Katarzyna Borowiec-trybulec - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Katarzyna Borowiec-trybulec

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of the quality of female patients life oncologically treated for breast cancer Ocena jakości życia pacjentek leczonych onkologicznie z powodu raka piersi

Introduction: Nowadays, breast cancer is recognised as one in four malignant neoplasm of breast a... more Introduction: Nowadays, breast cancer is recognised as one in four malignant neoplasm of breast among women. It is the second most common cause of death in cancer female patients. The disease often leads to a loss of personal control. Dealing with negative emotions such as uncertainty, anxiety and fear becomes everyday reality. Women struggle with a whole range of negative effects of the disease, which are the reason for resignation and are destructive to the psychophysical sphere. The aim of the paper was to assess the quality of life of women with breast cancer who underwent oncological treatment. Materials and methods: 40 women with diagnosed breast cancer who underwent oncological treatment in the radiotherapy department were assessed. To assess the quality of life, a proprietary survey and QLQ-BR23 questionnaire were used. Results and conclusions: The obtained results showed that the lowest quality of life of the female respondents was registered in the domain determining futur...

Research paper thumbnail of Interdyscyplinarna opieka nad pacjentem z chorobą nowotworową

Opieka nad pacjentem poddanym chemioterapii słowa kluczowe: nowotwór, chemioterapia, pacjent, opi... more Opieka nad pacjentem poddanym chemioterapii słowa kluczowe: nowotwór, chemioterapia, pacjent, opieka Taking care of patient treated with chemotherapy Abstract Chemotherapy is based on giving to the patients with tumors natural or synthetic chemotherapeutic agents which inhibit or destroy the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells. It is a long and diffi cult process of treatment due to the risk of the occurrence of side eff ects, which can be troublesome, even life threatening. It is connected with unfavorable eff ect chemotherapy has on fast dividing healthy cells, especially the bone marrow ones. Chemotherapeutic agents are the group of drugs with variable emetogenic level and are used in multiple schemes of dosing or, rarely, in one drug therapy. Th ey can be administered orally, intravenously into the duct or into the cavity. Th ey can be administered by a nurse who knows how to use them and has experience with taking care of oncology patients. In order to help the patient during the long and diffi cult process of treatment, next to empathy and understanding, the honest cooperation between the nurse and the patient and educating patient and patient's family are necessary. key word: cancer, chemotherapy, patient, care Wprowadzenie Współczesna chemioterapia nowotworów jest stosunkowo młodą, ale bardzo dynamicznie rozwijającą się dziedziną medycyny. Jej rozwój rozpoczął się około 65 lat temu. Przyjmując jednak fakt, że w czasach starożytnych stosowano w leczeniu nowotworów różne trujące miejscowo substancje-mieszaniny zasad, silnych kwasów i alkaloidów roślinnych, można ją także uznać za jedną z najstarszych metod leczenia. W Polsce po raz pierwszy leczenie cytostatykami zastosowano w latach 50. ubiegłego stulecia [1]. Chemioterapia jest jedną z wielu metod leczenia nowotworów złośliwych-obok chirurgii, radioterapii, brachyterapii, hormonoterapii, immunoterapii i biologicznej terapii celowanej. Polega na systemowym leczeniu chorób nowotworowych za pomocą leków cytostatycznych, których działanie ukierunkowane jest na niszczenie niekontrolowanej, szybko dzielącej się komórki nowotworowej. Niestety, cytostaty-1 Klinika Chemioterapii Centrum Onkologii-Instytut im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, Oddział w Krakowie 2 Centrum Onkologii-Instytut im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, Oddział w Krakowie; konsultant wojewódzki w dziedzinie pielęgniarstwa onkologicznego Małgorzata Przywarta Anna Szambelan Problemy pielęgnacyjne u chorego z nowotworem żołądka poddanego chemioterapii. Studium przypadku słowa kluczowe: chemioterapia, skutki uboczne, działania pielęgniarskie Nursing problems in a patient with gastric cancer subjected to chemotherapy. Case study Abstract Chemotherapy is a way of system treatment applied in the advanced stages of cancer disease. However despite of destroying cancer cells cytostatics has their infl uence to the other cells of organism causing undesireable side eff ects. Carefully guided education can signifi cantly reduce those ailments and improve the quality of life. Planned and implemented nursing actions, based on recongnition of needs and issues, causes comfort improvement of patients and right attitude to the threatment and disease.

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of life assessment of oncologically treated patients because of breast cancer

Health Promotion & Physical Activity

Introduction: Currently, in the world, breast cancer is recognized as one in four malignant neopl... more Introduction: Currently, in the world, breast cancer is recognized as one in four malignant neoplasms in women. It is the second most common cause of death in cancer patients. The disease, which is a threat to women’s lives, leads to the loss of personal control, during its duration it becomes everyday life with negative emotions such as uncertainty, anxiety and anxiety. Women have contact with a range of negative effects that the disease provides, causing them to resign and destructive to the psychophysical sphere. Disorders in the physical and mental aspect of body image, side effects of therapy, sexual relations with a partner and anxiety about health in the future are factors that have a huge impact on the quality of life of patients. The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life of women with breast cancer. Materials and methods: The quality of life of 40 women with breast cancer who underwent oncological treatment was assessed using the author’s questionnaire with 12 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of the quality of female patients life oncologically treated for breast cancer Ocena jakości życia pacjentek leczonych onkologicznie z powodu raka piersi

Introduction: Nowadays, breast cancer is recognised as one in four malignant neoplasm of breast a... more Introduction: Nowadays, breast cancer is recognised as one in four malignant neoplasm of breast among women. It is the second most common cause of death in cancer female patients. The disease often leads to a loss of personal control. Dealing with negative emotions such as uncertainty, anxiety and fear becomes everyday reality. Women struggle with a whole range of negative effects of the disease, which are the reason for resignation and are destructive to the psychophysical sphere. The aim of the paper was to assess the quality of life of women with breast cancer who underwent oncological treatment. Materials and methods: 40 women with diagnosed breast cancer who underwent oncological treatment in the radiotherapy department were assessed. To assess the quality of life, a proprietary survey and QLQ-BR23 questionnaire were used. Results and conclusions: The obtained results showed that the lowest quality of life of the female respondents was registered in the domain determining futur...

Research paper thumbnail of Interdyscyplinarna opieka nad pacjentem z chorobą nowotworową

Opieka nad pacjentem poddanym chemioterapii słowa kluczowe: nowotwór, chemioterapia, pacjent, opi... more Opieka nad pacjentem poddanym chemioterapii słowa kluczowe: nowotwór, chemioterapia, pacjent, opieka Taking care of patient treated with chemotherapy Abstract Chemotherapy is based on giving to the patients with tumors natural or synthetic chemotherapeutic agents which inhibit or destroy the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells. It is a long and diffi cult process of treatment due to the risk of the occurrence of side eff ects, which can be troublesome, even life threatening. It is connected with unfavorable eff ect chemotherapy has on fast dividing healthy cells, especially the bone marrow ones. Chemotherapeutic agents are the group of drugs with variable emetogenic level and are used in multiple schemes of dosing or, rarely, in one drug therapy. Th ey can be administered orally, intravenously into the duct or into the cavity. Th ey can be administered by a nurse who knows how to use them and has experience with taking care of oncology patients. In order to help the patient during the long and diffi cult process of treatment, next to empathy and understanding, the honest cooperation between the nurse and the patient and educating patient and patient's family are necessary. key word: cancer, chemotherapy, patient, care Wprowadzenie Współczesna chemioterapia nowotworów jest stosunkowo młodą, ale bardzo dynamicznie rozwijającą się dziedziną medycyny. Jej rozwój rozpoczął się około 65 lat temu. Przyjmując jednak fakt, że w czasach starożytnych stosowano w leczeniu nowotworów różne trujące miejscowo substancje-mieszaniny zasad, silnych kwasów i alkaloidów roślinnych, można ją także uznać za jedną z najstarszych metod leczenia. W Polsce po raz pierwszy leczenie cytostatykami zastosowano w latach 50. ubiegłego stulecia [1]. Chemioterapia jest jedną z wielu metod leczenia nowotworów złośliwych-obok chirurgii, radioterapii, brachyterapii, hormonoterapii, immunoterapii i biologicznej terapii celowanej. Polega na systemowym leczeniu chorób nowotworowych za pomocą leków cytostatycznych, których działanie ukierunkowane jest na niszczenie niekontrolowanej, szybko dzielącej się komórki nowotworowej. Niestety, cytostaty-1 Klinika Chemioterapii Centrum Onkologii-Instytut im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, Oddział w Krakowie 2 Centrum Onkologii-Instytut im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, Oddział w Krakowie; konsultant wojewódzki w dziedzinie pielęgniarstwa onkologicznego Małgorzata Przywarta Anna Szambelan Problemy pielęgnacyjne u chorego z nowotworem żołądka poddanego chemioterapii. Studium przypadku słowa kluczowe: chemioterapia, skutki uboczne, działania pielęgniarskie Nursing problems in a patient with gastric cancer subjected to chemotherapy. Case study Abstract Chemotherapy is a way of system treatment applied in the advanced stages of cancer disease. However despite of destroying cancer cells cytostatics has their infl uence to the other cells of organism causing undesireable side eff ects. Carefully guided education can signifi cantly reduce those ailments and improve the quality of life. Planned and implemented nursing actions, based on recongnition of needs and issues, causes comfort improvement of patients and right attitude to the threatment and disease.

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of life assessment of oncologically treated patients because of breast cancer

Health Promotion & Physical Activity

Introduction: Currently, in the world, breast cancer is recognized as one in four malignant neopl... more Introduction: Currently, in the world, breast cancer is recognized as one in four malignant neoplasms in women. It is the second most common cause of death in cancer patients. The disease, which is a threat to women’s lives, leads to the loss of personal control, during its duration it becomes everyday life with negative emotions such as uncertainty, anxiety and anxiety. Women have contact with a range of negative effects that the disease provides, causing them to resign and destructive to the psychophysical sphere. Disorders in the physical and mental aspect of body image, side effects of therapy, sexual relations with a partner and anxiety about health in the future are factors that have a huge impact on the quality of life of patients. The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life of women with breast cancer. Materials and methods: The quality of life of 40 women with breast cancer who underwent oncological treatment was assessed using the author’s questionnaire with 12 ...