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John W Gibson


Papers by John W Gibson

Research paper thumbnail of Hermeneutical Cosmotheoria & the Experience of God in Origen of Alexandria (PhD thesis abstract and TOC)

Abstract and table of contents of my PhD dissertation

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Research paper thumbnail of Notions of Logos in Heraclitus, Stoic Philosophy, Philo, and Clement of Alexandria

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Research paper thumbnail of The Meontic Theory of Evil in the Emanationist Cosmogeny of Plotinus

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Research paper thumbnail of Origen: Relations in Exitus-Reditus, Hierarchy, and Participation

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Research paper thumbnail of Impermanence and Potentiality in Buddhist Philosophy and Gregory of Nyssa

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Research paper thumbnail of Participatory Dimensions of Revelation in Augustine

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Research paper thumbnail of Ontology of Scripture in Philo and Origen

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Research paper thumbnail of Nomos, Phūsis, & History in Herodotus

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Research paper thumbnail of Mimesis and Imitation: Symbol in Cyril of Jerusalem

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Yahwist's Landscape: Nature and Religion in Early Israel" by Theodore Hiebert

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Research paper thumbnail of Mysticism in Karl Rahner: Some Considerations of his World View, the Ordinariness of the ‘Extraordinary’ and a Christological Reflection

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Research paper thumbnail of Holism in Dumitru Staniloae's Theological Anthropology

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Book Reviews by John W Gibson

Research paper thumbnail of Review: Scripture as Real Presence: Sacramental Exegesis in the Early Church

Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: The Concept of Self in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity and Its Implication for Interfaith Relations

The Journal of Interreligious Studies, Issue 22, April 2018

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Teaching Documents by John W Gibson

Research paper thumbnail of History of Christianity I Slides (Week 4)

Slides from week 4.

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Research paper thumbnail of History of Christianity I Slides (Week 3)

Slides from my Keynote presentation of week 3 of a History of Christianity course.

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Research paper thumbnail of Possible Pre-New Testament Hymns/Credal Formulae/Oral Traditions

This is a reference document for an essay topic on pre-New Testament 'hymns' for a course on hist... more This is a reference document for an essay topic on pre-New Testament 'hymns' for a course on history of Christianity that I am teaching. I posed the topic as follows: "Discuss one (or more than one) of the pre-New Testament ‘hymns’ discussed in class. You might want to consider the following: Does the text contain a theology (reflection on God) or a christology (reflection on Christ) or a pneumatology (reflection on Spirit)? Does the text contain a soteriology (a reflection on ‘salvation’?) If the text(s) contain any of these, provide your understanding/interpretation of the same. Pay very close attention to prepositions – words such as “through; by; with; from; to; for; in; near; on; into; under; between; throughout.”

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Research paper thumbnail of History of Christianity I (to AD 843)

This is a draft of a syllabus for a course I am teaching at Saint Michael's College.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hermeneutical Cosmotheoria & the Experience of God in Origen of Alexandria (PhD thesis abstract and TOC)

Abstract and table of contents of my PhD dissertation

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Research paper thumbnail of Notions of Logos in Heraclitus, Stoic Philosophy, Philo, and Clement of Alexandria

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Research paper thumbnail of The Meontic Theory of Evil in the Emanationist Cosmogeny of Plotinus

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Research paper thumbnail of Origen: Relations in Exitus-Reditus, Hierarchy, and Participation

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Research paper thumbnail of Impermanence and Potentiality in Buddhist Philosophy and Gregory of Nyssa

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Research paper thumbnail of Participatory Dimensions of Revelation in Augustine

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Research paper thumbnail of Ontology of Scripture in Philo and Origen

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Research paper thumbnail of Nomos, Phūsis, & History in Herodotus

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Research paper thumbnail of Mimesis and Imitation: Symbol in Cyril of Jerusalem

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Yahwist's Landscape: Nature and Religion in Early Israel" by Theodore Hiebert

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Research paper thumbnail of Mysticism in Karl Rahner: Some Considerations of his World View, the Ordinariness of the ‘Extraordinary’ and a Christological Reflection

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Research paper thumbnail of Holism in Dumitru Staniloae's Theological Anthropology

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Scripture as Real Presence: Sacramental Exegesis in the Early Church

Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: The Concept of Self in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity and Its Implication for Interfaith Relations

The Journal of Interreligious Studies, Issue 22, April 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of History of Christianity I Slides (Week 4)

Slides from week 4.

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Research paper thumbnail of History of Christianity I Slides (Week 3)

Slides from my Keynote presentation of week 3 of a History of Christianity course.

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Research paper thumbnail of Possible Pre-New Testament Hymns/Credal Formulae/Oral Traditions

This is a reference document for an essay topic on pre-New Testament 'hymns' for a course on hist... more This is a reference document for an essay topic on pre-New Testament 'hymns' for a course on history of Christianity that I am teaching. I posed the topic as follows: "Discuss one (or more than one) of the pre-New Testament ‘hymns’ discussed in class. You might want to consider the following: Does the text contain a theology (reflection on God) or a christology (reflection on Christ) or a pneumatology (reflection on Spirit)? Does the text contain a soteriology (a reflection on ‘salvation’?) If the text(s) contain any of these, provide your understanding/interpretation of the same. Pay very close attention to prepositions – words such as “through; by; with; from; to; for; in; near; on; into; under; between; throughout.”

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Research paper thumbnail of History of Christianity I (to AD 843)

This is a draft of a syllabus for a course I am teaching at Saint Michael's College.

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