Alim Kaya - (original) (raw)
Papers by Alim Kaya
in this study, a comparison was made bervveen depression levels of university students experienci... more in this study, a comparison was made bervveen depression levels of university students experiencing the 1999 Marmara and Bolu-Duzce earthquakes and those of the ones having no such experiences. in addition, the depression levels of individuals were examined in terms of sex, loss or injury of a family member, frequency of experiencing earthquake, physical status of the house, type of housing, and meeting their needs after the earthquake. Results showed that depression levels of those experiencing earthquake were higher than those of not having such experience. There was a relationship between depression level and sex, loss or injury of a family member, frequency of experience and physical status of the house. There was no relationship betvveen depression after the earthquake and the type of housing and meeting their needs. Keyvvords: earthquake, depression, university students
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences
This study has been conducted to compare attitudes towards violence among adolescents who are vic... more This study has been conducted to compare attitudes towards violence among adolescents who are victims or non-victims of violence. In addition, this current study examines how attitudes towards violence vary according to gender, perpetrator group of violence, type of violence and immigration case. For data collection, Personal Information Form and Attitude towards Violence Scale were used. The research sample composed of 680 middle school students at 8th grade level. In the analysis phase of the study; Mann-Whitney U. and Kruskal Wallis H. tests were utilized. According to the results, attitudes toward violence vary depending on exposure to violence, gender, perpetrator group of violence and immigration case. However, victims’ attitudes towards violence do not vary depending on type of violence. It can be said that the students who are exposed to violence at school or in their family normalize the violence and see the violence as a problem-solving way in daily life.Keywords: violen...
Kişilerarası ilişkiler ve etkili iletişim, 2017
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2008
Pegem Eğitim ve Öğretim Dergisi, 2018
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2005
The purpose of this study was to adapt the Children's Loneliness Scale (Asher&VVheeler, 1... more The purpose of this study was to adapt the Children's Loneliness Scale (Asher&VVheeler, 1985) to Turkish, and establish the validity and the reliability studies of this scale. For this purpose, the scale, which was developed to measure the loneliness levels of students from third grade to sixth grade, was administered to 1683 (863 girls, 820 boys) students who also involved seventh and eight grade students from low, middle and high socio-economic class. Factor analysis was done via conducting the principal component analysis. it was seen at the end of the factor analysis that 11 items for 3rcl-4ih grades and 15 items for 5 th -8 th grades shovv a single factor structure respectively. Internal consistency coefficent of the scale was found as .87 for both grade levels, and reliability coefficents calculated through test- retest method were found as .76 for 3rd-4hh grades and .87 for 5 th -8 ih grades. in addition, it was investigated vvhether the scale was able to distinguish the popular and the rejected students' level of loneliness, and it was found that there was a significant differ-ence between the scores of these two groups. Results vvere discussed and some suggestions vvere presented in accordance with the findings.
Yaşadıkça Eğitim, 2018
Bu araştırmada Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nde eğitim gören KKTC'li ve T.C.'li üniv... more Bu araştırmada Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nde eğitim gören KKTC'li ve T.C.'li üniversite öğrencilerinin üniversiteye uyum ve psikolojik yardım aramaya ilişkin görüşleri incelenmiştir. Nitel araştırma desenlerinden durum çalışması olarak gerçekleştirilen bu araştırmada, çalışma grubu 16'sı (8 kadın, 8 erkek) T.C. uyruklu ve 16'sı (8 kadın, 8 erkek) KKTC uyruklu lisans öğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. Dört farklı görüşme formu kullanılan araştırmada, öğrencilerin üniversiteye gelme kararları, üniversitede yaşamış oldukları uyum sorunları, uyum sorunlarıyla baş etme stratejileri, ailelerinin yanında veya ayrı eğitim almaları, üniversiteye aidiyet duyguları ve psikolojik yardım aramaları ile ilgili görüşleri alınmıştır. Görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler üzerinde betimsel analiz yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda kendi ailelerinin yanında eğitim alan KKTC'li öğrencilerin ailesinden ayrı eğitim alan T.C.'li öğrencilere göre ailesinden çok kendi kararı ile bulund...
Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik, 2002
There are two objectives of the present study. The first objective is to develop a measurement to... more There are two objectives of the present study. The first objective is to develop a measurement tool to be used in determination of career values of high school students. The second objective of the study is to determine the levels and to rank high school students' career values based on gender and professional areas they want to choose in the future. The study was conducted with 1736 (female = 801, male = 935) high school students. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to determine the construct validity of the inventory. As a result of exploratory factor analysis, the inventory included 35 items and 9 sub-dimensions (financial gain, leadership, independence, aid, use of physical properties, work health, creativity, friendship and teamwork) and explained 65% of the total variance, the eigenvalue of the inventory was 22.58. Factor load values for the inventory items varied between .53 and .82. The construct obtained as a result of confirmatory factor analysi...
Bu arastirmanin amaci lise ogrencilerinin akademik erteleme davranislari ile mukemmeliyetcilik du... more Bu arastirmanin amaci lise ogrencilerinin akademik erteleme davranislari ile mukemmeliyetcilik duzeyleri arasindaki iliskilerde benlik saygisinin araci rolunu incelemektir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu 381'i (%55,8) kiz, 302'si (%44,2) erkek olmak uzere toplam 683 lise ogrencisi olusturmustur. Veri toplama araclari olarak; Kisisel Bilgi Formu, Akademik Erteleme Olcegi (Cakici, 2003), Cok Boyutlu Mukemmeliyetcilik Olcegi (Ozbay ve Misirli-Tasdemir, 2003), ve Rosenberg Benlik Saygisi Olcegi (Cuhadaroglu, 1986) kullanilmistir. Verilerin analizinde dogrulayici faktor analizi (DFA), Pearson Korelasyon analizi, aracilik etkisini belirlemek amaciyla yapisal esitlik modeliyle yol analizi ve aracilik etkisinin anlamliligini belirlemek icin Bootstrap analizi yapilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda degiskenler arasinda anlamli iliskiler oldugu gozlenmistir. Akademik erteleme davranisi ile mukemmeliyetcilik duzeyi arasindaki iliskilerde benlik saygisinin tam araci rolunun oldugu gorulmustur....
e-International Journal of Educational Research, 2017
Ozet: Bu arastirmada, ortaokul ogrencilerinde okula aidiyet duygusu ile okul temelli yalnizlik ar... more Ozet: Bu arastirmada, ortaokul ogrencilerinde okula aidiyet duygusu ile okul temelli yalnizlik arasinda okul ikliminin aracilik rolu ustlenip ustlenmedigi incelenmistir. Arastirmada, iliskisel modelde yordayici korelasyonel desen kullanilmistir. Okul ikliminin araci rolunun; dogrudan ve dolayli etkilerinin belirlenmesi icin YEM ve Bootstrap Yontemi kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin evrenini Mersin ilinin merkez ilcelerindeki ortaokul ogrencileri olusturmaktadir. Orneklemi ise basit seckisiz ornekleme yonteminden tabakali ornekleme yolu ile her sosyo ekonomik duzeyden secilen okullardan toplanan toplam 458 ogrenci olusturmaktadir. Arastirmada, Okula Aidiyet Duygusu Olcegi, Okul Iklimi Olcegi ve Okul Temelli Yalnizlik Olcegi kullanilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda okula aidiyet duygusu ile okul temelli yalnizlik arasindaki iliskide okul ikliminin alt boyutlarinin (destekleyici ogretmen davranislari, guvenli ogrenme ortami ve olumlu akran etkilesimi) araci rolu ustlendigi saptanmistir. Anahtar ...
Bu arastirmada, ilkogretim ikinci kademe ogrencile rinin sosyometrik statUleri ile benlik kavrami... more Bu arastirmada, ilkogretim ikinci kademe ogrencile rinin sosyometrik statUleri ile benlik kavrami ve yalniz lik dUzeyleri arasiiidaki iliskiler incelenmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini alti, yedi ve sekizinci sl1lifa devam eden 407 ogrenci olustunniistur (193 kiz, 214 erkek; 6. sinif 114, 7. Siiiif 148, 8. sinif 145; 12 yas 85, 13 yas 147, 14 yas 175). Ogrencilerin yal11lzlikdUzeyleri Rus sel, Peplau ve Ferguson tarafindan gelistirilen ve De mir (1989) tarafindan TUrk kulturUne uyarlanan UCLA Yalnizlik Olcegi, benlik kavrami dUzeyleri ise Ozyurek (1983) tarafindan TUrk kUlturune uyarlanan Piers-Har ris Benlik Kavrami Envanteri ile olcuimUstUr. Sosyo metrik verilerin toplanmasi ve sosyometrik siniflamanin yapilmasinda Coie, Dodge ve Coppotelli (1982) tara findan onerilen klasik sosyometrik siniflama yontemi kullanilmis ve buna gore ogrenciler populer, reddedilen, ihmal edilen, ihtilafli ve ortalama ogrenciler olmak Uzere bes sosyometrik kategoriye ayrilmistir. Sonuclar farkli sosyomet...
The present study is an investigation of the relationship of sociometric status, self concept, an... more The present study is an investigation of the relationship of sociometric status, self concept, and loneliness levels of secondary school students. Participant were 407 six, seven, and eight grade students (193 girls and 214 boys). Lolleliness levels of the students were measured by Turkish version of UCLA Loneliness Scale that was adapted Turkish culture by Demir (1989). Sociometric data were gathered by using positive and negative 110minatiol1measure in which participants were classified into one of five groups (popular, rejected, neglected, controversial, and average). The scores obtained from this measure were evaluated by a method that of Coie, Dodge, and Coppotelli's (1982) standart score approach. Selfconcept levels of the students were measured by Turkish version of Piers-Harris SelfConcept [nventory, adapted to Turkish culture by Özyürek (1983). Results revealed that sociometric status was significantly related to loneliness, and self-concept. Results are discussed and s...
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the demographic characteristics of students app... more The main purpose of this study was to investigate the demographic characteristics of students applied/referred to the elementary school guidance and counseling services. These students were examined according to admission/referral reasons and admission reference in a four year period. In this study, 186 individual admissions to school guidance and counseling service between the dates September 2005 and June 2009 were analyzed retrospectively. Results showed that all grade levels except kindergarten, first and second grade students, teachers and parents applied to school guidance and counseling service; in kindergarten, first grade and second grade students were referred to school guidance and counseling service by their parents or teachers. Also while in elementary period, most of the students were referred to school guidance and counseling service by their parents and teachers, in middle school period most of the students were admitted to school guidance and counseling service them...
Bu arastirmanin amaci lise ogrencilerine yonelik olarak ‘Meslek Seciminde Aile Destegi Olcegi (ME... more Bu arastirmanin amaci lise ogrencilerine yonelik olarak ‘Meslek Seciminde Aile Destegi Olcegi (MESADO)’nin gelistirilmesidir. Arastirmada yapi gecerligini belirlemek icin aciklayici ve dogrulayici faktor analizi ile benzer olcek gecerligi analizi yapilmistir. Olcegin aciklayici faktor analizi icin 450 (259 kiz, 191 erkek) ogrenciye ulasilmis ve elde edilen veriler uzerinde yapilan analizler sonucunda iki faktorlu ve 18 maddeli bir yapi elde edilmistir. 18 maddelik yapinin test edilmesi amaciyla 218 ogrenci (110 kiz, 108 erkek) uzerinde dogrulayici faktor analizi yapilmistir. Dogrulayici faktor analizi sonuclari elde edilen yapinin dogrulandigi ortaya koymustur. Meslek seciminde aile destegi olceginden elde edilen olcumlerin guvenirligi ic tutarlilik guvenirlik katsayisi ve test-tekrar-test guvenirlik yontemleri ile incelenmistir. Elde edilen bulgular ‘Meslek Seciminde Aile Destegi Olcegi’nin gecerli ve guvenilir bir olcme araci oldugunu ortaya koymaktadir.
Bu calismada, dokuzuncu sinif ogrencilerine yonelik olarak, Kirdok (2010) tarafindan gelistirilen... more Bu calismada, dokuzuncu sinif ogrencilerine yonelik olarak, Kirdok (2010) tarafindan gelistirilen bilgiyi isleme kurami temelli mesleki karar verme grup rehberligi programinin onuncu sinif ogrencilerinin mesleki kararsizlik duzeyleri uzerindeki etkililigi sinanmistir. Bu amacla bir lisenin 10.sinifinda ogrenim gormekte olan 16’si deney, 16’si kontrol grubunda olmak uzere 32 ogrenci calisma grubu olarak belirlenmistir. Arastirmada 2x2’lik bir split-pilot ya da karisik desen olarak da tanimlanabilen on test-son test kontrol gruplu desen kullanilmistir. Veri toplama araci olarak mesleki karar verme egitim programi oncesi ve sonrasinda mesleki kararsizlik duzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaciyla Cakir (2004) tarafindan gelistirilen Mesleki Karar Envanteri kullanilmistir. Deney grubundaki ogrencilerle birinci arastirmaci tarafindan yurutulen mesleki karar verme programi haftada bir 70-80 dakikalik oturumlar seklinde 10 oturum olarak uygulanmistir. Yapilan analizlerde deney ve kontrol gruplarin...
in this study, a comparison was made bervveen depression levels of university students experienci... more in this study, a comparison was made bervveen depression levels of university students experiencing the 1999 Marmara and Bolu-Duzce earthquakes and those of the ones having no such experiences. in addition, the depression levels of individuals were examined in terms of sex, loss or injury of a family member, frequency of experiencing earthquake, physical status of the house, type of housing, and meeting their needs after the earthquake. Results showed that depression levels of those experiencing earthquake were higher than those of not having such experience. There was a relationship between depression level and sex, loss or injury of a family member, frequency of experience and physical status of the house. There was no relationship betvveen depression after the earthquake and the type of housing and meeting their needs. Keyvvords: earthquake, depression, university students
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences
This study has been conducted to compare attitudes towards violence among adolescents who are vic... more This study has been conducted to compare attitudes towards violence among adolescents who are victims or non-victims of violence. In addition, this current study examines how attitudes towards violence vary according to gender, perpetrator group of violence, type of violence and immigration case. For data collection, Personal Information Form and Attitude towards Violence Scale were used. The research sample composed of 680 middle school students at 8th grade level. In the analysis phase of the study; Mann-Whitney U. and Kruskal Wallis H. tests were utilized. According to the results, attitudes toward violence vary depending on exposure to violence, gender, perpetrator group of violence and immigration case. However, victims’ attitudes towards violence do not vary depending on type of violence. It can be said that the students who are exposed to violence at school or in their family normalize the violence and see the violence as a problem-solving way in daily life.Keywords: violen...
Kişilerarası ilişkiler ve etkili iletişim, 2017
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2008
Pegem Eğitim ve Öğretim Dergisi, 2018
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2005
The purpose of this study was to adapt the Children's Loneliness Scale (Asher&VVheeler, 1... more The purpose of this study was to adapt the Children's Loneliness Scale (Asher&VVheeler, 1985) to Turkish, and establish the validity and the reliability studies of this scale. For this purpose, the scale, which was developed to measure the loneliness levels of students from third grade to sixth grade, was administered to 1683 (863 girls, 820 boys) students who also involved seventh and eight grade students from low, middle and high socio-economic class. Factor analysis was done via conducting the principal component analysis. it was seen at the end of the factor analysis that 11 items for 3rcl-4ih grades and 15 items for 5 th -8 th grades shovv a single factor structure respectively. Internal consistency coefficent of the scale was found as .87 for both grade levels, and reliability coefficents calculated through test- retest method were found as .76 for 3rd-4hh grades and .87 for 5 th -8 ih grades. in addition, it was investigated vvhether the scale was able to distinguish the popular and the rejected students' level of loneliness, and it was found that there was a significant differ-ence between the scores of these two groups. Results vvere discussed and some suggestions vvere presented in accordance with the findings.
Yaşadıkça Eğitim, 2018
Bu araştırmada Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nde eğitim gören KKTC'li ve T.C.'li üniv... more Bu araştırmada Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nde eğitim gören KKTC'li ve T.C.'li üniversite öğrencilerinin üniversiteye uyum ve psikolojik yardım aramaya ilişkin görüşleri incelenmiştir. Nitel araştırma desenlerinden durum çalışması olarak gerçekleştirilen bu araştırmada, çalışma grubu 16'sı (8 kadın, 8 erkek) T.C. uyruklu ve 16'sı (8 kadın, 8 erkek) KKTC uyruklu lisans öğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. Dört farklı görüşme formu kullanılan araştırmada, öğrencilerin üniversiteye gelme kararları, üniversitede yaşamış oldukları uyum sorunları, uyum sorunlarıyla baş etme stratejileri, ailelerinin yanında veya ayrı eğitim almaları, üniversiteye aidiyet duyguları ve psikolojik yardım aramaları ile ilgili görüşleri alınmıştır. Görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler üzerinde betimsel analiz yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda kendi ailelerinin yanında eğitim alan KKTC'li öğrencilerin ailesinden ayrı eğitim alan T.C.'li öğrencilere göre ailesinden çok kendi kararı ile bulund...
Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik, 2002
There are two objectives of the present study. The first objective is to develop a measurement to... more There are two objectives of the present study. The first objective is to develop a measurement tool to be used in determination of career values of high school students. The second objective of the study is to determine the levels and to rank high school students' career values based on gender and professional areas they want to choose in the future. The study was conducted with 1736 (female = 801, male = 935) high school students. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to determine the construct validity of the inventory. As a result of exploratory factor analysis, the inventory included 35 items and 9 sub-dimensions (financial gain, leadership, independence, aid, use of physical properties, work health, creativity, friendship and teamwork) and explained 65% of the total variance, the eigenvalue of the inventory was 22.58. Factor load values for the inventory items varied between .53 and .82. The construct obtained as a result of confirmatory factor analysi...
Bu arastirmanin amaci lise ogrencilerinin akademik erteleme davranislari ile mukemmeliyetcilik du... more Bu arastirmanin amaci lise ogrencilerinin akademik erteleme davranislari ile mukemmeliyetcilik duzeyleri arasindaki iliskilerde benlik saygisinin araci rolunu incelemektir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu 381'i (%55,8) kiz, 302'si (%44,2) erkek olmak uzere toplam 683 lise ogrencisi olusturmustur. Veri toplama araclari olarak; Kisisel Bilgi Formu, Akademik Erteleme Olcegi (Cakici, 2003), Cok Boyutlu Mukemmeliyetcilik Olcegi (Ozbay ve Misirli-Tasdemir, 2003), ve Rosenberg Benlik Saygisi Olcegi (Cuhadaroglu, 1986) kullanilmistir. Verilerin analizinde dogrulayici faktor analizi (DFA), Pearson Korelasyon analizi, aracilik etkisini belirlemek amaciyla yapisal esitlik modeliyle yol analizi ve aracilik etkisinin anlamliligini belirlemek icin Bootstrap analizi yapilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda degiskenler arasinda anlamli iliskiler oldugu gozlenmistir. Akademik erteleme davranisi ile mukemmeliyetcilik duzeyi arasindaki iliskilerde benlik saygisinin tam araci rolunun oldugu gorulmustur....
e-International Journal of Educational Research, 2017
Ozet: Bu arastirmada, ortaokul ogrencilerinde okula aidiyet duygusu ile okul temelli yalnizlik ar... more Ozet: Bu arastirmada, ortaokul ogrencilerinde okula aidiyet duygusu ile okul temelli yalnizlik arasinda okul ikliminin aracilik rolu ustlenip ustlenmedigi incelenmistir. Arastirmada, iliskisel modelde yordayici korelasyonel desen kullanilmistir. Okul ikliminin araci rolunun; dogrudan ve dolayli etkilerinin belirlenmesi icin YEM ve Bootstrap Yontemi kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin evrenini Mersin ilinin merkez ilcelerindeki ortaokul ogrencileri olusturmaktadir. Orneklemi ise basit seckisiz ornekleme yonteminden tabakali ornekleme yolu ile her sosyo ekonomik duzeyden secilen okullardan toplanan toplam 458 ogrenci olusturmaktadir. Arastirmada, Okula Aidiyet Duygusu Olcegi, Okul Iklimi Olcegi ve Okul Temelli Yalnizlik Olcegi kullanilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda okula aidiyet duygusu ile okul temelli yalnizlik arasindaki iliskide okul ikliminin alt boyutlarinin (destekleyici ogretmen davranislari, guvenli ogrenme ortami ve olumlu akran etkilesimi) araci rolu ustlendigi saptanmistir. Anahtar ...
Bu arastirmada, ilkogretim ikinci kademe ogrencile rinin sosyometrik statUleri ile benlik kavrami... more Bu arastirmada, ilkogretim ikinci kademe ogrencile rinin sosyometrik statUleri ile benlik kavrami ve yalniz lik dUzeyleri arasiiidaki iliskiler incelenmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini alti, yedi ve sekizinci sl1lifa devam eden 407 ogrenci olustunniistur (193 kiz, 214 erkek; 6. sinif 114, 7. Siiiif 148, 8. sinif 145; 12 yas 85, 13 yas 147, 14 yas 175). Ogrencilerin yal11lzlikdUzeyleri Rus sel, Peplau ve Ferguson tarafindan gelistirilen ve De mir (1989) tarafindan TUrk kulturUne uyarlanan UCLA Yalnizlik Olcegi, benlik kavrami dUzeyleri ise Ozyurek (1983) tarafindan TUrk kUlturune uyarlanan Piers-Har ris Benlik Kavrami Envanteri ile olcuimUstUr. Sosyo metrik verilerin toplanmasi ve sosyometrik siniflamanin yapilmasinda Coie, Dodge ve Coppotelli (1982) tara findan onerilen klasik sosyometrik siniflama yontemi kullanilmis ve buna gore ogrenciler populer, reddedilen, ihmal edilen, ihtilafli ve ortalama ogrenciler olmak Uzere bes sosyometrik kategoriye ayrilmistir. Sonuclar farkli sosyomet...
The present study is an investigation of the relationship of sociometric status, self concept, an... more The present study is an investigation of the relationship of sociometric status, self concept, and loneliness levels of secondary school students. Participant were 407 six, seven, and eight grade students (193 girls and 214 boys). Lolleliness levels of the students were measured by Turkish version of UCLA Loneliness Scale that was adapted Turkish culture by Demir (1989). Sociometric data were gathered by using positive and negative 110minatiol1measure in which participants were classified into one of five groups (popular, rejected, neglected, controversial, and average). The scores obtained from this measure were evaluated by a method that of Coie, Dodge, and Coppotelli's (1982) standart score approach. Selfconcept levels of the students were measured by Turkish version of Piers-Harris SelfConcept [nventory, adapted to Turkish culture by Özyürek (1983). Results revealed that sociometric status was significantly related to loneliness, and self-concept. Results are discussed and s...
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the demographic characteristics of students app... more The main purpose of this study was to investigate the demographic characteristics of students applied/referred to the elementary school guidance and counseling services. These students were examined according to admission/referral reasons and admission reference in a four year period. In this study, 186 individual admissions to school guidance and counseling service between the dates September 2005 and June 2009 were analyzed retrospectively. Results showed that all grade levels except kindergarten, first and second grade students, teachers and parents applied to school guidance and counseling service; in kindergarten, first grade and second grade students were referred to school guidance and counseling service by their parents or teachers. Also while in elementary period, most of the students were referred to school guidance and counseling service by their parents and teachers, in middle school period most of the students were admitted to school guidance and counseling service them...
Bu arastirmanin amaci lise ogrencilerine yonelik olarak ‘Meslek Seciminde Aile Destegi Olcegi (ME... more Bu arastirmanin amaci lise ogrencilerine yonelik olarak ‘Meslek Seciminde Aile Destegi Olcegi (MESADO)’nin gelistirilmesidir. Arastirmada yapi gecerligini belirlemek icin aciklayici ve dogrulayici faktor analizi ile benzer olcek gecerligi analizi yapilmistir. Olcegin aciklayici faktor analizi icin 450 (259 kiz, 191 erkek) ogrenciye ulasilmis ve elde edilen veriler uzerinde yapilan analizler sonucunda iki faktorlu ve 18 maddeli bir yapi elde edilmistir. 18 maddelik yapinin test edilmesi amaciyla 218 ogrenci (110 kiz, 108 erkek) uzerinde dogrulayici faktor analizi yapilmistir. Dogrulayici faktor analizi sonuclari elde edilen yapinin dogrulandigi ortaya koymustur. Meslek seciminde aile destegi olceginden elde edilen olcumlerin guvenirligi ic tutarlilik guvenirlik katsayisi ve test-tekrar-test guvenirlik yontemleri ile incelenmistir. Elde edilen bulgular ‘Meslek Seciminde Aile Destegi Olcegi’nin gecerli ve guvenilir bir olcme araci oldugunu ortaya koymaktadir.
Bu calismada, dokuzuncu sinif ogrencilerine yonelik olarak, Kirdok (2010) tarafindan gelistirilen... more Bu calismada, dokuzuncu sinif ogrencilerine yonelik olarak, Kirdok (2010) tarafindan gelistirilen bilgiyi isleme kurami temelli mesleki karar verme grup rehberligi programinin onuncu sinif ogrencilerinin mesleki kararsizlik duzeyleri uzerindeki etkililigi sinanmistir. Bu amacla bir lisenin 10.sinifinda ogrenim gormekte olan 16’si deney, 16’si kontrol grubunda olmak uzere 32 ogrenci calisma grubu olarak belirlenmistir. Arastirmada 2x2’lik bir split-pilot ya da karisik desen olarak da tanimlanabilen on test-son test kontrol gruplu desen kullanilmistir. Veri toplama araci olarak mesleki karar verme egitim programi oncesi ve sonrasinda mesleki kararsizlik duzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaciyla Cakir (2004) tarafindan gelistirilen Mesleki Karar Envanteri kullanilmistir. Deney grubundaki ogrencilerle birinci arastirmaci tarafindan yurutulen mesleki karar verme programi haftada bir 70-80 dakikalik oturumlar seklinde 10 oturum olarak uygulanmistir. Yapilan analizlerde deney ve kontrol gruplarin...