Konrad Popławski - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Konrad Popławski
Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia, 2017
Poland in the Single Market, 2020
Poland in the Single Market, 2020
The report discusses the current state and future prospects of rail connections between China and... more The report discusses the current state and future prospects of rail connections between China and the countries of the European Union. Special emphasis is placed on the role of Central Europe. It presents the goals and the policy adopted by the Chinese side in the process of building rail connections with European countries, compares the current and the planned transport corridors, offers an analysis of the economic potential of the China-Europe rail connections. It also discusses various business models of cooperation with China in rail transport. The report has been drawn up based on the desk research and interviews with representatives of European and Chinese companies involved in developing rail connections, as well as interviews with Chinese analysts dealing with Belt and Road issues.
The report discusses the current state and future prospects of rail connections between China and... more The report discusses the current state and future prospects of rail connections between China and the countries of the European Union. Special emphasis is placed on the role of Central Europe. It presents the goals and the policy adopted by the Chinese side in the process of building rail connections with European countries, compares the current and the planned transport corridors, offers an analysis of the economic potential of the China-Europe rail connections. It also discusses various business models of cooperation with China in rail transport. The report has been drawn up based on the desk research and interviews with representatives of European and Chinese companies involved in developing rail connections, as well as interviews with Chinese analysts dealing with Belt and Road issues.
Co-operation between the United States and Germany has for many years been a subject of disputes.... more Co-operation between the United States and Germany has for many years been a subject of disputes. In addition to the differences over the US engagement in the resolution of international conflicts, bilateral relations have been strained as a consequence of the so-called Snowden scandal and the unproved allegations that Chancellor Angela Merkel’s telephone was wiretapped. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership offers a chance for improving relations between Germany and the USA for the first time in many years. Companies from the two countries may benefit from the lifting of some barriers to transatlantic economic co-operation. Furthermore, the emergence of in fact an internal EU and US market, with reduced customs tariffs and harmonised legal and economic rules, will pressure the emerging economies to make their markets more open. The TTIP may create conditions for exporting US raw materials from unconventional sources to the European Union; and this will be a benefit of ...
On 2 March, the leaders of 25 EU member states signed the Treaty on stability, coordination and g... more On 2 March, the leaders of 25 EU member states signed the Treaty on stability, coordination and governance in the economic and monetary union. It will introduce new fiscal constraints and officially vest new competences in the eurozone countries. Thus, their right to coordinate economic policy among them will be sanctioned. So far, the Lisbon Treaty has only provided for organisation of informal Eurogroup meetings, to be attended by representatives of the European Commission. The principles introduced by the compact, if the eurozone countries are really determined to observe its provisions, will create a new way of managing the single currency. Within the next few years, the most indebted countries will have to carry out radical reforms to boost their competitiveness and adjust it to German standards. During this period the Federal Republic of Germany will most probably decide to offer higher loan guarantees to relieve these countries’ budgets. The compact’s political consequences a...
Termin "ekonomiczna wartość dodana"-EVA (Economic Value Added) został wprowadzony i opatentowany ... more Termin "ekonomiczna wartość dodana"-EVA (Economic Value Added) został wprowadzony i opatentowany przez fi rmę konsul ngową Stern Steward & Company z Nowego Jorku jako narzędzie wspomagające korporację w maksymalizacji wartości zainwestowanej przez akcjonariuszy. Dotychczasowe miary wykonania ROA i ROE, nieuwzględniające wartości kapitału intelektualnego nie sprawdzały się dla celów podejmowania decyzji strategicznych. Zaistniała potrzeba wypracowania miary, która lepiej wspomagałaby ocenę pracy zarządzających.
Recent publications allow us to conclude that the economic relations between Germany and Central ... more Recent publications allow us to conclude that the economic relations between Germany and Central Europe have come to the ‘end of history’, and nothing new will happen. However, a deeper analysis of these relationships reveals interesting new trends. Since joining the European Union the states of Central Europe have not settled for maintaining the average level of economic development, but have continued to narrow the distance between them and Western Europe, something which the global financial crisis did not prevent. Their improved economic situation also affected their relations with Germany. The latest results from the Visegrad Group states show them to be Germany’s most important trading partner, and their balance of trade in goods is in a state of equilibrium, while many euro area countries have recorded high trade deficits with Germany. The aim of this report is to display the trends in trade and investment between Germany and Central Europe, based on the example of the Visegr...
Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia, 2017
Poland in the Single Market, 2020
Poland in the Single Market, 2020
The report discusses the current state and future prospects of rail connections between China and... more The report discusses the current state and future prospects of rail connections between China and the countries of the European Union. Special emphasis is placed on the role of Central Europe. It presents the goals and the policy adopted by the Chinese side in the process of building rail connections with European countries, compares the current and the planned transport corridors, offers an analysis of the economic potential of the China-Europe rail connections. It also discusses various business models of cooperation with China in rail transport. The report has been drawn up based on the desk research and interviews with representatives of European and Chinese companies involved in developing rail connections, as well as interviews with Chinese analysts dealing with Belt and Road issues.
The report discusses the current state and future prospects of rail connections between China and... more The report discusses the current state and future prospects of rail connections between China and the countries of the European Union. Special emphasis is placed on the role of Central Europe. It presents the goals and the policy adopted by the Chinese side in the process of building rail connections with European countries, compares the current and the planned transport corridors, offers an analysis of the economic potential of the China-Europe rail connections. It also discusses various business models of cooperation with China in rail transport. The report has been drawn up based on the desk research and interviews with representatives of European and Chinese companies involved in developing rail connections, as well as interviews with Chinese analysts dealing with Belt and Road issues.
Co-operation between the United States and Germany has for many years been a subject of disputes.... more Co-operation between the United States and Germany has for many years been a subject of disputes. In addition to the differences over the US engagement in the resolution of international conflicts, bilateral relations have been strained as a consequence of the so-called Snowden scandal and the unproved allegations that Chancellor Angela Merkel’s telephone was wiretapped. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership offers a chance for improving relations between Germany and the USA for the first time in many years. Companies from the two countries may benefit from the lifting of some barriers to transatlantic economic co-operation. Furthermore, the emergence of in fact an internal EU and US market, with reduced customs tariffs and harmonised legal and economic rules, will pressure the emerging economies to make their markets more open. The TTIP may create conditions for exporting US raw materials from unconventional sources to the European Union; and this will be a benefit of ...
On 2 March, the leaders of 25 EU member states signed the Treaty on stability, coordination and g... more On 2 March, the leaders of 25 EU member states signed the Treaty on stability, coordination and governance in the economic and monetary union. It will introduce new fiscal constraints and officially vest new competences in the eurozone countries. Thus, their right to coordinate economic policy among them will be sanctioned. So far, the Lisbon Treaty has only provided for organisation of informal Eurogroup meetings, to be attended by representatives of the European Commission. The principles introduced by the compact, if the eurozone countries are really determined to observe its provisions, will create a new way of managing the single currency. Within the next few years, the most indebted countries will have to carry out radical reforms to boost their competitiveness and adjust it to German standards. During this period the Federal Republic of Germany will most probably decide to offer higher loan guarantees to relieve these countries’ budgets. The compact’s political consequences a...
Termin "ekonomiczna wartość dodana"-EVA (Economic Value Added) został wprowadzony i opatentowany ... more Termin "ekonomiczna wartość dodana"-EVA (Economic Value Added) został wprowadzony i opatentowany przez fi rmę konsul ngową Stern Steward & Company z Nowego Jorku jako narzędzie wspomagające korporację w maksymalizacji wartości zainwestowanej przez akcjonariuszy. Dotychczasowe miary wykonania ROA i ROE, nieuwzględniające wartości kapitału intelektualnego nie sprawdzały się dla celów podejmowania decyzji strategicznych. Zaistniała potrzeba wypracowania miary, która lepiej wspomagałaby ocenę pracy zarządzających.
Recent publications allow us to conclude that the economic relations between Germany and Central ... more Recent publications allow us to conclude that the economic relations between Germany and Central Europe have come to the ‘end of history’, and nothing new will happen. However, a deeper analysis of these relationships reveals interesting new trends. Since joining the European Union the states of Central Europe have not settled for maintaining the average level of economic development, but have continued to narrow the distance between them and Western Europe, something which the global financial crisis did not prevent. Their improved economic situation also affected their relations with Germany. The latest results from the Visegrad Group states show them to be Germany’s most important trading partner, and their balance of trade in goods is in a state of equilibrium, while many euro area countries have recorded high trade deficits with Germany. The aim of this report is to display the trends in trade and investment between Germany and Central Europe, based on the example of the Visegr...
Raport, 2020
W ostatnich 15 latach państwa Trójmorza należały do najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijających się reg... more W ostatnich 15 latach państwa Trójmorza
należały do najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijających
się regionów Unii Europejskiej.
W latach 2004-2018 udział państw
Trójmorza w generowaniu unijnego PKB
zwiększył się niemal o 4 p.p. do 19 proc.
Liderami były Polska (5,3 proc.), Słowacja
(4,8 proc.) i Rumunia (4,7 proc.). Wszystkie
państwa tego regionu (z
Państwa Trójmorza już dziś stanowią istotne
centrum przemysłowe UE zwłaszcza
dla branży motoryzacyjnej. W tych krajach
średni udział wartości dodanej generowanej
przez produkcję przemysłową do PKB
wynosi 16,7 proc., podczas gdy analogiczny
wskaźnik dla pozostałych państw UE
– 13 proc. – jest niemal o 1/4 niższy.
Chorwacji) rosły przynajmniej 3 razy szybciej
niż średnia UE.
Przez dziesięciolecia inwestycje infrastrukturalne
w regionie skupione były na efektywnym
połączeniu Trójmorza z centrami
przemysłowymi w Europie Zachodniej, natomiast
zaniedbywano rozwój na osi północ-
południe. Jest to jedna z przyczyn relatywnej
stagnacji handlu wewnątrz Trójmorza
na tle wymiany z pozostałymi państwami
UE. Wspólnym mianownikiem niemal całej
Europy Środkowej jest stosunkowo nisko
rozwinięta infrastruktura transportowa, logistyczna,
energetyczna i cyfrowa – zarówno
wewnątrz państw, jak i w wymiarze transgranicznym.
Dorównanie w tym wymiarze
najbardziej rozwiniętym gospodarkom
Europy Zachodniej jest podstawowym warunkiem
dalszego rozwoju Trójmorza, a także
wytworzenia regionalnej sieci powiązań
napędzających wzrost gospodarczy.
Report, 2020
Over the past 15 years, the Three Seas countries have been among the most rapidly-developing regi... more Over the past 15 years, the Three Seas countries have been among the most rapidly-developing regions in the EU. In 2004- 2018, their share in generating EU GDP increased by almost 4 percentage points,
to 19 per cent. The leaders were Poland (5.3 per cent), Slovakia (4.8 per cent) and Romania (4.7 per cent). All the countries in
the region (except Croatia) grew at least three times faster than the EU average.
For decades, infrastructural investments in the Three Seas region focused on linking it to industrial centres in Western Europe,
while neglecting development along the north-south axis. This is one of the reasons why trade within the region has been relatively stagnant, compared to trade with the rest of the EU. In almost all Central Europe,
transport, logistics, energy and digital infrastructure is relatively
underdeveloped, both within countries and between them. Catching up with the most developed countries in Western Europe in this
dimension is a fundamental condition for the Three Seas’ further development, as well as the creation of a regional network
of connections driving economic growth
Bericht, 2019
Polen und Deutschland gestalten die neue Marke „made in Europe” mit, die weltweit für Qualität, S... more Polen und Deutschland gestalten die neue Marke „made in Europe” mit, die weltweit für Qualität, Sicherheit, Erkennbarkeit und Beschäftigungsstandards steht.
Obwohl wir uns über die gemeinsamen Erfolge freuen dürfen, können wir nicht auf den Lorbeeren ruhen. Wie die Verfasser des vorliegenden Berichts bemerken,
können sich „nach einer Zeit günstiger Konjunktur auf den internationalen Märkten die kommenden Jahre als ein Zeitraum erweisen, in dem es zu einschneidenden Veränderungen der globalen Wirtschaftsordnung kommt. Die mögliche Transformation der internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen hin zu einem viel weniger offenen Modell wird eine Herausforderung sowohl für Deutschland, als auch für die Staaten der Visegrád-Gruppe darstellen, die zu den größten Nutznießern der bisherigen Form der Globalisierung gehörten. Daher sollte es im gemeinsamen Interesse Polens und Deutschlands liegen, den Prozessen entgegenzutreten, die zur Marginalisierung der EU-Volkswirtschaften und zum Verlust immer wichtigerer Teile der Wertschöpfungsketten
an Asien führen. Dies betrifft insbesondere die Industriegüter.“ Der vorstehende Abschnitt beschreibt unsere gemeinsame Herausforderung und
die Aufgabe für die Zukunft.
Report, 2019
Raport jest poświęcony diagnozie stanu polsko-niemieckich stosunków gospodarczych w ostatnich trz... more Raport jest poświęcony diagnozie stanu polsko-niemieckich stosunków gospodarczych w ostatnich trzech dekadach, a także szansom i wyzwaniom dla ich rozwoju w przyszłości. Autorzy raportu zwracają uwagę, że napięcia geopolityczne są elementem, który może zagrozić zarówno modelowi rozwoju gospodarczego Niemiec, jak i Polski. Dlatego w interesie obu krajów powinna być współpraca w celu zapewnienia jak najlepszych możliwości rozwoju wymiany handlowej w UE i poza nią. Pogłębienie współpracy może stać się szansą na przełamanie barier rozwojowych obu krajów. Niemieckie firmy dysponują znaczącym kapitałem i wiedzą rynkową, natomiast mają problemy z dostępem do kapitału ludzkiego i opanowaniem najnowszych technologii. Natomiast polskie przedsiębiorstwa charakteryzują się wysoką elastycznością i wysokim stosunkiem jakości do ceny produkowanych dóbr, a trudnością dla nich jest awans w łańcuchach dostaw, osiąganie wyższej marży i zapewnienie wyższych płac pracownikom. Dlatego oba państwa powinny skupić się na współpracy w dziedzinie badań i rozwoju, co może być nowym impulsem dla rozwoju relacji, a także wzmocnienia konkurencyjności UE. Dotychczas niemieckie przedsiębiorstwa są w niewielkim stopniu obecne w Polsce w sektorze B+R, dużo większą aktywnością wykazują się inwestorzy z Korei Południowej, USA czy Szwajcarii.
Raport składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej przedstawiono diagnozę stanu relacji gospodarczych między Polską a Niemcami, a także scharakteryzowano najważniejsze szanse i wyzwania dla dalszego rozwoju współpracy obu państw. W drugiej części przedstawiono analizę zmian w strukturze handlu zagranicznego. W ostatniej części omówiono główne tendencje protekcjonistyczne, które mogą zagrozić rozwojowi współpracy gospodarczej między Polską a Niemcami.
Report, 2019
For several decades industry has been the strength of the German economy. The Fourth Industrial R... more For several decades industry has been the strength of the German economy. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterised by the wide use of the internet &digital technologies in all spheres of the economy, is transforming the market in ways which threaten the position of German manufacturing sectors. The challenge for Germany lies in new innovative leaders and IT tycoons entering the automotive sector, who have ambitious plans to create self-driving cars fully integrated with digital technologies. In turn, the German machine industry is afraid of competition from China, which is rapidly catching up, as it has vast financial resources to develop innovation and buy up foreign technology. The German state’s response to the challenges ahead lies in the Industry 4.0 concept, i.e. the construction of entire production plants capable of autonomously coordinating production processes amongst themselves. German companies need to gain dominant positions on the markets for smart devices and self-driving cars, urban mobility systems, complex systems for producing energy from renewable sources, and improving energy efficiency. This requires a radical change in German manufacturers’ existing business models, an increase in their competence in the use of digital technologies, and ensuring access for companies to modern IT infrastructure and the data they need.
Raport, 2019
Przemysł od kilku dekad stanowi o sile niemieckiej gospodarki. Czwarta rewolucja przemysłowa, cha... more Przemysł od kilku dekad stanowi o sile niemieckiej gospodarki. Czwarta rewolucja przemysłowa, charakteryzująca się szerokim wykorzystaniem Internetu oraz technologii cyfrowych we wszystkich sferach gospodarki, prowadzi do przeobrażeń rynkowych zagrażających pozycji niemieckich koncernów przemysłowych. Dla RFN wyzwaniem jest wchodzenie do sektora motoryzacyjnego nowych innowacyjnych liderów i potentatów IT, z ambitnymi planami stworzenia autonomicznie jeżdżących samochodów, w pełni zintegrowanych z technologiami cyfrowymi. Z kolei niemiecka branża maszynowa obawia się konkurencji z Chin, która szybko nadrabia zaległości, dysponując dużymi zasobami finansowymi na rozwój innowacji oraz wykup zagranicznych technologii. Odpowiedzią niemieckiego państwa na nadchodzące wyzwania jest koncepcja Przemysłu 4.0, czyli budowa całych zakładów produkcyjnych zdolnych do autonomicznego koordynowania procesów produkcji między sobą. Niemieckie firmy mają zdobyć dominującą pozycję na rynku inteligentnych urządzeń i samochodów autonomicznych, systemów mobilności w miastach, kompleksowych systemów wytwarzania energii z odnawialnych źródeł i poprawy efektywności energetycznej. Wymaga to radykalnej zmiany dotychczasowych modeli biznesowych niemieckich producentów, podwyższenia ich kompetencji w stosowaniu technologii cyfrowych oraz zagwarantowania im dostępu do nowoczesnej infrastruktury IT i potrzebnych danych.
Recent publications allow us to conclude that the economic relations between Germany and Central ... more Recent publications allow us to conclude that the economic relations between Germany and Central Europe have come to the ‘end of history’, and nothing new will happen. However, a deeper analysis of these relationships reveals interesting new trends. Since joining the European Union the states of Central Europe have not settled for maintaining the average level of economic development, but have continued to narrow the distance between them and Western Europe, something which the global financial crisis did not prevent. Their improved economic situation also affected their relations with Germany. The latest results from the Visegrád Group states show them to be Germany’s most important trading partner, and their balance of trade in goods is in a state of equilibrium, while many euro area countries have recorded high trade deficits with Germany. The aim of this report is to display the trends in trade and investment between Germany and Central Europe, based on the example of the Visegrád Group. The author will also attempt to answer the question of whether the advancing economic cooperation between Germany and the V4 countries will lead to the further modernisation of those countries’ economies, or whether it will run the risk of leaving them in the ‘middle income trap’.
The report discusses the current state and future prospects of rail connections between China and... more The report discusses the current state and future prospects of rail connections between China and the countries of the European Union. Special emphasis is placed on the role of Central Europe. It presents the goals and the policy adopted by the Chinese side in the process of building rail connections with European countries, compares the current and the planned transport corridors, offers an analysis of the economic potential of the China-Europe rail connections. It also discusses various business models of cooperation with China in rail transport.
The report has been drawn up based on the desk research and interviews with representatives of European and Chinese companies involved in developing rail connections, as well as interviews with Chinese analysts dealing with Belt and Road issues.
Co-operation between the United States and Germany has for many years been a subject of disputes.... more Co-operation between the United States and Germany has for many years been a subject of disputes. In addition to the differences over the US engagement in the resolution of international conflicts, bilateral relations have been strained as a consequence of the so-called Snowden scandal and the unproved allegations that Chancellor Angela Merkel’s telephone was wiretapped. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership offers a chance for improving relations between Germany and the USA for the first time in many years. Companies from the two countries may benefit from the lifting of some barriers to transatlantic economic co-operation. Furthermore, the emergence of in fact an internal EU and US market, with reduced customs tariffs and harmonised legal and economic rules, will pressure the emerging economies to make their markets more open. The TTIP may create conditions for exporting US raw materials from unconventional sources to the European Union; and this will be a benefit of geopolitical significance for Germany. The German government is aware of the fact that diversification of supplies of fossil fuels will make Europe less dependent on pressure from Moscow.