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Papers by Judith Albino

Research paper thumbnail of Ethics in Management: Training for Psychologists

Research paper thumbnail of A dental-facial attractiveness scale 1Part II. Consistency of perception

American Journal of Orthodontics, 1983

Research paper thumbnail of Using phase-contrast microscopy to change oral health beliefs and behaviors

Clinical preventive dentistry

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of play therapy on preschool children during initial dental visits

Research paper thumbnail of Peer leadership and health status: factors moderating response to a children's dental health program

Clinical preventive dentistry

Research paper thumbnail of Social and psychological problems of adolescence and their relevance to dental care

International Dental Journal

Troublesome behaviours of adolescent patients are explained using the cognitive-developmental fra... more Troublesome behaviours of adolescent patients are explained using the cognitive-developmental framework of Elkind (1978). Self-contradictory and seemingly irrational behaviours reflect the limited experience of adolescents with newly acquired thinking and reasoning processes. The most important task of adolescence is establishing the adult identity. Just as physiological factors are producing a new adult body, cognitive processes are producing a new adult mind with new behaviour patterns. The erratic behaviours of adolescents are 'symptoms' of the cognitive-developmental process. Four such symptoms are described. 'Pseudostupidity' is the adolescent's tendency to overlook the obvious and inability to make appropriate choices. It results from the lack of experience with newly attained abilities to perceive many possibilities simultaneously. The 'imaginary audience' is the adolescent's self-conscious belief that everyone is watching and evaluating him or her. It reflects the new ability to think about the thoughts of others and the inability to distinguish them from personal thoughts. The 'personal fable' refers to a strong feeling of invulnerability and uniqueness, which reflects an incomplete understanding of the self. 'Apparent hypocrisy' comes from the new ability to conceive ideals and the inability to relate ideals to behaviours. These constructs are applied to situations in the dental setting that reflect difficulties in communication between dentists and adolescent patients and the aesthetic concerns of adolescents. Dentists are advised to remember that adolescent behaviour patterns are not fixed. Of primary importance is the willingness of dentists to listen to young patients and to work towards trusting relationships with them. By serving as a stable adult role model the dentist can facilitate the adolescent's personal growth, as well as positively influencing dental health.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing Dental Students’ Competence: Best Practice Recommendations in the Performance Assessment Literature and Investigation of Current Practices in Predoctoral Dental Education

Journal of dental education

In this article, the Task Force on Student Outcomes Assessment of the American Dental Education A... more In this article, the Task Force on Student Outcomes Assessment of the American Dental Education Association's Commission on Change and Innovation in Dental Education describes the current status of student outcomes assessment in U.S. dental education. This review is divided into six sections. The first summarizes the literature on assessment of dental students' performance. Section two discusses catalysts, with a focus on problem-based learning, for development of new assessment methods, while the third section presents several resources and guides that can be used to inform selection of assessment techniques for various domains of competence. The fourth section describes the methodology and results of a 2008 survey of current assessment practices in U.S. dental schools. In the fifth section, findings from this survey are discussed within the context of competency-based education, the educational model for the predoctoral curriculum endorsed by the American Dental Education ...

Research paper thumbnail of Another look at behavioral sciences in dentistry: perspectives on collaborative clinical research

Journal of dental education

This paper explores the collaborative research relationships between clinical dentists and behavi... more This paper explores the collaborative research relationships between clinical dentists and behavioral scientists in dental education. The emergence of behavioral sciences in dentistry is discussed and attention is given to the nature of professional roles in collaborative clinical research. Components for a model for collaborative clinical research are specified based on the research experiences of behavioral scientists with colleagues in prosthodontics and orthodontics.

Research paper thumbnail of Examiner reliability for two methods of assessing malocclusion

The Angle orthodontist, 1978

... While these results may be partially at-tributable to the factors associated with differences... more ... While these results may be partially at-tributable to the factors associated with differences between the two samples, the fact that HMAR correlations were quite low in the University Clinic sam-ple also suggests that the two indices did differ in reproducibility among ex-aminers. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Reliability and stability of the orthodontic Patient Cooperation Scale

American journal of orthodontics, 1980

Patient cooperation is recognized as an important factor in the outcome of orthodontic treatment.... more Patient cooperation is recognized as an important factor in the outcome of orthodontic treatment. In order to predict patient cooperation, there have been numerous studies which have examined its correlates in orthodontic treatment. However, few, if any, of these studies have considered the reliability or stability of their patient cooperation measures. Hence, the correlates found or not found are suspect. The present article reports on the internal consistency and stability of the Orthodontic Patient Cooperation Scale (OPCS). Using the responses of practicing orthodontists, a list was generated of ten patient behaviors frequently considered in evaluating a patient's cooperation. Subjects were eighth- and ninth-grade students undergoing orthodontic treatment, who were rated by their own orthodontists after 2 months and 6 months of treatment. The internal consistency for the scale was estimated to be 0.71 (N = 44) at 2 months and 0.80 (N = 45) at 6 months. The correlation between...

Research paper thumbnail of Validity of an orthodontic treatment priority index to measure need for treatment

American journal of orthodontics, 1980

In establishing the validity of an index for identifying individuals needing orthodontic treatmen... more In establishing the validity of an index for identifying individuals needing orthodontic treatment, we must concern ourselves with the construct validity of the measure. Since it is clear that the relevant theory concerning need for treatment must include esthetics and the accompanying social and psychological characteristics, the construct validation of an index to measure need for treatment must include tests of hypotheses with these dimensions. If we consider a child's self-perception of occlusion as a psychological variable and another person's perception of a child's occlusion as a social variable, theory relevant to an index of need for treatment would hypothesize that each should correlate positively with need for treatment. Subjects were eighth and ninth grade students from a metropolitan area in western New York State. Fifty-two of the children were planning to obtain orthodontic treatment, and 102 were not. Data were also obtained, whenever possible, from both ...

Research paper thumbnail of Dental student assessment toolbox

Journal of dental education, 2009

In 2005, the American Dental Education Association established the Commission on Change and Innov... more In 2005, the American Dental Education Association established the Commission on Change and Innovation in Dental Education (ADEA CCI) to build a consensus within the dental education community about innovative changes that are necessary in the ...

Research paper thumbnail of The culture strategy wars

Research paper thumbnail of Training programs

Prescriptive authority for psychologists: A history and guide., 2003

Research paper thumbnail of AADS Leadership Summit Advisory Committee

Research paper thumbnail of Expectations and satisfaction of denture patients in a university clinic

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 1986

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of psychological preparation on children hospitalized for dental operations

The Journal of Pediatrics, 1983

We studied the effect of preoperative preparation on stress reduction in children hospitalized fo... more We studied the effect of preoperative preparation on stress reduction in children hospitalized for dental surgery under general anesthesia. Participants were 45 children, 3 and 4 years of age, with no previous hospital-surgery experience and no history of medical or psychological conditions requiring special care. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups: control, receiving no preoperative preparation; unrelated play therapy, receiving a preoperative play session unrelated to hospital or surgical procedures; and related play therapy, receiving a preoperative play session focusing on hospital and surgical procedures. Subjects' behavior was assessed using behavior observation scales for cooperation and upset at seven stress points: admission, nurse's examination, pediatric medical examination, blood test, preoperative injection, transfer to surgery, and induction. The related play therapy group was more cooperative and less upset than either the unrelated play therapy group or the control group across stress points. No significant heart rate differences were found among the three groups. The results suggest that play therapy related to hospital and surgical procedures can alleviate stress and anxiety in 3- and 4-year-old children.

Research paper thumbnail of The oral health of Indigenous children: A review of four nations

Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2010

This review of the oral health of children in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA demonstr... more This review of the oral health of children in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA demonstrates that significant oral health inequalities exist in each nation. Despite traditionally low levels of disease in Indigenous communities, dental caries is now highly prevalent and of increased severity among Indigenous children in comparison to their non-Indigenous counterparts. Early childhood caries is particularly prevalent. The high level of dental disease experience at an early age is associated with increased rates of general anaesthesia and greater risk of dental caries in later life. The rates and severity of dental caries experienced by young Indigenous children are even more alarming when we consider that dental caries is essentially a preventable disease. The success of specific preventive programmes is encouraging; these approaches should be further evaluated and implemented as part of broader health promotion programmes for Indigenous children and families in order to decrease current oral health disparities.

Research paper thumbnail of Development and Validation of a Measure of Attitudes Toward Malocclusion

Journal of Dental Research, 1982

The Orthodontic Attitude Survey was designed to assess children's and their parents&#... more The Orthodontic Attitude Survey was designed to assess children's and their parents' attitudes toward malocclusion and orthodontic treatment. Five consistent clusters of attitudes had discriminant validity, and were significantly related to plans for orthodontic treatment and to objective and subjective indicators of the child's occlusal status and appearance.

Research paper thumbnail of Variables Discriminating Individuals who Seek Orthodontic Treatment

Journal of Dental Research, 1981

Overall, these results support the view that dental-facial esthetics and self-perceptions of occl... more Overall, these results support the view that dental-facial esthetics and self-perceptions of occlusal appearance, as well as attitudes toward malocclusion and orthodontic treatment, are important factors in the individual's decision to obtain orthodontic treatment. The data indicate that psychosocial variables not directly related to occlusal problems and treatment, do not add significantly to the description of differences between those who seek treatment and those who do not. While these analyses did not include a number of variables--such as socioeconomic factors or attitudes of significant others--which may also be important in predicting individual response to malocclusion, they do suggest strongly that psychosocial factors directly related to need for treatment are probably most productively assessed in terms of self-perceptions of occlusal appearance and attitudes regarding dental malrelations and their treatment.

Research paper thumbnail of Ethics in Management: Training for Psychologists

Research paper thumbnail of A dental-facial attractiveness scale 1Part II. Consistency of perception

American Journal of Orthodontics, 1983

Research paper thumbnail of Using phase-contrast microscopy to change oral health beliefs and behaviors

Clinical preventive dentistry

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of play therapy on preschool children during initial dental visits

Research paper thumbnail of Peer leadership and health status: factors moderating response to a children's dental health program

Clinical preventive dentistry

Research paper thumbnail of Social and psychological problems of adolescence and their relevance to dental care

International Dental Journal

Troublesome behaviours of adolescent patients are explained using the cognitive-developmental fra... more Troublesome behaviours of adolescent patients are explained using the cognitive-developmental framework of Elkind (1978). Self-contradictory and seemingly irrational behaviours reflect the limited experience of adolescents with newly acquired thinking and reasoning processes. The most important task of adolescence is establishing the adult identity. Just as physiological factors are producing a new adult body, cognitive processes are producing a new adult mind with new behaviour patterns. The erratic behaviours of adolescents are 'symptoms' of the cognitive-developmental process. Four such symptoms are described. 'Pseudostupidity' is the adolescent's tendency to overlook the obvious and inability to make appropriate choices. It results from the lack of experience with newly attained abilities to perceive many possibilities simultaneously. The 'imaginary audience' is the adolescent's self-conscious belief that everyone is watching and evaluating him or her. It reflects the new ability to think about the thoughts of others and the inability to distinguish them from personal thoughts. The 'personal fable' refers to a strong feeling of invulnerability and uniqueness, which reflects an incomplete understanding of the self. 'Apparent hypocrisy' comes from the new ability to conceive ideals and the inability to relate ideals to behaviours. These constructs are applied to situations in the dental setting that reflect difficulties in communication between dentists and adolescent patients and the aesthetic concerns of adolescents. Dentists are advised to remember that adolescent behaviour patterns are not fixed. Of primary importance is the willingness of dentists to listen to young patients and to work towards trusting relationships with them. By serving as a stable adult role model the dentist can facilitate the adolescent's personal growth, as well as positively influencing dental health.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing Dental Students’ Competence: Best Practice Recommendations in the Performance Assessment Literature and Investigation of Current Practices in Predoctoral Dental Education

Journal of dental education

In this article, the Task Force on Student Outcomes Assessment of the American Dental Education A... more In this article, the Task Force on Student Outcomes Assessment of the American Dental Education Association's Commission on Change and Innovation in Dental Education describes the current status of student outcomes assessment in U.S. dental education. This review is divided into six sections. The first summarizes the literature on assessment of dental students' performance. Section two discusses catalysts, with a focus on problem-based learning, for development of new assessment methods, while the third section presents several resources and guides that can be used to inform selection of assessment techniques for various domains of competence. The fourth section describes the methodology and results of a 2008 survey of current assessment practices in U.S. dental schools. In the fifth section, findings from this survey are discussed within the context of competency-based education, the educational model for the predoctoral curriculum endorsed by the American Dental Education ...

Research paper thumbnail of Another look at behavioral sciences in dentistry: perspectives on collaborative clinical research

Journal of dental education

This paper explores the collaborative research relationships between clinical dentists and behavi... more This paper explores the collaborative research relationships between clinical dentists and behavioral scientists in dental education. The emergence of behavioral sciences in dentistry is discussed and attention is given to the nature of professional roles in collaborative clinical research. Components for a model for collaborative clinical research are specified based on the research experiences of behavioral scientists with colleagues in prosthodontics and orthodontics.

Research paper thumbnail of Examiner reliability for two methods of assessing malocclusion

The Angle orthodontist, 1978

... While these results may be partially at-tributable to the factors associated with differences... more ... While these results may be partially at-tributable to the factors associated with differences between the two samples, the fact that HMAR correlations were quite low in the University Clinic sam-ple also suggests that the two indices did differ in reproducibility among ex-aminers. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Reliability and stability of the orthodontic Patient Cooperation Scale

American journal of orthodontics, 1980

Patient cooperation is recognized as an important factor in the outcome of orthodontic treatment.... more Patient cooperation is recognized as an important factor in the outcome of orthodontic treatment. In order to predict patient cooperation, there have been numerous studies which have examined its correlates in orthodontic treatment. However, few, if any, of these studies have considered the reliability or stability of their patient cooperation measures. Hence, the correlates found or not found are suspect. The present article reports on the internal consistency and stability of the Orthodontic Patient Cooperation Scale (OPCS). Using the responses of practicing orthodontists, a list was generated of ten patient behaviors frequently considered in evaluating a patient's cooperation. Subjects were eighth- and ninth-grade students undergoing orthodontic treatment, who were rated by their own orthodontists after 2 months and 6 months of treatment. The internal consistency for the scale was estimated to be 0.71 (N = 44) at 2 months and 0.80 (N = 45) at 6 months. The correlation between...

Research paper thumbnail of Validity of an orthodontic treatment priority index to measure need for treatment

American journal of orthodontics, 1980

In establishing the validity of an index for identifying individuals needing orthodontic treatmen... more In establishing the validity of an index for identifying individuals needing orthodontic treatment, we must concern ourselves with the construct validity of the measure. Since it is clear that the relevant theory concerning need for treatment must include esthetics and the accompanying social and psychological characteristics, the construct validation of an index to measure need for treatment must include tests of hypotheses with these dimensions. If we consider a child's self-perception of occlusion as a psychological variable and another person's perception of a child's occlusion as a social variable, theory relevant to an index of need for treatment would hypothesize that each should correlate positively with need for treatment. Subjects were eighth and ninth grade students from a metropolitan area in western New York State. Fifty-two of the children were planning to obtain orthodontic treatment, and 102 were not. Data were also obtained, whenever possible, from both ...

Research paper thumbnail of Dental student assessment toolbox

Journal of dental education, 2009

In 2005, the American Dental Education Association established the Commission on Change and Innov... more In 2005, the American Dental Education Association established the Commission on Change and Innovation in Dental Education (ADEA CCI) to build a consensus within the dental education community about innovative changes that are necessary in the ...

Research paper thumbnail of The culture strategy wars

Research paper thumbnail of Training programs

Prescriptive authority for psychologists: A history and guide., 2003

Research paper thumbnail of AADS Leadership Summit Advisory Committee

Research paper thumbnail of Expectations and satisfaction of denture patients in a university clinic

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 1986

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of psychological preparation on children hospitalized for dental operations

The Journal of Pediatrics, 1983

We studied the effect of preoperative preparation on stress reduction in children hospitalized fo... more We studied the effect of preoperative preparation on stress reduction in children hospitalized for dental surgery under general anesthesia. Participants were 45 children, 3 and 4 years of age, with no previous hospital-surgery experience and no history of medical or psychological conditions requiring special care. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups: control, receiving no preoperative preparation; unrelated play therapy, receiving a preoperative play session unrelated to hospital or surgical procedures; and related play therapy, receiving a preoperative play session focusing on hospital and surgical procedures. Subjects' behavior was assessed using behavior observation scales for cooperation and upset at seven stress points: admission, nurse's examination, pediatric medical examination, blood test, preoperative injection, transfer to surgery, and induction. The related play therapy group was more cooperative and less upset than either the unrelated play therapy group or the control group across stress points. No significant heart rate differences were found among the three groups. The results suggest that play therapy related to hospital and surgical procedures can alleviate stress and anxiety in 3- and 4-year-old children.

Research paper thumbnail of The oral health of Indigenous children: A review of four nations

Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2010

This review of the oral health of children in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA demonstr... more This review of the oral health of children in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA demonstrates that significant oral health inequalities exist in each nation. Despite traditionally low levels of disease in Indigenous communities, dental caries is now highly prevalent and of increased severity among Indigenous children in comparison to their non-Indigenous counterparts. Early childhood caries is particularly prevalent. The high level of dental disease experience at an early age is associated with increased rates of general anaesthesia and greater risk of dental caries in later life. The rates and severity of dental caries experienced by young Indigenous children are even more alarming when we consider that dental caries is essentially a preventable disease. The success of specific preventive programmes is encouraging; these approaches should be further evaluated and implemented as part of broader health promotion programmes for Indigenous children and families in order to decrease current oral health disparities.

Research paper thumbnail of Development and Validation of a Measure of Attitudes Toward Malocclusion

Journal of Dental Research, 1982

The Orthodontic Attitude Survey was designed to assess children's and their parents&#... more The Orthodontic Attitude Survey was designed to assess children's and their parents' attitudes toward malocclusion and orthodontic treatment. Five consistent clusters of attitudes had discriminant validity, and were significantly related to plans for orthodontic treatment and to objective and subjective indicators of the child's occlusal status and appearance.

Research paper thumbnail of Variables Discriminating Individuals who Seek Orthodontic Treatment

Journal of Dental Research, 1981

Overall, these results support the view that dental-facial esthetics and self-perceptions of occl... more Overall, these results support the view that dental-facial esthetics and self-perceptions of occlusal appearance, as well as attitudes toward malocclusion and orthodontic treatment, are important factors in the individual's decision to obtain orthodontic treatment. The data indicate that psychosocial variables not directly related to occlusal problems and treatment, do not add significantly to the description of differences between those who seek treatment and those who do not. While these analyses did not include a number of variables--such as socioeconomic factors or attitudes of significant others--which may also be important in predicting individual response to malocclusion, they do suggest strongly that psychosocial factors directly related to need for treatment are probably most productively assessed in terms of self-perceptions of occlusal appearance and attitudes regarding dental malrelations and their treatment.