Joanna Kabzińska - (original) (raw)
Papers by Joanna Kabzińska
Behavioral sciences & the law, Jul 9, 2024
Journal of criminal psychology, Dec 20, 2023
Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie
In the article analysed the practice of obtaining opinions of expert psychologist in juvenile del... more In the article analysed the practice of obtaining opinions of expert psychologist in juvenile delinquency cases. The choice of types of cases is premeditated, and is based on their specific character. Juvenile delinquency cases are special in terms of their subjects (children and adolescence) and aims to be achieved (the welfare of the child/adolescence). Forensic psychology expertise plays a significant part in arriving at a court ruling. Therefore, it is important to raise the quality of diagnostic procedures, expertise activities, and to establish evaluation standards for evidence from psychological expertise. The presentation of proposed psychological expertise standards should take a form of guidelines and recommendations to be met by the experts, and serve as an aid to expertise evaluation performed by courts. To reach these goals, we gathered and analyzed court records of juvenile cases in six districts (N = 253). The results of the research are related to a) the analysis of ...
„Kryminalistyka. Przewodnik” pod red. Dariusza Wilka zawiera przegląd podstawowych zagadnień z za... more „Kryminalistyka. Przewodnik” pod red. Dariusza Wilka zawiera przegląd podstawowych zagadnień z zakresu taktyki i techniki kryminalistycznej. Zagadnienia przedstawiono w formie przejrzystej i intuicyjnej dla czytelnika, a zarazem skondensowanej i nowoczesnej. Publikacja jest przeznaczona przede wszystkim dla studentów wydziałów prawa i ma pomóc w przygotowaniu do egzaminu z kryminalistyki i prawa dowodowego. Może być także przydatna aplikantom zawodów prawniczych i praktykom, którzy w swojej pracy zawodowej korzystają z wiedzy kryminalistycznej
In two experiments, we analysed how different forms of verbalisation of the appearance of a perpe... more In two experiments, we analysed how different forms of verbalisation of the appearance of a perpetrator influenced future recognition of that perpetrator by witnesses and persons who had only been provided with a description of his appearance. During the first experiment, 75 participants watched a film showing a robbery, and then, depending on the group: 1) did not describe the perpetrator’s appearance, 2) provided a description, 3) described the perpetrator’s appearance, filling out a Face Rating Scale (FRS) which requires assessment of multiple characteristics of a face on rating scales. After two weeks, persons were supposed to recognise (identify) the perpetrator from among presented pictures. In the second experiment, participants (N = 50) received either a perpetrator’s description or a filled-in FRS scale and were also supposed to recognise the perpetrator from among presented pictures. Amongst persons who had seen the perpetrator, provision of a description did not reduce th...
Pamięć nie umiera nigdy 6 Obchody 90. rocznicy odzyskania niepodległości 6 Kolokwium dla apli... more Pamięć nie umiera nigdy 6 Obchody 90. rocznicy odzyskania niepodległości 6 Kolokwium dla aplikantów adwokackich 6 Egzamin konkursowy na aplikację adwokacką 7 Wycieczka do Berlina i Poczdamu 7 Obchody 90-lecia Adwokatury Polskiej 8 2. PRAWNICZE ŻYCIE SPORTOWE 10 adw. Jarosław Kosowski 3. Z HISTORII NASZEJ IZBY 11 4. 90. ROCZNICA ODZYSKANIA NIEPODLEGŁOŚCI
Problems of forensic sciences, 2018
Problems of Forensic Sciences, 2021
The purpose of this qualitative research is to explore the perceptions of Polish judges and prose... more The purpose of this qualitative research is to explore the perceptions of Polish judges and prosecutors regarding the role of psychologist expert witnesses in the evaluation of eyewitness testimony. Two main research questions were formulated: What are the criteria for selecting psychologist expert witnesses to participate in interviews and then to formulate expert opinions? What do judges and prosecutors expect from psychologist expert witnesses and their evaluations of eyewitness testimony? In-depth interviews were conducted involving judges (N = 31) and prosecutors (N = 30), both male (N = 35) and female (N = 26). Though other factors, such as availability, were also frequently mentioned, the judges and prosecutors declared that their choices of psychologist expert witnesses were predominantly determined by their professional abilities. These criteria correspond with the characteristics that judges and prosecutors claim to value the most in psychologist expert witnesses: their sp...
Journal of Criminal Justice and Security, 2012
Purpose: Descriptions of perpetrators are routinely provided by witnesses during criminal interro... more Purpose: Descriptions of perpetrators are routinely provided by witnesses during criminal interrogations. Psychological research suggests that recalling a suspect’s appearance negatively influences the ability to subsequently recognize the described face – a phenomenon referred to as verbal overshadowing effect (VOE). VOE has been confirmed in previous research, but its duration remains unclear. Design/Methods/Approach: Participants watched a film depicting a robbery and then, depending on the group: 1) did not describe a perpetrator’s appearance or 2) provided a description. Two weeks time interval between providing perpetrator’s description and recognition attempt from among 6 photographs, was introduced. In half of the lineups each group were perpetrator-present, half – perpetrator-absent. Findings: In forensically relevant conditions, verbal overshadowing seems no longer a threat to lineup performance, at least when manifested by an increase in misidentifications rates. Neverthe...
Psychology and law is nowadays defined as a research area that covers a spectrum of theoretical a... more Psychology and law is nowadays defined as a research area that covers a spectrum of theoretical and practical problems arising on the border of both disciplines. The term is therefore broader than those used previously (such as forensic or legal psychol ogy), and describes the complex relationship between law and psychology in a more comprehensive manner. Psychology and law is often characterized as an interdisciplinary field of research and practice. The main purpose of this paper is to consider whether the field deserves that meaning. starting from the presentation of theoretical models for conducting multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research, the authors analyse the possible and expected manners of cooperation between psychologists and lawyers. The key issue is that there are different forms of relationship between both disciplines and that they are gradable. To reach the interdisciplinary level of cooperation, members of research groups should exchange knowledge and solv...
The aim of the study is to present the results of a quantitative research study entitled"Sec... more The aim of the study is to present the results of a quantitative research study entitled"Security in Cracow", which investigated the fear of crime among the city's citizensin the years 2014–2016. Under the Agreement for Security concluded between the Cityof Cracow and the Jagiellonian University in 2014, the survey is held two times each year.Both the Agreement and the concept of the presented research arose from the moralpanic that was visible in Cracow in the second half of 2013, following several casesof serious offences committed by football hooligans and a widely publicised homicideof a young student in September 2013.Empirical analysis of the fear of crime faces numerous theoretical and methodolo -gical problems. For the purpose of the present research, an operational definition of fearof crime was adopted, according to which fear of crime is similar to the psychologicalconstruct of attitude, comprised of three components: cognitive, affective and be -havioural. The research was additionally intended to verify the selected hypotheseson the causes of fear of crime, that is the victimisation hypothesis, the vulnerabilityhypothesis and the reduction of social control hypothesis.The research was conducted via telephone interviews (CATI, Computer AssistedTelephone Interviews) six times – in March and September 2014 (N = 1815 andN = 1770), June and September 2015 (N = 1808 and N = 1811), April and September2016 (N = 1820 and N = 1803). The sample was representative for the gender, ageand the district of the city's residents. The questionnaire included 33 items: 13 itemson the demographic and social participants' characteristics, and 20 concerning:a) prob lems and threats encountered in Cracow, b) the respondents' sense of safetyin Cracow, their district of residence and the nearest surroundings, c) victimisation,the likelihood of becoming a victim to a crime, the means adopted to prevent crime,and d) the attitudes towards the services responsible for security and public order.To measure the fear of crime, an inde [...]
Zgodnie z ideą polityki karnej opartej na dowodach (ang. evidence based crime policy) w celu popr... more Zgodnie z ideą polityki karnej opartej na dowodach (ang. evidence based crime policy) w celu poprawy obiektywnego i subiektywnego bezpieczeństwa obywateli należy wdrażać takie inicjatywy, których skuteczność i celowość znajdują potwierdzenie w rzetelnie przeprowadzonych badaniach naukowych. Coraz częściej realizacji wspomnianych celów służy monitoring wizyjny cieszący się zresztą społeczną aprobatą. Jako że instalacja i zarządzanie takim systemem są działaniami kosztochłonnymi, kluczową kwestią jest zatem czy — w celu obniżenia poziomu przestępczości — wspomniane wydatki lepiej ponieść na kamery CCTV (ang. Closed-Circuit TeleVision) czy inne środki prewencyjne. Nie sposób jednak — co często zdarza się w praktyce — w ocenie skuteczności narzędzi prewencyjnych poprzestać na anegdotycznych doniesieniach o ich skuteczności. Bez przeprowadzenia wysokiej jakości (w rozumieniu metodologicznym) badań skuteczności monitoringu wizyjnego nie można rzetelnie odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy jest on...
Archiwum Uj Dokt 2012 178, 2012
... AND INVESTIGATIVE BODIES Joanna KABZIÑSKA1, Agnieszka NIEDZWIEÑSKA2 1 Fac ulty of Criminalist... more ... AND INVESTIGATIVE BODIES Joanna KABZIÑSKA1, Agnieszka NIEDZWIEÑSKA2 1 Fac ulty of Criminalistics and Pub lic Safety, Jagiellonian Uni ver sity, Kraków, Po land 2 De part ment of Psy chol ogy, Jagiellonian Uni ver sity, Kraków, Po land ...
Psychology, Crime & Law, 2015
Behavioral sciences & the law, Jul 9, 2024
Journal of criminal psychology, Dec 20, 2023
Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie
In the article analysed the practice of obtaining opinions of expert psychologist in juvenile del... more In the article analysed the practice of obtaining opinions of expert psychologist in juvenile delinquency cases. The choice of types of cases is premeditated, and is based on their specific character. Juvenile delinquency cases are special in terms of their subjects (children and adolescence) and aims to be achieved (the welfare of the child/adolescence). Forensic psychology expertise plays a significant part in arriving at a court ruling. Therefore, it is important to raise the quality of diagnostic procedures, expertise activities, and to establish evaluation standards for evidence from psychological expertise. The presentation of proposed psychological expertise standards should take a form of guidelines and recommendations to be met by the experts, and serve as an aid to expertise evaluation performed by courts. To reach these goals, we gathered and analyzed court records of juvenile cases in six districts (N = 253). The results of the research are related to a) the analysis of ...
„Kryminalistyka. Przewodnik” pod red. Dariusza Wilka zawiera przegląd podstawowych zagadnień z za... more „Kryminalistyka. Przewodnik” pod red. Dariusza Wilka zawiera przegląd podstawowych zagadnień z zakresu taktyki i techniki kryminalistycznej. Zagadnienia przedstawiono w formie przejrzystej i intuicyjnej dla czytelnika, a zarazem skondensowanej i nowoczesnej. Publikacja jest przeznaczona przede wszystkim dla studentów wydziałów prawa i ma pomóc w przygotowaniu do egzaminu z kryminalistyki i prawa dowodowego. Może być także przydatna aplikantom zawodów prawniczych i praktykom, którzy w swojej pracy zawodowej korzystają z wiedzy kryminalistycznej
In two experiments, we analysed how different forms of verbalisation of the appearance of a perpe... more In two experiments, we analysed how different forms of verbalisation of the appearance of a perpetrator influenced future recognition of that perpetrator by witnesses and persons who had only been provided with a description of his appearance. During the first experiment, 75 participants watched a film showing a robbery, and then, depending on the group: 1) did not describe the perpetrator’s appearance, 2) provided a description, 3) described the perpetrator’s appearance, filling out a Face Rating Scale (FRS) which requires assessment of multiple characteristics of a face on rating scales. After two weeks, persons were supposed to recognise (identify) the perpetrator from among presented pictures. In the second experiment, participants (N = 50) received either a perpetrator’s description or a filled-in FRS scale and were also supposed to recognise the perpetrator from among presented pictures. Amongst persons who had seen the perpetrator, provision of a description did not reduce th...
Pamięć nie umiera nigdy 6 Obchody 90. rocznicy odzyskania niepodległości 6 Kolokwium dla apli... more Pamięć nie umiera nigdy 6 Obchody 90. rocznicy odzyskania niepodległości 6 Kolokwium dla aplikantów adwokackich 6 Egzamin konkursowy na aplikację adwokacką 7 Wycieczka do Berlina i Poczdamu 7 Obchody 90-lecia Adwokatury Polskiej 8 2. PRAWNICZE ŻYCIE SPORTOWE 10 adw. Jarosław Kosowski 3. Z HISTORII NASZEJ IZBY 11 4. 90. ROCZNICA ODZYSKANIA NIEPODLEGŁOŚCI
Problems of forensic sciences, 2018
Problems of Forensic Sciences, 2021
The purpose of this qualitative research is to explore the perceptions of Polish judges and prose... more The purpose of this qualitative research is to explore the perceptions of Polish judges and prosecutors regarding the role of psychologist expert witnesses in the evaluation of eyewitness testimony. Two main research questions were formulated: What are the criteria for selecting psychologist expert witnesses to participate in interviews and then to formulate expert opinions? What do judges and prosecutors expect from psychologist expert witnesses and their evaluations of eyewitness testimony? In-depth interviews were conducted involving judges (N = 31) and prosecutors (N = 30), both male (N = 35) and female (N = 26). Though other factors, such as availability, were also frequently mentioned, the judges and prosecutors declared that their choices of psychologist expert witnesses were predominantly determined by their professional abilities. These criteria correspond with the characteristics that judges and prosecutors claim to value the most in psychologist expert witnesses: their sp...
Journal of Criminal Justice and Security, 2012
Purpose: Descriptions of perpetrators are routinely provided by witnesses during criminal interro... more Purpose: Descriptions of perpetrators are routinely provided by witnesses during criminal interrogations. Psychological research suggests that recalling a suspect’s appearance negatively influences the ability to subsequently recognize the described face – a phenomenon referred to as verbal overshadowing effect (VOE). VOE has been confirmed in previous research, but its duration remains unclear. Design/Methods/Approach: Participants watched a film depicting a robbery and then, depending on the group: 1) did not describe a perpetrator’s appearance or 2) provided a description. Two weeks time interval between providing perpetrator’s description and recognition attempt from among 6 photographs, was introduced. In half of the lineups each group were perpetrator-present, half – perpetrator-absent. Findings: In forensically relevant conditions, verbal overshadowing seems no longer a threat to lineup performance, at least when manifested by an increase in misidentifications rates. Neverthe...
Psychology and law is nowadays defined as a research area that covers a spectrum of theoretical a... more Psychology and law is nowadays defined as a research area that covers a spectrum of theoretical and practical problems arising on the border of both disciplines. The term is therefore broader than those used previously (such as forensic or legal psychol ogy), and describes the complex relationship between law and psychology in a more comprehensive manner. Psychology and law is often characterized as an interdisciplinary field of research and practice. The main purpose of this paper is to consider whether the field deserves that meaning. starting from the presentation of theoretical models for conducting multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research, the authors analyse the possible and expected manners of cooperation between psychologists and lawyers. The key issue is that there are different forms of relationship between both disciplines and that they are gradable. To reach the interdisciplinary level of cooperation, members of research groups should exchange knowledge and solv...
The aim of the study is to present the results of a quantitative research study entitled"Sec... more The aim of the study is to present the results of a quantitative research study entitled"Security in Cracow", which investigated the fear of crime among the city's citizensin the years 2014–2016. Under the Agreement for Security concluded between the Cityof Cracow and the Jagiellonian University in 2014, the survey is held two times each year.Both the Agreement and the concept of the presented research arose from the moralpanic that was visible in Cracow in the second half of 2013, following several casesof serious offences committed by football hooligans and a widely publicised homicideof a young student in September 2013.Empirical analysis of the fear of crime faces numerous theoretical and methodolo -gical problems. For the purpose of the present research, an operational definition of fearof crime was adopted, according to which fear of crime is similar to the psychologicalconstruct of attitude, comprised of three components: cognitive, affective and be -havioural. The research was additionally intended to verify the selected hypotheseson the causes of fear of crime, that is the victimisation hypothesis, the vulnerabilityhypothesis and the reduction of social control hypothesis.The research was conducted via telephone interviews (CATI, Computer AssistedTelephone Interviews) six times – in March and September 2014 (N = 1815 andN = 1770), June and September 2015 (N = 1808 and N = 1811), April and September2016 (N = 1820 and N = 1803). The sample was representative for the gender, ageand the district of the city's residents. The questionnaire included 33 items: 13 itemson the demographic and social participants' characteristics, and 20 concerning:a) prob lems and threats encountered in Cracow, b) the respondents' sense of safetyin Cracow, their district of residence and the nearest surroundings, c) victimisation,the likelihood of becoming a victim to a crime, the means adopted to prevent crime,and d) the attitudes towards the services responsible for security and public order.To measure the fear of crime, an inde [...]
Zgodnie z ideą polityki karnej opartej na dowodach (ang. evidence based crime policy) w celu popr... more Zgodnie z ideą polityki karnej opartej na dowodach (ang. evidence based crime policy) w celu poprawy obiektywnego i subiektywnego bezpieczeństwa obywateli należy wdrażać takie inicjatywy, których skuteczność i celowość znajdują potwierdzenie w rzetelnie przeprowadzonych badaniach naukowych. Coraz częściej realizacji wspomnianych celów służy monitoring wizyjny cieszący się zresztą społeczną aprobatą. Jako że instalacja i zarządzanie takim systemem są działaniami kosztochłonnymi, kluczową kwestią jest zatem czy — w celu obniżenia poziomu przestępczości — wspomniane wydatki lepiej ponieść na kamery CCTV (ang. Closed-Circuit TeleVision) czy inne środki prewencyjne. Nie sposób jednak — co często zdarza się w praktyce — w ocenie skuteczności narzędzi prewencyjnych poprzestać na anegdotycznych doniesieniach o ich skuteczności. Bez przeprowadzenia wysokiej jakości (w rozumieniu metodologicznym) badań skuteczności monitoringu wizyjnego nie można rzetelnie odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy jest on...
Archiwum Uj Dokt 2012 178, 2012
... AND INVESTIGATIVE BODIES Joanna KABZIÑSKA1, Agnieszka NIEDZWIEÑSKA2 1 Fac ulty of Criminalist... more ... AND INVESTIGATIVE BODIES Joanna KABZIÑSKA1, Agnieszka NIEDZWIEÑSKA2 1 Fac ulty of Criminalistics and Pub lic Safety, Jagiellonian Uni ver sity, Kraków, Po land 2 De part ment of Psy chol ogy, Jagiellonian Uni ver sity, Kraków, Po land ...
Psychology, Crime & Law, 2015