Karen Bjerg Petersen - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Karen Bjerg Petersen
GSTF International Journal on Education Vol.1 No.2, 2013
The work of Lave and Wenger on learning in 'communities of practice' has evoked a considerable re... more The work of Lave and Wenger on learning in 'communities of practice' has evoked a considerable response in e-learning environments throughout the world including Denmark in the last few decades. Within the development of web-based second language learning, the ideas of learning in communities of practice and of situated and collaborative learning have deeply inspired educators and teachers and, to a certain degree, become the theoretical and practical framework for developing web-based learning platforms, while findings from this research indicate that students perceive e-learning as a far more individual process. The aim of this paper is to investigate aspects of the Danish development of elearning platforms and, especially students' and teachers' very differing perceptions of e-learning and the concepts behind it. The analysis is based on student and teacher interviews, research on language interaction and case studies of e-learning language platforms within the area of teaching Danish as a second language for adult foreigners. The concepts of communities of practice are also discussed and developed. Keywords-Communities of practice. E-learning in communities of practice. Second language learning. Cognitive approaches in e-learning. Learner centred approaches. year 2012 about 52 language schools provide DSOL teaching in Denmark (Dedanskesprogcentre.dk 2012).
GSTF International Journal on Education Vol.1 No.2, 2013
The work of Lave and Wenger on learning in 'communities of practice' has evoked a considerable re... more The work of Lave and Wenger on learning in 'communities of practice' has evoked a considerable response in e-learning environments throughout the world including Denmark in the last few decades. Within the development of web-based second language learning, the ideas of learning in communities of practice and of situated and collaborative learning have deeply inspired educators and teachers and, to a certain degree, become the theoretical and practical framework for developing web-based learning platforms, while findings from this research indicate that students perceive e-learning as a far more individual process. The aim of this paper is to investigate aspects of the Danish development of elearning platforms and, especially students' and teachers' very differing perceptions of e-learning and the concepts behind it. The analysis is based on student and teacher interviews, research on language interaction and case studies of e-learning language platforms within the area of teaching Danish as a second language for adult foreigners. The concepts of communities of practice are also discussed and developed. Keywords-Communities of practice. E-learning in communities of practice. Second language learning. Cognitive approaches in e-learning. Learner centred approaches. year 2012 about 52 language schools provide DSOL teaching in Denmark (Dedanskesprogcentre.dk 2012).
Se kort indholdsbeskrivelse i nummerets forord
Der er vedvarende problemer med en for stor ungdomsrestgruppe i Danmark. Erhvervsuddannelserne er... more Der er vedvarende problemer med en for stor ungdomsrestgruppe i Danmark. Erhvervsuddannelserne er i fortsat krise med for lille optag og for stort et frafald. Drenge med en etnisk minoritetsbaggrund falder i alt for stort omfang ud af det almindelige danske skole- og uddannelsessystem. Der er kommet forslag om en ny ungdomsuddannelse, som skal kunne løse nogle af problemerne. Samtidig er der stigende mangel på arbejdskraft inden for det tekniske, naturvidenskabelige, it- og håndværksmæssige område. Dette område omtales i USA ofte som STEM, dvs. Science, Technology, Engineering, Math. I denne artikel introduceres og diskuteres en succesrig ny ungdomsuddannelse, Pathway to Technology (P-tech), som gennem fælles didaktiske bestræbelser mellem forskellige uddannelsesinstitutioner, virksomheder og politiske tiltag retter sig specifikt mod de store marginaliserede og udsatte ungdomsrestgrupper i USA. I Danmark blev der i 2017 i tråd hermed taget fat på nye initiativer i skolen med ”engine...
AU Library Scholarly Publishing Services, Jan 23, 2020
DPU, Aarhus Universitet, 2015
Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 2018
Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 2021
Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 2021
Based on philosophical reflections on the concepts of place, place-based education, wild pedagogi... more Based on philosophical reflections on the concepts of place, place-based education, wild pedagogies and outdoor schooling in Denmark, the article presents and reflects upon selected results from a three-year accompanying qualitative research conducted in connection with a project for underserved young people and students. Approximately 40 participants aged 14-29 with social, personal, relational and/or substance abuse problems were enrolled as crewmembers on a schooner in periods ranging from a few weeks to six to eight months during the project’s three-year duration. The results indicate that place, nature, an extended stay and the relationship competency of the crew are all factors that can have a positive and transformative impact on participants, supporting their efforts to get “on an even keel” - to use a maritime expression that alludes to keeping a vessel’s keel steady, assuring smooth sailing.
Futures of Education, Culture and Nature - Learning to Become, 2022
A ‘World in 2030’ survey carried out by UNESCO in the months May through September 2020 indicates... more A ‘World in 2030’ survey carried out by UNESCO in the months May through September 2020 indicates that “climate change and biodiversity loss” by far are the biggest concerns of the around 15.000 participants, who at the same time indicate that education and multilateralism are seen as the most important solutions to global issues. In this article, I will discuss possibilities and limitations of (global citizenship) education in versions of skills- and competency-based versus virtue/value-based approaches as means of solving current global issues and concerns, including (unknown) futures of education at a local and global level.
Most European Union countries and members of the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Develo... more Most European Union countries and members of the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) are facing increasing learner diversity in schools and are accommodating increasing numbers of children from ethnic minority and/or migrant backgrounds. International surveys from OECD indicate that teachers are in need of professional training to better prepare them for working in multicultural and multilingual classroom settings. The aim of this article is to briefly investigate how curriculum in the 2013 reform of Danish teacher education suggests that student teachers address classroom diversity.
In the past decades, the importance of developing and validating informal and nonformal learning ... more In the past decades, the importance of developing and validating informal and nonformal learning processes has been launched by several international organizations including UNESCO and the OECD, originally mostly focusing on adult learning experiences. Meanwhile, in recent years an increased focus has been evidenced on introducing informal and non-formal learning environments for learners at primary and secondary school levels as means of re-engaging in particular school-leavers, drop-outs, and disadvantaged learners in the formal educational system. Educational policy, empirical studies, projects, and various pedagogical interventions carried out in Europe, the United States, and other countries evidence this development. Based on empirical data and research from an European project “Anholt 2013” aimed at empowering disadvantaged and disengaged young European schoolleavers, and motivating them to take responsibility for their own need for education, this article sets out to reflect...
Denne artikel sammenfatter resultater fra surveys og indsamlet datamateriale om udvalgte undervis... more Denne artikel sammenfatter resultater fra surveys og indsamlet datamateriale om udvalgte undervisningsaktorers forstaelser og holdninger til indforelsen af benchmarkingundersogelser og sakaldte high-stakes sprogtest i voksenundervisningen for voksne udlaendinge i Danmark i begyndelsen af 2000-tallet. Resultaterne fra gennemforte surveys i 2009 tyder pa en vis skepsis over for benchmarkingundersogelser blandt bade ledere og undervisere. Samtidig har indforelsen af high-stakes modultest ifolge de adspurgte aktorer imidlertid allerede fa ar efter implementeringen af disse faet afgorende og pa en raekke omrader ogsa uhensigtsmaessig indflydelse pa bade paedagogisk tilrettelaeggelse og gennemforelse af undervisningen. Dette gaelder isaer mulighederne for paedagogisk udvikling og deltagernes sproglige fordybelse.
For decades foreign and second language teachers have taken advantage of the technology developme... more For decades foreign and second language teachers have taken advantage of the technology development and ensuing possibilities to use e-learning facilities for language training. Since the 1980s, the use of computer assisted language learning (CALL), Internet, web 2.0, and various kinds of e-learning technology has been developed and researched comprehensively to extend predominantly communicative language teaching approaches focusing on training language skills. While international, in the 2000s the use of web 2.0 technologies in particular has been introduced for developing reading and writing skills in Denmark with special attention towards the development of web-based materials for Danish pronunciation. This paper sets out to introduce differences between the international and Danish use of web-based language learning and teaching. Finally, dilemmas and challenges for the use of CALL, IT, and web 2.0 in L2 teaching and learning and in particular the teachers' key role in e-le...
While the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) from 1950 regulates... more While the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) from 1950 regulates general legal human rights aspects, the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages agreed upon by the member states of the Council of Europe in 1992 regulates linguistic and language rights with respect to ‘the protection of the historical regional or minority languages of Europe’. In the Charter it is among others stated that regional or minority languages of the member states are to be recognized ‘as an expression of cultural wealth’. In addition, it is outlined, that the use of regional or minority languages has to be facilitated and/or encouraged ‘in speech and writing, in public and private life’ (ibid). The Charter thus regulates an area with respect to linguistic and language rights of regional or minority languages in Europe that historically has caused many debates throughout the history of Europe. According to the Charter, ‘regional or minority languages’ means langua...
AU Library Scholarly Publishing Services, 2021
Denne rapport, hvis målgruppe er den brede offentlighed med et særligt blik for personale i det p... more Denne rapport, hvis målgruppe er den brede offentlighed med et særligt blik for personale i det pædagogiske område, gør rede for Fulton følgeforskningen og dens resultater i perioden fra 2017 til 2021. Selve Fulton-projektet blev igangsat i 2017 som et samarbejde mellem Fulton Fonden, Esbjerg Kommune og Lauritzen Fonden med henblik på at give udsatte unge i Esbjerg Kommune en mulighed for at komme ud af deres daglige omgivelser og problemstillinger ved at få et ophold på skonnerten Fulton og indgå i skibets daglige aktiviteter. Hensigten med Fulton-projektet er først og fremmest at få udsatte unge i Esbjerg Kommune ”tilbage på ret køl”. Afhængig af den enkelte unges forudsætninger, har de unge gennem kortere og/eller længevarende ophold på skonnerten Fulton skullet indgå på lige fod med skipper og den øvrige besætning i de daglige aktiviteter, der er forbundet med skonnerten Fultons sejladser i de danske farvande. Dette skal dog ses i sammenhæng med at Fulton samtidig afspejler den ...
Inclusion has long been on the agenda of public discourse, in basic schooling and in research in ... more Inclusion has long been on the agenda of public discourse, in basic schooling and in research in Denmark and other Scandinavian countries. Since the adoption of the Inclusion Act in 2012, however, a particularly intense focus on inclusion and inclusive practices has been evident in the Danish educational debate. Research and discussions about inclusive practices and the notion of inclusion have often been linked to an understanding that students with special educational needs should be included in primary and secondary schools. This anthology, entitled Perspectives on Inclusion, thus forms part of the current debate and research on inclusion. Unlike other publications on this topic in recent years, the hallmark of this anthology is its broader perspectives on the notion of inclusion and inclusive practice. Apart from involving various Nordic studies, the expanded perspectives also encompass sociological and philosophical discussions. In addition, a number of empirical studies on various inclusive practices in vast educational areas are introduced, covering both special needs education and a number of other educational areas in Denmark, Norway and Sweden in which inclusion is a central concept in theory and practice.
GSTF International Journal on Education Vol.1 No.2, 2013
The work of Lave and Wenger on learning in 'communities of practice' has evoked a considerable re... more The work of Lave and Wenger on learning in 'communities of practice' has evoked a considerable response in e-learning environments throughout the world including Denmark in the last few decades. Within the development of web-based second language learning, the ideas of learning in communities of practice and of situated and collaborative learning have deeply inspired educators and teachers and, to a certain degree, become the theoretical and practical framework for developing web-based learning platforms, while findings from this research indicate that students perceive e-learning as a far more individual process. The aim of this paper is to investigate aspects of the Danish development of elearning platforms and, especially students' and teachers' very differing perceptions of e-learning and the concepts behind it. The analysis is based on student and teacher interviews, research on language interaction and case studies of e-learning language platforms within the area of teaching Danish as a second language for adult foreigners. The concepts of communities of practice are also discussed and developed. Keywords-Communities of practice. E-learning in communities of practice. Second language learning. Cognitive approaches in e-learning. Learner centred approaches. year 2012 about 52 language schools provide DSOL teaching in Denmark (Dedanskesprogcentre.dk 2012).
GSTF International Journal on Education Vol.1 No.2, 2013
The work of Lave and Wenger on learning in 'communities of practice' has evoked a considerable re... more The work of Lave and Wenger on learning in 'communities of practice' has evoked a considerable response in e-learning environments throughout the world including Denmark in the last few decades. Within the development of web-based second language learning, the ideas of learning in communities of practice and of situated and collaborative learning have deeply inspired educators and teachers and, to a certain degree, become the theoretical and practical framework for developing web-based learning platforms, while findings from this research indicate that students perceive e-learning as a far more individual process. The aim of this paper is to investigate aspects of the Danish development of elearning platforms and, especially students' and teachers' very differing perceptions of e-learning and the concepts behind it. The analysis is based on student and teacher interviews, research on language interaction and case studies of e-learning language platforms within the area of teaching Danish as a second language for adult foreigners. The concepts of communities of practice are also discussed and developed. Keywords-Communities of practice. E-learning in communities of practice. Second language learning. Cognitive approaches in e-learning. Learner centred approaches. year 2012 about 52 language schools provide DSOL teaching in Denmark (Dedanskesprogcentre.dk 2012).
Se kort indholdsbeskrivelse i nummerets forord
Der er vedvarende problemer med en for stor ungdomsrestgruppe i Danmark. Erhvervsuddannelserne er... more Der er vedvarende problemer med en for stor ungdomsrestgruppe i Danmark. Erhvervsuddannelserne er i fortsat krise med for lille optag og for stort et frafald. Drenge med en etnisk minoritetsbaggrund falder i alt for stort omfang ud af det almindelige danske skole- og uddannelsessystem. Der er kommet forslag om en ny ungdomsuddannelse, som skal kunne løse nogle af problemerne. Samtidig er der stigende mangel på arbejdskraft inden for det tekniske, naturvidenskabelige, it- og håndværksmæssige område. Dette område omtales i USA ofte som STEM, dvs. Science, Technology, Engineering, Math. I denne artikel introduceres og diskuteres en succesrig ny ungdomsuddannelse, Pathway to Technology (P-tech), som gennem fælles didaktiske bestræbelser mellem forskellige uddannelsesinstitutioner, virksomheder og politiske tiltag retter sig specifikt mod de store marginaliserede og udsatte ungdomsrestgrupper i USA. I Danmark blev der i 2017 i tråd hermed taget fat på nye initiativer i skolen med ”engine...
AU Library Scholarly Publishing Services, Jan 23, 2020
DPU, Aarhus Universitet, 2015
Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 2018
Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 2021
Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 2021
Based on philosophical reflections on the concepts of place, place-based education, wild pedagogi... more Based on philosophical reflections on the concepts of place, place-based education, wild pedagogies and outdoor schooling in Denmark, the article presents and reflects upon selected results from a three-year accompanying qualitative research conducted in connection with a project for underserved young people and students. Approximately 40 participants aged 14-29 with social, personal, relational and/or substance abuse problems were enrolled as crewmembers on a schooner in periods ranging from a few weeks to six to eight months during the project’s three-year duration. The results indicate that place, nature, an extended stay and the relationship competency of the crew are all factors that can have a positive and transformative impact on participants, supporting their efforts to get “on an even keel” - to use a maritime expression that alludes to keeping a vessel’s keel steady, assuring smooth sailing.
Futures of Education, Culture and Nature - Learning to Become, 2022
A ‘World in 2030’ survey carried out by UNESCO in the months May through September 2020 indicates... more A ‘World in 2030’ survey carried out by UNESCO in the months May through September 2020 indicates that “climate change and biodiversity loss” by far are the biggest concerns of the around 15.000 participants, who at the same time indicate that education and multilateralism are seen as the most important solutions to global issues. In this article, I will discuss possibilities and limitations of (global citizenship) education in versions of skills- and competency-based versus virtue/value-based approaches as means of solving current global issues and concerns, including (unknown) futures of education at a local and global level.
Most European Union countries and members of the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Develo... more Most European Union countries and members of the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) are facing increasing learner diversity in schools and are accommodating increasing numbers of children from ethnic minority and/or migrant backgrounds. International surveys from OECD indicate that teachers are in need of professional training to better prepare them for working in multicultural and multilingual classroom settings. The aim of this article is to briefly investigate how curriculum in the 2013 reform of Danish teacher education suggests that student teachers address classroom diversity.
In the past decades, the importance of developing and validating informal and nonformal learning ... more In the past decades, the importance of developing and validating informal and nonformal learning processes has been launched by several international organizations including UNESCO and the OECD, originally mostly focusing on adult learning experiences. Meanwhile, in recent years an increased focus has been evidenced on introducing informal and non-formal learning environments for learners at primary and secondary school levels as means of re-engaging in particular school-leavers, drop-outs, and disadvantaged learners in the formal educational system. Educational policy, empirical studies, projects, and various pedagogical interventions carried out in Europe, the United States, and other countries evidence this development. Based on empirical data and research from an European project “Anholt 2013” aimed at empowering disadvantaged and disengaged young European schoolleavers, and motivating them to take responsibility for their own need for education, this article sets out to reflect...
Denne artikel sammenfatter resultater fra surveys og indsamlet datamateriale om udvalgte undervis... more Denne artikel sammenfatter resultater fra surveys og indsamlet datamateriale om udvalgte undervisningsaktorers forstaelser og holdninger til indforelsen af benchmarkingundersogelser og sakaldte high-stakes sprogtest i voksenundervisningen for voksne udlaendinge i Danmark i begyndelsen af 2000-tallet. Resultaterne fra gennemforte surveys i 2009 tyder pa en vis skepsis over for benchmarkingundersogelser blandt bade ledere og undervisere. Samtidig har indforelsen af high-stakes modultest ifolge de adspurgte aktorer imidlertid allerede fa ar efter implementeringen af disse faet afgorende og pa en raekke omrader ogsa uhensigtsmaessig indflydelse pa bade paedagogisk tilrettelaeggelse og gennemforelse af undervisningen. Dette gaelder isaer mulighederne for paedagogisk udvikling og deltagernes sproglige fordybelse.
For decades foreign and second language teachers have taken advantage of the technology developme... more For decades foreign and second language teachers have taken advantage of the technology development and ensuing possibilities to use e-learning facilities for language training. Since the 1980s, the use of computer assisted language learning (CALL), Internet, web 2.0, and various kinds of e-learning technology has been developed and researched comprehensively to extend predominantly communicative language teaching approaches focusing on training language skills. While international, in the 2000s the use of web 2.0 technologies in particular has been introduced for developing reading and writing skills in Denmark with special attention towards the development of web-based materials for Danish pronunciation. This paper sets out to introduce differences between the international and Danish use of web-based language learning and teaching. Finally, dilemmas and challenges for the use of CALL, IT, and web 2.0 in L2 teaching and learning and in particular the teachers' key role in e-le...
While the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) from 1950 regulates... more While the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) from 1950 regulates general legal human rights aspects, the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages agreed upon by the member states of the Council of Europe in 1992 regulates linguistic and language rights with respect to ‘the protection of the historical regional or minority languages of Europe’. In the Charter it is among others stated that regional or minority languages of the member states are to be recognized ‘as an expression of cultural wealth’. In addition, it is outlined, that the use of regional or minority languages has to be facilitated and/or encouraged ‘in speech and writing, in public and private life’ (ibid). The Charter thus regulates an area with respect to linguistic and language rights of regional or minority languages in Europe that historically has caused many debates throughout the history of Europe. According to the Charter, ‘regional or minority languages’ means langua...
AU Library Scholarly Publishing Services, 2021
Denne rapport, hvis målgruppe er den brede offentlighed med et særligt blik for personale i det p... more Denne rapport, hvis målgruppe er den brede offentlighed med et særligt blik for personale i det pædagogiske område, gør rede for Fulton følgeforskningen og dens resultater i perioden fra 2017 til 2021. Selve Fulton-projektet blev igangsat i 2017 som et samarbejde mellem Fulton Fonden, Esbjerg Kommune og Lauritzen Fonden med henblik på at give udsatte unge i Esbjerg Kommune en mulighed for at komme ud af deres daglige omgivelser og problemstillinger ved at få et ophold på skonnerten Fulton og indgå i skibets daglige aktiviteter. Hensigten med Fulton-projektet er først og fremmest at få udsatte unge i Esbjerg Kommune ”tilbage på ret køl”. Afhængig af den enkelte unges forudsætninger, har de unge gennem kortere og/eller længevarende ophold på skonnerten Fulton skullet indgå på lige fod med skipper og den øvrige besætning i de daglige aktiviteter, der er forbundet med skonnerten Fultons sejladser i de danske farvande. Dette skal dog ses i sammenhæng med at Fulton samtidig afspejler den ...
Inclusion has long been on the agenda of public discourse, in basic schooling and in research in ... more Inclusion has long been on the agenda of public discourse, in basic schooling and in research in Denmark and other Scandinavian countries. Since the adoption of the Inclusion Act in 2012, however, a particularly intense focus on inclusion and inclusive practices has been evident in the Danish educational debate. Research and discussions about inclusive practices and the notion of inclusion have often been linked to an understanding that students with special educational needs should be included in primary and secondary schools. This anthology, entitled Perspectives on Inclusion, thus forms part of the current debate and research on inclusion. Unlike other publications on this topic in recent years, the hallmark of this anthology is its broader perspectives on the notion of inclusion and inclusive practice. Apart from involving various Nordic studies, the expanded perspectives also encompass sociological and philosophical discussions. In addition, a number of empirical studies on various inclusive practices in vast educational areas are introduced, covering both special needs education and a number of other educational areas in Denmark, Norway and Sweden in which inclusion is a central concept in theory and practice.