Jonas A DJENONTIN - (original) (raw)
Papers by Jonas A DJENONTIN
Annales des Sciences Agronomiques, 2015
du Bénin RÉSUMÉ L'élevage, deuxième activité économique après l'agriculture en Afrique soudanienn... more du Bénin RÉSUMÉ L'élevage, deuxième activité économique après l'agriculture en Afrique soudanienne cont ribue à la sécurité alimentaire dans les communautés pastorales et agropastorales. Cet élevage est encore extensif et essentiellement basée sur les ressources naturelles pour l'alimentation et l'abreuvement des animaux. Pour une meilleure connaissance du disponible, un inventaire exhaustif des infrastructures d'abreuvement est fait au Nord-Est du Bénin à travers une revue documentaire, une cartographie participante et enfin la visite de ces points afin de prendre les coordonnées de ces derniers avec un GPS, puis reporter sur une carte avec le logiciel ArcView à partir du répertoire de leurs coordonnées. L'analyse de la gestion des infrastructures d'abreuvement est réalisée à partir des enquêtes adressées aux acteurs déterminés auparavant avec l'outil FFOM à travers un échantillon de 180 personnes. Ces questionnaires d'enquête ont été traités avec le logiciel Sphynx plus. Au total 162 infrastructures d'abreuvement ont été inventoriés dans le milieu d'étude réparties en barrages, retenues d'eau, surcreusements de mare et puits. Les difficultés d'accès à ces infrastructures et les utilisations de l'eau stockée à d'autres fins ont été aussi mises en exergue. Il ressort de ces analyses que l'inexistence de voies d'accès aux points d'eau et la colonisation des eaux par certains végétaux constituent les préoccupations les plus importantes des éleveurs pastoraux. En effet, l'occupation ou l'obstruction des couloirs est source de nombreux conflits entre agriculteurs et éleveurs et les difficultés d'accès aux infrastructures d'abreuvement relativisent leur importance dans les activités d'élevage de la zone d'étude.
Maize, a major staple food in many farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa, is characterized by low... more Maize, a major staple food in many farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa, is characterized by low productivity due to the scarce availability and use of external inputs and recurrent droughts exacerbated by climate variability. Within the integrated soil fertility management framework, there is thus a need for optimizing the use of fertilizers and manure for the efficient use of limited nutrient resources and rainfall, and to increase crop yield and farmer income. On-station experiments were conducted in Northern Benin over a 4-year period using a split-plot design with three replications to evaluate the effect of hill-placed mineral fertilizer and manure on yields and soil chemical properties. The treatments consisted of the combination of: (i) three rates of manure (main plot): 0, 3 (3M) and 6 (6M) t ha−1; and (ii) three levels of fertilizer (sub-plot): 0%(NF), 50% (50F) and 100% (100F) of the recommended rate (76 kg N + 13.1 kg P + 24.9 K ha−1). Hill-placement of manure and/or fe...
International Journal of Poultry Science, 2009
Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2018
This research aims to evaluate the physicochemical and energetic quantity of succulent and sweet ... more This research aims to evaluate the physicochemical and energetic quantity of succulent and sweet taste forage grasses, Panicum maximum and Pennisetum purpureum (Poaceae) incorporated in the feed of grasscutters growing (GG), fattening (FG) and maintenance (MG). This study is set to determine the chemical and energetic composition of three levels of green fodder (50, 75 and 85%) incorporated into the diets of grasscutters and compare it to nutrient intake and energy consumption of feed resources used normally in the ration by farmers. The three experimental diets were: 75% fodder and 25% of food complement (diet T 25); 50% of fodder and 50% of food complement (diet T 50); 85% of fodder and 15% of food complement (diet T 15). The results showed that the green fodder used contains important sources of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and minerals. Dry matter content of Panicum maximum (13.4 to 22.9%) and Pennisetum purpureum (10.9 to 18.6%) provide energy needs as calories needed of grasscutters. Food ingredients consisting of minerals and organic matter provide the energy potential in the form of calories for maintenance and production feed needs of grasscutters. A positive and highly significant effect (p<0.01) of the T 15 was observed. These results suggest that the nutritional and energy values consumed can be used for grasscutters growing (GG), fattening (GF) and maintenance (GM).The intake of energy and functional foods into a controlled diet stimulates the appetite of farmed animals. Panicum maximum and Pennisetum purpureum grasses that were used as a substitute for the main staple feed, and which are highly sought after in the natural environment by grasscutters, are recommended for grasscutter raising. Green forages with succulent sweet-tasting stems, incorporated into food rations as 15% of food supplements, are more stable and perform better in food rations for grasscutters. Active nutrients are balanced, varied, moderate and necessary for the proper functioning of the organism of grasscutters.
In Benin, traditional vegetable crops are important in urban and suburban agriculture and contrib... more In Benin, traditional vegetable crops are important in urban and suburban agriculture and contribute to diet diversification. Although vegetables crops are an important emerging cash crop for the agricultural sector in Benin, their production are facing many challenges such as soil poverty and low water use efficiency. The aim of this study was to assess the water use (WU) and water use efficiecy (WUE) of two traditional leafy vegetable ( Amaranthus cruentus L., Solanum macrocarpon L.) under microdose fertilization. An experiment consisting on randomized complete block design with four replications was conducted in 2015/2016 (Dry season) at the Agricultural research center of Ina (Northern Benin). Two factors was considered namely: Mineral fertilizer with five levels (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg of urea-N / ha) with a basal incorporation of manure at 10 t / ha exempting only the rate 80 kg of urea-N / ha and the timing of fertilizer application with two levels (0 days after planting and...
Revue de Géographie de Ouagadougou, Sep 1, 2014
Archivos de Zootecnia, 2017
Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil fermentativo, as perdas e a composição química da silagem de Brachi... more Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil fermentativo, as perdas e a composição química da silagem de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã com diferentes aditivos. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições por tratamento e cinco tratamentos com diferentes aditivos, como segue: T1- controle sem aditivos; T2 - inoculante microbiano SiloMax Centurium (Matsuda); T3 - inoculante ênzimo microbiano Sil All C4 (Alltech do Brasil); T4 - fubá de milho (100 g kg-1 na matéria natural) e T5 - glicerina bruta (100 g kg-1 na matéria natural), totalizando 20 silos experimentais. A adição de fubá de milho elevou os teores de matéria seca (MS) e carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF) com diminuição na fibra em detergente neutro (FDN). A maior perda de MS total (124,7 g kg-1) foi observado para a silagem sem aditivos, enquanto que a adição de fubá de milho reduziu as perdas de MS total (32,2 g kg-1). Os menores valores de pH foram observados nas silagens com fubá de milho e acidez titulá...
Agronomie Africaine, 2020
Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 2014
In the goal to characterize cattle farming and milk production in the north of Benin a typology o... more In the goal to characterize cattle farming and milk production in the north of Benin a typology of herd installed around Pehunco’s and Nikki’s creamery was made. Data were collected from a random sample farmers based on extension services’ lists. The survey was done with 146 cattle-breeders at Nikki and 139 at Pehunco which were in the official extension group. The principal composant analysis have identified four types of cattle-breeders called CB1 , CB2 , CB3 and CB4, differentiated by ethnicity, farming – cattle breeding integration, family’s skilled labor level, breeders’ training level, cattle phenotype, endogenous health knowledge, prophylaxis practice and food supplementation with crop residues. CB1, CB3 and CB4 were breeders who gave more importance to farming depend on cattle breeding. In return their small ruminants’ population increased. Typology allows bettering understanding the breeding systeme around creamery in Nikki and Pehunco.
Traditional vegetables are important sources of human nutrients and household incomes. They are a... more Traditional vegetables are important sources of human nutrients and household incomes. They are an essential complement to the daily diet and include many species that provide vitamins, minerals, fibers, specific amino acids, and other active compounds. Despite their nutritional and economic importance, they are neglected and underutilized. Yields obtained in African regions are generally low compared with the global average. The present review paper shows that these low yields are primarily caused by the decline in soil fertility, variability and erratic rainfall, and inadequate water and fertilizer management. Soil fertility depletion is the fundamental biophysical cause for declining of vegetable production in sub-Saharan West Africa. Besides poor nutrient use efficiency, low water use efficiency (WUE) is also an important issue for vegetable production in arid and semi-arid countries, where rainfall is a limiting factor yet water resources for irrigation are lacking or diminishing. ...
International Journal of Vegetable Science, 2019
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 2016
The Departments of Borgou and Alibori alone hold approximately 60% of Benin's cattle herd is ... more The Departments of Borgou and Alibori alone hold approximately 60% of Benin's cattle herd is estimated at 2.166 million heads. The power of these animals is exclusively based on natural pastures, it is important to have an idea of the characteristics of the latter to take decisions. The study took place in the North East part of Benin and aims to characterize the pastures of this region. In total 60 phytosociological surveys were conducted, 40 plots of productivity and 40 linear measurements were made. Surveys were treated with CAP software and identified the types of pasture. Four (04) vegetable grouping were identified. The higher biomass was obstained in the pasture to Ficus glumosa and Hyparrhenia involucrata (5.7 t DM / ha). The biologic spectrum analysis shows an abondance and a predominance of the phanerophytes (55 %) and the therophytes (35%). As for as the phytogeographic kinds are concerned, the species of the soudanian (58 %) element predomines in the groups. The high...
L’elevage, deuxieme activite economique apres l’agriculture en Afrique soudanienne contribue a la... more L’elevage, deuxieme activite economique apres l’agriculture en Afrique soudanienne contribue a la securite alimentaire dans les communautes pastorales et agropastorales. Cet elevage est encore extensif et essentiellement basee sur les ressources naturelles pour l’alimentation et l’abreuvement des animaux. Pour une meilleure connaissance du disponible, un inventaire exhaustif des infrastructures d’abreuvement est fait au Nord-Est du Benin a travers une revue documentaire, une cartographie participante et enfin la visite de ces points afin de prendre les coordonnees de ces erniers avec un GPS, puis reporter sur une carte avec le logiciel ArcView a partir du repertoire de leurs coordonnees. L’analyse de la gestion des infrastructures d’abreuvement est realisee a partir des enquetes adressees aux acteurs determines auparavant avec l’outil FFOM a travers un echantillon de 180 personnes. Ces questionnaires d’enquete ont ete traites avec le logiciel Sphynx plus. Au total 162 infrastruc...
L'elevage est la deuxieme activite economique apres l'agriculture au Benin. L'elevage... more L'elevage est la deuxieme activite economique apres l'agriculture au Benin. L'elevage bovin, dont la zone de propension est le Nord du Benin et en particulier le Nord-Est demeure la grande composante du secteur de l'elevage avec un cheptel dont l'effectif approche actuellement 2.000.000 de tetes. La promotion de cet elevage n'a pas toujours pris en compte tous les aspects de son developpement surtout les aspects socio-anthropologiques et socio-economiques. La gestion economique actuelle de l'elevage a impose des politiques de developpement articulees autour du complexe elevage-environnement. La necessite d'apprehender ce complexe a l'image des eleveurs qui recherchaient l'harmonie avec leur milieu devrait constituer un objectif fondamental des intervenants dans ce secteur. L'analyse du cadre environnemental a mis en exergue un milieu propice au developpement de l'elevage bovin. Toutefois certains handicaps profonds sont apparus a l'...
La contrainte majeure evoquee par les exploitants agricoles du nord du Benin est la baisse progre... more La contrainte majeure evoquee par les exploitants agricoles du nord du Benin est la baisse progressive de la fertilite des terres. Cette situation resulte d'une gestion inadequate des terres cultivees et de leur fertilite. Les solutions preconisees sont les amendements organiques et les apports d'engrais mineraux, ainsi que des systemes de rotation des cultures. L'apport de matiere organique sous forme de compost ou de fumier est une technologie qui a ete introduite dans les exploitations agricoles. Mais son adoption reste limitee a cause de l'inadaptation des formes de production preconisees aux systemes agricoles. La production de fumier dans les parcs de stabulation des boeufs de trait valorise l'integration de l'agriculture et de l'elevage. Nous preconisons la production de fumier a proximite des lieux d'utilisation, afin de reduire les problemes de transport et le travail. Le fumier produit est preferentiellement applique sur mais ou coton. L'...
Annales des Sciences Agronomiques, 2015
du Bénin RÉSUMÉ L'élevage, deuxième activité économique après l'agriculture en Afrique soudanienn... more du Bénin RÉSUMÉ L'élevage, deuxième activité économique après l'agriculture en Afrique soudanienne cont ribue à la sécurité alimentaire dans les communautés pastorales et agropastorales. Cet élevage est encore extensif et essentiellement basée sur les ressources naturelles pour l'alimentation et l'abreuvement des animaux. Pour une meilleure connaissance du disponible, un inventaire exhaustif des infrastructures d'abreuvement est fait au Nord-Est du Bénin à travers une revue documentaire, une cartographie participante et enfin la visite de ces points afin de prendre les coordonnées de ces derniers avec un GPS, puis reporter sur une carte avec le logiciel ArcView à partir du répertoire de leurs coordonnées. L'analyse de la gestion des infrastructures d'abreuvement est réalisée à partir des enquêtes adressées aux acteurs déterminés auparavant avec l'outil FFOM à travers un échantillon de 180 personnes. Ces questionnaires d'enquête ont été traités avec le logiciel Sphynx plus. Au total 162 infrastructures d'abreuvement ont été inventoriés dans le milieu d'étude réparties en barrages, retenues d'eau, surcreusements de mare et puits. Les difficultés d'accès à ces infrastructures et les utilisations de l'eau stockée à d'autres fins ont été aussi mises en exergue. Il ressort de ces analyses que l'inexistence de voies d'accès aux points d'eau et la colonisation des eaux par certains végétaux constituent les préoccupations les plus importantes des éleveurs pastoraux. En effet, l'occupation ou l'obstruction des couloirs est source de nombreux conflits entre agriculteurs et éleveurs et les difficultés d'accès aux infrastructures d'abreuvement relativisent leur importance dans les activités d'élevage de la zone d'étude.
Maize, a major staple food in many farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa, is characterized by low... more Maize, a major staple food in many farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa, is characterized by low productivity due to the scarce availability and use of external inputs and recurrent droughts exacerbated by climate variability. Within the integrated soil fertility management framework, there is thus a need for optimizing the use of fertilizers and manure for the efficient use of limited nutrient resources and rainfall, and to increase crop yield and farmer income. On-station experiments were conducted in Northern Benin over a 4-year period using a split-plot design with three replications to evaluate the effect of hill-placed mineral fertilizer and manure on yields and soil chemical properties. The treatments consisted of the combination of: (i) three rates of manure (main plot): 0, 3 (3M) and 6 (6M) t ha−1; and (ii) three levels of fertilizer (sub-plot): 0%(NF), 50% (50F) and 100% (100F) of the recommended rate (76 kg N + 13.1 kg P + 24.9 K ha−1). Hill-placement of manure and/or fe...
International Journal of Poultry Science, 2009
Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2018
This research aims to evaluate the physicochemical and energetic quantity of succulent and sweet ... more This research aims to evaluate the physicochemical and energetic quantity of succulent and sweet taste forage grasses, Panicum maximum and Pennisetum purpureum (Poaceae) incorporated in the feed of grasscutters growing (GG), fattening (FG) and maintenance (MG). This study is set to determine the chemical and energetic composition of three levels of green fodder (50, 75 and 85%) incorporated into the diets of grasscutters and compare it to nutrient intake and energy consumption of feed resources used normally in the ration by farmers. The three experimental diets were: 75% fodder and 25% of food complement (diet T 25); 50% of fodder and 50% of food complement (diet T 50); 85% of fodder and 15% of food complement (diet T 15). The results showed that the green fodder used contains important sources of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and minerals. Dry matter content of Panicum maximum (13.4 to 22.9%) and Pennisetum purpureum (10.9 to 18.6%) provide energy needs as calories needed of grasscutters. Food ingredients consisting of minerals and organic matter provide the energy potential in the form of calories for maintenance and production feed needs of grasscutters. A positive and highly significant effect (p<0.01) of the T 15 was observed. These results suggest that the nutritional and energy values consumed can be used for grasscutters growing (GG), fattening (GF) and maintenance (GM).The intake of energy and functional foods into a controlled diet stimulates the appetite of farmed animals. Panicum maximum and Pennisetum purpureum grasses that were used as a substitute for the main staple feed, and which are highly sought after in the natural environment by grasscutters, are recommended for grasscutter raising. Green forages with succulent sweet-tasting stems, incorporated into food rations as 15% of food supplements, are more stable and perform better in food rations for grasscutters. Active nutrients are balanced, varied, moderate and necessary for the proper functioning of the organism of grasscutters.
In Benin, traditional vegetable crops are important in urban and suburban agriculture and contrib... more In Benin, traditional vegetable crops are important in urban and suburban agriculture and contribute to diet diversification. Although vegetables crops are an important emerging cash crop for the agricultural sector in Benin, their production are facing many challenges such as soil poverty and low water use efficiency. The aim of this study was to assess the water use (WU) and water use efficiecy (WUE) of two traditional leafy vegetable ( Amaranthus cruentus L., Solanum macrocarpon L.) under microdose fertilization. An experiment consisting on randomized complete block design with four replications was conducted in 2015/2016 (Dry season) at the Agricultural research center of Ina (Northern Benin). Two factors was considered namely: Mineral fertilizer with five levels (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg of urea-N / ha) with a basal incorporation of manure at 10 t / ha exempting only the rate 80 kg of urea-N / ha and the timing of fertilizer application with two levels (0 days after planting and...
Revue de Géographie de Ouagadougou, Sep 1, 2014
Archivos de Zootecnia, 2017
Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil fermentativo, as perdas e a composição química da silagem de Brachi... more Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil fermentativo, as perdas e a composição química da silagem de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã com diferentes aditivos. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições por tratamento e cinco tratamentos com diferentes aditivos, como segue: T1- controle sem aditivos; T2 - inoculante microbiano SiloMax Centurium (Matsuda); T3 - inoculante ênzimo microbiano Sil All C4 (Alltech do Brasil); T4 - fubá de milho (100 g kg-1 na matéria natural) e T5 - glicerina bruta (100 g kg-1 na matéria natural), totalizando 20 silos experimentais. A adição de fubá de milho elevou os teores de matéria seca (MS) e carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF) com diminuição na fibra em detergente neutro (FDN). A maior perda de MS total (124,7 g kg-1) foi observado para a silagem sem aditivos, enquanto que a adição de fubá de milho reduziu as perdas de MS total (32,2 g kg-1). Os menores valores de pH foram observados nas silagens com fubá de milho e acidez titulá...
Agronomie Africaine, 2020
Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 2014
In the goal to characterize cattle farming and milk production in the north of Benin a typology o... more In the goal to characterize cattle farming and milk production in the north of Benin a typology of herd installed around Pehunco’s and Nikki’s creamery was made. Data were collected from a random sample farmers based on extension services’ lists. The survey was done with 146 cattle-breeders at Nikki and 139 at Pehunco which were in the official extension group. The principal composant analysis have identified four types of cattle-breeders called CB1 , CB2 , CB3 and CB4, differentiated by ethnicity, farming – cattle breeding integration, family’s skilled labor level, breeders’ training level, cattle phenotype, endogenous health knowledge, prophylaxis practice and food supplementation with crop residues. CB1, CB3 and CB4 were breeders who gave more importance to farming depend on cattle breeding. In return their small ruminants’ population increased. Typology allows bettering understanding the breeding systeme around creamery in Nikki and Pehunco.
Traditional vegetables are important sources of human nutrients and household incomes. They are a... more Traditional vegetables are important sources of human nutrients and household incomes. They are an essential complement to the daily diet and include many species that provide vitamins, minerals, fibers, specific amino acids, and other active compounds. Despite their nutritional and economic importance, they are neglected and underutilized. Yields obtained in African regions are generally low compared with the global average. The present review paper shows that these low yields are primarily caused by the decline in soil fertility, variability and erratic rainfall, and inadequate water and fertilizer management. Soil fertility depletion is the fundamental biophysical cause for declining of vegetable production in sub-Saharan West Africa. Besides poor nutrient use efficiency, low water use efficiency (WUE) is also an important issue for vegetable production in arid and semi-arid countries, where rainfall is a limiting factor yet water resources for irrigation are lacking or diminishing. ...
International Journal of Vegetable Science, 2019
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 2016
The Departments of Borgou and Alibori alone hold approximately 60% of Benin's cattle herd is ... more The Departments of Borgou and Alibori alone hold approximately 60% of Benin's cattle herd is estimated at 2.166 million heads. The power of these animals is exclusively based on natural pastures, it is important to have an idea of the characteristics of the latter to take decisions. The study took place in the North East part of Benin and aims to characterize the pastures of this region. In total 60 phytosociological surveys were conducted, 40 plots of productivity and 40 linear measurements were made. Surveys were treated with CAP software and identified the types of pasture. Four (04) vegetable grouping were identified. The higher biomass was obstained in the pasture to Ficus glumosa and Hyparrhenia involucrata (5.7 t DM / ha). The biologic spectrum analysis shows an abondance and a predominance of the phanerophytes (55 %) and the therophytes (35%). As for as the phytogeographic kinds are concerned, the species of the soudanian (58 %) element predomines in the groups. The high...
L’elevage, deuxieme activite economique apres l’agriculture en Afrique soudanienne contribue a la... more L’elevage, deuxieme activite economique apres l’agriculture en Afrique soudanienne contribue a la securite alimentaire dans les communautes pastorales et agropastorales. Cet elevage est encore extensif et essentiellement basee sur les ressources naturelles pour l’alimentation et l’abreuvement des animaux. Pour une meilleure connaissance du disponible, un inventaire exhaustif des infrastructures d’abreuvement est fait au Nord-Est du Benin a travers une revue documentaire, une cartographie participante et enfin la visite de ces points afin de prendre les coordonnees de ces erniers avec un GPS, puis reporter sur une carte avec le logiciel ArcView a partir du repertoire de leurs coordonnees. L’analyse de la gestion des infrastructures d’abreuvement est realisee a partir des enquetes adressees aux acteurs determines auparavant avec l’outil FFOM a travers un echantillon de 180 personnes. Ces questionnaires d’enquete ont ete traites avec le logiciel Sphynx plus. Au total 162 infrastruc...
L'elevage est la deuxieme activite economique apres l'agriculture au Benin. L'elevage... more L'elevage est la deuxieme activite economique apres l'agriculture au Benin. L'elevage bovin, dont la zone de propension est le Nord du Benin et en particulier le Nord-Est demeure la grande composante du secteur de l'elevage avec un cheptel dont l'effectif approche actuellement 2.000.000 de tetes. La promotion de cet elevage n'a pas toujours pris en compte tous les aspects de son developpement surtout les aspects socio-anthropologiques et socio-economiques. La gestion economique actuelle de l'elevage a impose des politiques de developpement articulees autour du complexe elevage-environnement. La necessite d'apprehender ce complexe a l'image des eleveurs qui recherchaient l'harmonie avec leur milieu devrait constituer un objectif fondamental des intervenants dans ce secteur. L'analyse du cadre environnemental a mis en exergue un milieu propice au developpement de l'elevage bovin. Toutefois certains handicaps profonds sont apparus a l'...
La contrainte majeure evoquee par les exploitants agricoles du nord du Benin est la baisse progre... more La contrainte majeure evoquee par les exploitants agricoles du nord du Benin est la baisse progressive de la fertilite des terres. Cette situation resulte d'une gestion inadequate des terres cultivees et de leur fertilite. Les solutions preconisees sont les amendements organiques et les apports d'engrais mineraux, ainsi que des systemes de rotation des cultures. L'apport de matiere organique sous forme de compost ou de fumier est une technologie qui a ete introduite dans les exploitations agricoles. Mais son adoption reste limitee a cause de l'inadaptation des formes de production preconisees aux systemes agricoles. La production de fumier dans les parcs de stabulation des boeufs de trait valorise l'integration de l'agriculture et de l'elevage. Nous preconisons la production de fumier a proximite des lieux d'utilisation, afin de reduire les problemes de transport et le travail. Le fumier produit est preferentiellement applique sur mais ou coton. L'...