Julio Cesar - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Julio Cesar

Research paper thumbnail of An implementation of an efficient algorithm for bisimulation equivalence

Science of Computer Programming, 1990

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Research paper thumbnail of STROBOSCOPE State and Resource Based Simulation of Construction Processes

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Research paper thumbnail of Molecular Predictors of Outcome With Gefitinib in a Phase III Placebo-Controlled Study in Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Prospective randomized trial of mechanical bowel preparation in patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery

British Journal of Surgery, 1994

A total of 149 patients admitted for elective colorectal surgery were randomly allocated to recei... more A total of 149 patients admitted for elective colorectal surgery were randomly allocated to receive preoperative mechanical bowel preparation (group 1) or no mechanical bowel preparation (group 2). All patients received antimicrobial prophylaxis with cephalothin and metronidazole. The overall incidence of wound infection was 17·4 per cent (24 per cent for group 1, 12 per cent for group 2) and that of dehiscence 7·4 per cent (10 per cent for group 1, 5 per cent for group 2). The incidence of wound infection was significantly higher in group 1 (P<0·05) but that of anastomotic dehiscence did not differ significantly between groups. Mechanical bowel preparation is unnecessary and may be harmful in terms of preventing wound infection and anastomotic dehiscence in patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery.

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Research paper thumbnail of Minimal State Graph Generation

Science of Computer Programming, 1994

We address the problem of generating a minimal state graph from a program, without buildingthe wh... more We address the problem of generating a minimal state graph from a program, without buildingthe whole state graph. Minimality is considered here with respect to bisimulation. Ageneration algorithm is derived and illustrated. Applications concern program verificationand control synthesis in reactive program compilation.1 IntroductionThis paper concerns the problem of explicitly building a state graph from a program, a formulaor any implicit

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Research paper thumbnail of Value of endoscopic markers in celiac disease

Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 1993

Duodenoscopy in celiac disease has identified several markers of the disease. Our aim was to eval... more Duodenoscopy in celiac disease has identified several markers of the disease. Our aim was to evaluate, in a prospective study, the usefulness of the different endoscopic features in 100 consecutive cases referred to endoscopy for intestinal biopsy. Histological examination of duodenal samples showed severe villous atrophy (grade III/IV) in 36 patients. Of these patients, 34 had endoscopic markers suggestive of celiac disease. These were reduction in number or loss of Kerkring's folds (in 27), mosaic pattern (14), scalloped folds (12), and visibility of the underlying blood vessels (5). Endoscopic visualization of these markers had a sensitivity of 94%, a specificity of 92%, and a positive predictive value of 84%. Reduction in number, or loss of, Kerkring's folds was the most sensitive (76%) and specific (98%) single endoscopic change indicating celiac disease. Duodenoscopy permitted diagnosis in three of four asymptomatic patients in a group of 24 first-degree relatives of celiac disease patients. We conclude that endoscopy of distal duodenum is a sensitive and specific indicator of celiac disease.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cartilage proteoglycan alterations in an experimentally induced model of rabbit osteoarthritis

Arthritis and Rheumatism, 1979

Size distribution of cartilage proteoglycans (PG) extracted from control and osteoarthritic rabbi... more Size distribution of cartilage proteoglycans (PG) extracted from control and osteoarthritic rabbit knees after partial meniscectomy was analyzed. In normal control knees, about 30% of PG molecules were in aggregate form and average sedimentation constant was 60S. No aggregates were found in osteoarthritic cartilage, whether ulcer, rim about ulcer, or distant normal-appearing cartilage was examined. Weight average sedimentation constants for PG subunits were similar to controls, 15S. Up to 70% of guanidinium-extractable PG could be extracted from osteoarthritic cartilage by using 0.5M guanidine HCI (GuHCI); sedimentation characteristics of extracted PG were similar to those using 4.0M GuHCI. Absence of aggregates is consistent with a disorder of link protein, hyaluronic acid, or PG subunit hyaluronic acid binding sites. Absence of subunit degradation was an unexpected finding. The demonstrated ability of 0.5M GuHCI to extract large amounts of PG from osteoarthritic cartilage will allow study of cartilage proteoglycans in their native nondissociated state.

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Research paper thumbnail of Colonization of the respiratory tract with Pseudomonas cepacia in cystic fibrosis. Risk factors and outcomes

Chest, 1987

Between 1981 and 1983, some 85 patients with cystic fibrosis at Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hosp... more Between 1981 and 1983, some 85 patients with cystic fibrosis at Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital, Cleveland, developed colonization or infection of the respiratory tract with Pseudomonas cepacia. Twenty-nine (34 percent) of the colonized patients died; four were female patients with fulminant bacteremia with P cepacia prior to death. Case-control studies showed that increasing severity of underlying cystic fibrosis, increasing age, having a sibling with cystic fibrosis who was colonized with P cepacia, and previous hospitalizations were associated with increased risk of colonization. In patients with mild cystic fibrosis, no differences in clinical outcome were seen during the period of study; however, patients colonized with P cepacia who had moderate or advanced cystic fibrosis were hospitalized longer and died sooner after colonization, compared with control subjects with similar severity of cystic fibrosis. The excess mortality associated with such colonization varied in magnitude and trend according to the patient&#39;s sex and severity of underlying cystic fibrosis, reflecting the combined influence of colonization with P cepacia, sex, and severity of cystic fibrosis on the mortality of the patients. The source and mode of transmission of P cepacia were not determined, but the data suggest a possible nosocomial source. The results of this investigation showed that colonization with P cepacia most often affected patients with moderate or advanced cystic fibrosis and was associated with an adverse clinical outcome in these patients.

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Research paper thumbnail of Improved Algorithms for Elliptic Curve Arithmetic in GF(2n

This paper describes three contributions for efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptosys... more This paper describes three contributions for efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptosystems in GF(2n). The first is a new method for doubling an elliptic curve point, which is simpler to implement than the fastest known method, due to Schroeppel, and which favors sparse elliptic curve coefficients. The second is a generalized and improved version of the Guajardo and Paar’s formulas for computing repeated doubling points. The third contribution consists of a new kind of projective coordinates that provides the fastest known arithmetic on elliptic curves. The algorithms resulting from this new formulation lead to a running time improvement for computing a scalar multiplication of about 17% over previous projective coordinate methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of On the verijicaiion of safety properties

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Research paper thumbnail of Solicitação de Transporte Universitário -FMS

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Research paper thumbnail of An implementation of an efficient algorithm for bisimulation equivalence

Science of Computer Programming, 1990

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Research paper thumbnail of STROBOSCOPE State and Resource Based Simulation of Construction Processes

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Research paper thumbnail of Molecular Predictors of Outcome With Gefitinib in a Phase III Placebo-Controlled Study in Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Prospective randomized trial of mechanical bowel preparation in patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery

British Journal of Surgery, 1994

A total of 149 patients admitted for elective colorectal surgery were randomly allocated to recei... more A total of 149 patients admitted for elective colorectal surgery were randomly allocated to receive preoperative mechanical bowel preparation (group 1) or no mechanical bowel preparation (group 2). All patients received antimicrobial prophylaxis with cephalothin and metronidazole. The overall incidence of wound infection was 17·4 per cent (24 per cent for group 1, 12 per cent for group 2) and that of dehiscence 7·4 per cent (10 per cent for group 1, 5 per cent for group 2). The incidence of wound infection was significantly higher in group 1 (P<0·05) but that of anastomotic dehiscence did not differ significantly between groups. Mechanical bowel preparation is unnecessary and may be harmful in terms of preventing wound infection and anastomotic dehiscence in patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery.

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Research paper thumbnail of Minimal State Graph Generation

Science of Computer Programming, 1994

We address the problem of generating a minimal state graph from a program, without buildingthe wh... more We address the problem of generating a minimal state graph from a program, without buildingthe whole state graph. Minimality is considered here with respect to bisimulation. Ageneration algorithm is derived and illustrated. Applications concern program verificationand control synthesis in reactive program compilation.1 IntroductionThis paper concerns the problem of explicitly building a state graph from a program, a formulaor any implicit

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Research paper thumbnail of Value of endoscopic markers in celiac disease

Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 1993

Duodenoscopy in celiac disease has identified several markers of the disease. Our aim was to eval... more Duodenoscopy in celiac disease has identified several markers of the disease. Our aim was to evaluate, in a prospective study, the usefulness of the different endoscopic features in 100 consecutive cases referred to endoscopy for intestinal biopsy. Histological examination of duodenal samples showed severe villous atrophy (grade III/IV) in 36 patients. Of these patients, 34 had endoscopic markers suggestive of celiac disease. These were reduction in number or loss of Kerkring's folds (in 27), mosaic pattern (14), scalloped folds (12), and visibility of the underlying blood vessels (5). Endoscopic visualization of these markers had a sensitivity of 94%, a specificity of 92%, and a positive predictive value of 84%. Reduction in number, or loss of, Kerkring's folds was the most sensitive (76%) and specific (98%) single endoscopic change indicating celiac disease. Duodenoscopy permitted diagnosis in three of four asymptomatic patients in a group of 24 first-degree relatives of celiac disease patients. We conclude that endoscopy of distal duodenum is a sensitive and specific indicator of celiac disease.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cartilage proteoglycan alterations in an experimentally induced model of rabbit osteoarthritis

Arthritis and Rheumatism, 1979

Size distribution of cartilage proteoglycans (PG) extracted from control and osteoarthritic rabbi... more Size distribution of cartilage proteoglycans (PG) extracted from control and osteoarthritic rabbit knees after partial meniscectomy was analyzed. In normal control knees, about 30% of PG molecules were in aggregate form and average sedimentation constant was 60S. No aggregates were found in osteoarthritic cartilage, whether ulcer, rim about ulcer, or distant normal-appearing cartilage was examined. Weight average sedimentation constants for PG subunits were similar to controls, 15S. Up to 70% of guanidinium-extractable PG could be extracted from osteoarthritic cartilage by using 0.5M guanidine HCI (GuHCI); sedimentation characteristics of extracted PG were similar to those using 4.0M GuHCI. Absence of aggregates is consistent with a disorder of link protein, hyaluronic acid, or PG subunit hyaluronic acid binding sites. Absence of subunit degradation was an unexpected finding. The demonstrated ability of 0.5M GuHCI to extract large amounts of PG from osteoarthritic cartilage will allow study of cartilage proteoglycans in their native nondissociated state.

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Research paper thumbnail of Colonization of the respiratory tract with Pseudomonas cepacia in cystic fibrosis. Risk factors and outcomes

Chest, 1987

Between 1981 and 1983, some 85 patients with cystic fibrosis at Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hosp... more Between 1981 and 1983, some 85 patients with cystic fibrosis at Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital, Cleveland, developed colonization or infection of the respiratory tract with Pseudomonas cepacia. Twenty-nine (34 percent) of the colonized patients died; four were female patients with fulminant bacteremia with P cepacia prior to death. Case-control studies showed that increasing severity of underlying cystic fibrosis, increasing age, having a sibling with cystic fibrosis who was colonized with P cepacia, and previous hospitalizations were associated with increased risk of colonization. In patients with mild cystic fibrosis, no differences in clinical outcome were seen during the period of study; however, patients colonized with P cepacia who had moderate or advanced cystic fibrosis were hospitalized longer and died sooner after colonization, compared with control subjects with similar severity of cystic fibrosis. The excess mortality associated with such colonization varied in magnitude and trend according to the patient&#39;s sex and severity of underlying cystic fibrosis, reflecting the combined influence of colonization with P cepacia, sex, and severity of cystic fibrosis on the mortality of the patients. The source and mode of transmission of P cepacia were not determined, but the data suggest a possible nosocomial source. The results of this investigation showed that colonization with P cepacia most often affected patients with moderate or advanced cystic fibrosis and was associated with an adverse clinical outcome in these patients.

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Research paper thumbnail of Improved Algorithms for Elliptic Curve Arithmetic in GF(2n

This paper describes three contributions for efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptosys... more This paper describes three contributions for efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptosystems in GF(2n). The first is a new method for doubling an elliptic curve point, which is simpler to implement than the fastest known method, due to Schroeppel, and which favors sparse elliptic curve coefficients. The second is a generalized and improved version of the Guajardo and Paar’s formulas for computing repeated doubling points. The third contribution consists of a new kind of projective coordinates that provides the fastest known arithmetic on elliptic curves. The algorithms resulting from this new formulation lead to a running time improvement for computing a scalar multiplication of about 17% over previous projective coordinate methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of On the verijicaiion of safety properties

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Research paper thumbnail of Solicitação de Transporte Universitário -FMS

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