Jose Antonio Roman Brugnoli - (original) (raw)
Papers by Jose Antonio Roman Brugnoli
Qualitative Sociology, 2023
This article presents original findings from a longitudinal qualitative study on changes in indiv... more This article presents original findings from a longitudinal qualitative study on changes in individual and family life associated with safety and health measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic in three regions of Chile. We developed a methodological approach based on multimodal diaries in a mobile application, in which participants submitted photographs and texts to express changes in their daily lives under residential confinement. Content and semiotic visual analyses show a significant loss in instances of collective recreation, partially compensated through new personal and productive activities performed at home. Our results suggest that modal diaries serve as potential tools to capture people's perceptions and meanings as their lives go through exceptional and traumatic times. We assert that using digital and mobile technologies in qualitative studies could allow subjects to actively participate in the co-construction of fieldwork and produce quality knowledge from their situated perspectives.
Revista médica de Chile, 2012
Evaluation of the educational environment in medical specialty programs Background: The Postgradu... more Evaluation of the educational environment in medical specialty programs Background: The Postgraduate Hospital Education Environment Measure (PHEEM) questionnaire, is a valid and reliable instrument to measure the educational environment (EE) in postgraduate medical education. Aim: To evaluate the EE perceived by the residents of a postgraduate training program using the PHEEM. Material and Methods: The PHEEM was applied in 2010-2011 in 35 specialty programs. We calculated their individual results and compared means of both global and individual domain scores of the PHEEM, by gender, university of origin and nationality. Cronbach's alpha coefficients and D study (Generalizability theory) were performed for reliability. Results: Three hundred eighteen residents were surveyed (75.7% of the total universe). The mean score of the PHEEM was 105.09 ± 22.46 (65.7% of the maximal score) which is considered a positive EE. The instrument is highly reliable (Cronbach´s alpha = 0.934). The D study found that 15 subjects are required to obtain reliable results (G coefficient = 0.813). There were no significant differences between gender and university of origin. Foreigners evaluated better the EE than Chileans and racism was not perceived. The programs showed a safe physical environment and teachers with good clinical skills. The negative aspects perceived were a lack of information about working hours, insufficient academic counseling, and scanty time left for extracurricular activities. Conclusions: This questionnaire allowed us to identify positive aspects of the EE, and areas to be improved in the specialty programs. The PHEEM is a useful instrument to evaluate the EE in Spanish-speaking participants of medical specialty programs.
Medical Teacher, 2012
Background: Students' perceptions of their educational environment (EE) have been studied in unde... more Background: Students' perceptions of their educational environment (EE) have been studied in undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. Postgraduate EE has been measured in hospital settings. However, there are no instruments available to measure the EE in postgraduate ambulatory settings. Aim: The aim of this study was to develop the ''Ambulatory Care Learning Education Environment Measure'' (ACLEEM). Methods: A mixed methodology was used including three stages: (1) Grounded theory (focus groups); (2) Delphi technique to identify consensus; and (3) Pilot study. Results: Three quota samples of approximately 60 stakeholders were formed, one as Focus Groups and two as Delphi panels. Eight focus groups were carried out including 58 residents (Latin-American Spanish speakers). The results were analysed and 173 items were offered to a National Delphi panel (61 residents and teachers). They reduced in two rounds the number of important items to 54. The 54-item questionnaire was then piloted with 63 residents and refined to the final version of the ACLEEM with 50 items and three domains. Conclusions: The 50-item inventory is a valid instrument to measure the EE in postgraduate ambulatory setting in Chile. Largescale administration of the ACLEEM questionnaire to evaluate its construct validity and reliability are the next steps to test the psychometric properties of the instrument.
Polis (Santiago)
La COVID-19 ha generado una crisis sociosanitaria y económica que ha demando la colaboración entr... more La COVID-19 ha generado una crisis sociosanitaria y económica que ha demando la colaboración entre diversas instituciones a escala global y nacional, así como la construcción de un sentido colectivo que promueva el cumplimiento de las medidas sociosanitarias impulsadas por los gobiernos. Esta solidaridad pandémica se ha invocado como un recurso colectivo para la gestión de la pandemia. Sin embargo, esta noción de la solidaridad es ambigua respecto a su significado, su contenido específico y las condiciones que posibiliten su implementación. Este artículo contribuye a este debate a partir de un enfoque centrado en las experiencias personales de la pandemia, indagando en el sentido que las personas le atribuyen a esta solidaridad y las descripciones y evaluaciones que realizan sobre sus condiciones de posibilidad. Estas interrogantes se abordan a partir de una investigación cualitativa realizada en cuatro regiones de Chile, cuyos resultados muestran que para los entrevistados la solid...
Revista Polis, 2022
La COVID-19 ha generado una crisis sociosanitaria y económica que ha demando la colaboración entr... more La COVID-19 ha generado una crisis sociosanitaria y económica que ha demando la colaboración entre diversas instituciones a escala global y nacional, así como la construcción de un sentido colectivo que promueva el cumplimiento de las medidas sociosanitarias impulsadas por los gobiernos. Esta solidaridad pandémica se ha invocado como un recurso colectivo para la gestión de la pandemia. Sin embargo, esta noción de la solidaridad es ambigua respecto a su significado, su contenido específico y las condiciones que posibiliten su implementación. Este artículo contribuye a este debate a partir de un enfoque centrado en las experiencias personales de la pandemia, indagando en el sentido que las personas le atribuyen a esta solidaridad y las descripciones y evaluaciones que realizan sobre sus condiciones de posibilidad. Estas interrogantes se abordan a partir de una investigación cualitativa realizada en cuatro regiones de Chile, cuyos resultados muestran que para los entrevistados la solidaridad pandémica se define a partir de un sentido moral de responsabilidad con el cuidado colectivo, el cual depende principalmente de tres dimensiones interrelacionadas: la institucionalización de la solidaridad, la gestión gubernamental y los desafíos asociados a la práctica colectiva e interpersonal en el seguimiento de las medidas sociosanitarias
Im folgenden Beitrag sollen einige Konzepte und Ideen aus FOUCAULTs Denken mit Uberlegungen ander... more Im folgenden Beitrag sollen einige Konzepte und Ideen aus FOUCAULTs Denken mit Uberlegungen anderer Theoretiker, die ihn zweifellos gelesen haben, verbunden werden, um eine sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektive voranzutreiben, die sich durch die Erforschung von Metaphern der Analyse von Sprache und Wissen widmet. Konkret geht es darum, einen "metaphernanalytischen Ansatz" zur empirischen Bearbeitung des Zusammenhangs von Diskurs, sozialer Subjektwerdung und Subjektivierung vorzuschlagen. Mit einer solchen metaphorisch-metonymischen Annaherung an das Feld des sozialen Wissens kann die Wechselwirkung zwischen Diskurs und der sozialen Subjektwerdung aufgespurt werden. Der erste Teil des Artikels weist die Bezuge zu Michel FOUCAULTs Werk aus und entwickelt entsprechend die Fragestellung. Der zweite Teil beschreibt die methodischen Uberlegungen hin zu einem umfassenden Modell fur Metaphernanalysen in qualitativen Untersuchung. Im dritten Teil wird die Anwendung dieses Modells ill...
Quaderns de Psicologia, 2020
Psykhe, Jul 25, 2011
The following qualitative research project explores some contemporary issues dealing with the rel... more The following qualitative research project explores some contemporary issues dealing with the relationship between subjectivity and employment retention practices through a narrative methodology, on the basis of a situated knowledge framework, and discourse analysis. It presents the analysis of five situated narratives, corresponding to individuals with different situations regarding work and employment in Barcelona. Also, this critical reflection on the present social question entails a revision of some point of views in the social sciences regarding the questions of work and employment. Its objective is to propose a new understanding and approach to the problem of the relationship between subject and work in everyday life.
Psykhe, Jul 24, 2011
El objetivo principal del estudio fue evaluar el efecto del empleo sobre el bienestar psicologico... more El objetivo principal del estudio fue evaluar el efecto del empleo sobre el bienestar psicologico de un grupo ocupacional constituido mayoritariamente por mujeres, desde la perspectiva del modelo de expansion de papeles y, especificamente, por efecto de la combinacion de papeles tradicionales y empleo. Se diseno un estudio de recoleccion de datos transversal de acuerdo con la metodologia correlacional, en una muestra de 300 enfermeras del sector publico de salud chileno. El bienestar psicologico fue evaluado con el Cuestionario General de Salud Goldberg (1972), y las demas variables con un cuestionario disenado ad hoc. Los resultados indican que la variable laboral turnos rotatorios se relaciona directamente con bienestar psicologico. Un analisis multivariante realizado sugiere que para el grupo de mujeres con pareja estable conviviente los turnos rotatorios explican el 43% de la varianza en el puntaje total del Cuestionario General de Salud. Los hallazgos se discuten y se presenta un analisis de las limitaciones de este estudio y sus implicancias para futuras investigaciones.
Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 2015
In recent years, solidarity has become problematized on three major fronts: the weakening of the ... more In recent years, solidarity has become problematized on three major fronts: the weakening of the Welfare State and the growing hegemony of the neoliberal model, the question of social cohesion at the globalization of market society, and from critical questions about the role of the concept of solidarity in these social transformations. This article aims to contribute to the debate on the first two fronts from an investigation that began in this last front: the basic semiotic operations in the solidarity advertising promotes a solidarity that is akin to a neoliberal discourse and a form of social cohesion in the market society. For this we performed a sociosemiotic analysis of 598 solidarity ads, we describe the use of resources and strategies for brand advertising, that appropriate the semiotic field of solidarity, contributing to the creation of a market of solidarity, a solidarity a la carte and an altruistic consumer.
Persona Y Sociedad, 2004
Page 1. Conflicto y equilibrio en la relación trabajo-familia: un estudio con mujeres trabajadora... more Page 1. Conflicto y equilibrio en la relación trabajo-familia: un estudio con mujeres trabajadoras por cuenta propia1 José Antonio Román Brugnoli2 Cecilia Avendaño Bravo3 Alemka Tomicic Suñer4 Resumen 4 En este artículo ...
... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item:\. T... more ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Title: LO QUE LAS METAFORAS OBRAN FURTIVAMENTE: DISCURSO Y SUJETO. Authors: JOSEANTONIO ROMAN BRUGNOLI. Keywords: AI-1061250. Issue Date: 2007. Publisher: ...
... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item:\. T... more ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Title: LO QUE LAS METAFORAS OBRAN FURTIVAMENTE: DISCURSO Y SUJETO. Authors: JOSEANTONIO ROMAN BRUGNOLI. Keywords: AI-1061250. Issue Date: 2007. Publisher: ...
Qualitative Sociology, 2023
This article presents original findings from a longitudinal qualitative study on changes in indiv... more This article presents original findings from a longitudinal qualitative study on changes in individual and family life associated with safety and health measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic in three regions of Chile. We developed a methodological approach based on multimodal diaries in a mobile application, in which participants submitted photographs and texts to express changes in their daily lives under residential confinement. Content and semiotic visual analyses show a significant loss in instances of collective recreation, partially compensated through new personal and productive activities performed at home. Our results suggest that modal diaries serve as potential tools to capture people's perceptions and meanings as their lives go through exceptional and traumatic times. We assert that using digital and mobile technologies in qualitative studies could allow subjects to actively participate in the co-construction of fieldwork and produce quality knowledge from their situated perspectives.
Revista médica de Chile, 2012
Evaluation of the educational environment in medical specialty programs Background: The Postgradu... more Evaluation of the educational environment in medical specialty programs Background: The Postgraduate Hospital Education Environment Measure (PHEEM) questionnaire, is a valid and reliable instrument to measure the educational environment (EE) in postgraduate medical education. Aim: To evaluate the EE perceived by the residents of a postgraduate training program using the PHEEM. Material and Methods: The PHEEM was applied in 2010-2011 in 35 specialty programs. We calculated their individual results and compared means of both global and individual domain scores of the PHEEM, by gender, university of origin and nationality. Cronbach's alpha coefficients and D study (Generalizability theory) were performed for reliability. Results: Three hundred eighteen residents were surveyed (75.7% of the total universe). The mean score of the PHEEM was 105.09 ± 22.46 (65.7% of the maximal score) which is considered a positive EE. The instrument is highly reliable (Cronbach´s alpha = 0.934). The D study found that 15 subjects are required to obtain reliable results (G coefficient = 0.813). There were no significant differences between gender and university of origin. Foreigners evaluated better the EE than Chileans and racism was not perceived. The programs showed a safe physical environment and teachers with good clinical skills. The negative aspects perceived were a lack of information about working hours, insufficient academic counseling, and scanty time left for extracurricular activities. Conclusions: This questionnaire allowed us to identify positive aspects of the EE, and areas to be improved in the specialty programs. The PHEEM is a useful instrument to evaluate the EE in Spanish-speaking participants of medical specialty programs.
Medical Teacher, 2012
Background: Students' perceptions of their educational environment (EE) have been studied in unde... more Background: Students' perceptions of their educational environment (EE) have been studied in undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. Postgraduate EE has been measured in hospital settings. However, there are no instruments available to measure the EE in postgraduate ambulatory settings. Aim: The aim of this study was to develop the ''Ambulatory Care Learning Education Environment Measure'' (ACLEEM). Methods: A mixed methodology was used including three stages: (1) Grounded theory (focus groups); (2) Delphi technique to identify consensus; and (3) Pilot study. Results: Three quota samples of approximately 60 stakeholders were formed, one as Focus Groups and two as Delphi panels. Eight focus groups were carried out including 58 residents (Latin-American Spanish speakers). The results were analysed and 173 items were offered to a National Delphi panel (61 residents and teachers). They reduced in two rounds the number of important items to 54. The 54-item questionnaire was then piloted with 63 residents and refined to the final version of the ACLEEM with 50 items and three domains. Conclusions: The 50-item inventory is a valid instrument to measure the EE in postgraduate ambulatory setting in Chile. Largescale administration of the ACLEEM questionnaire to evaluate its construct validity and reliability are the next steps to test the psychometric properties of the instrument.
Polis (Santiago)
La COVID-19 ha generado una crisis sociosanitaria y económica que ha demando la colaboración entr... more La COVID-19 ha generado una crisis sociosanitaria y económica que ha demando la colaboración entre diversas instituciones a escala global y nacional, así como la construcción de un sentido colectivo que promueva el cumplimiento de las medidas sociosanitarias impulsadas por los gobiernos. Esta solidaridad pandémica se ha invocado como un recurso colectivo para la gestión de la pandemia. Sin embargo, esta noción de la solidaridad es ambigua respecto a su significado, su contenido específico y las condiciones que posibiliten su implementación. Este artículo contribuye a este debate a partir de un enfoque centrado en las experiencias personales de la pandemia, indagando en el sentido que las personas le atribuyen a esta solidaridad y las descripciones y evaluaciones que realizan sobre sus condiciones de posibilidad. Estas interrogantes se abordan a partir de una investigación cualitativa realizada en cuatro regiones de Chile, cuyos resultados muestran que para los entrevistados la solid...
Revista Polis, 2022
La COVID-19 ha generado una crisis sociosanitaria y económica que ha demando la colaboración entr... more La COVID-19 ha generado una crisis sociosanitaria y económica que ha demando la colaboración entre diversas instituciones a escala global y nacional, así como la construcción de un sentido colectivo que promueva el cumplimiento de las medidas sociosanitarias impulsadas por los gobiernos. Esta solidaridad pandémica se ha invocado como un recurso colectivo para la gestión de la pandemia. Sin embargo, esta noción de la solidaridad es ambigua respecto a su significado, su contenido específico y las condiciones que posibiliten su implementación. Este artículo contribuye a este debate a partir de un enfoque centrado en las experiencias personales de la pandemia, indagando en el sentido que las personas le atribuyen a esta solidaridad y las descripciones y evaluaciones que realizan sobre sus condiciones de posibilidad. Estas interrogantes se abordan a partir de una investigación cualitativa realizada en cuatro regiones de Chile, cuyos resultados muestran que para los entrevistados la solidaridad pandémica se define a partir de un sentido moral de responsabilidad con el cuidado colectivo, el cual depende principalmente de tres dimensiones interrelacionadas: la institucionalización de la solidaridad, la gestión gubernamental y los desafíos asociados a la práctica colectiva e interpersonal en el seguimiento de las medidas sociosanitarias
Im folgenden Beitrag sollen einige Konzepte und Ideen aus FOUCAULTs Denken mit Uberlegungen ander... more Im folgenden Beitrag sollen einige Konzepte und Ideen aus FOUCAULTs Denken mit Uberlegungen anderer Theoretiker, die ihn zweifellos gelesen haben, verbunden werden, um eine sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektive voranzutreiben, die sich durch die Erforschung von Metaphern der Analyse von Sprache und Wissen widmet. Konkret geht es darum, einen "metaphernanalytischen Ansatz" zur empirischen Bearbeitung des Zusammenhangs von Diskurs, sozialer Subjektwerdung und Subjektivierung vorzuschlagen. Mit einer solchen metaphorisch-metonymischen Annaherung an das Feld des sozialen Wissens kann die Wechselwirkung zwischen Diskurs und der sozialen Subjektwerdung aufgespurt werden. Der erste Teil des Artikels weist die Bezuge zu Michel FOUCAULTs Werk aus und entwickelt entsprechend die Fragestellung. Der zweite Teil beschreibt die methodischen Uberlegungen hin zu einem umfassenden Modell fur Metaphernanalysen in qualitativen Untersuchung. Im dritten Teil wird die Anwendung dieses Modells ill...
Quaderns de Psicologia, 2020
Psykhe, Jul 25, 2011
The following qualitative research project explores some contemporary issues dealing with the rel... more The following qualitative research project explores some contemporary issues dealing with the relationship between subjectivity and employment retention practices through a narrative methodology, on the basis of a situated knowledge framework, and discourse analysis. It presents the analysis of five situated narratives, corresponding to individuals with different situations regarding work and employment in Barcelona. Also, this critical reflection on the present social question entails a revision of some point of views in the social sciences regarding the questions of work and employment. Its objective is to propose a new understanding and approach to the problem of the relationship between subject and work in everyday life.
Psykhe, Jul 24, 2011
El objetivo principal del estudio fue evaluar el efecto del empleo sobre el bienestar psicologico... more El objetivo principal del estudio fue evaluar el efecto del empleo sobre el bienestar psicologico de un grupo ocupacional constituido mayoritariamente por mujeres, desde la perspectiva del modelo de expansion de papeles y, especificamente, por efecto de la combinacion de papeles tradicionales y empleo. Se diseno un estudio de recoleccion de datos transversal de acuerdo con la metodologia correlacional, en una muestra de 300 enfermeras del sector publico de salud chileno. El bienestar psicologico fue evaluado con el Cuestionario General de Salud Goldberg (1972), y las demas variables con un cuestionario disenado ad hoc. Los resultados indican que la variable laboral turnos rotatorios se relaciona directamente con bienestar psicologico. Un analisis multivariante realizado sugiere que para el grupo de mujeres con pareja estable conviviente los turnos rotatorios explican el 43% de la varianza en el puntaje total del Cuestionario General de Salud. Los hallazgos se discuten y se presenta un analisis de las limitaciones de este estudio y sus implicancias para futuras investigaciones.
Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 2015
In recent years, solidarity has become problematized on three major fronts: the weakening of the ... more In recent years, solidarity has become problematized on three major fronts: the weakening of the Welfare State and the growing hegemony of the neoliberal model, the question of social cohesion at the globalization of market society, and from critical questions about the role of the concept of solidarity in these social transformations. This article aims to contribute to the debate on the first two fronts from an investigation that began in this last front: the basic semiotic operations in the solidarity advertising promotes a solidarity that is akin to a neoliberal discourse and a form of social cohesion in the market society. For this we performed a sociosemiotic analysis of 598 solidarity ads, we describe the use of resources and strategies for brand advertising, that appropriate the semiotic field of solidarity, contributing to the creation of a market of solidarity, a solidarity a la carte and an altruistic consumer.
Persona Y Sociedad, 2004
Page 1. Conflicto y equilibrio en la relación trabajo-familia: un estudio con mujeres trabajadora... more Page 1. Conflicto y equilibrio en la relación trabajo-familia: un estudio con mujeres trabajadoras por cuenta propia1 José Antonio Román Brugnoli2 Cecilia Avendaño Bravo3 Alemka Tomicic Suñer4 Resumen 4 En este artículo ...
... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item:\. T... more ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Title: LO QUE LAS METAFORAS OBRAN FURTIVAMENTE: DISCURSO Y SUJETO. Authors: JOSEANTONIO ROMAN BRUGNOLI. Keywords: AI-1061250. Issue Date: 2007. Publisher: ...
... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item:\. T... more ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Title: LO QUE LAS METAFORAS OBRAN FURTIVAMENTE: DISCURSO Y SUJETO. Authors: JOSEANTONIO ROMAN BRUGNOLI. Keywords: AI-1061250. Issue Date: 2007. Publisher: ...
La Grounded Theory (Teoría Fundada) es una aproximación dentro de las metodologías cualitativas q... more La Grounded Theory (Teoría Fundada) es una aproximación dentro de las metodologías cualitativas que fue desarrollada por Barney Glaser y Anselm Strauss, ambos sociólogos. Strauss proviene de la Universidad de Chicago la cual tiene una larga tradición en investigación cualitativa.