Kerstin Thorentolling - (original) (raw)

Papers by Kerstin Thorentolling

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Phenoxybenzamine on Myocardial Cell Necroses and Blood Levels of Catecholamines in Pigs Subjected to Stress

Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica, 2009

The degree of myocardial cell necroses after stress was investigated in 6 pigs, weighing 70 to 90... more The degree of myocardial cell necroses after stress was investigated in 6 pigs, weighing 70 to 90 kg. The stress was induced by a myorelaxant, succinylcholine, for about 12 min. The a-adrenoceptor blocking agent phenoxybenzamine (PBZ) was given orally 3 times a day in a total dose of 50 to 60 mg per day for 6 to 7 days before the stress. The plasma levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline were assayed in blood samples drawn before, during, and immediately after the period of stress. Heart cell necroses were found in all the cases. The activity of the sympathetic-adrenomedullary system, indicated by the plasma levels of catecholamines, was intense during the stress. When the present results were compared with those of earlier studies the degree of heart cell necroses was significantly smaller after PBZ in control pigs but significantly higher than after the P-adrenoceptor blocking agent propranolol given for about a week. PBZ exerts a number of different actions, as briefly discussed, some of them appearing to be harmful for the heart during stress while others appear to be protective for the heart.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Propranolol on Myocardial Cell Necroses and Blood Levels of Catecholamines in Pigs Subjected to Stress

Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica, 2009

The degree of myocardial cell necroses in pigs exposed to stress induced by a myorelaxant (succin... more The degree of myocardial cell necroses in pigs exposed to stress induced by a myorelaxant (succinylcholine) for about 12 min. was investigated. The P-adrenoceptor blocker propranolol was given in varying doses prior to the induced stress. The degree of necroses in these pigs was evaluated according to a point scale, ranging from 0 to 6 points, and compared with the changes found in untreatedcontrols following stress. The blood levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline were assayed before, during, and immediately after the period of stress. N O protective effect of propranolol on the cardiac lesions was found when the drug was administered intravenously in a single dose of either 1 mg or 3 mg per kg. During the period of stress the blood levels of noradrenaline were high, indicating a high degree of activity in the sympatho-adrenal system. Propranolol in a single dose of 10 mg per kg intravenously reduced the number and size of heart lesions, while the blood levels of the catecholamines were lower under stress than after administration of 1 and 3 mg propranolol. After oral treatment with propranolol, 120 mg three times a day for 6 or 7 days, an almost complete absence of heart cell necrosis after the stress was obtained. The activity of the sympatho-adrenal system was elevated, as reflected by the high blood levels of catecholamines. The results indicate that stress-induced heart cell necrosis is mediated via the activity of the sympatho-adrenal system. The difference between a single and repeated doses of propranolol in protecting the heart suggests a complex ation of the adrenergic P-receptor blocker.

Research paper thumbnail of Age Dependant Variation of Serum Creatine Kinase Isoenzyme Levels in Pigs

Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Reihe A, 2010

Summary Serum creatine kinase isoenzyme activity was measured in Swedish Landrace, Swedish Yorksh... more Summary Serum creatine kinase isoenzyme activity was measured in Swedish Landrace, Swedish Yorkshire and crossbreeds thereof, from birth to 28—30 weeks of age and in adult pigs. In the serum, four CK isoenzyme fractions were detected after electrophoretic separation, namely BB (CK-1), MB (CK-2), MM (CK-3), and a fourth fraction referred to as CK-4, probably of BB nature, migrating cathodic to the application site. Peak activities of CK-BB, MB and MM were reached during the first days of life, whereas in older animals low levels of CK-BB and CK-4 isoenzyme activities (about 2.0 and 0.5—1.0 μkat./l., respectively) and only traces of CK-MB were detected. The muscle isoenzyme activity of CK-MM was found to be closely related to age, with the highest activities at 18—28 weeks of age, whereas in younger suckling piglets the influence of CK-BB was more pronounced. In the adult animals a significantly higher CK-MM activity was found in boars than in sows. No significant difference in CK isoenzyme activity were found in this study between Swedish Landrace, Yorkshire, and crossbreeds. Zusammenfassung Altersabhangige Variation der Serum-Kreatinkinase-Isoenzyme bei Schweinen Bei Schweinen der Schwedischen Landrasse, bei Schwedischen Yorkshire-Schweinen sowie bei Kreuzungen der beiden Rassen wurden die Aktivitaten der Kreatinkinase-Isoenzyme im Serum bestimmt, beginnend von der Geburt bis zum Alter von 28 bis 30 Wochen sowie bei adulten Tieren. Nach elektrophoretischer Trennung wurden im Serum vier CK-Isoenzyme entdeckt, namlich BB (CK-1), MB (CK-2), MM (CK-3) sowie eine weitere Fraktion, die als CK-4 bezeichnet wird, die vermutlich von der Art der BB ist und die vom Applikationsort aus katodenwarts wandert. Gipfelkonzentrationen von CK-BB, MB und MM wurden wahrend der ersten Lebenstage beobachtet, wahrend bei alteren Tieren unveranderlich niedrige CK-BB und CK-4-Isoenzymaktivitaten (etwa 2,0 und 0,5—1,0 μkat/l) und nur Spuren der CK-MB nachweisbar waren. Die Muskel-Isoenzymaktivitat der CK-MM war eng gekoppelt mit dem Alter. Die hochsten Aktivitaten wurden bei 18 bis 28 Wochen alten Tieren registriert, wahrend bei jungeren Saugferkeln der Einflus der CK-BB starker war. Bei adulten Tieren wiesen Eber signifikant hohere CK-MM-Aktivitaten auf als Sauen. Zwischen den verschiedenen Rassen wurden keine signifikanten Unterschiede bezuglich der CK-Isoenzyme beobachtet. Resumee Variation en fonction de l'âge de isoenzyme kreatinkinase serique chez des porcs Les activites de l'isoenzyme kreatinkinase du serum ont ete determinees chez des porcs blancs suedois, des porcs Yorkshire suedois et des animaux croises de ces deux races. Les determinations ont ete faites de la naissance a l'âge de 28—30 semaines et chez des animaux adultes. Quatre CK-isoenzymes ont ete trouvees dans le serum apres separation electrophoretique, a savoir BB (CK-1), MB (CK-2), MM (CK-3) et une autre fraction designee par CK-4 qui est vraisemblablement de la sorte BB et qui se deplace vers la cathode. Des concentrations maximales de CK-BB, MB et MM ont ete observees durant les premiers jours de vie alors que des activites d'isoenzyme basses et non modifiees de CK-BB et CK-4 (environ 2,0 et 0,5—1,0 μkat/l) et des traces de CK-MM ont ete mises en evidence chez des animaux plus âges. L'activite isoenzymatique musculaire de CK-MM fut etroitement liee a l'âge. Les activites les plus elevees ont ete enregistrees chez des animaux âges de 18—28 semaines alors que l'influence de CK-BB fut plus forte chez des porcelets a la mamelle. Le verrat a montre des activites significativement plus elevees de CK-MM que la truie chez les adultes. Aucune difference significative en ce qui concerne CK-isoenzyme n'a ete observee entre les differentes races. Resumen Variacion, dependiente de la edad, de los niveles sericos de la isoenzima de la creatinina en cerdos En cerdos de la raza rural sueca, de la Yorkshire sueca y en los cruzados entre ambas, se valoraron en el suero sanguineo las actividades de la isoenzima de la creatinaquinasa, comenzando desde el nacimiento hasta la edad de 28 hasta 30 semanas y en los animales adultos. Tras la separacion electroforetica se descubrieron en el suero sanguineo cuatro isoenzimas CK, a saber, BB (CK-1), MB (CK-2), MM (CK-3) y otra fraccion mas, la cual se designa como CK-4, que probablemente es de la naturaleza de la BB y migra desde es punto de aplicacion hacia el catodo. Se observaron concentraciones cumbres de CK-BB, MB y MM durante los primeros dias de vida, mientras que en los animales de edad actividades isoenzimaticas bajas invariables de CK-BB y CK-4 (unas 2,0 y 0,5—1,0 μcat./l., resp.) y solo indicios de la CK-MB. La actividad isoenzimatica muscular se hallaba relacionada estrechamente con la edad. Las actividades maximas se registraron en los animales de 18 hasta 28 semanas de edad, mientras que en los lechones lactantes mas jovenes era mayor el influjo de la CK-BB. Entre los animales adultos, los verracos presentaban actividades…

Research paper thumbnail of Creatine Kinase Isoenzymes in Tissues and Serum from Pigs

Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Reihe A, 2010

Summary Creatine kinase (CK) isoenzyme activity was investigated in muscle and brain tissues and ... more Summary Creatine kinase (CK) isoenzyme activity was investigated in muscle and brain tissues and in serum from pigs. Electrophoretic separation of CK isoenzymes was performed in agarose gel and the isoenzymes were estimated by fluorometric quantitation. From brain tissue homogenates (grey matter) four different CK fractions were obtained: one anodal fraction CK-1 (CK-BB), one intermediary fraction CK-2 (CK-MB) and one cathodic migrating band CK-3 (CK-MM); a fourth fraction, referred to as CK-4, having an electrophoretic mobility cathodic to the application site and probably of CK-BB nature, was detected. In myocardial tissue, a percentage composition of 95% CK-3 (MM) and 5% CK-2 (MB) was obtained. In striated muscle tissue only CK-3 (MM) was detected, whereas in the intestinal mucosa four different isoenzyme bands were registered: CK-1 (BB), CK-2 (MB), CK-3 (MM) and the CK-4 fraction. In kidneys, adrenals, liver, spleen and lung tissue extracts, CK-1 (BB), CK-2 (MB) and CK-3 (MM) activities were detected. In serum from growing pigs (3–6 months of age), CK-1 (BB) and CK-3 (MM) were regularly recorded. Trace amounts of CK-2 (MB) were seen in most samples. Furthermore the fourth fraction, CK-4, comparable to the CK-4 band in intestinal and brain tissue extracts, was occasionally detected. Zusammenfassung Isoenzyme der Kreatinkinase in Geweben und Serum des Schweines Die Aktivitaten der Isoenzyme der Kreatinkinase (CK) wurden in Muskel- und Hirngewebe sowie im Serum von Schweinen bestimmt. Die elektrophoretische Trennung der CK-Isoenzyme erfolgte auf Agar-Gel und die Isoenzyme wurden mittels Fluorometrie quantitativ erfast. Aus den Homogenaten der grauen Substanz des Gehirns wurden 4 verschiedene CK-Fraktionen isoliert: Eine anodale Fraktion CK-1 (CK-BB), eine intermediate Fraktion CK-2 (CK-MB) und eine katodische Fraktion CK-3 (MM); daruber hinaus wurde eine vierte Fraktion, CK-4, mit einer elekro-phoretischen Mobilitat in Richtung Katode und moglicherweise von der Art der CK-BB entdeckt. Im Myocard entfielen 95% auf die CK-3 (MM) und 5% auf die CK-2 (MB). In der quergestreiften Muskulatur wurde nur die CK-3 (MM) beobachtet, wahrend aus der Darmschleimhaut alle 4 Isoenzyme differenziert werden konnten. In den Extrakten aus Nieren, Nebennieren, Leber, Milz und Lungen liesen sich Aktivitaten von CK-1 (BB), CK-2 (MB) und CK-3 (MM) nachweisen. Im Serum von wachsenden Schweinen (3–6 Monate alt) konnten regelmasig CK-1 (BB) und CK-3 (MM) gefunden werden. In den meisten Proben liesen sich auch Spuren von CK-2 (MB) nachweisen. Gelegentlich trat eine vierte Fraktion in Erscheinung, die der CK-4-Fraktion aus den Gehirn- und Darmschleimhautextrakten entsprach. Resume Isoenzyme de la creatine kinase dans des tissus et du serum de porc Les activites de l'isoenzyme de la creatine kinase (CK) ont ete determinees dans du tissu musculaire et cerebral ainsi que dans du serum chez des porcs. La separation electrophoretique des isoenzymes CK a ete faite sur gel d'agar et les isoenzymes ont ete determinees quantitativement au moyen fluorometrie. On a isole 4 fractions CK differentes a partir de l'homogenat de la substance grise du cerveau: une fraction anodique CK-1 (CK-BB), une fraction intermediate CK-2 (CK-MB) et une fraction cathodique CK-3 (MM); on a trouve en plus une quatrieme fraction CK-4 avec une mobilite electrophoretique en direction de la cathode et probablement du genre CK-BB. On a trouve dans le myocarde 95% de CK-3 (MM) et 5% de CK-2 (MB). La musculature striee n'a revele que CK-3 (MM) alors que les 4 isoenzymes ont ete trouvees a partir de la muqueuse intestinale. Des activites de CK-1 (BB), CK-2 (MB) et CK-3 (MM) ont ete mises en evidence a partir des reins, des surrenales, du foie, de la rate et des poumons. CK-1 (BB) et CK-3 (MM) ont ete trouvees regulierement dans le serum de porcs en croissance (âges de 3–6 mois). Des traces de CK-2 (MB) ont ete mises en evidence dans la plupart des echantillons. Une quatrieme fraction est apparue de temps en temps qui correspondait a la fraction CK-4 des extraits de cerveau et de muqueuse intestinale. Resumen Isoenzimas de la creatinaquinasa en tejidos y suero sanguineo del cerdo Se valoraron en los tejidos musculares y cerebrales y en el suero sanguineo de cerdos las actividades de las isoenzimas de la creatinaquinasa (CK). La separacion electroforetica de las isoenzimas de la CK se hizo sobre gelosa de agar y las isoenzimas se determinaron cuantitavivamente mediante fluorometria. De los homogenados de la substancia gris del cerebro se aislaron 4 fracciones CK diferentes: una fraccion anodica CK-1 (CK-BB), una fraccion intermediaria CK-2 (CK-MB) y una fraccion catodica CK-3 (CK-MM); ademas se descubrio una fraccion cuarta, CK-4, con una movilidad electroforetica en direccion del catodo y probablemente del genero de la CK-BB. En el miocardio correspondian el 95% a la CK-3 (CK-MM) y el 5% a la CK-2 (CK-MB). En la musculatura estriada solo se observo la CK-3 (CK-MM), mientras…

Research paper thumbnail of A Creatine Kinase Isoenzyme Variant in Porcine Serum and Tissue Extracts

Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Reihe A, 2010

ummary In porcine serum and tissue extracts an aberrant migrating CK isoenzyme fraction with an e... more ummary In porcine serum and tissue extracts an aberrant migrating CK isoenzyme fraction with an electrophoretic mobility cathodic to the normal CK-MM position was investigated for complex formation with serum immunoglobulins. Specific antibodies to porcine immunoglobulins (IgG and IgM) were used. This aberrant CK band, referred to as CK-4, is probably BB in nature and is only present in serum and tissue extracts where normally migrating CK-BB can be detected after electrophoretic separation. No complex binding to lipoproteins seems to occur spontaneously, whereas the immunoinhibition experiments indicate a complex formation between the IgG fraction and the CK-BB isoenzyme which probably contributes to the abnormal site of this isoenzyme. Zusammenfassung Eine Isoenzym-Variante der Kreatinkinase aus Gewebeextrakten und Serum des Schweines Ein elektrophoretisch von der normalen CK-MM-Position aberrant in Richtung Katode wanderndes CK-Isoenzym wurde bezuglich Komplexbildung mit Serum-Immunglobulinen untersucht. Es wurden spezifische Antikorper gegen IgG und IgM des Schweines verwendet. Diese aberrante CK-Fraktion, die als CK-4 bezeichnet wird, ist moglicherweise von der Art des BB und ist nur nachweisbar im Serum und in Gewebeextrakten, in denen sich nach elektrophoretischer Trennung eine normal wandernde BB-Fraktion erkennen last. Mit den Lipoproteinen scheint es keine Komplexbildung zu geben. Die Immun-Inhibitionsversuche zeigten jedoch eine Komplexbildung zwischen dem CK-BB-Isoenzym und der IgG-Fraktion, welche moglicherweise fur die ungewohnliche Prosition des Isoenzyms verantwortlich ist. Resume Une isoenzyme variante de la creatine kinase a partir d'extraits tissulaires et de serum de porc Une isoenzyme CK se deplacant vers la cathode de facon aberrante en fonction de la position normale de CK-MM en electrophorese a ete examinee concernant une formation d'un complexe avec des immunglobulines seriques. On a utilise des anticorps specifiques anti-IgG et anti-IgM du porc. Cette fraction CK aberrante, designee par CK-4, est probablement du genre BB et n'est mise en evidence que dans du serum ou dans des extraits tissulaires dans lesquels on peut reconnaitre une fraction BB se deplacant normalement apres une separation electrophoretique. Il ne semble pas y avoir la formation d'un complexe avec les lipoproteines. Les essais d'inhibition immunologiques ont toutefoirs montre l'image d'un complexe entre l'isoenzyme CK-BB et la fraction IgG qui pourrait etre responsable de la position inhabituelle de l'isoenzyme. Resumen Una isoenzima variante de la creatina quinasa en el suero sanguineo y extractos histicos porcinos Se estudio una fraccion migratoria aberrante de la isoenzima CK del suero sanguineo y extractos histicos porcinos, con una mobilidad electroforetica catodica en relacion con la posicion normal CK-MM, en cuanto a la formacion de un complejo con las inmunoglobulinas sericas. Se utilizaron anticuerpos especificos anti-IgG e IgM del cerdo. Esta fraccion aberrante CK, designada como CK-4, tal vez sea del genero de la BB y solo se puede identificar en el suero y en los extractos histicos, en los cuales tras separacion electroforetica se puede reconocer una fraccion BB que se desplaza con normalidad. Parece ser que con las lipoproteinas no se forma ningun complejo. Los ensayos de inmunoinhibicion mostraron una formacion compleja entre la fraccion IgG y la isoenzima CK-BB, la cual podria ser responsable de la posicion heteroclita de esta isoenzima.

Research paper thumbnail of Methodological Aspects of Serum-Creatine Kinase Determination in Pigs

Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Reihe A, 2010

Summary Various analytical and methodological aspects of assaying serum creatine kinase (CK) in p... more Summary Various analytical and methodological aspects of assaying serum creatine kinase (CK) in pigs are discussed. The influence on serum CK activity of differing techniques for blood sampling, effect of storage, effects of haemolysis and contamination of the blood samples by skeletal muscle tissue were investigated. It was concluded that contamination of blood samples by muscle tissue causes an appreciable increase in CK activity, whereas moderate or even strong haemolysis does not influence the CK analysis significantly. The technique used for blood sampling also seems to be of great importance for CK estimations due to the risk of muscular tissue contamination involved in using needles for vein puncture (e. g. vena cava) — at least in fattening pigs. Zusammenfassung Methodische Aspekte bei der Bestimmung der Serum-Kreatinkinase beim Schwein Verschiedene analytische und methodische Probleme bei der Bestimmung der Serum-Kreatinkinase (CK) beim Schwein werden diskutiert. Der Einflus folgender Faktoren auf die Serum-CK-Aktivitat wurde untersucht: Verschiedene Blutentnahmemethoden, Lagerung, Hamolyse und Kontamination der Blutproben durch Muskelgewebe. Die Kontamination der Blutproben durch Muskelgewebe fuhrte zu einem beachtlichen Anstieg der CK-Aktivitat, wahrend leicht- bis hochgradige Hamolysen ohne signifikanten Einflus waren. Auch die Blutentnahmetechnik kann entscheidend sein, bedingt durch die Kontamination der Kanulen zur Venenpunktion (V. cava) mit Muskelgewebe — zumindest bei Mastschweinen. Resume Aspects de methodologie dans la determination de la creatinekinase serique chez le porc Differents problemes d'analyse et de methodologie lors de la determination de la creatinekinase (CK) serique chez le porc sont discutes. L'influence des facteurs suivants sur l'activite de CK serique a ete examinee: differentes methodes de prelevement du sang, stockage, hemolyse et contamination des echantillons sanguins par du tissu musculaire. La contamination des echantillons de sang par du tissu musculaire provoque une augmentation marquee de l'activite de CK alors que des hemolyses legeres ou prononcees sont sans influence significative. La technique de prelevement du sang peut etre determinante a cause de la contamination des canules a ponction veineuse (V. cava) avec du tissu musculaire, du moins chez des porcs a l'engrais. Resumen Aspectos metodologicos en la determinacion de la creatinquinasa serica en el cerdo Se discuten varios aspectos analiticos y metodologicos en la determinacion de la creatinquinasa (CK) serica en cerdos. Estudiaronse los influjos de los factores siguientes sobre la actividad de la CK serica: tecnicas diversas en la toma de sangre, almacenamiento de la misma, hemolisis y contaminacion de las muestras de sangre por tejido muscular esqueletico. La contaminacion de las muestras de sangre por tejido muscular conducia a un aumento apreciable de la actividad CK, mientras que hemolisis desde moderadas hasta intensas no ejercian ningun influjo significante. Tambien la tecnica usada en la recogida de sangre puede ser decisiva, a causa de la contaminacion de las canulas empleadas en la puncion venosa (vena cava) con tejido muscular — al menos en los cerdos de engorde.

Research paper thumbnail of Serum creatine kinase activity as a selection criterion for stress susceptibility after standardised stress in pigs

Annales de recherches vétérinaires. Annals of veterinary research, 1991

Estimation of serum creatine kinase isoenzyme activity was used as a selection criterion for stre... more Estimation of serum creatine kinase isoenzyme activity was used as a selection criterion for stress sensitivity in pigs 8-12 weeks of age, classified for stress susceptibility as positive to halothane anaesthesia. Standardized stress was provoked by administration of adrenocorticotropic hormone or synstigmine. The experiments were performed under experimental conditions in permanently catheterized animals and in a field trial. It was shown that the stress inductors can be used as a selection criterion for stress sensitivity in catheterized animals by estimation of the CK-MM isoenzyme activity 20-24 h after administration of the inductor. In cases where the individual reaction to halothane anaesthesia is unclear and non classifiable, CK-MM isoenzyme assay performed before and 24 h after the halothane test, may also be useful under practical conditions as an additional indicator of stress sensitivity.

Research paper thumbnail of DNA binding proteins in canine sera. A method for removal of nonspecific DNA binding in the Farr assay

Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 1984

A panel of canine sera, the majority of which were collected from clinically healthy dogs, were i... more A panel of canine sera, the majority of which were collected from clinically healthy dogs, were investigated for antibodies against double stranded (dsDNA) by the Farr radioimmunoassay technique. Non-specific DNA binding agents interfering with the Farr assay were detected in all sera. Heat inactivation at 60 degrees C or treatment with dextran sulphate was shown to eliminate this kind of unspecific DNA binding while not affecting true antibodies to dsDNA. Canine sera positive in the Farr assay after inactivation at 60 degrees C were positive also in immunofluorescence for anti-nuclear antibody on rat liver sections and for dsDNA with Chrithidia luciliae as antigen preparation. IgG or glycoprotein nature of the non-specific DNA binding could be excluded by means of affinity chromatography on protein A and the lectin lentil.

Research paper thumbnail of Distribution and Morphology of Skeletal Muscle Lesions after Experimental Restraint Stress in Normal and Stress-susceptible Pigs

Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A, 1995

With 6 figures and 2 tables

Research paper thumbnail of Chemiluminescence and Chemotaxis Assay of Porcine Polymorphonuclear Cells A Methodological Study

Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A, 1990

A Boyden-Chamber technique for leukocyte migration was adapted to a polymorphonuclear (PMN) cell ... more A Boyden-Chamber technique for leukocyte migration was adapted to a polymorphonuclear (PMN) cell concentration of 5 x 10(6) cells/ml an optimal amount of cells for the leading front technique. Casein (0.1%) is so far the most effective chemotactic substance for porcine granulocytes. A formylpeptide++, FMLP (in concentrations of 10(-2) to 10(-10) mmol/l), does not stimulate migration in porcine granulocytes when compared to random migration. For the chemiluminescence assay a concentration of 5 x 10(6) PMN cells/ml buffer is needed to obtain optimal conditions in pig granulocytes. Moreover the chemiluminescence should be performed within a standardized interval after the isolation of leukocytes since the cell activity declines rapidly after the isolation. The chemiluminescence and migration assays were standardized at 37 degrees C; the activity of the granulocytes did not show any significant variation within a temperature interval of 37-39 degrees C, whereas temperatures below 37 degrees C significantly reduce the granulocytic activity.

Research paper thumbnail of Cardiac Manifestation and Blood Catecholamine Levels during Succinylcholine-Induced Stress of Malignant Hyperthermia Sensitive Pigs*

Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A, 1989

Fifteen crossbred pigs of Swedish Landrace and Yorkshire, about 6 months of age and susceptible t... more Fifteen crossbred pigs of Swedish Landrace and Yorkshire, about 6 months of age and susceptible to develop malignant hyperthermia (MH) when exposed to halothane, were subjected to stress provoked by the myorelaxant succinylcholine. The results were compared with those of 12 normal pigs. During the stress the halothane-sensitive (HS) pigs showed much higher levels of plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline and more severe ventricular arrhythmias than the controls. The degree of myocardial degeneration and necrosis being similar to catecholamine induced myocardial damage was significantly higher in the HS pigs than in the controls. The ultrastructural examination revealed three main types of changes in affected myocardial cells. One type of myocardial cell damage was characterized by various degree of hypercontraction, enlarged mitochondria with dense bodies and dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum. The other type showed mitochondria with tubular configuration whereas the third type of cell damage was characterized by almost normal mitochondria combined with a severe damage of the myofilaments. Three HS pigs which died within 30 min after stress showed signs of malignant hyperthermia. No signs of the disease were observed in the other 12 HS pigs.

Research paper thumbnail of Absorption of lactoferrin-iron in suckling pigs

Nutrition Research, 1983

Lactoferrin is the major iron-binding protein in human milk, and is believed to be of importance ... more Lactoferrin is the major iron-binding protein in human milk, and is believed to be of importance in the mechanism of iron absorption. The absorption and retention of iron from iron-saturated bovine lactoferrin was studied in suckling pigs using Fe, and compared to absorption and retention of FeSO 4. Lactoferrin bound iron was absorbed and incorporated into red blood cells to the same extent that sulphate iron. Net iron retention, measured by whole body counting of radioactivity one week after administration of a tracer dose, also showed a similar uptake of lactoferrin bound iron and sulphate iron. The results demonstrate that the iron-deficient suckling pig utilizes iron from lactoferrin at least as well as from an inorganic salt. Uptake data give rise to the hypothesis that the mechanisms for transfer of iron from mucosa to serosa and the incorporation of iron into red blood cells, may differ for the two compounds.

Research paper thumbnail of Stress, katekolaminer och hjärtcellnekros

Nordisk Psykiatrisk Tidsskrift, 1984

professor i patologi och Kerstin Thortn-Tolling, VMD, docent i svinsjukdomar , Sveriges Lantbruks... more professor i patologi och Kerstin Thortn-Tolling, VMD, docent i svinsjukdomar , Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala, har bildat en interdisciplinar grupp som under en foljd av Br studerat grisens reaktioner vid stress. Speciellt intresse har agnats effekten av stress pB hjarta och tvarstrimmig muskulatur, varvid bl a det sympatiska nervsystemets och binjurarnas roll undersoks.

Research paper thumbnail of Protection at different functional levels from stress-induced myocardial necrosis in normal and stress-susceptible pigs

Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 1985

The sympathetic nervous system is Intimately involved in arrhythmogenesis during isehaemia. Enhan... more The sympathetic nervous system is Intimately involved in arrhythmogenesis during isehaemia. Enhanced sensitivity to cateehols at the receptor level was suggested since cateehols were not released from the ischaemic heart (1). Using 125 I-(-)iodopindolol (IP) the~-receptor binding characteristics were examined in rat heart mierosomal preparations under normal and simulated 'ischaemic' conditions. IP binding was saturable and reversible with a K D of 290 • 50pM, Bmax 46 • 4 fmoles/mg protein and with selectivity; IC50: Isopren <A<NA<DA. Kinetic analysis of association and dissociation rate constants (K and K after displacement with 10-4M on off Isopren) showed that ischaemie pH (6.8) or K + (32mM) did not affect diffusion limited Ken. Fewer binding sites (-12%) and a greater K ~ was observed at pH 6.8 (-0.22•

Research paper thumbnail of Binding of immunoglobulins to protein A and immunoglobulin levels in mammalian sera

Journal of Immunological Methods, 1983

The use of protein A from S. aureus (SPA) as an anti-IgG reagent in immunological techniques has ... more The use of protein A from S. aureus (SPA) as an anti-IgG reagent in immunological techniques has extended in recent years, together with knowledge about its interaction with immunoglobulins of different species. Current data with respect to the binding of protein A to immunoglobulins and to the levels of immunoglobulins in the sera of some mammalian species are reviewed.

Research paper thumbnail of Identity of the Fungal Endophyte of Ascophyllum with Mycosphaerella ascophylli Established by Means of Fluorescent Antibody Technique

Botanica Marina, 1978

Ascospores of the fungusMycosphaerella ascophylli which forms pseudothecia on Ascophyllum nodosum... more Ascospores of the fungusMycosphaerella ascophylli which forms pseudothecia on Ascophyllum nodosum, germinate but do not develop into mycelia. To establish whether the cultivable, endophytic mycelium, which always occurs in the Ascophyllum thallus is identical with the pseudotheciz-foTmmg Mycosphaerella, the fluorescent antibody technique was used. The results strongly supported the assumption of identity and thus of only one mycobiont, Mycosphaerella ascophylli

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of amygdalectomy on stress-induced myocardial necroses and blood levels of catecholamines in pigs

Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 1981

Research paper thumbnail of Catecholamine-induced free radicals in myocardial cell necrosis on experimental stress in pigs

Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 1987

Catecholamine-induced free radicals in myocardial cell necrosis on experimental stress in pigs. A... more Catecholamine-induced free radicals in myocardial cell necrosis on experimental stress in pigs. Acta Physiol Scand 131, 447-452.

Research paper thumbnail of Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes in the Horse — Variation with Age, Training and in Different Pathological Conditions

Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A, 1988

ummary Serum alkaline Phosphatase isoenzyme (ALP) activity was measured by agarose gel electropho... more ummary Serum alkaline Phosphatase isoenzyme (ALP) activity was measured by agarose gel electrophoresis in horses, Swedish half-breds and trotters, of varying age and during different conditions of training. Thus the effects of aging and growing on the isoenzyme activities from birth up to about 3 years of age was studied. The influence of training during the first year of life on the ALP isoenzyme pattern was also evaluated. Furthermore the isoenzyme pattern in adult horses suffering from different kinds of diseases was studied. In newborn and very young horses normally two different isoenzyme fractions appear in the serum: liver and bone ALP. During the first year of life the bone isoenzyme fraction slowly disappears and in normal cases only liver ALP could be detected after the first year of life by the separation technique used in this study. In horses with different kinds of infectious and inflammatory diseases the liver ALP is often increased, which is probably a secondary phenomenon and related to an increased liver cell metabolism most likely caused by a general stress on the organism in different disease conditions. Zusammenfassung Isoenzyme der alkalischen Phosphatase im Serum beim Pferd — Veranderungen in Abhangigkeit von Alter, Training und pathologischen Bedingungen Die Aktivitat der Isoenzyme der alkalischen Phosphatase (ALP) wurde mittels der Agarose-Gel-Elektrophorese bei Pferden (Schwedische Warmbluter und Traber) unterschiedlichen Alters sowie in unterschiedlichem Trainingszustand bestimmt. Es wurde der Einflus von Alter und Wachstum auf die Isoenzymaktivitaten von der Geburt bis zum Alter von 3 Jahren untersucht. Der Einflus des Trainings auf das Isoenzymmuster der ALP wurde wahrend des ersten Lebensjahres ebenfalls ausgewertet. Des weiteren wurde das Isoenzymmuster der ALP bei adulten Pferden untersucht, die an verschiedenen Krankheiten litten. Bei neugeborenen und sehr jungen Pferden waren normalerweise zwei Isoenzymfraktionen im Serum nachweisbar: Leber- und Knochen-ALP. Wahrend des ersten Lebensjahres verschwindet die Knochen-ALP-Fraktion allmahlich. Nach dem ersten Lebensjahr konnte mittels des angewandten Trennverfahrens normalerweise nur Leber-ALP nachgewiesen werden. Bei Pferden mit verschiedenen Infektionen oder Entzundungen nimmt die Leber-ALP haufig zu. Dabei handelt es sich wahrscheinlich um eine auf den erhohten Leberzellstoffwechsel infolge von krankheitsbedingter Streseinwirkung zuruckzufuhrende Sekundarerscheinung.

Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of Equine Alkaline Phosphate Isoenzymes by Chemical Inhibition and Agaros Gel Electrophoresis

Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A, 1988

ummary Methodological aspects of assaying alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and ALP isoenzyme activity i... more ummary Methodological aspects of assaying alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and ALP isoenzyme activity in equine tissues and blood serum were investigated. Chemical inhibition, using carbamid or phenylalanine, as well as heat-inactivation of isoenzyme fractions in serum or extracted from different tissues was evaluated and can be used for further identification and differentiation of these isoenzymes. In combination with electrophoretic separation on agarose gel, serum isoenzyme fractions could be characterized and assessed for clinical purposes. The lack of complete differentiation between liver and bone ALP in serum as well as other organ specific isoenzyme fractions, normally not found in serum, can thus be overcome by the combination of electrophoretic separation and heat or chemical inhibition. Zusammenfassung Charakterisierung der Isoenzyme der alkalischen Phosphatase beim Rind durch chemische Hemmung und Agarose-Gel-Elektrophorese Es wurden methodische Aspekte der Bestimmung der Aktivitat der alkalischen Phosphatase (ALP) und der Isoenzyme der ALP in Geweben und im Blutserum von Pferden untersucht. Die Hemmung der Isoenzym-Fraktionen im Serum sowie der aus verschiedenen Geweben extrahierten Isoenzym-Fraktionen mittels Carbamid oder Phenylalanin sowie Hitzeinaktivierung wurde uberpruft. Sie kann zur weiteren Identifizierung und Differenzierung der betreffenden Isoenzyme herangezogen werden. In Verbindung mit der elektrophoretischen Trennung auf Agarose-Gel konnten die Serum-Isoenzym-Fraktionen fur klinische Zwecke charakterisiert und bestimmt werden. Die mangelhafte Differenzierung zwischen Leber- und Knochen-ALP im Serum sowie anderer organspezifischer Isoenzym-Fraktionen, die normalerweise nicht im Serum gefunden werden, last sich daher mittels einer Kombinatioin von elektrophoretischer Trennung und Hitze- oder chemischer Hemmung vervollstandigen.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Phenoxybenzamine on Myocardial Cell Necroses and Blood Levels of Catecholamines in Pigs Subjected to Stress

Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica, 2009

The degree of myocardial cell necroses after stress was investigated in 6 pigs, weighing 70 to 90... more The degree of myocardial cell necroses after stress was investigated in 6 pigs, weighing 70 to 90 kg. The stress was induced by a myorelaxant, succinylcholine, for about 12 min. The a-adrenoceptor blocking agent phenoxybenzamine (PBZ) was given orally 3 times a day in a total dose of 50 to 60 mg per day for 6 to 7 days before the stress. The plasma levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline were assayed in blood samples drawn before, during, and immediately after the period of stress. Heart cell necroses were found in all the cases. The activity of the sympathetic-adrenomedullary system, indicated by the plasma levels of catecholamines, was intense during the stress. When the present results were compared with those of earlier studies the degree of heart cell necroses was significantly smaller after PBZ in control pigs but significantly higher than after the P-adrenoceptor blocking agent propranolol given for about a week. PBZ exerts a number of different actions, as briefly discussed, some of them appearing to be harmful for the heart during stress while others appear to be protective for the heart.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Propranolol on Myocardial Cell Necroses and Blood Levels of Catecholamines in Pigs Subjected to Stress

Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica, 2009

The degree of myocardial cell necroses in pigs exposed to stress induced by a myorelaxant (succin... more The degree of myocardial cell necroses in pigs exposed to stress induced by a myorelaxant (succinylcholine) for about 12 min. was investigated. The P-adrenoceptor blocker propranolol was given in varying doses prior to the induced stress. The degree of necroses in these pigs was evaluated according to a point scale, ranging from 0 to 6 points, and compared with the changes found in untreatedcontrols following stress. The blood levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline were assayed before, during, and immediately after the period of stress. N O protective effect of propranolol on the cardiac lesions was found when the drug was administered intravenously in a single dose of either 1 mg or 3 mg per kg. During the period of stress the blood levels of noradrenaline were high, indicating a high degree of activity in the sympatho-adrenal system. Propranolol in a single dose of 10 mg per kg intravenously reduced the number and size of heart lesions, while the blood levels of the catecholamines were lower under stress than after administration of 1 and 3 mg propranolol. After oral treatment with propranolol, 120 mg three times a day for 6 or 7 days, an almost complete absence of heart cell necrosis after the stress was obtained. The activity of the sympatho-adrenal system was elevated, as reflected by the high blood levels of catecholamines. The results indicate that stress-induced heart cell necrosis is mediated via the activity of the sympatho-adrenal system. The difference between a single and repeated doses of propranolol in protecting the heart suggests a complex ation of the adrenergic P-receptor blocker.

Research paper thumbnail of Age Dependant Variation of Serum Creatine Kinase Isoenzyme Levels in Pigs

Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Reihe A, 2010

Summary Serum creatine kinase isoenzyme activity was measured in Swedish Landrace, Swedish Yorksh... more Summary Serum creatine kinase isoenzyme activity was measured in Swedish Landrace, Swedish Yorkshire and crossbreeds thereof, from birth to 28—30 weeks of age and in adult pigs. In the serum, four CK isoenzyme fractions were detected after electrophoretic separation, namely BB (CK-1), MB (CK-2), MM (CK-3), and a fourth fraction referred to as CK-4, probably of BB nature, migrating cathodic to the application site. Peak activities of CK-BB, MB and MM were reached during the first days of life, whereas in older animals low levels of CK-BB and CK-4 isoenzyme activities (about 2.0 and 0.5—1.0 μkat./l., respectively) and only traces of CK-MB were detected. The muscle isoenzyme activity of CK-MM was found to be closely related to age, with the highest activities at 18—28 weeks of age, whereas in younger suckling piglets the influence of CK-BB was more pronounced. In the adult animals a significantly higher CK-MM activity was found in boars than in sows. No significant difference in CK isoenzyme activity were found in this study between Swedish Landrace, Yorkshire, and crossbreeds. Zusammenfassung Altersabhangige Variation der Serum-Kreatinkinase-Isoenzyme bei Schweinen Bei Schweinen der Schwedischen Landrasse, bei Schwedischen Yorkshire-Schweinen sowie bei Kreuzungen der beiden Rassen wurden die Aktivitaten der Kreatinkinase-Isoenzyme im Serum bestimmt, beginnend von der Geburt bis zum Alter von 28 bis 30 Wochen sowie bei adulten Tieren. Nach elektrophoretischer Trennung wurden im Serum vier CK-Isoenzyme entdeckt, namlich BB (CK-1), MB (CK-2), MM (CK-3) sowie eine weitere Fraktion, die als CK-4 bezeichnet wird, die vermutlich von der Art der BB ist und die vom Applikationsort aus katodenwarts wandert. Gipfelkonzentrationen von CK-BB, MB und MM wurden wahrend der ersten Lebenstage beobachtet, wahrend bei alteren Tieren unveranderlich niedrige CK-BB und CK-4-Isoenzymaktivitaten (etwa 2,0 und 0,5—1,0 μkat/l) und nur Spuren der CK-MB nachweisbar waren. Die Muskel-Isoenzymaktivitat der CK-MM war eng gekoppelt mit dem Alter. Die hochsten Aktivitaten wurden bei 18 bis 28 Wochen alten Tieren registriert, wahrend bei jungeren Saugferkeln der Einflus der CK-BB starker war. Bei adulten Tieren wiesen Eber signifikant hohere CK-MM-Aktivitaten auf als Sauen. Zwischen den verschiedenen Rassen wurden keine signifikanten Unterschiede bezuglich der CK-Isoenzyme beobachtet. Resumee Variation en fonction de l'âge de isoenzyme kreatinkinase serique chez des porcs Les activites de l'isoenzyme kreatinkinase du serum ont ete determinees chez des porcs blancs suedois, des porcs Yorkshire suedois et des animaux croises de ces deux races. Les determinations ont ete faites de la naissance a l'âge de 28—30 semaines et chez des animaux adultes. Quatre CK-isoenzymes ont ete trouvees dans le serum apres separation electrophoretique, a savoir BB (CK-1), MB (CK-2), MM (CK-3) et une autre fraction designee par CK-4 qui est vraisemblablement de la sorte BB et qui se deplace vers la cathode. Des concentrations maximales de CK-BB, MB et MM ont ete observees durant les premiers jours de vie alors que des activites d'isoenzyme basses et non modifiees de CK-BB et CK-4 (environ 2,0 et 0,5—1,0 μkat/l) et des traces de CK-MM ont ete mises en evidence chez des animaux plus âges. L'activite isoenzymatique musculaire de CK-MM fut etroitement liee a l'âge. Les activites les plus elevees ont ete enregistrees chez des animaux âges de 18—28 semaines alors que l'influence de CK-BB fut plus forte chez des porcelets a la mamelle. Le verrat a montre des activites significativement plus elevees de CK-MM que la truie chez les adultes. Aucune difference significative en ce qui concerne CK-isoenzyme n'a ete observee entre les differentes races. Resumen Variacion, dependiente de la edad, de los niveles sericos de la isoenzima de la creatinina en cerdos En cerdos de la raza rural sueca, de la Yorkshire sueca y en los cruzados entre ambas, se valoraron en el suero sanguineo las actividades de la isoenzima de la creatinaquinasa, comenzando desde el nacimiento hasta la edad de 28 hasta 30 semanas y en los animales adultos. Tras la separacion electroforetica se descubrieron en el suero sanguineo cuatro isoenzimas CK, a saber, BB (CK-1), MB (CK-2), MM (CK-3) y otra fraccion mas, la cual se designa como CK-4, que probablemente es de la naturaleza de la BB y migra desde es punto de aplicacion hacia el catodo. Se observaron concentraciones cumbres de CK-BB, MB y MM durante los primeros dias de vida, mientras que en los animales de edad actividades isoenzimaticas bajas invariables de CK-BB y CK-4 (unas 2,0 y 0,5—1,0 μcat./l., resp.) y solo indicios de la CK-MB. La actividad isoenzimatica muscular se hallaba relacionada estrechamente con la edad. Las actividades maximas se registraron en los animales de 18 hasta 28 semanas de edad, mientras que en los lechones lactantes mas jovenes era mayor el influjo de la CK-BB. Entre los animales adultos, los verracos presentaban actividades…

Research paper thumbnail of Creatine Kinase Isoenzymes in Tissues and Serum from Pigs

Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Reihe A, 2010

Summary Creatine kinase (CK) isoenzyme activity was investigated in muscle and brain tissues and ... more Summary Creatine kinase (CK) isoenzyme activity was investigated in muscle and brain tissues and in serum from pigs. Electrophoretic separation of CK isoenzymes was performed in agarose gel and the isoenzymes were estimated by fluorometric quantitation. From brain tissue homogenates (grey matter) four different CK fractions were obtained: one anodal fraction CK-1 (CK-BB), one intermediary fraction CK-2 (CK-MB) and one cathodic migrating band CK-3 (CK-MM); a fourth fraction, referred to as CK-4, having an electrophoretic mobility cathodic to the application site and probably of CK-BB nature, was detected. In myocardial tissue, a percentage composition of 95% CK-3 (MM) and 5% CK-2 (MB) was obtained. In striated muscle tissue only CK-3 (MM) was detected, whereas in the intestinal mucosa four different isoenzyme bands were registered: CK-1 (BB), CK-2 (MB), CK-3 (MM) and the CK-4 fraction. In kidneys, adrenals, liver, spleen and lung tissue extracts, CK-1 (BB), CK-2 (MB) and CK-3 (MM) activities were detected. In serum from growing pigs (3–6 months of age), CK-1 (BB) and CK-3 (MM) were regularly recorded. Trace amounts of CK-2 (MB) were seen in most samples. Furthermore the fourth fraction, CK-4, comparable to the CK-4 band in intestinal and brain tissue extracts, was occasionally detected. Zusammenfassung Isoenzyme der Kreatinkinase in Geweben und Serum des Schweines Die Aktivitaten der Isoenzyme der Kreatinkinase (CK) wurden in Muskel- und Hirngewebe sowie im Serum von Schweinen bestimmt. Die elektrophoretische Trennung der CK-Isoenzyme erfolgte auf Agar-Gel und die Isoenzyme wurden mittels Fluorometrie quantitativ erfast. Aus den Homogenaten der grauen Substanz des Gehirns wurden 4 verschiedene CK-Fraktionen isoliert: Eine anodale Fraktion CK-1 (CK-BB), eine intermediate Fraktion CK-2 (CK-MB) und eine katodische Fraktion CK-3 (MM); daruber hinaus wurde eine vierte Fraktion, CK-4, mit einer elekro-phoretischen Mobilitat in Richtung Katode und moglicherweise von der Art der CK-BB entdeckt. Im Myocard entfielen 95% auf die CK-3 (MM) und 5% auf die CK-2 (MB). In der quergestreiften Muskulatur wurde nur die CK-3 (MM) beobachtet, wahrend aus der Darmschleimhaut alle 4 Isoenzyme differenziert werden konnten. In den Extrakten aus Nieren, Nebennieren, Leber, Milz und Lungen liesen sich Aktivitaten von CK-1 (BB), CK-2 (MB) und CK-3 (MM) nachweisen. Im Serum von wachsenden Schweinen (3–6 Monate alt) konnten regelmasig CK-1 (BB) und CK-3 (MM) gefunden werden. In den meisten Proben liesen sich auch Spuren von CK-2 (MB) nachweisen. Gelegentlich trat eine vierte Fraktion in Erscheinung, die der CK-4-Fraktion aus den Gehirn- und Darmschleimhautextrakten entsprach. Resume Isoenzyme de la creatine kinase dans des tissus et du serum de porc Les activites de l'isoenzyme de la creatine kinase (CK) ont ete determinees dans du tissu musculaire et cerebral ainsi que dans du serum chez des porcs. La separation electrophoretique des isoenzymes CK a ete faite sur gel d'agar et les isoenzymes ont ete determinees quantitativement au moyen fluorometrie. On a isole 4 fractions CK differentes a partir de l'homogenat de la substance grise du cerveau: une fraction anodique CK-1 (CK-BB), une fraction intermediate CK-2 (CK-MB) et une fraction cathodique CK-3 (MM); on a trouve en plus une quatrieme fraction CK-4 avec une mobilite electrophoretique en direction de la cathode et probablement du genre CK-BB. On a trouve dans le myocarde 95% de CK-3 (MM) et 5% de CK-2 (MB). La musculature striee n'a revele que CK-3 (MM) alors que les 4 isoenzymes ont ete trouvees a partir de la muqueuse intestinale. Des activites de CK-1 (BB), CK-2 (MB) et CK-3 (MM) ont ete mises en evidence a partir des reins, des surrenales, du foie, de la rate et des poumons. CK-1 (BB) et CK-3 (MM) ont ete trouvees regulierement dans le serum de porcs en croissance (âges de 3–6 mois). Des traces de CK-2 (MB) ont ete mises en evidence dans la plupart des echantillons. Une quatrieme fraction est apparue de temps en temps qui correspondait a la fraction CK-4 des extraits de cerveau et de muqueuse intestinale. Resumen Isoenzimas de la creatinaquinasa en tejidos y suero sanguineo del cerdo Se valoraron en los tejidos musculares y cerebrales y en el suero sanguineo de cerdos las actividades de las isoenzimas de la creatinaquinasa (CK). La separacion electroforetica de las isoenzimas de la CK se hizo sobre gelosa de agar y las isoenzimas se determinaron cuantitavivamente mediante fluorometria. De los homogenados de la substancia gris del cerebro se aislaron 4 fracciones CK diferentes: una fraccion anodica CK-1 (CK-BB), una fraccion intermediaria CK-2 (CK-MB) y una fraccion catodica CK-3 (CK-MM); ademas se descubrio una fraccion cuarta, CK-4, con una movilidad electroforetica en direccion del catodo y probablemente del genero de la CK-BB. En el miocardio correspondian el 95% a la CK-3 (CK-MM) y el 5% a la CK-2 (CK-MB). En la musculatura estriada solo se observo la CK-3 (CK-MM), mientras…

Research paper thumbnail of A Creatine Kinase Isoenzyme Variant in Porcine Serum and Tissue Extracts

Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Reihe A, 2010

ummary In porcine serum and tissue extracts an aberrant migrating CK isoenzyme fraction with an e... more ummary In porcine serum and tissue extracts an aberrant migrating CK isoenzyme fraction with an electrophoretic mobility cathodic to the normal CK-MM position was investigated for complex formation with serum immunoglobulins. Specific antibodies to porcine immunoglobulins (IgG and IgM) were used. This aberrant CK band, referred to as CK-4, is probably BB in nature and is only present in serum and tissue extracts where normally migrating CK-BB can be detected after electrophoretic separation. No complex binding to lipoproteins seems to occur spontaneously, whereas the immunoinhibition experiments indicate a complex formation between the IgG fraction and the CK-BB isoenzyme which probably contributes to the abnormal site of this isoenzyme. Zusammenfassung Eine Isoenzym-Variante der Kreatinkinase aus Gewebeextrakten und Serum des Schweines Ein elektrophoretisch von der normalen CK-MM-Position aberrant in Richtung Katode wanderndes CK-Isoenzym wurde bezuglich Komplexbildung mit Serum-Immunglobulinen untersucht. Es wurden spezifische Antikorper gegen IgG und IgM des Schweines verwendet. Diese aberrante CK-Fraktion, die als CK-4 bezeichnet wird, ist moglicherweise von der Art des BB und ist nur nachweisbar im Serum und in Gewebeextrakten, in denen sich nach elektrophoretischer Trennung eine normal wandernde BB-Fraktion erkennen last. Mit den Lipoproteinen scheint es keine Komplexbildung zu geben. Die Immun-Inhibitionsversuche zeigten jedoch eine Komplexbildung zwischen dem CK-BB-Isoenzym und der IgG-Fraktion, welche moglicherweise fur die ungewohnliche Prosition des Isoenzyms verantwortlich ist. Resume Une isoenzyme variante de la creatine kinase a partir d'extraits tissulaires et de serum de porc Une isoenzyme CK se deplacant vers la cathode de facon aberrante en fonction de la position normale de CK-MM en electrophorese a ete examinee concernant une formation d'un complexe avec des immunglobulines seriques. On a utilise des anticorps specifiques anti-IgG et anti-IgM du porc. Cette fraction CK aberrante, designee par CK-4, est probablement du genre BB et n'est mise en evidence que dans du serum ou dans des extraits tissulaires dans lesquels on peut reconnaitre une fraction BB se deplacant normalement apres une separation electrophoretique. Il ne semble pas y avoir la formation d'un complexe avec les lipoproteines. Les essais d'inhibition immunologiques ont toutefoirs montre l'image d'un complexe entre l'isoenzyme CK-BB et la fraction IgG qui pourrait etre responsable de la position inhabituelle de l'isoenzyme. Resumen Una isoenzima variante de la creatina quinasa en el suero sanguineo y extractos histicos porcinos Se estudio una fraccion migratoria aberrante de la isoenzima CK del suero sanguineo y extractos histicos porcinos, con una mobilidad electroforetica catodica en relacion con la posicion normal CK-MM, en cuanto a la formacion de un complejo con las inmunoglobulinas sericas. Se utilizaron anticuerpos especificos anti-IgG e IgM del cerdo. Esta fraccion aberrante CK, designada como CK-4, tal vez sea del genero de la BB y solo se puede identificar en el suero y en los extractos histicos, en los cuales tras separacion electroforetica se puede reconocer una fraccion BB que se desplaza con normalidad. Parece ser que con las lipoproteinas no se forma ningun complejo. Los ensayos de inmunoinhibicion mostraron una formacion compleja entre la fraccion IgG y la isoenzima CK-BB, la cual podria ser responsable de la posicion heteroclita de esta isoenzima.

Research paper thumbnail of Methodological Aspects of Serum-Creatine Kinase Determination in Pigs

Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Reihe A, 2010

Summary Various analytical and methodological aspects of assaying serum creatine kinase (CK) in p... more Summary Various analytical and methodological aspects of assaying serum creatine kinase (CK) in pigs are discussed. The influence on serum CK activity of differing techniques for blood sampling, effect of storage, effects of haemolysis and contamination of the blood samples by skeletal muscle tissue were investigated. It was concluded that contamination of blood samples by muscle tissue causes an appreciable increase in CK activity, whereas moderate or even strong haemolysis does not influence the CK analysis significantly. The technique used for blood sampling also seems to be of great importance for CK estimations due to the risk of muscular tissue contamination involved in using needles for vein puncture (e. g. vena cava) — at least in fattening pigs. Zusammenfassung Methodische Aspekte bei der Bestimmung der Serum-Kreatinkinase beim Schwein Verschiedene analytische und methodische Probleme bei der Bestimmung der Serum-Kreatinkinase (CK) beim Schwein werden diskutiert. Der Einflus folgender Faktoren auf die Serum-CK-Aktivitat wurde untersucht: Verschiedene Blutentnahmemethoden, Lagerung, Hamolyse und Kontamination der Blutproben durch Muskelgewebe. Die Kontamination der Blutproben durch Muskelgewebe fuhrte zu einem beachtlichen Anstieg der CK-Aktivitat, wahrend leicht- bis hochgradige Hamolysen ohne signifikanten Einflus waren. Auch die Blutentnahmetechnik kann entscheidend sein, bedingt durch die Kontamination der Kanulen zur Venenpunktion (V. cava) mit Muskelgewebe — zumindest bei Mastschweinen. Resume Aspects de methodologie dans la determination de la creatinekinase serique chez le porc Differents problemes d'analyse et de methodologie lors de la determination de la creatinekinase (CK) serique chez le porc sont discutes. L'influence des facteurs suivants sur l'activite de CK serique a ete examinee: differentes methodes de prelevement du sang, stockage, hemolyse et contamination des echantillons sanguins par du tissu musculaire. La contamination des echantillons de sang par du tissu musculaire provoque une augmentation marquee de l'activite de CK alors que des hemolyses legeres ou prononcees sont sans influence significative. La technique de prelevement du sang peut etre determinante a cause de la contamination des canules a ponction veineuse (V. cava) avec du tissu musculaire, du moins chez des porcs a l'engrais. Resumen Aspectos metodologicos en la determinacion de la creatinquinasa serica en el cerdo Se discuten varios aspectos analiticos y metodologicos en la determinacion de la creatinquinasa (CK) serica en cerdos. Estudiaronse los influjos de los factores siguientes sobre la actividad de la CK serica: tecnicas diversas en la toma de sangre, almacenamiento de la misma, hemolisis y contaminacion de las muestras de sangre por tejido muscular esqueletico. La contaminacion de las muestras de sangre por tejido muscular conducia a un aumento apreciable de la actividad CK, mientras que hemolisis desde moderadas hasta intensas no ejercian ningun influjo significante. Tambien la tecnica usada en la recogida de sangre puede ser decisiva, a causa de la contaminacion de las canulas empleadas en la puncion venosa (vena cava) con tejido muscular — al menos en los cerdos de engorde.

Research paper thumbnail of Serum creatine kinase activity as a selection criterion for stress susceptibility after standardised stress in pigs

Annales de recherches vétérinaires. Annals of veterinary research, 1991

Estimation of serum creatine kinase isoenzyme activity was used as a selection criterion for stre... more Estimation of serum creatine kinase isoenzyme activity was used as a selection criterion for stress sensitivity in pigs 8-12 weeks of age, classified for stress susceptibility as positive to halothane anaesthesia. Standardized stress was provoked by administration of adrenocorticotropic hormone or synstigmine. The experiments were performed under experimental conditions in permanently catheterized animals and in a field trial. It was shown that the stress inductors can be used as a selection criterion for stress sensitivity in catheterized animals by estimation of the CK-MM isoenzyme activity 20-24 h after administration of the inductor. In cases where the individual reaction to halothane anaesthesia is unclear and non classifiable, CK-MM isoenzyme assay performed before and 24 h after the halothane test, may also be useful under practical conditions as an additional indicator of stress sensitivity.

Research paper thumbnail of DNA binding proteins in canine sera. A method for removal of nonspecific DNA binding in the Farr assay

Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 1984

A panel of canine sera, the majority of which were collected from clinically healthy dogs, were i... more A panel of canine sera, the majority of which were collected from clinically healthy dogs, were investigated for antibodies against double stranded (dsDNA) by the Farr radioimmunoassay technique. Non-specific DNA binding agents interfering with the Farr assay were detected in all sera. Heat inactivation at 60 degrees C or treatment with dextran sulphate was shown to eliminate this kind of unspecific DNA binding while not affecting true antibodies to dsDNA. Canine sera positive in the Farr assay after inactivation at 60 degrees C were positive also in immunofluorescence for anti-nuclear antibody on rat liver sections and for dsDNA with Chrithidia luciliae as antigen preparation. IgG or glycoprotein nature of the non-specific DNA binding could be excluded by means of affinity chromatography on protein A and the lectin lentil.

Research paper thumbnail of Distribution and Morphology of Skeletal Muscle Lesions after Experimental Restraint Stress in Normal and Stress-susceptible Pigs

Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A, 1995

With 6 figures and 2 tables

Research paper thumbnail of Chemiluminescence and Chemotaxis Assay of Porcine Polymorphonuclear Cells A Methodological Study

Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A, 1990

A Boyden-Chamber technique for leukocyte migration was adapted to a polymorphonuclear (PMN) cell ... more A Boyden-Chamber technique for leukocyte migration was adapted to a polymorphonuclear (PMN) cell concentration of 5 x 10(6) cells/ml an optimal amount of cells for the leading front technique. Casein (0.1%) is so far the most effective chemotactic substance for porcine granulocytes. A formylpeptide++, FMLP (in concentrations of 10(-2) to 10(-10) mmol/l), does not stimulate migration in porcine granulocytes when compared to random migration. For the chemiluminescence assay a concentration of 5 x 10(6) PMN cells/ml buffer is needed to obtain optimal conditions in pig granulocytes. Moreover the chemiluminescence should be performed within a standardized interval after the isolation of leukocytes since the cell activity declines rapidly after the isolation. The chemiluminescence and migration assays were standardized at 37 degrees C; the activity of the granulocytes did not show any significant variation within a temperature interval of 37-39 degrees C, whereas temperatures below 37 degrees C significantly reduce the granulocytic activity.

Research paper thumbnail of Cardiac Manifestation and Blood Catecholamine Levels during Succinylcholine-Induced Stress of Malignant Hyperthermia Sensitive Pigs*

Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A, 1989

Fifteen crossbred pigs of Swedish Landrace and Yorkshire, about 6 months of age and susceptible t... more Fifteen crossbred pigs of Swedish Landrace and Yorkshire, about 6 months of age and susceptible to develop malignant hyperthermia (MH) when exposed to halothane, were subjected to stress provoked by the myorelaxant succinylcholine. The results were compared with those of 12 normal pigs. During the stress the halothane-sensitive (HS) pigs showed much higher levels of plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline and more severe ventricular arrhythmias than the controls. The degree of myocardial degeneration and necrosis being similar to catecholamine induced myocardial damage was significantly higher in the HS pigs than in the controls. The ultrastructural examination revealed three main types of changes in affected myocardial cells. One type of myocardial cell damage was characterized by various degree of hypercontraction, enlarged mitochondria with dense bodies and dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum. The other type showed mitochondria with tubular configuration whereas the third type of cell damage was characterized by almost normal mitochondria combined with a severe damage of the myofilaments. Three HS pigs which died within 30 min after stress showed signs of malignant hyperthermia. No signs of the disease were observed in the other 12 HS pigs.

Research paper thumbnail of Absorption of lactoferrin-iron in suckling pigs

Nutrition Research, 1983

Lactoferrin is the major iron-binding protein in human milk, and is believed to be of importance ... more Lactoferrin is the major iron-binding protein in human milk, and is believed to be of importance in the mechanism of iron absorption. The absorption and retention of iron from iron-saturated bovine lactoferrin was studied in suckling pigs using Fe, and compared to absorption and retention of FeSO 4. Lactoferrin bound iron was absorbed and incorporated into red blood cells to the same extent that sulphate iron. Net iron retention, measured by whole body counting of radioactivity one week after administration of a tracer dose, also showed a similar uptake of lactoferrin bound iron and sulphate iron. The results demonstrate that the iron-deficient suckling pig utilizes iron from lactoferrin at least as well as from an inorganic salt. Uptake data give rise to the hypothesis that the mechanisms for transfer of iron from mucosa to serosa and the incorporation of iron into red blood cells, may differ for the two compounds.

Research paper thumbnail of Stress, katekolaminer och hjärtcellnekros

Nordisk Psykiatrisk Tidsskrift, 1984

professor i patologi och Kerstin Thortn-Tolling, VMD, docent i svinsjukdomar , Sveriges Lantbruks... more professor i patologi och Kerstin Thortn-Tolling, VMD, docent i svinsjukdomar , Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala, har bildat en interdisciplinar grupp som under en foljd av Br studerat grisens reaktioner vid stress. Speciellt intresse har agnats effekten av stress pB hjarta och tvarstrimmig muskulatur, varvid bl a det sympatiska nervsystemets och binjurarnas roll undersoks.

Research paper thumbnail of Protection at different functional levels from stress-induced myocardial necrosis in normal and stress-susceptible pigs

Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 1985

The sympathetic nervous system is Intimately involved in arrhythmogenesis during isehaemia. Enhan... more The sympathetic nervous system is Intimately involved in arrhythmogenesis during isehaemia. Enhanced sensitivity to cateehols at the receptor level was suggested since cateehols were not released from the ischaemic heart (1). Using 125 I-(-)iodopindolol (IP) the~-receptor binding characteristics were examined in rat heart mierosomal preparations under normal and simulated 'ischaemic' conditions. IP binding was saturable and reversible with a K D of 290 • 50pM, Bmax 46 • 4 fmoles/mg protein and with selectivity; IC50: Isopren <A<NA<DA. Kinetic analysis of association and dissociation rate constants (K and K after displacement with 10-4M on off Isopren) showed that ischaemie pH (6.8) or K + (32mM) did not affect diffusion limited Ken. Fewer binding sites (-12%) and a greater K ~ was observed at pH 6.8 (-0.22•

Research paper thumbnail of Binding of immunoglobulins to protein A and immunoglobulin levels in mammalian sera

Journal of Immunological Methods, 1983

The use of protein A from S. aureus (SPA) as an anti-IgG reagent in immunological techniques has ... more The use of protein A from S. aureus (SPA) as an anti-IgG reagent in immunological techniques has extended in recent years, together with knowledge about its interaction with immunoglobulins of different species. Current data with respect to the binding of protein A to immunoglobulins and to the levels of immunoglobulins in the sera of some mammalian species are reviewed.

Research paper thumbnail of Identity of the Fungal Endophyte of Ascophyllum with Mycosphaerella ascophylli Established by Means of Fluorescent Antibody Technique

Botanica Marina, 1978

Ascospores of the fungusMycosphaerella ascophylli which forms pseudothecia on Ascophyllum nodosum... more Ascospores of the fungusMycosphaerella ascophylli which forms pseudothecia on Ascophyllum nodosum, germinate but do not develop into mycelia. To establish whether the cultivable, endophytic mycelium, which always occurs in the Ascophyllum thallus is identical with the pseudotheciz-foTmmg Mycosphaerella, the fluorescent antibody technique was used. The results strongly supported the assumption of identity and thus of only one mycobiont, Mycosphaerella ascophylli

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of amygdalectomy on stress-induced myocardial necroses and blood levels of catecholamines in pigs

Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 1981

Research paper thumbnail of Catecholamine-induced free radicals in myocardial cell necrosis on experimental stress in pigs

Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 1987

Catecholamine-induced free radicals in myocardial cell necrosis on experimental stress in pigs. A... more Catecholamine-induced free radicals in myocardial cell necrosis on experimental stress in pigs. Acta Physiol Scand 131, 447-452.

Research paper thumbnail of Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes in the Horse — Variation with Age, Training and in Different Pathological Conditions

Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A, 1988

ummary Serum alkaline Phosphatase isoenzyme (ALP) activity was measured by agarose gel electropho... more ummary Serum alkaline Phosphatase isoenzyme (ALP) activity was measured by agarose gel electrophoresis in horses, Swedish half-breds and trotters, of varying age and during different conditions of training. Thus the effects of aging and growing on the isoenzyme activities from birth up to about 3 years of age was studied. The influence of training during the first year of life on the ALP isoenzyme pattern was also evaluated. Furthermore the isoenzyme pattern in adult horses suffering from different kinds of diseases was studied. In newborn and very young horses normally two different isoenzyme fractions appear in the serum: liver and bone ALP. During the first year of life the bone isoenzyme fraction slowly disappears and in normal cases only liver ALP could be detected after the first year of life by the separation technique used in this study. In horses with different kinds of infectious and inflammatory diseases the liver ALP is often increased, which is probably a secondary phenomenon and related to an increased liver cell metabolism most likely caused by a general stress on the organism in different disease conditions. Zusammenfassung Isoenzyme der alkalischen Phosphatase im Serum beim Pferd — Veranderungen in Abhangigkeit von Alter, Training und pathologischen Bedingungen Die Aktivitat der Isoenzyme der alkalischen Phosphatase (ALP) wurde mittels der Agarose-Gel-Elektrophorese bei Pferden (Schwedische Warmbluter und Traber) unterschiedlichen Alters sowie in unterschiedlichem Trainingszustand bestimmt. Es wurde der Einflus von Alter und Wachstum auf die Isoenzymaktivitaten von der Geburt bis zum Alter von 3 Jahren untersucht. Der Einflus des Trainings auf das Isoenzymmuster der ALP wurde wahrend des ersten Lebensjahres ebenfalls ausgewertet. Des weiteren wurde das Isoenzymmuster der ALP bei adulten Pferden untersucht, die an verschiedenen Krankheiten litten. Bei neugeborenen und sehr jungen Pferden waren normalerweise zwei Isoenzymfraktionen im Serum nachweisbar: Leber- und Knochen-ALP. Wahrend des ersten Lebensjahres verschwindet die Knochen-ALP-Fraktion allmahlich. Nach dem ersten Lebensjahr konnte mittels des angewandten Trennverfahrens normalerweise nur Leber-ALP nachgewiesen werden. Bei Pferden mit verschiedenen Infektionen oder Entzundungen nimmt die Leber-ALP haufig zu. Dabei handelt es sich wahrscheinlich um eine auf den erhohten Leberzellstoffwechsel infolge von krankheitsbedingter Streseinwirkung zuruckzufuhrende Sekundarerscheinung.

Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of Equine Alkaline Phosphate Isoenzymes by Chemical Inhibition and Agaros Gel Electrophoresis

Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A, 1988

ummary Methodological aspects of assaying alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and ALP isoenzyme activity i... more ummary Methodological aspects of assaying alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and ALP isoenzyme activity in equine tissues and blood serum were investigated. Chemical inhibition, using carbamid or phenylalanine, as well as heat-inactivation of isoenzyme fractions in serum or extracted from different tissues was evaluated and can be used for further identification and differentiation of these isoenzymes. In combination with electrophoretic separation on agarose gel, serum isoenzyme fractions could be characterized and assessed for clinical purposes. The lack of complete differentiation between liver and bone ALP in serum as well as other organ specific isoenzyme fractions, normally not found in serum, can thus be overcome by the combination of electrophoretic separation and heat or chemical inhibition. Zusammenfassung Charakterisierung der Isoenzyme der alkalischen Phosphatase beim Rind durch chemische Hemmung und Agarose-Gel-Elektrophorese Es wurden methodische Aspekte der Bestimmung der Aktivitat der alkalischen Phosphatase (ALP) und der Isoenzyme der ALP in Geweben und im Blutserum von Pferden untersucht. Die Hemmung der Isoenzym-Fraktionen im Serum sowie der aus verschiedenen Geweben extrahierten Isoenzym-Fraktionen mittels Carbamid oder Phenylalanin sowie Hitzeinaktivierung wurde uberpruft. Sie kann zur weiteren Identifizierung und Differenzierung der betreffenden Isoenzyme herangezogen werden. In Verbindung mit der elektrophoretischen Trennung auf Agarose-Gel konnten die Serum-Isoenzym-Fraktionen fur klinische Zwecke charakterisiert und bestimmt werden. Die mangelhafte Differenzierung zwischen Leber- und Knochen-ALP im Serum sowie anderer organspezifischer Isoenzym-Fraktionen, die normalerweise nicht im Serum gefunden werden, last sich daher mittels einer Kombinatioin von elektrophoretischer Trennung und Hitze- oder chemischer Hemmung vervollstandigen.