Ken Resnicow - (original) (raw)

Papers by Ken Resnicow

Research paper thumbnail of Toward the thinking curriculum: Current cognitive research

Publikationsansicht. 6880399. Toward the Thinking Curriculum: Current Cognitive Research (1989). ...

Research paper thumbnail of Joining Society

Research paper thumbnail of Instructional validity, opportunity to learn and equity: New standards examinations for the California mathematics renaissance

The study used data from the Spring 1996 administration of the New Standards Mathematics Referenc... more The study used data from the Spring 1996 administration of the New Standards Mathematics Reference Examination for Middle Grades to examine the instructional validity of the Reference Examination, opportunity to learn and equity in the context of the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Math and Science Education

Research paper thumbnail of Gimme 5 Fruit, Juice, and Vegetables for Fun and Health: Outcome Evaluation

Health Education & Behavior, 2000

A theory-based multicomponent intervention (Gimme 5) was designed and implemented to impact fourt... more A theory-based multicomponent intervention (Gimme 5) was designed and implemented to impact fourth- and fifth-grade children’s fruit, juice, and vegetable (FJV) consumption and related psychosocial variables. Gimme 5 was a randomized controlled intervention trial with school ( n = 16 elementary) as unit of random assignment and analysis. Participants included the cohort of students who were in the third grade in the winter of 1994 and students who joined them in the fourth and fifth grades. The intervention included a curriculum, newsletters, videotapes, and point-of-purchase education. Evaluation included 7-day food records and psychosocial measures from students, telephone interviews with parents, and observational assessments. Favorable results were observed for consumption of FJV combined, FJV consumed at weekday lunch, eating FJV self-efficacy, social norms, asking behaviors, and knowledge. A theory-based school nutrition education program can help change children’s FJV consump...

Research paper thumbnail of Task, text, and talk: Literacy for all subjects

Reading, 2006

An important and difficult challenge facing education today is raising the literacy achievement o... more An important and difficult challenge facing education today is raising the literacy achievement of secondary school students. Some schools tackle this challenge by training whole faculties in generic reading and writing strategies to implement across the curriculum. But many ...

Research paper thumbnail of American Educational Research Association

Research paper thumbnail of A Randomized, Controlled Effectiveness Trial of an AIDS Prevention Program for Low-Income African-American Youths

Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 1996

Some interventions to reduce the risk of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) that targe... more Some interventions to reduce the risk of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) that target youths have resulted in short-term increases in self-reported condom use. However, long-term intervention effects have not been assessed. Can a theoretically and culturally based, AIDS-risk reduction intervention delivered to naturally formed peer groups increase self-reported condom use among African-American early adolescents at 6 and 12 months of follow-up? A randomized, controlled trial of a community-based intervention delivered in eight weekly sessions involved 76 naturally formed peer groups consisting of 383 (206 intervention and 177 control) African-American youths 9 to 15 years of age. A theory-based, culturally and developmentally tailored instrument that assessed perceptions, intentions, and self-reported sexual behaviors was administered to all subjects at baseline (preintervention) and 6 and 12 months later. At baseline, 36% of youths were sexually experienced, and by 12 months of follow-up, 49% were sexually experienced. Self-reported condom use rates were significantly higher among intervention than control youths (85% vs 61%; P<.05) at the 6-month follow-up. However, by 12 months, rates were no longer significantly higher among intervention youths. The intervention impact at 6 months was especially strong among boys (85% vs 57%; P<.05) and among early teens (13 to 15 years old) (95% vs 60%; P<.01). Self-reported condom use intention was also increased among intervention youths at 6 months but not at 12 months. Some perceptions were positively affected at 6 months, but the change did not persist at 12 months. High rates of sexual intercourse underscore the urgent need for effective AIDS-risk reduction interventions that target low-income urban, African-American preteens and early teens. A developmentally and culturally tailored intervention based on social-cognitive theory and delivered to naturally formed peer groups recruited from community settings can increase self-reported condom use. The strong short-term improvements in behaviors and intentions followed by some relapse over longer periods argue for a strengthened program and research focus on sustainability.

Research paper thumbnail of Designing Learning Analytics for Teacher Learning: An Analytics-Supported Teacher Professional Development (ASTPD) Approach

Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Jun 1, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Motivation and affect in peer argumentation and socio- cognitive conflict

International Conference of Learning Sciences, Jun 1, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of An Analytic Tool for Supporting Teachers' Reflection on Classroom Talk

Teachers can reflect on and analyze their classroom talk to inform their instructional practice. ... more Teachers can reflect on and analyze their classroom talk to inform their instructional practice. When teachers try to do so however, they often face analytic difficulties regarding the data set (data input, data transformation, and utterances by unknown speakers), coding (coding complexity, reliability, and efficiency), visualization (representations of a variety of information, synchronization of displays, and adaptation to the data/codes changes), and tracking and comparison (many students’ actions across discussion sessions). This paper introduces an analytic tool called classroom discourse analyzer (CDA) to address these difficulties, as shown in the analyses of classroom discourse from a fourth grade science class. The analyses demonstrate how CDA can be used by teachers to support their reflection on classroom talk and how it can provide personalized, data-supported evidence to inform teachers’ classroom practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Shared cognition: Thinking as social practice

Perspectives on socially shared cognition.

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections on the Future of NAEP: Instrument for Monitoring or for Accountability?

Research paper thumbnail of Performance Puzzles: Issues in Measuring Capabilities and Certifying Accomplishments

Research paper thumbnail of Follow Through: Program Approaches, School Year 1970-71

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive Science and Instruction. 1985/13

Research paper thumbnail of Class Size: Counting Students Can Count. Research Points, Volume 1, Number 2, Fall 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Supportive technologies for group discussion in MOOCs

Research paper thumbnail of Collaborative vs Individual Learning and the Role of Explanations

Research paper thumbnail of Task Sequence and Overtraining in Children's Learning and Transfer of Double Classification Skills

Research paper thumbnail of Toward the thinking curriculum: Current cognitive research

Publikationsansicht. 6880399. Toward the Thinking Curriculum: Current Cognitive Research (1989). ...

Research paper thumbnail of Joining Society

Research paper thumbnail of Instructional validity, opportunity to learn and equity: New standards examinations for the California mathematics renaissance

The study used data from the Spring 1996 administration of the New Standards Mathematics Referenc... more The study used data from the Spring 1996 administration of the New Standards Mathematics Reference Examination for Middle Grades to examine the instructional validity of the Reference Examination, opportunity to learn and equity in the context of the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Math and Science Education

Research paper thumbnail of Gimme 5 Fruit, Juice, and Vegetables for Fun and Health: Outcome Evaluation

Health Education & Behavior, 2000

A theory-based multicomponent intervention (Gimme 5) was designed and implemented to impact fourt... more A theory-based multicomponent intervention (Gimme 5) was designed and implemented to impact fourth- and fifth-grade children’s fruit, juice, and vegetable (FJV) consumption and related psychosocial variables. Gimme 5 was a randomized controlled intervention trial with school ( n = 16 elementary) as unit of random assignment and analysis. Participants included the cohort of students who were in the third grade in the winter of 1994 and students who joined them in the fourth and fifth grades. The intervention included a curriculum, newsletters, videotapes, and point-of-purchase education. Evaluation included 7-day food records and psychosocial measures from students, telephone interviews with parents, and observational assessments. Favorable results were observed for consumption of FJV combined, FJV consumed at weekday lunch, eating FJV self-efficacy, social norms, asking behaviors, and knowledge. A theory-based school nutrition education program can help change children’s FJV consump...

Research paper thumbnail of Task, text, and talk: Literacy for all subjects

Reading, 2006

An important and difficult challenge facing education today is raising the literacy achievement o... more An important and difficult challenge facing education today is raising the literacy achievement of secondary school students. Some schools tackle this challenge by training whole faculties in generic reading and writing strategies to implement across the curriculum. But many ...

Research paper thumbnail of American Educational Research Association

Research paper thumbnail of A Randomized, Controlled Effectiveness Trial of an AIDS Prevention Program for Low-Income African-American Youths

Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 1996

Some interventions to reduce the risk of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) that targe... more Some interventions to reduce the risk of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) that target youths have resulted in short-term increases in self-reported condom use. However, long-term intervention effects have not been assessed. Can a theoretically and culturally based, AIDS-risk reduction intervention delivered to naturally formed peer groups increase self-reported condom use among African-American early adolescents at 6 and 12 months of follow-up? A randomized, controlled trial of a community-based intervention delivered in eight weekly sessions involved 76 naturally formed peer groups consisting of 383 (206 intervention and 177 control) African-American youths 9 to 15 years of age. A theory-based, culturally and developmentally tailored instrument that assessed perceptions, intentions, and self-reported sexual behaviors was administered to all subjects at baseline (preintervention) and 6 and 12 months later. At baseline, 36% of youths were sexually experienced, and by 12 months of follow-up, 49% were sexually experienced. Self-reported condom use rates were significantly higher among intervention than control youths (85% vs 61%; P<.05) at the 6-month follow-up. However, by 12 months, rates were no longer significantly higher among intervention youths. The intervention impact at 6 months was especially strong among boys (85% vs 57%; P<.05) and among early teens (13 to 15 years old) (95% vs 60%; P<.01). Self-reported condom use intention was also increased among intervention youths at 6 months but not at 12 months. Some perceptions were positively affected at 6 months, but the change did not persist at 12 months. High rates of sexual intercourse underscore the urgent need for effective AIDS-risk reduction interventions that target low-income urban, African-American preteens and early teens. A developmentally and culturally tailored intervention based on social-cognitive theory and delivered to naturally formed peer groups recruited from community settings can increase self-reported condom use. The strong short-term improvements in behaviors and intentions followed by some relapse over longer periods argue for a strengthened program and research focus on sustainability.

Research paper thumbnail of Designing Learning Analytics for Teacher Learning: An Analytics-Supported Teacher Professional Development (ASTPD) Approach

Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Jun 1, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Motivation and affect in peer argumentation and socio- cognitive conflict

International Conference of Learning Sciences, Jun 1, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of An Analytic Tool for Supporting Teachers' Reflection on Classroom Talk

Teachers can reflect on and analyze their classroom talk to inform their instructional practice. ... more Teachers can reflect on and analyze their classroom talk to inform their instructional practice. When teachers try to do so however, they often face analytic difficulties regarding the data set (data input, data transformation, and utterances by unknown speakers), coding (coding complexity, reliability, and efficiency), visualization (representations of a variety of information, synchronization of displays, and adaptation to the data/codes changes), and tracking and comparison (many students’ actions across discussion sessions). This paper introduces an analytic tool called classroom discourse analyzer (CDA) to address these difficulties, as shown in the analyses of classroom discourse from a fourth grade science class. The analyses demonstrate how CDA can be used by teachers to support their reflection on classroom talk and how it can provide personalized, data-supported evidence to inform teachers’ classroom practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Shared cognition: Thinking as social practice

Perspectives on socially shared cognition.

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections on the Future of NAEP: Instrument for Monitoring or for Accountability?

Research paper thumbnail of Performance Puzzles: Issues in Measuring Capabilities and Certifying Accomplishments

Research paper thumbnail of Follow Through: Program Approaches, School Year 1970-71

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive Science and Instruction. 1985/13

Research paper thumbnail of Class Size: Counting Students Can Count. Research Points, Volume 1, Number 2, Fall 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Supportive technologies for group discussion in MOOCs

Research paper thumbnail of Collaborative vs Individual Learning and the Role of Explanations

Research paper thumbnail of Task Sequence and Overtraining in Children's Learning and Transfer of Double Classification Skills