Karin Luomi-Messerer - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Karin Luomi-Messerer
Dieser Abschnitt enthält Arbeiten, die Qualitätskultur als eine der Implementierung, Etablierung ... more Dieser Abschnitt enthält Arbeiten, die Qualitätskultur als eine der Implementierung, Etablierung und/oder Nachhaltigkeit von QM-Maßnahmen förderliche Organisationskultur verstehen (ohne dabei notwendigerweise den Begriff Qualitätskultur zu verwenden oder zu definieren) sowie Arbeiten, die allgemein den Zusammenhang zwischen Organisationskultur und QM-Maßnahmen/-praktiken untersuchen. 1.1.1 Zum Zusammenhang von Qualitätsmanagement und Organisationskultur im Bildungsbereich Louis, K. S., & Wahlstrom, K. (2011). Principals as cultural leaders. Phi Delta Kappan, 92(5), 52-56. School culture matters. It's a critical element of effective leadership, and there is increasing evidence from both private and public organizations that organizations with stronger cultures are more adaptable, have higher member motivation and commitment, are more cooperative and better able to resolve conflicts, have greater capacity for innovation, and are more effective in achieving their goals. The central job, and also the most difficult, for school leaders is to shape the school's culture to focus unremitting attention on student learning. Thus, in 2004, we set out to find out how school leaders affect student learning. We talked with over a thousand district office staff, school administrators, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders across the country, and we surveyed more than 8,000 principals and teachers in 164 schools, all within a random sample of nine states that included nearly every type of district. We found that changing a school's culture requires shared or distributed leadership, which engages many stakeholders in major improvement roles, and instructional leadership, in which administrators take responsibility for shaping improvements at the classroom level.
El cuadro del Marco Europeo de Cualificaciones (MEC), con sus descriptores para los niveles de re... more El cuadro del Marco Europeo de Cualificaciones (MEC), con sus descriptores para los niveles de referencia, es sin duda el cuadro más comentado en Europa. Sin em- bargo, las críticas que se le hacen suelen interpretarlo incorrectamente, al consi- derar el MEC desde una única o en el mejor de los casos desde dos perspectivas. El presente artículo pretende mostrar que el MEC sólo puede comprenderse si se emplean para ello tres perspectivas, a saber: una jerarquía de los sistemas edu- cativos, una jerarquía de las tareas y funciones profesionales y una jerarquía de la adquisición de destrezas. Aparte de estas perspectivas sincrónicas de los des- criptores se analiza detenidamente su desarrollo y se exponen los antecedentes y causas de sus modificaciones. Ambas perspectivas -la sincrónica y la diacrónica- muestran que al parecer no es posible dar un fundamento teórico al MEC y noso- tros tampoco pretendemos hacerlo. Más bien ofrecemos un planteamiento her- menéutico para apreciar mejor l...
European Journal of Training and Development, 2021
Purpose This paper aims to draw on a socio-technical perspective to explore how information and c... more Purpose This paper aims to draw on a socio-technical perspective to explore how information and communication technology (ICT) supports the validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL) in specific practices and arrangements. Design/methodology/approach The authors use qualitative content analysis to analyse 43 country reports of the “European inventory on validation” published by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) in 2019. Findings This study conceptualises ICT supported VNFIL practices and arrangements from a socio-technical perspective. Given this, the paper finds that ICT is used mainly to provide information on validation practices and arrangements, store qualification registers online and identify and document learning outcomes. The use of ICT to assess and certify learning outcomes remains limited. Originality/value VNFIL is very rarely seen in a technical context. This paper contributes to a theoretical perspective and highlight...
Magazin erwachsenenbildung.at (2019) 37, 10 S. Padagogische Teildisziplin: Erwachsenenbildung / W... more Magazin erwachsenenbildung.at (2019) 37, 10 S. Padagogische Teildisziplin: Erwachsenenbildung / Weiterbildung; Bildungsorganisation, Bildungsplanung und Bildungsrecht;
The Vocational Qualification Transfer System (VQTS) project is a pilot project that aimed to deve... more The Vocational Qualification Transfer System (VQTS) project is a pilot project that aimed to develop a system to describe the acquirable steps of competence development within a training program as well as those already acquired, in a clear and trans-nationally understandable way. This publication is the final result of the VQTS II project. Following up the original VQTS project, VQTS II focused on transferring and further elaborating methods and procedures for developing the VQTS model by using the ideas and principles described in the original project. Additionally, the VQTS II project elaborates the possibilities for using the VQTS model for enhancing the permeability and progression between VET and practice-oriented, higher education (HE) programs.
Journal of European Industrial Training, 2008
PurposeThe purpose of this article is to look closely at the development of a European Credit Tra... more PurposeThe purpose of this article is to look closely at the development of a European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). The European Commission, together with the member States, are working on it and several pilot projects have been initiated within the Leonardo da Vinci Programme of the European Commission. The problem of the transfer as well as a convincing transparency of vocational competences has yet been developed. The aim is to discuss this in the article.Design/methodology/approachThis contribution illustrates a model using the Dreyfus/Dreyfus approach of acquisition of profiles in such a way that the levels of competence development are not applied to overall professional actions (as shown for pilots, nurses, teachers and others), but to smaller entities of professional profiles.FindingsWhile strongly taking into account work related tasks and contexts (objects, tools, work organisation) the authors define “groups of competencies” and ap...
SUMMARY The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) table, with descriptors for the refe- rence l... more SUMMARY The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) table, with descriptors for the refe- rence levels, is by far the most comprehensively annotated table in Europe. Criti- cism of the table tends to misinterpret it, by looking at the EQF from only one per- spective or, at most, two. In this article, we set out to show that the EQF can be un- derstood only if it is considered from at least three perspectives, namely a hierar- chy of education systems, a hierarchy of occupational tasks and functions, and a hierarchy of skills acquisition. In addition to this synchronic view of the descriptors, their development will be analysed in detail, and the reasons for changes in them will be explained. Both the synchronic and diachronic perspectives show that it does not seem to be possible to establish a theoretical basis for the EQF, nor do we claim to achieve this. What we offer is, rather, a hermeneutic approach in order better to understand the meaning of the EQF table.
This is one of a series of four thematic reports prepared within the framework of the 2016 update... more This is one of a series of four thematic reports prepared within the framework of the 2016 update to the European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning. The inventory, together with the European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning, is a major tool supporting the implementation of the 2012 recommendation on validation that calls on Member States to establish, by 2018, validation arrangements allowing individuals to identify, document, assess and certify their competences to obtain a qualification (or parts of it).
Directeur général de la société de conseil aux entreprises 3s et du laboratoire de recherche 3s à... more Directeur général de la société de conseil aux entreprises 3s et du laboratoire de recherche 3s à Vienne (Autriche) Karin Luomi-Messerer Chef de projet et chercheuse au laboratoire de recherche 3s à Vienne (Autriche) RÉSUMÉ Le tableau du CEC avec les descripteurs qu'il contient pour les différents niveaux de référence est le tableau le plus commenté en Europe. Les critiques formulées à son encontre ont cependant tendance à mal l'interpréter, dans la mesure où le CEC est considéré sous un ou, tout au plus, deux angles. Le présent article vise à montrer que pour bien comprendre le CEC, il faut l'examiner au moins sous trois angles et y considérer la hiérarchie des systèmes d'éducation, la hiérarchie des tâches et fonctions professionnelles et la hiérarchie des modes d'acquisition d'aptitudes et de compétences. Outre l'examen synchronique des descripteurs, il procède à une analyse détaillée de leur évolution ainsi que des causes et raisons expliquant les changements apportés. Les deux approches-synchronique et diachronique-montrent qu'il n'est pas possible de fonder le CEC sur une base théorique, et nous ne prétendons pas la fournir. Nous proposons plutôt une approche herméneutique devant contribuer à une meilleure compréhension du tableau du CEC.
Recognising prior learning in order to enhance permeability between vocational education and trai... more Recognising prior learning in order to enhance permeability between vocational education and training (VET) and higher education (HE) is included in European-wide educational policies and high on the official agenda in many European countries. The introduction of accreditation of prior learning (APL)1 is seen as an attempt a) to create new paths in education and training and, in particular, a
Die Entwicklung eines Nationalen Qualifikationsrahmens (NQR) zählt in Österreich derzeit zu den z... more Die Entwicklung eines Nationalen Qualifikationsrahmens (NQR) zählt in Österreich derzeit zu den zentralen bildungspolitischen Themen. 2007 wurde mit der Konzeption eines NQR begonnen und ein Forschungskonsortium zur wissenschaftlichen Begleitung des NQR eingerichtet. Dieser Artikel enthält eine Synopse aktueller Forschungsarbeiten zur NQR Entwicklung in Österreich, die auch die Grundlagen für den Konsultationsprozess bilden werden. Es werden zunächst die Prozess der NQR Entwicklung in Österreich sowie die eingerichteten Organisationsstrukturen beleuchtet. Viele Fragen im Hinblick auf das NQR Design sind zur Zeit noch offen, wie der Einblick in den aktuellen Diskussionsstand zeigt. Zwei zentrale Gestaltungselemente des NQR, die Deskriptoren und die zuzuordnenden Qualifikationen, werden näher analysiert. Es geht dabei u.a. um Fragen der Lernergebnisorientierung oder der Typologisierung österreichischer Qualifikationen. Den Überlegungen aus Österreich zu diesen Themen werden jeweils Ansätze aus anderen Ländern, die zur Zeit ebenfalls an der Entwicklung eines NQR arbeiten oder bereits einen solchen eingeführt haben, gegenübergestellt. National Qualifications Frameworks-current approaches in Austria in comparison with other countries The development of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is currently one of the central themes in education policy. In 2007 initial attempts were made to develop a concept for an NQF, and a research consortium was set up to evaluate the NQF. This article consists of a summary of the current research projects which are underway on the topic of the NQF in Austria. The research will serve as the foundation for the consultation process. First, the process of the development of the NQF in Austria, as well as the organisational structures which have been set up, are examined. Many of the questions regarding the design of the NQF are yet to be answered, as revealed by the examination of the current state of the debate. Two of the central design elements of the NQF-the descriptors and the relevant qualifications are then analysed more closely. This involves questions of outcomes-based learning or the creation of a typology of Austrian qualifications. The reflections in Austria on these topics are then compared with approaches in other countries, which are also currently working on developing National Qualifications Frameworks, or have already introduced them.
Dieser Abschnitt enthält Arbeiten, die Qualitätskultur als eine der Implementierung, Etablierung ... more Dieser Abschnitt enthält Arbeiten, die Qualitätskultur als eine der Implementierung, Etablierung und/oder Nachhaltigkeit von QM-Maßnahmen förderliche Organisationskultur verstehen (ohne dabei notwendigerweise den Begriff Qualitätskultur zu verwenden oder zu definieren) sowie Arbeiten, die allgemein den Zusammenhang zwischen Organisationskultur und QM-Maßnahmen/-praktiken untersuchen. 1.1.1 Zum Zusammenhang von Qualitätsmanagement und Organisationskultur im Bildungsbereich Louis, K. S., & Wahlstrom, K. (2011). Principals as cultural leaders. Phi Delta Kappan, 92(5), 52-56. School culture matters. It's a critical element of effective leadership, and there is increasing evidence from both private and public organizations that organizations with stronger cultures are more adaptable, have higher member motivation and commitment, are more cooperative and better able to resolve conflicts, have greater capacity for innovation, and are more effective in achieving their goals. The central job, and also the most difficult, for school leaders is to shape the school's culture to focus unremitting attention on student learning. Thus, in 2004, we set out to find out how school leaders affect student learning. We talked with over a thousand district office staff, school administrators, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders across the country, and we surveyed more than 8,000 principals and teachers in 164 schools, all within a random sample of nine states that included nearly every type of district. We found that changing a school's culture requires shared or distributed leadership, which engages many stakeholders in major improvement roles, and instructional leadership, in which administrators take responsibility for shaping improvements at the classroom level.
El cuadro del Marco Europeo de Cualificaciones (MEC), con sus descriptores para los niveles de re... more El cuadro del Marco Europeo de Cualificaciones (MEC), con sus descriptores para los niveles de referencia, es sin duda el cuadro más comentado en Europa. Sin em- bargo, las críticas que se le hacen suelen interpretarlo incorrectamente, al consi- derar el MEC desde una única o en el mejor de los casos desde dos perspectivas. El presente artículo pretende mostrar que el MEC sólo puede comprenderse si se emplean para ello tres perspectivas, a saber: una jerarquía de los sistemas edu- cativos, una jerarquía de las tareas y funciones profesionales y una jerarquía de la adquisición de destrezas. Aparte de estas perspectivas sincrónicas de los des- criptores se analiza detenidamente su desarrollo y se exponen los antecedentes y causas de sus modificaciones. Ambas perspectivas -la sincrónica y la diacrónica- muestran que al parecer no es posible dar un fundamento teórico al MEC y noso- tros tampoco pretendemos hacerlo. Más bien ofrecemos un planteamiento her- menéutico para apreciar mejor l...
European Journal of Training and Development, 2021
Purpose This paper aims to draw on a socio-technical perspective to explore how information and c... more Purpose This paper aims to draw on a socio-technical perspective to explore how information and communication technology (ICT) supports the validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL) in specific practices and arrangements. Design/methodology/approach The authors use qualitative content analysis to analyse 43 country reports of the “European inventory on validation” published by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) in 2019. Findings This study conceptualises ICT supported VNFIL practices and arrangements from a socio-technical perspective. Given this, the paper finds that ICT is used mainly to provide information on validation practices and arrangements, store qualification registers online and identify and document learning outcomes. The use of ICT to assess and certify learning outcomes remains limited. Originality/value VNFIL is very rarely seen in a technical context. This paper contributes to a theoretical perspective and highlight...
Magazin erwachsenenbildung.at (2019) 37, 10 S. Padagogische Teildisziplin: Erwachsenenbildung / W... more Magazin erwachsenenbildung.at (2019) 37, 10 S. Padagogische Teildisziplin: Erwachsenenbildung / Weiterbildung; Bildungsorganisation, Bildungsplanung und Bildungsrecht;
The Vocational Qualification Transfer System (VQTS) project is a pilot project that aimed to deve... more The Vocational Qualification Transfer System (VQTS) project is a pilot project that aimed to develop a system to describe the acquirable steps of competence development within a training program as well as those already acquired, in a clear and trans-nationally understandable way. This publication is the final result of the VQTS II project. Following up the original VQTS project, VQTS II focused on transferring and further elaborating methods and procedures for developing the VQTS model by using the ideas and principles described in the original project. Additionally, the VQTS II project elaborates the possibilities for using the VQTS model for enhancing the permeability and progression between VET and practice-oriented, higher education (HE) programs.
Journal of European Industrial Training, 2008
PurposeThe purpose of this article is to look closely at the development of a European Credit Tra... more PurposeThe purpose of this article is to look closely at the development of a European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). The European Commission, together with the member States, are working on it and several pilot projects have been initiated within the Leonardo da Vinci Programme of the European Commission. The problem of the transfer as well as a convincing transparency of vocational competences has yet been developed. The aim is to discuss this in the article.Design/methodology/approachThis contribution illustrates a model using the Dreyfus/Dreyfus approach of acquisition of profiles in such a way that the levels of competence development are not applied to overall professional actions (as shown for pilots, nurses, teachers and others), but to smaller entities of professional profiles.FindingsWhile strongly taking into account work related tasks and contexts (objects, tools, work organisation) the authors define “groups of competencies” and ap...
SUMMARY The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) table, with descriptors for the refe- rence l... more SUMMARY The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) table, with descriptors for the refe- rence levels, is by far the most comprehensively annotated table in Europe. Criti- cism of the table tends to misinterpret it, by looking at the EQF from only one per- spective or, at most, two. In this article, we set out to show that the EQF can be un- derstood only if it is considered from at least three perspectives, namely a hierar- chy of education systems, a hierarchy of occupational tasks and functions, and a hierarchy of skills acquisition. In addition to this synchronic view of the descriptors, their development will be analysed in detail, and the reasons for changes in them will be explained. Both the synchronic and diachronic perspectives show that it does not seem to be possible to establish a theoretical basis for the EQF, nor do we claim to achieve this. What we offer is, rather, a hermeneutic approach in order better to understand the meaning of the EQF table.
This is one of a series of four thematic reports prepared within the framework of the 2016 update... more This is one of a series of four thematic reports prepared within the framework of the 2016 update to the European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning. The inventory, together with the European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning, is a major tool supporting the implementation of the 2012 recommendation on validation that calls on Member States to establish, by 2018, validation arrangements allowing individuals to identify, document, assess and certify their competences to obtain a qualification (or parts of it).
Directeur général de la société de conseil aux entreprises 3s et du laboratoire de recherche 3s à... more Directeur général de la société de conseil aux entreprises 3s et du laboratoire de recherche 3s à Vienne (Autriche) Karin Luomi-Messerer Chef de projet et chercheuse au laboratoire de recherche 3s à Vienne (Autriche) RÉSUMÉ Le tableau du CEC avec les descripteurs qu'il contient pour les différents niveaux de référence est le tableau le plus commenté en Europe. Les critiques formulées à son encontre ont cependant tendance à mal l'interpréter, dans la mesure où le CEC est considéré sous un ou, tout au plus, deux angles. Le présent article vise à montrer que pour bien comprendre le CEC, il faut l'examiner au moins sous trois angles et y considérer la hiérarchie des systèmes d'éducation, la hiérarchie des tâches et fonctions professionnelles et la hiérarchie des modes d'acquisition d'aptitudes et de compétences. Outre l'examen synchronique des descripteurs, il procède à une analyse détaillée de leur évolution ainsi que des causes et raisons expliquant les changements apportés. Les deux approches-synchronique et diachronique-montrent qu'il n'est pas possible de fonder le CEC sur une base théorique, et nous ne prétendons pas la fournir. Nous proposons plutôt une approche herméneutique devant contribuer à une meilleure compréhension du tableau du CEC.
Recognising prior learning in order to enhance permeability between vocational education and trai... more Recognising prior learning in order to enhance permeability between vocational education and training (VET) and higher education (HE) is included in European-wide educational policies and high on the official agenda in many European countries. The introduction of accreditation of prior learning (APL)1 is seen as an attempt a) to create new paths in education and training and, in particular, a
Die Entwicklung eines Nationalen Qualifikationsrahmens (NQR) zählt in Österreich derzeit zu den z... more Die Entwicklung eines Nationalen Qualifikationsrahmens (NQR) zählt in Österreich derzeit zu den zentralen bildungspolitischen Themen. 2007 wurde mit der Konzeption eines NQR begonnen und ein Forschungskonsortium zur wissenschaftlichen Begleitung des NQR eingerichtet. Dieser Artikel enthält eine Synopse aktueller Forschungsarbeiten zur NQR Entwicklung in Österreich, die auch die Grundlagen für den Konsultationsprozess bilden werden. Es werden zunächst die Prozess der NQR Entwicklung in Österreich sowie die eingerichteten Organisationsstrukturen beleuchtet. Viele Fragen im Hinblick auf das NQR Design sind zur Zeit noch offen, wie der Einblick in den aktuellen Diskussionsstand zeigt. Zwei zentrale Gestaltungselemente des NQR, die Deskriptoren und die zuzuordnenden Qualifikationen, werden näher analysiert. Es geht dabei u.a. um Fragen der Lernergebnisorientierung oder der Typologisierung österreichischer Qualifikationen. Den Überlegungen aus Österreich zu diesen Themen werden jeweils Ansätze aus anderen Ländern, die zur Zeit ebenfalls an der Entwicklung eines NQR arbeiten oder bereits einen solchen eingeführt haben, gegenübergestellt. National Qualifications Frameworks-current approaches in Austria in comparison with other countries The development of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is currently one of the central themes in education policy. In 2007 initial attempts were made to develop a concept for an NQF, and a research consortium was set up to evaluate the NQF. This article consists of a summary of the current research projects which are underway on the topic of the NQF in Austria. The research will serve as the foundation for the consultation process. First, the process of the development of the NQF in Austria, as well as the organisational structures which have been set up, are examined. Many of the questions regarding the design of the NQF are yet to be answered, as revealed by the examination of the current state of the debate. Two of the central design elements of the NQF-the descriptors and the relevant qualifications are then analysed more closely. This involves questions of outcomes-based learning or the creation of a typology of Austrian qualifications. The reflections in Austria on these topics are then compared with approaches in other countries, which are also currently working on developing National Qualifications Frameworks, or have already introduced them.