Juan Jorge Muñoz - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Juan Jorge Muñoz

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of the heating of the intergranular water on the softening of a shear band

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of frictional heat dissipation on the loss of soil strength

Physical Review E, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Unsaturated behaviour of mine tailings in low precipitation areas

Unsaturated Soils, 2010

ABSTRACT Tailing deposits are singular geotechnical structures, which are intended to last indefi... more ABSTRACT Tailing deposits are singular geotechnical structures, which are intended to last indefi¬nitely in time. One of the most important challenges in relation to such waste deposits is to predict their behaviour in the long term, e.g. several centuries. In this context, it seems useful to observe the behaviour of old abandoned tailings deposits. Since tailings are very fine grained materials, the unsaturated phe¬nomena play a significant role in the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of the deposit. In this paper, some examples of old abandoned tailing deposits are examined, located in low precipitation regions. The in situ measured water content distributions show that, the degree of saturation remains relatively high, even though the low rain amounts and high evaporation rates. It is concluded that the evolution of water content should be taken into account in the deposit design process.

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Research paper thumbnail of Benchmark of experimental techniques for measuring and controlling suction

Géotechnique, 2011

The paper presents a benchmarking study carried out within the ‘Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils fo... more The paper presents a benchmarking study carried out within the ‘Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils for Engineering' (MUSE) network aimed at comparing different techniques for measurement and control of suction. Techniques tested by the eight ‘Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils for Engineering' research teams include axis-translation (pressure plate and suction-controlled oedometer), high-capacity tensiometer and osmotic technique. The soil used in the exercise was a mixture of uniform sand, sodium bentonite (active clay) and kaolinite (non-active clay), which were all commercially available. Samples were prepared by one team and distributed to all other teams. They were normally consolidated from slurry under one-dimensional conditions (consolidometer) to a given vertical stress. The water retention characteristics of the initially saturated specimens were investigated along the main drying path. Specimens were de-saturated by applying suction through the liquid phase when using an ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Heating pulse tests under constant volume on Boom clay

Joumal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Studying the stress-suction coupling in soils using an oedometer equipped with a high capacity tensiometer

Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of soft rock. Application to a large scale heating test and large scale ventilation test

Esta Tesis esta dirigida al analisis teorico y experimental de problemas acoplados Termo-Hidro Me... more Esta Tesis esta dirigida al analisis teorico y experimental de problemas acoplados Termo-Hidro Mecanico (THM) que se desarrollan en formaciones geologicas profundas destinadas al almacenamiento de residuos radiactivos de alta actividad. En las ultimas decadas, han sido estudiadas las formaciones arcillosas para ser utilizadas como barreras geologicas debido a su reducida conductividad hidraulica. La degradacion de las rocas arcillosas producida por efectos de temperatura y por efectos de variacion en el grado de saturacion, es un factor de fundamental importancia, que es actualmente investigado en ensayos in situ a gran escala, como asi tambien en ensayos de laboratorio. En esta tesis, la roca Opalinus Clay ha sido ampliamente caracterizada mediante ensayos de laboratorios. Desde un punto de vista macro-estructural se ha obtenido la curva de retencion de agua, conductividad hidraulica, resistencia y deformacion. El analisis micro-estructural esta enfocado a la caracterizacion minera...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of testing techniques and models for establishing the SWCC of riverbank soils

Engineering Geology - ENG GEOL, 2010

The soil water characteristic curve (SWCC), also known as soil water retention curve (SWRC), desc... more The soil water characteristic curve (SWCC), also known as soil water retention curve (SWRC), describes the relationship between water content and soil suction in unsaturated soils. Water content and suction affect the permeability, shear strength, volume change and deformability of unsaturated soils. This paper presents results of the laboratory determination of the SWCC for soil samples obtained from the riverbank of the Lower Roanoke River in North Carolina. Six different testing methods were used to establish the SWCC including the filter paper, dewpoint potentiameter, vapor equilibrium, pressure plate, Tempe cell and osmotic methods. It is concluded that each suction measurement technique provides different measurable ranges of suction values, and the combined results from the different tests provide continuous SWCCs. Three widely available models were also shown to adequately fit the experimental SWCC data, particularly for matric suction values under 1500kPa. These results wil...

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Research paper thumbnail of Unsaturated behaviour of mine tailings in low precipitation areas

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Research paper thumbnail of Heating pulse tests under constant volume on Boom clay

Joumal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of the heating of the intergranular water on the softening of a shear band

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of frictional heat dissipation on the loss of soil strength

Physical Review E, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Unsaturated behaviour of mine tailings in low precipitation areas

Unsaturated Soils, 2010

ABSTRACT Tailing deposits are singular geotechnical structures, which are intended to last indefi... more ABSTRACT Tailing deposits are singular geotechnical structures, which are intended to last indefi¬nitely in time. One of the most important challenges in relation to such waste deposits is to predict their behaviour in the long term, e.g. several centuries. In this context, it seems useful to observe the behaviour of old abandoned tailings deposits. Since tailings are very fine grained materials, the unsaturated phe¬nomena play a significant role in the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of the deposit. In this paper, some examples of old abandoned tailing deposits are examined, located in low precipitation regions. The in situ measured water content distributions show that, the degree of saturation remains relatively high, even though the low rain amounts and high evaporation rates. It is concluded that the evolution of water content should be taken into account in the deposit design process.

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Research paper thumbnail of Benchmark of experimental techniques for measuring and controlling suction

Géotechnique, 2011

The paper presents a benchmarking study carried out within the ‘Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils fo... more The paper presents a benchmarking study carried out within the ‘Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils for Engineering' (MUSE) network aimed at comparing different techniques for measurement and control of suction. Techniques tested by the eight ‘Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils for Engineering' research teams include axis-translation (pressure plate and suction-controlled oedometer), high-capacity tensiometer and osmotic technique. The soil used in the exercise was a mixture of uniform sand, sodium bentonite (active clay) and kaolinite (non-active clay), which were all commercially available. Samples were prepared by one team and distributed to all other teams. They were normally consolidated from slurry under one-dimensional conditions (consolidometer) to a given vertical stress. The water retention characteristics of the initially saturated specimens were investigated along the main drying path. Specimens were de-saturated by applying suction through the liquid phase when using an ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Heating pulse tests under constant volume on Boom clay

Joumal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Studying the stress-suction coupling in soils using an oedometer equipped with a high capacity tensiometer

Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of soft rock. Application to a large scale heating test and large scale ventilation test

Esta Tesis esta dirigida al analisis teorico y experimental de problemas acoplados Termo-Hidro Me... more Esta Tesis esta dirigida al analisis teorico y experimental de problemas acoplados Termo-Hidro Mecanico (THM) que se desarrollan en formaciones geologicas profundas destinadas al almacenamiento de residuos radiactivos de alta actividad. En las ultimas decadas, han sido estudiadas las formaciones arcillosas para ser utilizadas como barreras geologicas debido a su reducida conductividad hidraulica. La degradacion de las rocas arcillosas producida por efectos de temperatura y por efectos de variacion en el grado de saturacion, es un factor de fundamental importancia, que es actualmente investigado en ensayos in situ a gran escala, como asi tambien en ensayos de laboratorio. En esta tesis, la roca Opalinus Clay ha sido ampliamente caracterizada mediante ensayos de laboratorios. Desde un punto de vista macro-estructural se ha obtenido la curva de retencion de agua, conductividad hidraulica, resistencia y deformacion. El analisis micro-estructural esta enfocado a la caracterizacion minera...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of testing techniques and models for establishing the SWCC of riverbank soils

Engineering Geology - ENG GEOL, 2010

The soil water characteristic curve (SWCC), also known as soil water retention curve (SWRC), desc... more The soil water characteristic curve (SWCC), also known as soil water retention curve (SWRC), describes the relationship between water content and soil suction in unsaturated soils. Water content and suction affect the permeability, shear strength, volume change and deformability of unsaturated soils. This paper presents results of the laboratory determination of the SWCC for soil samples obtained from the riverbank of the Lower Roanoke River in North Carolina. Six different testing methods were used to establish the SWCC including the filter paper, dewpoint potentiameter, vapor equilibrium, pressure plate, Tempe cell and osmotic methods. It is concluded that each suction measurement technique provides different measurable ranges of suction values, and the combined results from the different tests provide continuous SWCCs. Three widely available models were also shown to adequately fit the experimental SWCC data, particularly for matric suction values under 1500kPa. These results wil...

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Research paper thumbnail of Unsaturated behaviour of mine tailings in low precipitation areas

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Research paper thumbnail of Heating pulse tests under constant volume on Boom clay

Joumal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2010

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