Karel Vredenburg - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Karel Vredenburg

Research paper thumbnail of Depression and social comparison information-seeking

Journal of Social …, 1987

1. Investigated the hypothesis that depressed and nondepressed Ss differ in the frequency with wh... more 1. Investigated the hypothesis that depressed and nondepressed Ss differ in the frequency with which they seek out social comparison information during self-evaluation. In Exp I, 42 female undergraduates completed the Beck Depression Inventory and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Building ease of use into the IBM user experience

IBM Systems Journal, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of User-centered design methods in practice: a survey of the state of the art

Proceedings of the 2001 …, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Sex roles and depression: A preliminary investigation of the direction of causality

Journal of Research in Personality, 1985

Abstract The present study examined the direction of the relation between sex role self-concept a... more Abstract The present study examined the direction of the relation between sex role self-concept and depression. A total of 23 males and 32 females were given the Personal Attributes Questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory at two times separated by a 3 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of User-Centered Design: An Integrated Approach

IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Increasing ease of use

Communications of the Acm, 1999

Ease of use is a strategic focus within IBM and our User-Centered Design approach is the prime ve... more Ease of use is a strategic focus within IBM and our User-Centered Design approach is the prime vehicle for achieving it. IBM UCD is targeted at designing competitive ease of use into the total user experience with hardware, software, and services offerings. It ensures that ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A survey of user-centered design practice

Proceedings of the Sigchi Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Apr 20, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Increasing ease of use: emphasizing organizational transformation

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Research paper thumbnail of Interactive narrative and knowledge stewardship

CHI '01 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '01, 2001

This workshop will bring together a diverse set of participants to explore the use of interactive... more This workshop will bring together a diverse set of participants to explore the use of interactive narrative for knowledge stewardship. Participants will bring existing or proposed interactive narratives for analysis and review. The workshop will also develop a draft research agenda linking ...

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Research paper thumbnail of National and international frameworks for collaboration between HCI research and practice

CHI '00 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '00, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of A Survey of User-Experience Development at Enterprise Software Companies

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009

... We continue to investigate how evolving end-user expectations will shape the future. ... A Su... more ... We continue to investigate how evolving end-user expectations will shape the future. ... A Survey of User-Experience Development at Enterprise Software Companies ... terrible SW designs would not have happened if it were understood that things on screens have a reality and are ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Usability in practice

CHI '02 extended abstracts on Human factors in computer systems - CHI '02, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Sex Differences in Attitudes, Feelings, and Behaviors toward Computers

Abstract: Despite the pervasiveness of computers and daily advances in computer technology, compa... more Abstract: Despite the pervasiveness of computers and daily advances in computer technology, comparatively little is known about the psychological reactions and attitudes that individuals have toward computers. To investigate sex differences in attitudes, beliefs, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Current practice and future directions in user-centered design

… Association Fifth Annual Conference, Copper Mountain …, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Sex differences in the clinical expression of depression

Sex Roles, 1986

... A large number of these patients present with primarily somatic symptoms, sometimes referred ... more ... A large number of these patients present with primarily somatic symptoms, sometimes referred to as "masked" depression (Anstett & Poole, 1982; Ingham & Miller, 1982; Justin, 1976; Katon, 1982; Warman, 1967; Wilson, Widmer, Cadoret, & ... 46 Vredenburg, Krames, and Flett ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Modifying the Beck Depression Inventory- a Rejoinder to Steer and Beck

Psychological Reports, 1985

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Research paper thumbnail of Reexamining the Beck Depression Inventory: The Long and Short of It

Psychological Reports, 1985

... Kilpatrick-Tabak & Roth, 1978; Krantz & Rude, 1984; Manly, Mc... more ... Kilpatrick-Tabak & Roth, 1978; Krantz & Rude, 1984; Manly, McMahon, Bradley, & Davidson, 1982; Raps, Peterson, Jonas, & Seligman ... Requests for reprints should be sent to either Karel Vredenburg or Lester Krames, Department of Psychology, Erindale Gllege, University of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The continuity of depression in clinical and nonclinical samples

Psychological Bulletin, 1997

Historically, depression researchers have examined continuity in terms of whether the symptoms an... more Historically, depression researchers have examined continuity in terms of whether the symptoms and characteristics of mild, moderate, and severe depression differ in degree along a continuum (i.e., a quantitative difference) or in kind (i.e., qualitative difference). The authors propose a differentiated framework that distinguishes 4 direct tests of continuity (i.e., phenomenological, typological, etiological, and psychometric continuity). They use this framework to suggest that most evidence is consistent with the continuity hypothesis. Moreover, they maintain that the findings of future research can be incorporated into a 2-factor model of depression that allows for both continuities and discontinuities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analogue versus clinical depression: A critical reappraisal

Psychological Bulletin, 1993

Much of the existing psychological literature on depression is based on research with college stu... more Much of the existing psychological literature on depression is based on research with college students. An important question is whether depression in college students represents an appropriate analogue of depression in clinical patients. The purpose of the present article is to review past evidence on this issue from a critical perspective. Past arguments are examined, and little support is found for the position that depression research with college students is not warranted. Moreover, the results of studies with student and clinical samples are compared, and the findings are generally similar across populations. Next, a number of methodological issues are identified that may actually favor the use of depressed college students, and some methodological recommendations for future research are outlined. Finally, an appeal is made for research that directly examines the analogue-clinical issue and the nature of college student depression.

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Research paper thumbnail of The stability and clinical significance of distress: A rejoinder to pepper and coyne

Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 1996

Past research has established that some individuals with high Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) sco... more Past research has established that some individuals with high Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) scores at one time point have scores that are lower at a second time point. Recently, we provided evidence indicating that the temporal instability of certain BDI scores may be due partly to the regression to the mean phenomenon. Pepper and Coyne (1996) question this statistical interpretation;

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Research paper thumbnail of Depression and social comparison information-seeking

Journal of Social …, 1987

1. Investigated the hypothesis that depressed and nondepressed Ss differ in the frequency with wh... more 1. Investigated the hypothesis that depressed and nondepressed Ss differ in the frequency with which they seek out social comparison information during self-evaluation. In Exp I, 42 female undergraduates completed the Beck Depression Inventory and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Building ease of use into the IBM user experience

IBM Systems Journal, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of User-centered design methods in practice: a survey of the state of the art

Proceedings of the 2001 …, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Sex roles and depression: A preliminary investigation of the direction of causality

Journal of Research in Personality, 1985

Abstract The present study examined the direction of the relation between sex role self-concept a... more Abstract The present study examined the direction of the relation between sex role self-concept and depression. A total of 23 males and 32 females were given the Personal Attributes Questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory at two times separated by a 3 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of User-Centered Design: An Integrated Approach

IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Increasing ease of use

Communications of the Acm, 1999

Ease of use is a strategic focus within IBM and our User-Centered Design approach is the prime ve... more Ease of use is a strategic focus within IBM and our User-Centered Design approach is the prime vehicle for achieving it. IBM UCD is targeted at designing competitive ease of use into the total user experience with hardware, software, and services offerings. It ensures that ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A survey of user-centered design practice

Proceedings of the Sigchi Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Apr 20, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Increasing ease of use: emphasizing organizational transformation

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Research paper thumbnail of Interactive narrative and knowledge stewardship

CHI '01 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '01, 2001

This workshop will bring together a diverse set of participants to explore the use of interactive... more This workshop will bring together a diverse set of participants to explore the use of interactive narrative for knowledge stewardship. Participants will bring existing or proposed interactive narratives for analysis and review. The workshop will also develop a draft research agenda linking ...

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Research paper thumbnail of National and international frameworks for collaboration between HCI research and practice

CHI '00 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '00, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of A Survey of User-Experience Development at Enterprise Software Companies

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009

... We continue to investigate how evolving end-user expectations will shape the future. ... A Su... more ... We continue to investigate how evolving end-user expectations will shape the future. ... A Survey of User-Experience Development at Enterprise Software Companies ... terrible SW designs would not have happened if it were understood that things on screens have a reality and are ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Usability in practice

CHI '02 extended abstracts on Human factors in computer systems - CHI '02, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Sex Differences in Attitudes, Feelings, and Behaviors toward Computers

Abstract: Despite the pervasiveness of computers and daily advances in computer technology, compa... more Abstract: Despite the pervasiveness of computers and daily advances in computer technology, comparatively little is known about the psychological reactions and attitudes that individuals have toward computers. To investigate sex differences in attitudes, beliefs, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Current practice and future directions in user-centered design

… Association Fifth Annual Conference, Copper Mountain …, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Sex differences in the clinical expression of depression

Sex Roles, 1986

... A large number of these patients present with primarily somatic symptoms, sometimes referred ... more ... A large number of these patients present with primarily somatic symptoms, sometimes referred to as "masked" depression (Anstett & Poole, 1982; Ingham & Miller, 1982; Justin, 1976; Katon, 1982; Warman, 1967; Wilson, Widmer, Cadoret, & ... 46 Vredenburg, Krames, and Flett ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Modifying the Beck Depression Inventory- a Rejoinder to Steer and Beck

Psychological Reports, 1985

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Research paper thumbnail of Reexamining the Beck Depression Inventory: The Long and Short of It

Psychological Reports, 1985

... Kilpatrick-Tabak & Roth, 1978; Krantz & Rude, 1984; Manly, Mc... more ... Kilpatrick-Tabak & Roth, 1978; Krantz & Rude, 1984; Manly, McMahon, Bradley, & Davidson, 1982; Raps, Peterson, Jonas, & Seligman ... Requests for reprints should be sent to either Karel Vredenburg or Lester Krames, Department of Psychology, Erindale Gllege, University of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The continuity of depression in clinical and nonclinical samples

Psychological Bulletin, 1997

Historically, depression researchers have examined continuity in terms of whether the symptoms an... more Historically, depression researchers have examined continuity in terms of whether the symptoms and characteristics of mild, moderate, and severe depression differ in degree along a continuum (i.e., a quantitative difference) or in kind (i.e., qualitative difference). The authors propose a differentiated framework that distinguishes 4 direct tests of continuity (i.e., phenomenological, typological, etiological, and psychometric continuity). They use this framework to suggest that most evidence is consistent with the continuity hypothesis. Moreover, they maintain that the findings of future research can be incorporated into a 2-factor model of depression that allows for both continuities and discontinuities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analogue versus clinical depression: A critical reappraisal

Psychological Bulletin, 1993

Much of the existing psychological literature on depression is based on research with college stu... more Much of the existing psychological literature on depression is based on research with college students. An important question is whether depression in college students represents an appropriate analogue of depression in clinical patients. The purpose of the present article is to review past evidence on this issue from a critical perspective. Past arguments are examined, and little support is found for the position that depression research with college students is not warranted. Moreover, the results of studies with student and clinical samples are compared, and the findings are generally similar across populations. Next, a number of methodological issues are identified that may actually favor the use of depressed college students, and some methodological recommendations for future research are outlined. Finally, an appeal is made for research that directly examines the analogue-clinical issue and the nature of college student depression.

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Research paper thumbnail of The stability and clinical significance of distress: A rejoinder to pepper and coyne

Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 1996

Past research has established that some individuals with high Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) sco... more Past research has established that some individuals with high Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) scores at one time point have scores that are lower at a second time point. Recently, we provided evidence indicating that the temporal instability of certain BDI scores may be due partly to the regression to the mean phenomenon. Pepper and Coyne (1996) question this statistical interpretation;

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