Jung-hsing Chang - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Jung-hsing Chang
Concentric. Studies in Linguistics
In modern Chinese, a Directional Verb Construction (DVC) may contain either two or three verbs. D... more In modern Chinese, a Directional Verb Construction (DVC) may contain either two or three verbs. DVCs with two verbs can be represented in three different ways, and DVCs with three verbs can be represented in four different ways. The different positions of the shared internal noun phrase (NP) argument result in divergent word orders of DVCs. Based on the Corpus of the United Daily News, this study discusses the syntax-pragmatic interface in Chinese DVCs within the framework of Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) with the intention of ascertaining how NP arguments are linked to syntax in DVCs, while at the same time accounting for what pragmatic factors play a role in determining constructional schemas for argument linking. The results show that different patterns of DVCs have different focus domains, and that the differential activation state of the internal NP argument plays an essential role in determining word order. Considering the correlation between activation state and focus doma...
臺灣語文研究, 2023
同一成語,隨其出現的語境不同,往往可以有不一樣的詮釋。本文以意象基模(image schemas)作為研究架構,結合報紙的篇章語料來探討台灣華語「金蟬脫殼」的多義現象。研究結果指出,「金蟬脫殼」... more 同一成語,隨其出現的語境不同,往往可以有不一樣的詮釋。本文以意象基模(image schemas)作為研究架構,結合報紙的篇章語料來探討台灣華語「金蟬脫殼」的多義現象。研究結果指出,「金蟬脫殼」多樣化的語意主要是以容器基模和內-外基模為基礎,並結合了隱喻、焦點轉移、攝取角度的變化等方式,因而產生不同的解讀。「金蟬脫殼」的成語在語意延伸的路徑上與英語介系詞over有異曲同工之處,本文將此成語的語意延伸過程有系統地呈現出來,希望有助於華語的教與學,使華語學習者能更有效率地理解成語。
臺灣語文研究, 2019
本文以心理空間理論來分析現代詩〈床戲〉的隱喻現象,希望透過認知語言學理論的分析,呈現詩中的隱喻結構以及歧義產生的背後機制。本文討論了詩人如何在詩中結合詞的多義現象和「框架」的認知概念,進而很巧妙... more 本文以心理空間理論來分析現代詩〈床戲〉的隱喻現象,希望透過認知語言學理論的分析,呈現詩中的隱喻結構以及歧義產生的背後機制。本文討論了詩人如何在詩中結合詞的多義現象和「框架」的認知概念,進而很巧妙地應用「框架轉換」的策略讓「床戲」這個詞產生歧義,並引發一系列的隱喻重新詮釋現象,為此文學作品帶來隱藏在字面下的弦外之音。本文的研究除了探討潛藏在詩中的涵義,同時也解析了讀者理解詩中隱喻的思維過程。
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 2006
This paper discusses the proposals of Li and Thompson (1977), Yen (1986), and Feng (1993) in rela... more This paper discusses the proposals of Li and Thompson (1977), Yen (1986), and Feng (1993) in relation to the development of the Chinese copula and argues that Li and Thompson's suggestion of a topic mechanism, Yen's analogical change, and Feng's phonological pause are unsatisfactory in explaining the development of the copula. It is suggested that Katz's (1996) cognitive concept of existence in time and space between pronouns and copulas is what relates the demonstrative pronoun shi to a copula, while the verbal form shi occurring in the same syntactic context as the demonstrative pronoun shi is what triggers this demonstrative pronoun to turn into a copula.
文章编号:1003-0077(2011)00-0000-00 论中国手语的分类词谓语 姚登峰 ,江铭虎 ,张荣兴 3 , 阿布都克力木.阿布力孜 2 (1. 北京市信息服务工程重点实验室(北京联... more 文章编号:1003-0077(2011)00-0000-00 论中国手语的分类词谓语 姚登峰 ,江铭虎 ,张荣兴 3 , 阿布都克力木.阿布力孜 2 (1. 北京市信息服务工程重点实验室(北京联合大学),北京 100101; 2. 清华大学人文学院计算语言学实验室,清华大学心理学与认知科学研究中心,北京 100084; 3. 台湾中正大学语言学研究所,台湾嘉义县 621) 摘要:分类词谓语是手语中一种独特的语言现象。中国大陆学者对分类词谓语的研究刚开始涉足,尚未见 到系统的研究报道。本文试图从语言学的角度对中国手语分类词谓语做了语义认知分析,首先结合 Talmy 的动态事件和代形词的分析,解释了中国手语的分类词谓语现象,分析了主体和背景的代形词如何形成以 达到手语同时性和序列性要求,并由此确定了主体代形词和背景代形词通常是由非运动的手形组成,另一 方面也说明中国手语与汉语的相互影响,对“动作”和“位于”这两类的手语代形词作了较为详细的描述 及分类。 关键词:中国 手语;分类词谓语;手形;代名词 中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A
Taiwan journal of linguistics, 2003
This paper discusses why the aspect marker le in Chinese has been analyzed in many different ways... more This paper discusses why the aspect marker le in Chinese has been analyzed in many different ways in previous studies when occurring with stage-level states, and argues that it does not shift the given state into an activity or an achievement, as suggested by Smith (1997) and Szeto (1988). In addition, this paper proposes that the aspect marker le, when occurring with stage-level states, is able to evoke a boundary, to which the adverbial chabuduo/jihu 'almost' can make reference. Because the boundary of an individual-level state is usually not evoked, the occurrence of an individual-level state with the adverbial chabuduo/jihu 'almost' is impossible.
International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar 2004 Pags 172 190, 2004
Deontic modal in the pre-verbal position: (6) ECONOMY SITUATION BAD, POOR^PEOPLE GOVERNMENT [CAN ... more Deontic modal in the pre-verbal position: (6) ECONOMY SITUATION BAD, POOR^PEOPLE GOVERNMENT [CAN D ] TAKE-CARE+POOR^PEOPLE CL 'Due to economic recession, the government will take care of the poor.' CAN The sentences with the deontic modal 'CAN', as in (6) and (7) only differ in the syntactic positions. But the sentence with the modal in the clause-final position, as in (7) conveys stronger subjectivity. Deontic modal in the clause-final position: (7) ECONOMY SITUATION BAD, POOR^PEOPLE GOVERNMENT TAKE-CARE+ POOR^PEOPLECL [CAN D ] 'Due to economic recession, the government is obligated to take care of the poor.' CAN upward-backward head tilt, chin up The non-manual features (e.g., upward-backward head tilt, chin up) are incorporated into the clause-final deontic modal to show the stronger subjectivity. Epistemic modal in the preverbal position: (8) SISTER STUDY DILIGENT. SHE [DEFINITE E ] EXAM SUCCESS 'My sister studies so hard. She will pass the exam.' DEFINITE The sentences in (8) and (9) describe the same situation, but the modals in these two sentences occur in different positions. The sentence with the modal in the clause-final position, as in (9) conveys stronger subjectivity. [NEG^Deontic] > [NEG^Epistemic]: (19)HE WIFE INDEX RESTURANT WORK. HE WIFE FOOD COOK [NEG^CAN N^D ] [NEG^SHOULD N^E ]. 'His wife works in restaurant. It is not possible that she does not know how to cook.' [NEG^Epistemic] > [NEG^Deontic] : (20)*HE WILE INDEX RESTURANT WORK. HE WIFE FOOD COOK [NEG^SHOULD N^E ] [NEG^CAN N^D ]. When both modals are negated, and the negated epistemic modal has to occur after the negated deontic modal.
In Amadar Medean, the majority control of the plaintiff and defendant corporations had come into ... more In Amadar Medean, the majority control of the plaintiff and defendant corporations had come into the hands of the same group of people by the time the case reached the Supreme Court. The Court therefore refused to consider the merits, but reversed and remanded for further proceedings to protect the interests of the minority stockholders. Id. at 301-02. 894 [Vol. 32:893 1991] UNITED STATES v. UNITED STATES 895 found the same principle in the Constitution's case-or-controversy requirement. 2 The talismanic "a person cannot sue herself" collapses, however, when the "person" is the United States government. In practice, different parts of the government often end up on opposing sides of the same lawsuit. Although a caption as frank as United States v. United States is uncommon, courts have rarely hesitated to hear intragovernmental disputes. The United States has sued the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) for approving railroad rates charged to the federal government 4 and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for setting long distance telephone rates that were too high. 5 The Department of Justice (DOJ) has challenged mergers and rate agreements that other federal agencies explicitly approved and defended in court. 6 The Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) is in constant litigation with other agencies over labor practices. 7 The Secretary of the Interior has sued the Federal Power Commission (FPC) for licensing a dam, 8 and the Secretary of Commerce has gone after the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for not preparing an environmental impact statement. 9 The Secretary of 2. U.S. CONST. art. 111, S 2, cl. 1. 3. 417 F. Supp. 851 (D.D.C. 1976) (three-judge district court), affld sub nom. National Classification Comm. v. United States, 430 U.S. 961 (1977) (Department of Defense (DOD) challenge to Interstate Commerce Commission order increasing the cost of transporting automobiles by truck). 4. United States v. ICC, 337 U.S. 426 (1949); see also Ford Motor Co. v. ICC, 714 F.2d 1157, 1159 (D.C. Cir. 1983) (DOD's petition for review of the ICC's refusal to award reparations for alleged overcharges by "market dominant" railroads). 5. See United States v. FCC, 707 F.2d 610 (D.C. Cir. 1983). 6. E.g., United States v. Marine Bancorp., Inc., 418 U.S. 602 (1974) (challenge to bank merger approved by Comptroller of the Currency); United States v. ICC, 396 U.S. 491 (1970) (challenge to ICC approval of railroad mergers); United States v. Federal Maritime Comm'n, 694 F.2d 793 (D.C. Cir. 1982) (challenge to Federal Maritime Commission approval of rate-fixing agreement among ocean carriers); United States v. FCC, 652 F.2d 72 (D.C. Cir. 1980) (challenge to FCC order allowing Comsat/IBM joint venture to construct communications satellites; FTC filed an amicus brief); United States v. Civil Aeronautics Bd., 511 F.2d 1315 (D.C. Cir. 1975) (challenge to Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) approval of airlines' capacity reduction agreements).
Language and Linguistics
Metaphors in the film Butterfly Lovers are examined within the framework of Mental Spaces Theory ... more Metaphors in the film Butterfly Lovers are examined within the framework of Mental Spaces Theory (Fauconnier 1994, 1997, Fauconnier & Turner 2002), illustrating how context in discourse plays an important role in the interpretation of metaphor. We propose that metaphorical interpretations in Butterfly Lovers result from conceptual blending (partial cross-space mappings). In addition, we demonstrate how the Optimization of presupposition obstructs the metaphorical interpretation and how the Upward Floating of presupposition reinterprets the same context from literal meaning into metaphorical meaning.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2001. Includes bibliographical references (leaves... more Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2001. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 257-284). Microfiche.
In this paper we reanalyze the so-called classifier predicates with special reference to Taiwan S... more In this paper we reanalyze the so-called classifier predicates with special reference to Taiwan Sign Language, arguing that the so-called classifier morpheme is a superordinate and should be analyzed as a proform because of its primary anaphoric function. In addition, we develop an approach combining T a l my ' s (1 9 8 5) mo t i o n events with the proform analysis to account for how Figure and Ground are represented concurrently with spatial verbs in spatial constructions and how the proforms of Figure and Ground are formed to satisfy such requirement. It is shown that in Taiwan Sign Language the proforms of Ground are more predictable than those of Figure, because the Ground usually takes the handshape of the non-moving hand as its proform, while the Figure usually adopts a new handshape which is not part of the given sign to serve as its proform.
Language and Linguistics, 2007
Language and Linguistics, 2003
This paper is concerned with the linking of arguments to syntax in Chinese resultative verb const... more This paper is concerned with the linking of arguments to syntax in Chinese resultative verb constructions. It is demonstrated that the linking principles based on event roles can account for the complementary distribution of the Ba-construction and the Verb-copying construction, because 'ba+NP' is associated only with the Locus of affect role (an entity that is involved in the endpoint), whereas 'a copied verb+NP' is associated only with the Target of activity role (an entity that undergoes the action). It is predicted that a resultative verb construction, which can occur in the Ba-construction, can have a corresponding Bei-construction, because both constructions involve the displacement of the Locus of affect role.
Based on the idea that cognitive processes play an important role in linguistic analysis, this pa... more Based on the idea that cognitive processes play an important role in linguistic analysis, this paper focuses on two main issues. The first issue is concerned with the nature of the intertwined relations of the various meanings of the Chinese polysemous word xiang and how these different meanings are extended from the original meaning found in ancient Chinese texts. The relations between these meanings can be accounted for in terms of five cognitive processes: generalization, extendability across motive states, profile, metaphor, and change in the position of the perspective point, all of which constitute links within the semantic network of xiang. The second issue is concerned with why xiang has two opposite meanings, i.e., goal marker and source marker. It is proposed that the two opposite meanings result from a change in the position of the perspective point in a given schema. That is, by changing the perspective point from that of the starting point of the movement of the Figure ...
Metaphors in the film Butterfly Lovers are examined within the framework of Mental Spaces Theory ... more Metaphors in the film Butterfly Lovers are examined within the framework of Mental Spaces Theory (Fauconnier 1994, 1997, Fauconnier & Turner 2002), illustrating how context in discourse plays an important role in the interpretation of metaphor. We propose that metaphorical interpretations in Butterfly Lovers result from conceptual blending (partial cross-space mappings). In addition, we demonstrate how the Optimization of presupposition obstructs the metaphorical interpretation and how the Upward Floating of presupposition reinterprets the same context from literal meaning into metaphorical meaning.
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics
This paper discusses the proposals of Li and Thompson (1977), Yen (1986), and Feng (1993) in rela... more This paper discusses the proposals of Li and Thompson (1977), Yen (1986), and Feng (1993) in relation to the development of the Chinese copula and argues that Li and Thompson's suggestion of a topic mechanism, Yen's analogical change, and Feng's phonological pause are unsatisfactory in explaining the development of the copula. It is suggested that Katz's (1996) cognitive concept of existence in time and space between pronouns and copulas is what relates the demonstrative pronoun shi to a copula, while the verbal form shi occurring in the same syntactic context as the demonstrative pronoun shi is what triggers this demonstrative pronoun to turn into a copula.
本研究以華語名前形容詞「老」為例,探討上下文訊息在詞彙概念多義中扮演的角色,並採用「詞彙概念及認知模型」理論(Evans 2006, 2007, 2009)作為分析架構。本文主張詞彙的意義並非完... more 本研究以華語名前形容詞「老」為例,探討上下文訊息在詞彙概念多義中扮演的角色,並採用「詞彙概念及認知模型」理論(Evans 2006, 2007, 2009)作為分析架構。本文主張詞彙的意義並非完全存在於詞彙本身,一個詞彙的部分意義是建構在它與上下文中其他詞彙的互動上,此多義現象又稱為概念多義(Evans 2015)。「詞彙概念及認知模型」理論是由詞彙表徵和語意組合兩環結所構成。其中詞彙表徵包含兩項要素,分別是詞彙概念和認知模型。語意組合包含兩項認知步驟,分別是詞彙概念選擇和語意的融合。透過這理論,可以清楚地呈現如何依據語境訊息選擇合適的詞彙概念,凸顯相關的認知模型,以及將所喚起的詞彙概念和認知模型加以融合成符合上下文的語意。研究結果指出「老」的概念多義現象,主要是以它的詞彙表徵為基礎,隨著所出現篇章的不同,依據上下文訊息,與所搭配的名詞產生語意互動,進而獲得不同的語意詮釋。In this paper, we have examined the Mandarin attributive adjective lao within the framework of Lexical Concepts and Cognitive Models (LCCM) (Evans 2006, 2007, 2009), and have discussed how the context plays an essential role in constructing conceptual polysemy. This study suggests that the meaning of a lexical item is defined partly by its original meaning and partly by its relation with other words in the context. Such linguistic phenomenon is considered as conceptual polysemy. LCCM consists of lexical representation and semantic composition: the former contains two central constructs, namely, lexical concepts and cognitive models, while the latter includes two cognitive processes, namely, lexical concept selection and fusion. LCCM clearly illustrates how lexical concepts are selected, how cognitive models are profiled, and how the activated concepts and models are integrated to produce an appropriate interpretation from the context. The result of this paper has shown that the meaning associated with the adjective lao is protean, and its conceptual semantic interpretation is sensitive to the context in which it occurs.
Concentric. Studies in Linguistics
In modern Chinese, a Directional Verb Construction (DVC) may contain either two or three verbs. D... more In modern Chinese, a Directional Verb Construction (DVC) may contain either two or three verbs. DVCs with two verbs can be represented in three different ways, and DVCs with three verbs can be represented in four different ways. The different positions of the shared internal noun phrase (NP) argument result in divergent word orders of DVCs. Based on the Corpus of the United Daily News, this study discusses the syntax-pragmatic interface in Chinese DVCs within the framework of Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) with the intention of ascertaining how NP arguments are linked to syntax in DVCs, while at the same time accounting for what pragmatic factors play a role in determining constructional schemas for argument linking. The results show that different patterns of DVCs have different focus domains, and that the differential activation state of the internal NP argument plays an essential role in determining word order. Considering the correlation between activation state and focus doma...
臺灣語文研究, 2023
同一成語,隨其出現的語境不同,往往可以有不一樣的詮釋。本文以意象基模(image schemas)作為研究架構,結合報紙的篇章語料來探討台灣華語「金蟬脫殼」的多義現象。研究結果指出,「金蟬脫殼」... more 同一成語,隨其出現的語境不同,往往可以有不一樣的詮釋。本文以意象基模(image schemas)作為研究架構,結合報紙的篇章語料來探討台灣華語「金蟬脫殼」的多義現象。研究結果指出,「金蟬脫殼」多樣化的語意主要是以容器基模和內-外基模為基礎,並結合了隱喻、焦點轉移、攝取角度的變化等方式,因而產生不同的解讀。「金蟬脫殼」的成語在語意延伸的路徑上與英語介系詞over有異曲同工之處,本文將此成語的語意延伸過程有系統地呈現出來,希望有助於華語的教與學,使華語學習者能更有效率地理解成語。
臺灣語文研究, 2019
本文以心理空間理論來分析現代詩〈床戲〉的隱喻現象,希望透過認知語言學理論的分析,呈現詩中的隱喻結構以及歧義產生的背後機制。本文討論了詩人如何在詩中結合詞的多義現象和「框架」的認知概念,進而很巧妙... more 本文以心理空間理論來分析現代詩〈床戲〉的隱喻現象,希望透過認知語言學理論的分析,呈現詩中的隱喻結構以及歧義產生的背後機制。本文討論了詩人如何在詩中結合詞的多義現象和「框架」的認知概念,進而很巧妙地應用「框架轉換」的策略讓「床戲」這個詞產生歧義,並引發一系列的隱喻重新詮釋現象,為此文學作品帶來隱藏在字面下的弦外之音。本文的研究除了探討潛藏在詩中的涵義,同時也解析了讀者理解詩中隱喻的思維過程。
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 2006
This paper discusses the proposals of Li and Thompson (1977), Yen (1986), and Feng (1993) in rela... more This paper discusses the proposals of Li and Thompson (1977), Yen (1986), and Feng (1993) in relation to the development of the Chinese copula and argues that Li and Thompson's suggestion of a topic mechanism, Yen's analogical change, and Feng's phonological pause are unsatisfactory in explaining the development of the copula. It is suggested that Katz's (1996) cognitive concept of existence in time and space between pronouns and copulas is what relates the demonstrative pronoun shi to a copula, while the verbal form shi occurring in the same syntactic context as the demonstrative pronoun shi is what triggers this demonstrative pronoun to turn into a copula.
文章编号:1003-0077(2011)00-0000-00 论中国手语的分类词谓语 姚登峰 ,江铭虎 ,张荣兴 3 , 阿布都克力木.阿布力孜 2 (1. 北京市信息服务工程重点实验室(北京联... more 文章编号:1003-0077(2011)00-0000-00 论中国手语的分类词谓语 姚登峰 ,江铭虎 ,张荣兴 3 , 阿布都克力木.阿布力孜 2 (1. 北京市信息服务工程重点实验室(北京联合大学),北京 100101; 2. 清华大学人文学院计算语言学实验室,清华大学心理学与认知科学研究中心,北京 100084; 3. 台湾中正大学语言学研究所,台湾嘉义县 621) 摘要:分类词谓语是手语中一种独特的语言现象。中国大陆学者对分类词谓语的研究刚开始涉足,尚未见 到系统的研究报道。本文试图从语言学的角度对中国手语分类词谓语做了语义认知分析,首先结合 Talmy 的动态事件和代形词的分析,解释了中国手语的分类词谓语现象,分析了主体和背景的代形词如何形成以 达到手语同时性和序列性要求,并由此确定了主体代形词和背景代形词通常是由非运动的手形组成,另一 方面也说明中国手语与汉语的相互影响,对“动作”和“位于”这两类的手语代形词作了较为详细的描述 及分类。 关键词:中国 手语;分类词谓语;手形;代名词 中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A
Taiwan journal of linguistics, 2003
This paper discusses why the aspect marker le in Chinese has been analyzed in many different ways... more This paper discusses why the aspect marker le in Chinese has been analyzed in many different ways in previous studies when occurring with stage-level states, and argues that it does not shift the given state into an activity or an achievement, as suggested by Smith (1997) and Szeto (1988). In addition, this paper proposes that the aspect marker le, when occurring with stage-level states, is able to evoke a boundary, to which the adverbial chabuduo/jihu 'almost' can make reference. Because the boundary of an individual-level state is usually not evoked, the occurrence of an individual-level state with the adverbial chabuduo/jihu 'almost' is impossible.
International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar 2004 Pags 172 190, 2004
Deontic modal in the pre-verbal position: (6) ECONOMY SITUATION BAD, POOR^PEOPLE GOVERNMENT [CAN ... more Deontic modal in the pre-verbal position: (6) ECONOMY SITUATION BAD, POOR^PEOPLE GOVERNMENT [CAN D ] TAKE-CARE+POOR^PEOPLE CL 'Due to economic recession, the government will take care of the poor.' CAN The sentences with the deontic modal 'CAN', as in (6) and (7) only differ in the syntactic positions. But the sentence with the modal in the clause-final position, as in (7) conveys stronger subjectivity. Deontic modal in the clause-final position: (7) ECONOMY SITUATION BAD, POOR^PEOPLE GOVERNMENT TAKE-CARE+ POOR^PEOPLECL [CAN D ] 'Due to economic recession, the government is obligated to take care of the poor.' CAN upward-backward head tilt, chin up The non-manual features (e.g., upward-backward head tilt, chin up) are incorporated into the clause-final deontic modal to show the stronger subjectivity. Epistemic modal in the preverbal position: (8) SISTER STUDY DILIGENT. SHE [DEFINITE E ] EXAM SUCCESS 'My sister studies so hard. She will pass the exam.' DEFINITE The sentences in (8) and (9) describe the same situation, but the modals in these two sentences occur in different positions. The sentence with the modal in the clause-final position, as in (9) conveys stronger subjectivity. [NEG^Deontic] > [NEG^Epistemic]: (19)HE WIFE INDEX RESTURANT WORK. HE WIFE FOOD COOK [NEG^CAN N^D ] [NEG^SHOULD N^E ]. 'His wife works in restaurant. It is not possible that she does not know how to cook.' [NEG^Epistemic] > [NEG^Deontic] : (20)*HE WILE INDEX RESTURANT WORK. HE WIFE FOOD COOK [NEG^SHOULD N^E ] [NEG^CAN N^D ]. When both modals are negated, and the negated epistemic modal has to occur after the negated deontic modal.
In Amadar Medean, the majority control of the plaintiff and defendant corporations had come into ... more In Amadar Medean, the majority control of the plaintiff and defendant corporations had come into the hands of the same group of people by the time the case reached the Supreme Court. The Court therefore refused to consider the merits, but reversed and remanded for further proceedings to protect the interests of the minority stockholders. Id. at 301-02. 894 [Vol. 32:893 1991] UNITED STATES v. UNITED STATES 895 found the same principle in the Constitution's case-or-controversy requirement. 2 The talismanic "a person cannot sue herself" collapses, however, when the "person" is the United States government. In practice, different parts of the government often end up on opposing sides of the same lawsuit. Although a caption as frank as United States v. United States is uncommon, courts have rarely hesitated to hear intragovernmental disputes. The United States has sued the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) for approving railroad rates charged to the federal government 4 and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for setting long distance telephone rates that were too high. 5 The Department of Justice (DOJ) has challenged mergers and rate agreements that other federal agencies explicitly approved and defended in court. 6 The Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) is in constant litigation with other agencies over labor practices. 7 The Secretary of the Interior has sued the Federal Power Commission (FPC) for licensing a dam, 8 and the Secretary of Commerce has gone after the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for not preparing an environmental impact statement. 9 The Secretary of 2. U.S. CONST. art. 111, S 2, cl. 1. 3. 417 F. Supp. 851 (D.D.C. 1976) (three-judge district court), affld sub nom. National Classification Comm. v. United States, 430 U.S. 961 (1977) (Department of Defense (DOD) challenge to Interstate Commerce Commission order increasing the cost of transporting automobiles by truck). 4. United States v. ICC, 337 U.S. 426 (1949); see also Ford Motor Co. v. ICC, 714 F.2d 1157, 1159 (D.C. Cir. 1983) (DOD's petition for review of the ICC's refusal to award reparations for alleged overcharges by "market dominant" railroads). 5. See United States v. FCC, 707 F.2d 610 (D.C. Cir. 1983). 6. E.g., United States v. Marine Bancorp., Inc., 418 U.S. 602 (1974) (challenge to bank merger approved by Comptroller of the Currency); United States v. ICC, 396 U.S. 491 (1970) (challenge to ICC approval of railroad mergers); United States v. Federal Maritime Comm'n, 694 F.2d 793 (D.C. Cir. 1982) (challenge to Federal Maritime Commission approval of rate-fixing agreement among ocean carriers); United States v. FCC, 652 F.2d 72 (D.C. Cir. 1980) (challenge to FCC order allowing Comsat/IBM joint venture to construct communications satellites; FTC filed an amicus brief); United States v. Civil Aeronautics Bd., 511 F.2d 1315 (D.C. Cir. 1975) (challenge to Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) approval of airlines' capacity reduction agreements).
Language and Linguistics
Metaphors in the film Butterfly Lovers are examined within the framework of Mental Spaces Theory ... more Metaphors in the film Butterfly Lovers are examined within the framework of Mental Spaces Theory (Fauconnier 1994, 1997, Fauconnier & Turner 2002), illustrating how context in discourse plays an important role in the interpretation of metaphor. We propose that metaphorical interpretations in Butterfly Lovers result from conceptual blending (partial cross-space mappings). In addition, we demonstrate how the Optimization of presupposition obstructs the metaphorical interpretation and how the Upward Floating of presupposition reinterprets the same context from literal meaning into metaphorical meaning.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2001. Includes bibliographical references (leaves... more Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2001. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 257-284). Microfiche.
In this paper we reanalyze the so-called classifier predicates with special reference to Taiwan S... more In this paper we reanalyze the so-called classifier predicates with special reference to Taiwan Sign Language, arguing that the so-called classifier morpheme is a superordinate and should be analyzed as a proform because of its primary anaphoric function. In addition, we develop an approach combining T a l my ' s (1 9 8 5) mo t i o n events with the proform analysis to account for how Figure and Ground are represented concurrently with spatial verbs in spatial constructions and how the proforms of Figure and Ground are formed to satisfy such requirement. It is shown that in Taiwan Sign Language the proforms of Ground are more predictable than those of Figure, because the Ground usually takes the handshape of the non-moving hand as its proform, while the Figure usually adopts a new handshape which is not part of the given sign to serve as its proform.
Language and Linguistics, 2007
Language and Linguistics, 2003
This paper is concerned with the linking of arguments to syntax in Chinese resultative verb const... more This paper is concerned with the linking of arguments to syntax in Chinese resultative verb constructions. It is demonstrated that the linking principles based on event roles can account for the complementary distribution of the Ba-construction and the Verb-copying construction, because 'ba+NP' is associated only with the Locus of affect role (an entity that is involved in the endpoint), whereas 'a copied verb+NP' is associated only with the Target of activity role (an entity that undergoes the action). It is predicted that a resultative verb construction, which can occur in the Ba-construction, can have a corresponding Bei-construction, because both constructions involve the displacement of the Locus of affect role.
Based on the idea that cognitive processes play an important role in linguistic analysis, this pa... more Based on the idea that cognitive processes play an important role in linguistic analysis, this paper focuses on two main issues. The first issue is concerned with the nature of the intertwined relations of the various meanings of the Chinese polysemous word xiang and how these different meanings are extended from the original meaning found in ancient Chinese texts. The relations between these meanings can be accounted for in terms of five cognitive processes: generalization, extendability across motive states, profile, metaphor, and change in the position of the perspective point, all of which constitute links within the semantic network of xiang. The second issue is concerned with why xiang has two opposite meanings, i.e., goal marker and source marker. It is proposed that the two opposite meanings result from a change in the position of the perspective point in a given schema. That is, by changing the perspective point from that of the starting point of the movement of the Figure ...
Metaphors in the film Butterfly Lovers are examined within the framework of Mental Spaces Theory ... more Metaphors in the film Butterfly Lovers are examined within the framework of Mental Spaces Theory (Fauconnier 1994, 1997, Fauconnier & Turner 2002), illustrating how context in discourse plays an important role in the interpretation of metaphor. We propose that metaphorical interpretations in Butterfly Lovers result from conceptual blending (partial cross-space mappings). In addition, we demonstrate how the Optimization of presupposition obstructs the metaphorical interpretation and how the Upward Floating of presupposition reinterprets the same context from literal meaning into metaphorical meaning.
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics
This paper discusses the proposals of Li and Thompson (1977), Yen (1986), and Feng (1993) in rela... more This paper discusses the proposals of Li and Thompson (1977), Yen (1986), and Feng (1993) in relation to the development of the Chinese copula and argues that Li and Thompson's suggestion of a topic mechanism, Yen's analogical change, and Feng's phonological pause are unsatisfactory in explaining the development of the copula. It is suggested that Katz's (1996) cognitive concept of existence in time and space between pronouns and copulas is what relates the demonstrative pronoun shi to a copula, while the verbal form shi occurring in the same syntactic context as the demonstrative pronoun shi is what triggers this demonstrative pronoun to turn into a copula.
本研究以華語名前形容詞「老」為例,探討上下文訊息在詞彙概念多義中扮演的角色,並採用「詞彙概念及認知模型」理論(Evans 2006, 2007, 2009)作為分析架構。本文主張詞彙的意義並非完... more 本研究以華語名前形容詞「老」為例,探討上下文訊息在詞彙概念多義中扮演的角色,並採用「詞彙概念及認知模型」理論(Evans 2006, 2007, 2009)作為分析架構。本文主張詞彙的意義並非完全存在於詞彙本身,一個詞彙的部分意義是建構在它與上下文中其他詞彙的互動上,此多義現象又稱為概念多義(Evans 2015)。「詞彙概念及認知模型」理論是由詞彙表徵和語意組合兩環結所構成。其中詞彙表徵包含兩項要素,分別是詞彙概念和認知模型。語意組合包含兩項認知步驟,分別是詞彙概念選擇和語意的融合。透過這理論,可以清楚地呈現如何依據語境訊息選擇合適的詞彙概念,凸顯相關的認知模型,以及將所喚起的詞彙概念和認知模型加以融合成符合上下文的語意。研究結果指出「老」的概念多義現象,主要是以它的詞彙表徵為基礎,隨著所出現篇章的不同,依據上下文訊息,與所搭配的名詞產生語意互動,進而獲得不同的語意詮釋。In this paper, we have examined the Mandarin attributive adjective lao within the framework of Lexical Concepts and Cognitive Models (LCCM) (Evans 2006, 2007, 2009), and have discussed how the context plays an essential role in constructing conceptual polysemy. This study suggests that the meaning of a lexical item is defined partly by its original meaning and partly by its relation with other words in the context. Such linguistic phenomenon is considered as conceptual polysemy. LCCM consists of lexical representation and semantic composition: the former contains two central constructs, namely, lexical concepts and cognitive models, while the latter includes two cognitive processes, namely, lexical concept selection and fusion. LCCM clearly illustrates how lexical concepts are selected, how cognitive models are profiled, and how the activated concepts and models are integrated to produce an appropriate interpretation from the context. The result of this paper has shown that the meaning associated with the adjective lao is protean, and its conceptual semantic interpretation is sensitive to the context in which it occurs.