Julio César Lores Correa - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Julio César Lores Correa

Research paper thumbnail of Storytelling to the group and group recreation of the story / Récit d’un conte à un groupe et recréation du conte par le groupe

A narracao de contos pode ser considerada como uma construcao de grupo, ja que tanto varios autor... more A narracao de contos pode ser considerada como uma construcao de grupo, ja que tanto varios autores, pessoas e grupos quanto narradores e receptores contam e recontam os contos a procura de uma recriacao do mito original. Este artigo descreve, em ingles e frances, o processo da narracao e recriacao grupal do conto desenvolvido ao longo de uma oficina com um grupo pequeno de canadenses de cultura bilingue. O conto grupal provem do exercicio dos papeis narrativos feitos por cada membro do grupo e da montagem dos seus relatos individuais, linguagens e culturas. Duas observacoes foram feitas: 1) A dinâmica do grupo ensinou que os participantes desenvolveram, ao longo da recriacao coletiva dos contos individuais, um tipo de comunicacao “fraternal”; 2) As mensagens culturais dos contos do grupo e da historia de um participante canadense anglofono, escrita meses depois da oficina, integraram suas proprios mensagens culturais canadenses a mensagem do “conto indutivo” contado pelo narrador, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Software for the Kinematic Analysis of a Serial Manipulator for Academic Purposes

Volume 5: Education and Globalization, 2014

This paper addresses the development of software created at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivarian... more This paper addresses the development of software created at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, located in Medellin, Colombia, for the direct and reverse analyses of a serial robot manipulator. Results provided for the software are used for the simulation of the manipulator and also provides data for the control of a serial manipulator prototype. Both, the prototype and its control system were also developed at the University as part of a project to establish a robotics lab. Since joint angles control is affected by the complex relationships presented in the gear transmission mechanisms, the kinematics of gear transmissions is also studied. In this way appropriate mappings between actuators, links and the Cartesian space are established. Software requirements, architecture, and its implementation are addressed. The software includes user-friendly graphical environments that allow one to navigate through all the capabilities of the program. The software has been tested intensively in the prototype and can be extended to serial manipulators with the same structure but different dimensions. Authors expect that virtual tools as the presented in this paper, can help to reduce the time to understand concepts related to motion analysis in the fields of robotics.© 2014 ASME

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Research paper thumbnail of Estudio en modelo reducido para disipadores de energía en forma de gradas

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Research paper thumbnail of Sistemas tenségricos: nuevas alternativas para la robótica

Ingenieria Y Universidad, Oct 26, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Una arquitectura para el diseño conceptual de vehículos para exploración subacuática

Ingeniería y Ciencia, 2015

Este artículo presenta una arquitectura para el diseño conceptual de vehículos subacuáticos opera... more Este artículo presenta una arquitectura para el diseño conceptual de vehículos subacuáticos operados remotamente (ROV). La arquitectura propuesta está basada en una revisión extensa de literatura y la experiencia obtenida durante 20 años con el desarrollo de tres sistemas ROV diseñados para misiones de inspección subacuática. El ROV se divide en cinco subsistemas: vehículo, estación en superficie, interfaz superficie/vehículo, sistema de control y software. Para cada uno de estos subsistemas se definen funciones y tareas, se enuncian componentes, se establecen interrelaciones con otros subsistemas y se plantean alternativas comúnmente utilizadas. La delimitación de los subsistemas desde el diseño conceptual busca evitar problemas en las fases avanzadas del desarrollo del sistema robótico de exploración.

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Research paper thumbnail of Static Analysis of Prestressed Tensegrity Structures

Volume 5: 27th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Static Analysis of Tensegrity Structures: Part 1 — Equilibrium Equations

Volume 5: 27th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, 2002

In this paper the mathematical model to perform the static analysis of an antiprism tensegrity st... more In this paper the mathematical model to perform the static analysis of an antiprism tensegrity structure subjected to a wide variety of external loads is addressed. The virtual work approach is used to deduce the equilibrium equations and a method based on the Newton’s Third Law to verify the numerical results is presented. In the second part of the paper several numerical examples are given.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kinematic Analysis of a Compliant Microplatform

Volume 2: 32nd Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Parts A and B, 2008

Mechanisms formed by rigid elements are not suitable for applications at the microlevel due to ma... more Mechanisms formed by rigid elements are not suitable for applications at the microlevel due to manufacturing limitations. For the same reason, devices for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are basically planar mechanisms. This paper addresses a microplatform able to move in the three dimensional space. It is formed by bimorph actuators connected to the central platform by compliant elements. The forward and reverse analyses for the microplatform are presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of Velocity Analysis of a Compliant Platform

Volume 10: Mechanical Systems and Control, Parts A and B, 2009

In a previous work a compliant microplatform was proposed. The device is formed by the following ... more In a previous work a compliant microplatform was proposed. The device is formed by the following elements: the actuators, a central moving platform and compliant joints. The actuators are three sets of compliant beams able to support upward deflections. The moving platform is an equilateral plate. Springs connect the free end of each set of actuators with each vertex of the central platform, in this way the motion of the actuators is transmitted to the moving platform. This configuration is specially appropriated for micromanufacturing since current techniques do not permit the fabrication of reliable rigid joints. Compliant joints increase the complexity of the motion of the central platform and few studies have been carried out. This paper focuses on the derivation of equations that relates the velocity of the moving platform with the velocity of the actuators.© 2009 ASME

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Research paper thumbnail of Kinematics and Dynamics of a Planar Tensegrity Mechanism for Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting

Volume 4: 36th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Parts A and B, 2012

Tensegrity systems have been used in several disciplines such as architecture, biology, aerospace... more Tensegrity systems have been used in several disciplines such as architecture, biology, aerospace, mechanics and robotics during the last fifty years. However, just a few references in literature have stated the possibility of using tensegrity systems in ocean or energy-related applications. This work addresses the kinematic and dynamic analyses of a planar tensegrity mechanism for ocean wave energy harvesting. A planar tensegrity mechanism is proposed based on a planar morphology known as “X-frame” that was developed by Kenneth Snelson in 1960s. A geometric approach is used to solve the forward and reverse displacement problems. The theory of screws is used to perform the forward and reverse velocity analyses of the device. The Lagrangian approach is used to deduce the equations of motion considering the interaction between the mechanism and a linear model of ocean waves. The result shows that tensegrity systems could play an important role in the expansion of clean energy technolo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Kinematics, Dynamics and Control of a Planar 3-DOF Tensegrity Robot Manipulator

Volume 8: 31st Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Parts A and B, 2007

In this paper the kinematic and the dynamic analysis, and a nonlinear control strategy for a plan... more In this paper the kinematic and the dynamic analysis, and a nonlinear control strategy for a planar three-degree-of-freedom tensegrity robot manipulator are addressed. A geometric method is used to obtain the set of equations that describe the position analysis. Initially, solutions to ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of a Planar Tensegrity Mechanism for Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting

Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2014

Tensegrity systems have been used in several disciplines such as architecture, biology, aerospace... more Tensegrity systems have been used in several disciplines such as architecture, biology, aerospace, mechanics, and robotics during the last 50 years. However, just a few references in literature have stated the possibility of using such systems in ocean or energy-related applications. This work addresses the kinematic and dynamic analyses of a planar tensegrity mechanism for ocean wave energy harvesting. Ocean wave mechanics and the most important concepts related to fluid–structure interaction are presented. Then, a planar 3 degrees of freedom (3-dof) tensegrity mechanism, based on a morphology defined by Kenneth Snelson in 1960 which is known as “X-frame,” is proposed as connecting linkage to transmit wave-generated forces. A geometric approach is used to solve the forward and reverse displacement problems. The theory of screws is used to perform the forward and reverse velocity analyses of the device. The Lagrangian approach is used to deduce the equations of motion considering th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tiña de la cabeza: Comunicación de 54 casos

Revista chilena de pediatría, 2004

La tina de la cabeza (o tinea capitis) es una dermatofitosis producida por hongos de los generos ... more La tina de la cabeza (o tinea capitis) es una dermatofitosis producida por hongos de los generos Trichophyton o Mentagrophytes. Presenta varias formas clinicas y es casi exclusiva de los ninos. Objetivo: Conocer las caracteristicas de los casos de tina de la cabeza observados en el Servicio de Dermatologia del Hospital Nacional en los periodos: 1990-1992 y 1999-2001. Material y Metodo: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y observacional. Se determinan porcentajes y se comparan con otras series. Todos los casos tienen estudios micologicos directos y varios de ellos cultivos. Resultados: Se observan 54 casos siendo 19 del periodo 1990-1992 y 35 del periodo 1999-2001. Hay ligero predominio del sexo femenino y la edad promedio de presentacion es de 5,6 anos. En los casos en que se determino la especie del hongo predomina el Trichophyton mentagrophytes (10 casos, principal agente en el primer periodo), el Trichophyton rubrum (9 casos, observado exclusivamente en el segundo periodo) y el Microsporum canis (8 casos). En el periodo 1999-2001 el 7,5% de las primeras consultas son por dermatofitosis, siendo el 37% ninos y de estos 50% tina de la cabeza. Conclusiones: La tina de la cabeza es la principal dermatofitosis de la ninez en nuestro servicio y muestra una tendencia al aumento de la prevalencia. Ademas hay aumento de las formas inflamatorias (20% del total) y surgimiento del Trichophyton rubrum como agente etiologico

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Research paper thumbnail of Kinematic Analysis of a Planar Tensegrity Mechanism with Pre-Stressed Springs

Advances in Robot Kinematics: Analysis and Design, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of a Laboratory for the Study of Robot Manipulators

Volume 6: Engineering Education and Professional Development, 2010

ABSTRACT This paper presents the process followed in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at ... more ABSTRACT This paper presents the process followed in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellin, Colombia to implement a laboratory for the study of robot manipulators. The lab includes the following components: an industrial serial manipulator and the software developed for its integration to a graduate course, a parallel manipulator, a Cartesian robot, an inverted pendulum and a small serial manipulator. Except for the industrial robot, all the other devices were manufactured at the University. For all prototypes, specific software to control them has been developed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tratamento do prolapso retal completo: experiência do serviço de colo-proctologia do Hospital do Andaraí; Treatment of complete rectal prolapse: experience in Colo- …

Rev. bras. colo- …, 1986

Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 45147 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refi... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 45147 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 45147. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Necrosis grasa subcutánea del recién nacido: comunicación de un caso

Pediatr.(Asunción …, 1998

Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 256761 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 256761 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 256761. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tipos y variantes de Pénfigo en el Hospital Nacional de Paraguay. Revisión de 70 casos

Medicina cutánea ibero- …, 2000

Résumé/Abstract Pemphigus with its types and varieties, was the aim of this study realized at the... more Résumé/Abstract Pemphigus with its types and varieties, was the aim of this study realized at the Dermatology Service of the Hospital Nacional of Paraguay, from november 1990 to august 1999. During this period we found 70 cases of pemphigus. Of these, 60 (86%) ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Static Analysis of Tensegrity Structures

Journal of Mechanical Design, 2005

Two problems are addressed in this paper. First, the mathematical model to perform the static ana... more Two problems are addressed in this paper. First, the mathematical model to perform the static analysis of an antiprism tensegrity structure subjected to a wide variety of external loads is presented. The virtual work approach is used to deduce the equilibrium equations and a method based on Newton’s Third Law is used to verify the numerical results. Two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the use of the mathematical model, as well as the verification method. The second problem deals with the development of a mathematical model to perform the static analysis of a prestressed antiprism tensegrity structure subjected to an arbitrary length reduction of its connecting ties. Again, a virtual work approach is used to deduce the equilibrium equations and the numerical results are verified using a Newtonian approach. One example is provided to illustrate the mathematical model.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kinematic Analysis of a Three-Degree of Freedom Compliant Platform

Journal of Mechanical Design, 2013

This paper addresses the kinematic analysis of a three-degree of freedom (DOF) compliant platform... more This paper addresses the kinematic analysis of a three-degree of freedom (DOF) compliant platform able to move in three dimensional space. The device is formed by the actuators, a central moving platform, and compliant joints. The actuators are three binary links. The moving platform is an equilateral plate. Springs connect the free end of each actuator with each vertex of the central platform. In this way, the motion of the actuators is transmitted to the moving platform. Compliant joints increase the complexity of the motion of the central platform and few studies have been carried out. This paper focuses on the forward and reverse analyses for the platform and the derivation of equations that relate the velocity of the moving platform with the velocity of the actuators.

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Research paper thumbnail of Storytelling to the group and group recreation of the story / Récit d’un conte à un groupe et recréation du conte par le groupe

A narracao de contos pode ser considerada como uma construcao de grupo, ja que tanto varios autor... more A narracao de contos pode ser considerada como uma construcao de grupo, ja que tanto varios autores, pessoas e grupos quanto narradores e receptores contam e recontam os contos a procura de uma recriacao do mito original. Este artigo descreve, em ingles e frances, o processo da narracao e recriacao grupal do conto desenvolvido ao longo de uma oficina com um grupo pequeno de canadenses de cultura bilingue. O conto grupal provem do exercicio dos papeis narrativos feitos por cada membro do grupo e da montagem dos seus relatos individuais, linguagens e culturas. Duas observacoes foram feitas: 1) A dinâmica do grupo ensinou que os participantes desenvolveram, ao longo da recriacao coletiva dos contos individuais, um tipo de comunicacao “fraternal”; 2) As mensagens culturais dos contos do grupo e da historia de um participante canadense anglofono, escrita meses depois da oficina, integraram suas proprios mensagens culturais canadenses a mensagem do “conto indutivo” contado pelo narrador, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Software for the Kinematic Analysis of a Serial Manipulator for Academic Purposes

Volume 5: Education and Globalization, 2014

This paper addresses the development of software created at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivarian... more This paper addresses the development of software created at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, located in Medellin, Colombia, for the direct and reverse analyses of a serial robot manipulator. Results provided for the software are used for the simulation of the manipulator and also provides data for the control of a serial manipulator prototype. Both, the prototype and its control system were also developed at the University as part of a project to establish a robotics lab. Since joint angles control is affected by the complex relationships presented in the gear transmission mechanisms, the kinematics of gear transmissions is also studied. In this way appropriate mappings between actuators, links and the Cartesian space are established. Software requirements, architecture, and its implementation are addressed. The software includes user-friendly graphical environments that allow one to navigate through all the capabilities of the program. The software has been tested intensively in the prototype and can be extended to serial manipulators with the same structure but different dimensions. Authors expect that virtual tools as the presented in this paper, can help to reduce the time to understand concepts related to motion analysis in the fields of robotics.© 2014 ASME

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Research paper thumbnail of Estudio en modelo reducido para disipadores de energía en forma de gradas

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Research paper thumbnail of Sistemas tenségricos: nuevas alternativas para la robótica

Ingenieria Y Universidad, Oct 26, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Una arquitectura para el diseño conceptual de vehículos para exploración subacuática

Ingeniería y Ciencia, 2015

Este artículo presenta una arquitectura para el diseño conceptual de vehículos subacuáticos opera... more Este artículo presenta una arquitectura para el diseño conceptual de vehículos subacuáticos operados remotamente (ROV). La arquitectura propuesta está basada en una revisión extensa de literatura y la experiencia obtenida durante 20 años con el desarrollo de tres sistemas ROV diseñados para misiones de inspección subacuática. El ROV se divide en cinco subsistemas: vehículo, estación en superficie, interfaz superficie/vehículo, sistema de control y software. Para cada uno de estos subsistemas se definen funciones y tareas, se enuncian componentes, se establecen interrelaciones con otros subsistemas y se plantean alternativas comúnmente utilizadas. La delimitación de los subsistemas desde el diseño conceptual busca evitar problemas en las fases avanzadas del desarrollo del sistema robótico de exploración.

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Research paper thumbnail of Static Analysis of Prestressed Tensegrity Structures

Volume 5: 27th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Static Analysis of Tensegrity Structures: Part 1 — Equilibrium Equations

Volume 5: 27th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, 2002

In this paper the mathematical model to perform the static analysis of an antiprism tensegrity st... more In this paper the mathematical model to perform the static analysis of an antiprism tensegrity structure subjected to a wide variety of external loads is addressed. The virtual work approach is used to deduce the equilibrium equations and a method based on the Newton’s Third Law to verify the numerical results is presented. In the second part of the paper several numerical examples are given.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kinematic Analysis of a Compliant Microplatform

Volume 2: 32nd Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Parts A and B, 2008

Mechanisms formed by rigid elements are not suitable for applications at the microlevel due to ma... more Mechanisms formed by rigid elements are not suitable for applications at the microlevel due to manufacturing limitations. For the same reason, devices for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are basically planar mechanisms. This paper addresses a microplatform able to move in the three dimensional space. It is formed by bimorph actuators connected to the central platform by compliant elements. The forward and reverse analyses for the microplatform are presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of Velocity Analysis of a Compliant Platform

Volume 10: Mechanical Systems and Control, Parts A and B, 2009

In a previous work a compliant microplatform was proposed. The device is formed by the following ... more In a previous work a compliant microplatform was proposed. The device is formed by the following elements: the actuators, a central moving platform and compliant joints. The actuators are three sets of compliant beams able to support upward deflections. The moving platform is an equilateral plate. Springs connect the free end of each set of actuators with each vertex of the central platform, in this way the motion of the actuators is transmitted to the moving platform. This configuration is specially appropriated for micromanufacturing since current techniques do not permit the fabrication of reliable rigid joints. Compliant joints increase the complexity of the motion of the central platform and few studies have been carried out. This paper focuses on the derivation of equations that relates the velocity of the moving platform with the velocity of the actuators.© 2009 ASME

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Research paper thumbnail of Kinematics and Dynamics of a Planar Tensegrity Mechanism for Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting

Volume 4: 36th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Parts A and B, 2012

Tensegrity systems have been used in several disciplines such as architecture, biology, aerospace... more Tensegrity systems have been used in several disciplines such as architecture, biology, aerospace, mechanics and robotics during the last fifty years. However, just a few references in literature have stated the possibility of using tensegrity systems in ocean or energy-related applications. This work addresses the kinematic and dynamic analyses of a planar tensegrity mechanism for ocean wave energy harvesting. A planar tensegrity mechanism is proposed based on a planar morphology known as “X-frame” that was developed by Kenneth Snelson in 1960s. A geometric approach is used to solve the forward and reverse displacement problems. The theory of screws is used to perform the forward and reverse velocity analyses of the device. The Lagrangian approach is used to deduce the equations of motion considering the interaction between the mechanism and a linear model of ocean waves. The result shows that tensegrity systems could play an important role in the expansion of clean energy technolo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Kinematics, Dynamics and Control of a Planar 3-DOF Tensegrity Robot Manipulator

Volume 8: 31st Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Parts A and B, 2007

In this paper the kinematic and the dynamic analysis, and a nonlinear control strategy for a plan... more In this paper the kinematic and the dynamic analysis, and a nonlinear control strategy for a planar three-degree-of-freedom tensegrity robot manipulator are addressed. A geometric method is used to obtain the set of equations that describe the position analysis. Initially, solutions to ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of a Planar Tensegrity Mechanism for Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting

Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2014

Tensegrity systems have been used in several disciplines such as architecture, biology, aerospace... more Tensegrity systems have been used in several disciplines such as architecture, biology, aerospace, mechanics, and robotics during the last 50 years. However, just a few references in literature have stated the possibility of using such systems in ocean or energy-related applications. This work addresses the kinematic and dynamic analyses of a planar tensegrity mechanism for ocean wave energy harvesting. Ocean wave mechanics and the most important concepts related to fluid–structure interaction are presented. Then, a planar 3 degrees of freedom (3-dof) tensegrity mechanism, based on a morphology defined by Kenneth Snelson in 1960 which is known as “X-frame,” is proposed as connecting linkage to transmit wave-generated forces. A geometric approach is used to solve the forward and reverse displacement problems. The theory of screws is used to perform the forward and reverse velocity analyses of the device. The Lagrangian approach is used to deduce the equations of motion considering th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tiña de la cabeza: Comunicación de 54 casos

Revista chilena de pediatría, 2004

La tina de la cabeza (o tinea capitis) es una dermatofitosis producida por hongos de los generos ... more La tina de la cabeza (o tinea capitis) es una dermatofitosis producida por hongos de los generos Trichophyton o Mentagrophytes. Presenta varias formas clinicas y es casi exclusiva de los ninos. Objetivo: Conocer las caracteristicas de los casos de tina de la cabeza observados en el Servicio de Dermatologia del Hospital Nacional en los periodos: 1990-1992 y 1999-2001. Material y Metodo: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y observacional. Se determinan porcentajes y se comparan con otras series. Todos los casos tienen estudios micologicos directos y varios de ellos cultivos. Resultados: Se observan 54 casos siendo 19 del periodo 1990-1992 y 35 del periodo 1999-2001. Hay ligero predominio del sexo femenino y la edad promedio de presentacion es de 5,6 anos. En los casos en que se determino la especie del hongo predomina el Trichophyton mentagrophytes (10 casos, principal agente en el primer periodo), el Trichophyton rubrum (9 casos, observado exclusivamente en el segundo periodo) y el Microsporum canis (8 casos). En el periodo 1999-2001 el 7,5% de las primeras consultas son por dermatofitosis, siendo el 37% ninos y de estos 50% tina de la cabeza. Conclusiones: La tina de la cabeza es la principal dermatofitosis de la ninez en nuestro servicio y muestra una tendencia al aumento de la prevalencia. Ademas hay aumento de las formas inflamatorias (20% del total) y surgimiento del Trichophyton rubrum como agente etiologico

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Research paper thumbnail of Kinematic Analysis of a Planar Tensegrity Mechanism with Pre-Stressed Springs

Advances in Robot Kinematics: Analysis and Design, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of a Laboratory for the Study of Robot Manipulators

Volume 6: Engineering Education and Professional Development, 2010

ABSTRACT This paper presents the process followed in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at ... more ABSTRACT This paper presents the process followed in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellin, Colombia to implement a laboratory for the study of robot manipulators. The lab includes the following components: an industrial serial manipulator and the software developed for its integration to a graduate course, a parallel manipulator, a Cartesian robot, an inverted pendulum and a small serial manipulator. Except for the industrial robot, all the other devices were manufactured at the University. For all prototypes, specific software to control them has been developed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tratamento do prolapso retal completo: experiência do serviço de colo-proctologia do Hospital do Andaraí; Treatment of complete rectal prolapse: experience in Colo- …

Rev. bras. colo- …, 1986

Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 45147 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refi... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 45147 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 45147. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Necrosis grasa subcutánea del recién nacido: comunicación de un caso

Pediatr.(Asunción …, 1998

Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 256761 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 256761 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 256761. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tipos y variantes de Pénfigo en el Hospital Nacional de Paraguay. Revisión de 70 casos

Medicina cutánea ibero- …, 2000

Résumé/Abstract Pemphigus with its types and varieties, was the aim of this study realized at the... more Résumé/Abstract Pemphigus with its types and varieties, was the aim of this study realized at the Dermatology Service of the Hospital Nacional of Paraguay, from november 1990 to august 1999. During this period we found 70 cases of pemphigus. Of these, 60 (86%) ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Static Analysis of Tensegrity Structures

Journal of Mechanical Design, 2005

Two problems are addressed in this paper. First, the mathematical model to perform the static ana... more Two problems are addressed in this paper. First, the mathematical model to perform the static analysis of an antiprism tensegrity structure subjected to a wide variety of external loads is presented. The virtual work approach is used to deduce the equilibrium equations and a method based on Newton’s Third Law is used to verify the numerical results. Two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the use of the mathematical model, as well as the verification method. The second problem deals with the development of a mathematical model to perform the static analysis of a prestressed antiprism tensegrity structure subjected to an arbitrary length reduction of its connecting ties. Again, a virtual work approach is used to deduce the equilibrium equations and the numerical results are verified using a Newtonian approach. One example is provided to illustrate the mathematical model.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kinematic Analysis of a Three-Degree of Freedom Compliant Platform

Journal of Mechanical Design, 2013

This paper addresses the kinematic analysis of a three-degree of freedom (DOF) compliant platform... more This paper addresses the kinematic analysis of a three-degree of freedom (DOF) compliant platform able to move in three dimensional space. The device is formed by the actuators, a central moving platform, and compliant joints. The actuators are three binary links. The moving platform is an equilateral plate. Springs connect the free end of each actuator with each vertex of the central platform. In this way, the motion of the actuators is transmitted to the moving platform. Compliant joints increase the complexity of the motion of the central platform and few studies have been carried out. This paper focuses on the forward and reverse analyses for the platform and the derivation of equations that relate the velocity of the moving platform with the velocity of the actuators.

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