Jorge Daniel Navarro - (original) (raw)

Papers by Jorge Daniel Navarro

Research paper thumbnail of Diurnal surface wind variations over complex terrain

Fisica De La Tierra, 2009

... A. JIMÉNEZ1, 3, Juan P. MONTÁVEZ2, Elena GARCÍA-BUSTAMANTE1, 3, Jorge NAVARRO3, Jose M. GUTIÉ... more ... A. JIMÉNEZ1, 3, Juan P. MONTÁVEZ2, Elena GARCÍA-BUSTAMANTE1, 3, Jorge NAVARRO3, Jose M. GUTIÉRREZ1, Etor E. LUCIO-ECEIZA1 & ... which generate a wide range of diurnal circulations (Frenzel, 1962; Bonner and Paegle, 1970; Hisdal, 1972; McGowan and Sturman ...

Research paper thumbnail of Preference Incorporation into Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization using PreferenceInformation Implicit in a Set of Assignment Examples

Nowadays, most approaches in the evolutionary multiobjective optimization literature concentrate ... more Nowadays, most approaches in the evolutionary multiobjective optimization literature concentrate mainly on adapting an evolutionary algorithm to generate an approximation of the Pareto frontier. However, this does not solve the problem. We present a new idea to incorporate into a MOEA the Decision Maker (DM) preferences, expressed in a set of solutions assigned to ordered categories. We modified the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm 2 (NSGA2) to make selective pressure towards non-dominated solutions that belong to the most preferred category. In several instances, on the project portfolio problem, our proposal outperforms the standard NSGA2, achieving non-dominated solutions that best match the DM's preferences.

[Research paper thumbnail of [Cardiovascular disease in diabetes mellitus]](

Medicina Clinica, Apr 1, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of An outranking-based fuzzy logic model for�collaborative group preferences

Top, Dec 1, 2010

Abstract Some ideas coming from Multi Criteria Decision Aid are here extended to group decision. ... more Abstract Some ideas coming from Multi Criteria Decision Aid are here extended to group decision. We present a logical model in order to reflect the degree of truth of the following predicate “group G considers that option x is at least as good as y.” The proposal considers the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Using a Fuzzy-Based Dominance Concept

ABSTRACT One aspect that is often disregarded in evolutionary multiobjective research is the fact... more ABSTRACT One aspect that is often disregarded in evolutionary multiobjective research is the fact that the solution of a problem involves not only search but decision making. Most of approaches concentrate on adapting an evolutionary algorithm to generate the Pareto frontier. In this work we present a new idea to incorporate preferences in MOEA. We introduce a binary fuzzy preference relation that expresses the degree of truth of the predicate "x is at least as good as y". On this basis, a strict preference relation with a reasonable high degree of credibility can be established on any population. An alternative x is not strictly outranked if and only if there does not exist an alternative y which is strictly preferred to x. It is easy to prove that the best solution is not strictly outranked. We used the Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II), but replacing dominance by the above non-outranked concept. So, we search for the no- strictly outranked frontier that is a proper subset of the Pareto frontier. In several instances of a nine- objective knapsack problem our proposal clearly outperforms the standard NSGA-II, achieving non-outranked solutions which are in an obvious privileged zone of the Pareto frontier.

Research paper thumbnail of On the relationships between copulas of order statistics and marginal distributions

Statistics Probability Letters, 2010

In this paper we study the relationships between copulas of order statistics from heterogeneous s... more In this paper we study the relationships between copulas of order statistics from heterogeneous samples and the marginal distributions of the parent random variables. Specifically, we study the copula of the order statistics obtained from a general random vector X = (X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n ). We show that the copula of the order statistics from X only depends on the copula of X and on the marginal distributions of X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n through an exchangeable copula and the average of the marginal distribution functions. We study in detail some relevant cases.

Research paper thumbnail of Kernel Estimation of Residual Entropy

Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods, Aug 22, 2001

Recently, [1] proposed a dynamic measure based on differential entropy applied to the residual li... more Recently, [1] proposed a dynamic measure based on differential entropy applied to the residual lifetime. This measure has been used for the classification and ordering of survival functions. More recently, [2] has considered the problem of testing the monotonicity of this measure. We propose and study several kernel type estimators of the entropy of residual life through the estimation of

Research paper thumbnail of Some properties of the minimum and the maximum of random variables with joint logconcave distributions

Metrika, 2010

It is shown that if (X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n ) is a random vector with a logconcave (logconvex) j... more It is shown that if (X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n ) is a random vector with a logconcave (logconvex) joint reliability function, then X P = min i∈P X i has increasing (decreasing) hazard rate. Analogously, it is shown that if (X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n ) has a logconcave (logconvex) joint distribution function, then X P = max i∈P X i has decreasing (increasing) reversed hazard rate. If the random vector is absolutely continuous with a logconcave density function, then it has a logconcave reliability and distribution functions and hence we obtain a result given by Hu and Li (Metrika 65:325-330, 2007). It is also shown that if (X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n ) has an exchangeable logconcave density function then both X P and X P have increasing likelihood ratio.

Research paper thumbnail of Oxidative desulfurization of synthetic diesel using supported catalysts: Part II. Effect of oxidant and nitrogen-compounds on extraction-oxidation process

Catalysis Today, 2006

... In this sense, Arends and Sheldon [28] report that Ti(IV) species are ineffective catalysts f... more ... In this sense, Arends and Sheldon [28] report that Ti(IV) species are ineffective catalysts for epoxidation with aqueous hydrogen peroxide, due to their marked sensitivity towards deactivation by strongly coordinating ligands, especially water. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Regional climate simulations of surface wind over complex terrain

The surface circulations can present a high spatial and temporal variability as a consequence of ... more The surface circulations can present a high spatial and temporal variability as a consequence of the synoptic scale interaction with the surface characteristics. This is specially the case of complex terrain regions wherein the synoptic circulations are strongly modified due to channelling, forced ascents, blocking, etc. Observational networks need to present a high density of stations in order to capture the main characteristic of the flow over these areas. Regional climate simulations accomplished at a high horizontal resolution to accurately represent the topography over the region can help to increase the spatial and temporal coverage of the observations, and therefore contribute to increase our understanding of the surface circulations. However, simulating at high horizontal resolution (a few kilometers) requires large computational resources specially if the simulated period is long (decades) and thus, the potential of this kind of simulations has not been widely explored. This work uses wind observations over the 1992-2005 period and a numerical simulation form 1960 to 2005 performed at a high horizontal resolution (2 km) to analyse the surface wind variability over a complex terrain region in northern Iberia. The observations are used to understand the surface wind variability over the area and to evaluate the simulation. Overall, the simulation reproduces the wind variations over the region, but some limitations of the downscaling methodology were found. Problems to reproduce the synoptic situation as well as limitations to represent the topography, even though we are simulating at a high resolution, introduce errors in the surface wind estimations. On the basis of the performance shown by the simulation during the evaluation, its higher spatial and temporal resolution is used to inspect the wind behaviour where and when observations are not available. Two principal modes of variation explain a large percentage of the wind variations over the region (about 80 %). A strong relationship was found between these two main modes and the zonal and meridional large scale pressure gradients over the area. These relationships allowed us to analyse the wind trends over the area using sea level pressure information during the last century (1899-2006). Significant trends were encountered.

Research paper thumbnail of Diurnal wind variability under heatwaves and extreme drought periods

Extreme weather situations produce strong impacts on society, infrastructures and ecosystems. The... more Extreme weather situations produce strong impacts on society, infrastructures and ecosystems. The drought and heatwave that affected Europe in the summer of 2003 produced enormous socioeconomic implications. The anticyclonic conditions and a deficit of soil moisture availability led to the extremely high surface air temperatures registered. Several studies have shown that the characteristics of the 2003 European summer will be more frequent, more intense and longer lasting in the future. Therefore, determining atmospheric flow patterns during the heat wave and drought of 2003 is necessary in order to assess potential modifications in the circulations due to associated warmer and drier conditions. However, the effects that the extreme weather situation of the summer of 2003 produced on the surface wind have received little attention. In this work, we examine changes in the wind field due to the heatwave and drought conditions that occurred in Europe during the summer of 2003. Our analysis, based on observations and high resolution mesoscale modelling, shows a 22 % decrease in the wind diurnal cycle for summer 2003 values compared to a climatological series based on the period from 1992-2004. We discuss the wind diurnal variability in terms of the synoptic scale atmospheric conditions, and of the mesoscale and boundary layer dynamic contribution influenced by the lower values in the soil moisture. The results suggest the synoptic conditions as the main reason of the wind field change and that these are modulated by the moisture conditions of the soil.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling systems with dependent components

Research paper thumbnail of Are the Order Statistics Ordered? A Survey of Recent Results

Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods, May 1, 2007

The distributions of coherent systems with components with exchangeable lifetimes can be represen... more The distributions of coherent systems with components with exchangeable lifetimes can be represented as mixtures of distributions of order statistics (k-out-of-n systems) from possibly dependent samples by using the concept of the signature of Samaniego (1985). This ...

Research paper thumbnail of A new approach to multi-criteria sorting based on fuzzy outranking relations: The THESEUS method

European Journal of Operational Research, Sep 1, 2011

In this paper, we propose the THESEUS method, a new approach based on fuzzy outranking relations ... more In this paper, we propose the THESEUS method, a new approach based on fuzzy outranking relations to multi-criteria sorting problems. Compared with other outranking-based methods, THESEUS is inspired by another view of multi-criteria classification problems. It utilizes a new way of evaluating the assignment of an object to an element of the set of ordered categories that were previously defined. This way is based on comparing every possible assignment with the information from various preference relations that are derived from a fuzzy outranking relation defined on the universe of objects. The appropriate assignment is determined by solving a simple selection problem.

Research paper thumbnail of Failure rates of consecutive k-out-of-n systems

Quality Control and Applied Statistics, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of A very simple proof of the multivariate Chebyshev's inequality

Communication in Statistics Theory and Methods, Dec 13, 2013

ABSTRACT In this short note a very simple proof of the Chebyshev's inequality for random ... more ABSTRACT In this short note a very simple proof of the Chebyshev's inequality for random vectors is given. This inequality provides a lower bound for the percentage of the population of an arbitrary random vector X with finite mean μ =E(X) and a positive definite covariance matrix V = Cov(X) whose Mahalanobis distance with respect to V to the mean μ is less than a fixed value. The main advantage of the proof is that it is a simple exercise for a first year probability course. An alternative proof based on principal components is also provided. This proof can be used to study the case of a singular covariance matrix V.

Research paper thumbnail of Enabling Persons with Acquired Brain Injury and Multiple Disabilities to Choose among Environmental Stimuli and Request their Repetition via a Technology-assisted Program

Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 2011

... E. Lancioni & Nirbhay N. Singh & Mark F. O'Reilly & Jeff Sigafoos & Fran... more ... E. Lancioni & Nirbhay N. Singh & Mark F. O'Reilly & Jeff Sigafoos & Francesca Buonocunto &Valentina Sacco & ... and incorporating choice and opportunities for repetition requests, such as those mentioned above, was recently evaluated with three post-coma participants (adults ...

Research paper thumbnail of Properties of Coherent Systems with Dependent Components

Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods, 2007

... (200523. Navarro , J. , Ruiz , JM , Sandoval , CJ ( 2005 ). A note on comparisons among coher... more ... (200523. Navarro , J. , Ruiz , JM , Sandoval , CJ ( 2005 ). A note on comparisons among coherent systems with dependent components using signature . ... Statistical Theory of Reliability and Life Testing: Probability Models . Holt, Rinehart, and Winston . View all references, p. 12). ...

Research paper thumbnail of Fichte, Humboldt y Ranke sobre la idea y las ideas históricas : (Con un apendice sobre Hegel y Droysen)

[Research paper thumbnail of Nuevas Perspectivas Exploratorias en el Sector Sur de la Cuenca del Valle Medio del Magdalena (Colombia) [PAPER IN SPANISH] New Exploratory Perspectives in the Southern Sector Basin of Middle Magdalena Valley (Colombia)](

Research paper thumbnail of Diurnal surface wind variations over complex terrain

Fisica De La Tierra, 2009

... A. JIMÉNEZ1, 3, Juan P. MONTÁVEZ2, Elena GARCÍA-BUSTAMANTE1, 3, Jorge NAVARRO3, Jose M. GUTIÉ... more ... A. JIMÉNEZ1, 3, Juan P. MONTÁVEZ2, Elena GARCÍA-BUSTAMANTE1, 3, Jorge NAVARRO3, Jose M. GUTIÉRREZ1, Etor E. LUCIO-ECEIZA1 & ... which generate a wide range of diurnal circulations (Frenzel, 1962; Bonner and Paegle, 1970; Hisdal, 1972; McGowan and Sturman ...

Research paper thumbnail of Preference Incorporation into Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization using PreferenceInformation Implicit in a Set of Assignment Examples

Nowadays, most approaches in the evolutionary multiobjective optimization literature concentrate ... more Nowadays, most approaches in the evolutionary multiobjective optimization literature concentrate mainly on adapting an evolutionary algorithm to generate an approximation of the Pareto frontier. However, this does not solve the problem. We present a new idea to incorporate into a MOEA the Decision Maker (DM) preferences, expressed in a set of solutions assigned to ordered categories. We modified the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm 2 (NSGA2) to make selective pressure towards non-dominated solutions that belong to the most preferred category. In several instances, on the project portfolio problem, our proposal outperforms the standard NSGA2, achieving non-dominated solutions that best match the DM's preferences.

[Research paper thumbnail of [Cardiovascular disease in diabetes mellitus]](

Medicina Clinica, Apr 1, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of An outranking-based fuzzy logic model for�collaborative group preferences

Top, Dec 1, 2010

Abstract Some ideas coming from Multi Criteria Decision Aid are here extended to group decision. ... more Abstract Some ideas coming from Multi Criteria Decision Aid are here extended to group decision. We present a logical model in order to reflect the degree of truth of the following predicate “group G considers that option x is at least as good as y.” The proposal considers the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Using a Fuzzy-Based Dominance Concept

ABSTRACT One aspect that is often disregarded in evolutionary multiobjective research is the fact... more ABSTRACT One aspect that is often disregarded in evolutionary multiobjective research is the fact that the solution of a problem involves not only search but decision making. Most of approaches concentrate on adapting an evolutionary algorithm to generate the Pareto frontier. In this work we present a new idea to incorporate preferences in MOEA. We introduce a binary fuzzy preference relation that expresses the degree of truth of the predicate "x is at least as good as y". On this basis, a strict preference relation with a reasonable high degree of credibility can be established on any population. An alternative x is not strictly outranked if and only if there does not exist an alternative y which is strictly preferred to x. It is easy to prove that the best solution is not strictly outranked. We used the Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II), but replacing dominance by the above non-outranked concept. So, we search for the no- strictly outranked frontier that is a proper subset of the Pareto frontier. In several instances of a nine- objective knapsack problem our proposal clearly outperforms the standard NSGA-II, achieving non-outranked solutions which are in an obvious privileged zone of the Pareto frontier.

Research paper thumbnail of On the relationships between copulas of order statistics and marginal distributions

Statistics Probability Letters, 2010

In this paper we study the relationships between copulas of order statistics from heterogeneous s... more In this paper we study the relationships between copulas of order statistics from heterogeneous samples and the marginal distributions of the parent random variables. Specifically, we study the copula of the order statistics obtained from a general random vector X = (X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n ). We show that the copula of the order statistics from X only depends on the copula of X and on the marginal distributions of X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n through an exchangeable copula and the average of the marginal distribution functions. We study in detail some relevant cases.

Research paper thumbnail of Kernel Estimation of Residual Entropy

Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods, Aug 22, 2001

Recently, [1] proposed a dynamic measure based on differential entropy applied to the residual li... more Recently, [1] proposed a dynamic measure based on differential entropy applied to the residual lifetime. This measure has been used for the classification and ordering of survival functions. More recently, [2] has considered the problem of testing the monotonicity of this measure. We propose and study several kernel type estimators of the entropy of residual life through the estimation of

Research paper thumbnail of Some properties of the minimum and the maximum of random variables with joint logconcave distributions

Metrika, 2010

It is shown that if (X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n ) is a random vector with a logconcave (logconvex) j... more It is shown that if (X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n ) is a random vector with a logconcave (logconvex) joint reliability function, then X P = min i∈P X i has increasing (decreasing) hazard rate. Analogously, it is shown that if (X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n ) has a logconcave (logconvex) joint distribution function, then X P = max i∈P X i has decreasing (increasing) reversed hazard rate. If the random vector is absolutely continuous with a logconcave density function, then it has a logconcave reliability and distribution functions and hence we obtain a result given by Hu and Li (Metrika 65:325-330, 2007). It is also shown that if (X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n ) has an exchangeable logconcave density function then both X P and X P have increasing likelihood ratio.

Research paper thumbnail of Oxidative desulfurization of synthetic diesel using supported catalysts: Part II. Effect of oxidant and nitrogen-compounds on extraction-oxidation process

Catalysis Today, 2006

... In this sense, Arends and Sheldon [28] report that Ti(IV) species are ineffective catalysts f... more ... In this sense, Arends and Sheldon [28] report that Ti(IV) species are ineffective catalysts for epoxidation with aqueous hydrogen peroxide, due to their marked sensitivity towards deactivation by strongly coordinating ligands, especially water. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Regional climate simulations of surface wind over complex terrain

The surface circulations can present a high spatial and temporal variability as a consequence of ... more The surface circulations can present a high spatial and temporal variability as a consequence of the synoptic scale interaction with the surface characteristics. This is specially the case of complex terrain regions wherein the synoptic circulations are strongly modified due to channelling, forced ascents, blocking, etc. Observational networks need to present a high density of stations in order to capture the main characteristic of the flow over these areas. Regional climate simulations accomplished at a high horizontal resolution to accurately represent the topography over the region can help to increase the spatial and temporal coverage of the observations, and therefore contribute to increase our understanding of the surface circulations. However, simulating at high horizontal resolution (a few kilometers) requires large computational resources specially if the simulated period is long (decades) and thus, the potential of this kind of simulations has not been widely explored. This work uses wind observations over the 1992-2005 period and a numerical simulation form 1960 to 2005 performed at a high horizontal resolution (2 km) to analyse the surface wind variability over a complex terrain region in northern Iberia. The observations are used to understand the surface wind variability over the area and to evaluate the simulation. Overall, the simulation reproduces the wind variations over the region, but some limitations of the downscaling methodology were found. Problems to reproduce the synoptic situation as well as limitations to represent the topography, even though we are simulating at a high resolution, introduce errors in the surface wind estimations. On the basis of the performance shown by the simulation during the evaluation, its higher spatial and temporal resolution is used to inspect the wind behaviour where and when observations are not available. Two principal modes of variation explain a large percentage of the wind variations over the region (about 80 %). A strong relationship was found between these two main modes and the zonal and meridional large scale pressure gradients over the area. These relationships allowed us to analyse the wind trends over the area using sea level pressure information during the last century (1899-2006). Significant trends were encountered.

Research paper thumbnail of Diurnal wind variability under heatwaves and extreme drought periods

Extreme weather situations produce strong impacts on society, infrastructures and ecosystems. The... more Extreme weather situations produce strong impacts on society, infrastructures and ecosystems. The drought and heatwave that affected Europe in the summer of 2003 produced enormous socioeconomic implications. The anticyclonic conditions and a deficit of soil moisture availability led to the extremely high surface air temperatures registered. Several studies have shown that the characteristics of the 2003 European summer will be more frequent, more intense and longer lasting in the future. Therefore, determining atmospheric flow patterns during the heat wave and drought of 2003 is necessary in order to assess potential modifications in the circulations due to associated warmer and drier conditions. However, the effects that the extreme weather situation of the summer of 2003 produced on the surface wind have received little attention. In this work, we examine changes in the wind field due to the heatwave and drought conditions that occurred in Europe during the summer of 2003. Our analysis, based on observations and high resolution mesoscale modelling, shows a 22 % decrease in the wind diurnal cycle for summer 2003 values compared to a climatological series based on the period from 1992-2004. We discuss the wind diurnal variability in terms of the synoptic scale atmospheric conditions, and of the mesoscale and boundary layer dynamic contribution influenced by the lower values in the soil moisture. The results suggest the synoptic conditions as the main reason of the wind field change and that these are modulated by the moisture conditions of the soil.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling systems with dependent components

Research paper thumbnail of Are the Order Statistics Ordered? A Survey of Recent Results

Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods, May 1, 2007

The distributions of coherent systems with components with exchangeable lifetimes can be represen... more The distributions of coherent systems with components with exchangeable lifetimes can be represented as mixtures of distributions of order statistics (k-out-of-n systems) from possibly dependent samples by using the concept of the signature of Samaniego (1985). This ...

Research paper thumbnail of A new approach to multi-criteria sorting based on fuzzy outranking relations: The THESEUS method

European Journal of Operational Research, Sep 1, 2011

In this paper, we propose the THESEUS method, a new approach based on fuzzy outranking relations ... more In this paper, we propose the THESEUS method, a new approach based on fuzzy outranking relations to multi-criteria sorting problems. Compared with other outranking-based methods, THESEUS is inspired by another view of multi-criteria classification problems. It utilizes a new way of evaluating the assignment of an object to an element of the set of ordered categories that were previously defined. This way is based on comparing every possible assignment with the information from various preference relations that are derived from a fuzzy outranking relation defined on the universe of objects. The appropriate assignment is determined by solving a simple selection problem.

Research paper thumbnail of Failure rates of consecutive k-out-of-n systems

Quality Control and Applied Statistics, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of A very simple proof of the multivariate Chebyshev's inequality

Communication in Statistics Theory and Methods, Dec 13, 2013

ABSTRACT In this short note a very simple proof of the Chebyshev's inequality for random ... more ABSTRACT In this short note a very simple proof of the Chebyshev's inequality for random vectors is given. This inequality provides a lower bound for the percentage of the population of an arbitrary random vector X with finite mean μ =E(X) and a positive definite covariance matrix V = Cov(X) whose Mahalanobis distance with respect to V to the mean μ is less than a fixed value. The main advantage of the proof is that it is a simple exercise for a first year probability course. An alternative proof based on principal components is also provided. This proof can be used to study the case of a singular covariance matrix V.

Research paper thumbnail of Enabling Persons with Acquired Brain Injury and Multiple Disabilities to Choose among Environmental Stimuli and Request their Repetition via a Technology-assisted Program

Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 2011

... E. Lancioni & Nirbhay N. Singh & Mark F. O'Reilly & Jeff Sigafoos & Fran... more ... E. Lancioni & Nirbhay N. Singh & Mark F. O'Reilly & Jeff Sigafoos & Francesca Buonocunto &Valentina Sacco & ... and incorporating choice and opportunities for repetition requests, such as those mentioned above, was recently evaluated with three post-coma participants (adults ...

Research paper thumbnail of Properties of Coherent Systems with Dependent Components

Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods, 2007

... (200523. Navarro , J. , Ruiz , JM , Sandoval , CJ ( 2005 ). A note on comparisons among coher... more ... (200523. Navarro , J. , Ruiz , JM , Sandoval , CJ ( 2005 ). A note on comparisons among coherent systems with dependent components using signature . ... Statistical Theory of Reliability and Life Testing: Probability Models . Holt, Rinehart, and Winston . View all references, p. 12). ...

Research paper thumbnail of Fichte, Humboldt y Ranke sobre la idea y las ideas históricas : (Con un apendice sobre Hegel y Droysen)

[Research paper thumbnail of Nuevas Perspectivas Exploratorias en el Sector Sur de la Cuenca del Valle Medio del Magdalena (Colombia) [PAPER IN SPANISH] New Exploratory Perspectives in the Southern Sector Basin of Middle Magdalena Valley (Colombia)](