Kenneth Shields - (original) (raw)

Papers by Kenneth Shields

Research paper thumbnail of Typological Incensistencies in the Indo-European color-lexicon: a cosmic connection?

Indogermanische Forschungen, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Index of Subjects and Languages

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Research paper thumbnail of Jr.: Linguistic typology and the Indo-European causative

Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia, May 15, 2013

On the basis of formal correspondences and typological data, it is argued in this brief paper tha... more On the basis of formal correspondences and typological data, it is argued in this brief paper that an etymological connection probably exists between the Indo-European dative suffix *-ei and the Indo-European causative element *-ei- via a morpheme which Song (1996) describes as “PURP.” Most significantly, the paper demonstrates how typological data can serve a primary role in reconstruction rather than a merely evaluative one

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Research paper thumbnail of Typology and the Reconstruction of the Indo-European Second Person Personal Pronoun

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Research paper thumbnail of COMMENTS ABOUT THE INDO-EUROPEAN 'CONTRASTIVE' SUFFIX *-(t)er(o)

Lingua Posnaniensis, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Indo-European "Bare Stem" Acc. Personal Pronoun

Journal of Indo-European Studies, 1999

On the basis of research previously published by the author, this article explores the origin of ... more On the basis of research previously published by the author, this article explores the origin of the so-called bare stem enclitic accusative personal pronouns of Indo-European, especially the second person singular form in * te. It is proposed that a zero grade first person singular stem in * m- with an affixed objective marker in * -e served as the basis for a reanalysis of the second person singular stem in * te- as zero-grade * t- + affix * -e

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Research paper thumbnail of Papers from the 6th International Conference on Historical Linguistics. Edited by Jacek Fisiak

Diachronica, 1986

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Research paper thumbnail of More on the Indo-European Comparative

Orbis, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of Nostratic Theory and "New Image" Morphology: A Study in the Compatibility of Reconstructions

Journal of Indo-European Studies, 2001

Dans le cadre de la linguistique comparative indo-europeenne, l'hypothese nostratique et la n... more Dans le cadre de la linguistique comparative indo-europeenne, l'hypothese nostratique et la nouvelle image (Adrados, 1992) de la morphologie indo-europeenne suscitent un interet grandissant. Selon la Theorie Nostratique, le proto-indo-europeen n'est pas une langue genetiquement isolee, mais liee a certaines familles de langues de l'Eurasie centrale et du Nord, du sous-continent indien et de l'ancien Proche-Orient. Selon les tenants de la nouvelle image de la morphologie indo-europeenne, ce n'est pas un, mais trois types d'indo-europeens qui sont a reconstruire. L'A. souligne l'importance des correspondances grammaticales dans la validation des differentes methodes de reconstruction utilisees dans ce champ de recherche

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Research paper thumbnail of A proposal concerning the Hittite Nom.-Acc. Sg. Neuter, Nom.-Acc. Pl. Neuter, Nom. Pl. common enclitic third person pronoun '-at

Studi micenei ed egeo-anatolici, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of More on the origin of the Indo-European feminine gender : a reply to Ledo-Lemos

Linguistica, Dec 29, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of The Hittite word for ‘son’ and the origin of the Indo-European diminutive suffix *-lo

Indogermanische Forschungen, Dec 31, 2000

Hittite presents numerous etymological problems to the field of comparative Indo-European linguis... more Hittite presents numerous etymological problems to the field of comparative Indo-European linguistics. Among the most difficult Hittite lexical items to assess etymologically "are those items where sumerograms tease us with an unpleasant version of hide-and-seek" (Puhvel 1992: 264). Although derivative forms in syllabic script and full attestations in minor dialects of Anatolian often shed light on the formal properties of these words, some lexical items remain largely inaccessible because of their logographic rendering. One such item is the word for 'son' (and 'male child') DUMU.DUMU-&? (nom.) or DUMU-/0— the latter providing a tantalizing clue regarding its final syllable. Since Hittite 'son' appears quite removed from the *sunu(e.g., Skt. sunu-, Go. sunus) "etymologically related to the [Indo-European Proper] root *seuH-l*suH'give birth; cf. Skt. sute 'gives birth', suta'son; born', Avest. hav'give birth' (the IndoEuropean [Proper] word for 'son' is formed from this root by suffixation of *-nor the thematic vowel..." [Gamkrelidze & Ivanov 1995: 667-668]) and from such forms as Lycian tideimi ("a transparent Luwian *f/ta//m-'sucking' not very unlike Latin filius" [Puhvel 1992: 264]), Melchert (1980) uses the phonological glimpse provided by the phonetic complement of DUMU-/0and his "hypothesis that the spelling nu-uz-za ['conjunction plus reflexive particle'] was conditioned by a following vowel" (1980: 92) to identify the form of the word as ayawala-, "which occurs in the 'Tawagalawa Letter', KUB.XIV 3 I 6-12" with, in his view, the appropriate meaning. He goes on to maintain that there is "no compelling reason to assume that the word [ayawala-] is Indo-European at all", although he prefers to see the element -/aas Hittite. In support of the non-IndoEuropean origins of the word, Melchert (1980: 95) argues that the Hittite term of relationship nega'sister similarly lacks cognates in Indo-European Proper. Despite a failure to justify his assertion in detail, Puhvel (1992: 264) observes that "Melchert's ayawala(1980: 90-95) hardly fills the bill" as an explanation and proceeds to characterize the Hittite form simply as an "obscure innova-

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Indo-European reflexive

Journal of Indo-European Studies, 1998

This brief paper explores the origin of the reflexive stems *se-, *s(e)we- traditionally reconstr... more This brief paper explores the origin of the reflexive stems *se-, *s(e)we- traditionally reconstructed for Indo-European. It is argued that a demonstrative in *(e/o)s- underlies the reflexive elements *se- and *s- and that *-we- can be derived from an ancient Indo-European indirect speech marker which was affixed to the demonstrative as a means of formally differentiating the true reflexive and logophoric functions. Both comparative and typological evidence is used to support this theory

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Research paper thumbnail of The origin of the ie endingless locative

Linguistica, Dec 1, 1979

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Research paper thumbnail of THE ORIGIN OF THE IE -r-/-n- STEMS: AN ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL

Folia Linguistica Historica, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of Linguistic typology and the Indo-European pronominal stem *ei

Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia, Mar 11, 2015

In this brief paper it is proposed, on the basis of formal and typological evidence, that the Ind... more In this brief paper it is proposed, on the basis of formal and typological evidence, that the Indo-European pronominal stem *ei may be related etymologically to the root *ei- ‘go.’

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Origin of the *es-/*wes- Suppletion in the Germanic Copula

NOWELE. North-Western European Language Evolution, Oct 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Comments on the evolution of the indo-european personal pronoun system

Historische Sprachforschung, 1998

L'A. tente d'expliquer l'origine de la racine pronominale hittite u- marquant la prem... more L'A. tente d'expliquer l'origine de la racine pronominale hittite u- marquant la premiere personne du singulier, en se basant sur sa reconstruction du systeme original des pronoms personnels indo-europeen. Il fournit ainsi une description de l'evolution typologique de ce systeme et souleve certaines questions concernant les etymologies traditionnelles de la premiere personne du pluriel et du duel en germanique

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Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of A Note on the Greasy/Greazy Isogloss in East-Central Pennsylvania

American Speech, 1989

... REFERENCES Atwood, E. Bagby. 1950. "Grease and Greasy: A Study of Geographical Variation... more ... REFERENCES Atwood, E. Bagby. 1950. "Grease and Greasy: A Study of Geographical Variation." University of Texas Studies in English 29: 249-60. Rpt. ... New York: Holt, 1971. 424-33. . 1962. The Regional Vocabulary of Texas. Austin: U of Texas P. Duckert, Audrey. 1963. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Typological Incensistencies in the Indo-European color-lexicon: a cosmic connection?

Indogermanische Forschungen, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Index of Subjects and Languages

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Research paper thumbnail of Jr.: Linguistic typology and the Indo-European causative

Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia, May 15, 2013

On the basis of formal correspondences and typological data, it is argued in this brief paper tha... more On the basis of formal correspondences and typological data, it is argued in this brief paper that an etymological connection probably exists between the Indo-European dative suffix *-ei and the Indo-European causative element *-ei- via a morpheme which Song (1996) describes as “PURP.” Most significantly, the paper demonstrates how typological data can serve a primary role in reconstruction rather than a merely evaluative one

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Research paper thumbnail of Typology and the Reconstruction of the Indo-European Second Person Personal Pronoun

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Research paper thumbnail of COMMENTS ABOUT THE INDO-EUROPEAN 'CONTRASTIVE' SUFFIX *-(t)er(o)

Lingua Posnaniensis, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Indo-European "Bare Stem" Acc. Personal Pronoun

Journal of Indo-European Studies, 1999

On the basis of research previously published by the author, this article explores the origin of ... more On the basis of research previously published by the author, this article explores the origin of the so-called bare stem enclitic accusative personal pronouns of Indo-European, especially the second person singular form in * te. It is proposed that a zero grade first person singular stem in * m- with an affixed objective marker in * -e served as the basis for a reanalysis of the second person singular stem in * te- as zero-grade * t- + affix * -e

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Research paper thumbnail of Papers from the 6th International Conference on Historical Linguistics. Edited by Jacek Fisiak

Diachronica, 1986

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Research paper thumbnail of More on the Indo-European Comparative

Orbis, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of Nostratic Theory and "New Image" Morphology: A Study in the Compatibility of Reconstructions

Journal of Indo-European Studies, 2001

Dans le cadre de la linguistique comparative indo-europeenne, l'hypothese nostratique et la n... more Dans le cadre de la linguistique comparative indo-europeenne, l'hypothese nostratique et la nouvelle image (Adrados, 1992) de la morphologie indo-europeenne suscitent un interet grandissant. Selon la Theorie Nostratique, le proto-indo-europeen n'est pas une langue genetiquement isolee, mais liee a certaines familles de langues de l'Eurasie centrale et du Nord, du sous-continent indien et de l'ancien Proche-Orient. Selon les tenants de la nouvelle image de la morphologie indo-europeenne, ce n'est pas un, mais trois types d'indo-europeens qui sont a reconstruire. L'A. souligne l'importance des correspondances grammaticales dans la validation des differentes methodes de reconstruction utilisees dans ce champ de recherche

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Research paper thumbnail of A proposal concerning the Hittite Nom.-Acc. Sg. Neuter, Nom.-Acc. Pl. Neuter, Nom. Pl. common enclitic third person pronoun '-at

Studi micenei ed egeo-anatolici, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of More on the origin of the Indo-European feminine gender : a reply to Ledo-Lemos

Linguistica, Dec 29, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of The Hittite word for ‘son’ and the origin of the Indo-European diminutive suffix *-lo

Indogermanische Forschungen, Dec 31, 2000

Hittite presents numerous etymological problems to the field of comparative Indo-European linguis... more Hittite presents numerous etymological problems to the field of comparative Indo-European linguistics. Among the most difficult Hittite lexical items to assess etymologically "are those items where sumerograms tease us with an unpleasant version of hide-and-seek" (Puhvel 1992: 264). Although derivative forms in syllabic script and full attestations in minor dialects of Anatolian often shed light on the formal properties of these words, some lexical items remain largely inaccessible because of their logographic rendering. One such item is the word for 'son' (and 'male child') DUMU.DUMU-&? (nom.) or DUMU-/0— the latter providing a tantalizing clue regarding its final syllable. Since Hittite 'son' appears quite removed from the *sunu(e.g., Skt. sunu-, Go. sunus) "etymologically related to the [Indo-European Proper] root *seuH-l*suH'give birth; cf. Skt. sute 'gives birth', suta'son; born', Avest. hav'give birth' (the IndoEuropean [Proper] word for 'son' is formed from this root by suffixation of *-nor the thematic vowel..." [Gamkrelidze & Ivanov 1995: 667-668]) and from such forms as Lycian tideimi ("a transparent Luwian *f/ta//m-'sucking' not very unlike Latin filius" [Puhvel 1992: 264]), Melchert (1980) uses the phonological glimpse provided by the phonetic complement of DUMU-/0and his "hypothesis that the spelling nu-uz-za ['conjunction plus reflexive particle'] was conditioned by a following vowel" (1980: 92) to identify the form of the word as ayawala-, "which occurs in the 'Tawagalawa Letter', KUB.XIV 3 I 6-12" with, in his view, the appropriate meaning. He goes on to maintain that there is "no compelling reason to assume that the word [ayawala-] is Indo-European at all", although he prefers to see the element -/aas Hittite. In support of the non-IndoEuropean origins of the word, Melchert (1980: 95) argues that the Hittite term of relationship nega'sister similarly lacks cognates in Indo-European Proper. Despite a failure to justify his assertion in detail, Puhvel (1992: 264) observes that "Melchert's ayawala(1980: 90-95) hardly fills the bill" as an explanation and proceeds to characterize the Hittite form simply as an "obscure innova-

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Indo-European reflexive

Journal of Indo-European Studies, 1998

This brief paper explores the origin of the reflexive stems *se-, *s(e)we- traditionally reconstr... more This brief paper explores the origin of the reflexive stems *se-, *s(e)we- traditionally reconstructed for Indo-European. It is argued that a demonstrative in *(e/o)s- underlies the reflexive elements *se- and *s- and that *-we- can be derived from an ancient Indo-European indirect speech marker which was affixed to the demonstrative as a means of formally differentiating the true reflexive and logophoric functions. Both comparative and typological evidence is used to support this theory

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Research paper thumbnail of The origin of the ie endingless locative

Linguistica, Dec 1, 1979

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Research paper thumbnail of THE ORIGIN OF THE IE -r-/-n- STEMS: AN ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL

Folia Linguistica Historica, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of Linguistic typology and the Indo-European pronominal stem *ei

Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia, Mar 11, 2015

In this brief paper it is proposed, on the basis of formal and typological evidence, that the Ind... more In this brief paper it is proposed, on the basis of formal and typological evidence, that the Indo-European pronominal stem *ei may be related etymologically to the root *ei- ‘go.’

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Origin of the *es-/*wes- Suppletion in the Germanic Copula

NOWELE. North-Western European Language Evolution, Oct 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Comments on the evolution of the indo-european personal pronoun system

Historische Sprachforschung, 1998

L'A. tente d'expliquer l'origine de la racine pronominale hittite u- marquant la prem... more L'A. tente d'expliquer l'origine de la racine pronominale hittite u- marquant la premiere personne du singulier, en se basant sur sa reconstruction du systeme original des pronoms personnels indo-europeen. Il fournit ainsi une description de l'evolution typologique de ce systeme et souleve certaines questions concernant les etymologies traditionnelles de la premiere personne du pluriel et du duel en germanique

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Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of A Note on the Greasy/Greazy Isogloss in East-Central Pennsylvania

American Speech, 1989

... REFERENCES Atwood, E. Bagby. 1950. "Grease and Greasy: A Study of Geographical Variation... more ... REFERENCES Atwood, E. Bagby. 1950. "Grease and Greasy: A Study of Geographical Variation." University of Texas Studies in English 29: 249-60. Rpt. ... New York: Holt, 1971. 424-33. . 1962. The Regional Vocabulary of Texas. Austin: U of Texas P. Duckert, Audrey. 1963. ...

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