Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences JIS (original) (raw)

Papers by Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences JIS

Research paper thumbnail of A-Editorial

Dear Readers, We are again thrilled to announce our current publication of Volume 8, Issue 1- Ma... more Dear Readers,
We are again thrilled to announce our current publication of Volume 8, Issue 1- May 2024.
Within the academic and scientific journey of consistency publication have gained multiple
experiences with the authors and reviewers, which the Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences
(JIS) will always appreciate and have learned to move extra miles. Moreover, sometimes,
there are authors whose submission may not have been accepted either during the editorial
review and in the initial screening phase or by the reviewers, we also highly appreciate those
authors for considering JIS for publication platform.
A journey in research is not always simple and there are multiple issues that relates to
inconsistency in scientific and academic realm, however, JIS is determined in promoting to
enrich the beautiful minds and towards intelligent minds, for which authors whose articles
were not accepted on any of the occasions, we are here to help to create an avenue if
scientific and academic construction are further developed of those articles. We are also
creating open access platform for the readers offering free download of current and archived
articles, although, the JIS is a social contributor and receives no funding from any other
organization, the editor is solely supporting the JIS for being academically responsible for the
authors, readers, scientists, researchers, students and to all around the globe for academic
enrichment. JIS proudly stand to appreciate all the authors so far who have trusted JIS and
have published their articles during the journey from 2017 to 2024.
Our next issue will be published in November 2024 and we invite researchers, managers,
leaders, scientists, students and others for paper submission. The call for paper submission is
also announced in the journal’s announcement portal
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) is an online open access journal, which offers
free submissions, free publication and open access to download its published research paper
from the journal’s website
It is recommended that all author(s) submitting their manuscript to JIS are advised to read the
author guidelines from the journal website
Let us join and collaborate together to ENRICH the BEAUTIFUL MINDS
Mani Man Singh Rajbhandari. Ph.D.
Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS)

Research paper thumbnail of The Axis of Misinformation: Evaluating the X axis and Y axis of Misinformative Graphs

Volume 8, Issue 1, 2024

Misleading graphs spread misinformation under the guise of scientific legitimacy. While researche... more Misleading graphs spread misinformation under the guise of scientific legitimacy. While researchers have evaluated the importance of x axis and y axis truncation, there is currently limited research comparing properly scaled informative infographics and improperly scaled misinformative infographics. By comparing infographics that spread correct information and infographics that spread misinformation, we may better understand the presentation of x/y axis truncation to spread misinformation. Anti-vaccine graphic misinformation is a current and present health danger. While vaccines are safe and prevent the spread of disease, anti-vaccine rhetoric is effective at dissuading parents from vaccinating their children. Specifically, anti-vaccine organizations argue that vaccines recommended for children, such as the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, are directly dangerous. The use of misleading graphs further lends credibility to anti-vaccine beliefs. Understanding the use of a truncated x/y axis when spreading misinformation about vaccines allows information seekers to avoid misinformation.

Research paper thumbnail of Finality and the Demystification of Entanglement

Volume 8, Issue 1, 2024

This paper presents the thesis that the concept of finite quantized (not infinitely subdividable)... more This paper presents the thesis that the concept of finite quantized (not infinitely subdividable) spacetime is the missing element of reality, the hidden variable that can provide an explanation for so-called nonlocality that is simple and plausible. Furthermore, it can furnish a view of this action at a distance in a manner that preserves the principle of locality. In addition, this work explores some of the other implications of this view of spacetime.

Research paper thumbnail of Interdisciplinary Comments Highlighting the Importance of Supra-Microbiological Approaches to Covid-19 Pandemic

Volume 8, Issue 1, 2024

This article explores the links between the Covid-19 pandemic and the principles of biology using... more This article explores the links between the Covid-19 pandemic and the principles of biology using applied physics as a common analytical framework. Such links involve supramicrobiological questions: (i) Does the interaction humans ↔ pandemics fit the mainstream of evolutionary biology? (ii) Why does there appear to be an increase in pandemic frequency? (iii) Why are these pandemics preferentially emerging in the Far East? (iv) Why do the populations of zones that belong to the same economic system react differently to the same pandemics? v) Are there reasons to expect these outbreaks to become more frequent? Methodologically speaking, this article is simple: interdisciplinary links are established and statistical procedures based on data extracted from international institutions are interspersed in order to support the respective interdisciplinary link. The results suggest that (a) zoonotic diseases do not coincide with what is expected according to the orthodox Darwinian approach on at least two points (gradualism, and evolutionary process at the population scale); (b) socioeconomic niches and socio-diversity (the social equivalent of biodiversity) connected to them act as strong selective pressures either for or against pandemics; (c) socioeconomic development is equivalent to a drift from r to K in human systems, and as a result there is a drift from K to r in ecosystems, which favors a tendency to increase pandemic frequency; (d) eco-historical analysis indicates that those countries or areas that display a faster rate of economic growth act as socioeconomic Maxwell's demons that modulate, either voluntarily or involuntarily, the emergence of pandemics.

Research paper thumbnail of Reinventing Storytelling as a Management Training Tool for Scientists

Volume 8, Issue 1, 2024

This point of departure essay brings into discussion the connection between storytelling, science... more This point of departure essay brings into discussion the connection between storytelling, science and management. While the Biological Sciences field provides by default the technical training needed to acquire specific skills, the experts mastering these aptitudes are often faced in their career with challenges when transitioning to a managerial position. This is when scientists depart from the fascinating Biology realm to enter a world of soft skills needed to manage programs and lead teams. These management skills can be acquired by taking classes, learning from a mentor, or by other vetted academic means. There is however one seemingly long-lost resource that surpasses time, crosses continents, and overcomes language barriers as well as cultural differences. In this manuscript we reintroduce the art of storytelling as the most powerful tool of communication while we integrate examples used for management training of scientists. While the stories included are provided as examples in the context of learning management concepts in the work field, they can equally serve as effective teaching strategies in college classrooms. Storytelling fosters learning in a combined structured and improvisational setting that prepares students for real life situations encountered as they enter a continuously demanding work force.

Research paper thumbnail of How We Walked Together: A Story of Complementarity-Highlighting Doing, Being, Belonging and Becoming

Volume 8, Issue 1, 2024

Strait Islander people in 2017, issued an invitation to non-Indigenous Australians to 'walk with ... more Strait Islander people in 2017, issued an invitation to non-Indigenous Australians to 'walk with us in a movement of the Australian people for a better future'. This invitation spurred us to document what we believe is an example of such 'walking together', so that others may be encouraged to follow suit. Our story records this experience from two different Australian perspectives-Aboriginal and settler-and encompasses a working and personal relationship. We have used storytelling as our conceptual framework because this is a common and powerful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander process of passing on all manner of knowledge, practice and philosophy. These three components interact in our story, conveying ways in which people from different cultures can learn and change through sharing each other's history, cultural and life experiences. We use our occupational collaboration to detail seminal aspects of how this relationship ripenedthrough a willingness to learn, through mutual respect and trust. The article embraces a model of complementarity and assigns aspects of doing, being, becoming and belonging to the progress of our walk together. The conclusion outlines the value, particularly for settler Australians who may never have had contact with Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people, of attempting to instigate connections with individual people through shared humanity and dignity. We believe such partnerships, between everyday people as well as at a national level, will enhance many aspects of our daily lives and the future of our nation.

Research paper thumbnail of Interdisciplinary Sequences: A Conceptual Commentary

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial

Volume 7, Issue 2, November, 2023

Dear Readers, The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) wishes to announce the series publi... more Dear Readers, The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) wishes to announce the series publication of Volume 7, Issue 2 (November 2023). This issue include papers from interdisciplinary sciences from various discipline. Since the founding of the journal in 2017 until 2023, the academic journey have become very interesting in terms of academic collaboration, knowledge sharing and intellect transformations.
Our next issue will be published in May 2024 we invite researchers, managers, leaders, scientists, students and others for paper submission. The call for paper submission is also announced in the journal’s announcement portal
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) is an online open access journal, which offers free submissions, free publication and open access to download its published research paper from the journal’s website
It is recommended that all author(s) submitting their manuscript to JIS are advised to read the author guidelines from the journal website Let us join and collaborate together to ENRICH the BEAUTIFUL MINDS TOWARDS INTELLIGENT MINDS Mani Man Singh Rajbhandari. Ph.D. Founder and Editor-in-Chief Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS)

Research paper thumbnail of Could Interdisciplinary Research be a Way to Re-think the Organization of Volunteers

Volume 7, Issue 2, November, 2023

Volunteering is a global phenomenon and different type of volunteers can be found in different ty... more Volunteering is a global phenomenon and different type of volunteers can be found in different types of organizations. Societal changes in how people volunteer and in how organizations use volunteers have made researchers call for a reexamining of organizing of volunteers. Therefore, this study aims to explore how different types of volunteering are organized in different types of organizations. The study uses an interdisciplinary research (IDR) approach with two perspectives, which in this paper are called Volunteer management (VM) and Volunteer coordination (VC). Four different Swedish organizations with different type of volunteers, two different types of sports organizations, one social organization and an entrepreneurial network are used as cases. The data consists of 18 interviews with project managers and volunteers. The data is analyzed in three IDRinspired steps using both qualitative and quantitative analyses. This study reveals that understanding how to organize volunteering benefits from viewing volunteer organization in a proposed twodimensional model. This model includes management strategies in different phases as well as relational perspectives and strikes a balance between organizational structure and climate. Merging research traditions can contribute to new knowledge in a changing society. Voluntary organizations need to work with everyday structures that allow them the flexibility to develop a sustainable volunteer organization by both managing and coordinating their volunteers.

Research paper thumbnail of Are we headed to Room 101?

Volume 7, Issue 2, November, 2023

1984, written in 1949 by George Orwell, is a dystopian novel about the future of society under to... more 1984, written in 1949 by George Orwell, is a dystopian novel about the future of society under totalitarian rule after some sort of nuclear confrontation between the major super powers in the world (at that time). Even though the world described by Orwell has not come to be, could his writing nonetheless be predictive of the decline of democracy and freedom in the United States? Is it possible that the U.S. will fall under totalitarian rule? Do the current trends indicate this is the case? Are the appropriate mechanisms in place to allow such a change? To answer these questions, a convergent mixed-methods methodology was used. The qualitative portion includes the analysis and integration of theories from the various disciplines. The quantitative portion includes historical trend analysis and recent observations. In addition, findings of past studies involving applicable disciplinary theories will be included in the analysis. The results indicate that the United States is susceptible and does exhibit many troubling tendencies. However, a glimmer of hope exists as long as the two ideologically opposed major parties continue to trade power.

Research paper thumbnail of Is the Platform Economy the New Rentier Capitalism? Capitalising Achille Loria's Analysis of Rent and its Elision

Volume 7, Issue 2, November, 2023

The economy's platformization has enacted new ways of creating value. This has happened in an unr... more The economy's platformization has enacted new ways of creating value. This has happened in an unregulated context that has facilitated the spread of such tools. Nowadays, platforms mediate many services we enjoy, paying a hidden price: data. In this paper, we want to highlight platforms' role as value extractors in current market societies, which parallels the role of rent in the modern era's economic system. We employ Achille Loria's (1857-1943) philosophical and economic categories to understand whether the platform economy is a form of contemporary rent-seeking and, if so, to suggest steps to avoid its continued, yet hidden, value extraction. Our study stresses the importance of addressing such a phenomenon through the use of regulation that represents its natural elision, which is the element of novelty of our research with respect to the ones present in the literature.

Research paper thumbnail of Oklahoma High School Animal Sports Team Names and the Potential for Conservation Connection

Volume 7, Issue 2, November, 2023

The way humans view animals has long-term implications for the conservation of species. Negativel... more The way humans view animals has long-term implications for the conservation of species. Negatively viewed animals receive less funding, less media attention, and less public support than positively viewed animals. However, negative perceptions of animals can be changed through connections to conservation. One path of conservation connection that has been underutilized is joining conservation messaging to animal sports team names and mascots. A total of 475 Oklahoma high schools had sports team names identified, with 272 being animal-themed. Vertebrates were more common than invertebrates, with mammals, birds, and even-toed ungulates the most common groups of animals chosen. The most common animal overall was the tiger (Panthera tigris) followed by the domestic dog (Canis familiaris). Future studies should focus on temporal and regional patterns in sports team names and mascots to better understand naming patterns. Additionally, we provide guidance on raising conservation awareness using sports team mascots.

Research paper thumbnail of Transforming the Coloniality of Occupation and Health: Reflections Based on the Uluru Statement from the Heart

Volume 7, Issue 2 November , 2023

The Uluru Statement from the Heart provides a unique opportunity for transforming the coloniality... more The Uluru Statement from the Heart provides a unique opportunity for transforming the coloniality of occupation and health in the Australian context. The article calls for critical consciousness of ways in which the coloniality of occupation is hidden in plain sight, leading to detrimental impacts on human and environmental health. A transformative, complementarity based perspective of occupation and health, is proposed. This perspective interprets the interrelated concepts of doing, being, becoming and belonging-which are the basis for the Occupational Perspective of Health (OPH) of Ann Wilcock-through the lens of The Uluru Statement from the Heart. It also draws upon thoughts concerning Aboriginal worldviews, including the custodial ethics of 'caring for Country', as explained by Aboriginal philosopher, Mary Graham. The perspective has applicability in multiple contexts involving First Nations and settler people in their relationships with each other and the Land.

Research paper thumbnail of Z Acknowledgement to Reviewers

Volume 7, Issue 2, November, 2023

Acknowledgement to reviewers The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) wishes to thank all ... more Acknowledgement to reviewers
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) wishes to thank all the reviewers for their intellectual contributions by timely reviewing manuscripts, and supporting the journal’s vision of “Enriching Beautiful Minds towards Intelligent Minds”.
From the desk of the Editor-in-Chief, the Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) would like to thank all the reviewers who made it possible to publish this volume, Volume 7, Issue 2, November 2023. Let us join and collaborate together to ENRICH the BEAUTIFUL MINDS TOWARDS INTELLIGENT MINDS
Mani Man Singh Rajbhandari
Aurélie Van Hoye
Audrey Taylor
Walt Borges
Emily Geest
Dana Cooper
Jessica Velasco
Jeremy Dennis
Susanna Geidne
Ola Segnestam Larsson
Daniel Lowrie

Research paper thumbnail of A-Editorial

Volume 7, Issue 1 - May, 2023

Dear Readers, The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) wishes to announce the publication ... more Dear Readers,
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) wishes to announce the publication of Volume
7, Issue 1 (May 2023). In this issue, papers are included within the areas of social sciences,
technologies, languages, economic - political Science, and health education.
Our next issue will be published in November 2023 we invite researchers, managers, leaders,
scientists, students and others for paper submission. The call for paper submission is also
announced in the journal’s announcement portal
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) is an online open access journal, which offers
free submissions, free publication and open access to download its published research paper
from the journal’s website
It is recommended that all author(s) submitting their manuscript to JIS are advised to read the
author guidelines from the journal website
Let us join and collaborate together to ENRICH the BEAUTIFUL MINDS
Mani Man Singh Rajbhandari. Ph.D.
Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS)

Research paper thumbnail of Community coherence during COVID-19a pilot study

Volume 7, Issue 1 - May, 2023

Using a salutogenic perspective, this qualitative pilot study aimed to explore the experiences of... more Using a salutogenic perspective, this qualitative pilot study aimed to explore the experiences of university staff and students in various Western countries with community coherence during COVID-19. This entailed a focus on individual and community assets that contributed to positive experiences with community coherence during the pandemic. Sixteen participants from University staff and postgraduate students in Europe and Canada interested in Public Health were included. The study was conducted online via Microsoft Teams using the Structured Interview Matrix method. This participatory facilitating method enabled participants to dialogue about their experiences with community coherence during COVID-19. The results show that during COVID-19, participants primarily engaged in activities related to personal health and well-being, related to close family, friends and neighbours and an increased need to use digital technologies in their free time and during working hours. Key themes observed across the various international communities during the times when high levels of restrictions were in place, were a greater sense of loneliness and vulnerability. This pilot study indicates that there was a high level of community cohesion during COVID-19 and that people, despite living in different countries, were active in very similar ways.

Research paper thumbnail of Remittances: Importance and effect in the economy during the pandemic covid19 -The case of Kosovo

Volume 7, Issue 1 - May, 2023

Remittances sent by the Kosovo diaspora have been and remain an important source of income for fa... more Remittances sent by the Kosovo diaspora have been and remain an important source of income for families in Kosovo. The paper deals with issues related to remittances sent to Kosovo, including the analysis of their economic effect before and during Covid19. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze remittances in Kosovo and the effect of remittances on the economy of the last years in the Republic of Kosovo. In different periods, remittances sent to Kosovo have played an important role in the economic aspect, especially they remain an important source of financing for households in Kosovo. Given that Kosovo after the last war remains among the countries with a low level of development and high unemployment, the special importance and economic effect of remittances in Kosovo has been and remains of special importance, affecting the consumption and well-being of families in Kosovo. Diaspora plays an important role in the economy of Kosovo by sending remittances, presenting an important potential not only for family economies but also for the economy of Kosovo in general. To send their funds, the diaspora uses different ways, which are generally formal and informal ways of sending money. We consider that the results and recommendations obtained from this study should be taken into account by the relevant institutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Self-move and Other-move: Quantum Categorical Foundations of Japanese

Volume 7, Issue 1 - May, 2023

This work contributes toward the larger goal of creating a Quantum Natural Language Processing (Q... more This work contributes toward the larger goal of creating a Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP) translation program. It contributes original diagrammatic representations of the Japanese language based on previous work on the English language. The germane differences between the English and Japanese languages are emphasized to help address English language bias in the current body of research. Additionally, topological principles of these diagrams and many potential avenues for further research are proposed. This endeavor is crucial because languages are foundational to human survival, experience, flourishing, and living the good life. They are also, however, among the strongest barriers between people groups. Over the last several decades, advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) have somewhat bridged the gap between individuals without a common language or culture. While tools like Chat-GPT, Google Translate, and DeepL make it easier than ever before to share our experiences with people globally, these tools are nevertheless inadequate as they fail to convey our ideas across the language barrier fluently, leaving people feeling anxious and embarrassed, because they cannot understand grammar or context. Quantum computers offer the best chance to achieve translation fluency in that they are better suited to simulating the natural world and natural phenomena such as speech.

Research paper thumbnail of The Colors of a #climatescam: An Exploration of Anti-Climate Change Graphs on Twitter

Volume 7, Issue 1 - May, 2023

Climate change is a looming and present threat. Although reported and explored in traditional med... more Climate change is a looming and present threat. Although reported and explored in traditional media, there is still a general ignorance regarding its acceleration and its real-world consequences. Specifically, in recent years, a number of natural disasters including tsunamis, derechos and hurricanes have shown a very prescient threat. Unfortunately, misinformation regarding climate change's severity is rampant. One such channel of misinformation is social media. Both verbal evidence and images can be shared when presenting an argument. When discussing climate change, one such argument style is showing evidence; graphs are one such way to demonstrate empirical evidence. I obtained graphs from Twitter and analyzed how they were utilized in furthering climate denial. While understanding the spread of misinformation regarding climate change is no doubt important, this paper seeks to evaluate one potential solution: identifying the graphs used, and the methodology they employ. Information literacy and specifically, media literacy, is one step in understanding climate change. The results show that the most popular graphs reused were line graphs, and the most prominent arguments against climate change were that the science was incorrect, or that climate change was instead natural temperature fluctuation. The most popular colors used were blue and green.

Research paper thumbnail of Aporias within Arendt’s The Human Condition Finding the light at the end of the tunnel

Volume 7, Issue 1 - May, 2023

We investigate, semantically and philosophically, the English language edition of Hannah Arendt's... more We investigate, semantically and philosophically, the English language edition of Hannah Arendt's 'The human condition'. Our approach connects Arendt's focus on activity and action with occupational science. We suggest that an engagement with the human condition from a perspective of occupation may be of great value in facilitating an understanding of the place of human occupation in the rapidly changing modern world. Before such a project can be undertaken it is crucial that this work of Arendt be understood. Barriers to understanding this work have been glossed over by many of her interpreters. Our starting point is to clarify Arendt's use of the word 'condition' in various contexts in the English language edition of 'The human condition'. This can have a critical influence on meaning. By semantic analysis we show how Arendt has conflated the different types of conditions associated with doing and being, respectively (that is, conditions "of" and conditions "for"). We offer a solution to Arendt's aporetic formulations that occur in the opening pages of her text. The way we make sense of Arendt's thought is to distinguish between D-conditions relating to forms of activity and B-conditions that pertain to the being of human beings. Our semantic suggestions clear the way to conduct an interdisciplinary inquiry into the human condition which draws on Arendt, but is broader in scope than Arendt's project, which was primarily an historical inquiry into the vita activa in the predominantly Western world.

Research paper thumbnail of A-Editorial

Dear Readers, We are again thrilled to announce our current publication of Volume 8, Issue 1- Ma... more Dear Readers,
We are again thrilled to announce our current publication of Volume 8, Issue 1- May 2024.
Within the academic and scientific journey of consistency publication have gained multiple
experiences with the authors and reviewers, which the Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences
(JIS) will always appreciate and have learned to move extra miles. Moreover, sometimes,
there are authors whose submission may not have been accepted either during the editorial
review and in the initial screening phase or by the reviewers, we also highly appreciate those
authors for considering JIS for publication platform.
A journey in research is not always simple and there are multiple issues that relates to
inconsistency in scientific and academic realm, however, JIS is determined in promoting to
enrich the beautiful minds and towards intelligent minds, for which authors whose articles
were not accepted on any of the occasions, we are here to help to create an avenue if
scientific and academic construction are further developed of those articles. We are also
creating open access platform for the readers offering free download of current and archived
articles, although, the JIS is a social contributor and receives no funding from any other
organization, the editor is solely supporting the JIS for being academically responsible for the
authors, readers, scientists, researchers, students and to all around the globe for academic
enrichment. JIS proudly stand to appreciate all the authors so far who have trusted JIS and
have published their articles during the journey from 2017 to 2024.
Our next issue will be published in November 2024 and we invite researchers, managers,
leaders, scientists, students and others for paper submission. The call for paper submission is
also announced in the journal’s announcement portal
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) is an online open access journal, which offers
free submissions, free publication and open access to download its published research paper
from the journal’s website
It is recommended that all author(s) submitting their manuscript to JIS are advised to read the
author guidelines from the journal website
Let us join and collaborate together to ENRICH the BEAUTIFUL MINDS
Mani Man Singh Rajbhandari. Ph.D.
Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS)

Research paper thumbnail of The Axis of Misinformation: Evaluating the X axis and Y axis of Misinformative Graphs

Volume 8, Issue 1, 2024

Misleading graphs spread misinformation under the guise of scientific legitimacy. While researche... more Misleading graphs spread misinformation under the guise of scientific legitimacy. While researchers have evaluated the importance of x axis and y axis truncation, there is currently limited research comparing properly scaled informative infographics and improperly scaled misinformative infographics. By comparing infographics that spread correct information and infographics that spread misinformation, we may better understand the presentation of x/y axis truncation to spread misinformation. Anti-vaccine graphic misinformation is a current and present health danger. While vaccines are safe and prevent the spread of disease, anti-vaccine rhetoric is effective at dissuading parents from vaccinating their children. Specifically, anti-vaccine organizations argue that vaccines recommended for children, such as the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, are directly dangerous. The use of misleading graphs further lends credibility to anti-vaccine beliefs. Understanding the use of a truncated x/y axis when spreading misinformation about vaccines allows information seekers to avoid misinformation.

Research paper thumbnail of Finality and the Demystification of Entanglement

Volume 8, Issue 1, 2024

This paper presents the thesis that the concept of finite quantized (not infinitely subdividable)... more This paper presents the thesis that the concept of finite quantized (not infinitely subdividable) spacetime is the missing element of reality, the hidden variable that can provide an explanation for so-called nonlocality that is simple and plausible. Furthermore, it can furnish a view of this action at a distance in a manner that preserves the principle of locality. In addition, this work explores some of the other implications of this view of spacetime.

Research paper thumbnail of Interdisciplinary Comments Highlighting the Importance of Supra-Microbiological Approaches to Covid-19 Pandemic

Volume 8, Issue 1, 2024

This article explores the links between the Covid-19 pandemic and the principles of biology using... more This article explores the links between the Covid-19 pandemic and the principles of biology using applied physics as a common analytical framework. Such links involve supramicrobiological questions: (i) Does the interaction humans ↔ pandemics fit the mainstream of evolutionary biology? (ii) Why does there appear to be an increase in pandemic frequency? (iii) Why are these pandemics preferentially emerging in the Far East? (iv) Why do the populations of zones that belong to the same economic system react differently to the same pandemics? v) Are there reasons to expect these outbreaks to become more frequent? Methodologically speaking, this article is simple: interdisciplinary links are established and statistical procedures based on data extracted from international institutions are interspersed in order to support the respective interdisciplinary link. The results suggest that (a) zoonotic diseases do not coincide with what is expected according to the orthodox Darwinian approach on at least two points (gradualism, and evolutionary process at the population scale); (b) socioeconomic niches and socio-diversity (the social equivalent of biodiversity) connected to them act as strong selective pressures either for or against pandemics; (c) socioeconomic development is equivalent to a drift from r to K in human systems, and as a result there is a drift from K to r in ecosystems, which favors a tendency to increase pandemic frequency; (d) eco-historical analysis indicates that those countries or areas that display a faster rate of economic growth act as socioeconomic Maxwell's demons that modulate, either voluntarily or involuntarily, the emergence of pandemics.

Research paper thumbnail of Reinventing Storytelling as a Management Training Tool for Scientists

Volume 8, Issue 1, 2024

This point of departure essay brings into discussion the connection between storytelling, science... more This point of departure essay brings into discussion the connection between storytelling, science and management. While the Biological Sciences field provides by default the technical training needed to acquire specific skills, the experts mastering these aptitudes are often faced in their career with challenges when transitioning to a managerial position. This is when scientists depart from the fascinating Biology realm to enter a world of soft skills needed to manage programs and lead teams. These management skills can be acquired by taking classes, learning from a mentor, or by other vetted academic means. There is however one seemingly long-lost resource that surpasses time, crosses continents, and overcomes language barriers as well as cultural differences. In this manuscript we reintroduce the art of storytelling as the most powerful tool of communication while we integrate examples used for management training of scientists. While the stories included are provided as examples in the context of learning management concepts in the work field, they can equally serve as effective teaching strategies in college classrooms. Storytelling fosters learning in a combined structured and improvisational setting that prepares students for real life situations encountered as they enter a continuously demanding work force.

Research paper thumbnail of How We Walked Together: A Story of Complementarity-Highlighting Doing, Being, Belonging and Becoming

Volume 8, Issue 1, 2024

Strait Islander people in 2017, issued an invitation to non-Indigenous Australians to 'walk with ... more Strait Islander people in 2017, issued an invitation to non-Indigenous Australians to 'walk with us in a movement of the Australian people for a better future'. This invitation spurred us to document what we believe is an example of such 'walking together', so that others may be encouraged to follow suit. Our story records this experience from two different Australian perspectives-Aboriginal and settler-and encompasses a working and personal relationship. We have used storytelling as our conceptual framework because this is a common and powerful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander process of passing on all manner of knowledge, practice and philosophy. These three components interact in our story, conveying ways in which people from different cultures can learn and change through sharing each other's history, cultural and life experiences. We use our occupational collaboration to detail seminal aspects of how this relationship ripenedthrough a willingness to learn, through mutual respect and trust. The article embraces a model of complementarity and assigns aspects of doing, being, becoming and belonging to the progress of our walk together. The conclusion outlines the value, particularly for settler Australians who may never have had contact with Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people, of attempting to instigate connections with individual people through shared humanity and dignity. We believe such partnerships, between everyday people as well as at a national level, will enhance many aspects of our daily lives and the future of our nation.

Research paper thumbnail of Interdisciplinary Sequences: A Conceptual Commentary

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial

Volume 7, Issue 2, November, 2023

Dear Readers, The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) wishes to announce the series publi... more Dear Readers, The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) wishes to announce the series publication of Volume 7, Issue 2 (November 2023). This issue include papers from interdisciplinary sciences from various discipline. Since the founding of the journal in 2017 until 2023, the academic journey have become very interesting in terms of academic collaboration, knowledge sharing and intellect transformations.
Our next issue will be published in May 2024 we invite researchers, managers, leaders, scientists, students and others for paper submission. The call for paper submission is also announced in the journal’s announcement portal
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) is an online open access journal, which offers free submissions, free publication and open access to download its published research paper from the journal’s website
It is recommended that all author(s) submitting their manuscript to JIS are advised to read the author guidelines from the journal website Let us join and collaborate together to ENRICH the BEAUTIFUL MINDS TOWARDS INTELLIGENT MINDS Mani Man Singh Rajbhandari. Ph.D. Founder and Editor-in-Chief Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS)

Research paper thumbnail of Could Interdisciplinary Research be a Way to Re-think the Organization of Volunteers

Volume 7, Issue 2, November, 2023

Volunteering is a global phenomenon and different type of volunteers can be found in different ty... more Volunteering is a global phenomenon and different type of volunteers can be found in different types of organizations. Societal changes in how people volunteer and in how organizations use volunteers have made researchers call for a reexamining of organizing of volunteers. Therefore, this study aims to explore how different types of volunteering are organized in different types of organizations. The study uses an interdisciplinary research (IDR) approach with two perspectives, which in this paper are called Volunteer management (VM) and Volunteer coordination (VC). Four different Swedish organizations with different type of volunteers, two different types of sports organizations, one social organization and an entrepreneurial network are used as cases. The data consists of 18 interviews with project managers and volunteers. The data is analyzed in three IDRinspired steps using both qualitative and quantitative analyses. This study reveals that understanding how to organize volunteering benefits from viewing volunteer organization in a proposed twodimensional model. This model includes management strategies in different phases as well as relational perspectives and strikes a balance between organizational structure and climate. Merging research traditions can contribute to new knowledge in a changing society. Voluntary organizations need to work with everyday structures that allow them the flexibility to develop a sustainable volunteer organization by both managing and coordinating their volunteers.

Research paper thumbnail of Are we headed to Room 101?

Volume 7, Issue 2, November, 2023

1984, written in 1949 by George Orwell, is a dystopian novel about the future of society under to... more 1984, written in 1949 by George Orwell, is a dystopian novel about the future of society under totalitarian rule after some sort of nuclear confrontation between the major super powers in the world (at that time). Even though the world described by Orwell has not come to be, could his writing nonetheless be predictive of the decline of democracy and freedom in the United States? Is it possible that the U.S. will fall under totalitarian rule? Do the current trends indicate this is the case? Are the appropriate mechanisms in place to allow such a change? To answer these questions, a convergent mixed-methods methodology was used. The qualitative portion includes the analysis and integration of theories from the various disciplines. The quantitative portion includes historical trend analysis and recent observations. In addition, findings of past studies involving applicable disciplinary theories will be included in the analysis. The results indicate that the United States is susceptible and does exhibit many troubling tendencies. However, a glimmer of hope exists as long as the two ideologically opposed major parties continue to trade power.

Research paper thumbnail of Is the Platform Economy the New Rentier Capitalism? Capitalising Achille Loria's Analysis of Rent and its Elision

Volume 7, Issue 2, November, 2023

The economy's platformization has enacted new ways of creating value. This has happened in an unr... more The economy's platformization has enacted new ways of creating value. This has happened in an unregulated context that has facilitated the spread of such tools. Nowadays, platforms mediate many services we enjoy, paying a hidden price: data. In this paper, we want to highlight platforms' role as value extractors in current market societies, which parallels the role of rent in the modern era's economic system. We employ Achille Loria's (1857-1943) philosophical and economic categories to understand whether the platform economy is a form of contemporary rent-seeking and, if so, to suggest steps to avoid its continued, yet hidden, value extraction. Our study stresses the importance of addressing such a phenomenon through the use of regulation that represents its natural elision, which is the element of novelty of our research with respect to the ones present in the literature.

Research paper thumbnail of Oklahoma High School Animal Sports Team Names and the Potential for Conservation Connection

Volume 7, Issue 2, November, 2023

The way humans view animals has long-term implications for the conservation of species. Negativel... more The way humans view animals has long-term implications for the conservation of species. Negatively viewed animals receive less funding, less media attention, and less public support than positively viewed animals. However, negative perceptions of animals can be changed through connections to conservation. One path of conservation connection that has been underutilized is joining conservation messaging to animal sports team names and mascots. A total of 475 Oklahoma high schools had sports team names identified, with 272 being animal-themed. Vertebrates were more common than invertebrates, with mammals, birds, and even-toed ungulates the most common groups of animals chosen. The most common animal overall was the tiger (Panthera tigris) followed by the domestic dog (Canis familiaris). Future studies should focus on temporal and regional patterns in sports team names and mascots to better understand naming patterns. Additionally, we provide guidance on raising conservation awareness using sports team mascots.

Research paper thumbnail of Transforming the Coloniality of Occupation and Health: Reflections Based on the Uluru Statement from the Heart

Volume 7, Issue 2 November , 2023

The Uluru Statement from the Heart provides a unique opportunity for transforming the coloniality... more The Uluru Statement from the Heart provides a unique opportunity for transforming the coloniality of occupation and health in the Australian context. The article calls for critical consciousness of ways in which the coloniality of occupation is hidden in plain sight, leading to detrimental impacts on human and environmental health. A transformative, complementarity based perspective of occupation and health, is proposed. This perspective interprets the interrelated concepts of doing, being, becoming and belonging-which are the basis for the Occupational Perspective of Health (OPH) of Ann Wilcock-through the lens of The Uluru Statement from the Heart. It also draws upon thoughts concerning Aboriginal worldviews, including the custodial ethics of 'caring for Country', as explained by Aboriginal philosopher, Mary Graham. The perspective has applicability in multiple contexts involving First Nations and settler people in their relationships with each other and the Land.

Research paper thumbnail of Z Acknowledgement to Reviewers

Volume 7, Issue 2, November, 2023

Acknowledgement to reviewers The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) wishes to thank all ... more Acknowledgement to reviewers
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) wishes to thank all the reviewers for their intellectual contributions by timely reviewing manuscripts, and supporting the journal’s vision of “Enriching Beautiful Minds towards Intelligent Minds”.
From the desk of the Editor-in-Chief, the Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) would like to thank all the reviewers who made it possible to publish this volume, Volume 7, Issue 2, November 2023. Let us join and collaborate together to ENRICH the BEAUTIFUL MINDS TOWARDS INTELLIGENT MINDS
Mani Man Singh Rajbhandari
Aurélie Van Hoye
Audrey Taylor
Walt Borges
Emily Geest
Dana Cooper
Jessica Velasco
Jeremy Dennis
Susanna Geidne
Ola Segnestam Larsson
Daniel Lowrie

Research paper thumbnail of A-Editorial

Volume 7, Issue 1 - May, 2023

Dear Readers, The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) wishes to announce the publication ... more Dear Readers,
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) wishes to announce the publication of Volume
7, Issue 1 (May 2023). In this issue, papers are included within the areas of social sciences,
technologies, languages, economic - political Science, and health education.
Our next issue will be published in November 2023 we invite researchers, managers, leaders,
scientists, students and others for paper submission. The call for paper submission is also
announced in the journal’s announcement portal
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) is an online open access journal, which offers
free submissions, free publication and open access to download its published research paper
from the journal’s website
It is recommended that all author(s) submitting their manuscript to JIS are advised to read the
author guidelines from the journal website
Let us join and collaborate together to ENRICH the BEAUTIFUL MINDS
Mani Man Singh Rajbhandari. Ph.D.
Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS)

Research paper thumbnail of Community coherence during COVID-19a pilot study

Volume 7, Issue 1 - May, 2023

Using a salutogenic perspective, this qualitative pilot study aimed to explore the experiences of... more Using a salutogenic perspective, this qualitative pilot study aimed to explore the experiences of university staff and students in various Western countries with community coherence during COVID-19. This entailed a focus on individual and community assets that contributed to positive experiences with community coherence during the pandemic. Sixteen participants from University staff and postgraduate students in Europe and Canada interested in Public Health were included. The study was conducted online via Microsoft Teams using the Structured Interview Matrix method. This participatory facilitating method enabled participants to dialogue about their experiences with community coherence during COVID-19. The results show that during COVID-19, participants primarily engaged in activities related to personal health and well-being, related to close family, friends and neighbours and an increased need to use digital technologies in their free time and during working hours. Key themes observed across the various international communities during the times when high levels of restrictions were in place, were a greater sense of loneliness and vulnerability. This pilot study indicates that there was a high level of community cohesion during COVID-19 and that people, despite living in different countries, were active in very similar ways.

Research paper thumbnail of Remittances: Importance and effect in the economy during the pandemic covid19 -The case of Kosovo

Volume 7, Issue 1 - May, 2023

Remittances sent by the Kosovo diaspora have been and remain an important source of income for fa... more Remittances sent by the Kosovo diaspora have been and remain an important source of income for families in Kosovo. The paper deals with issues related to remittances sent to Kosovo, including the analysis of their economic effect before and during Covid19. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze remittances in Kosovo and the effect of remittances on the economy of the last years in the Republic of Kosovo. In different periods, remittances sent to Kosovo have played an important role in the economic aspect, especially they remain an important source of financing for households in Kosovo. Given that Kosovo after the last war remains among the countries with a low level of development and high unemployment, the special importance and economic effect of remittances in Kosovo has been and remains of special importance, affecting the consumption and well-being of families in Kosovo. Diaspora plays an important role in the economy of Kosovo by sending remittances, presenting an important potential not only for family economies but also for the economy of Kosovo in general. To send their funds, the diaspora uses different ways, which are generally formal and informal ways of sending money. We consider that the results and recommendations obtained from this study should be taken into account by the relevant institutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Self-move and Other-move: Quantum Categorical Foundations of Japanese

Volume 7, Issue 1 - May, 2023

This work contributes toward the larger goal of creating a Quantum Natural Language Processing (Q... more This work contributes toward the larger goal of creating a Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP) translation program. It contributes original diagrammatic representations of the Japanese language based on previous work on the English language. The germane differences between the English and Japanese languages are emphasized to help address English language bias in the current body of research. Additionally, topological principles of these diagrams and many potential avenues for further research are proposed. This endeavor is crucial because languages are foundational to human survival, experience, flourishing, and living the good life. They are also, however, among the strongest barriers between people groups. Over the last several decades, advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) have somewhat bridged the gap between individuals without a common language or culture. While tools like Chat-GPT, Google Translate, and DeepL make it easier than ever before to share our experiences with people globally, these tools are nevertheless inadequate as they fail to convey our ideas across the language barrier fluently, leaving people feeling anxious and embarrassed, because they cannot understand grammar or context. Quantum computers offer the best chance to achieve translation fluency in that they are better suited to simulating the natural world and natural phenomena such as speech.

Research paper thumbnail of The Colors of a #climatescam: An Exploration of Anti-Climate Change Graphs on Twitter

Volume 7, Issue 1 - May, 2023

Climate change is a looming and present threat. Although reported and explored in traditional med... more Climate change is a looming and present threat. Although reported and explored in traditional media, there is still a general ignorance regarding its acceleration and its real-world consequences. Specifically, in recent years, a number of natural disasters including tsunamis, derechos and hurricanes have shown a very prescient threat. Unfortunately, misinformation regarding climate change's severity is rampant. One such channel of misinformation is social media. Both verbal evidence and images can be shared when presenting an argument. When discussing climate change, one such argument style is showing evidence; graphs are one such way to demonstrate empirical evidence. I obtained graphs from Twitter and analyzed how they were utilized in furthering climate denial. While understanding the spread of misinformation regarding climate change is no doubt important, this paper seeks to evaluate one potential solution: identifying the graphs used, and the methodology they employ. Information literacy and specifically, media literacy, is one step in understanding climate change. The results show that the most popular graphs reused were line graphs, and the most prominent arguments against climate change were that the science was incorrect, or that climate change was instead natural temperature fluctuation. The most popular colors used were blue and green.

Research paper thumbnail of Aporias within Arendt’s The Human Condition Finding the light at the end of the tunnel

Volume 7, Issue 1 - May, 2023

We investigate, semantically and philosophically, the English language edition of Hannah Arendt's... more We investigate, semantically and philosophically, the English language edition of Hannah Arendt's 'The human condition'. Our approach connects Arendt's focus on activity and action with occupational science. We suggest that an engagement with the human condition from a perspective of occupation may be of great value in facilitating an understanding of the place of human occupation in the rapidly changing modern world. Before such a project can be undertaken it is crucial that this work of Arendt be understood. Barriers to understanding this work have been glossed over by many of her interpreters. Our starting point is to clarify Arendt's use of the word 'condition' in various contexts in the English language edition of 'The human condition'. This can have a critical influence on meaning. By semantic analysis we show how Arendt has conflated the different types of conditions associated with doing and being, respectively (that is, conditions "of" and conditions "for"). We offer a solution to Arendt's aporetic formulations that occur in the opening pages of her text. The way we make sense of Arendt's thought is to distinguish between D-conditions relating to forms of activity and B-conditions that pertain to the being of human beings. Our semantic suggestions clear the way to conduct an interdisciplinary inquiry into the human condition which draws on Arendt, but is broader in scope than Arendt's project, which was primarily an historical inquiry into the vita activa in the predominantly Western world.