KHOIRUDDIN BASHORI - (original) (raw)
Devotion, Nov 14, 2022
Tahfiz is very closely related to cognitive processes that involve memory. Process, store and ret... more Tahfiz is very closely related to cognitive processes that involve memory. Process, store and retrieve knowledge or information when needed. Today, educational institutions that make tahfiz a massive flagship program have emerged. This type of research is research and development which aims to: 1) Determine the needs of the students of the Tahfiz al-Quran Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School Ibnu Juraimi Yogyakakarta for the tahfiz al-Quran at-Tanwīr method. 2) Knowing the steps for developing the Tahfiz al-Quran at-Tanwīr method at the Tahfiz al-Quran Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School, Ibnu Juraimi, Yogyakarta. 3) Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the tahfiz al-Quran at-Tanwīr method. Researchers collected data using interview, questionnaire, observation, and documentation techniques. The conclusions of this study are: 1) The results of needs analysis and problem identification indicate the need to develop the tahfiz al-Quran at-Tanwīr method at the Tahfiz al-Quran Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School Ibnu Juraimi Yogyakarta. 2) Globally, the steps for developing the tahfiz al-Quran at-Tanwīr method are divided into 3, namely: Operational instructions for success requirements, operational instructions for implementation, and operational instructions for guarding. 3) The advantages of the tahfiz al-Quran at-Tanwīr method are that it provides convenience and a strong initial foundation for memorizing the Koran, facilitates tadabbur and knows the location, number, waqf, and meaning, and writing verses so that it is hoped that it will facilitate the cultivation of quranic characters. While the shortcomings of the tahfiz al-Quran at-Tanwīr method are: The ability to understand and store heterogeneous student information, the duration of time is longer, and the delivery of information must attract the attention of students.
Psympathic : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi
The role of spirituality and emotional maturity (EM) in cultural intelligence (CQ) is mostly carr... more The role of spirituality and emotional maturity (EM) in cultural intelligence (CQ) is mostly carried out in the Westen country compared to Indonesia. Therefore, this quantitative study aims to examine the relationship between spirituality and emotional maturity (EM) with cultural intelligence (CQ). A total of 97 Psychology students from a private university in Yogyakarta were selected using purposive sampling. Data were collected using a modified scale of spirituality, emotional maturity, and cultural intelligence. The hypothesis was examined by using regression analysis. The result of the study showed a significant relationship between spirituality and cultural intelligence. Meanwhile, emotional maturity is insignificantly related to cultural intelligence.
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam
This study aims to determine the achievements, models, and methods of inculcating the values of p... more This study aims to determine the achievements, models, and methods of inculcating the values of peace in Peacesantren Welas Asih Garut. The formation of values as the core of the goals of national education cannot be achieved instantly. It takes efforts to find alternative educational models that can be applied. Peace education is an effort made to realize values, behavior, and ways of life that support the creation of a culture of peace. This study used a qualitative approach with analytic descriptive data analysis. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The result of this research is the inculcation of the values of peace is included in the learning curriculum by teaching 12 values of peace. The achievements are to form the character of the santri (student) who is empathetic, independent, and courageous, capable of being a problem solver, critical, creative, communicative, and collaborative, as well as becoming...
International Journal of Social Service and Research
Ahlakul karimah (divine character) is the primary criterion for observing and evaluating the outw... more Ahlakul karimah (divine character) is the primary criterion for observing and evaluating the outward nature of a person, but various traits and characteristics of children cannot be separated from the influence of their parents or elders. In addition to being required to maintain their children's educational development, parents must be able to recognize and cultivate their children's potential and must not impose their will without first consulting them. Nonetheless, in the contemporary era, education faces increasingly complex obstacles, particularly as the world of online media devices becomes more accessible to the public. In order for a child to realize good morals, he or she must have a model to follow, and educational institutions are the key. This study aims to examine the position of Islamic boarding schools, which are prevalent in Indonesia, particularly on the island of Java, in relation to the level of students' honesty using a method based on emulation and a...
Yogyakartaxvii, 228 p.; 21 c
Jurnal Psikologi Perseptual
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran Work Engagement pada Pengemudi Layanan Ambulan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran Work Engagement pada Pengemudi Layanan Ambulans Gratis Muhammadiyah di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 6 orang pengemudi layanan Ambulans Muhammadiyah yang tetap menjalankan pelayanan pada masa awal terjadinya pandemi COVID-19. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis isi. Informan dipilih berdasarkan ciri-ciri yang dimiliki subjek sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian yang akan dilakukan. Hasil yang ditemukan bahwa gambaran work engagement pada pengemudi layanan ambulans gratis Muhammadiyah di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta adalah adanya energi dan ketahanan mental yang kuat, kemauan bekerja keras, tidak mudah lelah, siap menghadapi kesulitan, bersedia bekerja penuh waktu, keterlibatan kuat dalam pekerjaan, mengeluarkan banyak wak...
Ulumuddin : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman
The rise of behavior in our country is a trigger for all parties, it requires significant efforts... more The rise of behavior in our country is a trigger for all parties, it requires significant efforts from various parties, especially education personnel to participate in solving the corruption. This study aims to answer research problems about what is meant by the insan kamil generation and how to build an anti-corruption generation. This study uses a library research approach where the data obtained are analyzed using non-interactive methods or document analysis. Researchers use various documents, books, websites, research results, or expert opinions that are relevant to the research topic. The results of this study are the generation of insan kamil is a certain age group who has a strong desire to be perfect by imitating or imitating the perfect man who has been created by Allah SWT on earth, namely the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Sidiq (honest) Fatah (intelligent) and Tabligh (deliver).
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan, 2020
The mastery of foreign languages, in particular English which is applied predominantly in the int... more The mastery of foreign languages, in particular English which is applied predominantly in the international scope is one form of improving the quality of an indvidual. This research aims to find empirical support for relationships between optimism, social support, academic self-efficacy and mastery of academic English paragraph writing skills mediated by perceptions of Siri’ cultural values. Siri’ cultural values are living laws which becomes the guidance in think, act, and build interpersonal relationship with other individuals. The instruments of this research applied writing tasks, scales of optimism, social support, academic self-efficacy, and perceptions of Siri’ cultural values. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results show that the relationship between optimism, social support, and academic self-efficacy and mastery of academic English paragraph writing skills will be stronger when students are able to perceive cultural values of Siri’ well. It is wo...
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2021
This study examined the relationship between family support and internal locus of control with en... more This study examined the relationship between family support and internal locus of control with entrepreneurial intention among grade XII students attending Muhammadiyah 3 Vocational High School. From 172 grade XI students attending the school, 93 were selected to participate in the study. This study used a cluster-sampling technique. The data was collected using the entrepreneurial intention scale, the family support scale, and the internal locus of control scale. Multiple regression techniques were used to analyze the data on SPSS 19.0. The results indicated very significant positive relationship between family support and internal locus of control with entrepreneurial intention, family support with entrepreneurial intention, and internal locus of control with entrepreneurship intention. Thus, it can be inferred that the contribution of internal locus of control to entrepreneurial intention is more dominant than family support's contribution.
Penanganan musibah di berbagai daerah, salah satunya di Kabupaten Sleman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakar... more Penanganan musibah di berbagai daerah, salah satunya di Kabupaten Sleman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta memerlukan pengelolaan manajemen kepemimpinan yang tarbaik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kepemimpinan profetik yang dijalankan Ketua Pengarah Satgas Penanganan Covid-19, Drs H. Sri Purnomo M.Si, serta mengetahui kendala penanganannya. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif, yang memanfaatkan sebuah studi kasus ( case study ). Istilah profetik dikenalkan melalui gagasannya mengenai pentingnya ilmu sosial transformatif yang disebut ilmu sosial profetik. Penelitian menunjukkan adanya empat pilar kepemimpinan yaitu sidiq, amanah, fathonah, dan tabligh yang dapat dijadikan penilaian pada kinerja kepemimpinan seorang pemimpin daerah. Hasilnya, sebagian pilar kepemimpinan sudah optimal dijalankan namun sebagian lainnya kurang efektif. Kekurangfektifan disebabkan dua hal; Satu, kepala daerah merupakan manusia biasa yang sudah pasti ada kekurangan. Kedua, dala...
Manajemen organisasi dengan learning organization telah terbukti berhasil meningkatkan kapasitas ... more Manajemen organisasi dengan learning organization telah terbukti berhasil meningkatkan kapasitas dan perubahan sistem, namun belum begitu banyak penelitian yang memfokuskan diri tentang implementasi learning organization pada organisasi yang baru terbentuk dan membentuk manajemen organisasinya. Penelitian tentang Yayasan dan Sekolah Sukma Bangsa di Aceh ini memfokuskan diri pada hal tersebut. Penelitian konsern dengan 3 hal yaitu learning organization, knowledge creation dan dynamic capability pada sekolah Sukma yang didirikan di Aceh dengan latar belakang konflik dan bencana alam yang terjadi sejak 2000-2004. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa learning organization (LO) tidak dapat berdiri sendiri. Keberadaannya yang sering terhubung sebagai referensi bagi subyek penelitian ini (baik informan kunci, narasumber dan partisipan aktif) menempatkannya dalam tataran strategis dalam manajemen organisasi. Konsep LO di Yayasan Sukma yang sering ditemukan dalam penelitian adalah sub konsep pe...
PSYCHE: Jurnal Psikologi, 2022
This study aims to determine whether work-life balance, job satisfaction, and self-efficacy have ... more This study aims to determine whether work-life balance, job satisfaction, and self-efficacy have an effect on organizational commitment to generation y employees, either simultaneously or partially. The subjects in this study were the nursing staff of the XX Regional General Hospital(N=70) with the criteria that employees belonged to the age range of generation y. The research sample was 70 staff of the XX Regional General Hospital. Sample selection is done by purposive sampling technique. Data analysis using multiple regression test with the help of SPSS 25.0 for macOS. Based on the results of the analysis found that work-life balance, job satisfaction and self-efficacy have an influence on organizational commitment with a value (p < 0.01). Partially there is a significant positive effect on work-life balance on organizational commitment, there is a significant positive effect on job satisfaction on organizational commitment, and there is a very significant positive effect on self-efficacy on organizational commitment in generation y employees with a value of (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05). This finding is evidence that work-life balance, job satisfaction and self-efficacy which are external and internal factors are quite capable of increasing organizational commitment. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that work-life balance, job satisfaction and self-efficacy are important factors to increase organizational commitment to generation y employees.
Jurnal Diversita, 2021
Teori perkembangan menjelaskan bahwa tahap perkembangan dewasa awal merupakan suatu siklus hidup ... more Teori perkembangan menjelaskan bahwa tahap perkembangan dewasa awal merupakan suatu siklus hidup yang tidak mudah. Ketika individu mengalami kesulitan dalam melaksanakan tugas perkembangan serta ketidak mampuan untuk segera menyelesaikan masalah yang sedang dialami, individu akan cenderung mengalami stress. Lazarus dan Folkman (1984) mengatakan ada dua cara untuk mengatasi stress yaitu problem focused coping dan emotion focused coping. Biasanya orang-orang yang menggunakan emotion focused coping untuk mengtasi stress cenderung akan seneng berbagi informasi mengenai keadaan dirinya terhadap orang lain. Berbagi informasi mengenai keadaan dirinya pada orang lain dapat disebut self disclosure. Berkembangnya zaman membuat self disclosure dilakukan secara tidak langsung atau dilakukan dengan cara melalui media sosial. Penggunaan media sosial membuat penggunanya untuk membuat suatu konten.. Tulisan ini secara kritis menelaah literature mengenai self disclosure pada penggunaan media sosial...
Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan pentingnya pergeseran dalam kegiatan manajemen sumber d... more Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan pentingnya pergeseran dalam kegiatan manajemen sumber daya manusia yang mengintegrasikan pengelolaan pegawai bertalenta dengan tujuan organisasi. Manajemen talenta mendesak diterapkan berkaitan dengan tantangan institusi yang semakin rumit dan kompleks. Tujuan besar membutuhkan lebih banyak pegawai bertalenta unggul. Sumber daya manusia bertalenta perlu dikelola dengan cara yang tidak biasa, agar dapat mendeteksi, mengembangkan, dan menggunakan talenta yang dimiliki untuk mencapai tujuan pribadi dan organisasi secara lebih optimal. Kata Kunci: manajemen talenta, perencanaan strategis, manajemen sumber daya manusia, perbaikan berkelanjutan, kinerja institusi
The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of multiple intelligence toward solemn pray (... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of multiple intelligence toward solemn pray (sholat khusyuk) of seventh grade student of IPA of Madrasah Mu’alimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The research was done to contribute in theory development especially related to Islamic Psychology. It is expected to give the real contribution in increasing the solemn practice pray, especially in Madrasah Mu’alimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Eighty five students were used as sample in this research. The data were analyzed by multiple regression using SPSS program 19.00 version. The results of this research were: 1. The nine independent variables (linguistic intelligence, math logic, musical, kinesthetic, special-visual, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential) have roletoward dependent variable (solemn pray) and the trend was positively significant. 2. The nine independent variables give contribution toward dependent variable 95,6%. 3. The independent variable that have do...
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 2021
Several previous studies have explained that cyberbullying has a negative impact on the victim. C... more Several previous studies have explained that cyberbullying has a negative impact on the victim. Currently, there are no research findings that examine the relationship between religiosity and spiritual meaning with cyberbullying. The current study is conducted to answer the gap of existing knowledge. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between religiosity and spiritual meaning with cyberbullying behavior. The research sample the students from a private university in Yogyakarta totaling 152 people (74 (49.3%) male; 76 (50.7%) female) who were taken by purposive sampling technique. Three questionnaires were used to collect the data. Regression analysis was implemented. The results of this study indicated that there is a very significant relationship between religiosity and spiritual meaningfulness with cyberbullying behavior. The implication of this research is to emphasize the role of religiosity and spiritual meaning for adolescents to prevent cyberbullying beha...
Berkembangnya teknologi yang semakin canggih seperti sekarang ini khususnya pengguna smartphone, ... more Berkembangnya teknologi yang semakin canggih seperti sekarang ini khususnya pengguna smartphone, tanpa disadari mereka hidup berdampingan dengan nomophobia . Nomophobia memiliki peran yang besar pada pengguna smartphone karena memunculkan rasa ketergantungan dan rasa kekhawatiran berlebih jika tidak mengoperasikan smartphone . Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah tinjauan literatur, metode ini digunakan untuk mengumpulkan materi yang relevan tentang topik ini untuk mengkaji lebih jauh mengenai nomophobia dalam upaya untuk memperluas pengetahuan serta mengetahui dampak yang diakibatkan dari nomophobia pada remaja. Ketergantungan smartphone dikalangan remaja disebabkan adanya kekhawatiran berlebih akan ketidakmampuan menggunakan smartphone untuk aktif di media sosial karena saat ini remaja memposisikan media sosial sebagai salah satu fasilitas untuk berinteraksi dan kebutuhan yang sangat penting bagi remaja. Kurangnya pemahaman tentang penggunaan smartphone yang ideal pada...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi yang mendorong subjek bekerja sebagai perawat ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi yang mendorong subjek bekerja sebagai perawat on call di PMI Kabupaten Banyumas , dan untuk mengetahui harapan dan hambatan dari profesi tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif, dengan pendekatan fenomenologi tentang profesi perawat on call. Subjek penelitian yaitu perawat PMI Kabupaten Banyumas yang berstatus on call . Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara, metode observasi, dan studi dokumen. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis isi, dan validitas data menggunakan teknik triangulasi data yang terdiri dari triangulasi teknik dan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa motivasi subjek bekerja sebagai perawat on call, yaitu motivasi internal dan eksternal. Harapan subjek dengan menekuni profesi perawat on cal adalah suatu saat bisa diangkat menjadi perawat tetap. Hambatan yang dialami berkaitan dengan kemampuan interpersonal dan ketrampilan yang dimiliki masi...
Devotion, Nov 14, 2022
Tahfiz is very closely related to cognitive processes that involve memory. Process, store and ret... more Tahfiz is very closely related to cognitive processes that involve memory. Process, store and retrieve knowledge or information when needed. Today, educational institutions that make tahfiz a massive flagship program have emerged. This type of research is research and development which aims to: 1) Determine the needs of the students of the Tahfiz al-Quran Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School Ibnu Juraimi Yogyakakarta for the tahfiz al-Quran at-Tanwīr method. 2) Knowing the steps for developing the Tahfiz al-Quran at-Tanwīr method at the Tahfiz al-Quran Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School, Ibnu Juraimi, Yogyakarta. 3) Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the tahfiz al-Quran at-Tanwīr method. Researchers collected data using interview, questionnaire, observation, and documentation techniques. The conclusions of this study are: 1) The results of needs analysis and problem identification indicate the need to develop the tahfiz al-Quran at-Tanwīr method at the Tahfiz al-Quran Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School Ibnu Juraimi Yogyakarta. 2) Globally, the steps for developing the tahfiz al-Quran at-Tanwīr method are divided into 3, namely: Operational instructions for success requirements, operational instructions for implementation, and operational instructions for guarding. 3) The advantages of the tahfiz al-Quran at-Tanwīr method are that it provides convenience and a strong initial foundation for memorizing the Koran, facilitates tadabbur and knows the location, number, waqf, and meaning, and writing verses so that it is hoped that it will facilitate the cultivation of quranic characters. While the shortcomings of the tahfiz al-Quran at-Tanwīr method are: The ability to understand and store heterogeneous student information, the duration of time is longer, and the delivery of information must attract the attention of students.
Psympathic : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi
The role of spirituality and emotional maturity (EM) in cultural intelligence (CQ) is mostly carr... more The role of spirituality and emotional maturity (EM) in cultural intelligence (CQ) is mostly carried out in the Westen country compared to Indonesia. Therefore, this quantitative study aims to examine the relationship between spirituality and emotional maturity (EM) with cultural intelligence (CQ). A total of 97 Psychology students from a private university in Yogyakarta were selected using purposive sampling. Data were collected using a modified scale of spirituality, emotional maturity, and cultural intelligence. The hypothesis was examined by using regression analysis. The result of the study showed a significant relationship between spirituality and cultural intelligence. Meanwhile, emotional maturity is insignificantly related to cultural intelligence.
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam
This study aims to determine the achievements, models, and methods of inculcating the values of p... more This study aims to determine the achievements, models, and methods of inculcating the values of peace in Peacesantren Welas Asih Garut. The formation of values as the core of the goals of national education cannot be achieved instantly. It takes efforts to find alternative educational models that can be applied. Peace education is an effort made to realize values, behavior, and ways of life that support the creation of a culture of peace. This study used a qualitative approach with analytic descriptive data analysis. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The result of this research is the inculcation of the values of peace is included in the learning curriculum by teaching 12 values of peace. The achievements are to form the character of the santri (student) who is empathetic, independent, and courageous, capable of being a problem solver, critical, creative, communicative, and collaborative, as well as becoming...
International Journal of Social Service and Research
Ahlakul karimah (divine character) is the primary criterion for observing and evaluating the outw... more Ahlakul karimah (divine character) is the primary criterion for observing and evaluating the outward nature of a person, but various traits and characteristics of children cannot be separated from the influence of their parents or elders. In addition to being required to maintain their children's educational development, parents must be able to recognize and cultivate their children's potential and must not impose their will without first consulting them. Nonetheless, in the contemporary era, education faces increasingly complex obstacles, particularly as the world of online media devices becomes more accessible to the public. In order for a child to realize good morals, he or she must have a model to follow, and educational institutions are the key. This study aims to examine the position of Islamic boarding schools, which are prevalent in Indonesia, particularly on the island of Java, in relation to the level of students' honesty using a method based on emulation and a...
Yogyakartaxvii, 228 p.; 21 c
Jurnal Psikologi Perseptual
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran Work Engagement pada Pengemudi Layanan Ambulan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran Work Engagement pada Pengemudi Layanan Ambulans Gratis Muhammadiyah di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 6 orang pengemudi layanan Ambulans Muhammadiyah yang tetap menjalankan pelayanan pada masa awal terjadinya pandemi COVID-19. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis isi. Informan dipilih berdasarkan ciri-ciri yang dimiliki subjek sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian yang akan dilakukan. Hasil yang ditemukan bahwa gambaran work engagement pada pengemudi layanan ambulans gratis Muhammadiyah di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta adalah adanya energi dan ketahanan mental yang kuat, kemauan bekerja keras, tidak mudah lelah, siap menghadapi kesulitan, bersedia bekerja penuh waktu, keterlibatan kuat dalam pekerjaan, mengeluarkan banyak wak...
Ulumuddin : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman
The rise of behavior in our country is a trigger for all parties, it requires significant efforts... more The rise of behavior in our country is a trigger for all parties, it requires significant efforts from various parties, especially education personnel to participate in solving the corruption. This study aims to answer research problems about what is meant by the insan kamil generation and how to build an anti-corruption generation. This study uses a library research approach where the data obtained are analyzed using non-interactive methods or document analysis. Researchers use various documents, books, websites, research results, or expert opinions that are relevant to the research topic. The results of this study are the generation of insan kamil is a certain age group who has a strong desire to be perfect by imitating or imitating the perfect man who has been created by Allah SWT on earth, namely the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Sidiq (honest) Fatah (intelligent) and Tabligh (deliver).
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan, 2020
The mastery of foreign languages, in particular English which is applied predominantly in the int... more The mastery of foreign languages, in particular English which is applied predominantly in the international scope is one form of improving the quality of an indvidual. This research aims to find empirical support for relationships between optimism, social support, academic self-efficacy and mastery of academic English paragraph writing skills mediated by perceptions of Siri’ cultural values. Siri’ cultural values are living laws which becomes the guidance in think, act, and build interpersonal relationship with other individuals. The instruments of this research applied writing tasks, scales of optimism, social support, academic self-efficacy, and perceptions of Siri’ cultural values. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results show that the relationship between optimism, social support, and academic self-efficacy and mastery of academic English paragraph writing skills will be stronger when students are able to perceive cultural values of Siri’ well. It is wo...
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2021
This study examined the relationship between family support and internal locus of control with en... more This study examined the relationship between family support and internal locus of control with entrepreneurial intention among grade XII students attending Muhammadiyah 3 Vocational High School. From 172 grade XI students attending the school, 93 were selected to participate in the study. This study used a cluster-sampling technique. The data was collected using the entrepreneurial intention scale, the family support scale, and the internal locus of control scale. Multiple regression techniques were used to analyze the data on SPSS 19.0. The results indicated very significant positive relationship between family support and internal locus of control with entrepreneurial intention, family support with entrepreneurial intention, and internal locus of control with entrepreneurship intention. Thus, it can be inferred that the contribution of internal locus of control to entrepreneurial intention is more dominant than family support's contribution.
Penanganan musibah di berbagai daerah, salah satunya di Kabupaten Sleman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakar... more Penanganan musibah di berbagai daerah, salah satunya di Kabupaten Sleman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta memerlukan pengelolaan manajemen kepemimpinan yang tarbaik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kepemimpinan profetik yang dijalankan Ketua Pengarah Satgas Penanganan Covid-19, Drs H. Sri Purnomo M.Si, serta mengetahui kendala penanganannya. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif, yang memanfaatkan sebuah studi kasus ( case study ). Istilah profetik dikenalkan melalui gagasannya mengenai pentingnya ilmu sosial transformatif yang disebut ilmu sosial profetik. Penelitian menunjukkan adanya empat pilar kepemimpinan yaitu sidiq, amanah, fathonah, dan tabligh yang dapat dijadikan penilaian pada kinerja kepemimpinan seorang pemimpin daerah. Hasilnya, sebagian pilar kepemimpinan sudah optimal dijalankan namun sebagian lainnya kurang efektif. Kekurangfektifan disebabkan dua hal; Satu, kepala daerah merupakan manusia biasa yang sudah pasti ada kekurangan. Kedua, dala...
Manajemen organisasi dengan learning organization telah terbukti berhasil meningkatkan kapasitas ... more Manajemen organisasi dengan learning organization telah terbukti berhasil meningkatkan kapasitas dan perubahan sistem, namun belum begitu banyak penelitian yang memfokuskan diri tentang implementasi learning organization pada organisasi yang baru terbentuk dan membentuk manajemen organisasinya. Penelitian tentang Yayasan dan Sekolah Sukma Bangsa di Aceh ini memfokuskan diri pada hal tersebut. Penelitian konsern dengan 3 hal yaitu learning organization, knowledge creation dan dynamic capability pada sekolah Sukma yang didirikan di Aceh dengan latar belakang konflik dan bencana alam yang terjadi sejak 2000-2004. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa learning organization (LO) tidak dapat berdiri sendiri. Keberadaannya yang sering terhubung sebagai referensi bagi subyek penelitian ini (baik informan kunci, narasumber dan partisipan aktif) menempatkannya dalam tataran strategis dalam manajemen organisasi. Konsep LO di Yayasan Sukma yang sering ditemukan dalam penelitian adalah sub konsep pe...
PSYCHE: Jurnal Psikologi, 2022
This study aims to determine whether work-life balance, job satisfaction, and self-efficacy have ... more This study aims to determine whether work-life balance, job satisfaction, and self-efficacy have an effect on organizational commitment to generation y employees, either simultaneously or partially. The subjects in this study were the nursing staff of the XX Regional General Hospital(N=70) with the criteria that employees belonged to the age range of generation y. The research sample was 70 staff of the XX Regional General Hospital. Sample selection is done by purposive sampling technique. Data analysis using multiple regression test with the help of SPSS 25.0 for macOS. Based on the results of the analysis found that work-life balance, job satisfaction and self-efficacy have an influence on organizational commitment with a value (p < 0.01). Partially there is a significant positive effect on work-life balance on organizational commitment, there is a significant positive effect on job satisfaction on organizational commitment, and there is a very significant positive effect on self-efficacy on organizational commitment in generation y employees with a value of (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05). This finding is evidence that work-life balance, job satisfaction and self-efficacy which are external and internal factors are quite capable of increasing organizational commitment. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that work-life balance, job satisfaction and self-efficacy are important factors to increase organizational commitment to generation y employees.
Jurnal Diversita, 2021
Teori perkembangan menjelaskan bahwa tahap perkembangan dewasa awal merupakan suatu siklus hidup ... more Teori perkembangan menjelaskan bahwa tahap perkembangan dewasa awal merupakan suatu siklus hidup yang tidak mudah. Ketika individu mengalami kesulitan dalam melaksanakan tugas perkembangan serta ketidak mampuan untuk segera menyelesaikan masalah yang sedang dialami, individu akan cenderung mengalami stress. Lazarus dan Folkman (1984) mengatakan ada dua cara untuk mengatasi stress yaitu problem focused coping dan emotion focused coping. Biasanya orang-orang yang menggunakan emotion focused coping untuk mengtasi stress cenderung akan seneng berbagi informasi mengenai keadaan dirinya terhadap orang lain. Berbagi informasi mengenai keadaan dirinya pada orang lain dapat disebut self disclosure. Berkembangnya zaman membuat self disclosure dilakukan secara tidak langsung atau dilakukan dengan cara melalui media sosial. Penggunaan media sosial membuat penggunanya untuk membuat suatu konten.. Tulisan ini secara kritis menelaah literature mengenai self disclosure pada penggunaan media sosial...
Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan pentingnya pergeseran dalam kegiatan manajemen sumber d... more Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan pentingnya pergeseran dalam kegiatan manajemen sumber daya manusia yang mengintegrasikan pengelolaan pegawai bertalenta dengan tujuan organisasi. Manajemen talenta mendesak diterapkan berkaitan dengan tantangan institusi yang semakin rumit dan kompleks. Tujuan besar membutuhkan lebih banyak pegawai bertalenta unggul. Sumber daya manusia bertalenta perlu dikelola dengan cara yang tidak biasa, agar dapat mendeteksi, mengembangkan, dan menggunakan talenta yang dimiliki untuk mencapai tujuan pribadi dan organisasi secara lebih optimal. Kata Kunci: manajemen talenta, perencanaan strategis, manajemen sumber daya manusia, perbaikan berkelanjutan, kinerja institusi
The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of multiple intelligence toward solemn pray (... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of multiple intelligence toward solemn pray (sholat khusyuk) of seventh grade student of IPA of Madrasah Mu’alimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The research was done to contribute in theory development especially related to Islamic Psychology. It is expected to give the real contribution in increasing the solemn practice pray, especially in Madrasah Mu’alimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Eighty five students were used as sample in this research. The data were analyzed by multiple regression using SPSS program 19.00 version. The results of this research were: 1. The nine independent variables (linguistic intelligence, math logic, musical, kinesthetic, special-visual, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential) have roletoward dependent variable (solemn pray) and the trend was positively significant. 2. The nine independent variables give contribution toward dependent variable 95,6%. 3. The independent variable that have do...
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 2021
Several previous studies have explained that cyberbullying has a negative impact on the victim. C... more Several previous studies have explained that cyberbullying has a negative impact on the victim. Currently, there are no research findings that examine the relationship between religiosity and spiritual meaning with cyberbullying. The current study is conducted to answer the gap of existing knowledge. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between religiosity and spiritual meaning with cyberbullying behavior. The research sample the students from a private university in Yogyakarta totaling 152 people (74 (49.3%) male; 76 (50.7%) female) who were taken by purposive sampling technique. Three questionnaires were used to collect the data. Regression analysis was implemented. The results of this study indicated that there is a very significant relationship between religiosity and spiritual meaningfulness with cyberbullying behavior. The implication of this research is to emphasize the role of religiosity and spiritual meaning for adolescents to prevent cyberbullying beha...
Berkembangnya teknologi yang semakin canggih seperti sekarang ini khususnya pengguna smartphone, ... more Berkembangnya teknologi yang semakin canggih seperti sekarang ini khususnya pengguna smartphone, tanpa disadari mereka hidup berdampingan dengan nomophobia . Nomophobia memiliki peran yang besar pada pengguna smartphone karena memunculkan rasa ketergantungan dan rasa kekhawatiran berlebih jika tidak mengoperasikan smartphone . Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah tinjauan literatur, metode ini digunakan untuk mengumpulkan materi yang relevan tentang topik ini untuk mengkaji lebih jauh mengenai nomophobia dalam upaya untuk memperluas pengetahuan serta mengetahui dampak yang diakibatkan dari nomophobia pada remaja. Ketergantungan smartphone dikalangan remaja disebabkan adanya kekhawatiran berlebih akan ketidakmampuan menggunakan smartphone untuk aktif di media sosial karena saat ini remaja memposisikan media sosial sebagai salah satu fasilitas untuk berinteraksi dan kebutuhan yang sangat penting bagi remaja. Kurangnya pemahaman tentang penggunaan smartphone yang ideal pada...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi yang mendorong subjek bekerja sebagai perawat ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi yang mendorong subjek bekerja sebagai perawat on call di PMI Kabupaten Banyumas , dan untuk mengetahui harapan dan hambatan dari profesi tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif, dengan pendekatan fenomenologi tentang profesi perawat on call. Subjek penelitian yaitu perawat PMI Kabupaten Banyumas yang berstatus on call . Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara, metode observasi, dan studi dokumen. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis isi, dan validitas data menggunakan teknik triangulasi data yang terdiri dari triangulasi teknik dan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa motivasi subjek bekerja sebagai perawat on call, yaitu motivasi internal dan eksternal. Harapan subjek dengan menekuni profesi perawat on cal adalah suatu saat bisa diangkat menjadi perawat tetap. Hambatan yang dialami berkaitan dengan kemampuan interpersonal dan ketrampilan yang dimiliki masi...