Kevin Evans - (original) (raw)

Papers by Kevin Evans

Research paper thumbnail of Meeting Patient Expectations During Hospitalization: A Grounded Theoretical Analysis of Patient-Centered Room Elements

HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal

Objectives: To identify patient needs and expectations that can be utilized to inform the design ... more Objectives: To identify patient needs and expectations that can be utilized to inform the design or renovation of medical–surgical patient rooms in a hospital. Background: There is an increased interest in supportive room design to increase patient satisfaction and improve the healing process. Methods: Patients’ and family caregivers’ reactions were elicited to intentional room elements embedded in a set of five full-scale simulated room prototypes. Small groups of patients and caregivers toured two of the five rooms and provided verbal and written evaluations of room features. A grounded theory approach was employed to generate a codebook, identify the frequency of codes, and to group codes and memos into emerging themes. Insights from emergent themes were compared with findings from written surveys on the importance of various room design elements completed at the beginning of each session. Results: A theoretical design framework was generated, showing patients expect a hospital r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Proposed stratotype for the base of the Lawsonian Stage (Cambrian Stage 10) at the First Appearance Datum of Eoconodontus notchpeakensis (Miller) in the House Range, Utah, USA

Bulletin of Geosciences, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Gamma-ray Cross Sections—Correlation of Steptoean Strata in the Eastern Great Basin Using Outcrop Gamma-ray Profiles

Great American Carbonate BankThe Geology and Economic Resources of the Cambrian—Ordovician Sauk Megasequence of Laurentia

The strata of the Steptoean Stage (Figure 1) are exposed in several mountain ranges across the ea... more The strata of the Steptoean Stage (Figure 1) are exposed in several mountain ranges across the eastern Great Basin of western Utah and eastern Nevada (Figure 2). Palmer (1962, 1965) described the trilobite faunas of this interval, and many subsequent studies have focused on the faunal provincialism, paleoenvironments, and biochronostratigraphy. The Steptoean positive isotope carbon excursion (SPICE) event spans this interval, with a 13C maximum occurring in the Dunderbergia Zone, near the middle of the succession (Saltzman et al., 1998).Figure 1. Names and lithology of lithostratigraphic units associated with and adjacent to the Steptoean Stage in the eastern Great Basin. See Figure 2 for the abbreviations of locations across the top row. Steptoean interval is indicated by light-gray overlay.Figure 2. Locations of stratigraphic sections and gamma-ray profiles in the eastern Great Basin. The light-green area indicates the principal study area.The interpreted sea level changes during this interval have been somewhat controversial (e.g., Palmer, 1965; Lochman-Balk, 1970). Evans (1997) described the depositional environments of the Steptoean and has interpreted that these strata record two major sea level falls during the Dunderbergia and early Elvinia Chrons and a major sea level rise during the late Elvinia Chron. Saltzman et al. (2004) considered that the SPICE maximum coincided with a sea level fall in the latest Dunderbergia Chron, which they considered to be the Sauk II-III unconformity. This chapter provides an overview of the depositional environments of the Steptoean Stage, together with a series of gamma-ray profiles that help illustrate the sequence stratigraphy. The gamma-ray profiles make it possible to correlate measured stratigraphic sections with one another and to correlate them with subsurface well logs (see Evans et al., 2012).

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Research paper thumbnail of Geology of the Nelson Limestone, Postel Nunatak, Patuxent Range, Antarctica

Antarctic Science

Postel Nunatak in the Patuxent Range has been previously mapped as Nelson Limestone but there was... more Postel Nunatak in the Patuxent Range has been previously mapped as Nelson Limestone but there was no biostratigraphic support for that interpretation until now. We confirm that limestone exposures at Postel Nunatak are at least partly correlated with the Nelson Limestone of the Neptune Range, 160 km north-east, and are not correlative with the lower Cambrian Schneider Hills Limestone of the Argentina Range. Upper beds have yielded the trilobites Suludella? davnii Palmer & Gatehouse, 1972 and Solenopleura pruina Palmer & Gatehouse, 1972, which provide a basis for assignment to Cambrian Series 3 (late middle Cambrian), within the Drumian or lower Guzhangian stages. Limestone beds were deposited in a shallow marine setting, ranging from supratidal to lagoonal facies with rare subtidal intervals. These settings contrast with deeper water facies of the Neptune Range. Despite limitations in sampling density, isotopic analysis indicates that a greater than +2.5‰ shift in δ13C is consistent...

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Research paper thumbnail of Marine geology of the Bering Sea; selected bibliography of U.S. Geological Survey studies (1970-present)

Open-File Report

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Research paper thumbnail of Offshore geologic framework and sedimentology of the Gulf of Alaska; selected bibliography of U.S. Geological Survey Studies (1970-Present)

Open-File Report

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Research paper thumbnail of A digital atlas of hydrocarbon accumulations within and adjacent to the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska (NPRA)

Open-File Report

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Research paper thumbnail of Moloka'i Fieldtrip Guidebook: Selected Aspects of the Geology, Geography, and Coral Reefs of Moloka'i

Open-File Report

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Research paper thumbnail of Saltwater intrusion in Los Angeles area coastal aquifers : the marine connection

Fact Sheet

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Research paper thumbnail of U.S. coral reefs; imperiled national treasures

Fact Sheet

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Research paper thumbnail of Serial Impacts or Random Alignment? Monte Carlo Simulations of Three 38th Parallel Impact Structures

Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, Aug 1, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Sequence stratigraphy of the Sauk Sequence: 40th anniversary field trip in western Utah

GSA Field Guide 4: Western Cordillera and Adjacent Areas, 2003

... Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning, Southwest Missouri State University, Springfi... more ... Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning, Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri 65804, USA Benjamin F. Dattilo ... Formation in central House Range) Wheeler Shale Swasey Limestone Whirlwind Formation Dome Limestone Chisholm Formation rf d ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Stratigraphy of the Sauk III Interval (Cambrian-Ordovician) in the Ibex Area, Western Millard County, Utah and Central Texas

Brigham Young University Geology Studies

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Research paper thumbnail of Civil War and cultural geology of southwestern Missouri, part 1: The geology of Wilson's Creek Battlefield and the history of stone quarrying and stone use

From Precambrian Rift Volcanoes to the Mississippian Shelf Margin: Geological Field Excursions in the Ozark Mountains, 2010

... GSA, employment. ... And, sadly, sinkholes were used for convenient burial of corpses. Probab... more ... GSA, employment. ... And, sadly, sinkholes were used for convenient burial of corpses. Probably the most important role that geology played was the actual location of the city. Springfield was founded in the early 1830s on the uplands of the Springfield Plateau. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Slaughter on the rocks and other geologic aspects of the Battle of Pea Ridge

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Research paper thumbnail of Marine Geology of the Bering Sea: Selected Bibliography of US Geological Survey Studies (1970-present)

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Research paper thumbnail of Weaubleau Structure, Missouri: Field and Core Evidence for a Possible Impact Origin

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Research paper thumbnail of Mixed-age echinoderms, conodonts, and other fossils from a mid-Mississippian impact resurge breccia, St. Clair County, Missouri

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Research paper thumbnail of Offshore Geologic Framework and Sedimentology of the Gulf of Alaska: Selected Bibliography of US Geological Survey Studies (1970-Present)

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Shocked-Quartz Petrography, Upper Weaubleau Breccia, Missouri, USA

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Research paper thumbnail of Meeting Patient Expectations During Hospitalization: A Grounded Theoretical Analysis of Patient-Centered Room Elements

HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal

Objectives: To identify patient needs and expectations that can be utilized to inform the design ... more Objectives: To identify patient needs and expectations that can be utilized to inform the design or renovation of medical–surgical patient rooms in a hospital. Background: There is an increased interest in supportive room design to increase patient satisfaction and improve the healing process. Methods: Patients’ and family caregivers’ reactions were elicited to intentional room elements embedded in a set of five full-scale simulated room prototypes. Small groups of patients and caregivers toured two of the five rooms and provided verbal and written evaluations of room features. A grounded theory approach was employed to generate a codebook, identify the frequency of codes, and to group codes and memos into emerging themes. Insights from emergent themes were compared with findings from written surveys on the importance of various room design elements completed at the beginning of each session. Results: A theoretical design framework was generated, showing patients expect a hospital r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Proposed stratotype for the base of the Lawsonian Stage (Cambrian Stage 10) at the First Appearance Datum of Eoconodontus notchpeakensis (Miller) in the House Range, Utah, USA

Bulletin of Geosciences, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Gamma-ray Cross Sections—Correlation of Steptoean Strata in the Eastern Great Basin Using Outcrop Gamma-ray Profiles

Great American Carbonate BankThe Geology and Economic Resources of the Cambrian—Ordovician Sauk Megasequence of Laurentia

The strata of the Steptoean Stage (Figure 1) are exposed in several mountain ranges across the ea... more The strata of the Steptoean Stage (Figure 1) are exposed in several mountain ranges across the eastern Great Basin of western Utah and eastern Nevada (Figure 2). Palmer (1962, 1965) described the trilobite faunas of this interval, and many subsequent studies have focused on the faunal provincialism, paleoenvironments, and biochronostratigraphy. The Steptoean positive isotope carbon excursion (SPICE) event spans this interval, with a 13C maximum occurring in the Dunderbergia Zone, near the middle of the succession (Saltzman et al., 1998).Figure 1. Names and lithology of lithostratigraphic units associated with and adjacent to the Steptoean Stage in the eastern Great Basin. See Figure 2 for the abbreviations of locations across the top row. Steptoean interval is indicated by light-gray overlay.Figure 2. Locations of stratigraphic sections and gamma-ray profiles in the eastern Great Basin. The light-green area indicates the principal study area.The interpreted sea level changes during this interval have been somewhat controversial (e.g., Palmer, 1965; Lochman-Balk, 1970). Evans (1997) described the depositional environments of the Steptoean and has interpreted that these strata record two major sea level falls during the Dunderbergia and early Elvinia Chrons and a major sea level rise during the late Elvinia Chron. Saltzman et al. (2004) considered that the SPICE maximum coincided with a sea level fall in the latest Dunderbergia Chron, which they considered to be the Sauk II-III unconformity. This chapter provides an overview of the depositional environments of the Steptoean Stage, together with a series of gamma-ray profiles that help illustrate the sequence stratigraphy. The gamma-ray profiles make it possible to correlate measured stratigraphic sections with one another and to correlate them with subsurface well logs (see Evans et al., 2012).

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Research paper thumbnail of Geology of the Nelson Limestone, Postel Nunatak, Patuxent Range, Antarctica

Antarctic Science

Postel Nunatak in the Patuxent Range has been previously mapped as Nelson Limestone but there was... more Postel Nunatak in the Patuxent Range has been previously mapped as Nelson Limestone but there was no biostratigraphic support for that interpretation until now. We confirm that limestone exposures at Postel Nunatak are at least partly correlated with the Nelson Limestone of the Neptune Range, 160 km north-east, and are not correlative with the lower Cambrian Schneider Hills Limestone of the Argentina Range. Upper beds have yielded the trilobites Suludella? davnii Palmer & Gatehouse, 1972 and Solenopleura pruina Palmer & Gatehouse, 1972, which provide a basis for assignment to Cambrian Series 3 (late middle Cambrian), within the Drumian or lower Guzhangian stages. Limestone beds were deposited in a shallow marine setting, ranging from supratidal to lagoonal facies with rare subtidal intervals. These settings contrast with deeper water facies of the Neptune Range. Despite limitations in sampling density, isotopic analysis indicates that a greater than +2.5‰ shift in δ13C is consistent...

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Research paper thumbnail of Marine geology of the Bering Sea; selected bibliography of U.S. Geological Survey studies (1970-present)

Open-File Report

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Research paper thumbnail of Offshore geologic framework and sedimentology of the Gulf of Alaska; selected bibliography of U.S. Geological Survey Studies (1970-Present)

Open-File Report

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Research paper thumbnail of A digital atlas of hydrocarbon accumulations within and adjacent to the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska (NPRA)

Open-File Report

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Research paper thumbnail of Moloka'i Fieldtrip Guidebook: Selected Aspects of the Geology, Geography, and Coral Reefs of Moloka'i

Open-File Report

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Research paper thumbnail of Saltwater intrusion in Los Angeles area coastal aquifers : the marine connection

Fact Sheet

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Research paper thumbnail of U.S. coral reefs; imperiled national treasures

Fact Sheet

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Research paper thumbnail of Serial Impacts or Random Alignment? Monte Carlo Simulations of Three 38th Parallel Impact Structures

Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, Aug 1, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Sequence stratigraphy of the Sauk Sequence: 40th anniversary field trip in western Utah

GSA Field Guide 4: Western Cordillera and Adjacent Areas, 2003

... Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning, Southwest Missouri State University, Springfi... more ... Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning, Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri 65804, USA Benjamin F. Dattilo ... Formation in central House Range) Wheeler Shale Swasey Limestone Whirlwind Formation Dome Limestone Chisholm Formation rf d ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Stratigraphy of the Sauk III Interval (Cambrian-Ordovician) in the Ibex Area, Western Millard County, Utah and Central Texas

Brigham Young University Geology Studies

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Research paper thumbnail of Civil War and cultural geology of southwestern Missouri, part 1: The geology of Wilson's Creek Battlefield and the history of stone quarrying and stone use

From Precambrian Rift Volcanoes to the Mississippian Shelf Margin: Geological Field Excursions in the Ozark Mountains, 2010

... GSA, employment. ... And, sadly, sinkholes were used for convenient burial of corpses. Probab... more ... GSA, employment. ... And, sadly, sinkholes were used for convenient burial of corpses. Probably the most important role that geology played was the actual location of the city. Springfield was founded in the early 1830s on the uplands of the Springfield Plateau. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Slaughter on the rocks and other geologic aspects of the Battle of Pea Ridge

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Research paper thumbnail of Marine Geology of the Bering Sea: Selected Bibliography of US Geological Survey Studies (1970-present)

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Research paper thumbnail of Weaubleau Structure, Missouri: Field and Core Evidence for a Possible Impact Origin

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Research paper thumbnail of Mixed-age echinoderms, conodonts, and other fossils from a mid-Mississippian impact resurge breccia, St. Clair County, Missouri

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Research paper thumbnail of Offshore Geologic Framework and Sedimentology of the Gulf of Alaska: Selected Bibliography of US Geological Survey Studies (1970-Present)

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Shocked-Quartz Petrography, Upper Weaubleau Breccia, Missouri, USA

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