Jordi Ruiz Ventura - (original) (raw)
Papers by Jordi Ruiz Ventura
El Neolítico catalán se ha caracterizado especialmente por su excelente registro funerario. Tanto... more El Neolítico catalán se ha caracterizado especialmente por su excelente registro funerario. Tanto es así, que a principios del siglo XX Bosch Gimpera hablaba de la "Cultura de los Sepulcros de Fosa", denominación que sigue usándose habitualmente en la actualidad para el Neolítico Medio. En el marco de este volumen monográfico, nos centramos en los enterramientos infantiles, deteniéndonos especialmente en todos los aspectos referentes a las cuestiones antropológicas pero sin obviar otros datos que consideramos relevantes, como el ajuar asociado a los distintos individuos inhumados o la cronología de los contextos funerarios establecida a partir de las dataciones absolutas obtenidas.
[EN] While the presence of Neolithic communities is attested in the north-eastern part of the Ibe... more [EN] While the presence of Neolithic communities is attested in the north-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula from the middle of the sixth millennium BC, it was only a thousand years later that burials in large numbers began to appear. Their abundance and some spectacular aspects are at the origin of the name ‘Sepulcres de fossa culture’ or ‘pit grave culture’. Although more than 600 burials are associated with this period, there has not to date been any research into how the deceased were buried in the grave and how the pit may have been installed. The site of Can Gambús-1 at Sabadell, discovered in 2003, is the latest and most remarkable discovery for the Middle Neolithic in this region. No domestic structure of this period has been discovered around the graves, suggesting that the place was strictly dedicated to interment. The preservation of most of the 47 burials helped to redefine and complete prior classifications by providing new information about construction processes, roofing systems, reuse and looting. A typology of five principal categories has been proposed for the Can Gambús-1 cemetery. Simple graves (type E) are distinguished from more complex large and monumental burials (types A to D). The anthropological study of the 51 individuals has allowed the lifestyle of the Can Gambús-1 population to be understood through osteometric study, analysis of activity-induced musculoskeletal stress markers and pathologies.[FR] Dans le Néolithique de Catalogne, il faut attendre le Ve millénaire av. J.-C. pour retrouver des sépultures en grand nombre. Cette abondance est à l’origine du nom de la culture des Sepulcres de fossa, qui a livré à ce jour plus de 600 tombes. Malgré ce corpus imposant, il n’existait à ce jour aucune étude des modalités d’inhumation du défunt et des aménagements dont la fosse a pu faire l’objet. Le site de Can Gambús-1 à Sabadell, mis au jour en 2003, constitue la plus récente et la plus remarquable découverte pour le Néolithique moyen dans cette région. Le bon état de conservation de la plupart des 47 sépultures a permis de redéfinir et de compléter les classifications antérieures : une typologie composée de cinq catégories principales a été proposée. On distingue les structures complexes, monumentales et de grandes dimensions, correspondant aux types A à D, des structures simples de type E. L’absence de sujet immature parmi les 51 défunts est remarquable. La proportion de femmes et d’hommes est globalement équivalente. La quasi-totalité des tombes a fourni un mobilier riche et diversifié, caractérisé notamment par la présence d’industrie lithique en silex blond, de vases en céramique, d’outils en os et d’éléments de parure en variscite. Quatre datations absolues ont été obtenues à ce jour. La reconstitution des pratiques funéraires est fondée sur l’analyse taphonomique, qui repose sur la chronologie de la dislocation des articulations du squelette et la pesanteur.Peer reviewe
Actes del IV Congrés d'Arqueologia Medieval i Moderna a Catalunya, Vol. 2, 2011, págs. 1021-1024, 2011
The Neolithic funeral record from Catalonia is particularly rich. At the beginning of the 20th ce... more The Neolithic funeral record from Catalonia is particularly rich. At the beginning of the 20th century, P. Bosch Gimpera categorized the Catalonian Middle Neolithic as the “Sepulcros de Fosa” (pit burials) Culture, and this appellation is still in use. Within the framework of this monographic volume, this paper focus on the infantile burials, not only on its anthropological aspects, but also on other relevant information such as the grave goods associated to the reviewed burials, or the chronology of the funeral contexts established from the absolute dates available.
Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World, 2015
Urtx Revista Cultural De L Urgell, 2012
En 2008 se llevó a cabo una intervención arqueológica preventiva en el núcleo antiguo de Tàrrega,... more En 2008 se llevó a cabo una intervención arqueológica preventiva en el núcleo antiguo de Tàrrega, a lo largo de
The North-East of the Iberian Peninsula is doubtlessly one of the areas where the funerary practi... more The North-East of the Iberian Peninsula is doubtlessly one of the areas where the funerary practices of Neolithic communities have best been documented. Although little evidence has been found of human remains and burials belonging to the first moments of the period, the situation changes greatly after the late fifth millenniwn cal BC. At that time, the occupation of the valleys and the plains is accompanied by the expansion of communities in the area, as reflected by the numerous necropolises and graves that are dated up to the late fourth millennium.Peer reviewe
Antolin, F; Ache, M; Bergada, M.M; Blasco, A; Buxo, R; Edo, M; Gibaja, J.F; Mensua, C; Palomo, A;... more Antolin, F; Ache, M; Bergada, M.M; Blasco, A; Buxo, R; Edo, M; Gibaja, J.F; Mensua, C; Palomo, A; Pique, R; Ruiz, J; Sana, M; Verdun, E; Villalba, M.J. 2011 in Blasco, A; Edo, M; Villalba, M.J. (coord). La cova de Can Sadurni i la prehistoria de Garraf. Actes de les Jornades Internacionals de Prehistoria "El Garraf, 30 anys d'investigacio arqueologica". Begues, 5 al 7 de desembre de 2008. Col·leccio Actes. EDAR-Hugony editore. Milano. 2011.
[EN] Jt's widely known in humans the use of dentition as "a third hand" to produce ... more [EN] Jt's widely known in humans the use of dentition as "a third hand" to produce severa/ cultural too/s and re/ated activities; this is not only known by ethnological records but archaeological too. Thus, this paper fulfiJ/s a missing experimental aspect. Leather, sinew, furs and wicker are the probable cause for the studied cultural microwear on fossil teeth, these materials have been chosen in our experimental design to produce experimental microwear.[ES] Es bien conocido en humanos el uso de las piezas dentales como "tercera mano" para realizar una serie de utensilios culturales y de tareas accesorias. Este hecho no es únicamente conocido en el registro etnológico, sino también por evidencias arqueológicas. Nuestro trabajo pretender abordar esta problemática mediante la experimentación. El mimbre, cuero, tendones y piel son algunos de los posibles agentes causales de desgaste cultural de la dentición, es por eso que estos elementos han sido escogidos en los experimentos que presentamos en este trabajo para reproducir el desgaste dental.Peer reviewe
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2014
This study presents new stable isotope (carbon and nitrogen) data from human and faunal remains f... more This study presents new stable isotope (carbon and nitrogen) data from human and faunal remains from three Mesolithic shell middens (Cabeço das Amoreiras, Arapouco and Cabeço do Pez), located on the estuary of the Sado River, Portugal. The results have revealed a diet composed mainly of terrestrial C3 resources (from terrestrial animals and a small contribution from vegetable sources) and a proportion of marine resources close to 20%. These groups followed a subsistence pattern characterized by a variable settlement regime promoted by the availability of the resources in each region, and social and demographic factors that would induce human dietary diversification. The Sado Valley results were compared with other European Mesolithic groups in order to provide a general view of the subsistence patterns of some of the last hunter-gatherer groups. The high degree of regionalization observed with the comparisons shows that it is impossible to characterise a single subsistence pattern for all European Mesolithic groups. In this sense, environmental characteristics, the geomorphology, the effectiveness of communities' adaptation, and the influence of social and demographic factors probably influenced Mesolithic subsistence patterns in Europe.
1er Congreso …, 2008
Información del artículo La Necrópolis Ibérica Del Poblado (Jumilla, Murcia). Datos antropológicos.
Trabajos de Prehistoria, 2010
The necropolis of Can Gambus-1 (Sabadell, Barcelona). New data on the funerary practices during t... more The necropolis of Can Gambus-1 (Sabadell, Barcelona). New data on the funerary practices during the Middle Neolithic in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula
Urtx: revista cultural de l'Urgell, 2009
La excavación de seis fosas comunes en la necrópolis medieval judía de Roquetes puso al descubier... more La excavación de seis fosas comunes en la necrópolis medieval judía de Roquetes puso al descubierto los restos de un mínimo de 69 individuos. Los estudios antropológicos, tanto de campo como de laboratorio, evidenciaron la presencia de traumatismos peri mortem como consecuencia de un episodio violento en 37 de los esqueletos recuperados. El compendio de datos historiográficos, arqueológicos, numismáticos y antropológicos permiten atribuir los restos a las víctimas del pogromo targarino de 1348. El objetivo de este estudio se fundamenta en la reconstrucción antropológica del episodio incluyendo tanto el asalto a la judería, como el posterior entierro de los restos. The excavation of 6 mass graves at the Jewish medieval necropolis of les Roquetes uncovered a minimum of 69 individuals. Anthropological analyses evidenced the presence of peri mortem trauma, as a consequence of a violent episode in 37 skeletons. The sum of historical, archaeological, numismatic and anthropological data allowed to assign the skeletal remains to the victims of the pogrom occurred in Tàrrega on 1348. The main purpose of this paper is to reconstruct anthropologically the episode, including both the assault to the Jewry and the burial of the victims. Paraules clau Traumatismes peri mortem, violència, antropologia forense, necròpolis medieval, Catalunya.
Urtx: revista cultural de l'Urgell, 2009
El Neolítico catalán se ha caracterizado especialmente por su excelente registro funerario. Tanto... more El Neolítico catalán se ha caracterizado especialmente por su excelente registro funerario. Tanto es así, que a principios del siglo XX Bosch Gimpera hablaba de la "Cultura de los Sepulcros de Fosa", denominación que sigue usándose habitualmente en la actualidad para el Neolítico Medio. En el marco de este volumen monográfico, nos centramos en los enterramientos infantiles, deteniéndonos especialmente en todos los aspectos referentes a las cuestiones antropológicas pero sin obviar otros datos que consideramos relevantes, como el ajuar asociado a los distintos individuos inhumados o la cronología de los contextos funerarios establecida a partir de las dataciones absolutas obtenidas.
[EN] While the presence of Neolithic communities is attested in the north-eastern part of the Ibe... more [EN] While the presence of Neolithic communities is attested in the north-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula from the middle of the sixth millennium BC, it was only a thousand years later that burials in large numbers began to appear. Their abundance and some spectacular aspects are at the origin of the name ‘Sepulcres de fossa culture’ or ‘pit grave culture’. Although more than 600 burials are associated with this period, there has not to date been any research into how the deceased were buried in the grave and how the pit may have been installed. The site of Can Gambús-1 at Sabadell, discovered in 2003, is the latest and most remarkable discovery for the Middle Neolithic in this region. No domestic structure of this period has been discovered around the graves, suggesting that the place was strictly dedicated to interment. The preservation of most of the 47 burials helped to redefine and complete prior classifications by providing new information about construction processes, roofing systems, reuse and looting. A typology of five principal categories has been proposed for the Can Gambús-1 cemetery. Simple graves (type E) are distinguished from more complex large and monumental burials (types A to D). The anthropological study of the 51 individuals has allowed the lifestyle of the Can Gambús-1 population to be understood through osteometric study, analysis of activity-induced musculoskeletal stress markers and pathologies.[FR] Dans le Néolithique de Catalogne, il faut attendre le Ve millénaire av. J.-C. pour retrouver des sépultures en grand nombre. Cette abondance est à l’origine du nom de la culture des Sepulcres de fossa, qui a livré à ce jour plus de 600 tombes. Malgré ce corpus imposant, il n’existait à ce jour aucune étude des modalités d’inhumation du défunt et des aménagements dont la fosse a pu faire l’objet. Le site de Can Gambús-1 à Sabadell, mis au jour en 2003, constitue la plus récente et la plus remarquable découverte pour le Néolithique moyen dans cette région. Le bon état de conservation de la plupart des 47 sépultures a permis de redéfinir et de compléter les classifications antérieures : une typologie composée de cinq catégories principales a été proposée. On distingue les structures complexes, monumentales et de grandes dimensions, correspondant aux types A à D, des structures simples de type E. L’absence de sujet immature parmi les 51 défunts est remarquable. La proportion de femmes et d’hommes est globalement équivalente. La quasi-totalité des tombes a fourni un mobilier riche et diversifié, caractérisé notamment par la présence d’industrie lithique en silex blond, de vases en céramique, d’outils en os et d’éléments de parure en variscite. Quatre datations absolues ont été obtenues à ce jour. La reconstitution des pratiques funéraires est fondée sur l’analyse taphonomique, qui repose sur la chronologie de la dislocation des articulations du squelette et la pesanteur.Peer reviewe
Actes del IV Congrés d'Arqueologia Medieval i Moderna a Catalunya, Vol. 2, 2011, págs. 1021-1024, 2011
The Neolithic funeral record from Catalonia is particularly rich. At the beginning of the 20th ce... more The Neolithic funeral record from Catalonia is particularly rich. At the beginning of the 20th century, P. Bosch Gimpera categorized the Catalonian Middle Neolithic as the “Sepulcros de Fosa” (pit burials) Culture, and this appellation is still in use. Within the framework of this monographic volume, this paper focus on the infantile burials, not only on its anthropological aspects, but also on other relevant information such as the grave goods associated to the reviewed burials, or the chronology of the funeral contexts established from the absolute dates available.
Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World, 2015
Urtx Revista Cultural De L Urgell, 2012
En 2008 se llevó a cabo una intervención arqueológica preventiva en el núcleo antiguo de Tàrrega,... more En 2008 se llevó a cabo una intervención arqueológica preventiva en el núcleo antiguo de Tàrrega, a lo largo de
The North-East of the Iberian Peninsula is doubtlessly one of the areas where the funerary practi... more The North-East of the Iberian Peninsula is doubtlessly one of the areas where the funerary practices of Neolithic communities have best been documented. Although little evidence has been found of human remains and burials belonging to the first moments of the period, the situation changes greatly after the late fifth millenniwn cal BC. At that time, the occupation of the valleys and the plains is accompanied by the expansion of communities in the area, as reflected by the numerous necropolises and graves that are dated up to the late fourth millennium.Peer reviewe
Antolin, F; Ache, M; Bergada, M.M; Blasco, A; Buxo, R; Edo, M; Gibaja, J.F; Mensua, C; Palomo, A;... more Antolin, F; Ache, M; Bergada, M.M; Blasco, A; Buxo, R; Edo, M; Gibaja, J.F; Mensua, C; Palomo, A; Pique, R; Ruiz, J; Sana, M; Verdun, E; Villalba, M.J. 2011 in Blasco, A; Edo, M; Villalba, M.J. (coord). La cova de Can Sadurni i la prehistoria de Garraf. Actes de les Jornades Internacionals de Prehistoria "El Garraf, 30 anys d'investigacio arqueologica". Begues, 5 al 7 de desembre de 2008. Col·leccio Actes. EDAR-Hugony editore. Milano. 2011.
[EN] Jt's widely known in humans the use of dentition as "a third hand" to produce ... more [EN] Jt's widely known in humans the use of dentition as "a third hand" to produce severa/ cultural too/s and re/ated activities; this is not only known by ethnological records but archaeological too. Thus, this paper fulfiJ/s a missing experimental aspect. Leather, sinew, furs and wicker are the probable cause for the studied cultural microwear on fossil teeth, these materials have been chosen in our experimental design to produce experimental microwear.[ES] Es bien conocido en humanos el uso de las piezas dentales como "tercera mano" para realizar una serie de utensilios culturales y de tareas accesorias. Este hecho no es únicamente conocido en el registro etnológico, sino también por evidencias arqueológicas. Nuestro trabajo pretender abordar esta problemática mediante la experimentación. El mimbre, cuero, tendones y piel son algunos de los posibles agentes causales de desgaste cultural de la dentición, es por eso que estos elementos han sido escogidos en los experimentos que presentamos en este trabajo para reproducir el desgaste dental.Peer reviewe
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2014
This study presents new stable isotope (carbon and nitrogen) data from human and faunal remains f... more This study presents new stable isotope (carbon and nitrogen) data from human and faunal remains from three Mesolithic shell middens (Cabeço das Amoreiras, Arapouco and Cabeço do Pez), located on the estuary of the Sado River, Portugal. The results have revealed a diet composed mainly of terrestrial C3 resources (from terrestrial animals and a small contribution from vegetable sources) and a proportion of marine resources close to 20%. These groups followed a subsistence pattern characterized by a variable settlement regime promoted by the availability of the resources in each region, and social and demographic factors that would induce human dietary diversification. The Sado Valley results were compared with other European Mesolithic groups in order to provide a general view of the subsistence patterns of some of the last hunter-gatherer groups. The high degree of regionalization observed with the comparisons shows that it is impossible to characterise a single subsistence pattern for all European Mesolithic groups. In this sense, environmental characteristics, the geomorphology, the effectiveness of communities' adaptation, and the influence of social and demographic factors probably influenced Mesolithic subsistence patterns in Europe.
1er Congreso …, 2008
Información del artículo La Necrópolis Ibérica Del Poblado (Jumilla, Murcia). Datos antropológicos.
Trabajos de Prehistoria, 2010
The necropolis of Can Gambus-1 (Sabadell, Barcelona). New data on the funerary practices during t... more The necropolis of Can Gambus-1 (Sabadell, Barcelona). New data on the funerary practices during the Middle Neolithic in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula
Urtx: revista cultural de l'Urgell, 2009
La excavación de seis fosas comunes en la necrópolis medieval judía de Roquetes puso al descubier... more La excavación de seis fosas comunes en la necrópolis medieval judía de Roquetes puso al descubierto los restos de un mínimo de 69 individuos. Los estudios antropológicos, tanto de campo como de laboratorio, evidenciaron la presencia de traumatismos peri mortem como consecuencia de un episodio violento en 37 de los esqueletos recuperados. El compendio de datos historiográficos, arqueológicos, numismáticos y antropológicos permiten atribuir los restos a las víctimas del pogromo targarino de 1348. El objetivo de este estudio se fundamenta en la reconstrucción antropológica del episodio incluyendo tanto el asalto a la judería, como el posterior entierro de los restos. The excavation of 6 mass graves at the Jewish medieval necropolis of les Roquetes uncovered a minimum of 69 individuals. Anthropological analyses evidenced the presence of peri mortem trauma, as a consequence of a violent episode in 37 skeletons. The sum of historical, archaeological, numismatic and anthropological data allowed to assign the skeletal remains to the victims of the pogrom occurred in Tàrrega on 1348. The main purpose of this paper is to reconstruct anthropologically the episode, including both the assault to the Jewry and the burial of the victims. Paraules clau Traumatismes peri mortem, violència, antropologia forense, necròpolis medieval, Catalunya.
Urtx: revista cultural de l'Urgell, 2009