Jorge I Noriega - (original) (raw)
Papers by Jorge I Noriega
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
Herein we report the first record of Purussaurus Barbosa-Rodrigues, 1892 for the Neogene of Argen... more Herein we report the first record of Purussaurus Barbosa-Rodrigues, 1892 for the Neogene of Argentina. This genus is recorded in Miocene beds of different localities in Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, and Perú, and includes at least three different species with total body lengths ranging from 8 to 13 m. The material reported here is a partially preserved tooth (MAS-PV 386) found at the locality Toma Vieja (Paraná, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina), in strata informally known as "Conglomerado osífero" or "Mesopotamiense" (Late Miocene) and traditionally regarded as the basal levels of the Ituzaingó Formation. The material corresponds to the apical portion of a conical crown, slightly compressed, lingually curved, and with a subrounded apex. The enamel is ornamented with thin apicobasal ridges that are anastomosed and separated by shallow grooves. These ridges are transversely crossed by shallow lines that give the enamel surface a crackled aspect. The crown has a continuous carina formed by the enamel that runs along the mesial and distal surface of the tooth, which divides the vestibular (or labial side of the tooth) and lingual faces of the crown that are subequal in size. The carina is ornamented with fine enamel wrinkles that are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the mesiodistal carina. This condition, known as pseudoziphodonty, together with the enamel structure and overall shape of the crown, allow referring the specimen MAS-PV 386 to Purussaurus sp. This finding represents the southernmost record of one of the largest predatorial neosuchian crocodylians which inhabited the wetlands that developed during the Late Miocene in South America.
Fil: Brunetto, Ernesto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cienti... more Fil: Brunetto, Ernesto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico y Transferencia de Tecnologia a la Produccion; Argentina;
Publicación Electrónica de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina
Resumen. En esta contribución se dan a conocer nuevos registros de mamíferos del Pleistoceno Tard... more Resumen. En esta contribución se dan a conocer nuevos registros de mamíferos del Pleistoceno Tardío de la Provincia de Entre Ríos. Los fósiles provienen de la Formación Salto Ander Egg, una unidad depositada en los valles fluviales del sudoeste entrerriano con una edad, obtenida por OSL, entre los 120 ka y los 60 ka. Se interpreta que las secuencias de la formación fueron acumuladas durante el MIS 5. El contenido paleontológico de la unidad constituye el registro que mejor caracteriza el inicio del Pleistoceno Tardío para América del Sur y la transición MIS 5e-MIS 5c. En este trabajo se describen 12 taxones: cf. Ozotoceros bezoarticus (Cervidae), Morenelaphus cf. brachyceros (Cervidae), Hemiauchenia paradoxa (Camelidae), Lama guanicoe (Camelidae), Mylodon darwini (Mylodontidae), Glossotherium robustum (Mylodontidae), Lestodon armatus (Mylodontidae), Glyptodon reticulatus (Glyptodontidae), Panochthus tuberculatus (Glyptodontidae), Eutatus seguini (Dasypodidae), Notiomastodon platensis (Gomphotheriidae) y Toxodon platensis (Toxodontidae). La mayoría de ellos son nuevos registros y constituyen ejemplares más completos que los previamente conocidos para la unidad. Mylodon darwini es el primer registro en la Formación Salto Ander Egg y extiende ampliamente su distribución geográfica en la provincia. Además, se da a conocer una nueva localidad fosilífera correspondiente al Arroyo El Bellaco (Departamento Diamante) y se incrementa notablemente el número de registros para el sitio Arroyo El Pelado que hasta el momento se conocía por solo tres hallazgos.
The discovery of a presbyornithid (Aves, Anseriformes) from the Vaca Mahuida Formation is reporte... more The discovery of a presbyornithid (Aves, Anseriformes) from the Vaca Mahuida Formation is reported. The formation crops out at Sierra El Fresco, southeast of Puelen (La Pampa, Argentina). This occurrence indicates that the deposition of the formation dates from the late Paleocene-middle Eocene; the presence of shallow, brackish-water environments is inferred. KEY WORDS. Argentina. La Pampa Province. Paleogene. Aves. Presbyornithidae. Palaeoenvironments.
Una creencia m uy clasi ca en tre los zoologos es la de considerar a las aves com o el g rupo m ... more Una creencia m uy clasi ca en tre los zoologos es la de considerar a las aves com o el g rupo m ejor conocido de ver teb rados vivientes. En verdad, esto no esta m uy alejado de la realidad. C om o lo m en cio n a Feduccia (1978), se d eb e funda m e n ta lm e n te a d o s ra z o n e s . Por un lado, la m ayoria de las aves son de habitos d iurnos (es decir que despliegan sus activi d a d e s p r in c ip a le s d u ra n te el dia) po r lo que resultan de facil observacion; adem as son esteti cam en te llam ativas y p o p u la res. Estan re lac io n ad as d esd e tiem pos rem otos a las activida des del h o m b re q u ien las ha u tilizado com o am uletos, sim bolos divinos o aun com o p re ciados objetos de caza. Por otro lado, la conoci da teoria de la evo lucion p o r se le c c io n n a tu ra l, fo rm u la d a por el naturalista ingles Charles Darwin, esta basicam ente fun d a m e n ta d a en el e s tu d io e x haustivo de palom as dom esti cas y su variedad en pob...
Abstract. This study analyzes a collection of fossil mammals from the Salicas Formation in the El... more Abstract. This study analyzes a collection of fossil mammals from the Salicas Formation in the El Degolladito area, La Rioja Province, Argentina. The materials reported herein were recovered from two sites (site 1 and site 2). Reported mammals are Macrochorobates Scillato-Yané, Chasicotatus Scillato-Yané, and Hoplophorini indet. (Xenarthra, Cingulata); Paedotherium minor Cabrera, cf. Pseudotypotherium Ameg-hino (Notoungulata, Typotheria); Neobrachytherium Soria (Litopterna, Lopholipterna); Orthomyctera Ameghino, cf. Cardiomys Ameghino, Lagostomus (Lagostomopsis) Kraglievich, and Octodontidae indet. (Rodentia, Caviomorpha). This new mammalian assemblage, together with one previously recorded, has several taxa in common with mammalian associations from Central Argentina (i.e., La Pampa Province). Among those coming from Northwestern Argentina, the major affinity is with the El Jarillal Member (Chiquimil Formation) and then the Andalhuala Formation (both in Catamarca Province). The Sal...
Andean Geology
The early-middle Miocene continental Cerro Boleadoras Formation (CBF) crops out in the area of Ce... more The early-middle Miocene continental Cerro Boleadoras Formation (CBF) crops out in the area of Cerro Boleadoras and Cerro Plomo on the western slope of the Meseta del Lago Buenos Aires, northwestern Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. The lower levels of the CBF consist of laterally extensive medium to pebbly sandstone beds with trough cross-bedding, interpreted as fluvial channel deposits, interbedded with tabular fine-grained floodplain deposits. Recent fieldwork provided fossil vertebrates from these levels with an estimated age between ~16.5 Ma and 15.1 Ma (late Burdigalian-early Langhian). The studied section temporally overlaps with the middle or upper sections of the Santa Cruz Formation (SCF) in the Austral-Magallanes Basin of southern Patagonia, the Río Frías Formation in Chile, and the lower Collón Curá Formation of northern Patagonia. We compile an integrated faunal list for this locality, including specimens from previous collections, and discuss its chronological and paleoe...
Las formaciones geológicas de Entre Ríos tradicionalmente asignadas al Pleistoceno inferior-medio... more Las formaciones geológicas de Entre Ríos tradicionalmente asignadas al Pleistoceno inferior-medio corresponden a las Formaciones Hernandarias,
Ameghiniana, 2004
Fil: Noriega, Jorge Ignacio. Provincia de Entre Rios. Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tra... more Fil: Noriega, Jorge Ignacio. Provincia de Entre Rios. Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas y Transferencia de Tecnologia a la Produccion. Universidad Autonoma de Entre Rios. Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas y Transferencia de Tecnologia a la Produccion. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas y Transferencia de Tecnologia a la Produccion; Argentina
Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 2021
Se reporta el primer registro paleontológico de Dusicyon gymnocercus (Fischer, 1814) procedente d... more Se reporta el primer registro paleontológico de Dusicyon gymnocercus (Fischer, 1814) procedente de la Formación Arroyo Feliciano (Edad Lujanense; Pleistoceno Tardío-Holoceno Temprano) de la provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina. El ejemplar (CICYTTP-PV-M-22) consiste en un cráneo completo sin mandíbula cuya morfología cráneo-dentaria es indistinguible de la especie viviente Dusicyon gymnocercus. El tamaño general del cráneo y las medidas cráneo-dentarias tomadas se encuentran dentro del rango de variación de Dusicyon gymnocercus. Los análisis multivariados permitieron llegar a la misma conclusión. Este constituye el primer registro de un cánido para el Lujanense de Entre Ríos y la Mesopotamia Argentina y amplía la distribución geográfica de Dusicyon gymnocercus durante el Lujanense.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2017
A new species of rheid, Opisthodactylus kirchneri, sp. nov., is erected on the basis of associate... more A new species of rheid, Opisthodactylus kirchneri, sp. nov., is erected on the basis of associated elements of both hind limbs from the late Miocene in northwestern Argentina. The new species extends the biochron of Opisthodactylus from early Miocene to late Miocene and its distribution from Patagonia to northwest Argentina. Cladistic analysis recovered an Opisthodactylus-Pterocnemia clade as sister to a Rhea americana clade. The Opisthodactylus-Pterocnemia clade would have inhabited the most southern, central, and western regions of southern South America throughout the early-middle Neogene, whereas the Rhea stock would have had a north-northeastern or Brazilian ancestral distribution in the lowlands of the continent. The similar biogeographic patterns of living and fossil rheids, cariamids, and tinamids seem to roughly reflect the environmental shift from closed to open habitats that took place at the southern end of South America during the Neogene and Pleistocene, and at least in the former two families the effects of isolation produced by the 'Paranaense' sea. Closed-habitat taxa of these three families are recorded at early Miocene localities in Patagonia (O. horacioperezi, O. patagonicus, Noriegavis santacrucensis, and Crypturellus reai), whereas open-habitat taxa come from late Miocene-early Pliocene sites at central (Pterocnemia sp. and Eudromia sp.), northwestern (O. kirchneri and Pterocnemia cf. mesopotamica), and northeastern (Pterocnemia mesopotamica) regions in Argentina.
Resumen.-VERTEBRADOS DEL MIOCENO DE LA PROVINCIA DE ENTRE RÍOS, ARGENTINA. La diversa fauna de an... more Resumen.-VERTEBRADOS DEL MIOCENO DE LA PROVINCIA DE ENTRE RÍOS, ARGENTINA. La diversa fauna de antiguos vertebrados que se registra en los acantilados que bordean la margen oriental del
A major barrier to advancing ornithology is the systemic exclusion of professionals from the Glob... more A major barrier to advancing ornithology is the systemic exclusion of professionals from the Global South. A recent special dossier, Advances in Neotropical Ornithology, and a shortfalls analysis therein, unintentionally followed a long-standing pattern of highlighting individuals, knowledge, and views from the Global North, while largely omitting the perspectives of people based within the Neotropics. Here, we review problems with assessing the state of Neotropical ornithology through a northern lens, including discovery narratives, incomplete (and biased) understanding of history and advances, and the promotion of agendas that, while currently popular in the north, may not fit the needs and realities of Neotropical research. We argue that future advances in Neotropical ornithology will critically depend on identifying and addressing the systemic barriers that hold back ornithologists who live and work in the Neotropics: unreliable and limited funding, exclusion from international ...
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, 2007
Mammals of the El Palmar Formation (late Pleistocene) from Entre Ríos province, Argentina. The di... more Mammals of the El Palmar Formation (late Pleistocene) from Entre Ríos province, Argentina. The diversity of mammals of the El Boyero locality (31º25'S, 58º 02'O), situated in the proximities of Concordia city, Entre Ríos Province is analysed in this contribution. The fossil remains come from the El Palmar Formation, which is the highest terrace of the western margin of the Uruguay river, in the mentioned province, and whose age is assigned to the late Pleistocene. Eight taxa have been identified at specific level: Megatherium americanum (Megatheriidae Megatheriinae), Mylodon darwini (Mylodontidae Mylodontinae), Macrauchenia patachonica (Litopterna Macraucheniidae), Toxodon cf. platensis (Notoungulata Toxodontidae), Tapirus cf. terrestris (Perissodactyla Tapiridae), Equus (Amerhippus) cf. neogeus (Perissodactyla Equidae), Morenelaphus cf. lujanensis, Antifer sp. (Artiodactyla Cervidae) and Stegomastodon platensis (Proboscidea Gomphotheriidae). The paleontological record of mammals from the El Palmar Formation was limited to Stegomastodon platensis; therefore, the identification of the new taxa increases substantially the biodiversity known in the El Palmar Formation. Also, the first record of Morenelaphus cf. lujanensis is announced for the Entre Ríos Province. The presence of Equus (A.) cf. neogeus would postulate a Lujanian age (late Pleistoceneearly Holocene) for the described association.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2021
The first unequivocal records of teratornithid birds from the Pleistocene of South America are he... more The first unequivocal records of teratornithid birds from the Pleistocene of South America are here described, adding a new member, and the largest, to this highly diversified guild of large carnivorous flying birds that lived during these times in the Americas. The new specimens come from four fossiliferous localities of Central Argentina that range in age from the late middle to the early late Pleistocene, and agree with other known Teratornithidae taxa in size and morphology. We updated the taxonomy of the family and analyzed its fossil record in the Pleistocene of both Americas. The available evidence suggests that forms related to Teratornis lived in the South American Pampas around the time of the Last Interglacial (MIS 5), but they were restricted to North America during the latest Pleistocene (late MIS 3-early MIS 1). The contrasting latest Pleistocene record of teratorns between North and South America is not easy to understand, especially because the supposed flight capacity of these birds did not prevent them from crossing large geographical barriers. Although a bias in the fossil record cannot be ruled out, it is possible that the teratorns were limited in South America by paleoclimatic-paleoecological factors as yet undetermined, and/or that the northern and southern Pleistocene species had very dissimilar specializations. In relation to the latter, the previous inferences on the teratorn paleobiology without phylogenetic support are preliminarily questioned here.
Publicación Electrónica de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 2020
Resumen-En esta contribución se presenta la riqueza específica y abundancia relativa de mamíferos... more Resumen-En esta contribución se presenta la riqueza específica y abundancia relativa de mamíferos en un remanente de bosque xerófilo en la cuenca media del río Carcarañá (32°5 82 S-61°152 O), provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina. Las formaciones vegetales autóctonas observadas, pertenecientes a la provincia fitogeográfica del Espinal, se caracterizan por presentar una fisonomía del paisaje marcada por variaciones notables en espacios relativamente reducidos, a diferencia de lo observado en el entorno predominante. La metodología utilizada consistió en el recorrido estandarizado de transectas lineales en busca de signos de actividad (heces, huellas y otras señales indirectas), observaciones directas, entrevistas y utilización de cámaras trampa. La información obtenida a partir de los datos colectados fue empleada para obtener la riqueza específica (S) del lugar. Se registró la presencia de ocho especies comprendidas en ocho familias y cuatro órdenes, siendo los registros indirectos la metodología más efectiva. De acuerdo a la abundancia relativa de las especies registradas, el zorro Pampa (Pseudalopex gymnocercus) es la especie con mayor valor de ocurrencia (0.48 ind/km) mientras que el menor valor está dado por dos especies, el zorrino común (Conepatus chinga) y el carpincho (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) con un índice de abundancia de 0.07 ind/km para cada una. Se proporcionan además datos sobre las especies Didelphis albiventris, Myocastor coypus, Chaetophractus villosus, Leopardus geoffroyi y Galictis cuja.
The diverse genus Sporophila has a complex systematic history. A new dark-collared form of Sporop... more The diverse genus Sporophila has a complex systematic history. A new dark-collared form of Sporophila seedeater, herein described on the basis of three adult males, resembles male S. ruficollis but has a dark nape and rufous back. We informally name the new form 'caraguata' for its preferred habitat. We tested four hypotheses regarding the systematic situation of the 'caraguata' form: valid species, hybrid S. ruficollis × S. cinnamomea, colour morph of S. cinnamomea, and colour morph of S. ruficollis. Vocally and ecologically, the 'caraguata' form cannot be diagnosed from S. ruficollis. This evidence strongly suggests that S. 'caraguata' is a colour morph of S. ruficollis, although a hybrid origin is hard to assess and cannot be discarded. Sporophila ruficollis differs in preferred habitat, plumage and vocalisations from the rest of the capuchinos, and must be considered a valid species. The pattern of morphological variation exhibited by dark-throate...
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
Herein we report the first record of Purussaurus Barbosa-Rodrigues, 1892 for the Neogene of Argen... more Herein we report the first record of Purussaurus Barbosa-Rodrigues, 1892 for the Neogene of Argentina. This genus is recorded in Miocene beds of different localities in Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, and Perú, and includes at least three different species with total body lengths ranging from 8 to 13 m. The material reported here is a partially preserved tooth (MAS-PV 386) found at the locality Toma Vieja (Paraná, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina), in strata informally known as "Conglomerado osífero" or "Mesopotamiense" (Late Miocene) and traditionally regarded as the basal levels of the Ituzaingó Formation. The material corresponds to the apical portion of a conical crown, slightly compressed, lingually curved, and with a subrounded apex. The enamel is ornamented with thin apicobasal ridges that are anastomosed and separated by shallow grooves. These ridges are transversely crossed by shallow lines that give the enamel surface a crackled aspect. The crown has a continuous carina formed by the enamel that runs along the mesial and distal surface of the tooth, which divides the vestibular (or labial side of the tooth) and lingual faces of the crown that are subequal in size. The carina is ornamented with fine enamel wrinkles that are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the mesiodistal carina. This condition, known as pseudoziphodonty, together with the enamel structure and overall shape of the crown, allow referring the specimen MAS-PV 386 to Purussaurus sp. This finding represents the southernmost record of one of the largest predatorial neosuchian crocodylians which inhabited the wetlands that developed during the Late Miocene in South America.
Fil: Brunetto, Ernesto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cienti... more Fil: Brunetto, Ernesto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico y Transferencia de Tecnologia a la Produccion; Argentina;
Publicación Electrónica de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina
Resumen. En esta contribución se dan a conocer nuevos registros de mamíferos del Pleistoceno Tard... more Resumen. En esta contribución se dan a conocer nuevos registros de mamíferos del Pleistoceno Tardío de la Provincia de Entre Ríos. Los fósiles provienen de la Formación Salto Ander Egg, una unidad depositada en los valles fluviales del sudoeste entrerriano con una edad, obtenida por OSL, entre los 120 ka y los 60 ka. Se interpreta que las secuencias de la formación fueron acumuladas durante el MIS 5. El contenido paleontológico de la unidad constituye el registro que mejor caracteriza el inicio del Pleistoceno Tardío para América del Sur y la transición MIS 5e-MIS 5c. En este trabajo se describen 12 taxones: cf. Ozotoceros bezoarticus (Cervidae), Morenelaphus cf. brachyceros (Cervidae), Hemiauchenia paradoxa (Camelidae), Lama guanicoe (Camelidae), Mylodon darwini (Mylodontidae), Glossotherium robustum (Mylodontidae), Lestodon armatus (Mylodontidae), Glyptodon reticulatus (Glyptodontidae), Panochthus tuberculatus (Glyptodontidae), Eutatus seguini (Dasypodidae), Notiomastodon platensis (Gomphotheriidae) y Toxodon platensis (Toxodontidae). La mayoría de ellos son nuevos registros y constituyen ejemplares más completos que los previamente conocidos para la unidad. Mylodon darwini es el primer registro en la Formación Salto Ander Egg y extiende ampliamente su distribución geográfica en la provincia. Además, se da a conocer una nueva localidad fosilífera correspondiente al Arroyo El Bellaco (Departamento Diamante) y se incrementa notablemente el número de registros para el sitio Arroyo El Pelado que hasta el momento se conocía por solo tres hallazgos.
The discovery of a presbyornithid (Aves, Anseriformes) from the Vaca Mahuida Formation is reporte... more The discovery of a presbyornithid (Aves, Anseriformes) from the Vaca Mahuida Formation is reported. The formation crops out at Sierra El Fresco, southeast of Puelen (La Pampa, Argentina). This occurrence indicates that the deposition of the formation dates from the late Paleocene-middle Eocene; the presence of shallow, brackish-water environments is inferred. KEY WORDS. Argentina. La Pampa Province. Paleogene. Aves. Presbyornithidae. Palaeoenvironments.
Una creencia m uy clasi ca en tre los zoologos es la de considerar a las aves com o el g rupo m ... more Una creencia m uy clasi ca en tre los zoologos es la de considerar a las aves com o el g rupo m ejor conocido de ver teb rados vivientes. En verdad, esto no esta m uy alejado de la realidad. C om o lo m en cio n a Feduccia (1978), se d eb e funda m e n ta lm e n te a d o s ra z o n e s . Por un lado, la m ayoria de las aves son de habitos d iurnos (es decir que despliegan sus activi d a d e s p r in c ip a le s d u ra n te el dia) po r lo que resultan de facil observacion; adem as son esteti cam en te llam ativas y p o p u la res. Estan re lac io n ad as d esd e tiem pos rem otos a las activida des del h o m b re q u ien las ha u tilizado com o am uletos, sim bolos divinos o aun com o p re ciados objetos de caza. Por otro lado, la conoci da teoria de la evo lucion p o r se le c c io n n a tu ra l, fo rm u la d a por el naturalista ingles Charles Darwin, esta basicam ente fun d a m e n ta d a en el e s tu d io e x haustivo de palom as dom esti cas y su variedad en pob...
Abstract. This study analyzes a collection of fossil mammals from the Salicas Formation in the El... more Abstract. This study analyzes a collection of fossil mammals from the Salicas Formation in the El Degolladito area, La Rioja Province, Argentina. The materials reported herein were recovered from two sites (site 1 and site 2). Reported mammals are Macrochorobates Scillato-Yané, Chasicotatus Scillato-Yané, and Hoplophorini indet. (Xenarthra, Cingulata); Paedotherium minor Cabrera, cf. Pseudotypotherium Ameg-hino (Notoungulata, Typotheria); Neobrachytherium Soria (Litopterna, Lopholipterna); Orthomyctera Ameghino, cf. Cardiomys Ameghino, Lagostomus (Lagostomopsis) Kraglievich, and Octodontidae indet. (Rodentia, Caviomorpha). This new mammalian assemblage, together with one previously recorded, has several taxa in common with mammalian associations from Central Argentina (i.e., La Pampa Province). Among those coming from Northwestern Argentina, the major affinity is with the El Jarillal Member (Chiquimil Formation) and then the Andalhuala Formation (both in Catamarca Province). The Sal...
Andean Geology
The early-middle Miocene continental Cerro Boleadoras Formation (CBF) crops out in the area of Ce... more The early-middle Miocene continental Cerro Boleadoras Formation (CBF) crops out in the area of Cerro Boleadoras and Cerro Plomo on the western slope of the Meseta del Lago Buenos Aires, northwestern Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. The lower levels of the CBF consist of laterally extensive medium to pebbly sandstone beds with trough cross-bedding, interpreted as fluvial channel deposits, interbedded with tabular fine-grained floodplain deposits. Recent fieldwork provided fossil vertebrates from these levels with an estimated age between ~16.5 Ma and 15.1 Ma (late Burdigalian-early Langhian). The studied section temporally overlaps with the middle or upper sections of the Santa Cruz Formation (SCF) in the Austral-Magallanes Basin of southern Patagonia, the Río Frías Formation in Chile, and the lower Collón Curá Formation of northern Patagonia. We compile an integrated faunal list for this locality, including specimens from previous collections, and discuss its chronological and paleoe...
Las formaciones geológicas de Entre Ríos tradicionalmente asignadas al Pleistoceno inferior-medio... more Las formaciones geológicas de Entre Ríos tradicionalmente asignadas al Pleistoceno inferior-medio corresponden a las Formaciones Hernandarias,
Ameghiniana, 2004
Fil: Noriega, Jorge Ignacio. Provincia de Entre Rios. Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tra... more Fil: Noriega, Jorge Ignacio. Provincia de Entre Rios. Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas y Transferencia de Tecnologia a la Produccion. Universidad Autonoma de Entre Rios. Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas y Transferencia de Tecnologia a la Produccion. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas y Transferencia de Tecnologia a la Produccion; Argentina
Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 2021
Se reporta el primer registro paleontológico de Dusicyon gymnocercus (Fischer, 1814) procedente d... more Se reporta el primer registro paleontológico de Dusicyon gymnocercus (Fischer, 1814) procedente de la Formación Arroyo Feliciano (Edad Lujanense; Pleistoceno Tardío-Holoceno Temprano) de la provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina. El ejemplar (CICYTTP-PV-M-22) consiste en un cráneo completo sin mandíbula cuya morfología cráneo-dentaria es indistinguible de la especie viviente Dusicyon gymnocercus. El tamaño general del cráneo y las medidas cráneo-dentarias tomadas se encuentran dentro del rango de variación de Dusicyon gymnocercus. Los análisis multivariados permitieron llegar a la misma conclusión. Este constituye el primer registro de un cánido para el Lujanense de Entre Ríos y la Mesopotamia Argentina y amplía la distribución geográfica de Dusicyon gymnocercus durante el Lujanense.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2017
A new species of rheid, Opisthodactylus kirchneri, sp. nov., is erected on the basis of associate... more A new species of rheid, Opisthodactylus kirchneri, sp. nov., is erected on the basis of associated elements of both hind limbs from the late Miocene in northwestern Argentina. The new species extends the biochron of Opisthodactylus from early Miocene to late Miocene and its distribution from Patagonia to northwest Argentina. Cladistic analysis recovered an Opisthodactylus-Pterocnemia clade as sister to a Rhea americana clade. The Opisthodactylus-Pterocnemia clade would have inhabited the most southern, central, and western regions of southern South America throughout the early-middle Neogene, whereas the Rhea stock would have had a north-northeastern or Brazilian ancestral distribution in the lowlands of the continent. The similar biogeographic patterns of living and fossil rheids, cariamids, and tinamids seem to roughly reflect the environmental shift from closed to open habitats that took place at the southern end of South America during the Neogene and Pleistocene, and at least in the former two families the effects of isolation produced by the 'Paranaense' sea. Closed-habitat taxa of these three families are recorded at early Miocene localities in Patagonia (O. horacioperezi, O. patagonicus, Noriegavis santacrucensis, and Crypturellus reai), whereas open-habitat taxa come from late Miocene-early Pliocene sites at central (Pterocnemia sp. and Eudromia sp.), northwestern (O. kirchneri and Pterocnemia cf. mesopotamica), and northeastern (Pterocnemia mesopotamica) regions in Argentina.
Resumen.-VERTEBRADOS DEL MIOCENO DE LA PROVINCIA DE ENTRE RÍOS, ARGENTINA. La diversa fauna de an... more Resumen.-VERTEBRADOS DEL MIOCENO DE LA PROVINCIA DE ENTRE RÍOS, ARGENTINA. La diversa fauna de antiguos vertebrados que se registra en los acantilados que bordean la margen oriental del
A major barrier to advancing ornithology is the systemic exclusion of professionals from the Glob... more A major barrier to advancing ornithology is the systemic exclusion of professionals from the Global South. A recent special dossier, Advances in Neotropical Ornithology, and a shortfalls analysis therein, unintentionally followed a long-standing pattern of highlighting individuals, knowledge, and views from the Global North, while largely omitting the perspectives of people based within the Neotropics. Here, we review problems with assessing the state of Neotropical ornithology through a northern lens, including discovery narratives, incomplete (and biased) understanding of history and advances, and the promotion of agendas that, while currently popular in the north, may not fit the needs and realities of Neotropical research. We argue that future advances in Neotropical ornithology will critically depend on identifying and addressing the systemic barriers that hold back ornithologists who live and work in the Neotropics: unreliable and limited funding, exclusion from international ...
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, 2007
Mammals of the El Palmar Formation (late Pleistocene) from Entre Ríos province, Argentina. The di... more Mammals of the El Palmar Formation (late Pleistocene) from Entre Ríos province, Argentina. The diversity of mammals of the El Boyero locality (31º25'S, 58º 02'O), situated in the proximities of Concordia city, Entre Ríos Province is analysed in this contribution. The fossil remains come from the El Palmar Formation, which is the highest terrace of the western margin of the Uruguay river, in the mentioned province, and whose age is assigned to the late Pleistocene. Eight taxa have been identified at specific level: Megatherium americanum (Megatheriidae Megatheriinae), Mylodon darwini (Mylodontidae Mylodontinae), Macrauchenia patachonica (Litopterna Macraucheniidae), Toxodon cf. platensis (Notoungulata Toxodontidae), Tapirus cf. terrestris (Perissodactyla Tapiridae), Equus (Amerhippus) cf. neogeus (Perissodactyla Equidae), Morenelaphus cf. lujanensis, Antifer sp. (Artiodactyla Cervidae) and Stegomastodon platensis (Proboscidea Gomphotheriidae). The paleontological record of mammals from the El Palmar Formation was limited to Stegomastodon platensis; therefore, the identification of the new taxa increases substantially the biodiversity known in the El Palmar Formation. Also, the first record of Morenelaphus cf. lujanensis is announced for the Entre Ríos Province. The presence of Equus (A.) cf. neogeus would postulate a Lujanian age (late Pleistoceneearly Holocene) for the described association.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2021
The first unequivocal records of teratornithid birds from the Pleistocene of South America are he... more The first unequivocal records of teratornithid birds from the Pleistocene of South America are here described, adding a new member, and the largest, to this highly diversified guild of large carnivorous flying birds that lived during these times in the Americas. The new specimens come from four fossiliferous localities of Central Argentina that range in age from the late middle to the early late Pleistocene, and agree with other known Teratornithidae taxa in size and morphology. We updated the taxonomy of the family and analyzed its fossil record in the Pleistocene of both Americas. The available evidence suggests that forms related to Teratornis lived in the South American Pampas around the time of the Last Interglacial (MIS 5), but they were restricted to North America during the latest Pleistocene (late MIS 3-early MIS 1). The contrasting latest Pleistocene record of teratorns between North and South America is not easy to understand, especially because the supposed flight capacity of these birds did not prevent them from crossing large geographical barriers. Although a bias in the fossil record cannot be ruled out, it is possible that the teratorns were limited in South America by paleoclimatic-paleoecological factors as yet undetermined, and/or that the northern and southern Pleistocene species had very dissimilar specializations. In relation to the latter, the previous inferences on the teratorn paleobiology without phylogenetic support are preliminarily questioned here.
Publicación Electrónica de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 2020
Resumen-En esta contribución se presenta la riqueza específica y abundancia relativa de mamíferos... more Resumen-En esta contribución se presenta la riqueza específica y abundancia relativa de mamíferos en un remanente de bosque xerófilo en la cuenca media del río Carcarañá (32°5 82 S-61°152 O), provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina. Las formaciones vegetales autóctonas observadas, pertenecientes a la provincia fitogeográfica del Espinal, se caracterizan por presentar una fisonomía del paisaje marcada por variaciones notables en espacios relativamente reducidos, a diferencia de lo observado en el entorno predominante. La metodología utilizada consistió en el recorrido estandarizado de transectas lineales en busca de signos de actividad (heces, huellas y otras señales indirectas), observaciones directas, entrevistas y utilización de cámaras trampa. La información obtenida a partir de los datos colectados fue empleada para obtener la riqueza específica (S) del lugar. Se registró la presencia de ocho especies comprendidas en ocho familias y cuatro órdenes, siendo los registros indirectos la metodología más efectiva. De acuerdo a la abundancia relativa de las especies registradas, el zorro Pampa (Pseudalopex gymnocercus) es la especie con mayor valor de ocurrencia (0.48 ind/km) mientras que el menor valor está dado por dos especies, el zorrino común (Conepatus chinga) y el carpincho (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) con un índice de abundancia de 0.07 ind/km para cada una. Se proporcionan además datos sobre las especies Didelphis albiventris, Myocastor coypus, Chaetophractus villosus, Leopardus geoffroyi y Galictis cuja.
The diverse genus Sporophila has a complex systematic history. A new dark-collared form of Sporop... more The diverse genus Sporophila has a complex systematic history. A new dark-collared form of Sporophila seedeater, herein described on the basis of three adult males, resembles male S. ruficollis but has a dark nape and rufous back. We informally name the new form 'caraguata' for its preferred habitat. We tested four hypotheses regarding the systematic situation of the 'caraguata' form: valid species, hybrid S. ruficollis × S. cinnamomea, colour morph of S. cinnamomea, and colour morph of S. ruficollis. Vocally and ecologically, the 'caraguata' form cannot be diagnosed from S. ruficollis. This evidence strongly suggests that S. 'caraguata' is a colour morph of S. ruficollis, although a hybrid origin is hard to assess and cannot be discarded. Sporophila ruficollis differs in preferred habitat, plumage and vocalisations from the rest of the capuchinos, and must be considered a valid species. The pattern of morphological variation exhibited by dark-throate...