Jonathan Favre - (original) (raw)
Papers by Jonathan Favre
European Journal of General Practice, 2019
Multimorbidity is understood as the coexistence of multiple health conditions in an individual. T... more Multimorbidity is understood as the coexistence of multiple health conditions in an individual. The number of people suffering from multimorbidity is rising driven by ageing populations and also by the growing burden of non-communicable diseases and mental health problems. Multimorbidity is highly heterogeneous, varying from multiple conditions in frail elderly to combinations of mental health disorders and substance use. Depending on definition, it is estimated that every fourth adult and two in three patients over 65 years of age are multimorbid. In primary care, these estimates are even higher and multimorbidity is a norm among elderly adults. Multimorbidity is associated with reduced quality of life, impaired functional status, worsened physical and mental health, increased mortality and increased use of health and social care services with associated costs.
Frontiers in Medicine
In 2015, we conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in primary care to evaluate if posters ... more In 2015, we conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in primary care to evaluate if posters and pamphlets dispensed in general practice waiting rooms enhanced vaccination uptake for seasonal influenza. Unexpectedly, vaccination uptake rose in both arms of the RCT whereas public health data indicated a decrease. We wondered if the design of the trial had led to a Hawthorne effect (HE). Searching the literature, we noticed that the definition of the HE was unclear if stated. Our objectives were to refine a definition of the HE for primary care, to evaluate its size, and to draw consequences for primary care research. We designed a Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses review and meta-analysis between January 2012 and March 2022. We included original reports defining the HE and reports measuring it without setting limitations. Definitions of the HE were collected and summarized. Main published outcomes were extracted and measures were analyzed to evalu...
Frontiers in Public Health
Cervical cancer screening (CCS) by Pap tests is mainly performed by gynecologists in France, but ... more Cervical cancer screening (CCS) by Pap tests is mainly performed by gynecologists in France, but also by general practitioners (GPs) and midwives. The screening uptake is insufficient to reduce the incidence of cervical neoplasms. Our aim was to investigate the association between screening rates in patients listed with GPs and the distance between GPs' offices and gynecology facilities. The population of 345 GPs, and their 93,918 female patients eligible for screening over 3 years (2013–2015), were derived from the Health Insurance claim database. We estimated the socioeconomic level of the geographical area of GPs' offices using the European Deprivation Index (EDI). The proximity of gynecology facilities was calculated by computing their distance from GPs' offices (in order to adjust the proximity of gynecology facilities with EDI and performance of smears by the GP). The number of gynecologists within 5 km of a GP's office was associated with the CCS rate increasi...
<p>Baseline characteristics (October 2013-February 2014) by study condition.</p
<p>October 2014—February 2015.</p
<p>Study characteristics (October 2014-February 2015) by study condition.</p
Exercer-La Revue Francophone De Medecine Generale, 2021
Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2018
Contexte.-Selon la Haute Autorité de santé (HAS), le premier rendezvous de consultation en vue d'... more Contexte.-Selon la Haute Autorité de santé (HAS), le premier rendezvous de consultation en vue d'une interruption volontaire de grossesse (IVG) devrait avoir lieu dans les cinq jours. Nous ne savons pas si ce dé lai est respecté dans les Hauts-de-France. Objectif.-L'objectif de cette é tude é tait de mesurer le dé lai de premier rendezvous pour une IVG dans cette ré gion. Me´thode.-Nous avons mené une enquête té lé phonique auprè s des é tablissements de santé , centres de planification et d'é ducation familiale et praticiens conventionné s pratiquant des IVG dans les Hauts-de-France, pour dé terminer le prochain rendezvous disponible pour une femme souhaitant une IVG. Les appels se sont dé roulé s du 10 au 14 avril 2017. Le dé lai de rendezvous (moyenne AE é cart-type) é tait calculé pour la ré gion, les dé partements, les arrondissements, les é tablissements de santé et praticiens. Re´sultats.-Nous avons contacté 93 é tablissements de santé et praticiens libé raux et 70 ont é té inclus. Le dé lai de rendezvous pour une IVG dans les Hauts-de-France é tait de 5,25 AE 5,20 jours : 6,32 AE 4,72 pour les é tablissements de santé ; 3,84 AE 5,11 pour les gyné cologues ; 5,22 AE 5,88 pour les gé né ralistes et 0,67 AE 0,58 pour les maïeuticienÁneÁs. Cinquante-six pour cent des é tablissements de santé et des praticiens libé raux respectaient un dé lai < cinq jours. Le dé lai moyen variait de 1 à 15,5 jours pour les arrondissements. Conclusion.-Le dé lai moyen de premier rendezvous pour une IVG dans les Hauts-de-France é tait proche du seuil de cinq jours recommandé par la HAS. Le dé veloppement de l'offre de soins libé rale avec la formation des maïeuticienÁneÁs et des mé decins gé né ralistes pourrait être la premiè re é tape pour raccourcir ce dé lai dans certains arrondissements où l'accè s aux soins est limité .
Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique, 2020
Resume Introduction Le nombre de patients avec prothese de la hanche (PTH), resurfacage de hanche... more Resume Introduction Le nombre de patients avec prothese de la hanche (PTH), resurfacage de hanche (RH) ou prothese du genou (PTG) augmente. Certains souhaitent pratiquer un sport, y compris a fort impact tel que l’ultra-trail. La proportion d’abandons est-elle plus elevee chez les coureurs apres PTH, RH ou PTG ? Quels sont les symptomes de ces patients ? Hypothese Les PTH, RH ou PTG sont associees a un taux d’abandon plus eleve lors d’un ultra-trail. Materiel et methodes Nous avons realise une etude epidemiologique retrospective monocentrique. Un questionnaire traduit en francais, anglais et espagnol a ete envoye a tous les coureurs inscrits a une ou plusieurs des 5 courses des editions 2015 a 2017 de l’Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® (UTMB®). Il n’y avait pas de criteres d’exclusion. Le taux d’abandon des patients qui ont repondu au questionnaire a ete calcule parmi les coureurs avec et sans PTH, RH ou PTG. Les symptomes specifiques lies a ces arthroplasties ont ete identifies avant, pe...
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research
INTRODUCTION The number of patients with hip or knee joint replacements is increasing. Some of th... more INTRODUCTION The number of patients with hip or knee joint replacements is increasing. Some of these patients want to practice sport, including in high-impact sports such as ultra-trails. Is the proportion of drop-out higher among runners after a hip or knee replacement? What are the symptoms of these patients? HYPOTHESIS Hip or knee joint replacements are associated with a higher drop-out rate during an ultra-trail. MATERIAL AND METHODS We conducted a monocentric retrospective epidemiological study. A questionnaire translated into French, English and Spanish were sent to all runners registered for one or more of the 5 races of the 2015 to 2017 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® (UTMB®) editions. There were no exclusion criteria. The drop-out rate of patients who responded to the questionnaire was calculated among patients with and without hip or knee joint replacement. Specific symptoms related to these joint replacements were identified before, during and after the race. RESULTS Out of the 24,855 participants having run at least one of the 3 editions, 2,469 responded. Some of them ran several races: these 2469 runners were on 3171 start lines and 2548 finish lines (drop-out rate of 19.6%). Among these 2469 runners, 18 had hip and/or knee replacement and were on 27 start lines and 17 finish lines (drop-out rate of 37%). The race was finished by 3 of the 6 runners with a total hip arthroplasty (THA), all of the 8 runners with a hip resurfacing arthroplasty (HRA) and 3 of the 4 runners with a total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Among runners with THA, pubalgia or groin pain was described by one of them before the race, 3 during the race and 2 after the race. Among runners with HRA, pygalgia or groin pain was described by 2 of them during the race. As for the TKA, there was no specific symptom. No answering runner had a unicompartmental knee prosthesis. DISCUSSION Running ultra-trail is possible after a hip or knee joint replacement. All of the 8 runners with HRA finished the race. We may remain cautious about the long-term survival of prostheses. LEVEL OF PROOF IV; monocentric retrospective epidemiological study.
European Journal of General Practice, 2019
Multimorbidity is understood as the coexistence of multiple health conditions in an individual. T... more Multimorbidity is understood as the coexistence of multiple health conditions in an individual. The number of people suffering from multimorbidity is rising driven by ageing populations and also by the growing burden of non-communicable diseases and mental health problems. Multimorbidity is highly heterogeneous, varying from multiple conditions in frail elderly to combinations of mental health disorders and substance use. Depending on definition, it is estimated that every fourth adult and two in three patients over 65 years of age are multimorbid. In primary care, these estimates are even higher and multimorbidity is a norm among elderly adults. Multimorbidity is associated with reduced quality of life, impaired functional status, worsened physical and mental health, increased mortality and increased use of health and social care services with associated costs.
Frontiers in Medicine
In 2015, we conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in primary care to evaluate if posters ... more In 2015, we conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in primary care to evaluate if posters and pamphlets dispensed in general practice waiting rooms enhanced vaccination uptake for seasonal influenza. Unexpectedly, vaccination uptake rose in both arms of the RCT whereas public health data indicated a decrease. We wondered if the design of the trial had led to a Hawthorne effect (HE). Searching the literature, we noticed that the definition of the HE was unclear if stated. Our objectives were to refine a definition of the HE for primary care, to evaluate its size, and to draw consequences for primary care research. We designed a Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses review and meta-analysis between January 2012 and March 2022. We included original reports defining the HE and reports measuring it without setting limitations. Definitions of the HE were collected and summarized. Main published outcomes were extracted and measures were analyzed to evalu...
Frontiers in Public Health
Cervical cancer screening (CCS) by Pap tests is mainly performed by gynecologists in France, but ... more Cervical cancer screening (CCS) by Pap tests is mainly performed by gynecologists in France, but also by general practitioners (GPs) and midwives. The screening uptake is insufficient to reduce the incidence of cervical neoplasms. Our aim was to investigate the association between screening rates in patients listed with GPs and the distance between GPs' offices and gynecology facilities. The population of 345 GPs, and their 93,918 female patients eligible for screening over 3 years (2013–2015), were derived from the Health Insurance claim database. We estimated the socioeconomic level of the geographical area of GPs' offices using the European Deprivation Index (EDI). The proximity of gynecology facilities was calculated by computing their distance from GPs' offices (in order to adjust the proximity of gynecology facilities with EDI and performance of smears by the GP). The number of gynecologists within 5 km of a GP's office was associated with the CCS rate increasi...
<p>Baseline characteristics (October 2013-February 2014) by study condition.</p
<p>October 2014—February 2015.</p
<p>Study characteristics (October 2014-February 2015) by study condition.</p
Exercer-La Revue Francophone De Medecine Generale, 2021
Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2018
Contexte.-Selon la Haute Autorité de santé (HAS), le premier rendezvous de consultation en vue d'... more Contexte.-Selon la Haute Autorité de santé (HAS), le premier rendezvous de consultation en vue d'une interruption volontaire de grossesse (IVG) devrait avoir lieu dans les cinq jours. Nous ne savons pas si ce dé lai est respecté dans les Hauts-de-France. Objectif.-L'objectif de cette é tude é tait de mesurer le dé lai de premier rendezvous pour une IVG dans cette ré gion. Me´thode.-Nous avons mené une enquête té lé phonique auprè s des é tablissements de santé , centres de planification et d'é ducation familiale et praticiens conventionné s pratiquant des IVG dans les Hauts-de-France, pour dé terminer le prochain rendezvous disponible pour une femme souhaitant une IVG. Les appels se sont dé roulé s du 10 au 14 avril 2017. Le dé lai de rendezvous (moyenne AE é cart-type) é tait calculé pour la ré gion, les dé partements, les arrondissements, les é tablissements de santé et praticiens. Re´sultats.-Nous avons contacté 93 é tablissements de santé et praticiens libé raux et 70 ont é té inclus. Le dé lai de rendezvous pour une IVG dans les Hauts-de-France é tait de 5,25 AE 5,20 jours : 6,32 AE 4,72 pour les é tablissements de santé ; 3,84 AE 5,11 pour les gyné cologues ; 5,22 AE 5,88 pour les gé né ralistes et 0,67 AE 0,58 pour les maïeuticienÁneÁs. Cinquante-six pour cent des é tablissements de santé et des praticiens libé raux respectaient un dé lai < cinq jours. Le dé lai moyen variait de 1 à 15,5 jours pour les arrondissements. Conclusion.-Le dé lai moyen de premier rendezvous pour une IVG dans les Hauts-de-France é tait proche du seuil de cinq jours recommandé par la HAS. Le dé veloppement de l'offre de soins libé rale avec la formation des maïeuticienÁneÁs et des mé decins gé né ralistes pourrait être la premiè re é tape pour raccourcir ce dé lai dans certains arrondissements où l'accè s aux soins est limité .
Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique, 2020
Resume Introduction Le nombre de patients avec prothese de la hanche (PTH), resurfacage de hanche... more Resume Introduction Le nombre de patients avec prothese de la hanche (PTH), resurfacage de hanche (RH) ou prothese du genou (PTG) augmente. Certains souhaitent pratiquer un sport, y compris a fort impact tel que l’ultra-trail. La proportion d’abandons est-elle plus elevee chez les coureurs apres PTH, RH ou PTG ? Quels sont les symptomes de ces patients ? Hypothese Les PTH, RH ou PTG sont associees a un taux d’abandon plus eleve lors d’un ultra-trail. Materiel et methodes Nous avons realise une etude epidemiologique retrospective monocentrique. Un questionnaire traduit en francais, anglais et espagnol a ete envoye a tous les coureurs inscrits a une ou plusieurs des 5 courses des editions 2015 a 2017 de l’Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® (UTMB®). Il n’y avait pas de criteres d’exclusion. Le taux d’abandon des patients qui ont repondu au questionnaire a ete calcule parmi les coureurs avec et sans PTH, RH ou PTG. Les symptomes specifiques lies a ces arthroplasties ont ete identifies avant, pe...
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research
INTRODUCTION The number of patients with hip or knee joint replacements is increasing. Some of th... more INTRODUCTION The number of patients with hip or knee joint replacements is increasing. Some of these patients want to practice sport, including in high-impact sports such as ultra-trails. Is the proportion of drop-out higher among runners after a hip or knee replacement? What are the symptoms of these patients? HYPOTHESIS Hip or knee joint replacements are associated with a higher drop-out rate during an ultra-trail. MATERIAL AND METHODS We conducted a monocentric retrospective epidemiological study. A questionnaire translated into French, English and Spanish were sent to all runners registered for one or more of the 5 races of the 2015 to 2017 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® (UTMB®) editions. There were no exclusion criteria. The drop-out rate of patients who responded to the questionnaire was calculated among patients with and without hip or knee joint replacement. Specific symptoms related to these joint replacements were identified before, during and after the race. RESULTS Out of the 24,855 participants having run at least one of the 3 editions, 2,469 responded. Some of them ran several races: these 2469 runners were on 3171 start lines and 2548 finish lines (drop-out rate of 19.6%). Among these 2469 runners, 18 had hip and/or knee replacement and were on 27 start lines and 17 finish lines (drop-out rate of 37%). The race was finished by 3 of the 6 runners with a total hip arthroplasty (THA), all of the 8 runners with a hip resurfacing arthroplasty (HRA) and 3 of the 4 runners with a total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Among runners with THA, pubalgia or groin pain was described by one of them before the race, 3 during the race and 2 after the race. Among runners with HRA, pygalgia or groin pain was described by 2 of them during the race. As for the TKA, there was no specific symptom. No answering runner had a unicompartmental knee prosthesis. DISCUSSION Running ultra-trail is possible after a hip or knee joint replacement. All of the 8 runners with HRA finished the race. We may remain cautious about the long-term survival of prostheses. LEVEL OF PROOF IV; monocentric retrospective epidemiological study.