Juanita Horman - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Juanita Horman
Cyclops : Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan
Tanah didefinisikan sebagai material yang terdiri dari agregat (butiran) mineral-mineral padat ya... more Tanah didefinisikan sebagai material yang terdiri dari agregat (butiran) mineral-mineral padat yang tidak tersementasi (terikat secara kimia) satu sama lain dari bahan-bahan organik yang telah melapuk (yang berpartikel padat) disertai dengan zat cair dan gas yang mengisi ruang-ruang kosong di antara partikel-partikel tersebut. Butiran tanah sangat mempengaruhi sifat-sifat tanah, sehingga besarnya butiran akan membedakan tanah dalam kategori-kategori penamaan dan klasifikasinya, tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui distribusi ukuran butir tanah dengan menggunakan metode Analisis Saringan dan pengujian Hidrometer serta menentukan jenis tanah berdasarkan distribusi ukuran butir tanah. Dari hasil pengujian Laboratorium diperoleh Distribusi ukuran butir sampel tanah pada daerah Gedung Keuangan Jayapura menurut ASTM D 653 memiliki analisis butiran 0% Kerikil, 54,545% pasir, 20,186% Lanau dan 25,269% Lempung. Tanah yang ada pada daerah Gedung Keuangan Jayapura berdasarkan ukura...
Journal of Fiscal and Regional Economy Studies, Sep 30, 2021
Location quotient (LQ) adalah suatu teknik yang digunakan dalam menentukan suatu sektor basis di ... more Location quotient (LQ) adalah suatu teknik yang digunakan dalam menentukan suatu sektor basis di suatu daerah. Analisis ini diperlukan dalam perencanaan pembangunan wilayah yang erat kaitannya dengan kebijakan ekonomi suatu daerah. Sektor basis adalah sektor yang memiliki potensi besar dalam menentukan arah pembangunan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu memperkirakan atau mengidentifikasi sektor mana yang menjadi sektor basis ditinjau berdasarkan PDRB tahun 2015-2020. Dari hasil penelitian, berdasarkan PDRB terdapat 15 sektor yang menjadi sektor basis dari 17 sektor yang ada, dan dua di antaranya merupakan sektor non basis. Adapun sektor yang termasuk non basis ialah sektor pertambangan dan penggalian (minining & quarrying), dan sektor industri pengolahan (manufacturing).
The recent increased development indirectly has an implication to the increase of the need of gra... more The recent increased development indirectly has an implication to the increase of the need of gravel materials. Thus, management efforts should be importantly implemented in mining operations, particularly Andesite. To run a new mining operation, an analysis regarding finance planning would be needed in order to determine the minimum selling price, so that the company was avoided from losses. The calculation method used to determine the selling price is Break Even Point and Net Annual Value. Break Even Point is a point or a condition where a company does not make profit and does not suffer losses. In other words, in that situation, the profit and the losses are zero. Meanwhile, Net Annual Value is used to calculate the amount of money that is the same value each year (during the life of the project) in which the value is equivalent to money value throughout the life of the project, at certain rate of return on capital (i th).
PT. AE is engaged in the mining industry which in all its business activities requires a large in... more PT. AE is engaged in the mining industry which in all its business activities requires a large investment. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an investment analysis to see how the feasibility of this business using Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR), and Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) methods. Followed by sensitivity analysis to look at the company's financial condition in case of changes of ±2.50%, ±5.00%, and ±7.50% in revenue and cost of revenue. The results of the calculation of business feasibility analysis obtained a
This study aims to see the effect of the issue on the stock price of a nickel mining company, nam... more This study aims to see the effect of the issue on the stock price of a nickel mining company, namely PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk. The total research time is 33 days with seven days of event period and 26 days of estimation period. The method used in this research is the event study method with the research variables are abnormal returns and trading volume activity. From the descriptive result, both abnormal return and trading volume activity affect the issue that can be seen with the mean value after the issue which is higher than the mean value before the issue. However, in the paired sample test, the two research variables yield different significance values. The abnormal return t value is-0.901 smaller than the t table of 0.4124 with a significance of 0.382, so the issue does not affect abnormal returns. The t trading volume activity is-2.305 higher than t table of 1.753 with a significance of 0.036, so the issue affects trading volume activity.
PT Ifishdeco is a mining company that uses backhoe Sany SY-365 in its demolition activities. One ... more PT Ifishdeco is a mining company that uses backhoe Sany SY-365 in its demolition activities. One of backhoes used has the greatest mechanical avaibility compared to others, so it is necessary to analyze the replacement of equipment in order to know the right time for replacement. The method used is the engineering economic method of Net Annual Value (NAV) with the concept of 'defender' and 'challenger' to analyze the cost and benefits of the equipment that can be distributed anually. To determine the NAV of an equipment and to know the the right time for replacement, it is necessary to know how much revenue and cost required for the backhoe to operate during the replacement of the old backhoe (defender) with a new backhoe (challenger) by conducting a replacement experiment in the first year after the tool operates until the end of the project life. The calculation results indicated that the replacement of equipment is more profitable at the sixth year of the project time,
Dump truck is one of the mechanical equipment that become the main conveyance in mining activity ... more Dump truck is one of the mechanical equipment that become the main conveyance in mining activity especially in open pit. In its use dump trucks require a variety of operational needs, one of them the need for fuel oil (diesel). Transportation Activities conducted by PT. Sumber Anugrah Buana using Hino 500 FG 235 JJ type hauling equipment. Transportation distance from the mining front to the stockyard of 120 meters is divided into two segments, segment A-B and B`-C with each slope of 10%-20%. The average fuel consumption of Hino 500 FG 235 JJ is 7.11 liter / hour. Based on the results of the analysis is known that the slope of the haul road greatly affect the large consumption of diesel fuel. Fuel consumption is most needed when traversing an uphill road with a 30% (+) road slope. On the uphill road there are several forces as a vehicle inhibitor.
Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals from the earth. Marble recovered by mining process.... more Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals from the earth. Marble recovered by mining process. Marble is usually used as a building material. PT. Makassar Marmer Muliaindah is a private company, that is actively operating in marble mining in Indonesia. The mining system applied by PT. Makassar Marmer Muliaindah is Open Pit System with Quarry method. Phases of mining activities conducted by PT.
Return on assets is a company's financial ratios related to profitability measuring the company's... more Return on assets is a company's financial ratios related to profitability measuring the company's ability to generate profits or profits at a certain level of income, assets and share capital. Return on equity is part of the profitability ratio for this ratio shows the success of management in maximizing returns to investors. The data used are financial statement data published on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2018 to 2020, from which five companies selected as sample in this research. The results show that, based on the average return on assets, the five sampled companies are classified into very healthy criteria, with the ROA values of PT.
Overburden is a top layer that usually covers the coal layer mined. This layer contains material ... more Overburden is a top layer that usually covers the coal layer mined. This layer contains material that has no nutrients and is usually structured by other various rock layers. Therefore, activities regarding excavation and loading of overburden is very important in order to obtain coal to be produced. In mining operation, it is necessary to evaluate overburden production in a certain period, so that it can be used to increase production in the next period, and to identify the problems occurred in the pit during production calculations. The results from the operation of a PC 3000 include 95% of PA, 50% of UA, 718.74 Bcm/day of productivity and 246,835.76 Bcm of actual production. According to the actual calculations in the SMD2 Pit, the production of PT. PAMA does not achieve target as planned, so a further analysis needed to be taken to assess the biggest cause of loss in the pit. The results highlight that the main parameters for the loss in the pit include rain, slippery, and waiting for equipment.
Jurnal Teknologi Pertambangan
PT. Alfa Riung Jaya merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pertambangan batubara yang berlok... more PT. Alfa Riung Jaya merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pertambangan batubara yang berlokasi di Desa Batalang, Kecamatan Djorong, Kabupaten Tanah Laut, Kalimantan Selatan. PT. Alfa Riung Jaya menetapkan target produksi batubara untuk jobsite Pit C sebesar 150.000 ton/bulan menggunakan kombinasi alat mekanis 2 unit excavator Caterpillar 340DL dan 7 unit dump truck Scania P380CB dengan jarak pengangkutan menuju stockpile 984 meter. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah belum tercapainya produksi dari alat muat dan alat angkut sehingga target produksi belum tercapai, terutama pada jobsite Pit C PT. Alfa Riung Jaya. Kemampuan produksi saat ini untuk alat muat sebesar 271.711,96 ton/bulan dan untuk alat angkut sebesar 126.410,76 ton/bulan. Upaya peningkatan produksi dapat dilakukan dengan cara menambah 1 kali pengisian bucket dump truck serta perbaikan di faktor – faktor yang menyebabkan tidak tercapainya target produksi. Setelah dilakukan perbaikan, kemampuan penangkutan batubara me...
Indonesian mining journal, 2013
Reformation in Indonesia has resulted in a new policy, which is widely known as regional autonomy... more Reformation in Indonesia has resulted in a new policy, which is widely known as regional autonomy. In implementing this decentralisation concept, provinces, regencies and cities as governmental units are being given huge authorities and wider opportunities in terms of managing and developing their areas. This policy, however, could not be interpreted that the central government is transferring an absolute authority. It has to be viewed and be functioned properly as an instrument to accelerate regional developments and to contribute comprehensively to national development as well. In West Papua, natural resources management including mining sector has been a crucial part affecting the implementation of decentralisation. Managerial aspects that consist of planning, organising, monitoring and evaluating seem to be more complicated in practical actions. Therefore, a question usually appearing to be answered is that has West Papua been prepared and capable to face this policy with considering that this long-term policy might have numerous external and internal factors constraining its success. To determine the level of regional capability in facing mining sector autonomy, data regarding mining resources, human resources and regional income of mining activities had been collected from four samples of regencies, namely Fak-Fak, Sorong, Raja Ampat and Teluk Bintuni. These date were then evaluated using factor analysis to be rated and interpreted. The results show that the capability level of Teluk Bintuni is low. Sorong and Fak-Fak have medium levels, and Raja Ampat is in high level.
Coal is one of the fossil fuels that can be utilised in various industries including the electric... more Coal is one of the fossil fuels that can be utilised in various industries including the electric power industry, cement industry, paper industry, steel industry, and other industries. It is approximately 70 percent of Indonesian coal production utilised for the supply of domestic electricity, while 10 percent used for cement production, and the rest utilised for industrial fuel and metallurgical processes. In addition to coal, wood is also another source that is often used among the certain communities as biomass energy source. It is obvious that coal and biomass can be used as energy sources, which can be one of the drivers of economic growth (Gross Domestic Product). Therefore, the shortage of these energy sources can be an obstructive factor for the economic acceleration. The purpose of this study is to figure out the reciprocal relationship between the three variables. The method used in this study is Granger causality. The results indicate that there is a positive relationship between GDP and coal consumption, meaning that the use of coal is influenced by GDP. On the other hand, economic growth may also results in an increase in coal consumption.
One of mining industry characteristics is non renewable, therefore its management should be optim... more One of mining industry characteristics is non renewable, therefore its management should be optimal, efficient and environmentally oriented. Indonesian government has established the mining law as a main regulation in carrying out mineral and coal mining activities. The regulation related to mining industry was Act No. 11/1967, which then replaced by Act No. 04/2009. Implementing rule of the Act No. 04/2009 is regulated through a Government Regulation (PP). In order to implement this government regulation, a Minister Regulation is then need to be issued. The main objective of this research is to know the development of the downstream mining industry related to increasing value added, especially nickel. The method used in this study is a descriptive method that describes secondary data in the form of documentation obtained from various sources. The results shows that the implementation of Act No. 04/2009 has ogbligated the maning companies to built their smelters to run mineral processing and metal refining in five years, in which it can increase value added of minerals, including nickel. Therefore, according to the act, in 2014 raw ore exports should be banned. This condition results in a decrease of raw ore export. The construction of a smelter is used to process and purify nickel with levels above 2%. However, in Indonesia there is still nickel ore with levels below that level. Therefore, Ministerial Regulation No. 05/2017 was issued to overcome this problem, which is currently being replaced by ministerial regulation No. 25/2018.
PT. Anugrah Sukses Mining (ASM) is a company engaged in laterite nickel mining. PT. ASM has a pro... more PT. Anugrah Sukses Mining (ASM) is a company engaged in laterite nickel mining. PT. ASM has a production target of 140,000 tons / month, with an average nickel content of 1.95%. PT. ASM operates mining based on the divisions of regions or blocks of mining. Block 1A is the first block mined by PT. ASM. Block 1A has a total area of 490,000 m 2 and is divided into three mining areas, namely pit 1, pit 2 and pit 3. This research focuses on the pit 2 mining front where limonite and saprolite as laterite nickel zonation. This research was conducted to determine the cut off grade of the laterite nickel grade of the planned sequence. Total tonnage of laterite nickel prior to pit formation was 235,943 tons, with
INTAN Jurnal Penelitian Tambang
PT. Anugrah Sukses Mining (ASM) is a company engaged in laterite nickel mining. PT. ASM has a pro... more PT. Anugrah Sukses Mining (ASM) is a company engaged in laterite nickel mining. PT. ASM has a production target of 140,000 tons / month, with an average nickel content of 1.95%. PT. ASM operates mining based on the divisions of regions or blocks of mining. Block 1A is the first block mined by PT. ASM. Block 1A has a total area of 490,000 m2 and is divided into three mining areas, namely pit 1, pit 2 and pit 3. This research focuses on the pit 2 mining front where limonite and saprolite as laterite nickel zonation. This research was conducted to determine the cut off grade of the laterite nickel grade of the planned sequence. Total tonnage of laterite nickel prior to pit formation was 235,943 tons, with 86,922 tons of waste, 149,021 tons of ore, 0.58: 1 of SR, and cut off grade % Ni ≥ 1.63. The total tonnage of laterite nickel after pit formed was 231,105 tons, with 81,414 tons of waste, 149,217 tons of ore, cut off grade % Ni 1.57 and 0.54: 1 of SR.
INTAN Jurnal Penelitian Tambang
PT Ifishdeco is a mining company that uses backhoe Sany SY-365 in its demolition activities. One ... more PT Ifishdeco is a mining company that uses backhoe Sany SY-365 in its demolition activities. One of backhoes used has the greatest mechanical avaibility compared to others, so it is necessary to analyze the replacement of equipment in order to know the right time for replacement. The method used is the engineering economic method of Net Annual Value (NAV) with the concept of ‘defender’ and ‘challenger’ to analyze the cost and benefits of the equipment that can be distributed anually. To determine the NAV of an equipment and to know the the right time for replacement, it is necessary to know how much revenue and cost required for the backhoe to operate during the replacement of the old backhoe (defender) with a new backhoe (challenger) by conducting a replacement experiment in the first year after the tool operates until the end of the project life. The calculation results indicated that the replacement of equipment is more profitable at the sixth year of the project time, with NPV v...
INTAN Jurnal Penelitian Tambang
Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals from the earth. Marble recovered by mining process.... more Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals from the earth. Marble recovered by mining process. Marble is usually used as a building material. PT. Makassar Marmer Muliaindah is a private company, that is actively operating in marble mining in Indonesia. The mining system applied by PT. Makassar Marmer Muliaindah is Open Pit System with Quarry method. Phases of mining activities conducted by PT. Makassar Marmer Muliaindah include clearing, stripping, drilling, cutting, block splitting, block release, block refinement, loading, hauling and stocking.
INTAN Jurnal Penelitian Tambang
In the mining industry, it is very important to estimate the amount of mineral resources. This es... more In the mining industry, it is very important to estimate the amount of mineral resources. This estimation aims to find out the volume of resources at the certain mining survey area. The estimation method used is the cross-section method, which is based on the rule of gradual changes and the rule of nearest point. The estimation using the rule of gradual changes shows that the total volume of limestone resources is 31,420 m³, and the volume of overburden is 27,572.6 m³. Meanwhile, the estimation using the rule of nearest point shows that the total limestone resource is 125,680 m³, and the overburden volume is 30,290 m³.
INTAN Jurnal Penelitian Tambang
This study aims to see the effect of the issue on the stock price of a nickel mining company, nam... more This study aims to see the effect of the issue on the stock price of a nickel mining company, namely PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk. The total research time is 33 days with seven days of event period and 26 days of estimation period. The method used in this research is the event study method with the research variables are abnormal returns and trading volume activity. From the descriptive result, both abnormal return and trading volume activity affect the issue that can be seen with the mean value after the issue which is higher than the mean value before the issue. However, in the paired sample test, the two research variables yield different significance values. The abnormal return t value is -0.901 smaller than the t table of 0.4124 with a significance of 0.382, so the issue does not affect abnormal returns. The t trading volume activity is -2.305 higher than t table of 1.753 with a significance of 0.036, so the issue affects trading volume activity.
Cyclops : Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan
Tanah didefinisikan sebagai material yang terdiri dari agregat (butiran) mineral-mineral padat ya... more Tanah didefinisikan sebagai material yang terdiri dari agregat (butiran) mineral-mineral padat yang tidak tersementasi (terikat secara kimia) satu sama lain dari bahan-bahan organik yang telah melapuk (yang berpartikel padat) disertai dengan zat cair dan gas yang mengisi ruang-ruang kosong di antara partikel-partikel tersebut. Butiran tanah sangat mempengaruhi sifat-sifat tanah, sehingga besarnya butiran akan membedakan tanah dalam kategori-kategori penamaan dan klasifikasinya, tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui distribusi ukuran butir tanah dengan menggunakan metode Analisis Saringan dan pengujian Hidrometer serta menentukan jenis tanah berdasarkan distribusi ukuran butir tanah. Dari hasil pengujian Laboratorium diperoleh Distribusi ukuran butir sampel tanah pada daerah Gedung Keuangan Jayapura menurut ASTM D 653 memiliki analisis butiran 0% Kerikil, 54,545% pasir, 20,186% Lanau dan 25,269% Lempung. Tanah yang ada pada daerah Gedung Keuangan Jayapura berdasarkan ukura...
Journal of Fiscal and Regional Economy Studies, Sep 30, 2021
Location quotient (LQ) adalah suatu teknik yang digunakan dalam menentukan suatu sektor basis di ... more Location quotient (LQ) adalah suatu teknik yang digunakan dalam menentukan suatu sektor basis di suatu daerah. Analisis ini diperlukan dalam perencanaan pembangunan wilayah yang erat kaitannya dengan kebijakan ekonomi suatu daerah. Sektor basis adalah sektor yang memiliki potensi besar dalam menentukan arah pembangunan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu memperkirakan atau mengidentifikasi sektor mana yang menjadi sektor basis ditinjau berdasarkan PDRB tahun 2015-2020. Dari hasil penelitian, berdasarkan PDRB terdapat 15 sektor yang menjadi sektor basis dari 17 sektor yang ada, dan dua di antaranya merupakan sektor non basis. Adapun sektor yang termasuk non basis ialah sektor pertambangan dan penggalian (minining & quarrying), dan sektor industri pengolahan (manufacturing).
The recent increased development indirectly has an implication to the increase of the need of gra... more The recent increased development indirectly has an implication to the increase of the need of gravel materials. Thus, management efforts should be importantly implemented in mining operations, particularly Andesite. To run a new mining operation, an analysis regarding finance planning would be needed in order to determine the minimum selling price, so that the company was avoided from losses. The calculation method used to determine the selling price is Break Even Point and Net Annual Value. Break Even Point is a point or a condition where a company does not make profit and does not suffer losses. In other words, in that situation, the profit and the losses are zero. Meanwhile, Net Annual Value is used to calculate the amount of money that is the same value each year (during the life of the project) in which the value is equivalent to money value throughout the life of the project, at certain rate of return on capital (i th).
PT. AE is engaged in the mining industry which in all its business activities requires a large in... more PT. AE is engaged in the mining industry which in all its business activities requires a large investment. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an investment analysis to see how the feasibility of this business using Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR), and Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) methods. Followed by sensitivity analysis to look at the company's financial condition in case of changes of ±2.50%, ±5.00%, and ±7.50% in revenue and cost of revenue. The results of the calculation of business feasibility analysis obtained a
This study aims to see the effect of the issue on the stock price of a nickel mining company, nam... more This study aims to see the effect of the issue on the stock price of a nickel mining company, namely PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk. The total research time is 33 days with seven days of event period and 26 days of estimation period. The method used in this research is the event study method with the research variables are abnormal returns and trading volume activity. From the descriptive result, both abnormal return and trading volume activity affect the issue that can be seen with the mean value after the issue which is higher than the mean value before the issue. However, in the paired sample test, the two research variables yield different significance values. The abnormal return t value is-0.901 smaller than the t table of 0.4124 with a significance of 0.382, so the issue does not affect abnormal returns. The t trading volume activity is-2.305 higher than t table of 1.753 with a significance of 0.036, so the issue affects trading volume activity.
PT Ifishdeco is a mining company that uses backhoe Sany SY-365 in its demolition activities. One ... more PT Ifishdeco is a mining company that uses backhoe Sany SY-365 in its demolition activities. One of backhoes used has the greatest mechanical avaibility compared to others, so it is necessary to analyze the replacement of equipment in order to know the right time for replacement. The method used is the engineering economic method of Net Annual Value (NAV) with the concept of 'defender' and 'challenger' to analyze the cost and benefits of the equipment that can be distributed anually. To determine the NAV of an equipment and to know the the right time for replacement, it is necessary to know how much revenue and cost required for the backhoe to operate during the replacement of the old backhoe (defender) with a new backhoe (challenger) by conducting a replacement experiment in the first year after the tool operates until the end of the project life. The calculation results indicated that the replacement of equipment is more profitable at the sixth year of the project time,
Dump truck is one of the mechanical equipment that become the main conveyance in mining activity ... more Dump truck is one of the mechanical equipment that become the main conveyance in mining activity especially in open pit. In its use dump trucks require a variety of operational needs, one of them the need for fuel oil (diesel). Transportation Activities conducted by PT. Sumber Anugrah Buana using Hino 500 FG 235 JJ type hauling equipment. Transportation distance from the mining front to the stockyard of 120 meters is divided into two segments, segment A-B and B`-C with each slope of 10%-20%. The average fuel consumption of Hino 500 FG 235 JJ is 7.11 liter / hour. Based on the results of the analysis is known that the slope of the haul road greatly affect the large consumption of diesel fuel. Fuel consumption is most needed when traversing an uphill road with a 30% (+) road slope. On the uphill road there are several forces as a vehicle inhibitor.
Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals from the earth. Marble recovered by mining process.... more Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals from the earth. Marble recovered by mining process. Marble is usually used as a building material. PT. Makassar Marmer Muliaindah is a private company, that is actively operating in marble mining in Indonesia. The mining system applied by PT. Makassar Marmer Muliaindah is Open Pit System with Quarry method. Phases of mining activities conducted by PT.
Return on assets is a company's financial ratios related to profitability measuring the company's... more Return on assets is a company's financial ratios related to profitability measuring the company's ability to generate profits or profits at a certain level of income, assets and share capital. Return on equity is part of the profitability ratio for this ratio shows the success of management in maximizing returns to investors. The data used are financial statement data published on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2018 to 2020, from which five companies selected as sample in this research. The results show that, based on the average return on assets, the five sampled companies are classified into very healthy criteria, with the ROA values of PT.
Overburden is a top layer that usually covers the coal layer mined. This layer contains material ... more Overburden is a top layer that usually covers the coal layer mined. This layer contains material that has no nutrients and is usually structured by other various rock layers. Therefore, activities regarding excavation and loading of overburden is very important in order to obtain coal to be produced. In mining operation, it is necessary to evaluate overburden production in a certain period, so that it can be used to increase production in the next period, and to identify the problems occurred in the pit during production calculations. The results from the operation of a PC 3000 include 95% of PA, 50% of UA, 718.74 Bcm/day of productivity and 246,835.76 Bcm of actual production. According to the actual calculations in the SMD2 Pit, the production of PT. PAMA does not achieve target as planned, so a further analysis needed to be taken to assess the biggest cause of loss in the pit. The results highlight that the main parameters for the loss in the pit include rain, slippery, and waiting for equipment.
Jurnal Teknologi Pertambangan
PT. Alfa Riung Jaya merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pertambangan batubara yang berlok... more PT. Alfa Riung Jaya merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pertambangan batubara yang berlokasi di Desa Batalang, Kecamatan Djorong, Kabupaten Tanah Laut, Kalimantan Selatan. PT. Alfa Riung Jaya menetapkan target produksi batubara untuk jobsite Pit C sebesar 150.000 ton/bulan menggunakan kombinasi alat mekanis 2 unit excavator Caterpillar 340DL dan 7 unit dump truck Scania P380CB dengan jarak pengangkutan menuju stockpile 984 meter. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah belum tercapainya produksi dari alat muat dan alat angkut sehingga target produksi belum tercapai, terutama pada jobsite Pit C PT. Alfa Riung Jaya. Kemampuan produksi saat ini untuk alat muat sebesar 271.711,96 ton/bulan dan untuk alat angkut sebesar 126.410,76 ton/bulan. Upaya peningkatan produksi dapat dilakukan dengan cara menambah 1 kali pengisian bucket dump truck serta perbaikan di faktor – faktor yang menyebabkan tidak tercapainya target produksi. Setelah dilakukan perbaikan, kemampuan penangkutan batubara me...
Indonesian mining journal, 2013
Reformation in Indonesia has resulted in a new policy, which is widely known as regional autonomy... more Reformation in Indonesia has resulted in a new policy, which is widely known as regional autonomy. In implementing this decentralisation concept, provinces, regencies and cities as governmental units are being given huge authorities and wider opportunities in terms of managing and developing their areas. This policy, however, could not be interpreted that the central government is transferring an absolute authority. It has to be viewed and be functioned properly as an instrument to accelerate regional developments and to contribute comprehensively to national development as well. In West Papua, natural resources management including mining sector has been a crucial part affecting the implementation of decentralisation. Managerial aspects that consist of planning, organising, monitoring and evaluating seem to be more complicated in practical actions. Therefore, a question usually appearing to be answered is that has West Papua been prepared and capable to face this policy with considering that this long-term policy might have numerous external and internal factors constraining its success. To determine the level of regional capability in facing mining sector autonomy, data regarding mining resources, human resources and regional income of mining activities had been collected from four samples of regencies, namely Fak-Fak, Sorong, Raja Ampat and Teluk Bintuni. These date were then evaluated using factor analysis to be rated and interpreted. The results show that the capability level of Teluk Bintuni is low. Sorong and Fak-Fak have medium levels, and Raja Ampat is in high level.
Coal is one of the fossil fuels that can be utilised in various industries including the electric... more Coal is one of the fossil fuels that can be utilised in various industries including the electric power industry, cement industry, paper industry, steel industry, and other industries. It is approximately 70 percent of Indonesian coal production utilised for the supply of domestic electricity, while 10 percent used for cement production, and the rest utilised for industrial fuel and metallurgical processes. In addition to coal, wood is also another source that is often used among the certain communities as biomass energy source. It is obvious that coal and biomass can be used as energy sources, which can be one of the drivers of economic growth (Gross Domestic Product). Therefore, the shortage of these energy sources can be an obstructive factor for the economic acceleration. The purpose of this study is to figure out the reciprocal relationship between the three variables. The method used in this study is Granger causality. The results indicate that there is a positive relationship between GDP and coal consumption, meaning that the use of coal is influenced by GDP. On the other hand, economic growth may also results in an increase in coal consumption.
One of mining industry characteristics is non renewable, therefore its management should be optim... more One of mining industry characteristics is non renewable, therefore its management should be optimal, efficient and environmentally oriented. Indonesian government has established the mining law as a main regulation in carrying out mineral and coal mining activities. The regulation related to mining industry was Act No. 11/1967, which then replaced by Act No. 04/2009. Implementing rule of the Act No. 04/2009 is regulated through a Government Regulation (PP). In order to implement this government regulation, a Minister Regulation is then need to be issued. The main objective of this research is to know the development of the downstream mining industry related to increasing value added, especially nickel. The method used in this study is a descriptive method that describes secondary data in the form of documentation obtained from various sources. The results shows that the implementation of Act No. 04/2009 has ogbligated the maning companies to built their smelters to run mineral processing and metal refining in five years, in which it can increase value added of minerals, including nickel. Therefore, according to the act, in 2014 raw ore exports should be banned. This condition results in a decrease of raw ore export. The construction of a smelter is used to process and purify nickel with levels above 2%. However, in Indonesia there is still nickel ore with levels below that level. Therefore, Ministerial Regulation No. 05/2017 was issued to overcome this problem, which is currently being replaced by ministerial regulation No. 25/2018.
PT. Anugrah Sukses Mining (ASM) is a company engaged in laterite nickel mining. PT. ASM has a pro... more PT. Anugrah Sukses Mining (ASM) is a company engaged in laterite nickel mining. PT. ASM has a production target of 140,000 tons / month, with an average nickel content of 1.95%. PT. ASM operates mining based on the divisions of regions or blocks of mining. Block 1A is the first block mined by PT. ASM. Block 1A has a total area of 490,000 m 2 and is divided into three mining areas, namely pit 1, pit 2 and pit 3. This research focuses on the pit 2 mining front where limonite and saprolite as laterite nickel zonation. This research was conducted to determine the cut off grade of the laterite nickel grade of the planned sequence. Total tonnage of laterite nickel prior to pit formation was 235,943 tons, with
INTAN Jurnal Penelitian Tambang
PT. Anugrah Sukses Mining (ASM) is a company engaged in laterite nickel mining. PT. ASM has a pro... more PT. Anugrah Sukses Mining (ASM) is a company engaged in laterite nickel mining. PT. ASM has a production target of 140,000 tons / month, with an average nickel content of 1.95%. PT. ASM operates mining based on the divisions of regions or blocks of mining. Block 1A is the first block mined by PT. ASM. Block 1A has a total area of 490,000 m2 and is divided into three mining areas, namely pit 1, pit 2 and pit 3. This research focuses on the pit 2 mining front where limonite and saprolite as laterite nickel zonation. This research was conducted to determine the cut off grade of the laterite nickel grade of the planned sequence. Total tonnage of laterite nickel prior to pit formation was 235,943 tons, with 86,922 tons of waste, 149,021 tons of ore, 0.58: 1 of SR, and cut off grade % Ni ≥ 1.63. The total tonnage of laterite nickel after pit formed was 231,105 tons, with 81,414 tons of waste, 149,217 tons of ore, cut off grade % Ni 1.57 and 0.54: 1 of SR.
INTAN Jurnal Penelitian Tambang
PT Ifishdeco is a mining company that uses backhoe Sany SY-365 in its demolition activities. One ... more PT Ifishdeco is a mining company that uses backhoe Sany SY-365 in its demolition activities. One of backhoes used has the greatest mechanical avaibility compared to others, so it is necessary to analyze the replacement of equipment in order to know the right time for replacement. The method used is the engineering economic method of Net Annual Value (NAV) with the concept of ‘defender’ and ‘challenger’ to analyze the cost and benefits of the equipment that can be distributed anually. To determine the NAV of an equipment and to know the the right time for replacement, it is necessary to know how much revenue and cost required for the backhoe to operate during the replacement of the old backhoe (defender) with a new backhoe (challenger) by conducting a replacement experiment in the first year after the tool operates until the end of the project life. The calculation results indicated that the replacement of equipment is more profitable at the sixth year of the project time, with NPV v...
INTAN Jurnal Penelitian Tambang
Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals from the earth. Marble recovered by mining process.... more Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals from the earth. Marble recovered by mining process. Marble is usually used as a building material. PT. Makassar Marmer Muliaindah is a private company, that is actively operating in marble mining in Indonesia. The mining system applied by PT. Makassar Marmer Muliaindah is Open Pit System with Quarry method. Phases of mining activities conducted by PT. Makassar Marmer Muliaindah include clearing, stripping, drilling, cutting, block splitting, block release, block refinement, loading, hauling and stocking.
INTAN Jurnal Penelitian Tambang
In the mining industry, it is very important to estimate the amount of mineral resources. This es... more In the mining industry, it is very important to estimate the amount of mineral resources. This estimation aims to find out the volume of resources at the certain mining survey area. The estimation method used is the cross-section method, which is based on the rule of gradual changes and the rule of nearest point. The estimation using the rule of gradual changes shows that the total volume of limestone resources is 31,420 m³, and the volume of overburden is 27,572.6 m³. Meanwhile, the estimation using the rule of nearest point shows that the total limestone resource is 125,680 m³, and the overburden volume is 30,290 m³.
INTAN Jurnal Penelitian Tambang
This study aims to see the effect of the issue on the stock price of a nickel mining company, nam... more This study aims to see the effect of the issue on the stock price of a nickel mining company, namely PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk. The total research time is 33 days with seven days of event period and 26 days of estimation period. The method used in this research is the event study method with the research variables are abnormal returns and trading volume activity. From the descriptive result, both abnormal return and trading volume activity affect the issue that can be seen with the mean value after the issue which is higher than the mean value before the issue. However, in the paired sample test, the two research variables yield different significance values. The abnormal return t value is -0.901 smaller than the t table of 0.4124 with a significance of 0.382, so the issue does not affect abnormal returns. The t trading volume activity is -2.305 higher than t table of 1.753 with a significance of 0.036, so the issue affects trading volume activity.