Jose Luis Oliveira - (original) (raw)

Papers by Jose Luis Oliveira

Research paper thumbnail of Screening Radiation Exposure for Quality Assurance

Studies in health technology and informatics, 2014

Quality assurance for planned radiation exposure situations (e.g. Digital Radiography, Computed T... more Quality assurance for planned radiation exposure situations (e.g. Digital Radiography, Computed Tomography or Radio Fluoroscopic studies) requires the application of examination-specific scans protocols. These are tailored to patient age or size, body region and clinical indication for ensuring that the dose applied to each patient is as low as reasonably achievable for the clinical purpose of the image acquisition (ALARA principle). The European legal framework--2013/59/EURATOM--points that health authorities will be more pervasive on inspecting the dosimetry applied to patients. This paper discusses these legal alterations and presents an interoperable distributed system for dose monitoring, which is compliant with legal procedures and the IHE Radiation Exposure Monitoring profile (REM). The system combines the most representative stakeholders affected and directly interested in the patient radiological protection: patients, radiologists, practitioners, health authorities, and eth...

Research paper thumbnail of Email-P2P Gateway to Distributed Medical Imaging Repositories

For the healthcare professionals the importance of the medical imaging as a diagnostic tool is un... more For the healthcare professionals the importance of the medical imaging as a diagnostic tool is undeniable. For this reason, industry and research organizations increased significantly their interest in the medical imaging area, trying to deliver solutions for creating, storing, exchanging and displaying medical images. The raise of hardware and software solutions drove the community of vendors to gradually decrease the price of his solutions. As consequence, there was a rise of small imaging centres competing with bigger healthcare institutions. The market offers drives the patients to move across a wide range of healthcare institutions to undergo all the necessary exams. Producing a great amount of medical data dispersed over several institutions. This scenario of isolated islands of images repositories unable of interacting with each other is, in our opinion, propitious to a peer-to-peer (P2P) archive solution. Until now, medical exams (images and studies) have been exchanged thro...

Research paper thumbnail of GeneBrowser: an approach for integration and functional classification of genomic data

Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 2007

Summary The achievements coming from genome analysis depend greatly on the quality of computation... more Summary The achievements coming from genome analysis depend greatly on the quality of computational and processing methods. Tools for functional mRNA profiling and for gene information integration have become essential to this task. We have developed GeneBrowser as a novel approach that combines the advantages of mRNA profiling tools, at genome-scale experiments, with the features provided by data integration systems. For a given set of genes, GeneBrowser integrates bibliography information with functional annotations, using Gene Ontology, Entrez Gene, KEGG Orthology and KEGG Pathways. The result is a comprehensive and easy to use web application that helps researchers to extract knowledge from large data sets and to speed up the discovery process.Availability: GeneBrowser is freely available at

Research paper thumbnail of Balanço mineral das espécies pratenses na ilha de São Miguel

Revista de Ciencias Agrarias

In order to estimate the mineral balance of pasture's species on Sao Miguel Island, samples o... more In order to estimate the mineral balance of pasture's species on Sao Miguel Island, samples of 32 taxa were collected in teh 4 phytossociological most important types of artificial permanent pastures and their mineral contents on K, P, Na, Mg, Ca, Fe, Zn, and Mn determined. The relative capacity of mineral absorption was calculated through the specific modification index (I.M.S.), relative specific coefficient (C.R.S.) and absorption index, for the dominant gramineous species (I.A.G.). As for pasture's species contributing to 80% of total biomass, we have compared their mineral contents and relative capacities of mineral absorption in the different types of phytossociological pastures and in different times: spring, summer and autumn. The great number of enriching species is obtained with the I.A.G., while the C.R.S. show more impoverishing or neutral species. For the I.M.S. and considering a certain mineral element, the species can maintain the same category regardless of t...

Research paper thumbnail of On Demand IHE XDS Document Registries on the Cloud

Research paper thumbnail of OralCard: a bioinformatic tool dedicated to the oral cavity system

ABSTRACT Rosa, N. Arrais, J. P. Melo, J. Coelho, E. D. Correia, M. J. Oliveira, J. L. Barros, M.

Research paper thumbnail of Executable Graphics for PBNM

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Normalizing medical imaging archives for dose quality assurance and productivity auditing

2014 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 2014

ABSTRACT Quality assurance for planned radiation exposure situations (e.g. x-ray, CT) requires th... more ABSTRACT Quality assurance for planned radiation exposure situations (e.g. x-ray, CT) requires the application of examination-specific scans tailored to patient age or size, body region and clinical indication for ensuring that the dose to each patient is as low as reasonably achievable for the clinical purpose of the image acquisition. Nevertheless, assuring quality implies a heavy manual labor to measure and optimize care services flow. There are already several methodologies and protocols that can be used to achieve this objective. However, the continuous monitoring of quality indicators is still not performed in many healthcare centers. The challenge is to find a way to analyze these metrics in an efficient, effective and convenient manner. Moreover, these results are not often shared, due to confidentiality and privacy of patients and medical staff. In this paper, we propose a methodology and a software tool to aggregate and normalize the monitoring data from distinct points, in order to collect indicators, namely about productivity, efficiency and dose usage, factors that are crucial for benchmarking and for improving the quality of protocol procedures. To evaluate the effectiveness of our solution, several results were collected from two medical institutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Architecture evaluation for the implementation of a regional integrated electronic health record

Studies in health technology and informatics, 2005

The interconnection between different healthcare information systems is not yet a trivial task. S... more The interconnection between different healthcare information systems is not yet a trivial task. Solid communication infrastructures do exist, solid solutions for Health Information Systems (HIS) are installed, but, unfortunately, too many different solutions hinder the integration of HIS at a regional, national or European level.In this paper we propose a solution and an implementation of an Integrated Electronic Health Record that is a composition of two distinct integration models - centralized and distributed. We exploit this solution against a set of predefined users and institutional requirements, at a regional level in two Portuguese regions. As a conclusion, an evaluation of the cost and inherent benefits is made involving the clinical, economical and organizational perspectives.

Research paper thumbnail of Mercury desorption from contaminated sediments

Water Air & Soil Pollution, 1991

... R57.1-R57.12. Hall, A., Duarte, AC, and Lucas, MF: 1987a, Sci. Tot(d Environ.64, 75. ... 507-... more ... R57.1-R57.12. Hall, A., Duarte, AC, and Lucas, MF: 1987a, Sci. Tot(d Environ.64, 75. ... 507-512. t[atc]l, WR and Ott, WL: 1968. A~zal. Chem. 40, 2085. Lucas, MF, Caldeira, MT, Ilall, A., Duarte, A. (ialld Lima, C.: 1986, IVat. Sci. Tech. 18, 141. Overbeek, J. Th. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rightward cerebral asymmetry in subtypes of schizophrenia according to Leonhard's classification and to DSM-IV: a structural MRI study

Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 2003

Although well documented, brain structural abnormalities in schizophrenia are non-specific, and m... more Although well documented, brain structural abnormalities in schizophrenia are non-specific, and morphometric parameters show significant overlap between patients and healthy controls. Such inconsistencies in neuroimaging findings could represent different levels of severity along a single pathogenic process or distinct clinical and etiopathological psychoses within a schizophrenic spectrum. The aim of the present study was the investigation of distinct brain abnormalities in different subtypes of schizophrenia. Forty patients were classified according to DSM-IV and Leonhard's classifications. Psychopathology was assessed by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and the Negative Symptom Rating Scale (NSRS). Patients were compared to 20 healthy volunteers on volumetric measures of cerebral structures (hemisphere, hippocampus and planum temporale) and ventricular-brain ratio (VBR) obtained by magnetic resonance imaging. Patients showed rightward asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres and increased VBR. Rightward asymmetry correlated with severity of negative symptoms and prevailed in the systematic forms of Leonhard, suggesting a distinct pattern of left hemisphere abnormality in this subgroup of psychoses. Increased VBR values showed a single normal distribution in the subgroups, indicating that ventricular enlargement is not restricted to a subgroup but is present to a certain degree in all cases.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study of the degradation of real textile effluents by photocatalytic reactions involving UV/TiO2/H2O2 and UV/Fe2+/H2O2 systems

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Dicoogle - an Open Source Peer-to-Peer PACS

Journal of Digital Imaging, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Contribuição para o estudo da flora e vegetação da Ilha do Pico (Açores)

... JOS~ Brand50 OLIVEIRA (I) MARTA 1030 PEREIRA GRACEIE Belo MACE (I) RAUL J. BRUM (2) DUARTE S.... more ... JOS~ Brand50 OLIVEIRA (I) MARTA 1030 PEREIRA GRACEIE Belo MACE (I) RAUL J. BRUM (2) DUARTE S. FUKTADO (11 (I) Departmento de Biologia, Universidade dos Aptes Rua da ML de Deus, 58. P-9502 PONTA DELGADA codex. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Scientific papers: a transcontinental telemedicine platform for cardiovascular ultrasound

… and Health Care, 2002

Google, Inc. (search). ...

Research paper thumbnail of A New User-Oriented Model to Manage Multiple Digital Credentials

one of the first true Java-based smart chip USB solutions to address the growing interest in pre-... more one of the first true Java-based smart chip USB solutions to address the growing interest in pre-and post-issuance of applets and digital credentials. Java standards-based smart chip tokens supports multiple applications and promise economies of scale as well as ease of use for administrators and end users. The security features that make the USB tokens the strongest container for private keys and digital credentials are also very appealing. RSA SecurID 6100 USB Tokens offer a highly secure, tamper-resistant and mobile container for digital certificates and user information, as well as other critical applications. This simple form factor makes it easy for users to carry credentials with them — whether across the enterprise or across the country — allowing both local and remote access to information on networks or the web. RSA SecurID 6100 USB Tokens help enable organizations to integrate strong two-factor authentication into their logical systems, thereby establishing a higher level of trust into their e-business environment. RSA SecurID 6100 USB Tokens help enable organizations to replace insecure and unmanageable password authentication systems for various applications , including the web and VPN environments. An organization's return on investment can be greatly enhanced by expanding the functionality of USB tokens through the extensibility of digital certificates as well as with Java-based applets. The use of digital certificates can be extended beyond strong authenti-cation to enable digital signing and encrypting/decrypting of e-mail and e-forms while the use of applets for employee loyalty programs and cash value systems can provide additional value to organizations. Issuance and updates to digital certificates and applets can be accomplished as needed and remain transparent to the end user — thereby enhancing the user experience. Designed to • Provide secure, portable repository for certificates, key sets, RSA SecurID ® seed records, passwords & applets • Plug directly into the USB port without the use of a reader • Enable strong two-factor authentication to VPN and web environments, as well as digital signing for e-mail & e-forms • Integrate out-of-the-box with RSA SecurID ® Passage • Provide support for Java ® applets RSA SecurID ® 6100 USB Tokens combine the convenience of a plug-and-play USB device with the optimal secure storage of digital credentials on a standards-based Java ® platform. The RSA SecurID 6100 USB Token is a portable, secure and extensible authentication solution for all applications and web services.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards transactional integrity issues in policy based network management systems

Research paper thumbnail of Modelo de Integração de Aplicações Distribuídas e não Colaborantes

Research paper thumbnail of Redes Ethernet: de 1 Mbit a 1 Gbit

Research paper thumbnail of Visual Composition of Management Policies

Research paper thumbnail of Screening Radiation Exposure for Quality Assurance

Studies in health technology and informatics, 2014

Quality assurance for planned radiation exposure situations (e.g. Digital Radiography, Computed T... more Quality assurance for planned radiation exposure situations (e.g. Digital Radiography, Computed Tomography or Radio Fluoroscopic studies) requires the application of examination-specific scans protocols. These are tailored to patient age or size, body region and clinical indication for ensuring that the dose applied to each patient is as low as reasonably achievable for the clinical purpose of the image acquisition (ALARA principle). The European legal framework--2013/59/EURATOM--points that health authorities will be more pervasive on inspecting the dosimetry applied to patients. This paper discusses these legal alterations and presents an interoperable distributed system for dose monitoring, which is compliant with legal procedures and the IHE Radiation Exposure Monitoring profile (REM). The system combines the most representative stakeholders affected and directly interested in the patient radiological protection: patients, radiologists, practitioners, health authorities, and eth...

Research paper thumbnail of Email-P2P Gateway to Distributed Medical Imaging Repositories

For the healthcare professionals the importance of the medical imaging as a diagnostic tool is un... more For the healthcare professionals the importance of the medical imaging as a diagnostic tool is undeniable. For this reason, industry and research organizations increased significantly their interest in the medical imaging area, trying to deliver solutions for creating, storing, exchanging and displaying medical images. The raise of hardware and software solutions drove the community of vendors to gradually decrease the price of his solutions. As consequence, there was a rise of small imaging centres competing with bigger healthcare institutions. The market offers drives the patients to move across a wide range of healthcare institutions to undergo all the necessary exams. Producing a great amount of medical data dispersed over several institutions. This scenario of isolated islands of images repositories unable of interacting with each other is, in our opinion, propitious to a peer-to-peer (P2P) archive solution. Until now, medical exams (images and studies) have been exchanged thro...

Research paper thumbnail of GeneBrowser: an approach for integration and functional classification of genomic data

Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 2007

Summary The achievements coming from genome analysis depend greatly on the quality of computation... more Summary The achievements coming from genome analysis depend greatly on the quality of computational and processing methods. Tools for functional mRNA profiling and for gene information integration have become essential to this task. We have developed GeneBrowser as a novel approach that combines the advantages of mRNA profiling tools, at genome-scale experiments, with the features provided by data integration systems. For a given set of genes, GeneBrowser integrates bibliography information with functional annotations, using Gene Ontology, Entrez Gene, KEGG Orthology and KEGG Pathways. The result is a comprehensive and easy to use web application that helps researchers to extract knowledge from large data sets and to speed up the discovery process.Availability: GeneBrowser is freely available at

Research paper thumbnail of Balanço mineral das espécies pratenses na ilha de São Miguel

Revista de Ciencias Agrarias

In order to estimate the mineral balance of pasture's species on Sao Miguel Island, samples o... more In order to estimate the mineral balance of pasture's species on Sao Miguel Island, samples of 32 taxa were collected in teh 4 phytossociological most important types of artificial permanent pastures and their mineral contents on K, P, Na, Mg, Ca, Fe, Zn, and Mn determined. The relative capacity of mineral absorption was calculated through the specific modification index (I.M.S.), relative specific coefficient (C.R.S.) and absorption index, for the dominant gramineous species (I.A.G.). As for pasture's species contributing to 80% of total biomass, we have compared their mineral contents and relative capacities of mineral absorption in the different types of phytossociological pastures and in different times: spring, summer and autumn. The great number of enriching species is obtained with the I.A.G., while the C.R.S. show more impoverishing or neutral species. For the I.M.S. and considering a certain mineral element, the species can maintain the same category regardless of t...

Research paper thumbnail of On Demand IHE XDS Document Registries on the Cloud

Research paper thumbnail of OralCard: a bioinformatic tool dedicated to the oral cavity system

ABSTRACT Rosa, N. Arrais, J. P. Melo, J. Coelho, E. D. Correia, M. J. Oliveira, J. L. Barros, M.

Research paper thumbnail of Executable Graphics for PBNM

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Normalizing medical imaging archives for dose quality assurance and productivity auditing

2014 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 2014

ABSTRACT Quality assurance for planned radiation exposure situations (e.g. x-ray, CT) requires th... more ABSTRACT Quality assurance for planned radiation exposure situations (e.g. x-ray, CT) requires the application of examination-specific scans tailored to patient age or size, body region and clinical indication for ensuring that the dose to each patient is as low as reasonably achievable for the clinical purpose of the image acquisition. Nevertheless, assuring quality implies a heavy manual labor to measure and optimize care services flow. There are already several methodologies and protocols that can be used to achieve this objective. However, the continuous monitoring of quality indicators is still not performed in many healthcare centers. The challenge is to find a way to analyze these metrics in an efficient, effective and convenient manner. Moreover, these results are not often shared, due to confidentiality and privacy of patients and medical staff. In this paper, we propose a methodology and a software tool to aggregate and normalize the monitoring data from distinct points, in order to collect indicators, namely about productivity, efficiency and dose usage, factors that are crucial for benchmarking and for improving the quality of protocol procedures. To evaluate the effectiveness of our solution, several results were collected from two medical institutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Architecture evaluation for the implementation of a regional integrated electronic health record

Studies in health technology and informatics, 2005

The interconnection between different healthcare information systems is not yet a trivial task. S... more The interconnection between different healthcare information systems is not yet a trivial task. Solid communication infrastructures do exist, solid solutions for Health Information Systems (HIS) are installed, but, unfortunately, too many different solutions hinder the integration of HIS at a regional, national or European level.In this paper we propose a solution and an implementation of an Integrated Electronic Health Record that is a composition of two distinct integration models - centralized and distributed. We exploit this solution against a set of predefined users and institutional requirements, at a regional level in two Portuguese regions. As a conclusion, an evaluation of the cost and inherent benefits is made involving the clinical, economical and organizational perspectives.

Research paper thumbnail of Mercury desorption from contaminated sediments

Water Air & Soil Pollution, 1991

... R57.1-R57.12. Hall, A., Duarte, AC, and Lucas, MF: 1987a, Sci. Tot(d Environ.64, 75. ... 507-... more ... R57.1-R57.12. Hall, A., Duarte, AC, and Lucas, MF: 1987a, Sci. Tot(d Environ.64, 75. ... 507-512. t[atc]l, WR and Ott, WL: 1968. A~zal. Chem. 40, 2085. Lucas, MF, Caldeira, MT, Ilall, A., Duarte, A. (ialld Lima, C.: 1986, IVat. Sci. Tech. 18, 141. Overbeek, J. Th. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rightward cerebral asymmetry in subtypes of schizophrenia according to Leonhard's classification and to DSM-IV: a structural MRI study

Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 2003

Although well documented, brain structural abnormalities in schizophrenia are non-specific, and m... more Although well documented, brain structural abnormalities in schizophrenia are non-specific, and morphometric parameters show significant overlap between patients and healthy controls. Such inconsistencies in neuroimaging findings could represent different levels of severity along a single pathogenic process or distinct clinical and etiopathological psychoses within a schizophrenic spectrum. The aim of the present study was the investigation of distinct brain abnormalities in different subtypes of schizophrenia. Forty patients were classified according to DSM-IV and Leonhard's classifications. Psychopathology was assessed by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and the Negative Symptom Rating Scale (NSRS). Patients were compared to 20 healthy volunteers on volumetric measures of cerebral structures (hemisphere, hippocampus and planum temporale) and ventricular-brain ratio (VBR) obtained by magnetic resonance imaging. Patients showed rightward asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres and increased VBR. Rightward asymmetry correlated with severity of negative symptoms and prevailed in the systematic forms of Leonhard, suggesting a distinct pattern of left hemisphere abnormality in this subgroup of psychoses. Increased VBR values showed a single normal distribution in the subgroups, indicating that ventricular enlargement is not restricted to a subgroup but is present to a certain degree in all cases.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study of the degradation of real textile effluents by photocatalytic reactions involving UV/TiO2/H2O2 and UV/Fe2+/H2O2 systems

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Dicoogle - an Open Source Peer-to-Peer PACS

Journal of Digital Imaging, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Contribuição para o estudo da flora e vegetação da Ilha do Pico (Açores)

... JOS~ Brand50 OLIVEIRA (I) MARTA 1030 PEREIRA GRACEIE Belo MACE (I) RAUL J. BRUM (2) DUARTE S.... more ... JOS~ Brand50 OLIVEIRA (I) MARTA 1030 PEREIRA GRACEIE Belo MACE (I) RAUL J. BRUM (2) DUARTE S. FUKTADO (11 (I) Departmento de Biologia, Universidade dos Aptes Rua da ML de Deus, 58. P-9502 PONTA DELGADA codex. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Scientific papers: a transcontinental telemedicine platform for cardiovascular ultrasound

… and Health Care, 2002

Google, Inc. (search). ...

Research paper thumbnail of A New User-Oriented Model to Manage Multiple Digital Credentials

one of the first true Java-based smart chip USB solutions to address the growing interest in pre-... more one of the first true Java-based smart chip USB solutions to address the growing interest in pre-and post-issuance of applets and digital credentials. Java standards-based smart chip tokens supports multiple applications and promise economies of scale as well as ease of use for administrators and end users. The security features that make the USB tokens the strongest container for private keys and digital credentials are also very appealing. RSA SecurID 6100 USB Tokens offer a highly secure, tamper-resistant and mobile container for digital certificates and user information, as well as other critical applications. This simple form factor makes it easy for users to carry credentials with them — whether across the enterprise or across the country — allowing both local and remote access to information on networks or the web. RSA SecurID 6100 USB Tokens help enable organizations to integrate strong two-factor authentication into their logical systems, thereby establishing a higher level of trust into their e-business environment. RSA SecurID 6100 USB Tokens help enable organizations to replace insecure and unmanageable password authentication systems for various applications , including the web and VPN environments. An organization's return on investment can be greatly enhanced by expanding the functionality of USB tokens through the extensibility of digital certificates as well as with Java-based applets. The use of digital certificates can be extended beyond strong authenti-cation to enable digital signing and encrypting/decrypting of e-mail and e-forms while the use of applets for employee loyalty programs and cash value systems can provide additional value to organizations. Issuance and updates to digital certificates and applets can be accomplished as needed and remain transparent to the end user — thereby enhancing the user experience. Designed to • Provide secure, portable repository for certificates, key sets, RSA SecurID ® seed records, passwords & applets • Plug directly into the USB port without the use of a reader • Enable strong two-factor authentication to VPN and web environments, as well as digital signing for e-mail & e-forms • Integrate out-of-the-box with RSA SecurID ® Passage • Provide support for Java ® applets RSA SecurID ® 6100 USB Tokens combine the convenience of a plug-and-play USB device with the optimal secure storage of digital credentials on a standards-based Java ® platform. The RSA SecurID 6100 USB Token is a portable, secure and extensible authentication solution for all applications and web services.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards transactional integrity issues in policy based network management systems

Research paper thumbnail of Modelo de Integração de Aplicações Distribuídas e não Colaborantes

Research paper thumbnail of Redes Ethernet: de 1 Mbit a 1 Gbit

Research paper thumbnail of Visual Composition of Management Policies