HÜLYA KASAPOĞLU - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 2018
Liderlik becerilerine sahip olmak eğitimde etkililiği arttıran bir unsur olarak düşünülmektedir. ... more Liderlik becerilerine sahip olmak eğitimde etkililiği arttıran bir unsur olarak düşünülmektedir. Yaratıcı drama liderleri, bir öğretim yöntemi olan drama sürecini planlayan ve yöneten, drama alanında katılımcılara yol gösteren kişi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu açıdan yaratıcı drama liderlerinin sahip olması gereken bir takım nitelikler olduğu söylenebilir. Tarama türünde desenlenen bu araştırmada yaratıcı drama katılımcılarının etkili bir yaratıcı drama liderinde bulunması gereken özelliklere ilişkin görüşlerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, Çağdaş Drama Derneğinin Trabzon şubesinde 1. ve 5. aşama katılımcıları ile yürütülmüştür. Araştırmaya 1. Aşama katılımcılardan 25, 5. Aşama katılımcılardan 28 toplam 53 katılımcı iştirak etmiştir. Yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ile toplanan veriler, içerik analizi ile çözümlenmiştir. Araştırmada yaratıcı drama liderinin sahip olması gereken kişisel özelliklerde 1. Aşama katılımcıları 22, 5. Aşama katılımcıları 8 ve iki grubun ortak görüş paylaştığı 23 özellik bulunmuştur. Yaratıcı drama liderinin sahip olması gereken mesleki özelliklerde ise 1.aşama katılımcıları 25, 5. Aşama katılımcıları 17 ve iki grubun ortak görüş paylaştığı 17 özellik bulunmuştur. 1 ve 5. aşama katılımcıların drama liderinin sahip olması gereken kişisel özelliklere ilişkin öne çıkan ortak görüşlerinin bazıları sevecen, hoşgörülü, kendini geliştiren, enerjik şeklinde ifade edilirken, mesleki özellikler açısından öne çıkan ortak görüşler alanına hâkim olmak, alanındaki gelişmeleri takip etmek, sürekli kendini geliştirmek, dramayı sevmek, şeklinde ifade edilmiştir.
Okullar, ogrencileri bilgiyle donatmanin yani sira onlari erdemli birinsan olarak yetistirme ve k... more Okullar, ogrencileri bilgiyle donatmanin yani sira onlari erdemli birinsan olarak yetistirme ve kisilik gelisimlerini saglama gorevi olan orgutlerdir.Bu nedenle okullarda ogretim kadar egitime de onem verilmelidir. Insanin davranislari degerleri dogrultusunda sekillenir. Okullar davranis kazandirma ya dadavranisi istendik yonde degistirme gorevi yapar. Bunu yaparken bireylerinkisiligini olusturan degerleri de verebilmelidir. Deger egitimi, ogrencinin degerli davranis ve insan modellerini ornek almasi yoluyla egitilmesini icerir. Bunedenle okul ortamlarinin ogrencilerin ornek olusturacak sekilde duzenlenmesi gerekir. Ayrica ogrencilerin degerleri soyut olmaktan cikarip somutlastirmalarina yardimci olmak adina hikaye anlatimi, gibi yontemler kullanilabilir. Iyibir deger egitimi ile okullar, sorumluluk, cok calisma, durustluk, nezaket gibierdemlerin yer aldigi bir topluluk olabilir. Bu makalede, okulda deger egitiminin onemi tartisilarak, bu baglamda deger egitimine iliskin cikarsamala...
Bilimsel ve teknolojik gelismelerin hizla gerceklestigi bir dunyada yenilikci bir anlayisi benims... more Bilimsel ve teknolojik gelismelerin hizla gerceklestigi bir dunyada yenilikci bir anlayisi benimseyen ve risk alabilen orgutlerin, olusan yeni yapiya uyum saglamada ve basariyi yakalamada daha fazla sansi olabilecektir. Universiteler, bilgiyi ureten ve yayan orgutler olarak yenilik yapilmasi ve takibi konusunda oncu olmalidir. Toplumsal yenilesmenin lideri konumundaki yuksekogretim kurumlarinin yenilesme surecinde, universite yoneticilerinin yenilige bakis acisi ve risk alabilme davranislari onemli bir yer tutmaktadir. Bu arastirma ile universite yoneticilerinin yenilikcilik ve risk alma davranislarini ne olcude gerceklestirdiklerine iliskin yonetici ve ogretim elemanlarinin goruslerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Ogretim elemanlarinin gorusleri arasindaki farklar; cinsiyet, kidem ve akademik unvanlarina gore degerlendirmistir. Bu arastirmanin orneklemini, Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi'nde gorev yapan, arastirmaya katilmaya gonullu universite yoneticileri ve ogretim elemanlari ...
This study aims to use creative drama method in developing student’s emotional intelligence skill... more This study aims to use creative drama method in developing student’s emotional intelligence skills and evaluate the results in terms of student’s satisfaction. 25 voluntary students participated in the study and 20 hours of 10 workshop studies were conducted with the students in order to improve emotional intelligence skills of them. Evaluations done by students during the process, drama diaries, video records and student assessment form including two open-ended questions were evaluated via descriptive studies under 5 themes which construct the content of workshop studies. During the analysis of the data, content analysis technique of qualitative research is used. As a result of the study, students expressed that they have improved many skills such as controlling temper, turning negative feelings into positive, improving imagination, showing empathy. It can be asserted that improving emotional intelligence skills through creative drama method has positive results in terms of student...
Calismada, ilkogretim ogrencilerinin duygusal zeka becerilerinin gelistirilmesinde yaratici drama... more Calismada, ilkogretim ogrencilerinin duygusal zeka becerilerinin gelistirilmesinde yaratici drama yontemi kullanilarak, sonuclarin ogrenci memnuniyeti acisindan degerlendirilmesi amaclanmistir. Calismaya gonullu 25 ogrenci katilmistir ve duygusal zeka becerilerini gelistirmeye donuk 20 saatlik 10 atolye calismasi yapilmistir. Ogrencilerin surec icinde yaptigi degerlendirmeler, drama gunlukleri, video kayitlari ile beraber iki acik uclu sorudan olusan ogrenci degerlendirme formu, atolye calismalarinin icerigini olusturan 5 tema altinda betimsel calismayla degerlendirilmistir ve verilerin analizinde nitel arastirma yontemlerinden icerik analizi kullanilmistir. Calisma sonunda ogrenciler, sinirlerini kontrol etme, olumsuz duygularini olumluya cevirebilme, hayal guclerini gelistirme, empati kurma gibi bir cok becerilerinin arttigini belirtmislerdir. Duygusal zeka becerilerinin yaratici drama yontemiyle gelistirilmesinin ogrenci memnuniyeti acisindan olumlu sonuclari oldugu soylenebilir.
Yuksekogretim Dergisi, 2018
K K üresel rekabetin ön plana ç›kt›¤›, bilimsel ve teknolojik geliflmelerin h›zla gerçekleflti¤i ... more K K üresel rekabetin ön plana ç›kt›¤›, bilimsel ve teknolojik geliflmelerin h›zla gerçekleflti¤i ve yay›ld›¤›, birçok alanda köklü de¤iflimlerin yafland›¤› bir dünyada yafla-maktay›z. Bu aç›dan bak›ld›¤›nda yaflanan geliflmelerin tüm top-lumlar› ve bireyleri etkilemesinin yan› s›ra, tüm örgütleri de de-rinden etkiledi¤i söylenebilir. Bu süreçte yenilikçi kültürü benimseyen ve yenilikçi yap›y› kurmay› baflaran örgütler bulun-duklar› çevreye ve geliflmelere uyum konusunda önemli kaza-n›mlar elde etmektedir. Bu anlam›yla yenilik, örgütlerin baflar›-s› ve devam› için yaflamsal bir önem tafl›maktad›r (Bülbül, 2010).
Yuksekogretim Dergisi, 2013
B B ir organizasyonun iflleyiflinin temelinde etkileme olay› bulunmaktad›r. Yönetici kendisine ve... more B B ir organizasyonun iflleyiflinin temelinde etkileme olay› bulunmaktad›r. Yönetici kendisine verilen sorumlulu-¤u, baflkalar›n› etkileyerek, onlar›n belirli davran›fllar› göstermelerini sa¤layarak yerine getirmektedir (Koçel, 1998). Etkileme, çal›flan› istenilen nitelikte ve nicelikte ifl yapmas› için motive etmektir. ‹nsan› ve di¤er kaynaklar› amaçlar› gerçeklefltirecek biçimde düzenlemek yöneticinin görevidir (Balc›, 2002). Yüksekö¤retim örgütleri gittikçe karmafl›klaflan bir çevre içerisinde yer al›rken, yüksekö¤retim yöneticileri, kaynaklar›n, paran›n ve ö¤rencinin azalmas›, yeni program istekleri, de¤iflim
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2020
The status of the teaching profession is essential because it can affect teachers ' perspective o... more The status of the teaching profession is essential because it can affect teachers ' perspective on the profession, motivation levels, and professional disciplines. This study aims to investigate which direction the status of the teaching profession has changed from past to present, factors affecting the change in the status, and what can be done to increase the status of the teaching profession. Methods: A total of 54 voluntary teachers from 18
International Journal of Progressive Education, 2021
This study aims to evaluate the perception of teachers, who have the mission of leading to and de... more This study aims to evaluate the perception of teachers, who have the mission of leading to and developing of students, about their own leadership behaviors and self-development level. In this context, a total of 305 teachers, 235 in state secondary schools and 70 in private secondary schools in Trabzon province, were involved into the study. During the collection of the data, “Teacher Leadership Scale” and “Self-Development Scale” were used. The results of the study showed that teachers’ perceptions of their own leadership behaviors and level of self-development were evaluated in most of the time intervals, and there was a meaningful difference in leadership behaviors in favor of private school teachers and in self-development behaviors in favor of female teachers. When the relationship between teachers’ perceptions about their own leadership behaviors and self-development level was examined, weak associations in positive direction were found. In the regression analysis, it was obse...
İlköğretim Online, 2017
In this study, the relationships between the school administrators' managerial effectiveness and ... more In this study, the relationships between the school administrators' managerial effectiveness and their self-development levels were examined. The sample of the study comprised of 105 school administrators and 1279 teachers who worked in the province of Ankara. The managerial effectiveness and self-development scales that were developed by the researcher were used for the collection of the data. As the result of the study it was found that as the self-development levels of the administrators increased, a positive and moderately significant increase was seen in their managerial effectiveness functions according to the school administrators' opinions and as the self-development levels of the school administrators increased, a positive and highly significant increase was seen in their managerial effectiveness functions according to the teachers' opinions. It was found in the study that the school administrators' self-development functions were a significant predictor of their managerial effectiveness. According to the administrators' and teachers' opinions, the first predictor in the predictor variables' relative order of importance was found to be the cognitive dimension and the second was found to be the spiritual dimension.
In this study, the relationships between the school administrators’ managerial effectiveness and ... more In this study, the relationships between the school administrators’ managerial effectiveness and their self-development levels were examined. The sample of the study comprised of 105 school administrators and 1279 teachers who worked in the province of Ankara. The managerial effectiveness and self-development scales that were developed by the researcher were used for the collection of the data. As the result of the study it was found that as the self-development levels of the administrators increased, a positive and moderately significant increase was seen in their managerial effectiveness functions according to the school administrators’ opinions and as the self-development levels of the school administrators increased, a positive and highly significant increase was seen in their managerial effectiveness functions according to the teachers’ opinions. It was found in the study that the school administrators’ self-development functions were a significant predictor of their managerial...
South African Journal of Education
Recent modifications to the Turkish educational system have mandated that instruction in English ... more Recent modifications to the Turkish educational system have mandated that instruction in English begin in the 2nd grade, rather than the 4th grade, as was previously required. Consequently, substantial modification of the elementary (2nd through 8th grade) English language teaching program has been carried out in order to accommodate this change. Successful implementation of the new program may be significantly affected by the efforts of elementary school administrators to incorporate the restructured curriculum at the institutional level. Therefore, the researchers believe that understanding the attitudes of school principals concerning these changes may play a significant role in learner outcomes. Accordingly, by means of personal interviews, this qualitative study explores the beliefs of nine elementary school administrators concerning the teaching of English to younger students, as well as their general opinions on English language education. The results indicate divided opinions toward the requirement for English instruction, although the administrators' attitudes toward facilitating English teaching in their schools were generally positive. However, they expressed concerns about the recently replaced teaching program and indicated general agreement that revision was needed. Based on the perceptions expressed by the participants, the researchers concluded that the administrators may be motivated to promote the modified teaching program among teachers, students and parents. However, the responses of the participants also raised significant questions about school principals' underlying beliefs concerning the importance of English language education, as well as institutional issues that may warrant intervention. As a result, suggestions for additional research are made.
Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 2018
Liderlik becerilerine sahip olmak eğitimde etkililiği arttıran bir unsur olarak düşünülmektedir. ... more Liderlik becerilerine sahip olmak eğitimde etkililiği arttıran bir unsur olarak düşünülmektedir. Yaratıcı drama liderleri, bir öğretim yöntemi olan drama sürecini planlayan ve yöneten, drama alanında katılımcılara yol gösteren kişi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu açıdan yaratıcı drama liderlerinin sahip olması gereken bir takım nitelikler olduğu söylenebilir. Tarama türünde desenlenen bu araştırmada yaratıcı drama katılımcılarının etkili bir yaratıcı drama liderinde bulunması gereken özelliklere ilişkin görüşlerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, Çağdaş Drama Derneğinin Trabzon şubesinde 1. ve 5. aşama katılımcıları ile yürütülmüştür. Araştırmaya 1. Aşama katılımcılardan 25, 5. Aşama katılımcılardan 28 toplam 53 katılımcı iştirak etmiştir. Yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ile toplanan veriler, içerik analizi ile çözümlenmiştir. Araştırmada yaratıcı drama liderinin sahip olması gereken kişisel özelliklerde 1. Aşama katılımcıları 22, 5. Aşama katılımcıları 8 ve iki grubun ortak görüş paylaştığı 23 özellik bulunmuştur. Yaratıcı drama liderinin sahip olması gereken mesleki özelliklerde ise 1.aşama katılımcıları 25, 5. Aşama katılımcıları 17 ve iki grubun ortak görüş paylaştığı 17 özellik bulunmuştur. 1 ve 5. aşama katılımcıların drama liderinin sahip olması gereken kişisel özelliklere ilişkin öne çıkan ortak görüşlerinin bazıları sevecen, hoşgörülü, kendini geliştiren, enerjik şeklinde ifade edilirken, mesleki özellikler açısından öne çıkan ortak görüşler alanına hâkim olmak, alanındaki gelişmeleri takip etmek, sürekli kendini geliştirmek, dramayı sevmek, şeklinde ifade edilmiştir.
Okullar, ogrencileri bilgiyle donatmanin yani sira onlari erdemli birinsan olarak yetistirme ve k... more Okullar, ogrencileri bilgiyle donatmanin yani sira onlari erdemli birinsan olarak yetistirme ve kisilik gelisimlerini saglama gorevi olan orgutlerdir.Bu nedenle okullarda ogretim kadar egitime de onem verilmelidir. Insanin davranislari degerleri dogrultusunda sekillenir. Okullar davranis kazandirma ya dadavranisi istendik yonde degistirme gorevi yapar. Bunu yaparken bireylerinkisiligini olusturan degerleri de verebilmelidir. Deger egitimi, ogrencinin degerli davranis ve insan modellerini ornek almasi yoluyla egitilmesini icerir. Bunedenle okul ortamlarinin ogrencilerin ornek olusturacak sekilde duzenlenmesi gerekir. Ayrica ogrencilerin degerleri soyut olmaktan cikarip somutlastirmalarina yardimci olmak adina hikaye anlatimi, gibi yontemler kullanilabilir. Iyibir deger egitimi ile okullar, sorumluluk, cok calisma, durustluk, nezaket gibierdemlerin yer aldigi bir topluluk olabilir. Bu makalede, okulda deger egitiminin onemi tartisilarak, bu baglamda deger egitimine iliskin cikarsamala...
Bilimsel ve teknolojik gelismelerin hizla gerceklestigi bir dunyada yenilikci bir anlayisi benims... more Bilimsel ve teknolojik gelismelerin hizla gerceklestigi bir dunyada yenilikci bir anlayisi benimseyen ve risk alabilen orgutlerin, olusan yeni yapiya uyum saglamada ve basariyi yakalamada daha fazla sansi olabilecektir. Universiteler, bilgiyi ureten ve yayan orgutler olarak yenilik yapilmasi ve takibi konusunda oncu olmalidir. Toplumsal yenilesmenin lideri konumundaki yuksekogretim kurumlarinin yenilesme surecinde, universite yoneticilerinin yenilige bakis acisi ve risk alabilme davranislari onemli bir yer tutmaktadir. Bu arastirma ile universite yoneticilerinin yenilikcilik ve risk alma davranislarini ne olcude gerceklestirdiklerine iliskin yonetici ve ogretim elemanlarinin goruslerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Ogretim elemanlarinin gorusleri arasindaki farklar; cinsiyet, kidem ve akademik unvanlarina gore degerlendirmistir. Bu arastirmanin orneklemini, Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi'nde gorev yapan, arastirmaya katilmaya gonullu universite yoneticileri ve ogretim elemanlari ...
This study aims to use creative drama method in developing student’s emotional intelligence skill... more This study aims to use creative drama method in developing student’s emotional intelligence skills and evaluate the results in terms of student’s satisfaction. 25 voluntary students participated in the study and 20 hours of 10 workshop studies were conducted with the students in order to improve emotional intelligence skills of them. Evaluations done by students during the process, drama diaries, video records and student assessment form including two open-ended questions were evaluated via descriptive studies under 5 themes which construct the content of workshop studies. During the analysis of the data, content analysis technique of qualitative research is used. As a result of the study, students expressed that they have improved many skills such as controlling temper, turning negative feelings into positive, improving imagination, showing empathy. It can be asserted that improving emotional intelligence skills through creative drama method has positive results in terms of student...
Calismada, ilkogretim ogrencilerinin duygusal zeka becerilerinin gelistirilmesinde yaratici drama... more Calismada, ilkogretim ogrencilerinin duygusal zeka becerilerinin gelistirilmesinde yaratici drama yontemi kullanilarak, sonuclarin ogrenci memnuniyeti acisindan degerlendirilmesi amaclanmistir. Calismaya gonullu 25 ogrenci katilmistir ve duygusal zeka becerilerini gelistirmeye donuk 20 saatlik 10 atolye calismasi yapilmistir. Ogrencilerin surec icinde yaptigi degerlendirmeler, drama gunlukleri, video kayitlari ile beraber iki acik uclu sorudan olusan ogrenci degerlendirme formu, atolye calismalarinin icerigini olusturan 5 tema altinda betimsel calismayla degerlendirilmistir ve verilerin analizinde nitel arastirma yontemlerinden icerik analizi kullanilmistir. Calisma sonunda ogrenciler, sinirlerini kontrol etme, olumsuz duygularini olumluya cevirebilme, hayal guclerini gelistirme, empati kurma gibi bir cok becerilerinin arttigini belirtmislerdir. Duygusal zeka becerilerinin yaratici drama yontemiyle gelistirilmesinin ogrenci memnuniyeti acisindan olumlu sonuclari oldugu soylenebilir.
Yuksekogretim Dergisi, 2018
K K üresel rekabetin ön plana ç›kt›¤›, bilimsel ve teknolojik geliflmelerin h›zla gerçekleflti¤i ... more K K üresel rekabetin ön plana ç›kt›¤›, bilimsel ve teknolojik geliflmelerin h›zla gerçekleflti¤i ve yay›ld›¤›, birçok alanda köklü de¤iflimlerin yafland›¤› bir dünyada yafla-maktay›z. Bu aç›dan bak›ld›¤›nda yaflanan geliflmelerin tüm top-lumlar› ve bireyleri etkilemesinin yan› s›ra, tüm örgütleri de de-rinden etkiledi¤i söylenebilir. Bu süreçte yenilikçi kültürü benimseyen ve yenilikçi yap›y› kurmay› baflaran örgütler bulun-duklar› çevreye ve geliflmelere uyum konusunda önemli kaza-n›mlar elde etmektedir. Bu anlam›yla yenilik, örgütlerin baflar›-s› ve devam› için yaflamsal bir önem tafl›maktad›r (Bülbül, 2010).
Yuksekogretim Dergisi, 2013
B B ir organizasyonun iflleyiflinin temelinde etkileme olay› bulunmaktad›r. Yönetici kendisine ve... more B B ir organizasyonun iflleyiflinin temelinde etkileme olay› bulunmaktad›r. Yönetici kendisine verilen sorumlulu-¤u, baflkalar›n› etkileyerek, onlar›n belirli davran›fllar› göstermelerini sa¤layarak yerine getirmektedir (Koçel, 1998). Etkileme, çal›flan› istenilen nitelikte ve nicelikte ifl yapmas› için motive etmektir. ‹nsan› ve di¤er kaynaklar› amaçlar› gerçeklefltirecek biçimde düzenlemek yöneticinin görevidir (Balc›, 2002). Yüksekö¤retim örgütleri gittikçe karmafl›klaflan bir çevre içerisinde yer al›rken, yüksekö¤retim yöneticileri, kaynaklar›n, paran›n ve ö¤rencinin azalmas›, yeni program istekleri, de¤iflim
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2020
The status of the teaching profession is essential because it can affect teachers ' perspective o... more The status of the teaching profession is essential because it can affect teachers ' perspective on the profession, motivation levels, and professional disciplines. This study aims to investigate which direction the status of the teaching profession has changed from past to present, factors affecting the change in the status, and what can be done to increase the status of the teaching profession. Methods: A total of 54 voluntary teachers from 18
International Journal of Progressive Education, 2021
This study aims to evaluate the perception of teachers, who have the mission of leading to and de... more This study aims to evaluate the perception of teachers, who have the mission of leading to and developing of students, about their own leadership behaviors and self-development level. In this context, a total of 305 teachers, 235 in state secondary schools and 70 in private secondary schools in Trabzon province, were involved into the study. During the collection of the data, “Teacher Leadership Scale” and “Self-Development Scale” were used. The results of the study showed that teachers’ perceptions of their own leadership behaviors and level of self-development were evaluated in most of the time intervals, and there was a meaningful difference in leadership behaviors in favor of private school teachers and in self-development behaviors in favor of female teachers. When the relationship between teachers’ perceptions about their own leadership behaviors and self-development level was examined, weak associations in positive direction were found. In the regression analysis, it was obse...
İlköğretim Online, 2017
In this study, the relationships between the school administrators' managerial effectiveness and ... more In this study, the relationships between the school administrators' managerial effectiveness and their self-development levels were examined. The sample of the study comprised of 105 school administrators and 1279 teachers who worked in the province of Ankara. The managerial effectiveness and self-development scales that were developed by the researcher were used for the collection of the data. As the result of the study it was found that as the self-development levels of the administrators increased, a positive and moderately significant increase was seen in their managerial effectiveness functions according to the school administrators' opinions and as the self-development levels of the school administrators increased, a positive and highly significant increase was seen in their managerial effectiveness functions according to the teachers' opinions. It was found in the study that the school administrators' self-development functions were a significant predictor of their managerial effectiveness. According to the administrators' and teachers' opinions, the first predictor in the predictor variables' relative order of importance was found to be the cognitive dimension and the second was found to be the spiritual dimension.
In this study, the relationships between the school administrators’ managerial effectiveness and ... more In this study, the relationships between the school administrators’ managerial effectiveness and their self-development levels were examined. The sample of the study comprised of 105 school administrators and 1279 teachers who worked in the province of Ankara. The managerial effectiveness and self-development scales that were developed by the researcher were used for the collection of the data. As the result of the study it was found that as the self-development levels of the administrators increased, a positive and moderately significant increase was seen in their managerial effectiveness functions according to the school administrators’ opinions and as the self-development levels of the school administrators increased, a positive and highly significant increase was seen in their managerial effectiveness functions according to the teachers’ opinions. It was found in the study that the school administrators’ self-development functions were a significant predictor of their managerial...
South African Journal of Education
Recent modifications to the Turkish educational system have mandated that instruction in English ... more Recent modifications to the Turkish educational system have mandated that instruction in English begin in the 2nd grade, rather than the 4th grade, as was previously required. Consequently, substantial modification of the elementary (2nd through 8th grade) English language teaching program has been carried out in order to accommodate this change. Successful implementation of the new program may be significantly affected by the efforts of elementary school administrators to incorporate the restructured curriculum at the institutional level. Therefore, the researchers believe that understanding the attitudes of school principals concerning these changes may play a significant role in learner outcomes. Accordingly, by means of personal interviews, this qualitative study explores the beliefs of nine elementary school administrators concerning the teaching of English to younger students, as well as their general opinions on English language education. The results indicate divided opinions toward the requirement for English instruction, although the administrators' attitudes toward facilitating English teaching in their schools were generally positive. However, they expressed concerns about the recently replaced teaching program and indicated general agreement that revision was needed. Based on the perceptions expressed by the participants, the researchers concluded that the administrators may be motivated to promote the modified teaching program among teachers, students and parents. However, the responses of the participants also raised significant questions about school principals' underlying beliefs concerning the importance of English language education, as well as institutional issues that may warrant intervention. As a result, suggestions for additional research are made.