Khirjan Nahdi - (original) (raw)
Papers by Khirjan Nahdi
Khazanah Pendidikan, Apr 5, 2023
Khazanah Pendidikan, Apr 5, 2023
Migration Letters, Aug 1, 2023
This study explores the discursive ideological aspects of Hamzanwadi's nationality in the nationa... more This study explores the discursive ideological aspects of Hamzanwadi's nationality in the national movement's texts, languages, and institutions. Language texts as names or designations and institutions of national movements have cognitive content, ideologies, norms, and values, all of which give birth to awareness as a nation that must be independent and have a better life. The study is based on Van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) framework through micro-macro, namely the existence of power as control. This context of mastery gives birth to Hamzanwadi's discursive nationality with the ideology of cognition, attitudes, norms, and productive values for Indonesian nationality. The study uses historiographic methods, with techniques for documenting historical texts of national struggles through historical sources and interviews. The study data were analyzed as a discursive discourse with the Van Dijk CDA micro-macro framework. Each text data is explained in finding socio-cultural relationships with the ideological substance that gives birth to nationality through cognitive awareness, attitudes, ideologies, and norms. The study found that Hamzanwadi's discursive nationality began with thinking as a form of cognition awareness of the fate of his people due to colonized conditions. Cognitive awareness gives birth to establishing educational institutions as a forum and instrument to build the same mental understanding of the context happening. The naming of educational institutions and mass organizations reflects the affirmation of national attitudes through the attitude of wanting to be free and live equal to the civilization of other nations. Discursive nationality does not stop at the cognitive awareness, attitudes, and values of the importance of independence but continues with the agenda of filling freedom with continuous development.
This study aim to maps theme, issue, and nationality value of Nahdlatul Wathan Diniyah Islamiah (... more This study aim to maps theme, issue, and nationality value of Nahdlatul Wathan Diniyah Islamiah (NWDI) that documented in Wasiat Renungan Masa Pengalaman Baru (WRMPB). According to Hermeneutika Gadamer WRMPB is old poetic text that interpreted through meaning and understanding process to find out theme, issue and nationality value category that parallel with Indonesian Nasionalism. Through Phenomenology strategy, the theme, issue and nationality value are interpreted parallelly with struggle, maintain and freedom. The data analisys are flowing and attractive Strategy with narrative appearance. Based on theory, method, and analysis the results of data were: 1). The WRMPB text containing of awareness of freedom and struggle of freedom;2) the WRMPB text containing of balancing issue and equality as citizen in religion and education; 3) the WRMPB text containing of nationality value such as UUD 1945, Five
Cakrawala Linguista, Jul 13, 2023
Penelitian ini mengkaji foklor lisan masyarakat sasak dari sisi tematis pada mantra dan mitos pem... more Penelitian ini mengkaji foklor lisan masyarakat sasak dari sisi tematis pada mantra dan mitos pemali sasak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengungkap secara nilai-nilai dalam kearifan local Sasak yang terdapaat dalam mantra dan mitos mitos pemali Sasak yang terkait dengan Islam. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah bersifat interpretasi menggunakan pendekatatan deskriptif kualitatif. Desain ini dipilih dengan beberapa alasan: (1) menggunakan dokumen mantra dan mitos pemali sebagai sumber data utama, (2) sumber data yaitu data tertulis, (3) penelitian ini memfokuskan pada kajiannya dengan penafsiran. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan hermeneutik, yaitu dengan menafsirkan teks mantra dan mitos pemali Sasak sehingga dapat dipahami oleh pembaca. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik studi dokumentasi. Peneliti sendiri (human itrumen) sebagai instrument kunci. Analisis data mengikuti langkah-langkah: mengidentifikasi data, menyeleksi data, mereduksi data, mengklaasifikasi data, dan mengalisis serta menginterpretasi data. Hasil penelitian ini, yaitu wujud keraifan lokal Sasak yang terkait dengan nilai-nilai Islam tercermin dalam mantra pengobatan, penolak penyakit, persalinan, asih-seariah, dan lain-lain. Wujud keraifan lokal Sasak dalam mitos pemali berupa larangan tidur menjelang dan atau ketika salat magrib, larangan membaca tulisan nisan kuburan, dan larangan bercakap-cakap waktu makan. Pantangan-pantangan ini ada yang didasarkan langsung pada hadits Nabi Muhammad Saw, ada juga yang merupakan perwujudan dari etika atau akhlak Islam.
GRAB KIDS Journal of Special Education Need, Oct 10, 2023
Buletin Ilmiah Pendidikan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan literasi membaca cerita legenda sasak dan mengetahui m... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan literasi membaca cerita legenda sasak dan mengetahui minat baca peserta didik dalam membaca cerita legenda sasak. Penelitian ini dilaksakan di SD Negeri 2 Menceh. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas 5 yang berjumlah 25 orang peserta didik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis maupun lisan dari orang-orang dan prilaku yang diamati. Tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa deskriptif melalui obsevasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan peneliti beruapa reduksi data, penyajian data dan penartikan kesimpulan. Tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa deskriptif melalui obsevasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan peneliti beruapa reduksi data, penyajian data dan penartikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa peserta didik kelas 5 SD Negeri 2 Menceh terdap...
Widya Accarya, Oct 30, 2023
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang efektivitas instrumen penilaian afektif dalam pembelajaran menyim... more Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang efektivitas instrumen penilaian afektif dalam pembelajaran menyimak cerita di MI NWDI Pancor Kopong. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeksripsikan keefektifan instrumen penilaian afektif yang digunakan oleh guru MI NWDI Pancor Kopong. Sumber data penelitian ini berupa lembar instrumen penilaian sikap yang dibuat oleh guru meliputi skala likert, lembar observasi aktivitas sikap siswa dalam menyimak cerita rakyat, lembar aspek pengamatan, dan instrument rubrik penilaian sikap sosial dan spritual. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tahapan pengumpulan data, pengelompokan data, pengecekan data, deskripsi data, sintesis dan interpretasi dan penarikan simpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa instrumen penilaian sikap yang digunakan oleh guru MI NWDI sangat efektif. dari instrumen skala likert kejujuran siswa menyimak cerita diperoleh 72%, lembar observasi minat belajar mapel bahasa indonesia sebanyak 60% , lembar aspek pengamatan perilaku siswa menyimak cerita 80%, dan instrument rubrik penilaian sikap sosial ebanyak 80%, dan sikap spritual sebnayak 92%. Berdasarkan hasil instrumen penialain sikap tersebut maka dapat diambil simpulan bahwa instrumen penilaian sikap tersebut sangat efektif digunakan oleh guru MI NWDI pancor kopong pada mapel bahasa indonesia. Penggunaan instrumen penilaian sikap ini tentu harus disesuaikan dengan konteks sekolah. Maka perlu bagi guru harus selektif dalam menggunakan istrumen penilaian afektif agar mendapatkan informasi yang valid sesuai dengan tujuan yang sudah ditetapkan
Genta Mulia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, Jul 17, 2021
The term of character education tends to deal with global context and school"s roles. People"s ch... more The term of character education tends to deal with global context and school"s roles. People"s character today is believed tobe the result of global tendency, and one of institutions responsible for the betterness of this is education institutions (schools) through character education. Character is a whole antropological structure of an individu determine the destiny and the ability to integrate with life changes. This fact demands critical thinking in taking action based on the apreciation on history. The building of critical thinking in character education at school seems tobe theoretic, methodologic, and exclusive. This action is still debated especially about the definition, method, and approach for the teaching and learning, and this becomes the teacher"s responsibility. The term of character education and the appreciation on history in this context does not merely put the nation"s history as the only strategic basis of character education by ignoring the other strategic basis such as religy, social, and culture. Individual character is determined also by the ability of searching the oneself as a part of the present and others in the past. The result of the thinking process produces critical awareness of the choices for future. The thinking process is a reflection of individual and societical action in the past in the historical perspective and responsibly appreciated as a reference of action today. The character education nowdays is shown by the ignorance of history, so it can be said as the action without thinking, or thinking differently from the action.
SeBaSa, Nov 13, 2022
This study aims to develop local-based children's literature teaching materials and students' cre... more This study aims to develop local-based children's literature teaching materials and students' creative thinking skills and to describe creative thinking skills through local wisdom-based on children's literature teaching materials. This research is a development research. This study develpos the of children's literature teaching materials based on local wisdom and creative thinking that is adopted from the ADDIE development model which consists of the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation stages. The study was carried out on a small scale and a large scale by conducting validation first, namely: 1) linguist validation, the score obtained was 26 in the interval (23 < X (29) with the category "Good" an average of 74; 2) expert material validation, the score obtained is 51 in the interval X > 50. with the category "Very Good" an average of 85; 3) designexpert validation, the score obtained is 65 at interval X > (59) with an average of 95. The research instruments used were student learning outcomes tests, student response questionnaires, and observation sheets. Data analysis was carried out by converting quantitative data to qualitative data using a scale of five. Analysis of student learning outcomes test data was carried out by determining the percentage of minimum completeness criteria. This research produces children's literature teaching materials based on local wisdom and creative thinking for V (fifth) grade students very suitable category to use.
Lamahu: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Terintegrasi
The Assistance of candidate Teacher Mover is a forum for developing the competence of leader lear... more The Assistance of candidate Teacher Mover is a forum for developing the competence of leader learning in driving the educational ecosystem, encouraging learning innovation, and strengthening teacher commitment and motivation. The workshop activity aims to identify and explore the potential of candidate teacher mover through Junior High School (SMPN) 1 Selong workshop activities. The devotional method is evaluation and collaboration between practical teacher and candidate teacher mover. The assistance results showed that the workshop activities at SMPN 1 Selong effectively explored the potential of teacher mover. During these activities, the candidate teacher mover is challenged to work in groups, lead discussions, and manage projects individually so that this activity develops leadership skills, teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving. In addition, through these workshop activities, students also better-understood education and the role of a teacher. They can observe how teachers ...
Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Received Oct 21 2020 Revised Oct 30 th 2020 Accepted Nov 1... more Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Received Oct 21 2020 Revised Oct 30 th 2020 Accepted Nov 10 th 2020 Published Nov 30 th 2020 Community Service entitled Article Coaching Clinic in Increasing the Capacity of Scientific Publications for Lecturers at Hamzanwadi University aims to improve the skills of lecturers in compiling scientific publications so that writing habits are created as an academic culture at Hamzanwadi University. This activity is carried out using the workshop method and online mentoring in accordance with the development of the articles on the results of the article clinic activities. Of the 114 articles that were submitted to this clinic, 108 of them were successfully submitted, and 85 of them were published. It was concluded that coaching clinic activities in encouraging the number of scientific publications were very strategic because the material was adapted to the needs of the journal. Furthermore, the activity continues by monitoring the progress of writin...
Pragmatism could be understood as an approach whose position is equal to the other approaches in ... more Pragmatism could be understood as an approach whose position is equal to the other approaches in literary studies. Pragmatism focussed discussion on the role and readers functin totally. Cultural studies has to do with the whole aspects of human’s life as a method to undertand cultural changes and its effect in social life. The Text of Wasiat Renungan Masa-Pengalaman Baru as literary objection this research was understood in cultural changes and the previous phenomenon was a prat of field discusiion of cultural studies wich could be done by decoding organic structure which shapes it (diction), function (das sein=reality), and the meaning (das sollen=idealisme). Research data ws collected trough transcription tehnique because the text of Renungan Masa-Pengalaman Baru is a lingual symbol (forms) to understand meaning and function. Analysis and data interpretation used phenomenology approach. It was conclued that the pragmatism of Wasiat Renungan Masa-Pengalaman Baru composed by Hamzan...
The COVID-19 outbreak is a non-natural disaster and has an impact on learning continuity. This st... more The COVID-19 outbreak is a non-natural disaster and has an impact on learning continuity. This study aimed to find the reality of the continuity/discontinuity of learning of primary education students in East Lombok during student isolation in the prevention of COVID-19. Data obtained through surveys and interviews with 198 respondents representing school principals, teachers, students, parents, and the community. According to the Bayesian Approach to Learning Causal Networks, the data were analyzed descriptively through frequency distribution and causal analysis. It was found that 57.07 % of respondents claimed they did not know the purpose of the isolation policy, so it was not explained. Exactly 54.76 % of respondents admitted to isolation as a holiday, 54 % of respondents admitted to playing to their heart's content during the isolation period, 88.77 % of respondents admitted that this policy was not coordinated, and 100 % of respondents admitted that they did not maximize t...
Indonesia is one of the disaster-prone countries. Disaster mitigation requires the role of the co... more Indonesia is one of the disaster-prone countries. Disaster mitigation requires the role of the community. Schools have an important role in providing knowledge about disaster mitigation. The research aims to understand the level of student knowledge about the disaster. The research population were SMA / SMK in Lombok Regency, especially North Lombok, East Lombok and West Lombok. Respondents were students who were from 10 high schools; the total respondent was 779 people. To find out about student knowledge about disasters associated with six aspects, among others: 1) knowledge of disaster risk; 2) student responses to disasters; 3) disaster warning system; 4) disaster information system; 5) Local wisdom; 6) emergency planning. Data was analysed by using percentage calculations illustrated by pie charts. The results of the study concluded that based on the description of the six aspects of the disaster knowledge shows that the average level of the disaster’s knowledge has not reached...
Khazanah Pendidikan, Apr 5, 2023
Khazanah Pendidikan, Apr 5, 2023
Migration Letters, Aug 1, 2023
This study explores the discursive ideological aspects of Hamzanwadi's nationality in the nationa... more This study explores the discursive ideological aspects of Hamzanwadi's nationality in the national movement's texts, languages, and institutions. Language texts as names or designations and institutions of national movements have cognitive content, ideologies, norms, and values, all of which give birth to awareness as a nation that must be independent and have a better life. The study is based on Van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) framework through micro-macro, namely the existence of power as control. This context of mastery gives birth to Hamzanwadi's discursive nationality with the ideology of cognition, attitudes, norms, and productive values for Indonesian nationality. The study uses historiographic methods, with techniques for documenting historical texts of national struggles through historical sources and interviews. The study data were analyzed as a discursive discourse with the Van Dijk CDA micro-macro framework. Each text data is explained in finding socio-cultural relationships with the ideological substance that gives birth to nationality through cognitive awareness, attitudes, ideologies, and norms. The study found that Hamzanwadi's discursive nationality began with thinking as a form of cognition awareness of the fate of his people due to colonized conditions. Cognitive awareness gives birth to establishing educational institutions as a forum and instrument to build the same mental understanding of the context happening. The naming of educational institutions and mass organizations reflects the affirmation of national attitudes through the attitude of wanting to be free and live equal to the civilization of other nations. Discursive nationality does not stop at the cognitive awareness, attitudes, and values of the importance of independence but continues with the agenda of filling freedom with continuous development.
This study aim to maps theme, issue, and nationality value of Nahdlatul Wathan Diniyah Islamiah (... more This study aim to maps theme, issue, and nationality value of Nahdlatul Wathan Diniyah Islamiah (NWDI) that documented in Wasiat Renungan Masa Pengalaman Baru (WRMPB). According to Hermeneutika Gadamer WRMPB is old poetic text that interpreted through meaning and understanding process to find out theme, issue and nationality value category that parallel with Indonesian Nasionalism. Through Phenomenology strategy, the theme, issue and nationality value are interpreted parallelly with struggle, maintain and freedom. The data analisys are flowing and attractive Strategy with narrative appearance. Based on theory, method, and analysis the results of data were: 1). The WRMPB text containing of awareness of freedom and struggle of freedom;2) the WRMPB text containing of balancing issue and equality as citizen in religion and education; 3) the WRMPB text containing of nationality value such as UUD 1945, Five
Cakrawala Linguista, Jul 13, 2023
Penelitian ini mengkaji foklor lisan masyarakat sasak dari sisi tematis pada mantra dan mitos pem... more Penelitian ini mengkaji foklor lisan masyarakat sasak dari sisi tematis pada mantra dan mitos pemali sasak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengungkap secara nilai-nilai dalam kearifan local Sasak yang terdapaat dalam mantra dan mitos mitos pemali Sasak yang terkait dengan Islam. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah bersifat interpretasi menggunakan pendekatatan deskriptif kualitatif. Desain ini dipilih dengan beberapa alasan: (1) menggunakan dokumen mantra dan mitos pemali sebagai sumber data utama, (2) sumber data yaitu data tertulis, (3) penelitian ini memfokuskan pada kajiannya dengan penafsiran. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan hermeneutik, yaitu dengan menafsirkan teks mantra dan mitos pemali Sasak sehingga dapat dipahami oleh pembaca. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik studi dokumentasi. Peneliti sendiri (human itrumen) sebagai instrument kunci. Analisis data mengikuti langkah-langkah: mengidentifikasi data, menyeleksi data, mereduksi data, mengklaasifikasi data, dan mengalisis serta menginterpretasi data. Hasil penelitian ini, yaitu wujud keraifan lokal Sasak yang terkait dengan nilai-nilai Islam tercermin dalam mantra pengobatan, penolak penyakit, persalinan, asih-seariah, dan lain-lain. Wujud keraifan lokal Sasak dalam mitos pemali berupa larangan tidur menjelang dan atau ketika salat magrib, larangan membaca tulisan nisan kuburan, dan larangan bercakap-cakap waktu makan. Pantangan-pantangan ini ada yang didasarkan langsung pada hadits Nabi Muhammad Saw, ada juga yang merupakan perwujudan dari etika atau akhlak Islam.
GRAB KIDS Journal of Special Education Need, Oct 10, 2023
Buletin Ilmiah Pendidikan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan literasi membaca cerita legenda sasak dan mengetahui m... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan literasi membaca cerita legenda sasak dan mengetahui minat baca peserta didik dalam membaca cerita legenda sasak. Penelitian ini dilaksakan di SD Negeri 2 Menceh. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas 5 yang berjumlah 25 orang peserta didik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis maupun lisan dari orang-orang dan prilaku yang diamati. Tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa deskriptif melalui obsevasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan peneliti beruapa reduksi data, penyajian data dan penartikan kesimpulan. Tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa deskriptif melalui obsevasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan peneliti beruapa reduksi data, penyajian data dan penartikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa peserta didik kelas 5 SD Negeri 2 Menceh terdap...
Widya Accarya, Oct 30, 2023
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang efektivitas instrumen penilaian afektif dalam pembelajaran menyim... more Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang efektivitas instrumen penilaian afektif dalam pembelajaran menyimak cerita di MI NWDI Pancor Kopong. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeksripsikan keefektifan instrumen penilaian afektif yang digunakan oleh guru MI NWDI Pancor Kopong. Sumber data penelitian ini berupa lembar instrumen penilaian sikap yang dibuat oleh guru meliputi skala likert, lembar observasi aktivitas sikap siswa dalam menyimak cerita rakyat, lembar aspek pengamatan, dan instrument rubrik penilaian sikap sosial dan spritual. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tahapan pengumpulan data, pengelompokan data, pengecekan data, deskripsi data, sintesis dan interpretasi dan penarikan simpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa instrumen penilaian sikap yang digunakan oleh guru MI NWDI sangat efektif. dari instrumen skala likert kejujuran siswa menyimak cerita diperoleh 72%, lembar observasi minat belajar mapel bahasa indonesia sebanyak 60% , lembar aspek pengamatan perilaku siswa menyimak cerita 80%, dan instrument rubrik penilaian sikap sosial ebanyak 80%, dan sikap spritual sebnayak 92%. Berdasarkan hasil instrumen penialain sikap tersebut maka dapat diambil simpulan bahwa instrumen penilaian sikap tersebut sangat efektif digunakan oleh guru MI NWDI pancor kopong pada mapel bahasa indonesia. Penggunaan instrumen penilaian sikap ini tentu harus disesuaikan dengan konteks sekolah. Maka perlu bagi guru harus selektif dalam menggunakan istrumen penilaian afektif agar mendapatkan informasi yang valid sesuai dengan tujuan yang sudah ditetapkan
Genta Mulia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, Jul 17, 2021
The term of character education tends to deal with global context and school"s roles. People"s ch... more The term of character education tends to deal with global context and school"s roles. People"s character today is believed tobe the result of global tendency, and one of institutions responsible for the betterness of this is education institutions (schools) through character education. Character is a whole antropological structure of an individu determine the destiny and the ability to integrate with life changes. This fact demands critical thinking in taking action based on the apreciation on history. The building of critical thinking in character education at school seems tobe theoretic, methodologic, and exclusive. This action is still debated especially about the definition, method, and approach for the teaching and learning, and this becomes the teacher"s responsibility. The term of character education and the appreciation on history in this context does not merely put the nation"s history as the only strategic basis of character education by ignoring the other strategic basis such as religy, social, and culture. Individual character is determined also by the ability of searching the oneself as a part of the present and others in the past. The result of the thinking process produces critical awareness of the choices for future. The thinking process is a reflection of individual and societical action in the past in the historical perspective and responsibly appreciated as a reference of action today. The character education nowdays is shown by the ignorance of history, so it can be said as the action without thinking, or thinking differently from the action.
SeBaSa, Nov 13, 2022
This study aims to develop local-based children's literature teaching materials and students' cre... more This study aims to develop local-based children's literature teaching materials and students' creative thinking skills and to describe creative thinking skills through local wisdom-based on children's literature teaching materials. This research is a development research. This study develpos the of children's literature teaching materials based on local wisdom and creative thinking that is adopted from the ADDIE development model which consists of the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation stages. The study was carried out on a small scale and a large scale by conducting validation first, namely: 1) linguist validation, the score obtained was 26 in the interval (23 < X (29) with the category "Good" an average of 74; 2) expert material validation, the score obtained is 51 in the interval X > 50. with the category "Very Good" an average of 85; 3) designexpert validation, the score obtained is 65 at interval X > (59) with an average of 95. The research instruments used were student learning outcomes tests, student response questionnaires, and observation sheets. Data analysis was carried out by converting quantitative data to qualitative data using a scale of five. Analysis of student learning outcomes test data was carried out by determining the percentage of minimum completeness criteria. This research produces children's literature teaching materials based on local wisdom and creative thinking for V (fifth) grade students very suitable category to use.
Lamahu: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Terintegrasi
The Assistance of candidate Teacher Mover is a forum for developing the competence of leader lear... more The Assistance of candidate Teacher Mover is a forum for developing the competence of leader learning in driving the educational ecosystem, encouraging learning innovation, and strengthening teacher commitment and motivation. The workshop activity aims to identify and explore the potential of candidate teacher mover through Junior High School (SMPN) 1 Selong workshop activities. The devotional method is evaluation and collaboration between practical teacher and candidate teacher mover. The assistance results showed that the workshop activities at SMPN 1 Selong effectively explored the potential of teacher mover. During these activities, the candidate teacher mover is challenged to work in groups, lead discussions, and manage projects individually so that this activity develops leadership skills, teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving. In addition, through these workshop activities, students also better-understood education and the role of a teacher. They can observe how teachers ...
Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Received Oct 21 2020 Revised Oct 30 th 2020 Accepted Nov 1... more Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Received Oct 21 2020 Revised Oct 30 th 2020 Accepted Nov 10 th 2020 Published Nov 30 th 2020 Community Service entitled Article Coaching Clinic in Increasing the Capacity of Scientific Publications for Lecturers at Hamzanwadi University aims to improve the skills of lecturers in compiling scientific publications so that writing habits are created as an academic culture at Hamzanwadi University. This activity is carried out using the workshop method and online mentoring in accordance with the development of the articles on the results of the article clinic activities. Of the 114 articles that were submitted to this clinic, 108 of them were successfully submitted, and 85 of them were published. It was concluded that coaching clinic activities in encouraging the number of scientific publications were very strategic because the material was adapted to the needs of the journal. Furthermore, the activity continues by monitoring the progress of writin...
Pragmatism could be understood as an approach whose position is equal to the other approaches in ... more Pragmatism could be understood as an approach whose position is equal to the other approaches in literary studies. Pragmatism focussed discussion on the role and readers functin totally. Cultural studies has to do with the whole aspects of human’s life as a method to undertand cultural changes and its effect in social life. The Text of Wasiat Renungan Masa-Pengalaman Baru as literary objection this research was understood in cultural changes and the previous phenomenon was a prat of field discusiion of cultural studies wich could be done by decoding organic structure which shapes it (diction), function (das sein=reality), and the meaning (das sollen=idealisme). Research data ws collected trough transcription tehnique because the text of Renungan Masa-Pengalaman Baru is a lingual symbol (forms) to understand meaning and function. Analysis and data interpretation used phenomenology approach. It was conclued that the pragmatism of Wasiat Renungan Masa-Pengalaman Baru composed by Hamzan...
The COVID-19 outbreak is a non-natural disaster and has an impact on learning continuity. This st... more The COVID-19 outbreak is a non-natural disaster and has an impact on learning continuity. This study aimed to find the reality of the continuity/discontinuity of learning of primary education students in East Lombok during student isolation in the prevention of COVID-19. Data obtained through surveys and interviews with 198 respondents representing school principals, teachers, students, parents, and the community. According to the Bayesian Approach to Learning Causal Networks, the data were analyzed descriptively through frequency distribution and causal analysis. It was found that 57.07 % of respondents claimed they did not know the purpose of the isolation policy, so it was not explained. Exactly 54.76 % of respondents admitted to isolation as a holiday, 54 % of respondents admitted to playing to their heart's content during the isolation period, 88.77 % of respondents admitted that this policy was not coordinated, and 100 % of respondents admitted that they did not maximize t...
Indonesia is one of the disaster-prone countries. Disaster mitigation requires the role of the co... more Indonesia is one of the disaster-prone countries. Disaster mitigation requires the role of the community. Schools have an important role in providing knowledge about disaster mitigation. The research aims to understand the level of student knowledge about the disaster. The research population were SMA / SMK in Lombok Regency, especially North Lombok, East Lombok and West Lombok. Respondents were students who were from 10 high schools; the total respondent was 779 people. To find out about student knowledge about disasters associated with six aspects, among others: 1) knowledge of disaster risk; 2) student responses to disasters; 3) disaster warning system; 4) disaster information system; 5) Local wisdom; 6) emergency planning. Data was analysed by using percentage calculations illustrated by pie charts. The results of the study concluded that based on the description of the six aspects of the disaster knowledge shows that the average level of the disaster’s knowledge has not reached...