Kinga Jęczmińska - (original) (raw)
Papers by Kinga Jęczmińska
Degenaar and Keijzer (2009) claim that workspace theories and sensorimotor theories are complemen... more Degenaar and Keijzer (2009) claim that workspace theories and sensorimotor theories are complementary rather than competitive, so their combination has higher explanatory power than either approach on its own. I focus on the global workspace theory developed by Baars and the sensorimotor theory developed by O'Regan and Noe. The first theory analyses how consciousness emerges from dynamic interactions between unconscious processes. The second theory emphasizes the organism-world interaction, out of which conscious experience arises. I argue that the two theories may be combined together with predictive processing in its version developed by Clark. The predictive processing framework explains processes that underlie conscious and unconscious experience on a more fine-grained level than sensorimotor theory. Likewise, conscious processes on the highest level in the multi-level structure accounted for by predictive processing may be identified with the global workspace
Rozwój okulistyki na ziemiach polskich w XIX wieku przypada na trudny okres, w którym Polska nie ... more Rozwój okulistyki na ziemiach polskich w XIX wieku przypada na trudny okres, w którym Polska nie istniała jako niepodległe państwo, lecz była podzielona między trzy mocarstwa. Wpływało to na sytuację uniwersytetów, które musiały podporządkowywać swą działalność decyzjom obcych zwierzchników, co prowadziło do utrudnień w pracy badawczej i negatywnie wpływało na edukację. Sytuacja polityczna zmuszała wielu studentów do podejmowania studiów w zagranicznych ośrodkach 1. Z drugiej strony zaletą tej sytuacji było to, że Polacy posługiwali się biegle językami okupantów, a także krajów, do których emigrowali: językiem rosyjskim, niemieckim i francuskim. Pobyt w zagranicznych ośrodkach umożliwiał im poznanie światowych osiągnięć w medycynie, pracę w wysokiej klasy ośrodkach naukowych oraz publikacje w renomowanych czasopismach 2. Część lekarzy po odbyciu studiów i szkoleń wracała na ziemie polskie i tu kontynuowała swoje badania. Inni do końca życia przebywali na obczyźnie. Należący do tej drugiej grupy często wciąż byli postrzegani za granicą jako obcy i prowadzili swoje badania indywidualnie. Stanowiło to dla nich przeszkodę w pełnym rozwinięciu potencjału naukowego, gdyż rozwój okulistyki w Europie często opierał się na interdyscyplinarnej współpracy klinicystów, patologów, fi zjologów, a nawet fi zyków 3. Wśród okulistów, którzy po studiach i stażach zagranicznych wrócili na ziemie polskie, kształcąc kolejne pokolenie specjalistów, należy wyróżnić Wiktora Feliksa Szokalskiego (1811-1891).
The article analyses the concept ofthe mind in Samuel Beckett’s The Unnamable to argue that the s... more The article analyses the concept ofthe mind in Samuel Beckett’s The Unnamable to argue that the subject ofthe monologue may be interpreted either asa spirit describable interms ofCartesian substance dualism or asa purely linguistic manifestation ofconsciousness that is fragmented and not fully articulated. The narrator appears asa “diminished mind” or a “virtually disembodied” voice (Kennedy 1989:139) that obsessively and desperately searches for the lost or fragmented core ofthe self (Kennedy 1989:140; cf.McDonald 2007:103). The voice might come from a soul suspended ina limbo or ina Geulingian hell where the devil makes its inhabitants uncertain ofanything and encourages them to continue their searches for meaning and sense despite the pointlessness ofthe endeavour (Uhlmann 2006:104–105). However, the voice may also result from an undisciplined process ofwriting that produces an uncertain and underdeveloped identity ofthe narrator. The two interpretations may be treated ascompatib...
Crossroads A Journal of English Studies
The aim of the article is to analyse the living conditions presented in J. M. Coetzee’s novel Age... more The aim of the article is to analyse the living conditions presented in J. M. Coetzee’s novel Age of Iron with reference to differences between the white and black communities of Cape Town in South Africa. It argues that differences in the conditions of living related to social and racial divisions are also reflected in the visions of the afterlife. The protagonist of the novel, Mrs Curren, portrays white people as living in comfort and dying in old age due to natural causes. The moment of their death constitutes a transition from earthly life to spiritual or incorporeal existence. In contrast, black people die young in apartheid fights. The dismal portrayal of the destruction of black people’s housing corresponds to Mrs Curren’s naturalistic descriptions of the dead bodies of young black activists. Their death does not involve a transformation into a spirit that has shed its body; death offers no relief, since their bodies and souls remain in “African hell”.
Studia Litteraria, 2021
The article discusses J.M. Coetzee’s Diary of a Bad Year to argue that although the main protagon... more The article discusses J.M. Coetzee’s Diary of a Bad Year to argue that although the main protagonist’s views upon social, ethical, political, and scientific matters may be described as rather pessimistic, the novel still portrays artistic creation as a source of solace, hope, and a motivation for improvement in human life. The validity of the protagonist’s despondent outlook upon human life is undermined by the tripartite composition of the narrative, in which his opinions are questioned when juxtaposed with the alternative views voiced by the other characters. It is argued in particular that the story narrated in the novel reinforces the image of the positive role of literature in human existence. W poszukiwaniu nadziei w Diary of a Bad Year J.M. Coetzeego Niniejszy artykuł omawia Diary of a Bad Year J.M. Coetzeego w celu wykazania, że chociaż poglądy głównego bohatera na kwestie społeczne, etyczne, polityczne i naukowe można określić jako dość pesymistyczne, powieść przedstawia je...
Przeglad Filozoficzny Nowa Seria, Jun 1, 2013
Brno studies in English
The aim of this article is to analyse the relation between the mind and the body in J. M. Coetzee... more The aim of this article is to analyse the relation between the mind and the body in J. M. Coetzee's Life & Times of Michael K in terms of theories discussed in contemporary philosophy of mind. Although spiritual and bodily aspects are often described in the novel as separate, there is no strong ontological assumption that the spirit can exist independently from the body. References to the spiritual dimension mostly appear in the descriptions of characters' subjective experiences and imagination. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the vision of the world in the novel oscillates between substance dualism and property dualism, but it is not entirely consistent with either of the philosophical views analysed.
Litteraria Copernicana
ISSNp 1899-315X ss. 35-45
History of Psychiatry
In Poland, there were 176 cases of prefrontal leucotomy performed by Moniz’s method between 1947 ... more In Poland, there were 176 cases of prefrontal leucotomy performed by Moniz’s method between 1947 and 1951. There were also several cases in which alternative psychosurgical techniques were used: prefrontal topectomy by Bilikiewicz and colleagues, and prefrontal topischemia by Ziemnowicz. This article analyses the following: publications by Choróbski, who performed lobotomy in Poland, and by Korzeniowski, who assessed its short-term results; a report by Bornsztajn, who reviewed general results of the method; and clinical research by Broszkiewicz and by Konieczyńska, who assessed Polish patients in terms of long-term results of lobotomy. Negative clinical evaluation of lobotomy led to its abandonment in Poland, a decision strengthened by a regulation that forbade lobotomy in the USSR and impacted Polish psychiatry.
Degenaar and Keijzer (2009) claim that workspace theories and sensorimotor theories are complemen... more Degenaar and Keijzer (2009) claim that workspace theories and sensorimotor theories are complementary rather than competitive, so their combination has higher explanatory power than either approach on its own. I focus on the global workspace theory developed by Baars and the sensorimotor theory developed by O'Regan and Noe. The first theory analyses how consciousness emerges from dynamic interactions between unconscious processes. The second theory emphasizes the organism-world interaction, out of which conscious experience arises. I argue that the two theories may be combined together with predictive processing in its version developed by Clark. The predictive processing framework explains processes that underlie conscious and unconscious experience on a more fine-grained level than sensorimotor theory. Likewise, conscious processes on the highest level in the multi-level structure accounted for by predictive processing may be identified with the global workspace
Rozwój okulistyki na ziemiach polskich w XIX wieku przypada na trudny okres, w którym Polska nie ... more Rozwój okulistyki na ziemiach polskich w XIX wieku przypada na trudny okres, w którym Polska nie istniała jako niepodległe państwo, lecz była podzielona między trzy mocarstwa. Wpływało to na sytuację uniwersytetów, które musiały podporządkowywać swą działalność decyzjom obcych zwierzchników, co prowadziło do utrudnień w pracy badawczej i negatywnie wpływało na edukację. Sytuacja polityczna zmuszała wielu studentów do podejmowania studiów w zagranicznych ośrodkach 1. Z drugiej strony zaletą tej sytuacji było to, że Polacy posługiwali się biegle językami okupantów, a także krajów, do których emigrowali: językiem rosyjskim, niemieckim i francuskim. Pobyt w zagranicznych ośrodkach umożliwiał im poznanie światowych osiągnięć w medycynie, pracę w wysokiej klasy ośrodkach naukowych oraz publikacje w renomowanych czasopismach 2. Część lekarzy po odbyciu studiów i szkoleń wracała na ziemie polskie i tu kontynuowała swoje badania. Inni do końca życia przebywali na obczyźnie. Należący do tej drugiej grupy często wciąż byli postrzegani za granicą jako obcy i prowadzili swoje badania indywidualnie. Stanowiło to dla nich przeszkodę w pełnym rozwinięciu potencjału naukowego, gdyż rozwój okulistyki w Europie często opierał się na interdyscyplinarnej współpracy klinicystów, patologów, fi zjologów, a nawet fi zyków 3. Wśród okulistów, którzy po studiach i stażach zagranicznych wrócili na ziemie polskie, kształcąc kolejne pokolenie specjalistów, należy wyróżnić Wiktora Feliksa Szokalskiego (1811-1891).
The article analyses the concept ofthe mind in Samuel Beckett’s The Unnamable to argue that the s... more The article analyses the concept ofthe mind in Samuel Beckett’s The Unnamable to argue that the subject ofthe monologue may be interpreted either asa spirit describable interms ofCartesian substance dualism or asa purely linguistic manifestation ofconsciousness that is fragmented and not fully articulated. The narrator appears asa “diminished mind” or a “virtually disembodied” voice (Kennedy 1989:139) that obsessively and desperately searches for the lost or fragmented core ofthe self (Kennedy 1989:140; cf.McDonald 2007:103). The voice might come from a soul suspended ina limbo or ina Geulingian hell where the devil makes its inhabitants uncertain ofanything and encourages them to continue their searches for meaning and sense despite the pointlessness ofthe endeavour (Uhlmann 2006:104–105). However, the voice may also result from an undisciplined process ofwriting that produces an uncertain and underdeveloped identity ofthe narrator. The two interpretations may be treated ascompatib...
Crossroads A Journal of English Studies
The aim of the article is to analyse the living conditions presented in J. M. Coetzee’s novel Age... more The aim of the article is to analyse the living conditions presented in J. M. Coetzee’s novel Age of Iron with reference to differences between the white and black communities of Cape Town in South Africa. It argues that differences in the conditions of living related to social and racial divisions are also reflected in the visions of the afterlife. The protagonist of the novel, Mrs Curren, portrays white people as living in comfort and dying in old age due to natural causes. The moment of their death constitutes a transition from earthly life to spiritual or incorporeal existence. In contrast, black people die young in apartheid fights. The dismal portrayal of the destruction of black people’s housing corresponds to Mrs Curren’s naturalistic descriptions of the dead bodies of young black activists. Their death does not involve a transformation into a spirit that has shed its body; death offers no relief, since their bodies and souls remain in “African hell”.
Studia Litteraria, 2021
The article discusses J.M. Coetzee’s Diary of a Bad Year to argue that although the main protagon... more The article discusses J.M. Coetzee’s Diary of a Bad Year to argue that although the main protagonist’s views upon social, ethical, political, and scientific matters may be described as rather pessimistic, the novel still portrays artistic creation as a source of solace, hope, and a motivation for improvement in human life. The validity of the protagonist’s despondent outlook upon human life is undermined by the tripartite composition of the narrative, in which his opinions are questioned when juxtaposed with the alternative views voiced by the other characters. It is argued in particular that the story narrated in the novel reinforces the image of the positive role of literature in human existence. W poszukiwaniu nadziei w Diary of a Bad Year J.M. Coetzeego Niniejszy artykuł omawia Diary of a Bad Year J.M. Coetzeego w celu wykazania, że chociaż poglądy głównego bohatera na kwestie społeczne, etyczne, polityczne i naukowe można określić jako dość pesymistyczne, powieść przedstawia je...
Przeglad Filozoficzny Nowa Seria, Jun 1, 2013
Brno studies in English
The aim of this article is to analyse the relation between the mind and the body in J. M. Coetzee... more The aim of this article is to analyse the relation between the mind and the body in J. M. Coetzee's Life & Times of Michael K in terms of theories discussed in contemporary philosophy of mind. Although spiritual and bodily aspects are often described in the novel as separate, there is no strong ontological assumption that the spirit can exist independently from the body. References to the spiritual dimension mostly appear in the descriptions of characters' subjective experiences and imagination. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the vision of the world in the novel oscillates between substance dualism and property dualism, but it is not entirely consistent with either of the philosophical views analysed.
Litteraria Copernicana
ISSNp 1899-315X ss. 35-45
History of Psychiatry
In Poland, there were 176 cases of prefrontal leucotomy performed by Moniz’s method between 1947 ... more In Poland, there were 176 cases of prefrontal leucotomy performed by Moniz’s method between 1947 and 1951. There were also several cases in which alternative psychosurgical techniques were used: prefrontal topectomy by Bilikiewicz and colleagues, and prefrontal topischemia by Ziemnowicz. This article analyses the following: publications by Choróbski, who performed lobotomy in Poland, and by Korzeniowski, who assessed its short-term results; a report by Bornsztajn, who reviewed general results of the method; and clinical research by Broszkiewicz and by Konieczyńska, who assessed Polish patients in terms of long-term results of lobotomy. Negative clinical evaluation of lobotomy led to its abandonment in Poland, a decision strengthened by a regulation that forbade lobotomy in the USSR and impacted Polish psychiatry.