Kısmet Deliveli - (original) (raw)
Papers by Kısmet Deliveli
Journal of Qualitative Research in Education
This study aims to evaluate the perceptions of teacher candidates regarding child abuse and negle... more This study aims to evaluate the perceptions of teacher candidates regarding child abuse and neglect as well as propose preventive measures. Utilizing a phenomenological design, a qualitative research method, the study focuses on understanding the unique experiences of individuals. The sample was selected through purposive random sampling and homogeneous sampling techniques. Data was gathered from 13 participants, including 7 elementary education candidates and 6 pre-school education candidates, at the Faculty of Education of a public university in Turkey during the 2018-2019 academic year. The participants' work was analyzed using "content and descriptive analysis" methods. The study found that teacher candidates depicted child abuse and neglect as "a distressing situation that makes children unhappy." In their drawings, they predominantly used black to represent abused children, while abusers were symbolized through metaphors such as "dirty, darkened ha...
Participatory Educational Research
Education Sciences, Feb 1, 2012
Çağdaş Eğitim Dergisi, 2006
Journal of Turkish Studies
The purpose of this study by referring to the opinions of teachers working in primary school, whi... more The purpose of this study by referring to the opinions of teachers working in primary school, while they face while teaching literacy to the students with intellectual disabilities is to determine the strategies they have developed in solving the problems. For this purpose, a qualitative research approach of phenomenological research methods was used. In the creation of the study group, the criterion sampling method from purposeful sampling methods was used and 13 teachers who had mentally disabled students were reached. The data was obtained through a semi-structured interview form and the classroom teachers who voluntarily supported the research during the interviews were asked to answer 6 open-ended questions in the interview form. In order to provide the validity and reliability criteria sought in qualitative research, credibility, consistency, transferability and confirmability criteria were taken into consideration. The data were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive analysis techniques. Participants' views are combined into common themes, while excerpts from participants' views are presented. The findings of the research were evaluated in four themes: 'the approach teachers adopted during the process of reading and writing, the problems they faced, the strategies they applied and the suggestions they developed'. Inthe present study, it is understood that all of the teachers adopt a studentoriented approach to conduct reading-writing activities, and take the needs of the students with mental disabilities into account. The teachers that focus on the adequacies of the students rather than their inadequacies while conducting reading-writing activities are observed to prefer such practices as the ones that are based on individual differences. That is already understood from the different practices conducted by the teachers 'while selecting methods, using tools-materials, and arranging activities.'
Education Sciences, Feb 1, 2011
Son yıllarda dünyada okuma-yazma ile ilgili yapılan araştırmalar, öğrenme sürecinde yaşanan sorun... more Son yıllarda dünyada okuma-yazma ile ilgili yapılan araştırmalar, öğrenme sürecinde yaşanan sorunların büyük ölçüde kullanılan yöntemlerle ilgili olduğu göstermektedir. Bu nedenle dünyada sentez, analiz yöntemlerinden sonra karma yöntemler geliştirilmeye başlanmıştır. Yöntem uygulamaları dilden dile farklılık göstermektedir. O halde Türk diline özgü yeni yöntemlerin geliştirilerek-denenmesine gerek vardır. Bu çalışmada okuma-yazma öğretiminde altı yaş çocuklarının doğal dil gelişimini ve bilişsel gelişimini desteklemeyi hedefleyen Ses Çağrışımlı Bütünleşik Kelime Yöntemi" geliştirilmiştir. Bu yöntem, Türk diline özgü karma yöntemler başlığı altında değerlendirilebilir. Bu yöntemde hareket noktası ses değil, kelimelerdir. Tek heceli ve basit, kelime grupları içinde sesi fark eden çocuk, kelimeyi çözümleyerek, ses ve heceye ulaşır. Elde edilen ses ve hecelerle yeni kelimeler oluşturulur.
SDU International Journal of Educational Studies, 2020
In this journal, research articles which reflect the survey with the results and translations tha... more In this journal, research articles which reflect the survey with the results and translations that can be considered as a high scientific quality, scientific observation and review articles are published. Teachers, students and scientists who conduct research to the field (e.g. articles on pure sciences or social sciences, mathematics and technology) and in relevant sections of field education (e.g. articles on science education, social science education, mathematics education and technology education) in the education faculties are target group. In this journal, the target group can benefit from qualified scientific studies are published. The publication languages are English and Turkish.
Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling (TIJSEG) ISSN: 1300-7432, Aug 12, 2020
Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 2020
Bu çalışmanın amacı, sınıf öğretmenliği son sınıfta okuyan öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesle... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, sınıf öğretmenliği son sınıfta okuyan öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleği konusundaki düşüncelerini, öğretmenlik mesleğini tercih etme sebeplerini, öğretmenlik mesleğine yönelik beklentilerini ve olanaklar mümkün olsa hayatta olmasını istedikleri şeylerin neler olduğunu anlamaya çalışmaktır. Çalışma nitel araştırma yaklaşımlarından olgubilim yöntemine göre tasarlanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu amaçlı ve benzeşik örnekleme yöntemi ile oluşturulmuştur. 2015-2016 yılında Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, sınıf öğretmenliği son sınıfta okuyan 42 (21 kız ve 21 erkek) öğretmen adayının görüşlerine başvurulmuştur. Veriler katılımcıların yaşam öyküleri, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu (3 soru) ve arzu listesinde yer alan sorular (4 soru) ile toplanmış, içerik analizi ve betimsel analiz yöntemleriyle analiz edilmiş; bulgular "öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğine ilişkin görüşleri ve geleceğe yönelik beklentileri" olmak üzere iki temada değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, öğretmen adaylarının çoğunluğunun öğretmenlik mesleğinin daha çok dezavantajlı yönlerine vurgu yaptıkları, sınavla öğretmen atamalarının yapılmasını, öğretmenlik statüsünün düşük olmasını, öğretmenlerin çalışma şartlarının adil olmamasını ve lisans düzeyinde verilen eğitimin teorik olmasını eleştirdikleri anlaşılmıştır. Bu bulgulara dayanarak, öğretmenlik mesleğinin statüsünü yükseltecek önlemler alınması, öğretmenlerin çalışma koşullarının iyileştirilmesi, seçme/yerleştirme ve atama sınavlarının gözden geçirilmesi, lisans düzeyinde verilecek eğitimin teorik ve uygulamalı olacak şekilde yapılması önerilmiştir.
Journal of Computer and Education Research, 2020
The present study intends to reveal the effectiveness of the applied children's literature course... more The present study intends to reveal the effectiveness of the applied children's literature course activities. In this research designed based on a qualitative research approach, the methods of document review and phenomenology were used. The study group of the research included 47 prospective class teachers enrolled in the 'Children's Literature' course during the 2015-2016 Spring Term at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Education Department of Class Teaching. At the end of the 12-week period of the activities conducted, the professional and prospective class teachers were applied a semi-structured interview form to provide their views about the process. To analyze the data provided by the professional class teacher and the prospective class teachers, ‚content analysis and descriptive analysis technique‛ was used. The results from the research were divided into two titles: ‚Evaluation of Children's Literature Activities (Process) and Views Concerning the Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Activities (Conclusion)‛.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, Turkiye’de egitim denetimi alaninda 1990 yilindan 2015 yilina kadar yapila... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, Turkiye’de egitim denetimi alaninda 1990 yilindan 2015 yilina kadar yapilan lisansustu tezlerin (Yuksek Lisans ve Doktora) degerlendirmesini yapmaktir. Calisma, yuksek lisans ve doktora tezlerinin incelenmesine yonelik dokuman analizine dayali nitel bir arastirmadir. Arastirmanin evreni, Turkiye’de egitim denetimi alaninda yapilan yuksek lisans ve doktora tezleridir. Orneklem ise bu tezlerden YOK Ulusal tez merkezinde erisim izni olan ve “Egitim-Ogretim” kategorisinde yer alan 177 adet yuksek lisans tezi ve 21 adet doktora tezinden olusmaktadir. Degerlendirmelerde olcut olarak Kircaali-Iftar’in (2005), Gay ve Airasian’dan (2000) uyarladigi, Sosyal Bilimler Arastirmalarini Degerlendirme Olcutlerinden yararlanilmistir. Elde edilen bulgulara gore, lisansustu tezlerin sayica fazla oldugu universiteler Yeditepe, Ankara ve Abant Izzet Baysal Universiteleridir. Tezlerde cagdas denetim ile rehberlik ve gelistirme gibi konularin diger konulara gore daha yogun calisildi...
Bu arastirmanin amaci, farkli yer ve tarihlerde universitelerde yonetici olarak calismis/calismak... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, farkli yer ve tarihlerde universitelerde yonetici olarak calismis/calismakta olan kadinlarin, is ortaminda yasadiklari mobbing hikayelerini arastirarak, mobbingin is ve ozel hayatlarini nasil etkiledigini anlamaya calismaktir. Bu amac icin nitel bir arastirma yontemi olan fenomolojik arastirma yaklasimindan yararlanilmistir. Arastirmaya katilimda gonululuk temel alinmis ve toplam 5 mobbing magdurunun yasam hikâyeleri birinci agizdan dinlenilmistir. Her katilimci ile ayri ayri olmak uzere toplamda uc kez gorusme yapilmis, bu gorusmelerin her biri yaklasik 20-30 dakika surmus ve bu surecte katilimcilardan 15 acik uclu soruya cevap vermeleri istenmistir. Katilicimcilarin yaptiklari aciklamalardan yonetici olarak gorev yaptiklari surece yasadiklari mobbing deneyiminin her birinin is ve ozel hayatini olumsuz etkiledigi anlasilmistir
İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021
Sınıf öğretmenliği, sosyoloji lisans; eğitim yönetimi, teftişi, planlaması ve ekonomisi yüksek li... more Sınıf öğretmenliği, sosyoloji lisans; eğitim yönetimi, teftişi, planlaması ve ekonomisi yüksek lisans; eğitim yönetimi, sınıf öğretmenliği doktora mezunu olan yazarın, "eğitim yönetimi, öğretmen yetiştirme, birleştirilmiş sınıflarda öğretim, okuma-yazma öğretimi, kaynaştırma eğitimi konularında bildiri, makale, kitap bölümü türünde" yayınları bulunmaktadır.
Education Sciences, 2012
Speaking is the main tool for education since the skills depending on speaking ability are prereq... more Speaking is the main tool for education since the skills depending on speaking ability are prerequisite to be successful in any lesson. For this reason the kids, having oral communication difficulties, may have problems in school especially when learning reading and writing skills. This study is carried out to teach reading and writing skills to the kids with language and speaking disabilities who are attending integrated education in the elementary level. For this purpose "Voice-Oriented Language Teaching Method" was developed and suggested. While applying this method, voice and syllable formations will be analyzed regarding the words. There are voices in the words that need to be taught progressively. Using these words, voices can be achieved which can lead to syllables, words and sentences. During this process the characteristics of Turkish language will be tried to comprehend.
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2021
Article History: Purpose: The present study is intended to evaluate the opinions of a class teach... more Article History: Purpose: The present study is intended to evaluate the opinions of a class teacher that taught in the 2018-2019 academic year using the word-accompanied sentence method, a combined reading-writing method peculiar to the Turkish language. Research Methods: This was a case study using a descriptive research method, with data collected through interviews and analyzed by document and content analyses. This study evaluates a class teacher’s opinions about practicing the word-accompanied sentence method; a combined reading-writing method peculiar to Turkish, during the 2018-2019 school year. Findings: Teaching vowels at the preparatory stage, Received: 16 Jan, 2020 Received in revised form: 27 Feb., 2021 Accepted: 4 Mar, 2021 DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2021.94.3
Trakya Eğitim Dergisi, 2021
Turkish Studies-Educational Sciences, 2020
This study evaluates opinions of prospective teachers teaching multigrade classes of local primar... more This study evaluates opinions of prospective teachers teaching multigrade classes of local primary schools as part of the teaching practices about multigrade class practices. The study is a qualitative research conducted using phenomenological method. The study population herein consists of prospective teachers teaching multigrade classes of local primary schools for 12 weeks as part of the teaching practices course during their senior year in the 2015-2016 academic year at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Department of Classroom Teaching about multigrade class practices. The study evaluates opinions of 42 prospective teachers (26 female, 16 male) going to teaching practice at multigrade classes. Two interviews by beginning of term and end of term were held with teacher candidates. Data analysis was conducted using "content and descriptive analysis method". The study results were evaluated in two themes: "impressions before the implementation and opinions shared after the application". In this research, prospective teachers overall impressions about the existing problems at schools. Most of the participants describe teaching multigrade classes as a "difficult and selfless" way of teaching. Considering the opinions of the pre-service teachers about wanting / not wanting to be a teacher in in teaching multigrade classes after 12-week teaching in such classes, It was understood that the pre-service teachers mostly conveyed their opinions as "I do not want to take part".
Journal of Qualitative Research in Education
This study aims to evaluate the perceptions of teacher candidates regarding child abuse and negle... more This study aims to evaluate the perceptions of teacher candidates regarding child abuse and neglect as well as propose preventive measures. Utilizing a phenomenological design, a qualitative research method, the study focuses on understanding the unique experiences of individuals. The sample was selected through purposive random sampling and homogeneous sampling techniques. Data was gathered from 13 participants, including 7 elementary education candidates and 6 pre-school education candidates, at the Faculty of Education of a public university in Turkey during the 2018-2019 academic year. The participants' work was analyzed using "content and descriptive analysis" methods. The study found that teacher candidates depicted child abuse and neglect as "a distressing situation that makes children unhappy." In their drawings, they predominantly used black to represent abused children, while abusers were symbolized through metaphors such as "dirty, darkened ha...
Participatory Educational Research
Education Sciences, Feb 1, 2012
Çağdaş Eğitim Dergisi, 2006
Journal of Turkish Studies
The purpose of this study by referring to the opinions of teachers working in primary school, whi... more The purpose of this study by referring to the opinions of teachers working in primary school, while they face while teaching literacy to the students with intellectual disabilities is to determine the strategies they have developed in solving the problems. For this purpose, a qualitative research approach of phenomenological research methods was used. In the creation of the study group, the criterion sampling method from purposeful sampling methods was used and 13 teachers who had mentally disabled students were reached. The data was obtained through a semi-structured interview form and the classroom teachers who voluntarily supported the research during the interviews were asked to answer 6 open-ended questions in the interview form. In order to provide the validity and reliability criteria sought in qualitative research, credibility, consistency, transferability and confirmability criteria were taken into consideration. The data were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive analysis techniques. Participants' views are combined into common themes, while excerpts from participants' views are presented. The findings of the research were evaluated in four themes: 'the approach teachers adopted during the process of reading and writing, the problems they faced, the strategies they applied and the suggestions they developed'. Inthe present study, it is understood that all of the teachers adopt a studentoriented approach to conduct reading-writing activities, and take the needs of the students with mental disabilities into account. The teachers that focus on the adequacies of the students rather than their inadequacies while conducting reading-writing activities are observed to prefer such practices as the ones that are based on individual differences. That is already understood from the different practices conducted by the teachers 'while selecting methods, using tools-materials, and arranging activities.'
Education Sciences, Feb 1, 2011
Son yıllarda dünyada okuma-yazma ile ilgili yapılan araştırmalar, öğrenme sürecinde yaşanan sorun... more Son yıllarda dünyada okuma-yazma ile ilgili yapılan araştırmalar, öğrenme sürecinde yaşanan sorunların büyük ölçüde kullanılan yöntemlerle ilgili olduğu göstermektedir. Bu nedenle dünyada sentez, analiz yöntemlerinden sonra karma yöntemler geliştirilmeye başlanmıştır. Yöntem uygulamaları dilden dile farklılık göstermektedir. O halde Türk diline özgü yeni yöntemlerin geliştirilerek-denenmesine gerek vardır. Bu çalışmada okuma-yazma öğretiminde altı yaş çocuklarının doğal dil gelişimini ve bilişsel gelişimini desteklemeyi hedefleyen Ses Çağrışımlı Bütünleşik Kelime Yöntemi" geliştirilmiştir. Bu yöntem, Türk diline özgü karma yöntemler başlığı altında değerlendirilebilir. Bu yöntemde hareket noktası ses değil, kelimelerdir. Tek heceli ve basit, kelime grupları içinde sesi fark eden çocuk, kelimeyi çözümleyerek, ses ve heceye ulaşır. Elde edilen ses ve hecelerle yeni kelimeler oluşturulur.
SDU International Journal of Educational Studies, 2020
In this journal, research articles which reflect the survey with the results and translations tha... more In this journal, research articles which reflect the survey with the results and translations that can be considered as a high scientific quality, scientific observation and review articles are published. Teachers, students and scientists who conduct research to the field (e.g. articles on pure sciences or social sciences, mathematics and technology) and in relevant sections of field education (e.g. articles on science education, social science education, mathematics education and technology education) in the education faculties are target group. In this journal, the target group can benefit from qualified scientific studies are published. The publication languages are English and Turkish.
Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling (TIJSEG) ISSN: 1300-7432, Aug 12, 2020
Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 2020
Bu çalışmanın amacı, sınıf öğretmenliği son sınıfta okuyan öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesle... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, sınıf öğretmenliği son sınıfta okuyan öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleği konusundaki düşüncelerini, öğretmenlik mesleğini tercih etme sebeplerini, öğretmenlik mesleğine yönelik beklentilerini ve olanaklar mümkün olsa hayatta olmasını istedikleri şeylerin neler olduğunu anlamaya çalışmaktır. Çalışma nitel araştırma yaklaşımlarından olgubilim yöntemine göre tasarlanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu amaçlı ve benzeşik örnekleme yöntemi ile oluşturulmuştur. 2015-2016 yılında Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, sınıf öğretmenliği son sınıfta okuyan 42 (21 kız ve 21 erkek) öğretmen adayının görüşlerine başvurulmuştur. Veriler katılımcıların yaşam öyküleri, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu (3 soru) ve arzu listesinde yer alan sorular (4 soru) ile toplanmış, içerik analizi ve betimsel analiz yöntemleriyle analiz edilmiş; bulgular "öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğine ilişkin görüşleri ve geleceğe yönelik beklentileri" olmak üzere iki temada değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, öğretmen adaylarının çoğunluğunun öğretmenlik mesleğinin daha çok dezavantajlı yönlerine vurgu yaptıkları, sınavla öğretmen atamalarının yapılmasını, öğretmenlik statüsünün düşük olmasını, öğretmenlerin çalışma şartlarının adil olmamasını ve lisans düzeyinde verilen eğitimin teorik olmasını eleştirdikleri anlaşılmıştır. Bu bulgulara dayanarak, öğretmenlik mesleğinin statüsünü yükseltecek önlemler alınması, öğretmenlerin çalışma koşullarının iyileştirilmesi, seçme/yerleştirme ve atama sınavlarının gözden geçirilmesi, lisans düzeyinde verilecek eğitimin teorik ve uygulamalı olacak şekilde yapılması önerilmiştir.
Journal of Computer and Education Research, 2020
The present study intends to reveal the effectiveness of the applied children's literature course... more The present study intends to reveal the effectiveness of the applied children's literature course activities. In this research designed based on a qualitative research approach, the methods of document review and phenomenology were used. The study group of the research included 47 prospective class teachers enrolled in the 'Children's Literature' course during the 2015-2016 Spring Term at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Education Department of Class Teaching. At the end of the 12-week period of the activities conducted, the professional and prospective class teachers were applied a semi-structured interview form to provide their views about the process. To analyze the data provided by the professional class teacher and the prospective class teachers, ‚content analysis and descriptive analysis technique‛ was used. The results from the research were divided into two titles: ‚Evaluation of Children's Literature Activities (Process) and Views Concerning the Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Activities (Conclusion)‛.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, Turkiye’de egitim denetimi alaninda 1990 yilindan 2015 yilina kadar yapila... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, Turkiye’de egitim denetimi alaninda 1990 yilindan 2015 yilina kadar yapilan lisansustu tezlerin (Yuksek Lisans ve Doktora) degerlendirmesini yapmaktir. Calisma, yuksek lisans ve doktora tezlerinin incelenmesine yonelik dokuman analizine dayali nitel bir arastirmadir. Arastirmanin evreni, Turkiye’de egitim denetimi alaninda yapilan yuksek lisans ve doktora tezleridir. Orneklem ise bu tezlerden YOK Ulusal tez merkezinde erisim izni olan ve “Egitim-Ogretim” kategorisinde yer alan 177 adet yuksek lisans tezi ve 21 adet doktora tezinden olusmaktadir. Degerlendirmelerde olcut olarak Kircaali-Iftar’in (2005), Gay ve Airasian’dan (2000) uyarladigi, Sosyal Bilimler Arastirmalarini Degerlendirme Olcutlerinden yararlanilmistir. Elde edilen bulgulara gore, lisansustu tezlerin sayica fazla oldugu universiteler Yeditepe, Ankara ve Abant Izzet Baysal Universiteleridir. Tezlerde cagdas denetim ile rehberlik ve gelistirme gibi konularin diger konulara gore daha yogun calisildi...
Bu arastirmanin amaci, farkli yer ve tarihlerde universitelerde yonetici olarak calismis/calismak... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, farkli yer ve tarihlerde universitelerde yonetici olarak calismis/calismakta olan kadinlarin, is ortaminda yasadiklari mobbing hikayelerini arastirarak, mobbingin is ve ozel hayatlarini nasil etkiledigini anlamaya calismaktir. Bu amac icin nitel bir arastirma yontemi olan fenomolojik arastirma yaklasimindan yararlanilmistir. Arastirmaya katilimda gonululuk temel alinmis ve toplam 5 mobbing magdurunun yasam hikâyeleri birinci agizdan dinlenilmistir. Her katilimci ile ayri ayri olmak uzere toplamda uc kez gorusme yapilmis, bu gorusmelerin her biri yaklasik 20-30 dakika surmus ve bu surecte katilimcilardan 15 acik uclu soruya cevap vermeleri istenmistir. Katilicimcilarin yaptiklari aciklamalardan yonetici olarak gorev yaptiklari surece yasadiklari mobbing deneyiminin her birinin is ve ozel hayatini olumsuz etkiledigi anlasilmistir
İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021
Sınıf öğretmenliği, sosyoloji lisans; eğitim yönetimi, teftişi, planlaması ve ekonomisi yüksek li... more Sınıf öğretmenliği, sosyoloji lisans; eğitim yönetimi, teftişi, planlaması ve ekonomisi yüksek lisans; eğitim yönetimi, sınıf öğretmenliği doktora mezunu olan yazarın, "eğitim yönetimi, öğretmen yetiştirme, birleştirilmiş sınıflarda öğretim, okuma-yazma öğretimi, kaynaştırma eğitimi konularında bildiri, makale, kitap bölümü türünde" yayınları bulunmaktadır.
Education Sciences, 2012
Speaking is the main tool for education since the skills depending on speaking ability are prereq... more Speaking is the main tool for education since the skills depending on speaking ability are prerequisite to be successful in any lesson. For this reason the kids, having oral communication difficulties, may have problems in school especially when learning reading and writing skills. This study is carried out to teach reading and writing skills to the kids with language and speaking disabilities who are attending integrated education in the elementary level. For this purpose "Voice-Oriented Language Teaching Method" was developed and suggested. While applying this method, voice and syllable formations will be analyzed regarding the words. There are voices in the words that need to be taught progressively. Using these words, voices can be achieved which can lead to syllables, words and sentences. During this process the characteristics of Turkish language will be tried to comprehend.
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2021
Article History: Purpose: The present study is intended to evaluate the opinions of a class teach... more Article History: Purpose: The present study is intended to evaluate the opinions of a class teacher that taught in the 2018-2019 academic year using the word-accompanied sentence method, a combined reading-writing method peculiar to the Turkish language. Research Methods: This was a case study using a descriptive research method, with data collected through interviews and analyzed by document and content analyses. This study evaluates a class teacher’s opinions about practicing the word-accompanied sentence method; a combined reading-writing method peculiar to Turkish, during the 2018-2019 school year. Findings: Teaching vowels at the preparatory stage, Received: 16 Jan, 2020 Received in revised form: 27 Feb., 2021 Accepted: 4 Mar, 2021 DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2021.94.3
Trakya Eğitim Dergisi, 2021
Turkish Studies-Educational Sciences, 2020
This study evaluates opinions of prospective teachers teaching multigrade classes of local primar... more This study evaluates opinions of prospective teachers teaching multigrade classes of local primary schools as part of the teaching practices about multigrade class practices. The study is a qualitative research conducted using phenomenological method. The study population herein consists of prospective teachers teaching multigrade classes of local primary schools for 12 weeks as part of the teaching practices course during their senior year in the 2015-2016 academic year at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Department of Classroom Teaching about multigrade class practices. The study evaluates opinions of 42 prospective teachers (26 female, 16 male) going to teaching practice at multigrade classes. Two interviews by beginning of term and end of term were held with teacher candidates. Data analysis was conducted using "content and descriptive analysis method". The study results were evaluated in two themes: "impressions before the implementation and opinions shared after the application". In this research, prospective teachers overall impressions about the existing problems at schools. Most of the participants describe teaching multigrade classes as a "difficult and selfless" way of teaching. Considering the opinions of the pre-service teachers about wanting / not wanting to be a teacher in in teaching multigrade classes after 12-week teaching in such classes, It was understood that the pre-service teachers mostly conveyed their opinions as "I do not want to take part".