Karen Klitgaard Povlsen - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Karen Klitgaard Povlsen
Aarhus University Press eBooks, Aug 12, 2013
Aarhus University Press eBooks, Mar 21, 2013
Kvinder, køn & forskning, Dec 15, 2008
Aarhus University Press eBooks, Aug 12, 2013
Ecology and Society, 2015
Our purpose was to qualify the relations between trust, credibility, and the field of organics by... more Our purpose was to qualify the relations between trust, credibility, and the field of organics by way of creating a dialogue between two independent Organic Research, Development and Demonstration Programme "MultiTrust" subprojects. Both projects explore the explanatory value of trust and credibility for the success of organic labels in the fields of management research and media research. Our key objectives were to critically scrutinize the trust and credibility constructs applied in each of these two fields, to reflect on their explanatory value in the performance of organics from both a management and media perspective, and to set out an agenda for future interdisciplinary research. We conclude that relations between organic products, labels, and consumers are still poorly understood, that the belief in organic labels' direct impact on consumer choices in favor of organic food purchase cannot be supported, and that the explanatory value of trust for the success of organic production remains unproven. We propose for future research to investigate the relevance of credibility and trust for organics in multidisciplinary mixed-methods studies that focus on the emergence of trust, as well as on other social factors impacting the success of organic production. This would best be achieved through interdisciplinary work.
Our purpose was to qualify the relations between trust, credibility, and the field of organics by... more Our purpose was to qualify the relations between trust, credibility, and the field of organics by way of creating a dialogue between two independent Organic Research, Development and Demonstration Programme "MultiTrust" subprojects. Both projects explore the explanatory value of trust and credibility for the success of organic labels in the fields of management research and media research. Our key objectives were to critically scrutinize the trust and credibility constructs applied in each of these two fields, to reflect on their explanatory value in the performance of organics from both a management and media perspective, and to set out an agenda for future interdisciplinary research. We conclude that relations between organic products, labels, and consumers are still poorly understood, that the belief in organic labels' direct impact on consumer choices in favor of organic food purchase cannot be supported, and that the explanatory value of trust for the success of organic production remains unproven. We propose for future research to investigate the relevance of credibility and trust for organics in multidisciplinary mixed-methods studies that focus on the emergence of trust, as well as on other social factors impacting the success of organic production. This would best be achieved through interdisciplinary work.
karenklitgaard[a]hum.au.dk The ov erall purpose of t he pr oposed pa per i s t o a pproach t he c... more karenklitgaard[a]hum.au.dk The ov erall purpose of t he pr oposed pa per i s t o a pproach t he c omplex r elations between c onsumer and organic pr oducts f rom r espectively a m edia and a management per spective. Before we ar gue f or t he relevance of an interdisciplinary perspective on ecology and trust, we shall briefly introduce the two projects involved. 1) Trust and Organic in media-and in management research: The reviewed management research did r eveal an ov erwhelming c oncern f or t rust i ssues. H owever, i n most studies, trust is taken for granted in a self-evident and self-explanatory manner. Moreover, the concepts of t rust, c redibility and t rustworthiness ar e m ost of ten appl ied i nterchangeably. A s F ielder (2011:577) r ightly po ints out, t he l inguistic f requency of t rust i s no pr oof of t he ac tual r elevance of t he phenomenon in praxis, a phenomenon that is vague, empirically intangible and not measurable. The review considered t he r elatively f ew s tudies concerned with t he c onceptualization of t rust and w ith 'trust asymmetries' (Earle 2010:569) that is the question of how trust is created, maintained and/ or lost. The point of origin for the review is that globalizing societies, markets and 'agro-food' systems are integrated in all elements of the organic supply-and value chain or ecology as located in Denmark. The review proposes that this quality of contemporary ecology is to be taken into consideration, if one wants to retain and develop green production (Rittenhofer 2012). The num ber of ar ticles t hat r esearch t rust at the i nterface of organic and is r ather limited. Many studies are quantitative marketing studies that research consumer interest and with a major concern for eco-labels. They build on the assumption that trust is a major building factor in economic growth and thus of the organic sector. Management research on organic producers are absent, as is research on other links in the or ganic s upply c hain. H owever, the " need t o t rust ex tends t o t he business and m arket i nteractions throughout the supply-and value chain because at each stage the interactions are people to people" (Arnott 2007: 98 3). Work on t rust issues related t o d iverse links i n t he s upply c hain d oes exist, b ut is d ivided b y disciplinary boundaries; neither an interdisciplinary perspective on trust nor on trust related to ecology exists. Ecology is pr edominantly represented b y an d r educed t o ec o-labels, m ost of ten s tate ec o-labels. F ew studies are found on the work of accrediting and certifying organizations (Hatanaka 2005, 2008). Here, the presence of trust i n i nteractions of people to people within t he or ganization of e.g. T hird P arty Certifiers is briefly assumed and directs attention away from risk issues inbuilt accreditation and certification processes. A s ingle s tudy contrasts standardized ecology as represented by eco-labels aga inst l ocally produced, chemical f ree f oods (Moore 2006). A s a lternative t o i ndustrialized an d s tandardized or ganic pr oducts, it suggests a new understanding of ecology: "postorganic". Overall, ecology in MANAGEMENT RESEARCH is reduced to a label economy. Media studies as a n i nternational discipline are not onl y preoccupied with t he 'old' m ass media s uch as newspapers, radio and television. Today, they also include digital media, the Internet, and the mobile phone that have changed the patterns of media use in most of the world. A pragmatic definition of media therefore is t hat when a t echnology goes bet ween and p otentially r elates two or m ore gr oups or t wo or m ore
European journal of Scandinavian studies, Oct 1, 2022
MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 1998
MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research, 1996
Den danske blogosfaere udvikler sig til stadighed med flere blogs og bloggere inden for flere omr... more Den danske blogosfaere udvikler sig til stadighed med flere blogs og bloggere inden for flere områder. Anne Scott Sørensen har i en raekke artikler vist (Sørensen 2006a, 2006b, 2008, 2009a, 2009b), at mens mandlige bloggere dominerer indenfor de politiske blogs, dominerer kvindelige bloggere på de kulturelle og mere intime blogsites. Anne Scott Sørensen har arbejdet med de personlige og intime blogs, hvor det er hverdagen, seksualiteten og livskriserne, der står i centrum. En af de blogtyper, der fra 2010 og fremefter har vaeret voldsomt ekspanderende i den danske blogosfaere, er madbloggen. Den placerer sig imellem det personlige og det professionelle, imellem det intime og det kulturelle og af og til også mellem det private og det kommercielle. Der er både kvindelige og mandlige madbloggere, med flest kvinder på kager-og dessertblogs og flest maend på vin-og-mad-blogs. Vi finder både en del bloggere i alderen 40+ og en del professionelle madproducenter eller kokke, der her optraeder som privatpersoner-i alt fald tilsyneladende. Den mest populaere danske madblogger målt på besøgstal er www.bergholt.net, hvor tastaturføreren er meget aktiv. Den vender jeg tilbage til i slutningen af artiklen.
Aarhus University Press eBooks, Aug 12, 2013
Aarhus University Press eBooks, Mar 21, 2013
Kvinder, køn & forskning, Dec 15, 2008
Aarhus University Press eBooks, Aug 12, 2013
Ecology and Society, 2015
Our purpose was to qualify the relations between trust, credibility, and the field of organics by... more Our purpose was to qualify the relations between trust, credibility, and the field of organics by way of creating a dialogue between two independent Organic Research, Development and Demonstration Programme "MultiTrust" subprojects. Both projects explore the explanatory value of trust and credibility for the success of organic labels in the fields of management research and media research. Our key objectives were to critically scrutinize the trust and credibility constructs applied in each of these two fields, to reflect on their explanatory value in the performance of organics from both a management and media perspective, and to set out an agenda for future interdisciplinary research. We conclude that relations between organic products, labels, and consumers are still poorly understood, that the belief in organic labels' direct impact on consumer choices in favor of organic food purchase cannot be supported, and that the explanatory value of trust for the success of organic production remains unproven. We propose for future research to investigate the relevance of credibility and trust for organics in multidisciplinary mixed-methods studies that focus on the emergence of trust, as well as on other social factors impacting the success of organic production. This would best be achieved through interdisciplinary work.
Our purpose was to qualify the relations between trust, credibility, and the field of organics by... more Our purpose was to qualify the relations between trust, credibility, and the field of organics by way of creating a dialogue between two independent Organic Research, Development and Demonstration Programme "MultiTrust" subprojects. Both projects explore the explanatory value of trust and credibility for the success of organic labels in the fields of management research and media research. Our key objectives were to critically scrutinize the trust and credibility constructs applied in each of these two fields, to reflect on their explanatory value in the performance of organics from both a management and media perspective, and to set out an agenda for future interdisciplinary research. We conclude that relations between organic products, labels, and consumers are still poorly understood, that the belief in organic labels' direct impact on consumer choices in favor of organic food purchase cannot be supported, and that the explanatory value of trust for the success of organic production remains unproven. We propose for future research to investigate the relevance of credibility and trust for organics in multidisciplinary mixed-methods studies that focus on the emergence of trust, as well as on other social factors impacting the success of organic production. This would best be achieved through interdisciplinary work.
karenklitgaard[a]hum.au.dk The ov erall purpose of t he pr oposed pa per i s t o a pproach t he c... more karenklitgaard[a]hum.au.dk The ov erall purpose of t he pr oposed pa per i s t o a pproach t he c omplex r elations between c onsumer and organic pr oducts f rom r espectively a m edia and a management per spective. Before we ar gue f or t he relevance of an interdisciplinary perspective on ecology and trust, we shall briefly introduce the two projects involved. 1) Trust and Organic in media-and in management research: The reviewed management research did r eveal an ov erwhelming c oncern f or t rust i ssues. H owever, i n most studies, trust is taken for granted in a self-evident and self-explanatory manner. Moreover, the concepts of t rust, c redibility and t rustworthiness ar e m ost of ten appl ied i nterchangeably. A s F ielder (2011:577) r ightly po ints out, t he l inguistic f requency of t rust i s no pr oof of t he ac tual r elevance of t he phenomenon in praxis, a phenomenon that is vague, empirically intangible and not measurable. The review considered t he r elatively f ew s tudies concerned with t he c onceptualization of t rust and w ith 'trust asymmetries' (Earle 2010:569) that is the question of how trust is created, maintained and/ or lost. The point of origin for the review is that globalizing societies, markets and 'agro-food' systems are integrated in all elements of the organic supply-and value chain or ecology as located in Denmark. The review proposes that this quality of contemporary ecology is to be taken into consideration, if one wants to retain and develop green production (Rittenhofer 2012). The num ber of ar ticles t hat r esearch t rust at the i nterface of organic and is r ather limited. Many studies are quantitative marketing studies that research consumer interest and with a major concern for eco-labels. They build on the assumption that trust is a major building factor in economic growth and thus of the organic sector. Management research on organic producers are absent, as is research on other links in the or ganic s upply c hain. H owever, the " need t o t rust ex tends t o t he business and m arket i nteractions throughout the supply-and value chain because at each stage the interactions are people to people" (Arnott 2007: 98 3). Work on t rust issues related t o d iverse links i n t he s upply c hain d oes exist, b ut is d ivided b y disciplinary boundaries; neither an interdisciplinary perspective on trust nor on trust related to ecology exists. Ecology is pr edominantly represented b y an d r educed t o ec o-labels, m ost of ten s tate ec o-labels. F ew studies are found on the work of accrediting and certifying organizations (Hatanaka 2005, 2008). Here, the presence of trust i n i nteractions of people to people within t he or ganization of e.g. T hird P arty Certifiers is briefly assumed and directs attention away from risk issues inbuilt accreditation and certification processes. A s ingle s tudy contrasts standardized ecology as represented by eco-labels aga inst l ocally produced, chemical f ree f oods (Moore 2006). A s a lternative t o i ndustrialized an d s tandardized or ganic pr oducts, it suggests a new understanding of ecology: "postorganic". Overall, ecology in MANAGEMENT RESEARCH is reduced to a label economy. Media studies as a n i nternational discipline are not onl y preoccupied with t he 'old' m ass media s uch as newspapers, radio and television. Today, they also include digital media, the Internet, and the mobile phone that have changed the patterns of media use in most of the world. A pragmatic definition of media therefore is t hat when a t echnology goes bet ween and p otentially r elates two or m ore gr oups or t wo or m ore
European journal of Scandinavian studies, Oct 1, 2022
MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 1998
MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research, 1996
Den danske blogosfaere udvikler sig til stadighed med flere blogs og bloggere inden for flere omr... more Den danske blogosfaere udvikler sig til stadighed med flere blogs og bloggere inden for flere områder. Anne Scott Sørensen har i en raekke artikler vist (Sørensen 2006a, 2006b, 2008, 2009a, 2009b), at mens mandlige bloggere dominerer indenfor de politiske blogs, dominerer kvindelige bloggere på de kulturelle og mere intime blogsites. Anne Scott Sørensen har arbejdet med de personlige og intime blogs, hvor det er hverdagen, seksualiteten og livskriserne, der står i centrum. En af de blogtyper, der fra 2010 og fremefter har vaeret voldsomt ekspanderende i den danske blogosfaere, er madbloggen. Den placerer sig imellem det personlige og det professionelle, imellem det intime og det kulturelle og af og til også mellem det private og det kommercielle. Der er både kvindelige og mandlige madbloggere, med flest kvinder på kager-og dessertblogs og flest maend på vin-og-mad-blogs. Vi finder både en del bloggere i alderen 40+ og en del professionelle madproducenter eller kokke, der her optraeder som privatpersoner-i alt fald tilsyneladende. Den mest populaere danske madblogger målt på besøgstal er www.bergholt.net, hvor tastaturføreren er meget aktiv. Den vender jeg tilbage til i slutningen af artiklen.