Juha Vasara - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Juha Vasara
Injury Prevention, Sep 1, 2016
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, Apr 30, 2015
A qualitative examination of safety-related compliance challenges for global manufacturing (S.I. ... more A qualitative examination of safety-related compliance challenges for global manufacturing (S.I. AHFE 2014) Globally operating machine manufacturing companies need practices for recognising local safety requirements, as well as for designing the products for, and delivering them to, wider markets. This study aimed to determine (1) companies' product delivery strategies for managing product safety compliance and conformity in their supply chains, (2) the problems that arise in managing the product safety-related requirements and (3) how companies tackle these problems. The study comprised interviews with 25 representatives of 2 large internationally operating European companies manufacturing machines for use at work. The companies' strategies for decoupling the local safety requirements from their standard products covered make-to-stock, assemble-to-order, make-toorder and engineering-to-order. The problems were experienced mostly in systematic discovering and processing of the requirements, responsibility issues and unequal practices within global organisation. To tackle these problems a company must have tools and practices to manage the information needs and understand the concepts of product delivery strategies.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2013
The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Finnish Work Environment Fund, the Finnish M... more The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Finnish Work Environment Fund, the Finnish Maintenance Society Promaint and the group of Finnish industrial companies for the research project "Safety Management of Industrial Services". Special thanks go to the representatives of the Finnish manufacturing industry who contributed to the study by participating in interviews and responding to the questionnaire. The authors wish to sincerely thank Professor Jouni Kivistö-Rahnasto, Noora Hintikka, D.Sc. (Tech.), and Marileena Koskela, M.Sc. (Eng., Econ.) for their valuable comments during the writing process.
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 2012
At sites with multiple employers, efficient safety management is essential to ensure safety for b... more At sites with multiple employers, efficient safety management is essential to ensure safety for both customers and providers. However, implementing effective safety management is challenging, particularly for companies that provide services. Provider companies encounter difficulties managing the safety of service projects for many reasons, including the variety of customers and changes in work environment. Proper preparation and integration of safety into the different project life cycle stages improves safety, but the topic has not received much attention to date. This article discusses the integration of safety considerations into service projects. Material was collected from Finnish manufacturing companies via interviews and a questionnaire. The results show that systematic methods for developing and producing services have not been adopted in the provider companies, but these are often implemented as a result of practical experience. On the other hand, providers and customers both believed that safety is taken into account during different stages of a given service project-safety issues were to some extent taken into account during the tendering and contract stages of a project, and preventive safety measures were commonly implemented during the delivery of services. However, safety performance often was not evaluated after completion of work. For this reason, companies may not have an accurate estimation of each other's safety performance in these types of multi-employer situations. The results of this study can be used in provider organizations to help systematize safety considerations during service projects and to focus efforts on the most essential points of service project safety management.
Tämä julkaisu on tutkimushankkeen ”Turvallisuuden johtajat -esimiesten johtajuus, osaaminen ja si... more Tämä julkaisu on tutkimushankkeen ”Turvallisuuden johtajat -esimiesten johtajuus, osaaminen ja sitoutuminen” (TUJO) loppuraportti. TUJO-hanke oli Työsuojelurahaston ja osallistuneiden organisaatioiden rahoittama kaksivuotinen (2014-2015) tutkimus- ja kehittämishanke, jossa oli mukana seitsemän kohdeorganisaatiota: DEKRA Industrial Oy, Delete Finland Oy, Helen Oy, Huntsman Pigments and additives, Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj, Neste Oyj ja Personalhuset Staffing Group Oy. TUJO-hankkeen tavoitteena oli tutkia ja jakaa keinoja, joilla turvallisuuden johtamista voidaan kehittää esimiestasolla. Lukuisat aiemmat tutkimukset korostavat esimiesten ja ylimmän johdon keskeistä roolia turvallisuuden edistämisessä. Tässä tutkimuksessa tuodaan esille konkreettisia keinoja, joita yrityksissä on käytössä tai suunnitteilla esimiesten turvallisuustyön tueksi. Lisäksi esitetään esimiesten omia kokemuksia näistä teemoista. Keskeiset tutkimustulokset on esitelty raportissa teemoittain: esimiesten turvallisuus...
representatives of the Finnish manufacturing industry who contributed to the study by participati... more representatives of the Finnish manufacturing industry who contributed to the study by participating in interviews and responding to the questionnaire. The authors wish to sincerely thank Professor Jouni Kivistö-Rahnasto, Noora Hintikka, D.Sc. (Tech.), and Marileena Koskela, M.Sc. (Eng., Econ.) for their valuable comments during the writing process.
The purpose of this paper is to explore power, sensemaking and identity construction within a reg... more The purpose of this paper is to explore power, sensemaking and identity construction within a regulatory regime in the petroleum industry that emphasises dialogue and trust as a desired and prioritised mode of working. Based on a qualitative study, the analysis documents that dialogue becomes an arena for sensemaking among unequals, and that the regulator employs the process of identity construction as a means to promote regulatory compliance. sociated pipeline systems. It covers operators, licensees, contractors and vessel owners, and the whole petroleum-industry life cycle from exploration drilling, development and operation to cessation and removal. The petroleum industry is powerful, and oil and gas resources are an important part of the global energy system. The interplay between power and sensemaking became salient in a period around the year 2000 (Rosness & Forseth 2014), when a controversy among stakeholders concerning the safety level on the NCS threatened to disintegrate t...
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 2015
Tutkimuksen aiheena on teollisuuden palveluiden turvallisuuden kehittäminen palvelutuotannon näkö... more Tutkimuksen aiheena on teollisuuden palveluiden turvallisuuden kehittäminen palvelutuotannon näkökulmasta. Liiketaloudessa laajasti käytettyjä palvelutoiminnan malleja ei ole aikaisemmin sovellettu turvallisuuden kehittämisessä. Tavoitteena on kehittää teollisuuden palveluita tarjoaville yrityksille turvallisuusjohtamisen toimintatapa soveltaen palveluliiketoiminnan malleja tarkoituksena helpottaa käytännön turvallisuusjohtamista ja asiakkaan kanssa tehtävän turvallisuusyhteistyön organisointia ja hallintaa tilanteissa, joissa asiakkaiden käytännöt vaihtelevat tai puuttuvat kokonaan. Toimintatavan sisältö : 1. tarjottavien palveluiden sekä niiden turvallisuuskriittisten tekijöiden ja käytäntöjen kartoittaminen, 2. asiakas- ja kohdekohtaisten turvallisuusvaatimusten, 3. turvallisuuteen vaikuttavan toiminnan ja yhteistyön kehittäminen, 4. tiedonkulun organisointi asiakkaan ja palvelun tuottajan välillä sekä 5. turvallisuusyhteistyön ylläpito ja kehittäminen, sisältäen esimerkiksi sopi...
Ulkoistaminen aiheuttaa muutoksia organisaatioiden toiminnassa, sillä työtehtäviä suorittaa asiak... more Ulkoistaminen aiheuttaa muutoksia organisaatioiden toiminnassa, sillä työtehtäviä suorittaa asiakasorganisaation työntekijöiden lisäksi myös palveluntuottajat. Uusien toimijoiden myötä työtehtävien suunnittelu ja järjestely sekä töiden aikataulutus tulee miettiä uudelleen. Organisaatioon ja työtehtäviin liittyvien muutosten lisäksi yhteisillä työpaikoilla tulee ulkoistamisen vaikutuksen ottaa huomioon myös turvallisuusjohtamisen toteuttamisessa. Asiakasorganisaatioiden lisäksi turvallisuuden varmistaminen aiheuttaa haasteita myös palveluntuottajille, jotka toimivat useiden asiakkaiden kanssa vaihtelevissa työkohteissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää teollisuuden palveluntuotantoon soveltuva käytännön turvallisuusjohtamista helpottava toimintatapa. Turvallisuusjohtamisen toimintatavan keskeisinä lähtökohtina olivat palveluntuottajien tarpeet ja ongelmat työskenneltäessä vaihtelevissa asiakaskohteissa. Toimintamallin kehittämisen perustaksi kerättiin tietoa muun muassa palvelunt...
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2013
The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Finnish Work Environment Fund, the Finnish M... more The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Finnish Work Environment Fund, the Finnish Maintenance Society Promaint and the group of Finnish industrial companies for the research project "Safety Management of Industrial Services". Special thanks go to the representatives of the Finnish manufacturing industry who contributed to the study by participating in interviews and responding to the questionnaire. The authors wish to sincerely thank Professor Jouni Kivistö-Rahnasto, Noora Hintikka, D.Sc. (Tech.), and Marileena Koskela, M.Sc. (Eng., Econ.) for their valuable comments during the writing process.
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 2012
At sites with multiple employers, efficient safety management is essential to ensure safety for b... more At sites with multiple employers, efficient safety management is essential to ensure safety for both customers and providers. However, implementing effective safety management is challenging, particularly for companies that provide services. Provider companies encounter difficulties managing the safety of service projects for many reasons, including the variety of customers and changes in work environment. Proper preparation and integration of safety into the different project life cycle stages improves safety, but the topic has not received much attention to date. This article discusses the integration of safety considerations into service projects. Material was collected from Finnish manufacturing companies via interviews and a questionnaire. The results show that systematic methods for developing and producing services have not been adopted in the provider companies, but these are often implemented as a result of practical experience. On the other hand, providers and customers both believed that safety is taken into account during different stages of a given service project-safety issues were to some extent taken into account during the tendering and contract stages of a project, and preventive safety measures were commonly implemented during the delivery of services. However, safety performance often was not evaluated after completion of work. For this reason, companies may not have an accurate estimation of each other's safety performance in these types of multi-employer situations. The results of this study can be used in provider organizations to help systematize safety considerations during service projects and to focus efforts on the most essential points of service project safety management.
Injury Prevention, Sep 1, 2016
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, Apr 30, 2015
A qualitative examination of safety-related compliance challenges for global manufacturing (S.I. ... more A qualitative examination of safety-related compliance challenges for global manufacturing (S.I. AHFE 2014) Globally operating machine manufacturing companies need practices for recognising local safety requirements, as well as for designing the products for, and delivering them to, wider markets. This study aimed to determine (1) companies' product delivery strategies for managing product safety compliance and conformity in their supply chains, (2) the problems that arise in managing the product safety-related requirements and (3) how companies tackle these problems. The study comprised interviews with 25 representatives of 2 large internationally operating European companies manufacturing machines for use at work. The companies' strategies for decoupling the local safety requirements from their standard products covered make-to-stock, assemble-to-order, make-toorder and engineering-to-order. The problems were experienced mostly in systematic discovering and processing of the requirements, responsibility issues and unequal practices within global organisation. To tackle these problems a company must have tools and practices to manage the information needs and understand the concepts of product delivery strategies.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2013
The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Finnish Work Environment Fund, the Finnish M... more The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Finnish Work Environment Fund, the Finnish Maintenance Society Promaint and the group of Finnish industrial companies for the research project "Safety Management of Industrial Services". Special thanks go to the representatives of the Finnish manufacturing industry who contributed to the study by participating in interviews and responding to the questionnaire. The authors wish to sincerely thank Professor Jouni Kivistö-Rahnasto, Noora Hintikka, D.Sc. (Tech.), and Marileena Koskela, M.Sc. (Eng., Econ.) for their valuable comments during the writing process.
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 2012
At sites with multiple employers, efficient safety management is essential to ensure safety for b... more At sites with multiple employers, efficient safety management is essential to ensure safety for both customers and providers. However, implementing effective safety management is challenging, particularly for companies that provide services. Provider companies encounter difficulties managing the safety of service projects for many reasons, including the variety of customers and changes in work environment. Proper preparation and integration of safety into the different project life cycle stages improves safety, but the topic has not received much attention to date. This article discusses the integration of safety considerations into service projects. Material was collected from Finnish manufacturing companies via interviews and a questionnaire. The results show that systematic methods for developing and producing services have not been adopted in the provider companies, but these are often implemented as a result of practical experience. On the other hand, providers and customers both believed that safety is taken into account during different stages of a given service project-safety issues were to some extent taken into account during the tendering and contract stages of a project, and preventive safety measures were commonly implemented during the delivery of services. However, safety performance often was not evaluated after completion of work. For this reason, companies may not have an accurate estimation of each other's safety performance in these types of multi-employer situations. The results of this study can be used in provider organizations to help systematize safety considerations during service projects and to focus efforts on the most essential points of service project safety management.
Tämä julkaisu on tutkimushankkeen ”Turvallisuuden johtajat -esimiesten johtajuus, osaaminen ja si... more Tämä julkaisu on tutkimushankkeen ”Turvallisuuden johtajat -esimiesten johtajuus, osaaminen ja sitoutuminen” (TUJO) loppuraportti. TUJO-hanke oli Työsuojelurahaston ja osallistuneiden organisaatioiden rahoittama kaksivuotinen (2014-2015) tutkimus- ja kehittämishanke, jossa oli mukana seitsemän kohdeorganisaatiota: DEKRA Industrial Oy, Delete Finland Oy, Helen Oy, Huntsman Pigments and additives, Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj, Neste Oyj ja Personalhuset Staffing Group Oy. TUJO-hankkeen tavoitteena oli tutkia ja jakaa keinoja, joilla turvallisuuden johtamista voidaan kehittää esimiestasolla. Lukuisat aiemmat tutkimukset korostavat esimiesten ja ylimmän johdon keskeistä roolia turvallisuuden edistämisessä. Tässä tutkimuksessa tuodaan esille konkreettisia keinoja, joita yrityksissä on käytössä tai suunnitteilla esimiesten turvallisuustyön tueksi. Lisäksi esitetään esimiesten omia kokemuksia näistä teemoista. Keskeiset tutkimustulokset on esitelty raportissa teemoittain: esimiesten turvallisuus...
representatives of the Finnish manufacturing industry who contributed to the study by participati... more representatives of the Finnish manufacturing industry who contributed to the study by participating in interviews and responding to the questionnaire. The authors wish to sincerely thank Professor Jouni Kivistö-Rahnasto, Noora Hintikka, D.Sc. (Tech.), and Marileena Koskela, M.Sc. (Eng., Econ.) for their valuable comments during the writing process.
The purpose of this paper is to explore power, sensemaking and identity construction within a reg... more The purpose of this paper is to explore power, sensemaking and identity construction within a regulatory regime in the petroleum industry that emphasises dialogue and trust as a desired and prioritised mode of working. Based on a qualitative study, the analysis documents that dialogue becomes an arena for sensemaking among unequals, and that the regulator employs the process of identity construction as a means to promote regulatory compliance. sociated pipeline systems. It covers operators, licensees, contractors and vessel owners, and the whole petroleum-industry life cycle from exploration drilling, development and operation to cessation and removal. The petroleum industry is powerful, and oil and gas resources are an important part of the global energy system. The interplay between power and sensemaking became salient in a period around the year 2000 (Rosness & Forseth 2014), when a controversy among stakeholders concerning the safety level on the NCS threatened to disintegrate t...
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 2015
Tutkimuksen aiheena on teollisuuden palveluiden turvallisuuden kehittäminen palvelutuotannon näkö... more Tutkimuksen aiheena on teollisuuden palveluiden turvallisuuden kehittäminen palvelutuotannon näkökulmasta. Liiketaloudessa laajasti käytettyjä palvelutoiminnan malleja ei ole aikaisemmin sovellettu turvallisuuden kehittämisessä. Tavoitteena on kehittää teollisuuden palveluita tarjoaville yrityksille turvallisuusjohtamisen toimintatapa soveltaen palveluliiketoiminnan malleja tarkoituksena helpottaa käytännön turvallisuusjohtamista ja asiakkaan kanssa tehtävän turvallisuusyhteistyön organisointia ja hallintaa tilanteissa, joissa asiakkaiden käytännöt vaihtelevat tai puuttuvat kokonaan. Toimintatavan sisältö : 1. tarjottavien palveluiden sekä niiden turvallisuuskriittisten tekijöiden ja käytäntöjen kartoittaminen, 2. asiakas- ja kohdekohtaisten turvallisuusvaatimusten, 3. turvallisuuteen vaikuttavan toiminnan ja yhteistyön kehittäminen, 4. tiedonkulun organisointi asiakkaan ja palvelun tuottajan välillä sekä 5. turvallisuusyhteistyön ylläpito ja kehittäminen, sisältäen esimerkiksi sopi...
Ulkoistaminen aiheuttaa muutoksia organisaatioiden toiminnassa, sillä työtehtäviä suorittaa asiak... more Ulkoistaminen aiheuttaa muutoksia organisaatioiden toiminnassa, sillä työtehtäviä suorittaa asiakasorganisaation työntekijöiden lisäksi myös palveluntuottajat. Uusien toimijoiden myötä työtehtävien suunnittelu ja järjestely sekä töiden aikataulutus tulee miettiä uudelleen. Organisaatioon ja työtehtäviin liittyvien muutosten lisäksi yhteisillä työpaikoilla tulee ulkoistamisen vaikutuksen ottaa huomioon myös turvallisuusjohtamisen toteuttamisessa. Asiakasorganisaatioiden lisäksi turvallisuuden varmistaminen aiheuttaa haasteita myös palveluntuottajille, jotka toimivat useiden asiakkaiden kanssa vaihtelevissa työkohteissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää teollisuuden palveluntuotantoon soveltuva käytännön turvallisuusjohtamista helpottava toimintatapa. Turvallisuusjohtamisen toimintatavan keskeisinä lähtökohtina olivat palveluntuottajien tarpeet ja ongelmat työskenneltäessä vaihtelevissa asiakaskohteissa. Toimintamallin kehittämisen perustaksi kerättiin tietoa muun muassa palvelunt...
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2013
The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Finnish Work Environment Fund, the Finnish M... more The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Finnish Work Environment Fund, the Finnish Maintenance Society Promaint and the group of Finnish industrial companies for the research project "Safety Management of Industrial Services". Special thanks go to the representatives of the Finnish manufacturing industry who contributed to the study by participating in interviews and responding to the questionnaire. The authors wish to sincerely thank Professor Jouni Kivistö-Rahnasto, Noora Hintikka, D.Sc. (Tech.), and Marileena Koskela, M.Sc. (Eng., Econ.) for their valuable comments during the writing process.
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 2012
At sites with multiple employers, efficient safety management is essential to ensure safety for b... more At sites with multiple employers, efficient safety management is essential to ensure safety for both customers and providers. However, implementing effective safety management is challenging, particularly for companies that provide services. Provider companies encounter difficulties managing the safety of service projects for many reasons, including the variety of customers and changes in work environment. Proper preparation and integration of safety into the different project life cycle stages improves safety, but the topic has not received much attention to date. This article discusses the integration of safety considerations into service projects. Material was collected from Finnish manufacturing companies via interviews and a questionnaire. The results show that systematic methods for developing and producing services have not been adopted in the provider companies, but these are often implemented as a result of practical experience. On the other hand, providers and customers both believed that safety is taken into account during different stages of a given service project-safety issues were to some extent taken into account during the tendering and contract stages of a project, and preventive safety measures were commonly implemented during the delivery of services. However, safety performance often was not evaluated after completion of work. For this reason, companies may not have an accurate estimation of each other's safety performance in these types of multi-employer situations. The results of this study can be used in provider organizations to help systematize safety considerations during service projects and to focus efforts on the most essential points of service project safety management.