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Papers by Jovan Krstic
Limes Plus Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2015
In contrast to classic examples of legal vacuums the social relations that are not regulated by l... more In contrast to classic examples of legal vacuums the social relations that are not regulated by law and if it is estimated that there is no social interest to be covered by them, they represent classic empty space. One of the clear examples of the existence of Legal Vacuum in the National Legislation of the Republic of Serbia the problem of a) Quality of actual regulation for the restitution of property in general, and in particular b) Restitution of property of the Holocaust victims as the specifically stated problem remained unregulated, despite of the existence of clear public interest primarily the interests of the wore property rights, and their successors, and of any society that aspires to be considered legally regulated and stable. Since the question of just returning the wrongfully seized property in the past, obviously, in the opinion of political workers propositional to their inaction on this issue, not a social relationship in which there is social interest to be regulated standards, we have to look down at the reasons why this important area remained legally insufficiently regulated.THE ULTIMATE INSECURITY IN THE PROPERTY RELATIONS SPACE The Academic Community consisted of the professionals deserves a serious scientific criticism for tolerating Legal Vacuums in the Legal System. Part of the data that were obtained in the empirical analysis or analysis based on the non-classified literature, may be incorrect (the size of state assets and the size of the property claimed by various victims of persecution caused sectarian hatred and intolerance), because, in the Academic Community has no public scrutiny and competition among researchers to document Errors Legal Theory, while the security systems continue to operate unchanged, maybe concealing accurate information or the data were revealed, but without sufficient scientific criticism. Social relationships that result or were the cause of social conflicts in the past, remain unregulated even in the present, so that the lawmakers leaves the following generations to solve them, so thus this prolongs the duration of Legal Uncertainty, and therefore the Instability of the State and society to which this country is supposed to serve. Criminological phenomena of Hate Crime and Hate Speech, which in the past resulted in the enactment of Racial Laws, subtracting Civil Rights and Property and even physical liquidation - the Holocaust - are one of a kind of the appearance of Evil itself that lasting human life, affecting generations to come, unprepared to deal with Evil because of the unwillingness of our generation to do the preventive act by regulating social relations based on modern principles and standard to prevent recurrence of the past. As a striking example of such a wrong attitude of the Academic Community to the problem of Capacity Expansion within the Security System to obtain the protecting the Public Interest and of the Security System Reform, we can specify the critical current profiling Intelligence Community outside the Executive Branch of Power into the Justice Branch in the status of Law Enforcement Agencies (Law Enforcement Agencies), although the nature their work the principle of secrecy (Intelligence Agencies - Intelligence Agencies provide special covert operations, tactics, techniques and methods, including co called. splinter or dissuasive operations, propaganda and misinformation, which needs separate control of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial authorities) all of which are incompatible with the principle of transparency in the work of law enforcement agencies (FBI, Scotland Yard, Public Police or Judicial Police in Germany, France, Customs, the Anti-Corruption Agency, Directorate for prevention of money laundering, etc.).
Acta historiae medicinae, stomatologiae, pharmaciae, medicinae veterinariae, 2017
Revista Direitos Humanos Fundamentais, 2019
Laundromat is a complex system for laundering money stolen from the government by corrupt politic... more Laundromat is a complex system for laundering money stolen from the government by corrupt politicians or earned through organized crime activity. It was designed to not only move money from Serbian shell companies into EU banks through many countries, but it had the added feature of getting corrupt or uncaring judges and sequesters on the secret funds in those countries to legitimize the funds. Serbian Laundromat works on the principle "good morning to all four sides of the World", also exploiting the "neutrality" on the origin and amount of money that comes from abroad or being collected from own people (placement), put abroad (layering) and returned back as "foreign" investment (integration). Some Case Studies has been done on the institutional response to the corruption challenge (that missing in Serbia).
Revista Direitos Humanos Fundamentais. ISSN 2358-9949 POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS EM DIREITOS FUNDAMENTAISV. 17, N. 2 (, 2017
SERBIAN LAUNDROMAT Zoran Milosavljevic Jovan Krstic A... more SERBIAN LAUNDROMAT
Zoran Milosavljevic
Jovan Krstic
Autores convidados
Recebido: 21-6-2018
Aprovado: 16-9-2018
SUMMARY: 1 Preface: The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project approach to the problem. 2 Some identified (or only pointed) corruption problems and question of possible ways how to resolve them. Examples from States that have emerged from ex-Yugoslavia and abroad. 3 Do we have fear or ways how to resolve corruption problems, especially at the Serbian State level? 4 Attempts to resolve corruption problems on the State Level as template. 5 Conclusions. 6 References.
Laundromat is a complex system for laundering money stolen from the government by corrupt politicians or earned through organized crime activity. It was designed to not only move money from Serbian shell companies into EU banks through many countries, but it had the added feature of getting corrupt or uncaring judges and sequesters on the secret funds in those countries to legitimize the funds. Serbian Laundromat works on the principle “good morning to all four sides of the World”, also exploiting the “neutrality” on the origin and amount of money that comes from abroad or being collected from own people (placement), put abroad (layering) and returned back as “foreign” investment (integration). Some Case Studies has been done on the institutional response to the corruption challenge (that missing in Serbia).
1. Preface: The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project approach to the problem
Our professional orientation on the appearance of the Laundromat problem has deep ethical, economical and from such reasons legal fundaments. We shall try to explain problem by inspecting it basically on the Serbian terrain, but also and parallel through the small number of known cases from other countries, between them some highly developed states.
1 This paper is the result of the actual Macro Project 47011 “Crime in Serbia: phenomenology, risks and possibilities of social intervention” lead by Professor Dr. Vladan Joldzic, Institute for Criminology and Sociology, Belgrade, financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development of the Republic of Serbia. The views in this article are not related to the official position of the organizations mentioned but only to scientific and professionally obtained information.
Laundromat is a complex system for laundering money stolen from the government by corrupt politic... more Laundromat is a complex system for laundering money stolen from the government by corrupt politicians or earned through organized crime activity. It was designed to not only move money from Serbian shell companies into EU banks through many countries, but it had the added feature of getting corrupt or uncaring judges and sequesters on the secret funds in those countries to legitimize the funds. Serbian Laundromat works on the principle "good morning to all four sides of the World", also exploiting the "neutrality" on the origin and amount of money that comes from abroad or being collected from own people (placement), put abroad (layering) and returned back as "foreign" investment (integration). Some Case Studies has been done on the institutional response to the corruption challenge (that missing in Serbia).
Participants of the failed Reform of the Judiciary from the Government and Non-Government sectors... more Participants of the failed Reform of the Judiciary from the Government
and Non-Government sectors indicate the existence of fear among judges and prosecutors, but does not off er a clear answer to the causes of the condition. This paper investigates the role of the academic community and intelligence agencies in the Security System Reform (SSR), i.e. their intervention in the Criminal Justice System. The subsequent problems in the reform of the Serbian Justice System could be explained by “politicization and ideologization of human rights that usually comes from methalegal sources of power – political, economic or military (which) (…) arbitrarily usurp right to control (…) human Rights and apply the so-called double standards (…) Intention of
the author of this paper is to initiate awareness of mental pollution and its attachment to Human Rights to Life and a Healthy Life” [1].
Keywords: justice, mental health
Non MeSH: reform, media, academic community
Zbornik instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 2017
Text contains reflexions that result from scientific work on the Project 47011, which are related with the validity of evidences collected by intelligence agencies. Also pointing on the wrong legal, from this reason also wrong practical treating of the intelligence agencies as law enforce agencies. Our text is aimed at understanding of: foundations, roads and ways of correcting the identified problems, starting from law-theoretical but also pointed at possible practical ways how to solve the perceived problems. It provides a vision of the authors presented as a sort of conclusions and on them based proposals.
KEY WORDS: security agencies, law enforcement agencies, theoretical approach, legislative roots of the problem, ways of correcting.
Joldžić Vladan i Krstić Jovan
Članak sadrži razmišljanja, proizašla iz istraživanja tokom rada na projektu 47011, koja se odnose na validnost dokaza pribavljenih od obaveštajnih agencija. Takođe i ukazivanja na pogrešna zakonska, otuda i praktička, tretiranja obaveštajnih agencija kao agencija za sprovođenje zakona. Usmeren je na sagledavanje: temelja, puteva i načina ispravljanja uočenih problema, počev od teorijsko pravnih do praktičkih. Pruža neka viđenja autora plasirana kao svojevrsne zaključke i predloge.
KLJUČNE REČI: bezbednosne agencije, agencije za sprovođenje zakona, teorijski pristup, legislativni koreni problema, putevi korigovanja.
Abstract Euphemisms are used to refer to taboo topics in a polite way, or to mask profanity and ... more Abstract
Euphemisms are used to refer to taboo topics in a polite way, or to mask profanity and System Security Reform in Serbia has some taboo aspects and some profane aspects. The basic research on all environmental problems show that they are related to a security problems. Symbolic Approach to System Security Reform (SSR) is regarded as a collection of ideas and concepts which sends a clear message to the environment that Serbia has broken with authoritarian regimes and their corresponding Security Systems of the past.
Key words: Ecology, Law Enforcement, Security, Agencies, Reform
Vojno delo, 2013
Cilj ovog rada je fokusiranje na pronalaženje načina da se proširi kapacitet čitavog sistema bezb... more Cilj ovog rada je fokusiranje na pronalaženje načina da se proširi kapacitet čitavog sistema bezbednosti u svim kategorijama koje ga sačinjavaju na nacionalnom nivou, uz istovremeno očuvanje i razvoj demokratije. Neophodno je substancijalno povećanje kapaciteta sistema bezbednosti, dakle ono što je najvažnije za simbolički pristup reformama, ali i značajno za institucionalni pristup izgradnji kapaciteta, zauzvrat, povezano sa odgovarajućim birokratskim pristupom. Za razliku od prvog pristupa, koji može da utiče na pogrešne poteze u institucionalnom pristupu, ovaj drugi pristup se relativno mnogo studirao i primenjivao. Institucionalni pristup reformi jeste proučavanje političkih aspekata i mogućnosti proširenja kapaciteta svakog od sistema nacionalne bezbednosti i podrazumeva upoznavanje sa mehanizmima Regulatorne države u oblasti bezbednosti preko 'trojstva glavnih pitanja CVO'. Kvalitetno primenjen princip regulacije od države regulatora stvara novi centralni institucionalni profil. Koncept regulatorne države sugeriše da težište moderne države bude na korišćenju organa, pravila i standarda podešavanja. Definicija ukazuje na materijalne dimenzije državne regulacije korišćenjem ovog modernog koncepta. Takođe ukazuje na postojanje bliskih veza između novih i prefinjenih instrumenata u vidu propisa koji nisu postojali ili bar nisu bili u širokoj upotrebi, i podstiču transformaciju postojećih i razvoj novih regulatornih institucija koje upravljaju procesom po konceptu postregulatorne države. To istovremeno podrazumeva cilj kojem se teži: stvaranje bezbedne države, kao sledbenika liberalne države blagostanja. Neki autori smatraju da se bezbedne države u izvesnim uslovima mogu iskazati kao novi tip u velikoj meri formirane i osamostaljene autoritarnosti, koja je zaista pružila pozitivne rezultate na svim poljima koja valja posmatrati, analizirati i poboljšati, počev od pravične zaštite marginalizovanih i socijalno isključenih grupa, a zaključno sa prodiranjem ovih kvaliteta u jezgra društvenih institucija, naročito u sistemu krivičnog pravosuđa. Da bi se to i ostvarilo, legislativni pristup, to jest regulacija, odvija se u tri oblasti u kojima funkcioniše država: 1. blagostanje, 2. tržište rada i 3. upravljanje rizikom. Država je takođe u obavezi da preduzima nove mere za borbu protiv terorizma i organizovanog kriminala, što podrazumeva razvoj i primenu novih znanja, ali i formiranja adekvatnih aparata za svojevrstan rat sa terorizmom, kao i i kontrolu nad organizovanim kriminalom, sa jasnim ciljem njihovog anuliranja.
Part I – Ethical and Property Dilemma 7 Nikola SAMARDŽIĆ: SEVERAL IDEAS ON HOLOCAUST AND RESTITUT... more Part I – Ethical and Property Dilemma
Serbian Ethical and Property Dilemma and the Legacy
of Anti-Semitism
21 Dragan ALEKSIĆ: Th e Sale of Confi scated Jewish Immovable
Property in Serbia During World War II for Financing War
Damages to Germans
39 Adam J. SACKS: Wiedergutmachung and its Discontents
Part II – The Political Roles in the Restitution
INSTITUTION: Bankverein AG and Aryanization of Jewish
property in Serbia
65 Ljiljana DOBROVŠAK: Restitution of Jewish Property in
89 Wesley A. FISHER: Further Observations on the Restitution
of Art, Judaica, and Other Cultural Property Plundered in
Part III – THE LEGAL ASPECTS: Rehabilitation and Restitution
101 Kristen NELSON and Rajika L. SHAH: AN IMMOVABLE
ESLI’s Initiative to Bring Present and Future Meaning to the
Terezin Declaration Commitments
113 Radovan LAZIĆ: An Overview of the Law on Rehabilitation
From the Point of View of Holocaust Victims and Other
Victims of Nazi Terror
123 Jovan KRSTIĆ: Restitution as Th e Legal Vacuum in the System
of Law
141 Goran ILIĆ: Th e Military Judiciary in Post-War Years
Prof. Dr. Vladan Joldzic, Mr. Jovan Krstic ABUSE OF THE DESIGN OF THE CRIMINAL OFFENCE THE ABUSE... more Prof. Dr. Vladan Joldzic, Mr. Jovan Krstic
Present Legal Solution in the substantial Criminal Law fornthe criminal offence “Abuse of Official Duty” has been designed as the mighty legal tool to prevent all undefined strikes in the field of the official duities in the state administration or in the public enterprises in the authoritarian past. It has the “blanco body” - the space within the definition of “using the official duty or the position” were could have been put various infringements, if not being found out in any other specific criminal offence of the Penal Code. The latest developments of the material criminal law, are not following the changes in Criminal Law of the Leadig Democrtaic Societies, because of the repressive dogmathic minded lawmakers, who still find it necessary to apply the Article 359. of the Criminal Code of Serbia, althught it was used as the migty weapon for combating to ideological enemies in our authoritarian past, and thus is not in accordance with the Concept of Human Rights (Chapters VI and XXII of ECHR) and with the principles of the Constitution (Article 16). Possible legal solutions were also disccuessed and designed de lege ferenda, regarding the comparative analysis of criminal and other punishable offences (administrative punishment), protecting Legitimacy and Legality, Human Rights and Basic Civil Liberties and putting the man and the citizen into the very spot of the protection instead of state and other colectivities, all based on the grounds of the Constitution, Law, Ratified International Treaty (EUCHR), and regulation passed on the grounds of the Law.
Key words: Criminal Offence - Human Rights – Law on the Abuse of Power
С а ж е т а к Један од јасних примера постојања правне празнине унутар законодавства Републике Ср... more С а ж е т а к
Један од јасних примера постојања правне празнине унутар законодавства Републике Србије је проблем повраћаја имовине жртава Холокауста, који је као посебно исказан проблем остао нерегулисан. Академска зajeдницa стручњaкa зaслужуje oзбиљну нaучну критику због толерисања правних празнина и правном систему. Криминолошки феномени криминалитета мржње и говора мржње који су у прошлости резултирали доношењем расних закона, одузимањем грашђанских права и имовине и физичке ликвидације - Холокауста - су такви да представљају јединствене случајеве појаве таквог Зла да превазлазе људски век, погађају генерације које долазе, неспремне да се са тим суоче због неспремности наше генерације да превентивно делујемо регулишући друштвене односе на темељу модерних принципа и стaндарда ради спречавања рецидива прошлости. Oвo сe смaтрa суштинскoм (симболичком) нeдoвoљнoшћу кaпaцитeтa система безбедности сa стaнoвиштa упрaвљaњa знaњeм и дипломатије знања. Погрешан oднoс aкaдeмскe зajeдницe прeмa прoблeму прoширeњa кaпaцитeтa система бeзбeднoсти у склoпу заштите јавног интереса и рeфoрмe систeмa бeзбeднoсти, мoжe сe критички оцентити кроз садашње прoфилисaњe бeзбeднoснe зajeдницe извaн извршнe влaсти - у правосуђе, у стaтусу aгeнциja зa спрoвoђeњe зaкoнa и aкo je прирoдa њихoвoг рaдa и нaчелo тajнoсти у рaду нeспojиво сa принципoм jaвнoсти у рaду aгeнциja зa спрoвoђeњe зaкoнa. На жалост, расте и вероватноћа да се ова хипотека прошлости обруши на будуће генерације, али које правосуђе неће моћи да заштити мудрошћу, пошто ће све судије отићи у пензију са 65 година старости због једног дискриминаторског закона у односу на стара лица. Да ли је закон донет да лиши државу могућности да достигне ниво стабилности развијених земаља које свој развој дугују, између свега осталог, конзервативном правосуђу?
Кључне речи: правна празнина - самоограничење уставности - рецидив ауторитарне прошлости
Vojno delo, 2015
"Never Again” је наслов књиге Џона Ашкрофта, бившег америчког државног тужиоца, која шаље важну п... more "Never Again” је наслов књиге Џона Ашкрофта, бившег америчког
државног тужиоца, која шаље важну поруку у којoj је аутор концентрисао сву своју мудрост и храброст на промену целокупног система
безбедности, након 11. септембра (2001), што је од значаја за наше истраживање. Циљ овог рада јесте да се размотри национални оквир или
перформансе система безбедности профилисаног националног оквира
како би се утврдила довољност или недовољност жељеног профила по
одговарајућим стандардима и, у том смислу, да размотри могућност повећања капацитета (студија ефикасности националног профила).
Кључне речи: обавештајно-безбедносна заједница, изградња
капацитета, реформа, симболички приступ
One of the clear examples of the existence of legal gaps in the legislation of the Republic of Se... more One of the clear examples of the existence of legal gaps in the legislation of the Republic of Serbia is the problem of restitution of property of Holocaust victims, which is shown as a separate problem that remains unregulated. Th e academic community of experts deserves serious scientific criticism for tolerating legal gaps in the legal system. Criminological phenomena
of hate crime and hate speech which in the past resulted in the adoption of racial laws, civil rights and confiscation of property and physical liquidation – Holocaust –are such unique instances of evil that they exceed the limits of one life span and affect generations to come, unprepared to deal with them due to the unwillingness of our generation to act retentively regulating social relations based on modern principles and standards in order to prevent recurrence of the past. Th is is considered
to be the essential (symbolic) inadequacy of the security systems from the perspective of knowledge management and diplomacy. Wrong attitude of the academic community towards the problem of increasing the capacity within the security system to protect the public interest and towards the reform of the security system can be critically assessed through present profiling of the security community outside of executive power – in the judiciary, in the status of law enforcement agencies, although the nature of their work and the principle of secrecy is incompatible with the principle of transparency in the work of law enforcement agencies. Unfortunately, it is likely that all these problems will be crashing down on the future
Key words: legal vacuum, self-limitation, constitutionality, relapse into authoritarian past
Miltary Review, Serbia
The Symbolic Approach to Security System Reform (SSR Symbolic Policy Capacity Building) is a set of ideas and concepts that sends a clear message to the environment that Serbian broke with authoritarian regimes and their corresponding safety systems of the past. As an illustration of the epochal meaning of this approach can be used laborious and based on the latest events, largely incomplete, reform the security services in Pakistan. Оone of the tasks of social science is making a global assessment on the situation of Human Security. The United Nations has to address it, but to our national need a serious reconsideration of Common Values (the general safety values to be protected) and Public Interest (so-called policy of persecution in order to meet in this area). Why? Because the interest of the citizens is generally neglected by the bureaucracy by prioritizing the interests of various collectives from the state itself to the interest groups, political parties across the country (that same bureaucracy) Concept of the Economic Security is weak (although the most important, including freedom of the market, environment protection, protection of consumers etc.) because we have no long-term Development Strategy, which would be the basis of good Security Culture. If we consistently consider a system and security as such, we note that something missing in the list of protected property, as priorities, lack of protection of certain human rights in the corpus iuris of Human Rights (specifically the right to equal access of citizens to private property and private enterprise, but not that specially - to the tycoons). But if you believe in such a generally accepted definition of protected resources, and just think of the national economy and finance, from which we can conclude that certain political parties who, when they were in power, made decisions that were detrimental to national security with impunity.
Key words: Symbolic Approach to Reforms, Institutional Approach, Balancing Democracy, Security State, Democratic State
Vojno Delo, 2015
Mr. Zoran Milosavljevc Scientific Researcher in the Institute for Political Studies in Belgrade ... more Mr. Zoran Milosavljevc
Scientific Researcher in the Institute for Political Studies in Belgrade
Mr. Jovan Krstic
Senior Councilor to the Office of the Public Prosecutor of Serbia
"Never Again” је наслов књиге Џона Ашкрофта, бившег америчког државног тужиоца, која шаље важну поруку у којoj је аутор концентрисао сву своју мудрост и храброст на промену целокупног система безбедности, након 11. септембра (2001), што је од значаја за наше истраживање. Циљ овог рада јесте да се размотри национални оквир или перформансе система безбедности профилисаног националног оквира како би се утврдила довољност или недовољност жељеног профила по одговарајућим стандардима и, у том смислу, да размотри могућност повећања капацитета (студија ефикасности националног профила). Да ли новим изазовима безбедности одговара само стари институционални (бирократски) приступ променама? Чувени ФБИ доживео је понижење услед сопствене неделотворности у случају Хансен, када је после више деценија бирократског нагађања, његовој екипи ухапшени иронично саопштио: „Шта вас је толико задржало сво ово време, момци?” Коме шаље поруку бивши државни тужилац САД Ашкрофт ( John Aschroft, „Never Again: Securing America and Restoring Justice”, Center Street, New York, Boston,Nashville, 2006) када поручује: „Никад више”? Па, никад више неделотворном и недовољно контролисаном националном систему безбедности. Савременој политици нису потребне окоштале структуре разних служби. Потребне су агенције које независно проучавају, регулишу и спроводе послове безбедности и законито преносе одговорност на носиоце политичких одлука. Наведена синтагма симболизује историјски напредак у цивилно-војним односима. Kao што смо и раније наглашавали, за наше прилике то не важи само „од Крцуна на овамо”, већ од почетка стварања српске државе.
Кључне речи: обавештајно-безбедносна заједница, изградња капацитета, реформа, симболички приступ
Mr. Zoran Milosavljevc
Mr. Jovan Krstic
“Never Again” is the title of the book and important message of Mr. John Aschroft, former US State Attorney concentrating wisdom and courage to change entire security system if fails (09/11), and this is also relevant to our case. General Problems of research and finding out the appearance of these areas are encouraged and developed from the same premise: the epistemological positivism rationalist’s ways of thinking that leads to the fundamental question of setting conditions for the formation of different modes of safety systems and their effectiveness (and therefore the concerns of their improvement, which scientific question is relevant here). The scientific answer to the above basic question is given based on two philosophical directions that research should first explain in the context of a case study: a) ontological rationalism and b) the methodological positivism. Research should be done by looking at past of the systems, same as the galaxies that we see in the stage where they are no longer, in respect of which the degree of distinction from the past symbolically determines the capacity - the level of progress in the protection primarily of every man, and then the entire mankind. This is best observed, not on the Global Security System, but looking in his visible synonymous, and that is the Global Environmental Regime, and in this regard, the concept of Human Security. It represents the interpretive approach that extends the positivist position, same as the telescope makes magnification. It is well known kind of trauma experienced when deepening our knowledge about something that really had happened, but the paths of scientific research can’t possibly be changed for having the shocking results! The aim is to consider the National Framework or Security System, performance profiling of a national framework in order to determine its sufficiency or insufficiency (renal capacity) of the desired profile to the appropriate standard in this regard to consider the possibility of increasing capacity (National Profile Effectiveness Study). Sufficiency or Insufficiency or the extent of the Capacity of National Security System is much more contribution to other’s safety than given by them (or derivation of power or gifted piece of might). The contribution is valued as a substantially (significant) increase in capacity, and some states does not contribute enough to the Regional and Global Security System, what is considered as well as substantial reduction (failure) in security and could reduce the National Intelligence Community, to the extent that it fails to support the implementation of values of International Intelligence Community and thus reduce the capacity of the global system or the systems of the political organizations, to the extent that failure to implement standards in the national security system undermines efforts of the surrounding. The most serious methodological problem always seems to solve the simpliest questions, and that is the reference point and the axis of stability of this study: determination of the public interest in the field of national security as the starting point for measuring the how safe is the society (Policy Making). The question arises: What is our public interest, with sub-questions: where are the measures coinciding with the world? Who defines our public interest/s, with sub-questions: the extent to which such entity is legitimate from the standpoint of the national legislative framework, but also the world's conventional framework and policies related to the issue of democratic control? Who intervenes in the security system, with sub-questions: on whose orders? At the expense of which funds, with sub-questions: how to obtain these funds? The Symbolic Approach to Reforms (Policy Capacity Building) is a set of ideas and concepts that sends a clear message to the environment that Serbian broke with authoritarian regimes and their corresponding safety systems of the past. As an illustration of the epochal meaning of this approach can be used laborious and based on the latest events, largely incomplete, reform the security services in Pakistan. Оne of the tasks of social science is making a global assessment on the situation of Human Security. The United Nations has to address it, but to our national need a serious reconsideration of Common Values (the general safety values to be protected) and Public Interest (so-called policy of persecution in order to meet in this area). Why? Because the interest of the citizens is generally neglected by the bureaucracy by prioritizing the interests of various collectives from the state itself to the interest groups, political parties across the country (that same bureaucracy) Concept of the Economic Security is weak (although the most important, including freedom of the market, environment protection, protection of consumers etc.) because we have no long-term Development Strategy, which would be the basis of good Security Culture. If we consistently consider a system and security as such, we note that something missing in the list of protected property, as priorities, lack of protection of certain human rights in the corpus iuris of Human Rights (specifically the right to equal access of citizens to private property and private enterprise, but not that specially - to the tycoons). But if you believe in such a generally accepted definition of protected resources, and just think of the national economy and finance, from which we can conclude that certain political parties who, when they were in power, made decisions that were detrimental to national security with impunity.
Key words: Intelligence Community, Capacity Building, Symbolic Approach to Reforms, Institutional Approach to the Reforms, Balancing Democracy, Regulatory State, Regulatory Agency
Један од јасних примера постојања правне празнине унутар законодавства Републике Србије је пробле... more Један од јасних примера постојања правне празнине унутар законодавства Републике Србије је проблем: a) квалитета стварне регулације повраћаја имовине у опште, а посебно проблем б) повраћаја имовине жртава Холокауста, које је као посебно исказан проблем остао нерегулисано и поред постојања јасног интереса, а пре свега интереса носилаца права својине и њихових наследника, али и сваког друштва које тежи да се сматра правно регулисаним и стабилним.
Пошто питање праведног враћања неправедно одузете имовине у прошлости очигледно, по мишљењима политичких посленика исказним њиховом неактивношћу на овом плану, не представља друштвени однос за који постоји друштвени интерес да буде регулисана нормама, морамо да се осврнемо на разлоге због којих овако значајна област остала правно недовољно уређена.TO ЈЕ ВРХУНСКА НЕБЕЗБЕДНОСТ НА ПРОСТОРУ СВОЈИНСКИХ ОДНОСА Академска зajeдницa стручњaкa зaслужуje oзбиљну нaучну критику због толерисања правних празнина и правном систему. Дeo пoдaтaкa дo кojих сe дoшлoу емпиријској анализи или aнaлизом у нeклaсификoвaнoj литeрaтури мoгу бити нeтaчни (величина државне имовине и величина имовине коју потражују жртве разних прогона проузрокованих сектаком мржњом и нетрпељивошћу), јер, у aкaдeмској зajeдници нема jaвнe кoнтрoлe и нaдмeтaњa мeђу истрaживaчимa дa испрaвe пoгрeшкe правне теорије, док систeми бeзбeднoсти нaстaвљajу дa функциoнишу нeпрoмeњeнo, можда прикривajући тaчнe пoдaткe иили их откривајући али су они бeз дoвoљнo нaучнe критикe. Друштвени односи који су резултат или узрок друштвених конфликата из прошлости, остају нерегулисани и у садашњости, тако да се оставља следећим генерацијамада их решавају, тако да се продужава време трајања правне несигурности, а самим тим и нестабилности државе и друштва коме та држава треба да служи. Криминолошки феномени криминалитета мржње и говора мржње који су у прошлости резултирали доношењем расних закона, одузимањем грашђанских права и имовине и физичке ликвидације - Холокауста - су такви да представљају јединствене случајеве појаве таквог зла да превазлазе људски век, погађају генерације које долазе, неспремне да се са тим суоче због неспремности наше генерације да превентивно делујемо регулишући друштвене односе на темељу модерних принципа и стaндарда ради спречавања рецидива прошлости.Кao eклaтaнтaн примeр тaквoг погрешног oднoсa aкaдeмскe зajeдницe прeмa прoблeму прoширeњa кaпaцитeтa система бeзбeднoсти у склoпу заштите јавног интереса и рeфoрмe систeмa бeзбeднoсти, мoжe сe критички нaвeсти садашње прoфилисaњe бeзбeднoснe зajeднницe вaн извршнe влaсти у стaтусу aгeнциja зa спрoвoђeњe зaкoнa (Law Enforcement Agencies) и aкo je прирoдa њихoвoг рaдa и нaчлo тajнoсти у рaду (Iintelligence Agencies - Обавештајне агенције које спровводе спeциjaлнe тajнe oпeрaциje тaктикe, тeхникe и мeтoдe, међу којима и тз. рaскoлнe oпeрaциje, пропаганда и дeзинфoрмaциje, зa кoje сe прeдвиђa пoсeбнa кoнтрoлa зaкoнoдaвнe, извршнe и судскe влaсти) нeспojиво сa принципoм jaвнoсти у рaду aгeнциja зa спрoвoђeњe зaкoнa (FBI, Scotland Yard, Пoлициja посебно овлашћена за истраге у Немачкој, Француској или Правосудна полиција коју немамо, Царина, Aгeнциja зa бoрбу прoтив кoрупциje, Упрaвa зa спрeчaвaњa прaњa нoвцa, итд.).
Limes Plus Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2015
In contrast to classic examples of legal vacuums the social relations that are not regulated by l... more In contrast to classic examples of legal vacuums the social relations that are not regulated by law and if it is estimated that there is no social interest to be covered by them, they represent classic empty space. One of the clear examples of the existence of Legal Vacuum in the National Legislation of the Republic of Serbia the problem of a) Quality of actual regulation for the restitution of property in general, and in particular b) Restitution of property of the Holocaust victims as the specifically stated problem remained unregulated, despite of the existence of clear public interest primarily the interests of the wore property rights, and their successors, and of any society that aspires to be considered legally regulated and stable. Since the question of just returning the wrongfully seized property in the past, obviously, in the opinion of political workers propositional to their inaction on this issue, not a social relationship in which there is social interest to be regulated standards, we have to look down at the reasons why this important area remained legally insufficiently regulated.THE ULTIMATE INSECURITY IN THE PROPERTY RELATIONS SPACE The Academic Community consisted of the professionals deserves a serious scientific criticism for tolerating Legal Vacuums in the Legal System. Part of the data that were obtained in the empirical analysis or analysis based on the non-classified literature, may be incorrect (the size of state assets and the size of the property claimed by various victims of persecution caused sectarian hatred and intolerance), because, in the Academic Community has no public scrutiny and competition among researchers to document Errors Legal Theory, while the security systems continue to operate unchanged, maybe concealing accurate information or the data were revealed, but without sufficient scientific criticism. Social relationships that result or were the cause of social conflicts in the past, remain unregulated even in the present, so that the lawmakers leaves the following generations to solve them, so thus this prolongs the duration of Legal Uncertainty, and therefore the Instability of the State and society to which this country is supposed to serve. Criminological phenomena of Hate Crime and Hate Speech, which in the past resulted in the enactment of Racial Laws, subtracting Civil Rights and Property and even physical liquidation - the Holocaust - are one of a kind of the appearance of Evil itself that lasting human life, affecting generations to come, unprepared to deal with Evil because of the unwillingness of our generation to do the preventive act by regulating social relations based on modern principles and standard to prevent recurrence of the past. As a striking example of such a wrong attitude of the Academic Community to the problem of Capacity Expansion within the Security System to obtain the protecting the Public Interest and of the Security System Reform, we can specify the critical current profiling Intelligence Community outside the Executive Branch of Power into the Justice Branch in the status of Law Enforcement Agencies (Law Enforcement Agencies), although the nature their work the principle of secrecy (Intelligence Agencies - Intelligence Agencies provide special covert operations, tactics, techniques and methods, including co called. splinter or dissuasive operations, propaganda and misinformation, which needs separate control of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial authorities) all of which are incompatible with the principle of transparency in the work of law enforcement agencies (FBI, Scotland Yard, Public Police or Judicial Police in Germany, France, Customs, the Anti-Corruption Agency, Directorate for prevention of money laundering, etc.).
Acta historiae medicinae, stomatologiae, pharmaciae, medicinae veterinariae, 2017
Revista Direitos Humanos Fundamentais, 2019
Laundromat is a complex system for laundering money stolen from the government by corrupt politic... more Laundromat is a complex system for laundering money stolen from the government by corrupt politicians or earned through organized crime activity. It was designed to not only move money from Serbian shell companies into EU banks through many countries, but it had the added feature of getting corrupt or uncaring judges and sequesters on the secret funds in those countries to legitimize the funds. Serbian Laundromat works on the principle "good morning to all four sides of the World", also exploiting the "neutrality" on the origin and amount of money that comes from abroad or being collected from own people (placement), put abroad (layering) and returned back as "foreign" investment (integration). Some Case Studies has been done on the institutional response to the corruption challenge (that missing in Serbia).
Revista Direitos Humanos Fundamentais. ISSN 2358-9949 POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS EM DIREITOS FUNDAMENTAISV. 17, N. 2 (, 2017
SERBIAN LAUNDROMAT Zoran Milosavljevic Jovan Krstic A... more SERBIAN LAUNDROMAT
Zoran Milosavljevic
Jovan Krstic
Autores convidados
Recebido: 21-6-2018
Aprovado: 16-9-2018
SUMMARY: 1 Preface: The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project approach to the problem. 2 Some identified (or only pointed) corruption problems and question of possible ways how to resolve them. Examples from States that have emerged from ex-Yugoslavia and abroad. 3 Do we have fear or ways how to resolve corruption problems, especially at the Serbian State level? 4 Attempts to resolve corruption problems on the State Level as template. 5 Conclusions. 6 References.
Laundromat is a complex system for laundering money stolen from the government by corrupt politicians or earned through organized crime activity. It was designed to not only move money from Serbian shell companies into EU banks through many countries, but it had the added feature of getting corrupt or uncaring judges and sequesters on the secret funds in those countries to legitimize the funds. Serbian Laundromat works on the principle “good morning to all four sides of the World”, also exploiting the “neutrality” on the origin and amount of money that comes from abroad or being collected from own people (placement), put abroad (layering) and returned back as “foreign” investment (integration). Some Case Studies has been done on the institutional response to the corruption challenge (that missing in Serbia).
1. Preface: The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project approach to the problem
Our professional orientation on the appearance of the Laundromat problem has deep ethical, economical and from such reasons legal fundaments. We shall try to explain problem by inspecting it basically on the Serbian terrain, but also and parallel through the small number of known cases from other countries, between them some highly developed states.
1 This paper is the result of the actual Macro Project 47011 “Crime in Serbia: phenomenology, risks and possibilities of social intervention” lead by Professor Dr. Vladan Joldzic, Institute for Criminology and Sociology, Belgrade, financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development of the Republic of Serbia. The views in this article are not related to the official position of the organizations mentioned but only to scientific and professionally obtained information.
Laundromat is a complex system for laundering money stolen from the government by corrupt politic... more Laundromat is a complex system for laundering money stolen from the government by corrupt politicians or earned through organized crime activity. It was designed to not only move money from Serbian shell companies into EU banks through many countries, but it had the added feature of getting corrupt or uncaring judges and sequesters on the secret funds in those countries to legitimize the funds. Serbian Laundromat works on the principle "good morning to all four sides of the World", also exploiting the "neutrality" on the origin and amount of money that comes from abroad or being collected from own people (placement), put abroad (layering) and returned back as "foreign" investment (integration). Some Case Studies has been done on the institutional response to the corruption challenge (that missing in Serbia).
Participants of the failed Reform of the Judiciary from the Government and Non-Government sectors... more Participants of the failed Reform of the Judiciary from the Government
and Non-Government sectors indicate the existence of fear among judges and prosecutors, but does not off er a clear answer to the causes of the condition. This paper investigates the role of the academic community and intelligence agencies in the Security System Reform (SSR), i.e. their intervention in the Criminal Justice System. The subsequent problems in the reform of the Serbian Justice System could be explained by “politicization and ideologization of human rights that usually comes from methalegal sources of power – political, economic or military (which) (…) arbitrarily usurp right to control (…) human Rights and apply the so-called double standards (…) Intention of
the author of this paper is to initiate awareness of mental pollution and its attachment to Human Rights to Life and a Healthy Life” [1].
Keywords: justice, mental health
Non MeSH: reform, media, academic community
Zbornik instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 2017
Text contains reflexions that result from scientific work on the Project 47011, which are related with the validity of evidences collected by intelligence agencies. Also pointing on the wrong legal, from this reason also wrong practical treating of the intelligence agencies as law enforce agencies. Our text is aimed at understanding of: foundations, roads and ways of correcting the identified problems, starting from law-theoretical but also pointed at possible practical ways how to solve the perceived problems. It provides a vision of the authors presented as a sort of conclusions and on them based proposals.
KEY WORDS: security agencies, law enforcement agencies, theoretical approach, legislative roots of the problem, ways of correcting.
Joldžić Vladan i Krstić Jovan
Članak sadrži razmišljanja, proizašla iz istraživanja tokom rada na projektu 47011, koja se odnose na validnost dokaza pribavljenih od obaveštajnih agencija. Takođe i ukazivanja na pogrešna zakonska, otuda i praktička, tretiranja obaveštajnih agencija kao agencija za sprovođenje zakona. Usmeren je na sagledavanje: temelja, puteva i načina ispravljanja uočenih problema, počev od teorijsko pravnih do praktičkih. Pruža neka viđenja autora plasirana kao svojevrsne zaključke i predloge.
KLJUČNE REČI: bezbednosne agencije, agencije za sprovođenje zakona, teorijski pristup, legislativni koreni problema, putevi korigovanja.
Abstract Euphemisms are used to refer to taboo topics in a polite way, or to mask profanity and ... more Abstract
Euphemisms are used to refer to taboo topics in a polite way, or to mask profanity and System Security Reform in Serbia has some taboo aspects and some profane aspects. The basic research on all environmental problems show that they are related to a security problems. Symbolic Approach to System Security Reform (SSR) is regarded as a collection of ideas and concepts which sends a clear message to the environment that Serbia has broken with authoritarian regimes and their corresponding Security Systems of the past.
Key words: Ecology, Law Enforcement, Security, Agencies, Reform
Vojno delo, 2013
Cilj ovog rada je fokusiranje na pronalaženje načina da se proširi kapacitet čitavog sistema bezb... more Cilj ovog rada je fokusiranje na pronalaženje načina da se proširi kapacitet čitavog sistema bezbednosti u svim kategorijama koje ga sačinjavaju na nacionalnom nivou, uz istovremeno očuvanje i razvoj demokratije. Neophodno je substancijalno povećanje kapaciteta sistema bezbednosti, dakle ono što je najvažnije za simbolički pristup reformama, ali i značajno za institucionalni pristup izgradnji kapaciteta, zauzvrat, povezano sa odgovarajućim birokratskim pristupom. Za razliku od prvog pristupa, koji može da utiče na pogrešne poteze u institucionalnom pristupu, ovaj drugi pristup se relativno mnogo studirao i primenjivao. Institucionalni pristup reformi jeste proučavanje političkih aspekata i mogućnosti proširenja kapaciteta svakog od sistema nacionalne bezbednosti i podrazumeva upoznavanje sa mehanizmima Regulatorne države u oblasti bezbednosti preko 'trojstva glavnih pitanja CVO'. Kvalitetno primenjen princip regulacije od države regulatora stvara novi centralni institucionalni profil. Koncept regulatorne države sugeriše da težište moderne države bude na korišćenju organa, pravila i standarda podešavanja. Definicija ukazuje na materijalne dimenzije državne regulacije korišćenjem ovog modernog koncepta. Takođe ukazuje na postojanje bliskih veza između novih i prefinjenih instrumenata u vidu propisa koji nisu postojali ili bar nisu bili u širokoj upotrebi, i podstiču transformaciju postojećih i razvoj novih regulatornih institucija koje upravljaju procesom po konceptu postregulatorne države. To istovremeno podrazumeva cilj kojem se teži: stvaranje bezbedne države, kao sledbenika liberalne države blagostanja. Neki autori smatraju da se bezbedne države u izvesnim uslovima mogu iskazati kao novi tip u velikoj meri formirane i osamostaljene autoritarnosti, koja je zaista pružila pozitivne rezultate na svim poljima koja valja posmatrati, analizirati i poboljšati, počev od pravične zaštite marginalizovanih i socijalno isključenih grupa, a zaključno sa prodiranjem ovih kvaliteta u jezgra društvenih institucija, naročito u sistemu krivičnog pravosuđa. Da bi se to i ostvarilo, legislativni pristup, to jest regulacija, odvija se u tri oblasti u kojima funkcioniše država: 1. blagostanje, 2. tržište rada i 3. upravljanje rizikom. Država je takođe u obavezi da preduzima nove mere za borbu protiv terorizma i organizovanog kriminala, što podrazumeva razvoj i primenu novih znanja, ali i formiranja adekvatnih aparata za svojevrstan rat sa terorizmom, kao i i kontrolu nad organizovanim kriminalom, sa jasnim ciljem njihovog anuliranja.
Part I – Ethical and Property Dilemma 7 Nikola SAMARDŽIĆ: SEVERAL IDEAS ON HOLOCAUST AND RESTITUT... more Part I – Ethical and Property Dilemma
Serbian Ethical and Property Dilemma and the Legacy
of Anti-Semitism
21 Dragan ALEKSIĆ: Th e Sale of Confi scated Jewish Immovable
Property in Serbia During World War II for Financing War
Damages to Germans
39 Adam J. SACKS: Wiedergutmachung and its Discontents
Part II – The Political Roles in the Restitution
INSTITUTION: Bankverein AG and Aryanization of Jewish
property in Serbia
65 Ljiljana DOBROVŠAK: Restitution of Jewish Property in
89 Wesley A. FISHER: Further Observations on the Restitution
of Art, Judaica, and Other Cultural Property Plundered in
Part III – THE LEGAL ASPECTS: Rehabilitation and Restitution
101 Kristen NELSON and Rajika L. SHAH: AN IMMOVABLE
ESLI’s Initiative to Bring Present and Future Meaning to the
Terezin Declaration Commitments
113 Radovan LAZIĆ: An Overview of the Law on Rehabilitation
From the Point of View of Holocaust Victims and Other
Victims of Nazi Terror
123 Jovan KRSTIĆ: Restitution as Th e Legal Vacuum in the System
of Law
141 Goran ILIĆ: Th e Military Judiciary in Post-War Years
Prof. Dr. Vladan Joldzic, Mr. Jovan Krstic ABUSE OF THE DESIGN OF THE CRIMINAL OFFENCE THE ABUSE... more Prof. Dr. Vladan Joldzic, Mr. Jovan Krstic
Present Legal Solution in the substantial Criminal Law fornthe criminal offence “Abuse of Official Duty” has been designed as the mighty legal tool to prevent all undefined strikes in the field of the official duities in the state administration or in the public enterprises in the authoritarian past. It has the “blanco body” - the space within the definition of “using the official duty or the position” were could have been put various infringements, if not being found out in any other specific criminal offence of the Penal Code. The latest developments of the material criminal law, are not following the changes in Criminal Law of the Leadig Democrtaic Societies, because of the repressive dogmathic minded lawmakers, who still find it necessary to apply the Article 359. of the Criminal Code of Serbia, althught it was used as the migty weapon for combating to ideological enemies in our authoritarian past, and thus is not in accordance with the Concept of Human Rights (Chapters VI and XXII of ECHR) and with the principles of the Constitution (Article 16). Possible legal solutions were also disccuessed and designed de lege ferenda, regarding the comparative analysis of criminal and other punishable offences (administrative punishment), protecting Legitimacy and Legality, Human Rights and Basic Civil Liberties and putting the man and the citizen into the very spot of the protection instead of state and other colectivities, all based on the grounds of the Constitution, Law, Ratified International Treaty (EUCHR), and regulation passed on the grounds of the Law.
Key words: Criminal Offence - Human Rights – Law on the Abuse of Power
С а ж е т а к Један од јасних примера постојања правне празнине унутар законодавства Републике Ср... more С а ж е т а к
Један од јасних примера постојања правне празнине унутар законодавства Републике Србије је проблем повраћаја имовине жртава Холокауста, који је као посебно исказан проблем остао нерегулисан. Академска зajeдницa стручњaкa зaслужуje oзбиљну нaучну критику због толерисања правних празнина и правном систему. Криминолошки феномени криминалитета мржње и говора мржње који су у прошлости резултирали доношењем расних закона, одузимањем грашђанских права и имовине и физичке ликвидације - Холокауста - су такви да представљају јединствене случајеве појаве таквог Зла да превазлазе људски век, погађају генерације које долазе, неспремне да се са тим суоче због неспремности наше генерације да превентивно делујемо регулишући друштвене односе на темељу модерних принципа и стaндарда ради спречавања рецидива прошлости. Oвo сe смaтрa суштинскoм (симболичком) нeдoвoљнoшћу кaпaцитeтa система безбедности сa стaнoвиштa упрaвљaњa знaњeм и дипломатије знања. Погрешан oднoс aкaдeмскe зajeдницe прeмa прoблeму прoширeњa кaпaцитeтa система бeзбeднoсти у склoпу заштите јавног интереса и рeфoрмe систeмa бeзбeднoсти, мoжe сe критички оцентити кроз садашње прoфилисaњe бeзбeднoснe зajeдницe извaн извршнe влaсти - у правосуђе, у стaтусу aгeнциja зa спрoвoђeњe зaкoнa и aкo je прирoдa њихoвoг рaдa и нaчелo тajнoсти у рaду нeспojиво сa принципoм jaвнoсти у рaду aгeнциja зa спрoвoђeњe зaкoнa. На жалост, расте и вероватноћа да се ова хипотека прошлости обруши на будуће генерације, али које правосуђе неће моћи да заштити мудрошћу, пошто ће све судије отићи у пензију са 65 година старости због једног дискриминаторског закона у односу на стара лица. Да ли је закон донет да лиши државу могућности да достигне ниво стабилности развијених земаља које свој развој дугују, између свега осталог, конзервативном правосуђу?
Кључне речи: правна празнина - самоограничење уставности - рецидив ауторитарне прошлости
Vojno delo, 2015
"Never Again” је наслов књиге Џона Ашкрофта, бившег америчког државног тужиоца, која шаље важну п... more "Never Again” је наслов књиге Џона Ашкрофта, бившег америчког
државног тужиоца, која шаље важну поруку у којoj је аутор концентрисао сву своју мудрост и храброст на промену целокупног система
безбедности, након 11. септембра (2001), што је од значаја за наше истраживање. Циљ овог рада јесте да се размотри национални оквир или
перформансе система безбедности профилисаног националног оквира
како би се утврдила довољност или недовољност жељеног профила по
одговарајућим стандардима и, у том смислу, да размотри могућност повећања капацитета (студија ефикасности националног профила).
Кључне речи: обавештајно-безбедносна заједница, изградња
капацитета, реформа, симболички приступ
One of the clear examples of the existence of legal gaps in the legislation of the Republic of Se... more One of the clear examples of the existence of legal gaps in the legislation of the Republic of Serbia is the problem of restitution of property of Holocaust victims, which is shown as a separate problem that remains unregulated. Th e academic community of experts deserves serious scientific criticism for tolerating legal gaps in the legal system. Criminological phenomena
of hate crime and hate speech which in the past resulted in the adoption of racial laws, civil rights and confiscation of property and physical liquidation – Holocaust –are such unique instances of evil that they exceed the limits of one life span and affect generations to come, unprepared to deal with them due to the unwillingness of our generation to act retentively regulating social relations based on modern principles and standards in order to prevent recurrence of the past. Th is is considered
to be the essential (symbolic) inadequacy of the security systems from the perspective of knowledge management and diplomacy. Wrong attitude of the academic community towards the problem of increasing the capacity within the security system to protect the public interest and towards the reform of the security system can be critically assessed through present profiling of the security community outside of executive power – in the judiciary, in the status of law enforcement agencies, although the nature of their work and the principle of secrecy is incompatible with the principle of transparency in the work of law enforcement agencies. Unfortunately, it is likely that all these problems will be crashing down on the future
Key words: legal vacuum, self-limitation, constitutionality, relapse into authoritarian past
Miltary Review, Serbia
The Symbolic Approach to Security System Reform (SSR Symbolic Policy Capacity Building) is a set of ideas and concepts that sends a clear message to the environment that Serbian broke with authoritarian regimes and their corresponding safety systems of the past. As an illustration of the epochal meaning of this approach can be used laborious and based on the latest events, largely incomplete, reform the security services in Pakistan. Оone of the tasks of social science is making a global assessment on the situation of Human Security. The United Nations has to address it, but to our national need a serious reconsideration of Common Values (the general safety values to be protected) and Public Interest (so-called policy of persecution in order to meet in this area). Why? Because the interest of the citizens is generally neglected by the bureaucracy by prioritizing the interests of various collectives from the state itself to the interest groups, political parties across the country (that same bureaucracy) Concept of the Economic Security is weak (although the most important, including freedom of the market, environment protection, protection of consumers etc.) because we have no long-term Development Strategy, which would be the basis of good Security Culture. If we consistently consider a system and security as such, we note that something missing in the list of protected property, as priorities, lack of protection of certain human rights in the corpus iuris of Human Rights (specifically the right to equal access of citizens to private property and private enterprise, but not that specially - to the tycoons). But if you believe in such a generally accepted definition of protected resources, and just think of the national economy and finance, from which we can conclude that certain political parties who, when they were in power, made decisions that were detrimental to national security with impunity.
Key words: Symbolic Approach to Reforms, Institutional Approach, Balancing Democracy, Security State, Democratic State
Vojno Delo, 2015
Mr. Zoran Milosavljevc Scientific Researcher in the Institute for Political Studies in Belgrade ... more Mr. Zoran Milosavljevc
Scientific Researcher in the Institute for Political Studies in Belgrade
Mr. Jovan Krstic
Senior Councilor to the Office of the Public Prosecutor of Serbia
"Never Again” је наслов књиге Џона Ашкрофта, бившег америчког државног тужиоца, која шаље важну поруку у којoj је аутор концентрисао сву своју мудрост и храброст на промену целокупног система безбедности, након 11. септембра (2001), што је од значаја за наше истраживање. Циљ овог рада јесте да се размотри национални оквир или перформансе система безбедности профилисаног националног оквира како би се утврдила довољност или недовољност жељеног профила по одговарајућим стандардима и, у том смислу, да размотри могућност повећања капацитета (студија ефикасности националног профила). Да ли новим изазовима безбедности одговара само стари институционални (бирократски) приступ променама? Чувени ФБИ доживео је понижење услед сопствене неделотворности у случају Хансен, када је после више деценија бирократског нагађања, његовој екипи ухапшени иронично саопштио: „Шта вас је толико задржало сво ово време, момци?” Коме шаље поруку бивши државни тужилац САД Ашкрофт ( John Aschroft, „Never Again: Securing America and Restoring Justice”, Center Street, New York, Boston,Nashville, 2006) када поручује: „Никад више”? Па, никад више неделотворном и недовољно контролисаном националном систему безбедности. Савременој политици нису потребне окоштале структуре разних служби. Потребне су агенције које независно проучавају, регулишу и спроводе послове безбедности и законито преносе одговорност на носиоце политичких одлука. Наведена синтагма симболизује историјски напредак у цивилно-војним односима. Kao што смо и раније наглашавали, за наше прилике то не важи само „од Крцуна на овамо”, већ од почетка стварања српске државе.
Кључне речи: обавештајно-безбедносна заједница, изградња капацитета, реформа, симболички приступ
Mr. Zoran Milosavljevc
Mr. Jovan Krstic
“Never Again” is the title of the book and important message of Mr. John Aschroft, former US State Attorney concentrating wisdom and courage to change entire security system if fails (09/11), and this is also relevant to our case. General Problems of research and finding out the appearance of these areas are encouraged and developed from the same premise: the epistemological positivism rationalist’s ways of thinking that leads to the fundamental question of setting conditions for the formation of different modes of safety systems and their effectiveness (and therefore the concerns of their improvement, which scientific question is relevant here). The scientific answer to the above basic question is given based on two philosophical directions that research should first explain in the context of a case study: a) ontological rationalism and b) the methodological positivism. Research should be done by looking at past of the systems, same as the galaxies that we see in the stage where they are no longer, in respect of which the degree of distinction from the past symbolically determines the capacity - the level of progress in the protection primarily of every man, and then the entire mankind. This is best observed, not on the Global Security System, but looking in his visible synonymous, and that is the Global Environmental Regime, and in this regard, the concept of Human Security. It represents the interpretive approach that extends the positivist position, same as the telescope makes magnification. It is well known kind of trauma experienced when deepening our knowledge about something that really had happened, but the paths of scientific research can’t possibly be changed for having the shocking results! The aim is to consider the National Framework or Security System, performance profiling of a national framework in order to determine its sufficiency or insufficiency (renal capacity) of the desired profile to the appropriate standard in this regard to consider the possibility of increasing capacity (National Profile Effectiveness Study). Sufficiency or Insufficiency or the extent of the Capacity of National Security System is much more contribution to other’s safety than given by them (or derivation of power or gifted piece of might). The contribution is valued as a substantially (significant) increase in capacity, and some states does not contribute enough to the Regional and Global Security System, what is considered as well as substantial reduction (failure) in security and could reduce the National Intelligence Community, to the extent that it fails to support the implementation of values of International Intelligence Community and thus reduce the capacity of the global system or the systems of the political organizations, to the extent that failure to implement standards in the national security system undermines efforts of the surrounding. The most serious methodological problem always seems to solve the simpliest questions, and that is the reference point and the axis of stability of this study: determination of the public interest in the field of national security as the starting point for measuring the how safe is the society (Policy Making). The question arises: What is our public interest, with sub-questions: where are the measures coinciding with the world? Who defines our public interest/s, with sub-questions: the extent to which such entity is legitimate from the standpoint of the national legislative framework, but also the world's conventional framework and policies related to the issue of democratic control? Who intervenes in the security system, with sub-questions: on whose orders? At the expense of which funds, with sub-questions: how to obtain these funds? The Symbolic Approach to Reforms (Policy Capacity Building) is a set of ideas and concepts that sends a clear message to the environment that Serbian broke with authoritarian regimes and their corresponding safety systems of the past. As an illustration of the epochal meaning of this approach can be used laborious and based on the latest events, largely incomplete, reform the security services in Pakistan. Оne of the tasks of social science is making a global assessment on the situation of Human Security. The United Nations has to address it, but to our national need a serious reconsideration of Common Values (the general safety values to be protected) and Public Interest (so-called policy of persecution in order to meet in this area). Why? Because the interest of the citizens is generally neglected by the bureaucracy by prioritizing the interests of various collectives from the state itself to the interest groups, political parties across the country (that same bureaucracy) Concept of the Economic Security is weak (although the most important, including freedom of the market, environment protection, protection of consumers etc.) because we have no long-term Development Strategy, which would be the basis of good Security Culture. If we consistently consider a system and security as such, we note that something missing in the list of protected property, as priorities, lack of protection of certain human rights in the corpus iuris of Human Rights (specifically the right to equal access of citizens to private property and private enterprise, but not that specially - to the tycoons). But if you believe in such a generally accepted definition of protected resources, and just think of the national economy and finance, from which we can conclude that certain political parties who, when they were in power, made decisions that were detrimental to national security with impunity.
Key words: Intelligence Community, Capacity Building, Symbolic Approach to Reforms, Institutional Approach to the Reforms, Balancing Democracy, Regulatory State, Regulatory Agency
Један од јасних примера постојања правне празнине унутар законодавства Републике Србије је пробле... more Један од јасних примера постојања правне празнине унутар законодавства Републике Србије је проблем: a) квалитета стварне регулације повраћаја имовине у опште, а посебно проблем б) повраћаја имовине жртава Холокауста, које је као посебно исказан проблем остао нерегулисано и поред постојања јасног интереса, а пре свега интереса носилаца права својине и њихових наследника, али и сваког друштва које тежи да се сматра правно регулисаним и стабилним.
Пошто питање праведног враћања неправедно одузете имовине у прошлости очигледно, по мишљењима политичких посленика исказним њиховом неактивношћу на овом плану, не представља друштвени однос за који постоји друштвени интерес да буде регулисана нормама, морамо да се осврнемо на разлоге због којих овако значајна област остала правно недовољно уређена.TO ЈЕ ВРХУНСКА НЕБЕЗБЕДНОСТ НА ПРОСТОРУ СВОЈИНСКИХ ОДНОСА Академска зajeдницa стручњaкa зaслужуje oзбиљну нaучну критику због толерисања правних празнина и правном систему. Дeo пoдaтaкa дo кojих сe дoшлoу емпиријској анализи или aнaлизом у нeклaсификoвaнoj литeрaтури мoгу бити нeтaчни (величина државне имовине и величина имовине коју потражују жртве разних прогона проузрокованих сектаком мржњом и нетрпељивошћу), јер, у aкaдeмској зajeдници нема jaвнe кoнтрoлe и нaдмeтaњa мeђу истрaживaчимa дa испрaвe пoгрeшкe правне теорије, док систeми бeзбeднoсти нaстaвљajу дa функциoнишу нeпрoмeњeнo, можда прикривajући тaчнe пoдaткe иили их откривајући али су они бeз дoвoљнo нaучнe критикe. Друштвени односи који су резултат или узрок друштвених конфликата из прошлости, остају нерегулисани и у садашњости, тако да се оставља следећим генерацијамада их решавају, тако да се продужава време трајања правне несигурности, а самим тим и нестабилности државе и друштва коме та држава треба да служи. Криминолошки феномени криминалитета мржње и говора мржње који су у прошлости резултирали доношењем расних закона, одузимањем грашђанских права и имовине и физичке ликвидације - Холокауста - су такви да представљају јединствене случајеве појаве таквог зла да превазлазе људски век, погађају генерације које долазе, неспремне да се са тим суоче због неспремности наше генерације да превентивно делујемо регулишући друштвене односе на темељу модерних принципа и стaндарда ради спречавања рецидива прошлости.Кao eклaтaнтaн примeр тaквoг погрешног oднoсa aкaдeмскe зajeдницe прeмa прoблeму прoширeњa кaпaцитeтa система бeзбeднoсти у склoпу заштите јавног интереса и рeфoрмe систeмa бeзбeднoсти, мoжe сe критички нaвeсти садашње прoфилисaњe бeзбeднoснe зajeднницe вaн извршнe влaсти у стaтусу aгeнциja зa спрoвoђeњe зaкoнa (Law Enforcement Agencies) и aкo je прирoдa њихoвoг рaдa и нaчлo тajнoсти у рaду (Iintelligence Agencies - Обавештајне агенције које спровводе спeциjaлнe тajнe oпeрaциje тaктикe, тeхникe и мeтoдe, међу којима и тз. рaскoлнe oпeрaциje, пропаганда и дeзинфoрмaциje, зa кoje сe прeдвиђa пoсeбнa кoнтрoлa зaкoнoдaвнe, извршнe и судскe влaсти) нeспojиво сa принципoм jaвнoсти у рaду aгeнциja зa спрoвoђeњe зaкoнa (FBI, Scotland Yard, Пoлициja посебно овлашћена за истраге у Немачкој, Француској или Правосудна полиција коју немамо, Царина, Aгeнциja зa бoрбу прoтив кoрупциje, Упрaвa зa спрeчaвaњa прaњa нoвцa, итд.).
General theme of our scientific meeting is environmental protection of importance for cities and ... more General theme of our scientific meeting is environmental protection of importance for cities and suburbs, which also means their law protection. In modern states, our also, this protection is provided not only for environmental medias (water, air and land) but also to the elements of the living world, all with the aim of preserving the human right to a healthy life in a healthy and adequate environment. Hence, the elements of economic development must be observed, but also oriented, through the prism of environmental law. As, at this moment, is, at the territory of the Republic of Serbia, open the question of possible lithium mining, it especially attracted our attention. This text that we present to you indicates our observation of one number of the constitutional elements of special importance for the mentioned mining. Also on their interconnectedness, stratification, and hierarchical relationships-the layering which is, at the first place, based on the principal approach to the problem that attracts our attention, and is manifested above all and most powerfully by the constitutional-legal approach in seeing: who protect environmental rights and values, what is protected and on which way have to be protected.