 1999.

John Cox founded and led the Campaign for the Privy Council in 2003-2004, opposing the abolition of appeals from New Zealand to the Privy Council in London. A member of the Auckland District Law Society’s Public Issues Committee since February 2009. Drafted several issued discussion papers for the committee.

A Navy Volunteer Reserve officer 1995-2009. A correspondent of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (London) 1996 to 2002.

John Cox was the founder of the New Zealand Flag Institute Trust in 2004. A councillor of the Monarchist League of New Zealand Inc. from 1999 to 2008, and Treasurer 2000-2004. Council member of the Royal Commonwealth Society (Auckland Branch) since 2012. Member of the Heraldry Society (New Zealand Branch) Inc. from 1983 to 2008, councillor 1994-2008, and legal advisor 1995-2008.

Established Paratus Defence Analysts and Consultants Limited in 1997, and has written dozens of articles and monographs on topics related to defence, security and politics.
Lifelong interests in general and military history, genealogy, archaeology, and general knowledge. Involved in local and national politics. Other hobbies include classical music and gardening.

Married, with one young son.
