Klaus-dieter Jany - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Klaus-dieter Jany


Papers by Klaus-dieter Jany

Research paper thumbnail of Scientific Opinion on the safety evaluation of the substance, titanium dioxide reacted with octyltriethoxysilane, CAS no. not assigned, for use in food contact materials

EFSA Journal, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Mensch ist nicht Gott: Für und wider zur Genmanipulation

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Research paper thumbnail of Critical remarks on the long-term feeding study by Séralini et al (2012)

European Food and Feed Law Review, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Novel Foods - Unrersuchungen zum allergenen Potential neuartiger Karotten

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Research paper thumbnail of Degradation of inositol phosphates during digestion in pigs from differently processed feed as a model to assess quality of food

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrolysis of phytate during digestion in broilers

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Research paper thumbnail of Novel Foods - Safety assessment evaluation of the allergenicity of a lycopene carrot in vitro

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Research paper thumbnail of Gastro-intestinale Hydrolyse der Phytinsäure im Schwein

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Research paper thumbnail of Ribonuclease A Digestion by Proteinase K

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 1978

The digestion of ribonuclease A by proteinase K yielded one major degradation product only, which... more The digestion of ribonuclease A by proteinase K yielded one major degradation product only, which could not be distinguished from ribonuclease S by electrophoretical and immunological methods. This component (ribonuclease K) possessing full catalytic activity was characterized to be (1-20/211-124) ribonuclease A . Combined action of proteinase K and trypsin on ribonuclease A leads to a significant increase of the inactivation rate which may be useful in the isolation of mRNA from polysomes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Preparation of a highly purified bovine trypsin for use in protein sequence analysis

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure, 1976

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Research paper thumbnail of A rapid and sensitive detection of proteolytic enzymes after electrophoresis

Journal of Chromatography A, 1975

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Research paper thumbnail of Aminopeptidase M in the Sequence Analysis of Peptides and Proteins

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Research paper thumbnail of Ist Phytat ein unerwünschter Inhaltsstoff in Getreideprodukten

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemical synthesis of a gene for human cystatin C and its expression in E. coli

PubMed, May 1, 1988

A DNA containing the coding sequence for the human cysteine proteinase inhibitor protein cystatin... more A DNA containing the coding sequence for the human cysteine proteinase inhibitor protein cystatin C has been obtained by enzymatic ligation of chemically synthesized deoxyoligonucleotides, using the Khorana ligation method. The 375 bp synthetic gene carries signals for the translation initiation and termination and was expressed in E. coli as a beta-galactosidase fusion protein as well as a secreted protein under the control of the E. coli alkaline phosphatase signal sequence. The secreted hybrid protein was shown to have similar biological properties as the authentic protein isolated from human plasma.

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Research paper thumbnail of The degradation of phytic acid in legumes prepared by different methods

PubMed, Oct 1, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of Detection method for foods derived from genetically modified plants

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Research paper thumbnail of Zur Biochemie und Anwendung von Phytasen aus Dinkel und Roggen

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Research paper thumbnail of SCIENTIFIC OPINION Guidance of the Scientific Panel of Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids (CEF) on the Submission of a Dossier on Food Enzymes for Safety Evaluation by the Scientific Panel of Food Contact Material, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids

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Research paper thumbnail of Phytatabbau im Darm adulter Ratten

European Journal of Nutrition, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Immunologischer Nachweis von Lebensmitteln mit Zutaten aus gentechnisch modifizierten Sojabohnen

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Research paper thumbnail of Scientific Opinion on the safety evaluation of the substance, titanium dioxide reacted with octyltriethoxysilane, CAS no. not assigned, for use in food contact materials

EFSA Journal, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Mensch ist nicht Gott: Für und wider zur Genmanipulation

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Research paper thumbnail of Critical remarks on the long-term feeding study by Séralini et al (2012)

European Food and Feed Law Review, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Novel Foods - Unrersuchungen zum allergenen Potential neuartiger Karotten

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Research paper thumbnail of Degradation of inositol phosphates during digestion in pigs from differently processed feed as a model to assess quality of food

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrolysis of phytate during digestion in broilers

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Research paper thumbnail of Novel Foods - Safety assessment evaluation of the allergenicity of a lycopene carrot in vitro

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Research paper thumbnail of Gastro-intestinale Hydrolyse der Phytinsäure im Schwein

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Research paper thumbnail of Ribonuclease A Digestion by Proteinase K

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 1978

The digestion of ribonuclease A by proteinase K yielded one major degradation product only, which... more The digestion of ribonuclease A by proteinase K yielded one major degradation product only, which could not be distinguished from ribonuclease S by electrophoretical and immunological methods. This component (ribonuclease K) possessing full catalytic activity was characterized to be (1-20/211-124) ribonuclease A . Combined action of proteinase K and trypsin on ribonuclease A leads to a significant increase of the inactivation rate which may be useful in the isolation of mRNA from polysomes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Preparation of a highly purified bovine trypsin for use in protein sequence analysis

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure, 1976

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Research paper thumbnail of A rapid and sensitive detection of proteolytic enzymes after electrophoresis

Journal of Chromatography A, 1975

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Research paper thumbnail of Aminopeptidase M in the Sequence Analysis of Peptides and Proteins

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Research paper thumbnail of Ist Phytat ein unerwünschter Inhaltsstoff in Getreideprodukten

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemical synthesis of a gene for human cystatin C and its expression in E. coli

PubMed, May 1, 1988

A DNA containing the coding sequence for the human cysteine proteinase inhibitor protein cystatin... more A DNA containing the coding sequence for the human cysteine proteinase inhibitor protein cystatin C has been obtained by enzymatic ligation of chemically synthesized deoxyoligonucleotides, using the Khorana ligation method. The 375 bp synthetic gene carries signals for the translation initiation and termination and was expressed in E. coli as a beta-galactosidase fusion protein as well as a secreted protein under the control of the E. coli alkaline phosphatase signal sequence. The secreted hybrid protein was shown to have similar biological properties as the authentic protein isolated from human plasma.

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Research paper thumbnail of The degradation of phytic acid in legumes prepared by different methods

PubMed, Oct 1, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of Detection method for foods derived from genetically modified plants

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Research paper thumbnail of Zur Biochemie und Anwendung von Phytasen aus Dinkel und Roggen

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Research paper thumbnail of SCIENTIFIC OPINION Guidance of the Scientific Panel of Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids (CEF) on the Submission of a Dossier on Food Enzymes for Safety Evaluation by the Scientific Panel of Food Contact Material, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids

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Research paper thumbnail of Phytatabbau im Darm adulter Ratten

European Journal of Nutrition, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Immunologischer Nachweis von Lebensmitteln mit Zutaten aus gentechnisch modifizierten Sojabohnen

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